s rC)iL'ti'r 1 1. Ft ft. ' W- Out I m Usee - 1 s y a JbW i cnt to wpp" 7 swe - I' jeet U . .i! rrs'vtoa M ewv pTrct poitl systrsn. M U tm sandaad lrctobi tort awatod Bus ier tto fa of poverty auad ypm". , Wtuk Fr-aac luUti draped ad tor hctoat traw-ca. and tapused out tor dare blood a tto ahar of tasiwitiora wtule Osrwtsa y. WMMil fey diuMM ajad contra txiwa, toe Veew cwwpc&ed to iiapoao tor gag .laws to swrvewt tto free eiwvjatioti of kasrdfri wbiio ito pro! Aetocrat of llmas has ot CatwJ ta venture toaawtf woipt to wwa aubrU, for fear that ve-oac might ower . take a, acta of oenmM. tto American : people have cor.liautl to reap tto toaefit Of" futwxtt at wtoae toad has stood fcrj . m : L.l lUllil ! igvi "T r " 7 ' I i Hut genlleanea Mr.eftUfdiao-wee sa mat aatea ssr. . If to dcTflO4 ny thing of U nature the: meeluijr. they coasted auinoer Ttternberaof Coflrreaa, wto wveei order to express ttoir opuuOna ew. tne Bit rat dm M too oAtoa, to to Vxoatod to preatdo prartto oauao to ajpreioo tagiatrtte. AM vto to aakrd, oowid better deternuiM tfab qucauon, ttoo o art of ate c boat a by the prop la ttooMtlrca, fur ttoir virtocs, tbeir ta icnta, and ttoir patrkAiam, tmar of wbom probabl'sre acqnaibtrd with all w dlffirrent candklatea for that offlor.F It I iinpotaible tbat tto aiaaa ot' tbe peolple, to ery quar ter of tto anion, ma to peraonaDy acquaint- ed with the caodidaUa, and they are there. bra depcodeot ra ttoaa who are, for proper Jl """"uw. J"" " . totter quaUtod to urfon. tto . toMm. ,,;,,,-. .Jopportaukr. toiof ito. 'r oa tocLaU KepreaentaUTea? he thouyht none m , , jJJ", MAte(a073r f,cU re thoufb f enttooiB bad bekl up Uieae meet- Ulio- w lhe eMBf , h pub, wU, m.pcd i.igt aa "r-Aed Bad Hdg-bna, to their aptaioa until I hare time to retarn.-whea I , alarm the people, and to cotot oa tto ii side pldr n jar If to ahear, that, ia troth and in fact, the prejudice of the vulgv. lUera i ao foandatioa for any material aharge Xto moat note at oppoarn ot tnete meet, Inrs theaacWes, hold aimitor tme annual ly, for the purpose of nominating their Mem bers of Asaetubl and Mem tort of Congress. Mr. B. alluded to the Tammany Society of New-York, where tbe first alarm respecting Caucuses was made? and he had been inform- d that Air. brandy, the author of the Ten- nesaeo ResoluUuiu, which was the prototype of those which lie on our table, was himself once the warmest advocate for tto Caucus yrtems but as the proposed Caucus will Lyon to the nea. residential election, he is now violently opposed to it. Jias been uniformly acted upon with success, ivwuiwn.iiraui at uui umc, by Uie Republicans ot the Union, wouia De yielding; up the sword of victory into the bands of our political enemies it would be clipping off the locks from the head of our political Sampson, and drawing on our slioul- uers, norucs yi conquering ruiuninca. UesHles, said Mr. a I would inauire what , . . . . . . . ngut ua uiis uvuk w uiiuwi our ociwhiiw a,Kl BeprcsenUUve. tn Coomtaf ..Ha. our constituuoil pveil us any tucn prmteger n SO, I would be srhiu tluu ircnuemcn wouia yvuiw t lAlli niuw ww iLfV m i,u iw in- struct our Representatives in Congress, they have the same right to instruct us, tor we de- live our authority from tlie same source, and are both ameuable to the people for our con- ........ i ...1. m I.n . n . n tluct. But how would aucb instructions be received by this house? Would they not be treated with that contempt which they would must richly merit? Ttoy certainly would. What benefit do gentlemen expect to derive from defeating the good old course of a recommendation by a majority of our friends at Washingtonf He had yet heard of tto advantage to be derived from such an event. The result would certainly De, that there would.be no election by the people. Wc know that there are five can- didates for the Presidential Chair, and no gentleman on this floor Can say, if they be all voted for, that any tone of them has any chance of being elected, ; And if there be . a . ' ' ... no clecUon by Uie people, uie election must, of course, go into tlie House of Itepre . w I. m. 1. a A a. at ntati vet. He had been taught, that Ansto- crsotcs were the worst or all governments. Here we should see the few govern the ma ny, contrary to every Kcpublican piaxioi of government. The thirteen small States, con taining a populajiou lets than three millions, va Aiilri kauA 4f aim tltatato r ( v & a s . tr.wiAa. tlim ,:..a e iM.i.i.J,i T . ,k- Wishe. of eleven of the largest SUtea, con- tMUIIIMK HIVIV Him 'VU IIV H.4 1 I- I I . . 1 1' 1 .1 .1 1 . 1. oi iiuiaoiuinis, , vuii ium m rcauii wu- i stent with Uenublican Government' Sure-! ly it would not, and a Preaident tUua elected. 1 tnio'ht have vki directlv ODnosed to tlioae inigbt y'LTe, wwen wouttt oc pregnant wun tne greatest dissatiafaction W alarge majority of the Na- i tion, anu eviis migut ciuauaic irom it wnicu 1 our latest posterity rxniclit rue. But. sir. said Mr. B. I do trust, that this country will be preserved irom such a state of things, by holding fast to the good old course hitherto pursued. I do trust, that the Republicans of the present day, will not prove themselves the unworthy ofl'spring of their honored and venerated progenitors, whose blood and trea sure have purchased those liberties, of which we now so proudly boast. 1 do hope, said he, that the fare of 76, is not yet entirely ex tinguished in the breast of my countrymen. Mr. Id. had no doubt that incendiary agents were now travelling to and fro, throughout this country, preaching up discord and divi sion. In oraer to divido the atrenirth of the unsuspecting Republicans oi the Union, in re lation to the pending Presidential election. Let us, said he, look around us, and ace if thero be Jutlutei amongst us, by Whom we may be betrayed into the hands of our ene mies. .'4"jT: It bat been asserted by an honorable gen tleman on thi floor, that those, who composed the Caucuses at Washington, were a combi nation of intriguer and traitor. If so, they have been of a very friendly character to this Union; for they have given us a Jetlerson, a Madison, and a Monroe,- titan whom, Athens nor Spurta, Rome nor Carthage, have never boasted of profotuidcr politicians, or more ao MmpHshca statesmen. While Caucuses con tinue to produce such blessings to the Nation, lie imnlored rentlcmen to leave it unhurt, u an ancient oak of the forest, whose fostering - branches liave afforded us a shelter and a aliade from the scorching ray of party ani- . rnosiue. - nut neiore t conciuuc, added Mr. B. let me remind gentlemen of the followhnr trite, but correct luaxim, wluchit apphcabto to tiii as w ell as to other occasions: "umtnl .- ja wJuul ttotwd, tut cuudetf we mtuttfutL jMediciiiCh. riAHE obtcriber os just received a nwth sup. 1 ply - of SAL ABA! US. Alto St L rUATIS QUININE, a certain remedy for tto ague and fever, ! ii ivnnt mi WEBB. Balel.h, Marchlt,1!24 ft ... -Jji Root., Rationiry, &e. U1W.MA UliUi I stows ' I). ark. wtorv to hnew ' 7. H Cf ". weaaaa , Wall, Ito Pitta, Light. a-4 U Jiuu la. Miarfraaf aaOtr Saa ftWa, IT f a raot, ftrnwl'i faaai. Cf H rnnM C-rr-W, rraaaW. non, Mnanrf lr Aikia. ThaatortJ-ar. aal arUf (to Rlukjnarf MTar, Oiartor ttv aarf fWtofS Uua Wrporu at ia i fna Gaolt Hinaraaar. Sanu'a HiiiMtTf Taaual, labjatrr Cifn aWra1r4, Clleauoa af HJS Dmu Lorir BiMaa. ratkrt ttota. tW'1 1 toaaa, rrajar Baaka, uuaa v"-. Saaaot Uaaka, Uuk)m Tay Book., I A t-t. af Hn.k Rook. i W.BcUl , . Lurr Paper, Qwdls, lhnku Uk. ficst lek Powder, UmM nW Colowra, .j. Hair rYwoila, Drawing laiiio. iter's Sealc k UivMten. txlmf sUe m4 Sum Pvaaila, Ivery Tabla. clrcaatlf touaJ Cold iw: ki Ha aaa alvayt aa to I a tariett of Dlaak al Amaat Book, aal arciiarva' to malt itota, to ortlar, oa tto atortcat aotka. Taaaton tad oacrctoau aaa to aappUed at a litoral diaeuaul. aUMtk, Jaaa 10, IIU. SS-tf To the Public. f AVINU beta vinleallr aatl err t AVISO aa vmleBtlr aad c onjottly I I aoau'ed. in a late publleatioo ot h (Joni iUee of P..lia Safety of tto town af Olford oa I i i . .u u tU mm.A i IV. tit U la Ih. Jin..ta.