,f 4 v r -r r zJ rr: --v.' UAMSfCH,- (N.C.) Fpl.I)A, JUNK' 18, ttiai oi. XV - Tin. ?rAR;;vV BELL c LAWRENCE."". - bMnyse. "4 ftfet 4eaitaeHl, Bet s i. araca, mm nartm fel T ' tm fiat, irre4 larva limes , anmdvtlar. J ' A foltTi H lrt must be SoW. V ; ' jJr. CUATORD-TTIE TARIFF. . n.dte 04 mtar qi tnuK'rcHrioTu recom muh.UA btf Crawford in hit. He A jerf to yongrets oj vjin January, 1019. . V;v -.'" . - ' ' -a..-.!. 9 rat nM- ft" " - ''V "V ' AxCbrci cent each" v : ; ' harrow, 3S cents each , Hatchets, 15 cents each . . ' Aojuw, not exceeding half n uwlr, 4 l-Jt ait eacli , : ',--'"'.,V?'.''v''' . : V 'V .Abofe that tize, nd not 'exceeding one '-jneli, 3 cent cacti v ; f"t.. ' s Above in incl anj not exceeJin j I i-J inchec, 3 l2 ceitUach " tV , : . ; . Above thai iiae, 4 cent each. ' ; ; Chiiseli, not exceeding half i inclvlxent "'each 4'- "V --.'-;.: AbA that aiic, ana not exceecfinj 1 inch, 1 1.$ cents each4 V ;f , , Aboan jnco, nt noi exceeuin; 4. 1- 1 tcHe,3-cet tl - - , A!)e that aiae.i 1-i'centg each v: K" Hammers blacksmiUiX -2, cent per Jb. , Clav4iammer (carfxentet'g) ccnU cadt Iloci; bRMeV.lS cent eacl ; V ' fCarroW't tOe'nue.Mlt' Sr-IcJV "Vt". -; . . Kniw, courrier'a, 40 cenU eaclt ', :-t'c Cutting1; -S centi each -t' j ' Pnwing'.'&ceirti pach fV','; -.'.-;. . Seytht, 2J cents each , .' -' ' neaping uuuuOTiH.ua) j cenia eaca Kikef.Io cents each 4-ii3- "v' i i Rti'cv 1 errtt rth ; ' ' .' J " 5Ufe tree. 15 eenU rack -- oVe roo, S cruu prt oun4 MJiron, z tcrits txr poun4 1. ' -J Bentvt, 2ce:i jxrr potin I , )4aa vtUv t cenU fxr pwinl ; ' v v BtockjKfs ailk. or l.er U tie frioc J- f pulmatchal, wUile, 49 pexdoi half . lAttofclSa s - ' ' quarter JvtXm 1 Jets." i , S v 1- lotton, wool, or lax, hol SI Si .: - hlT 1 - ga fjtarter 't . ' '- .'35 J Cbiklrew thfc duty upon tht quar . '' " , ter respectively ; t" , ' y, VltSol, 4 eenU per pwmul, " " 7. V mbrclla r parsMl, corered with ailk $ I ' ac' i'J' " . '. cotton :tcts " . ).,', a t,,' Sticki and fmrnM . VI Wool Uanl:eUr20e(iarer rxr.1 carpels, inferior to PruMei tS oentt oppeoen's of Ue " 5t Com-! ike power, and it m !ob m (ur llit mrri. BruMrk, ami others, saperiar. V; Itsnncls, or coUon mixtures, 12 eenU ' f ? vLesisUVtire of Kcrtli-Caroliua. HOUSE. OF . v. :'v : Sr. eomsPBS.1 .,' -X t K J i- that until a lain hninl ofth Debau, ' h had intended Uk no part" in the discussion; of these solutions. The reasons which- produced this determina tion, ana inose vntch naa subsequently indu ced LUn no chshgkit,'was alike Unneccsoary to state to the HouieVv- lie would sav. howe- rer, that he bad been in some measure hrgey to the latter course br what he conceived tn be the unfair manner a wliieh' these lteiu.lu- tion Dad beetr treated by Jtheir opponents. When they wfcre" called ui for discussion. th jentlcntsm who 'introduced " them, expressed his desire to amend them by strikinir out the mmt. exceptionable pans, and tpviny'them uch form,-As ..would brinj-before Mig House, simply ndRstinctly, the' mairf ques tion they were desHrned to present. All At. -J5aw cross cut, l each r'V'V'i-ri"-'- JP1 rtame.nnVhowever,Jiadben pii Whiosaw.' Kl each . f -v-r -v. I eluded by the motion for indefinite nntitn- )Undss; 25 cents eich ' " ' ' ?i I,: 5' men V which had been made and persisted in Tennersaw, 20 cents each, 'V v' J bY the jfentlemen oil tht other side, t .nd in Snades. 15 cents each J .'