1 - ,!j V. I- . i i J ! 1 ic : I - "J- ? - -Ml' r 1 ' r 7 r t r ' v t - . .;'r iiXi.h i n, (iiV c.) U it i u a t, j t ly , im. No V'.t. xV -. ikuua, v . '- B ELI. & LAW RE . JufcMriptioi, 0rr JoHmr per Sanaa N'e -.,' . Mr.iltWKrt irtioat' M In Rl - i pwH . $ t, aena piper dtKOOtinard, i i ! opuua at ibc kiiwhi mm mm M vrnnm J.. Aaeia, bo axaev!.. &l '' Ux. 1hit1c three urn far olr, ' AUkUerttatb atiaira nl W pit paid, : " i un v rmmm is mam inat a ikr.MkaBj The folio rgouraii luvinr tone 'f 7. .7. " ?rr"u: : " iim uuv. uc urutMaiiiTV oi .E L. I ... ... " . J. -l' i i ; .. . ue roanuiimon"-rtr-tiorthftni nnn - O t I ' ' tod onlt 0 aDonuimate uiir nhf.it.. : sir?." mitt . ti 1 ?"ta p-kl - fritessrt. Edtin$;Tfrt Yold felfoto JJed" teems to have ukeq much of v fence Att he thoald not have been uf fered to plajr thejpart of &: political Quack 'Vitli ; impunit.. He,' tnere.fore V Kold and vaunta,' and insist spon his iWI in- his profession,5 without, deign ing to mee the lkct which I addiiced - to shew his views and those of his fa . i rorite Candidate. 'Sober reason .would , inquire, whj " Jfed? has taken.no io ticetot th extract. I made from ; Mr. , Crawford's report respecting the effect ' of his sjem of taxation, in producing an" ample supply of domestic man . Bfactures?. .-; , The- answer' is;, plain. 'Ned'T commenced. with the ''design ' , of covering Mr, Crawford's' principles with th plea of ReYenue.V Those ex tracts which presented his Tariff srstetri voder, the head of mere revenue, he $ie- lected, while, he; avoided the passages . wfeich'in trod ace fallj into view, the priocipleofiencoar-tgingdomestic indu- try. .All the writers on ths,t side .fol low thi3 deceptive ,mpde;, or else, by a t perverted statement of soihe particular "' .votes and expressions,' attempt to shew tiiat Mr. Crawford is not as great a . sjnner as General. JacVsori. ."" Ned" ws very unguarded, whil$ claiming the -candor",' to mikA sq palpable pervfcr' .y siotf as ,hft has done of my sentence. He thinks it will 'have a wnniidffii . effect , to show' that General "' Jackson hniiffh. Npd" 1av nut tlia fii-ct rt aera'Jaclc8on tbought,M.$ic."? Let any I man compare', the pieces, and judge of : Bat the unfair :and presuming man X per in "which the Caucu Gentry endea vnr to sunsktrt thwii f!AnrlIU''A ia'un. parent from he personalitiesi to which they '-tare des cendih;;.-Does Ned" to me; pc his poliicatt standing? it for-. , beat more explicit descriptioti.w1 Ned'? c may be assured that I am not disposed to Bihtroduce. him before -' the- public si otherwise than as1 p, politician, antf I am sorry,; for Tiis saki: that he should 'lave degraded himself by vjthe Illiberal ' . and unmerited personal allusions he has madev Whoever he may have alluded tg, -however? he haft' missed Jiis man and hU Tow t:lrth ia ( rrtVnt tn vUim to wipe off the dirt he has acquired ,bj iinpridewckH''?;t' f .' ' ' . TOT! .TnRT. "V.' ." '.