-a oot eiuioiica agaiatt uc oj tne iioremni ex nominee JA.CKSO.N YANUfY. Ralcigb, Jane 17th, 1834. paid Sheriff's Sale. M Taetday, the 17th day of Angutt next, I I wii be told for eah, at the court (louse. ia Ralrigh, the Halloaing traelt of Laiirf. or so mock intreot at will pay itie tax uue tbereon lor tto year of Uii, to wit: 1J aeres. oo Black creek, girea by John Whiuker, Jr. )im0 Ti , Joilf a J(W ,cl.eij ring the ..me, supposed to be ih iMMoerlr ot reuur Jones, as above. vv CLEMEN 18, late SbrfT. June 8, mi. -w C'arriage Making. rlHB nibKribert having entered into eo-part-I nersliip in the Carriaire Making.liuuntM, un der the Onu of J ACOB VAN W GKNf M It Co. toe leave lo inlorra their Irienu. and the ....i r.- !.. i ,i.. . l i;,i r j a.""---i "" " V .. . ' r ! V - ' - - - - The work, in every iu.lanct. th.ll be warranted for IV month. rurran. rr ,u' millllll' i.Bri01li ,., , . ... invited to call j ncOB VAN WAGEXEN. y vi. K CL.t KK. N. B. Cnrriages of every description repaired at the shortest ouiice, and on the iuo.1 i-eiuooa- - n i a . - c term., June , 1824. SVtf EXAMINATION. North-Carolina Female Academy. VNDDKKWS he JONES inform the friends of tills Institution, that the seini-anuuiil Ex amination of tbeir Pupils will euinmence on Wednesday, the .lOih ot June, and clote on the tldofJulv. tiOLn Menu will be ureieuieil In those vounr Ladies who have cu.unleled their studies. The Fall Scion will commence on the 5lh of July, there being no summer vacation. About twenty new pupil, cau to admitted. Board and .l u't'on sixty dollars per sesshw. Mus.e, Uraw- In. ....I ll..i.ni. il tunu.111 nMI ,.kutn..il ..trl -- .- T . ' b-- Oxford, June 6, U4 t.4-4w Hillsborough Academy . ' Mttt next aeuion will commeuee oo the 1 third Mondav m June. Student, are pre. pared at this Institution tor the fresh man and Sophomore classes in the University. i aa various uranuue. o a complete L.ngusu cu ueation are also uucht here ill4U0r0llsh, May 31. l8"7 ,J 4. Klxmnn s: r c Shocco Snnii . vt Q. Tn E 1'in8 ""i: me,,, wl" SMU ke;l' t,oue of PRI V AT h ENTERI AINMCN 1 this Sessom and having having ntees. lal.iel fof llie hmtr.t m ,nore reaMnable terms heretnlore, hit price for Board will be redu- cud in pmportioo JAS. SOCTIIBRLANU. Wtrren county, N. C. June 5, 182 4-3lp Buffalo Springs, IN MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VA. 'IMIK Subscriber would inform the public, thst l... 1 ...t. . l .i . : . I I:. I ic na. iiku m icavc upiii uic auuva ciuuiiw inent for four years. Considerable improve ments have been added, and expense incurred, tinec the last season, wliich enable hira with sou fidvnce to assure those who may he ilitpoted lo visit this watering place, either' lor health or a muuieut, that lliey shall be rendei-cd at coin lortable as good eating, good drinking, and social enjoyment can make ihein. 