., ithe debate on this motion, awhile. hv Am. ! Andirons, cast iron, l cent per lb. n'ww n7 fk oppo'iMJuty 01 striking omnbe Jaru Wrought iron, 50 cents per psaw'r i ).( ' , s4inittel . to.be objectionabie, ; they, fouhd riainiy, the itiost sojid Resolutions on those sari Mr;8peukfer, ' course is iiconii!rtent Shovels and longs, a-on, 3d cents per pair J Wlt? pwliamehtary rules, but, with all the$. s brass, or 01 orass ana any other raetaV, S I principal, ana, ca 7 -per pair 1 - '''yy-r..4- Iwgumentc agtinst the ' Fender' jnm, Kl Baxfrf,?.-., r'rf iv; fveiy- features. r do hot k OfbraorsteeJ,ormrtaeithei1. R2eMAHW -X thrtthis oieei, or orass, or puns 01 eituer, 13 cents I Pccc ccrciy.( cniejrain ir tne" pentleman fcrpair ' ' . . ' - ' - j who liaV; adopted.it, V musF, -think is not t Muskets, gl 50 per stana " T j "-" , ! cons stent ., with .that.candoi jjd Urbanity I Rifl es. RiiO ocH ' ' w i - J -4 I which should distintfifisH our les-klativ am, ;'.''Folm!r and hunting- nlaa. imr?R Vmtwl TceelirtM. I admk. sift, that 4iue, . " TllesoluUonCoiitainsbuioneuistirictpruici f ..rwble birreT, hc!i v. -r , fcsniion, cast iron, 2 cents per Jb, ' ' BVms, 5 cpnts per lb, V, A , -t Fryinjf panv25 ents per lb" ; Cirjdirons and .griddles 20 cents CSdh v? Vessels, cast iron, not otherwise specified, .; cents ner,n3.v,. s,r - --v;. . . . Vessels, of copper, 10 cents fter lb. Of pewter, including dishes, plates, basons, tankurds, spoons, and other utensils, not spe cified, 3 cents pef lb.'..? 4,' ;-;? y. .', - taT'n aheets or plates 4 cents pertb. "t J , Tudana, flag, and other silk handkerchiefs, from India, v j cents r Abot Uotfon 'not exceeding 30 inches ituiart, t that wzOceivtsV each i a motion of this kind is usual, and is perfectly correctj-out wnen. two or more ormcinies are mvolved in the same question, and ther mover Wishes to amend his proposition so as to bring on only befote the !Iou8eV it does not seem to me quite fair.' it deny tnC opportunity of presenting jhis principle alone,, unincumbered w'rth extraneous matter, ' If the question were now, sir, Ion the passage uof these' Resolutions as-tliey tandvJowever. strongly 1 approve of their main object, 1 should be compelled to vote igainstt lie in mvselt, because there are sdrhe parts of the.Preamble which ft do.tot approve,iid because they ciwitiun a principle cU 1 nave never seen able to bnng.rny asseirit I mean, the right of this kegis to Instruct our Senators and Henreseii- tstires in Congress'.; -Hut t shall Tote Against: NonuaalUn J I'. twjrot aM ice, t tM-irn. Tht . fmoer of that instruirful Fresident, no iMidJeN y the-ContUtu- pon, aaa ws he , bets rl,-4 upon y the finite m fir H ake, wrtli a sir of triaff-ph, so Uj our finger on ike-Ua of th Cor.si tution wUSeh coni.'n ruh a SKuliiblt.on. L sir, ftr 6te tiq mk say, thai Cixre m an clans eonummj tscb epreW.rToUib.UiOk- Bwt. tUrutJUni m jwaicsL. -o. ten ljiufct such a practice m ikeae rrehrj profrss to eotidciHi U directly at wxr with tlie pirit and intenuoo of ibe t'orUtitution. I refer getrHoihra i iliat ere'Jcr4 Cocnmen tary on the Constuuoii, t.e lerJift, e ork whicb is now rhe teat o-. , uf all Ut men.'. 