v-'. nALEIGU, (N, CA FHIDAY, JUNE 23-1821. Vol. XV , TUB STAR, ' JiJ .Wtrlb-Carolixa Gazette',' . .rNiMiaaed, weekly, by ; '. ' BELL & LA WHENCE. ed Her okm at erery tarn Oat U cIker, tie k It ra thowgH whc nrnrta w wunfuiimuiuini, Ma nu-ianc M(r nuU b rt off, ed it with CTayj that they were tired out wit m at birh water. . pmp-np ad. ore.Ttr. uy cuM not sail 10. p U. brought my Teasel to udgr cVTI l.-.t v. .v' . tio the Memb of CcmfTii.to htr W any lonret w.lh a Co-ams-der h- wsxdd not Uamptoa roU. I Shoold any gtflUenua think the a-U(. t fleet so wmfideetry wrticWd from it , ij "5. w v ui uiki! xuruarj 19m i'i a. a. wu winmea nj wt nwu isvciuni w ihih iw iu it nw M (M Members orConfTw who, . . w .... am-wai v im mcunr u 111 nw uk m inu idi or ramrai Finnifiiip. o ni vKiin 1 in enect. mir. ma riY.riantf -v 1 ..,. IWft btr,tKtiog a BUB, thit. afali others, is the sentauves unlets the opiniona ofthe people ' wtoWaxUoiuhUtotlw friends f .Mr. co by nans of s Caucus re. I A Jama. . - . -. co111 --!o" If. Mr. Speaker. tu noro.- ' . rt.iJ doBvi MrMMi N B. tlcr f atriped hotnrepua Commodura Hickory at the moutk of the P- 91" rr?r.S? Z breeebca aod track ahitta-enibU me. Mf3 tnntA MrvW . nJM -1 .Wwl . FT" u4 .a oiDrr aeouiud. bM at i FFT " bad one rrt i tbeii beadi. ( and tide, vhich would can- him into Port am wk of te F-d iiars ao aH arrearw I aad tbe other iaj their pocketa. Ther aaid I safdri aad moreover that the treat tUadinr art .kl. Adrtati aot ceJn.t fcf. they were a W aad touched with the committee oftha Port, caJled the Fx FtfrnU, tni bmt loarrtc4 Un lime lur mo Autlar, I ateamhoat blood. Ooe aaid be waa the I had condemned the Hadical aa uiweaworthy, ' . . . . a. a 1 4U letten to tae tanan muM wpmm fmtu. thpeople.Ihll,bjwayofconcltta.on,l,irIc'1y that, which gentle -r.m tell him that the iupoosUioa U entirely ToU? V11 m5.lho, f ,thrca . FOK TUX ITAIU Mam. Btll tf Lautrtntc, A few PPU another. " the aroa worka." The 1 and ordered her to he bumh that, teannr ud CoramoJore aaid he had the aharpeat marling 1 the Cealing, found paper which fully demon-1 aptKe, ui nen any giaaa, ana ute nanasomest I atratea Uut ahe had been in an illicit trade. act-not; mimci in ux neet Of we united I AMICUS POPULO. Lezislatnre of North-Carolina.' ter. from the Washing Oarette, the rniise ol the Uia KepuDircan. ; i tenu yon aoroe eitracta Iront my log uook, i ancnor, ana waa turn L,t.;,fc Jmuhl tou think worthy of Dub-.l w a aail atawling 8. Latior. I rfou1d be glad to aee in print. jf g." ton raa ma. Afettr$. EditoTt. It ta with extreme1 IrelacUnre that 1 presume to tutith on I the important, bat almost exhausted. an subject of the Presidential election. 4t M.I has been handled and harned uion si . .... HOUSE OF COMMONS. ' Dtttntier, 1823. DEBATE OK MS, niatl'l ANTI-CAUCUS RESOLUTIONS. comjroBa. . v v Mr. J.AA. HILL Mr.' Sneaker, the ren- States, and that he would back bis judgment with a hundred guineas. 1 felt no desire to rob bun of that honor. He aaid we must take a drink eouM not part with dry lipa. After complying with Jus request, went oh board my own reaaei aw be had come to ng hia sail II A. W. Moniawahe was a 1 much, without rrirl in K. .nnm.,.K4 I . .. ' " . 