1 to benebcial in lloeuce of toete waters upon the well, to prevent, and upon lhe tick, to cure disease, is to general ly known and acknowledged, thai lhe aubseriber deem, it tmnrcettarv to say tny thing upon thst subject; suffice il to observe, that none who come hem for health, go disappointed away. UAVIU SUBIil UX. June 4, 1 824 4 4w cry l he Editor of the Kaleiirh Star, and Co. lumbia (S. C.) Telescope, will insert the above paragraph till the Aral of July, and forward their aconool lo mis tunc lor collection. A Boarding House WILL he kept hy the subscriber, during the ensuing Summer and Fall mouths, at iluntarsvilie, eight wiles sooth ot Warreotna, ami immediately between the Shocco and 8u. pher springs. I b ir.edicinal qualities of the latter (which is of rcecM disaovery ) are valuable, having oeen luny proven we last season.. Having added several room to hi dwelling house, to will to able to aceomroodat from forty at fifty boarders with convenience, - -j, - frica i aoani. oua dollar ner nav. six dollars 1 4$ ccnu per week. Childrea and servaku, toll price. UDrx.Uenisprrasy. . WU. K. LBRNY. MsyU ' L -' " '"'-t ; A Lady aud Gentleman, ' WHO have, for several years, presided ia public Academies, are desirous to get employ meat ia soma toallhy pait of North-Caro liua. Latter directed to Or. ler. Battle or Da- niel Dopre, Esq. Raleigh, will tweet the earliest atlentioa.' "- : ". '- low. Man lion Hotel. r - a. WpMMliiataiaa(hl HtolUVnlWlU Mai to aatoaiac to wr B1 Imptntr Uaan. saa - fartaata aiato a, mwi nt" aai larp, aaa aaapaa aw lNUtX JOBOA.K. rTttoa, Apr Ika 17- af -. lUa Aftjaa mill ar- raaa4 Oewt at ito atota UaVai, a tor. tto -A. LIZ Thirty Dollars Reward. V . a . , AM AWAY fram tto aarar, oa tna muael aaunl. VirTiDia. 1 riearvard of tkirty dollara toaaj peraoa oho ! oill apiTehead aul aegro, and delier him to I : m .hi. mw Giilai. or ina ne, an ur.M ww--vt . . - - aonablu aaliafactioa to aecuriog biiu in jail, ao I get hira again. ti-3i v CIRTKR WOOD Private Kntei tainment. 1 rilllB aubatritor, hinag remoed ta that large I and anmiaoihoiu Uoute, nearly opooaila to he Star otBee, it prepared to en.erUlu tr. lert aad auch otben at raa rive bin a tail. irafvi He will alto aaeoaiinodaie, on the utoal terms, a few VOUSO LUlt4 ot Uic Academy with Board and Lultrior. ROBERT II. lUlelgh, JoneS, tin WYNKB. One Dollar Reward. UAN AWAY frooi the subwritor, on the 3d day of May !. an .pprmuce Imy by the name oT WILLIAM J Alt .MAN. He it about 18 years of sue, but badly grown, aod h a tear 00 the k-ft mieof the head. occaMooed by i bum. The subscriber will give the tx ve reward to a ny per Kin who will deliver the said boy to him id Loui.burg. JAMES LOSGGON. 1 Loul.burg-,JuneC, I8ii. 4-3t I 1 Trust Sale. Valuable Lands and Plantation, on the Iloanoke, and upwards of seventy ne groes, at Auction, for Cash. (N Wednesday, the lttli July next, I shall I proceed to sell, for cash, on the premises, snd continue from day to ilay until the objects ul the Deed, of Tru.t shall be tutitfied, the valua ble land, and plantation l)i"g in the counties ol Warren and Metkleubure, in ihe tu:et ol North-Carolina and Virginia, oo the tuulh side oi noaiioac river, ocouuicu ai imi of Roanoke river, oeeuuied at present uy vr, Uiclmrd Bovd.Lcon.i.tine of about 4,tJ(H) acres Thi. tract, ,, ,.-bel,eved,cou,n. more than 800 scret flat aad, mlenor inqaalitj to none ou the river. I he entire plantation is Mitlicient tor the empioymem, tnvanuii;eou.iy, of ju iihuiii nc high land, hoidtring ou the low ground., afford I healthy and agreeable situation., with a number ' of excellent iiiring I be plantation i. well pro vided with all neceuary builtlmgs ami improve' menu. In different parlt ot n there are two dwelling houset, with ueeetsary out bouKS, uffi cient for Ihe accommodation of the family of auy person who may be di.po.ed lo pu rebate. Thee Ijttil. lie about 4 miles above Koberlson't ferry , on the .tage road, 70 miles from I'elertburg, 30 Irom vveldon'i Oichsrd, and twelve from War renton. Gentlemen who may bedi.po.ed to pur chase, are requccted lo view Hit premiie. betor the day of tale; sad I cannot do better than refer them to Mr. Henry frill and Mr. Francis A. Thornton, who lire iu the neighborhood, and will take pleasure in affording any alteutioo or information that may be centred. It will be an