1 refer them la tluti ft.r I Lir a, 4 the book hfre to qiMe) fr the resKms which iuuuccu u tonrenvon to SJopttlie present made of lec:iiir tlie executive, and tt ob- jeetwna which prt-sented "tteis:lej afaiiwi miiy vtwcrjiKKieoi appoirrtwent Thry wish 'd steve tn la! i kitu thUck-etien 011: r ' . . u 11cj icarea 11 K was entntiMrd to any pre- unr Don;, mat Wvly-otiW be hOle 40 be assumed by all Uie nteaus of mti .gut and oorrtfution, h'ithtUe nrMnectofsosulsiuiKl and Tsiualile' a prirt would tempt tUt Bmbi, xumw upmmi anu incur wtuth parttzaiis to iftploy. Ueatleiuea mui wish for a Con. f ooal aoiniiutiuii, because they believe it wiH have tonte influence in the clectiod-n otiirie it is perfectly jntVstory. iOw, sir. "'ioin.1 limy rrCAlCrOT 1CU.DUI 4 HIT in prw)ortion to its exscuk and power, in the Same proportion Will; rtaacnia which in. duced the framers of bur oonsirtution to.with. nokl trom any pre-cxist.ng body the appoint ment or the executive, aurilv to a tuimi. sional noniinatkin with greater or less force just in the same -proportpn fill such a noiiii. more or less at variance with the spirit or toe . ConstituUan. , lkrt 1 gentlemen y tlusnower is tiecessarv -tliat without it tiwlpeaplc will be distracted, and wilknot know 1iq.w to uiake a choice. If it is so, Sir, if tlie -machinery "of ourlioVcrnment cannot proceed witnout it, let it be enirrafted ', into our eonst.Urtwnr, If ItTuust be. a part of our POmicm. system in practice, let HI be so tool theory -i let. it be inserted in our great politi- ciw cuaiwri k us know ine lorm or govern. meni unaer wnicn we live, . Sir, I put geo tlemeiiW tlltf testis tlierc one In tl.ia House, ts there one within the hearintr of rnv yqice, who wooid have the; hardihoqd to pro pose aa an ,auiemjincut to .tile, constitution, that the members of' Congress, in caucus as. semhled, should luve th power fiif nomina ting; the Ffesidcu and Vise-PreiAleni of the United -Sate,' and that .no election should take'plnce without' sucii nomlimtiou. : I chal Iv ftge. Uie most sealouu of Jlie ndw converts 10 uie caucus -sysietn, to oronoss uch an ameiidinent. 'Sir, they dare pot do it y jliey knoW that the frowns-of ll indifrnant npnnla would put them doWn.'-'And why attcmptto seiie by artifice,' by -subtlety, tt pqweY whCU tUaf there woul at sD i',ra. Ix ind - idials in the runaamly flcd ilh !!,.. j awns ssvj potBrak;! toon intellieuce itia.i tb BTtal tnm or Uv propk-t Sut Uiekne ' too, thai whik a few wca nirlH be eiicc :, the people were ineorruptibJe. The power 1 rserctaca By tnea weolil be exercise in punty.. But.. Sir, I deny tlie OropOMUon of the licntVmvri. The rrrat bod of the pco. pie arcfiotenlv incorrodible iLrt arc Sn- teUlgvnt. -They are cpl f deciding ftir tUnelvesr among the cilidstes for tlie Chk.r ytmgiTwcf, -The(ntIeineoakk,bow are the people to obtain tit necessary lafor. melionf . they have no personal acquaintance V iu me canaidstrs, and must thcretire be governed either by the opinions of newspa per seniors, or tlit recommendation of Men bervofCongreaa. Sir, do tht Geiitlenienre ally think, that a personal, acquaintance U a so lute ly bmumhiv) enable us to judg of the meriu of the individual presented to our choice? Is his nines for tin huh office to be estimated by bis persoiral anuearaiicc. his graceful 'carriage, his cbUoquiaT. pOwcrs, or his' agreeable and insinuating, manners? no, bir, 1 can tell the gentlemen or another source from which, in my apprehension, the information togUide.us oil this subject should bedfrived-the sodrce from which 1 have torm" my ophiion source which is equally ac cessible to tho whole community. It Is. tlie history the public records of our country. Here