7 J. J... HZ. Zv.. .ul feelings; that the bare mention of it will r.nrrt frm tk Mr . Tefc- beliered ahe waaaAiir. orfrom th. h,v. almost produce a nausea with some. grupk. Captain Buamr, Fih. 15ai834, of Newfoundland. . Soon could discover ahe When I take, calmlj, a retrospective J sufficiently eccentric, to. Cap Henry ktanuj IT. 3. IT. distant had a Mintrra for an Image head, with itt feet yiew of ail COTernmenU. both monarchi- Ifrom the euhnxt. oroii on a square; resting on a urrestiai globej in fcl tnd those wishinz or aiming: to be sd sought to revive an empty hut odious book. As soon aa ahe came within haiUng . P. distance, tnauired whki shin it wi. .nt ih irreSlSUOlJi l S ... J . I rnhclriin.fi cvimiuuiucrs iuuiic ui muu sna wna iw vouwin my own prt Mr. Speaker, I ahoukt repm W , . aee tl.e ticction tall into the Ilouie of Keprc. f aenutiveat I would Rare that body front aa exposure to temptation and a eonsemient . habihty to corruption) but it ia the mode) ' poittted out by the Constitution, and t ha4 A rather that the most hieOkieat man- in ibj nation should be elevated to the Presidency mail inai oie joi or lilue Ot the CoivsUtution i anouid oe violatcu.-tThe tnmchirfs of a weak or partial administration of our affairs might am repaired oy ine Wisdom ol succeeding ru ten, nui woerej air, wouhl you bad BUB. ., f v-y,j, .-, . '' these twenty-four hours commences with cloudy weather and variable winds. At 7 a 1L, sounded in twenty fathoms water, .. i i i ...i rot our caoiea qn aeca ana ocm uicm; tkman from Beaufort, Mr. Blackledge, com-! dote to the poison of vicious precedent! puunca o uia maoiuty 10 loiiow tne genue-i in. nc one instance, tne injury sustained by man from Rowan, in the devious path of his I the country would be partial and tniirht bo argument, t Hie own course, air, baa been I repaired; in the other, the wound inflicted oti suthcienuy eccentric. He has wandered the Constitution would be hopeless and irre from the subject, property before the house, I mediahle.,".' t ,; uut we are told, Mr. Speaker, by the adro? I am naturally and almosll v H -mvuKiwimmi,,! mrvver vi caucus, uu mu pracuce wnicn, , K m. ;mn,.a(l in the tomb of the Capuleta. When called we so much reprobate, is approved by tho , by some secret impulse, lAfc, mu r w.. ..l..n,u u L 7 ? CO CXUlt 10 BIT DeiUZ UeiU-1 on & trret COtt!tituti(Mu nuentinn. hs t;. I trrOtiam and , -9 1 ' I f '""Wfm , . K" ... . . . I . . I a. a a a I. . Lalf past seven, spoke tne ship Mars, uaptain I uoiumbua 74s bis name was Hunkers that he I Zen ol tne tree, enlightened, ana inae- the stale cry of party, ana open neia ot debate, secures bimse If be I mnuenced dv tne ma?ic of a namet I will not : and avoiding a fuir I air, I am not of that tiumber who are easily , L If 1 1 ! fl II - ... J hind the rampart of party prejudicea. There! blindly adhere td customs' merely I shall leave him, air, to cherish in hia own there is warrant for it, or without e because . ; enauinncr breast,' if he has tailed to excite them in the into their origin and tendency. v - As to this bosoms of others, the corroding animosities of I particular; custom, sirt it la one which, in my ' ' parry. - t 7 . . , . . :I 1 opinion, is more nonored in the breach than 1 Calhoun, loaded with munitions of war, bound I bad been for many years in the northern acaa, pendent States , of United "America; to the Pacific on a cruise of 4 M8mr,i. conveying, .aiding ai aajWhg vesjel. in the wbere t can bask j0, the 8unshine of li- farmed us n raon w.uicujwnureui heuckw, sik, uuu w.rimuaaa ana we l 1 . ... 1 .r 1. 4- r Neork,anthe dismissal of dI Witt Clin- Textal, that he waa last from the Labrador berty, and, with heartfelt aatiafacUon, ton as commissioner of the big ditch of that Coast, via Cape Cod. He had a large num- participate not only 10 the election 01 state. At 8. saw a Urge aail standing for the ber of men on board, principally Yankees, our ordinary Magistrates, but in the e- cines: in a few minutes wu within gun afcot. lwitn corn crushers, wooden clocks and bowls, lection of the man that nresides over I The gentleman from CaswelL Mr. Brown. I the observance.