object with the Trustee to dis pose of this valuable estate in uch lots or divisions a. may best suit those disposed to purchase, and advance the interests ot the parties concerned. At the same lime and place, I shall offer up wards of Seventy NEGROES for bale, at pre sent in the poasea.ion of Mr Boyd, unlets the purpose for which they acre conveyed, .hall be sooner satisfied. These negroes con.ist of all de scriptions: many of them are young, and valuable ss house servants, field hands or at mechanics. Further particular, made known at the sale. HOUr. H. JONES, Trustee. Warren ton, N Carolina, June 7, 1834. $ S13' Notice a lN the night at the 11th of April last, the f f Store Home of. the aubseriber was broken, and all bis Aolei of hand vtere .TOLlJr, a mounting to between seven and eight thousand dollars. All persoosHre hereby cautioned against traoing lor any note drawn In bis tavor, ami all those by whom the Notes were Riven, are here by notified not lo pay Iheui lo any person but the subscriber. . , WILLIAM MOFFAT. Chester Di.triot, S. C. May sR, . 84-3t 'I he South-Carolina Slate tiaaette,' Colum bia, Western Carolinian,' Salisbury, and Star,' Ralcieh, will eive the above three insertions si d forward their bills lo the Subscriber in Chester be coulinutd. 1 wat under the impression, for some time past, that 1 should to compelled to abandon running my Stage on that rout, In conse- ' qiienoe ot my pay being ton inconsiderable lo de, Urav Ihe exnenaes of tliis establiUiinenl: hut knowing that it was a desirable thing to the pub lic generally, that the Silage should continue to run on this route, 1 have lately petitioned, toge ther with many respectable geutlemen, to the Post VI aster General to give me some additional compensation for conveying the Mail in a Stage, and (hereby enable me lo continue runaint a Stage for the aocommodatioo of travellers; and. through the means ot my respecltul Ineods, the .1 ; . l r .JJ....-.I icmis. iw ,t,i.i ....em uavc . -u .ui auuiuunai eompensation to that of n former eontracti therefore, I shall continue to run a Stage punctu. ally wuhout doubt. This stage rout intersect. with lhe Fayetleville and Not lot line of Suites anayaestoraugh.andlbavelalelyaddedano - ther teen rfhnm. In Ilia nk .nd m Sim being in good repair, 1 pledge myseu that nothing .hall be wanlinv on mv nart to rentier thnae anm. lortable who may thiuh proper to travel with me. 1 nave a good aud eareiui anver, aaa good torse on the line. I he Suge will leave Raleigh and Newbern as heretolore. (Sa), leave Raleigh a. very Friday at six P. M.and arrive i Newbern on Monday by two P. M; leave Newbern every Tuesday at six A. M. aad arrive at Raleigh on Thursday by six P. M.) Any person, wuhiog to wend trunks, boxes, or other package of any kwd,' shall hive them conveyed safe, and at a reasonable rate. I, therefore, hope to merit a reasonable portion of encouragement from tto t Dublie. . v t , MF.RITT DILUARD, Contrsetor. , Raleigh, June 7 to, 1824., - . 84-3t , - BLANKS, Of crerr drtsription, lor sale at Qui OCtf 'aalaakaa aaaaraa IWw Uu " - a a in, - Kawan i AWAI ira- - """TT 7TZ . 7. i..ao.l7tear.or , Uk hi IS l II. I 01 may I '.r " .7 .' atoat 175. f r feat t iactot tort, ttaamera Itoa-Uk,tltitrtyeiaiajr.,iei 7araia. a.pii wttca amLea to. aa4 la aeH aMpuwatcd taaeaae Crayoaa. t.aa- to to a arnall toic, - I--. Virftana. Ha ayt to a tonaerlj toe "S laenoaea b.. .." .T7.r-r wity ofoUlarleatrw.r.oi a-pa. aa rata, Iteaifaai- atWera, aaaaawaco "7 - VrV oa-uar ii miaested to aanM ioraam, prart pro- ia Ucd Moroaao, der 1 da not rtaollcat. ,"r" ""T ... .1.