you can find the proofs of the i-yre and elevated" patriotism, of the devotion to his country's cause, of the correct political sen- unents, otthe inr.nesS and independence of character, of the highly girted pimd and the eminent 'public serricee which should alone entitle an individual 10 the highest political honor -which one man can receive, fi-oin. his fellow-men. lie who cannot appeal to pub. fie testimonials "of his superior merits, who cannot produce these passports to othce, msy. it Is true, Sir, attach to himself a number of arm-partizans, torrain jr. their predilection from their personal acquaintance and' ItftT mate association withim,sndby their mesiig may nossibly1 secure a majority in Conres sioi.al XJaucus,'. But such a man ought never to present a claim for the highest ofneein the nation., Such aian, unless assisted by t-aucus, can never receive? the votes or an cn liirhtened neonle . . If tl hnH'iUr havo been'in .public lifei(and none othe will ever presume td aspire to this olrice) Uie people will enouire. and th meaas of uicertiliiinc are; open to' thctti, WhatWe hen their pub- scrvcs, nu wnaitcnunent uuenis nave they eshibitedf . If the people are, left unbi- aed; "by" Unauthorized ' associations, , bearing with them the stamp of v oflicial influence, this is the criterion to which they will bring all tne candidates- criterion owwtuch they are as capsble of deciding, as the. members of vopgress, ss- .;v -v- -t. -i ,-. Tiers'-.tronirressTm speuker, ask, in the name ot common sense, f-tliis can .make nny real cliflerencef?. The fj I - ! ta t'. spirit in wl.WH ' Mjllr'rttfiu'fl Ki bj' hen they are made the , 1 'irproeutstion, an. I of '"z they are -Uent .'. be trvstrd a tU uf r.n. is C Ciixular of V . ! i Willia.. .s, Utclj pubiuhed i .la- pstcr. . J ; Jlr. H illumi pmMxfs t - ! i cnntitQenl9 a nirritive uf t td of t'ungrtsi. Sudi Ja 1. .. isuvd, Mould have contained a lori2 LVr f le-. itsionj upoa tii most pnnninei t sub'' jficta te.ted vjioii io Congressi tut, in j steau 01 tins; hw constituents are bof t with few partj tjuestions, sveia! . nmo tmportancei anfl a vaporing play of Radical l aUwtina is rdade from theni, alcolsted torxcite pRrty foelir.s, ami mislead tb rcailer. V '' i -TH , first lubjcct of. this circular, is the.'prnDosiUon iliscuwed in the iiousd flf,llrpr)en(atires Tor sending a Go yerntnent ent to:Orefcet a measure. perfectl', free from any aue eiUier fcf ' war; or complaint from othernations according 4o th QMges 6fnxtion.fi; though" -it might be a csuie 6f kmne ae cret jealousy on the part of the Kings of tlie. old, -world,- . Bat what couM ., meastfro have added to the jealousy th i ready known to" exist with them against tlie acta of all free governments?. Mr1 Williams, howeFer, magnifies the merit of heina; hppo'sed to the probosition. by conjuring up an imajjB 01 raw-neaa anu I,1a..4h l.n....... H ji u.. . . . U . . 