-. It is a custnm which had. She displayed the 1 American ' ensign, put! birch brooms, wooden nutmegs and onions: the destinies of the nation, if notbaselv B" "'Bd Jn behalf of a Caucus, that the I Its origin re party intrigtie, which, is peraever..; uuu iiu ... . . . . i . T .. I .. " . . '"w"s i cheated out of that nleajmi" Drmlese I . rvu.'y"" ,,u ir nuiMran u ijuiw vi jmpuwr nguu, anu mast, ana gave u i kiui, win wu me i uic Buiuncru nauuuj,, ui inc cora.nanuers i , , . , . ; .. . . . - iana superior intelligence, would bo more I wnicn tnreaten to grow into a precedent topsail sheet bitts and injured our. mainstay. mind was superior to any thing of this kindj Vw"icn l peculiar to our nation; py a jjkeiy to fc wije 1,,,, tr(m amonf dahgerous to liberty Itself. ; ... I . - SLe then hailed us, and inquired to what na-l be told me hp was bound to port President, 8urrepUD0U9 caucus nommaiior--OJ a the numerous candidates for the Prealdencv. I !' Mr. BYNUM said. he rose With necnliardif- v tion the vessel and cargo belonged. Being aa-1 and if he ever reached there, he would be I pitiable minority of our members of Con-1 than the people, acatteted as they are over fidence. to submit to the. consideration ofr'; President of the nation, and not of a party of gress.' larmers as weu as nsnermen. i touiid mm to tk t UA.Un,. of having; a man forced u auch an extent of territory and residing so re-1 the House, those reasons which would mfluy'f't mote from the seat of government. ' In a Re-lence him to vote in, favor of the indefinite ' public, wbere tne virtue and the intelligence I postponement of the resolutions on the table. tiafied on this point, the commander came on I board: expressed much reirret for the injury i i i .1 . .... .... .K . MM.nAn I . - l: ..... J i : r . I U6 uau uuiig mm, li v ,v, vmw.v. w i w.. umii ui oi iiiiit: kiik uillTcmu iiuun i f ? j . i I Lu u n, Wliefc UiC VUkUO KIIU UlC 1I1LC til LTTMICC I I'UH JlmC III mend the bitts: said he commanded the Or-1 matioiu was much pleased with his conver- uc S UP" lu,!U of the people ought to be considered the on-l On this- occasion he should have preferred" inns 74: that his name Waa Hickonr: thatlsation: he "was a Practical naviirator and a I by intriUe; even it he were amply cal- I lv legitimate basis nfthrip iAviiwiiFntv. tKi. i. . I irivin k tiUni n.,t :.. k: hshadheld- commission under the Amen-1 consummate seaman; his years but young; culated to fill the office with dignity to I most singular argument. It is, sir, in effect, I this time, might be construed into a derelie-oJ ' cu gorernmciu siiito Wc yen us nciuuiuui capcnuncc uhi; ius neaa unmeuowca, i nimseit and honor to the nation SO long assen, mat ute fjonsuiuuon nas secured I uon or duty, Having not been much in tbav una a mu cooipiemeni 01 men on ooaru, uiany pui uisjuugmem npe; ana, in a woro, tar dc a9 theT w,thout vio atina- the constitu- 10 u,e Pop pnvuege wiucn tney are too habit ot addressing public bodies, he was ap. I . J ' - ..... " I itynnMnl in AVniwi.a . n.l nn..y... ..1.. r I .l,.:... I T . J.I! tion, enjoy the privileaie of selectine a r:rv : rV" V' . J" " !":":""". v'. i'.ff m. mincm ...u ri:. ....i :7 "1"v". ' i uiau, TTiiysc uticuia, muiaiiij, auu iuw zrity, meet the views . . - - of whom had sailed with him for 48 years; I bind his worth came all the praises that I be that they were willing and ready to stand by stow, for consideration like an angel came liim until there was not a shot in the locker; and whipped the offending Adam out of him. that he was sent to protect the American Taking up a book that lay upon the deck, I coast, and, as long as he could shew a rag Of accidentally opened these words, which I canvass, he was determined to do it. Being marked down with a pencil, snd entered on now calm; I went on board hia ship with him. my log hook when I went on board my own His rigging and hull appeared in good order