-. .mI uke Uia. aaa. ..4i vmaii. aar oauoia. i win - - - - Umrict, Uwssville. P. 0 aud they will be im- ducted oo ii,e most approved pi mcples, and pre use of Congregations, by the Rev. John Purify, V ,' mediately tottled. i ''ded with superior teachers ... ever, branch of ! MU)POf lh hureh , at the Crow Ro5. loselul ami ornamental education. Tliis, with its Meetintr Houte Wato ZontN & Pric one ? Notice le.lto,aittio..r-J " , and tuition, mutt insure it a liberal patronaee. Dea ls i sat. - si St V S hereby given to the public generally, that Thestrictest attention will he paid tithe eon- "-." , ,-. i.;;; . ;,: I the Stage line from RaWigh lo Newbern will duet aod morals of those attending it ' . ,' . " . ' 1 . 1 . '"T'; Notice TJai. ' ' A OVMa ap r mat - t CJ- vr m r . af iaaraava iuv" KMT CikS. rraa( a.toaaa4 DCR. 4 l a tf Notice. - .k Um. (fonaariy af lLa toaln) ajal ttot to U VaajaaaaaMcaratoak4 aaaUtoaaa to Mr a Hater, to aarrj to laaa-i a4 to ,na Iraai a. I in am a tot MNHk Mi aaa at m w. I . . a a prawrt rf air Vamaa' ato t iMUatr ni . aark aoatpteatoa, P. U FERSOX, Sbf. Loaiabort, MaylS,Uir4. . CTT The editor of the Alatoaiiaa will pleaat ta iixert Ike above bit clihrge to me. , fur S inontbt aad forward ; P C. PfcRSOK Notice. OMMITTED to the jail of Cumberland coubt),ontbe lOih of Ueet-niber, 1141. 1 arrro man. wlioeallt Inn. Mil lie, Mil nH KM, .bout 5 leel 5 inches higU, slearter made, dark comnlesion. and about II or W tears of are. sntl uri be belongs to I hum.. M'Gee, of Henri, co count , Va I h owner would do well to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away. SAM'L MAULTSDY, Jailor. Fevetteville, Dee 7. 1894 tO-tf Notice. i F HENRY A NHERSON, who is sopoted to live netr Tarborourh. North Carolina, will sddreu a letirr to Boaaer Smith, t.unter. Landing, Detstur county, Alabama, to will bear of Mmetbing of iniortanee to hira. N, U 1 be North Carolina papers mat cooler a favor upon Mr Anderson by giving this a few insertions 4pnl V Coach making Manufactory. l iHOVIAS COUBS begs leave to inlorra the I citizen, ol this plsee, and the public rene- rally, that he has just received his s,rinr supply of mateiials from New-York and eltcwhere, which will enable him to finish Carriages and Msruess, cf all descriptions, lower than hereto- tore. To those not acquainted with his eilablithmrnt, he bees leave to .tale, that the work, in every retiiect, shall be executed in a faithful, elerant. andfathioiuibte manner, equal to any made in this country ami warrsnted m every Instance. lie beg. leave to tender his gratelul xeknow. li-iWmenli to the public, for the very liberal en couragement they have been pleased to give him, anil ..sure, them that hi. perianal attention shall be given to hi. profession; and the work .hall be a. low as it can be anorded Call and juilee lor yourselves, before yuu purchate elsewhere. Orders thankfully received aud dispatched with celerity. Raleigh, May S, 1824 19-tf Stills. lHK subMriber informs his customert and I the public, that he baa now ou band an as sortment of S ITI.LS, of various aizes. He con tinues to make them, and will be enabled lo fur nish them of any dimensions at the shortest uo. tice. F. 11. R.EEDKR, Raleigh, June S, 1 824. 83 tf C. J. Tooker, CABINET MAKER AND UPHOLSTER, l tt AVING contracted to iurriiili the Capitol of J 1 North Carolina, be-,t Jeave re.pecttully to iiiui iu ,iiauiiiii. wi iieigu Him iu vmuiiy, that he is about to e.lablish himself in the above line near the C'spitol Square, whim he hopes, by the aid of good materials, souud workmanship, and soioe little di.pl ay ot taste, to merit a shaie 01 public patrousge. Raleigh, May wO, 1824 Sl-tf Taken Up, A ND committed to the jail of Beaufort eouo t ty, on the 7lb August, 18S3, a negro man. who call, himself JOSHUA LEh. atxl sats that ne was purchased on the eastern chore ol Ma. ryland, near Snow Hill, by Robert Martin. Ii v. ing in Itoekiiigham county, North-Carolina; and that he left said Martin in Chester countr. South Carnliin.. Im fif elUiM