1. ' If .L uiumij uwucs) auu rcjiiTraeius ininscil a f a" knowinnj' eute$man;- .who perceive the danger of imprudence at adistancd." iMsyorid the iiaoDi Jf Mr; William had simply remarked, that, alt things k . considered,; he thought this measure a'. : 1 well let alone, at least for a Time, heJ ; ydijldHaye, shewn more wisdom; and - ' for one; I vould have joined Wm in th, ' tentiraent. '., ' v. --fl -; -'v.. f' The ' next anblect VhichJ llfW ' ' noiirts, jf the resolutiprt respecting the !vv Spanish coloniel in America. This re-' solution was Birooly laid Bjjorf he tabltf - p( the Housed and never afterwards Act4 cu-vuuu. bo 111 a 1 11. ucTcr caneu lurui. : tinftn: ni SCIIUUIUIW . l JkUllfiltBBj. auu . Iff'. . uiereiore; utterly MBimporunr aa vtrt v . . . item irrthe procepdiritfs thereof. . But f By'dWiiot'-,cipeiilstTsk-tor iWt Jfs -jA 1 VCtemkmew have .urged! another irgumcnthtl was necessary, for MfV.' to tall vt . v mm nn, in uiuci iu inane tt' 'es - s a JiiuvxioiinwjM. .., h,.,.,..,....,,. otoney matters of the nation. i Iirer Mr.' VV: 'considefsriiimself at'homft Uis thtrichas long Wen " lave money.''' - v ery good; and what tool does opt aay lb. ; But if 'savihg money is H that is . v XAmmoheacum, (gum) 4 cents pef pound A pbstponerftent, iri order that such'smehd. - . Arabici firiini 2 centa netnonT o: ImentS may be made as shkll tenable me.mosl ? M Assafactidai tfu'm 5 centsier bohnd icneerfully trlcl them niy"jipport.'- And, t , d r a- - - - r X r aennd(irum') 1 cent ner nourid .71 . - . A' I SF - ' '- - tUiacum. l iriimV a cduu ner notind : ' Cream tartar. 3 cent ner mndtd : tV.rfalip, i cents-pcr pound J 4- ipccacuauna, jv cents per pound, ' !-'v sir. I can- assure the eentleroen: if this motion for indefinite postponement shall jrevail, that t Kesonuipn on me same suojeci, in a less oo iectionable ahane. shall still be br ueht before the House.; This kind of special- pleading f Gloves or nutslong sjlki $ per do't": ir legislation sha&hot avail them, . The main ' ? .' uriWx&MoriWetatM oe;doki' l.tmesidd'ahall.aot'vbe .Byaueathoso.Who VV ' ,CbUdrehs'"a cents pfrdbaJsJ-eopposei 7 :&Ktf,br?,Mng c.ottoniTUcts.perupz. f i ' v-, : - '--i-photVl cents per. dq. s 1 ,1: f! ' ''";!S Children's 30 cents per dotf. 1 , Hits, woolen or felt, men'W'Vomen's, iS nt' each' ri'-l ' f: Childreii'sy' 13 cents each" A ( .: .Beaver, men or women's,-$1 eaclt l Ja flaihi and other bacon, 0 cent per pound m)sel ort,th attentioa' of th; House In the" "or ofce Caucus.5- ht it will prevent the sentatTvi'n soifIlUeu T isxorrect-pif i is strictly honest? , -The. Con- tnmbers. of Xonffress are excluded from strtutiOn has provided that, in the cyent of a electing in - the first insutnee. are a body.ot men m existence soraotime be, 1 rresiucrre ana vice r iri-pwucn uis , vuoice fore the election, ".and therefore liable to be nau devolve on tne uouse oi ueprescniuves, tampered With? If their nomination is to have where each State Will be .entitled to one vote. a -powerful an. overbearing toflunce on the t pronwiw.w we rcauu o. oHiproiie,. v v. . j . . . n - , election, is ther not as grfat danger of their of that fystem of ftutuat eoncessiohs nclween freuiwte for Mcmber p? Congress ta ; Jntegrity being exposed totemptaUoni' They le nirgc an meet in Caucus because thev are -meniberf ofl stitution was I 1 Congress tliey. are' the same individuals who 1 this particular ri.-...,ii,.. i the mnii tnti-r iiir thpv nave tfivcn nn e. I , . n . . . , i .;. wuiuiiyac me i.uiieish, . iiu iv uiu&c wii i 7" 7 ' . 7 . ? 