vessel: ' for one that had been to sea so long. His "In envy that my cousin Adams lieutenant, whom I found to be very agree-1 Should be the Father of so bless'd a son; able person, was called Coffee. With him aid the' crew. Commodore Hickory appear ed to be on the best footing: the sailors were strongly attached to , their commander, and Lieutenant Coffee said he believed the senti oneut was .reciprocal; that they .had sailed Vrtb him, -and fought with him. against the eneinies of our country; that early in tne rooming of the 8th January, 1815, while cruis ing in the Gulph of Mexico, about one and a half leagues from the shore, the Commodore discried the English fleet. . As the fog clear ed away, he made out that it was commanded by rear admiral Packcnham. Perceiving that an attack was designed, hove the Orleans in stays, and stood oft the land. lie then called his crew aft; told them, that in half an hour oujrht to be deprived. I aee on I in communicatinsr his sentiments to the noma - wauty, ana inie- the table before me, the last message of our I on so important a subjects but courage,' said! V Ot a majority or venerable Chief Magistrate: he holds onin-1 he. should retranionlr ths eaiise it advnRatrni 5 the nation; and they will, if it can be ions on thirsubject widely differing from that being conscious of the correctness of that, it done without sacrificing their feelings, expressed bv the gentleman from CaswelL should despise the 'perils and dangers 'trfrt .' ' I form themselves into a solid phalanx, " f1' B 15 ' ?:f' iu pursuit No-genUeman orttWa andopse wkh becoming dignity in a rnlm nnrl Hlih0pTn mannpr. anv rhincrl J - ..v.; . 1 1. i-, ....... .. ww.... i w.."n i ucicenic uin ui uiur wvcrcnm duwct. id i db a ni qui u ii nui' DHn Dmiiimi ninni mn A son. who i the thmfhnnpr,a tongues 1 like eotseus dictation. ... '. X 1 be exercise Ur UmUUin, by their ap-1 House, . he .was disposed to ' contribute his Amontrst a prove, the very straiirhtesttdanti I I qK.U ,mt n.ni. 4n Joer-an nn tm I nointed airenta. reservins1 to themlva rr. I m! in l'ninr.;n -t i .k. .ri. w... ' Who is sweet fortune's minion, and her .pride; quar,fication8, merits or demerits of tlie privileges to be exercised in their col- possible, which he conceived would, b ef-. , Whilst 1, by looking on the praise of him, J- mtMt Ion(ftfllotai. ranilirlsriMi aa lect,ve "P"5),1 among the asost important fected by postponing ft indefinitely. vV See riot and dishonor atain the brow Pr.e8ent m08J conspicuous candidates, as rf the$e pUtr. is the right of choosing , Irr reply to the remarks of the honoraWd , x my ypung vruiiam." I ' 6 J v 7i, V Tv i Dy unmasseo sun rages, tne jsiec I gentleman from Kowan, which he believed uunmniftom'$ Later m htt ton. t 1 1, in selecting a man to an tne nignestoi-i tors ot president and vice President. To were mostly taken.from At; take Lat. 37 Henry tance iti JVnm 1 an East india Junk; had a large hull, yards view the good ol the United atates at I tempt to disfranchise this nation, any direct Constitution. , But, Mr. Speaker, said he.t.i and sails small: 16 oars on a side. ' Went on larM.' which OUffht. in everv Case, to be I attempt to deprive the people of any one of defy that gentleman or any other on this floors boardi it was the Hadical74, Admiral Caucns. paramount to every Other consideration, lnwr ivonsuuiuowu ngnts. is it not; equally to lay justingef ott any clause in that Instru- f- aa aS7 mi M aanH aartaA a. IfaaaMSd VZtltr I " . a " .a 1 BnuwiwcRvi u me.., nUu . .nv tio luC11 miestinn.' 