riir...la.inf, lurA , fu lJtl) soft voiee 5 feet a or 9 inches hiei.. ; kad about 3a yeBrt oW. The ner ouejf-j ; t0 eome ,orw4r,. Droe nrooertv. nav cbarreL anu taae nun away, or ne will be dealt wi with i the law directs. STEPHEN OWENS, Sheriff. ll-6m Fayetteville Academy. ...hid . . ww . i f pHIS Institution now offers advantages equal! jL roany iu me ooumern otates, beins; eon- TERMS PER QUARTER. Female Department, conducted bv Mra.flam. ilton, with astislant teaehers. Rudiments, g2 50 Reading and writing, 3 English Grammar, Ancient and Mo t dern Geography, with the use of ibe 1 Map. kGlobes, History, Chronology, ! Mythology, Rhetoric, Belles Lstlrcs, H Composition, Natural Philosopbey, I Botany, with plain aud ornamental I Needle Work. I Music, taught by Madam Voilla, in the best ,, ... - - ---- ..ianaw wjie, per annum, not Der nnlrlrr wi. -v- . : - rf ,k .. b". A"!' 0 cw per an- . t.i-. . j i.L n t. . h. "ft i R,. J lld'hFrene Language, ' r. "" 7 ' 1. .'ub. 1 "-"'S "-K. . 0 II ' O Classical denaHment. under De. ti n..',. aaTl'? if tm lM' GrVk Language. Natural and "' nuowiiuij, Ligic, Astronomy, Malbe malies. Geometry, and Algebra, 28. ENGLISH MALE DEPARTMENT. Rudimenta, , -.v.--; 3, ... Beading, Writing, Arithmetic, English , Grammar, Ancient and Modern Geo- I am, graphy, with tto use of the Map. snd f s Globes, . ' ' . J ' ' Pens and Ink provided without eharw. . . A tax of 85 seal on each student, tor Wood. Water, etc - ' Board, including ua the above branches, ex. rat 1na'.a O Ot . . . 7 aept Music, 35 per qatrter, payable ia ad vaaww. i.v : HH. HAH mv , (Ty For tto satisfsetion of Parents and Gnar dians, th following gemlemea may to referred to: Job A. Cameron, Esq. President r the muuu. w-aaiun, oe me nev o u. MOrrisow rtfrttevtlle, AprU , 1893 . ll-tsm -.nuurrrfn aa JJ aa Laatatorx. Frfta toi Va fctW. oto at ito ttoa-a to, MoVvaaTOal, aa4 Itoi to WeVC4 to Ja a llalattt. af AUaaM; . k. Lhati la a Mr. Taaac. f 1 o " I - ' . - "-- : tl-ilor'i Notice. rkZ CP aad UaV4 W tto tj . awawy. a. tto 0A aluea a aV ar4 lMUM,a.a. S-yTtotSl laaryArailsw.afCtoritataa. A C a. . wM kawa ia ta. kW aa wm, IT: arato. aatto .W, ,.C- .Tj . aautoy. Tto owaar h rw-wtawd toaanC. aarw, rTV 7, r-T waari-ta. aM . . ray. t,UA.wu U. HokkJl ij - ' Wdaaiaftoa,Aaf-t.U - ' : V1I.GINIA.N IlIU, ata a Fall Sraaa. U a day at AagoH. My ten or egrat will tooj . atr. r at. tuisia s 1 avers at aaj U, . 6Ui July. April U. : III. t State of Nprth-Carolina, ' Anson Count u. , 7 lo the Court of Equity Mirth TrW ' 1824.. -V J snath ta Boggta, Jesse Roggaa,' J J saw Boggao, Pieaaaot Ifatms, Joha Boggaa, Silas W. Maskaad Judiia bit wife, Mdes W. Mask It Louie bis wife, stiltrgaret Boggaa. Jsmes Bogitsa, Soloraoa Beirraa, William Boggaa Ctorlea Baiul! Mary LawrW, FJiaatolk Boggaa, William Bogran, Aaderaoa dog. mtomwsi Boggaa, aad Joaepk Petibaw Vortto f-deaf- UsdA I T appearing to tto awtistaaUoa of ito ani- I that ito dafeadaata, James Boggaa. Soieaja. a. BtKa. W illiam Bogroo, Charles Bora.5Z rylowrve, Eliasbeth Boggan, WilUuTe Andersoa Boggao, Samool Boggaa.ato IJiS Bogiran, result wuboot the limit, of this itsim . it it Uierefore ordered by the Court, that aabli. "li oi be made for sis weeks successively Wtto Raleigh Star, tbat unless tto defendants to mmk 'f appear tofcre the Jqdga of oar atxt Coart m. v Equtt., to to told lor tto jaoonty of Anaoa.a the court house in Wadesboro' on tto thM M ' day iu beptember neat, then and there to plead answer or demur to said petition, judgment wil j! e Ukea pro coofesto. aod a decree nlM-i oordingly. A. LITTLE, C. M. E. Price adv. Jf3 SO . i SO-Bw .