7 ,. - I ternmeili. . riut. aiTk w . would inaKu - ' real Wvence as tlhe dan'rio n..r llfir. ouivalent for it to the large states, yielding ;.c5"men, X&Z?' F? ' ties, as to their exposure another- Whether theV clothe their Droceed. tlit hrffe and small states, la it lust in u,i me; 1 While we continue to enjoy tlie equivalent, to " ' T" - . , . . , r T-y. ... . Mr. aay presides . oyer them as Speaker, or depnvc.tnem m. vtm pnvues sw. wuiwi iti.deredr :' j Is it nonedt in Sir. while oviiiiw wvfs-s 'i,"v)l tav vascasf ifscafii ;r ' y i - : - - - " ' - a i we avail purseivea ot au tneaavaniages se cured to us by thje contract, to evade the per formance of the part made for their benefit, because we may think it presses rather hard ly upon us; ' Hit tight, sworn www to geemV tofetand in soihuch dreads Mr edto- Caucus? nonuiifttidnn.but dis approve of tlie present Resolutions, ; shall ,be attbrded ah opportunity of fairly, expressing thfcir opinions and none shall be able to say. when rendering an account to.tjieir constitu ents; that they disapproved of Caucuses, but vofed: ;gsinst4 these Resolutions " oil other grounds. , ' - z7r:fi&'Z ii, sir. opeaKcr, i.ieu unwilling qi iuuuuc '. it ... .,; .-: v..- v cenis pe giuion , ,.,. "4 Hair powder, 6 cents peround' W Worns-ix, 75 cents per KVf Mm - ?-Horn tips, -SO-jcents- per. Kjft, $$&p. '$1 ;I("T8 hshy 3 oehts prt'pdtenoyif. :r ..Vvauier, soai, 9 cents peround. '.'.ijs ' J Wk i' i i L- ' 1 'C- ( : . ii cHRru. iu reniK np.r nminit -.,: lH 5 cents per ppund 1"S : i v . r"';- vems per sow 4 i wrnes, 10 cents per lOO p Ir-ly ": "wwricea cents per pounar sladder, 1 dent per pound ; . ?y& seed) lQ-cei cehts per pound disenssion of the piincrpal subject involved in tnese Kesoiuuons, jr juitr noxproceeu irom s nv doubt as to its importancer' I do believe the question how presented, to be'bhe of high importance tJ the stability and pdlity1' of our Benublican Institutions. v Sir; . let'eentlemen disguise It as they Vill, let them cover it with as thick a1 veil of sophistry as they can,.it h stiy a question, between .those who advocate tlie riirhtixof the people, and those who be lieve the people incapable of exercising the most important-of those .rights. - For, sir, if gentlemen say, as tliey do on Ins floor, that a Congressional Uaucrr is necessary to ensure to tht danger qur.liber- qmvalent for It to the large statevirfyieldlng , , , that if iuch colitis ' - r1 mosuitdfntrrWtwidcor- tothem, in other i-espects, a greater sliareol l .r0Plf.rf;:; lV ''"-J ? " W"1., they meet in fnc roomer power.; a rgn-a contract hetWeen Ciap8 himself had the 80 e, maiWge- savins way,';-; ihcre are wiser iherl thani Sir. W. who are firnify'couvmcedrf still tlte-same. body of lueri whom the Const i-j tutum has excluxled from: the election in the I tirst itistalicC, to wiiorri, froth their politics situation land their pre-exitence- as a body, I is was thought' dangerous to entrust such a I . ... , w . . . ; : -i3r . - i . . . . power. Ji hot that if Bch. polttaciani'Bs Jiitaself weret" , always attended to, we should stand, a a lifliiuu, iiic epoi t ami pi c j m iiioou .... ' rnMin'Antat s nnupra ' nf nlinm KA' I "I -y. T : : T ' . -. T j. 1 t krvi' 1 4 . Wi nftithenves st'.yery .cleBif vitbr irj f .3; t frue'accduht "6f,the reat state tof our4, financial toncernsj and as to the savingsr V--T K W . of CeAirk.but atectiiehdiiton,and butvltdc itxisli wftiSro-as mticfc bottd,'U.a't might tuife'beetf, IhBdei the history" , Have-jvo piiiding influence on toe people, 1 jvi j v. ,.v.., v .v 0 asi twelve Years ike ws,. inatr. bers cart Mr., Speaker, I detest all mere,, verbal unctions ijei us go it rue suugtance. I appeal to thecaneor of tlre: srentlem the1 other side, whether they do -trot beli oiuvh' - nvrm moi 'Ur ill hssar SmmoI' saftirBi portant influence on the elecfion?. Whether i.wjth, an assumption of poer, We. should out- j the nation to bd redeemed by tllft, indi it would not have the eflect hf procuring a J selves tamgress out lepuroate and prescn-1 victual- BftcrificeB Bhd personal bravery ma ority for the person so nommatcuV when, ou. "prcw.. . .vpnuyr.. 