1 want a 12 went on board the Teletrraph to ficein thegiftofthe people, be governed f" una important right, to secure the Resolutions then on the tables who comment.' an observation: found we were in the bv sectional and local prejudices; nor do I P.e?P' n its tree exercise, is the professed fees by telling us, that a meeting of the menv deg. 5 min.N.Long. 76 W. Cape i think fhnt nnv of thhih Tnirtdid nnd "PJ6 . 01 tB? JesP.Iutl.?.n' 9n . your .tab,e bers of Congress, to consult together on tW bearing S. 84 deg. 22 miruW. dis- . ' , f MotTOm.rr will M WnoXf Whhiaqueslieti of the Presidential Election, whicft ' 19 .millas discovered a vessel com- WteHgeotfpeople ot Montgomery will House, one wta) would not be prepared to meeUng.he has seen proper to term a oiw . ii. c,ik Utf MniA ah , act ouierwise. a siiui. soieiy, nave id i resist, to tne utmost of his ability, anv at. eantfarv to tha Utt nA .nin ofn., v ''fS-: they would be eniraeed with the enemies of 'a T. Tiri L . A anJ pocai queanon their country: that the liberties, and peruana .,)! :.. - m.l man upon whom nature ha the fives pf millions depended upon the issue J atoon sat upon their faces, whilst inward gifts with a liberal hand, whose experi r " . " ! " "'"- admonition told them w wot not -melt. , i ne ence is extensive, wno is cairn in nis ue- ing to ingnt tor your country, skulk away be- Admiml said he was not leirally commissioned liberations, firm in hi iud?ment. well our duty to guard against any improper inter- ment. which prohibiu the holding of such a i . " . . . r .a iaw.iaww. niw va viivavwuiiiuviik ,Hiuii mvire I urccvlllTtv ? , v . 5i" man upon wnom nature nas pourea ner rights? But how, it is asked by the advo-f - The gentleman has also ;told the nouse TtZZ Zlcl yZ by w but th-at. he HKe "a-1 ree(1 irt the rcana of tR Cabinet, and otpue iiearts and round bottoms ppme this t0 ,ccept appointment which he bore .,i.i :j .Wj. . r ' ; V1V nnil Hilt ar n hablth rv Ilia onnjiaoa a rwl I . - - -J "va Masaita, m iibajiri Vw VAAW. suvvvw sativa freedom of cur country. - : This short harangue, said the Lieutenant, had the desired effect: .not one was seen go ing below; but every one declared, to a wan, they would stand by him to the last. - Ben Block sjud his ? feehngs were hurt, that the enced by his creV, his chance that he had many Seminoles, n fa lira a rH aT,'taAlr Inrli cwinaonwi nmst die, he wished to be of weret0 marrytle Ladies .u ir uiiiutuiai it awiuaiuicu yviiu uui tuiciu dyuio siaxy lour wiro were in iuo tpci,i' . , . .i k a,. u,i fi, Pm .PBWnt. and h and domestic concerns. . 1 hat ' these anticipated this appointment would be con-(qualifications, joined with inflexible in firmed by the people ot the his crew could persuade, or its but, it the people were cates of Caucus, does th nomination of aUhatthe Washintrton Caucus, in effect, choo rresiuenv encroacn upon uie province oi mei ses tlie President by, the nomination,- they 1 people? They are not bound to respect it. I make. But is this the fact? Is it obligatory. It carries with it no bindinir torce. - True, I on the beanie to ratafv or sanction a weom- sir, the members of Congress, deliberating in mendation of a meeting of their membeis of ; f 1 withmil .nnn a a. !..,. I n . 1 . 11 1.. ' . 1 11 'mum uk w. uuu yuirrewr A3 wen. Tinui. wo say, 11 IS OU11- agency, and, consequendy, what they do isl gatory on us to adopt the advice of a friend,1, not binding on their constituents. But when, I or to marry the woman who is recommended ,, ' That gentleman tux Constitution ot the members of Congress1 ing Electors, snd therefore, it might united states, it i tearity, ail concentrate on John uuincy " hjiihmii umauc, iwcu w ucicr-iio u py our parents... torCC tnem M O0 A.Unia T nwsnfna tin intal ;ntit norann ure "t,"m aiicictuuin iug uuui n, iner ogserveq. inn -ran , a--:a. . Y". o"- k-.