- ' State of North-Carolina. J1 wa mm, ' franklin County. v Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to atoatornd to tto aaytaeat af w auTI Ito tiaaa of oatiwg tto aaara-1 to -" . - .1 ... , . i. " mm mi aaa. tL. March Term, I824v ; .s N imrod Ragsdale aad Sally his wife, v. Ellts." ' beth Bobbitt, administratrix, J no. Bobbirt, S Wily Grisome, aud wife Mary, Martha St. 5 all. widow, 'Elisa Bobbitt, Cyntha Bobbitt, 7 1 ackabina Bobbitt, and William Bobbin, heir of Turner Bobbitt, deecased Petitioa ' lor settlcmeut and Partition. ; ? . ; T appearineto the satisfaetios of the Court, V that Joint Bobbitt. one of the delendaul. ia is case, is not an inhabitant of this state, kit- ordered that publication be made in the Raleigh. Star, for three months, tbat unless he be sad sp. . pear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Set sions, to be held for the county of Franklin, at ' the Court House in Loui.burg, on the second Monday in June next, and answer Ito plamtifi.' . , petition, judgment will be taken pro eonteuo sr to him aceonling to the prayer ot petitioners. , "' Teat. 3. PATTERSON, C.C. a J? Price adv. gr 00 it-9m ' State of North-Carolina, rt ake County. Jvi-'iv Superior Court of Law Sprbg term, 1 1824. .. - . : Jl Solomon Todd ' , ' v. .Petition for Divorce. f Milberry Todd. J , IT appearing to the attraction of the Cocrt, that the defendant, Milberry Todd, cannot be t found, and it not an inhabitant of this state, it is $ ordered by the Court that notice be given in Ihe Raleigh Register and Star, by advertisement, for i three months, to the said Milberry Todd that sbo ' sppear at the Superior Court to to next held for the county of Wake, at the court-house in the city of Raleigh, on the first Monday after lb 1 fourth Monday of September next, then and there to answer, plead or demur, to ssjd petition. '1 Witnen, Hansom Uinton, Clerk of ourst'ia Court at Raleigh, the first Monday after Uts fourth Monday of March, . D. 1824. v ' - ; B. lUNTON. CIk. Prieeadv R5 85'- )"V:, 18-Sm ' - ; ' ' -- ::' i: U) iii n Books. t kite JUST PUBLISHED, by Bell fc LawrenceJ' iC snd for sale at 0. Lindeman'i Book Store, ., V.. ...... :n . . . . . . . ii w 1 v.. . .vciictiiic iirccu next ooor to meaiir... & Seotf. Anolion store, a ieleetion of HYMNS ; ! and SPIUITIUI. nvoi A-.il for die- ' .a .. . v. . W- T lnfbrmationWanted, MR. JRSSF.E WELLS married Mirs VOl -l Baker, of North-Carolina Currituck oaa f ly, who bad two children. Henry and myself. .; , He snd his family then moved to Maryland; bow ', long they remained there 1 cannot say. He ra-; . turned to North. Carolina and wrote my mother (Mrs. Wells) to remove thilher; 4h letter miscarried s'td not received in time to inform her of his residence. - She snd bi twoehildrtivv hoping to find him, returned to North-Carolina -and be havW.g become solicitous for the welfare . of hi family bad returned 10 Maryland to move : them; on his arrival to lound they had moved, , . in search of him. My mother snd fcrother Heu- y' ry ditd before he could return to North Carob-' na; and 1 wa taken by Mr. Nathan Poyner into v bis family lo be Tailed. When ir.y father heard the fate of hit family; he Sent Mr. Hart to Mr.' Poyner's to bring me to bim , Mrs. iP. would . not give me up 10 him; snd in v 17 short lime Mr. Poyner moved to Georgia and brought m ; with him. After I had arrived at s more mature -age, 1 wss informed by a traveller, thst my '1,er . was still living and was residing on New Riier N. C.. I wrote blur there, but reeeived no an swer. He is ly trade a Painter arid Plsisterer. ; Any information eoneemii g him, whether desd or alive, directed to the Editor ol the Hamburg Gaaette. or tn my .ell, residing in Hamburg, 6. C. will be thankfully rrarivrd. '"'"., x . 4 v;.ssiv POLLY WEIX9. . N. B. I have married, lot think il moat pru dent to insert my maiden name, in order thst ft may be more distinctly undsrstood, ; . - March It ;: ts- - Blank Checks, On the Bute nod Newbern Bank, fcr sal ,,'..-. i thisofllcs. - - 4 ' t