1 nf , , , - ThrnnnU ' Af. . r .. . - . .. - 1 . . I 41.-,- aafvAMt 1 liar tMd iviiitf O-ha elMimSiiil 1 " iw.hh.;iv. . "viii v r w mout. u, sueu majonry couia w.oe w ;" -3 . rJ7,IIr- ' bW ' jrwBOfli--They have-resisted re ear ;.v newer .tney ,00 notexpcci suto a re pM ,w. 6,.,v....,, w. . . rf - T .. . . . . . .. III., w:. n nnl. nPl,:. I i.:.l.ui.. I rnaaorV PTnoficoa All Four tlinncanila 4hV ' ' suit from a caucus otmnauon, ana wnemer 1 j k ."T . M " i il it' f 1 f ' t . 1 ' "... V "". " contracted in. , ; nrmtuiyc inuascu. bu. uie kcii- i - v. "i ' r . y.-. viawa tn viirB7aV miBiiri r ntti v applcaUbn' ofc tht reniarB to w'c' . 1 .wiuuimuiisHvrs.w mjciti. 1 a'V ," . , . "v1.-" , , "Siiaeentj, tnuja short, pWces, not exceed-, wise anu pruaem cuoice oa r rcsiuci is 11 . big seven : yards, and ' ei ghtecn inches In not. declaring 'to', the people;, yoit BreiBcapai u bresdthj' 25 .cents per pietfef-''X'-'.-''r bleof making this choice yoursetyes,; Ve India, ionir: I will therefore have a meetintr Of yburVMem- ttfelity.fi ye inclipa in Ki--o,ltK Afl rnt nvi r piece.- i . ; ; i.ijpT;). j y-: .A i ,i 4 j men nay not phose openly to avow Ous doci . Wty to he in proportion to the foregoing xewltbf their arguments in favor of a Caucus. "1 If rt is admitted that the people are com,p"etent 0UrBe.1rrboW Arf .Tit km w.11om of themselves, to eiercise the power of elec- ': l? ST,xO cents per gallon. ;'. ' v Unseed, 20 cents per gallon ' "J. ' ;.v - V JJlnrea, 51 cents per gallcr-. S-, K t Capers, So cents per gauoW-' f vJ r ; j - Oranges, iO cenU per 100: " v-A '" , f . i 1,3,'uin 24 ert. per pound. . yl " i ' ' -i.MTicklesiApefeitepergroce, ;.r-( . me appieti Ctnu each tion. whyshonld their not be left 'to exer cise it in die most free and unbiased .Town ner? Mr,; 1. JBere referred to the fiarts of . the Constitution of tlie V' &. which relate to. the election of President and Vice-Pre wdent, and insisted that according to fits true intent, the rght .of clectjctn was vested in the i in stance in the nfeoole and though In the - ilpes srociiakihg, i cents per groce v vent ' -of no person havirlg a1 majority, the " . ': ' 'russiar. blue, 10 cents perpound ? - : choice devolved oft the House of Representa. v-.i lCserve's, comfibi. and wt mouta: in wi. tivev yet they wtre' restricted to the three ,. i Or braiuly 10 cents jr j )in.l. -' -.. 1"? candidates', who had received the highest . J ' , r Quick silver.-5 cents ner nnuml v. : .' number of votes. '.Th House of fceprescnta- ; -I!ice, SO cents ner ten .2 . . ... lvrUiurnitnf4d.-couUscarcelvmake abad 1 ' r 1 . . r--. , - Vw", I'--' 1 . - ... .. i. , "tT.iiia perpound , iciiunje, wroii 1nuv.11 vt iWiv. u.