- m... thouirh it has. in law. no force, it has vet United Stt nmlnhita CklUM IIT I III J I. A. f . . . . . u n . A . I . . . I . ' l J . - l.i u. .1.. I wwmi,. i.. m, i in riri. au trip aurnnntv n a b. hihi m rmmh. Commodore should suspect any one of not I perate. He said he wailastfrom Hast Flori-I propnet"1 of rewarding him With what Ur, we should reflect that we legislate; not be inferred, that it waa not intended Sitlt j m V " . S U a ' amyi : OMn ?P that he had many Seminc , .. uvijut ui, iii. " I luvlua iul r.wit Inrtiano. brother and The. blood of an impressed I murdered father, said ; Jack I --"iHie. uiia uia v ijiiih iiiiuii sue its avrii y rz s thisi ii i -i I -wunucriWCTfowrWfj iittiw Saf'S.!""! "7 !r::.v. x?.f, ting rule, to be th. H.rt t;.r "'w" " ,aJi w '-rBP situations; that. -Z' i c.i f iernai orSe.l- President, not such eff ia erowinue.u Wee partake of his bounty. iiViiiIm".! v i ' " , 'ho nred such ?KA"pM?,i ( he lwf'8 Pe e to the pumps or 0lce of nature. 1 the lov thev bore him. the I ..r. i. ;n; !nu wr.onB.p an insuiwa counirj-, Viu Buren. -..i"". u,clr passions, wat mey seemeu imps- w me contest. irf.The shores 'ed wh people, to witness that . met that was to determine whether country that posse sst.s hberty, emoviiu it.; vi. Cherokees.ini8 mertta anu services lusuv euuue i merciy tor tne present, out tor tue luture. i tney sbould, in any wav, interfere . . , , iw. l. r. . l . : . xA .i 1 1 ... c . i V. . i . on board, wbicn I lum to ' - 't I uc vrtim w iniium w uwac i iccuon oi a rrcsiaent. . vui,wnat at Washington City. Rut if some nlan cannot be devised wuo.comc aiwrua, unimpaired wepgnta we i me contradiaion in terms, m of ag4 aaid he f M IV5..U In Krh r.mlina "ave rece'v.ea ra mM5 no nave gone oe- breth Tie intorms. ti that any f loa. k.Al - - i tore us.' we all Know linar Wirlilv r.lltnmi I nrMtinn if Ih.ir nnininna tnicrhl t l: a - ... i ui- .1 lllClll in the cj appears to the next previous ex h tiava .A 1m. I" I crow into ttrecedenta and acduire authovitv. I nrnnrr infltinr nn tlipir final Alo. u,lnrh Ko. . ... ii I Afa ..MA.hl I. IhaiH UlahAB ll:hlt I , . . . . wh.t tf r, A... m . m,-, ..... 1 U . I I . . . 1. . 1.1.. 1. . t. . I . j. . VlCar 01 ISray in aill wic ai;iccauij w mcii mana, nj wvi.hub, w, huh piiuiviu uie I luiiKii ui uicm f gwcauiy w UlC provibiun? vl . . . . n . i He appeared about sixty years wr vi iv; uw i. . . . . waahisundevia. la suca mamu-T jo eiiauie 1 . n n i I ."i 1... 1 ri .1. ... I ... a ... . . ... , should he ever get into Port I we Doast OI a Kepuoucan uovernmenu i "cuw wnmaa, u.cj my ucrcaucr ine vonstuuuon., o tnat it seems in ono , one of his crew but should 1 We hari as well vield our cbnsent to an "Bul we mouesi voice oi place tney nave something to do with tne ef -PoundersndBiin, irk allowed can-CU4 usurpation; as to ! f '"V hrY. loud irun. " all nand Ue noy, , . . . i . , i w mvuuun. - - :. ,- junuunui ma uuiniuns, nc Eremieoian uiaaca we sinl" I say one time) Pa98,vely suffer ourselves to be cheated My chief objectioii to the practice of Cau-j a long quotation from Mr. Niles's .Begistef, 1 ..j . . .:j tL.. aio; I out of our nrivilesrest and I hazard no-lciiaine. is: that I think It onrwi.cd ta th ani.l tvnirk k. ai.ma ntictlv nr. null inin ""Slim ijicuu 0mu uu , 7 - - n x , n w it -l'" I .... wwn....w .w iU...v, ww v " j . -. , sir. Floyd, the carpenter wasiunngin saying, mat it such n piau uc !- ws Mimuwumi,, u; uw iiimudicsi, wwwy nuiop is ir ue.. -nc un immediately slunir over the side to stop the notbronsht aboat. three fonrthf of Mont I "emoeri vonaaro, omuaiinea. jrom Editor Of a paper, Whose sentiments reauiiy;, f ,k co- leak occasioned by a shot from the Spanish 2omery tounty will have no share nor serv1I"l? Ut f the f accommodate themselves to his own interest, ygg v. ; r s O day aon.onnini. vciu. k .hia tim waa ma. 1 1 . V V . "v . 1 Qualifacation is plain. In the event of a tail-1 and whose .bniniona ; vary with the', times. Vtl ! t the only ZfcM,;r rhl ZZ, nid the ,ot " m electton under exisung circum- on put-of the Electona Colleffe t0 The goes on to state that Caucuses n 2? ' t v , .was worthy of Kadual was in a sinking condition. Why, 1 8tnceB; and 1 fear we are not all bless- J make a selection, it becomes the duty of the I give rise to .intrigue and. bribery. But I -2 ti'Xf'- such, that not! .1 a. i u... j j I a1 mifVi a enirit nf tnnrpsiiinn. Bnffiripnt I House of Renreaentatives to r.hnnw lh Pre. I would annnir. uutl Mr. . ft. of that irentl-- l. , -Si . J 'i J ' "'- .' -j.. r-iuion, a uave uui unrwucu w,..v.a.u... ...... . -r . v., . T.-; i" fJIIL 7 - TT '"T A I 7 . . -.r:I. A-7 i w wit hniif mnr. isiucnt itoui vneinrec. camuaatcs oavinr tnei man. u it wouiu not do easier iu oriDe inivv v , W Americans, but the lovers i vunres seioicfil nt it H ia nnu nrivicorl I . ., . . ... ..... . ,1 j .a... by aU band.' K-b;.'". 7;. I wmwy , .. muring. siiiri VK- " r J i'.'.,""w"l,l which should a iBiib'??"mm9U8 "i! - hw.a" obedience and acquiesce As the gentlemen iirnmninv me. aa honor, love. ? . :r ? . " 7r Ji"" i qua! 7-5. "T . r 7. i. '.i ' permuteu tne r names w-iw piweu o nf -. ,iu;.. - aaha-i, kTk w. . . i T- ,T.vk nv vaaM , v a nnpnipnrf sinn Trinrt rnnnnr iiivc.- - . , a - i - --w--a..ja. w wvav vii anv- viv -aae no objections o that the Qrlesuis is now M Dounder and boderation;" cries the Lieut the People a 1 icket, SO far as I " can J judged. .'If the Electoral College fail to make twenty-four votesthat la, a vote fot each "r UM lort-" ; -riU-y ' W I- what are you whimpering about? The I learn, have pledged themselves to vote is choice, it becomes the constitutional duty I state in the Union ;a sail makuig its appearance, all hands I carpenter will soon stop the hole, and should I fur the most popular atitt-caucoa cahdi- ot the Member ot congress, to vote for. tnat WCr nuirf.knl 1 I c f . I . . . . . 1 . I . . . . 1 i ... ..I man K-liMn h. fl..mi an hit MM..... krf " itv- ami reauy jor acnn; tor tne I we not come atuwart uommoaorj mcapry, i date, I tliinK there oun-lit to De Some ju -mW-'V P0e -ivesseh weill get safely in., Mr. Floyd ;turned, dicious lnelhod devised, to ascertain f 1,7. Zl KreJrw Ior an engagement, said tne wnoie was mppea inewimi. , ...-,,; . ,M whn hava.1 highest number of votess did not tlie dis-l teen men, thSn one hundred, and thirty?) qualification exist, the indecency might occur! And if no election is made bf.the people, the a ! j question may ,ne .decided jay a majority' ot ..., V?.'" I qualified for that office. Is he equal to this finite postponement ol i ... .i i . . . .1 t. .. . !.. i . . r i It was observed, by my friend froim Stdke. ' continued Mr. B, that my motion for the lnde.4 '.the resolutions, was an ' j . . . i .... . .i i i . . i - .r . i j. t iniinr wnnu nuimnnprtT VQFn.fi nv titviii. I mil inmiitriiL ii n.ri Bni.nmrv fi.mnim hi. r . "'6 v-v-areu luran engagement, i said ioi tne wnoie was twppca . i uc munuiu , , . . mn j .t'f- -v t, j ----- a-.- r .. , -.Vw The Strang ihowhlr- American colours, countenance brightened up, call'd all hands that candidate in a correct and tatiafac- dice snd whose passions arc excited by pre- I came not here, to attend to the rules of fo. ,,. '1- Lommmlm- i. ,i l .... l. I -n. - i: .i. . :. . i. '- ti,. r. ,ni I tnrr mannpf. Until a more correct and I vinua cftntravemv? hmi th raur.ua Uem-lreismCarliaments. ortahe bound afnwn tin lh : 5iencU t theri look my leave, whUe the Or-briskly round3 cheers i : V" i' jpleasini plan tan be instituted, J will ber of Congress 'disdi..isifhfuUy- .. the Iftiqjiette of eonrtly ceremoniesf buttoguard , r'vm. liuieuui runwiH .nn uum i , Wfff rnM v ri m . rn . .1 i innnisi t.if. i, r. iniarrij Dfiin frr.nr iii'iHronpo i ... l .. v. .uwa.. ... ui.m. uvwv ' fU,f .,f .'