- disclaim the appl mvself that this Question is only a ttrucrirle between the friends of the different candidates ... .... - ,.j ' . tua lie is anxious tor a caucus, uecauae ne believes his favorite candidate has a majqrityr Does4ie mean-a mnjonty of the people? No, sifj for if he did, he could not be so anx ioiis lona caucus. -r If ids candidate has a ma jority of the peopllready in his: favor; he Witins JIV"Wlg ' mw1 .v vsiov v 1 viwivi A. caucus would op entirely . tmnecesssary, Ko, fcir, jt is Dcause he knows the candidate Whose, cause he espouses has of the people, and believes.! m&rontv in a Congressional caucus. art .nvinlii nrt jlli slihir.t. '4 5 ' v ; ; Againv Sir ( we-are told by uenucmen on the other, side, some of wlipirf have talked so loudly about Jlepublicamsin and nemocfacy, that,,if we, dp not., permit the. Members of Congress to make a nomination, the people are so ignorant, they will never be able to se lect a-httnarftor: ITestdeiit. Mr. speaner, i have ever been, thfc friend of the1 people, but nfever their flatterer I have never Deceived them by caresses nor courted tbem for popu larity.' But l am, and always" have heen, the advocate oi their just r'ghts, more especially of the rights eecuTed tsi them by tlit constitij ton and laws of the- country.; Sir, it a anfficu'jit answer to tins objection Ot incorrl Ana, sir, u i anseu, wncre ttuuiiuance ana coiinoence ', pracuce, which tnese rcsoiu-Uniyhf to liave nrevailed i. " -.' of uie nghuof the people an in-1 . " "j"-" v.ivv wa iv-- z r of the spirit of the ConinutidtvjtidnsrMr.V holds up that great. on-f , - peculiarly our duty., to. express. ourldescnbed.'indescriDaule nioriHtcr. tn - fan, to. Warri the people of the danger, and 1 Tnriif. It fa a. rrpaf nra. htv smaiiIis' l l U . f legislative functipris? v(Mr. I. her uiehUoni I wliieh embarrassmenfftnd distress hBV; ea some innances ui una aiuu.j we beheve i tion invasion fringement is u hot dnini to.enrteavor, by enottnemg, psuppress nr. brti ta the Norths somethin: Wtt LB?!IJ r. T m sut.i-.ose. like the. iM.iero bo ukyiiiit ucvailieu. viiein u Hinir wiui uivac tt7 1 , . S i" . . ry : lensthened dimensions; for it reach ea front the North 'la '-t.hu Smith ."in T . came herewith reluctance, ami, shall -fejAice wjlh itst&ii: drawa tlie rrfonev nut of th- ' ' &$Zl!T??J t"Uckete of thelSrnerstVlt issuds- A ? nr i am wire ui arc ihiu u-si-jh wiv-t- , , -, -ii estedihthmaintiunance of their privileges j romance as tins,, that 19 to bolster the,; i. and their power.; in wuatever wuiaiioo i pupuiaruy oi our wisejieRisiatoi s. ill may lie placed.1 am deternuhed, by,every et-l 5lr,V, hadeciirred td former (1 ps; fortlcan command, to oppose any; attempt. nl fecollected tho nidisnalioaauaLen- U IllvasHin iunr i .,,115, "7 ",v 1 nl , in tha ' - lt. ,1 . "VWI" r 1.11V VVSJW UL t'S I l)W , Ilartlord Cftnvcuuon, sihtf jalkcd tit'', ' t resisuns Boutriernv policy aurire tho ... - k :!. v. ... Li... .r.i:.. iii;,..iiiijiiiv uaiv bccii, now uuijjua not ujnajoritj I vivjr iainv"H,K,,cv": iwn,. le may have al'r' no political aspirant I have no hope,; if that hf- i I K had any wwn, oi political preiermenu i ' Jt'i sir, more able dcJ'cii.l rs but tliey win neve Undone more,aea: us or more Taitutui. MR. WILLI AMaS' CIUCULAU. i lb the EiUot$ofiiiSlHr', -'. GEiirTiKMEX practice of writing - r. VHfcttre rpr,n.V Zi.li ' '1 i.i,.. . u.;i,-nf tli u.-nnle."; i-' ' J ficttrvrv.tofcrt. tlie constitution has thou:rii i V s.Cmdc;; ccNtpcrpoVnd " t Vba .e i orjc'dySir, (ItolOthtll qureuii.pete.ij andbas tntruedthn,.h tlieir CflMUtuenUi, to one BOt to be ten- tnust be Bucn rtHreatenin; language a. he has used on tins topic. ? He n onlf " iranled,' not. reasoned antt' f will ffive"' Circulars by Members of, Congress ioUU.an9wef 0 nil hj migrr prescutatwitt (J -