..11 ... ' " "-.Mw.J... will .iwrilll..u..bS w V-V". ' 'liaiili 1TIH1 E,IM w.wi u.., w 4 of ajgftt: , , tow ran down for the strange never tire, f v- ,"-1; t to nroDoae the foHowin viz. WheD W5rdinK ? the, dictates of his j7hjement m at ly A: M. .oofce hen ' h .,,- lal Th- ir,.. KM-: i. th noise.-he. V -Pr0?09-w 10110 7?'v" -.eo and the Voice of his conscience?' No, but ' AltirJ 74, lommanded by Commodore I lieved they had safely arrived in port, rushed Alligator.'. Her imaire hrail n.-ltr!iiM half I .imam rlafV .ivl rnMninm MnaHVliinit till. Ad " c half snapping turtle: was permitted to nural, sang--' r ( ' ' I distinct boxes; one for the Electors, and J dictates he cannot exercise even a common ' f on board, after declarine-i ti.,1 nnr-nftr.nl n r..i..ii r rmiin irlnri irii. 1 (l,ofttKor ff.r thflPrpaiilpnt'ifil ranrlirlntPa I discretion; he has already resicrned the r Hit pagging The Commodore told ine he was ; - IW we sAnZ oi married.' $ i ..! man' .nail mta'srMinlimr. I " self-actions he has sureendered himself a . . . .. . '.Zc2 .m .tn?v Mediterranean Archinehuro. I In their. reioictnir. the manaeement 1 frtr lh r,nl-ia. I Stirn i -ntiivlff m-o-lfrtprl. and troini be conrv.v..i ,:. :f?.... .Tr r, r. 7 v :"7 TvviTf.:., .. -; tlS of nn . v vB"1 lne Pv I me uue, arnica on trie i nimuic duu.. it, Out he here the cause I then determined to - throw the guns his Electoral Ticket (before handed UI If -d lMArW it. no matter whether it be .i aL --.iii:t ..J:4...l . .i.: ..t- ..... over line name oi uie rresmeouai. tauuiuaic i averse to yie wuncs oi ui coiiuiucuig, or Bere he had been tn oV rZ"Z3Z- cv Z :ZtZZ''ZlMTlT5uu 'J- UXnerwise, ec every voter wrue on . .ote nut into his hand he stands bled . . : . "J"' "-mv v'i ouiu viiuini , ii.i.v. "i, -. ... pi ,j ' 1 nr.l.l k.r.M haririo,! .1 1 . . '. ,. . . . . .. an countries, esnecialfv - lad e,totUUlkeV For that reason he I board; which I found to be Very light, being that Stands highest-in hia estimation. contrary to hii own ifeelmgs and inclinations. ' iiabir.Ti """7 Jc Wong the Spamah-lan made oT wood, wl r teri aM nown lu'' wy horofr- he h f scare crows. The ai f "uo.et tO Stay, rf he COuld lav his vpm-1 nn I h,A hn in a nrnhlhi H1 P fres h.nt r n;. ' . ..'-..-r . T.I" ; ' f u. i. tistactonl v.r II there is .not a aimuar minH. th-m u mat nmhuhiiw. r ii .w ahf. ii,ML i : - "msw were h uuuuuii i sin a uis papers: tvuiir mem up ui a uk , , .. . i - j - ,,p -r-- ..v 'nXIC VOUU niff ....V. .L r 1 . .. r 1 . .1 . . . I .a.imi.all mlj. f, KIT lllll tn I .:n C-ll f.lirno S.- rt-.. - si.u iticrei mat sue spew led "supnreised, threw lacmovcr-aoaru, an(iiiU(itv ,i.iv.v, 1 wi, wwy wwi, m uv wi'.- It has' been further ured, sir, in support Iron the number of cacdi dividexl state of the public the interest and urotect thn rio-hts nfthit nn, pie whose servant I am.J, He has told us too, that Caucuses are no new things. I perfectly' agree with that gentleman Caucuses of the i very kind that he now so, loudly condemns, ; have been constantly resorted to for twenty. four years in all cases where several candi-j;" dates have offered tbr any important office; not, have we ever heard of any miscliicf arising v from them; but, on the contrary, much good, ' ny preventing a division of strength tn those v wiio nave the same end in yiew.? But, Mr. Speaker, regardless of every other considers- ,? tion, when I reflect, upon the present happy snd prosperous situation of our country, and . . " compare it with the distracted and disturbed, i conditiun of the different powers abroad. I , V, ISceUhJPost.J ; Kr , 4 S-.'1