-. J Register have tak'en3P Qthe :s cudgels agamst me for daring to expose the cir 5-rcular of Mrv-Williams to the ridicule .iand contempt of an ' instii ted .Public, hy the - Editors should have singled .vtlUt thia ' TiWf fa ttll ' l0m!trtra ' fnaw Minor judge; , but I wiU observe that they have thereby anil ttterein discovered how far ,iev have departed from that fairness and prudence lot1 .which the aper. was tema-ibleruifornier what propriety do the Editors of the Rer agister iscpresentme as reflectinff'oa, the r'"""-c vi wnuog circulars ny tne Ke- the Star.'witk a hM it mav nwt tK eye of some of our Southern Matbrmui- " a. bum o, purcoase juu acres 01 land for B60Q: in the -dtvuion. A.'nro. pes give cents per. acre more irjlb n. i! it, win consent to his part's bein? takenAuhrr h ntoaua it.... much land must eadi have for hie R300, and what wilj cost each per acre? JUeTenceTiBe, Ta.,5th J c-, - ' .7 A. mas itriuve' :1U -i-j. Acteil which cost dots. 44 cts 3 1 -443 m. per acre ; ;B. must have' trr 1-5 Acres, which cost hint 1 dol. 69 cts J -44 3 per acre a quwea piece ot umoer, bewed Terr T'- net,B v ; -'.. , -: " r ;, Conulns in the whole 16 Cubic feetj ; ' The bwe at one end U 5-8 the other) -. The depth of each end I'de have you dlaco 0 v Ten,..-! ' .-;-, v-,.; . : , v The length of it too Tde have yoa to teek, 1 lt' five Umee a long u the bir end U deep. Report of the Committee of Invtttigatwn. " Tha Select f!nmmitt WmUm fared the- Memorial, or Addrew, of Nmian Edwards, having, in obedience to the revolu tion of the Uoum of Kepresentativea, Of Uie 2flth of May, continued to hold its sitting af ter the adiournment of the House, until the zinoay a June, nave agreed on the' follow. infV ' -r-v ' y'.:rU : ' , u. In recommending u their former Re port; a continuance of lhepTiAfpnra'nn1 powers of the Committee, it will be re membered, that the reason pivon far that recommendation was the- obvious pro- V " uiiih,. viuc i me inves tigation, of having the personal presence and examination of the hurW nf K . , " w" . " ( vs. address which had occasioned the n: nointmefit of the tWmnite A . Suck aminatjpn has now been had. Mr. Ed dnrpnatprl ward attended the Committee, in o- t the Secretary, ijhe, measures adopt- judge, the object of the bedience, to its summons, on the 7h of by him, for the reasonable pr,ovisnn of thb good, people of s witness, 01 lypef tiind at the placp otUisburse- PKnx flieni, weret as tar as uie y;ominitte can rUciag a i? e. cation K stlnbWd t dtfr, out to Uie su pcrior cjuslncauotii iJ h'n KIKI. ,f 1 ,w pciiior. nor u tbc uct t(u.i be hsJ jted a Uctioo, which b4 ne tri-e. the adminis. uvuon tN vur vewerabto n4 nrtuoua chief amrMtimte. but to the eonftvmmv & buum. oteatpfhM entities. Hsvinr eonnurd un la hie imsginaUon lot agvitst hi re-election, he. la thu stria tJ ami hinwcli; denounces all of the supposed paiti- w.ivn, aoeuorm, ana aeesncs. l this career of annunciation, the columns cf the la- I te"'CB' wee dosed againat him. , He en tered it on the condition caTactinr an ?h mU. fetisvx, but impsuent of so passive a charao ter. be speedily became the m-mUrnt, and thus VMiUtinr the etnuliiiun the editort mm forcawl a titpsjri hivA m When- personal attack; Wthe object, our ev senator la not hoarvp .u rk..-i.t r-. pelkd from the IntelUgtnctr he eext appears .'i-v(s, wucrv Twuuwnccs n.s attack! against Mr.' Cathoun, 'charging hire with the double sin of bem b1iiiu. mnA MystmsMf in' u s political coarse on the tarilf. ; , It Is not my Intention to defend hlr. Calhoun against these clarges.,4 If It were, the feeble, neas of the proof by which they are attempt ed to be sustaiiMrd, would afford an easy vie. toryj but there- is little virtu in a character acquired aa Mr. Oalhoun'i k h.. kv lit. ofuborj candor and patriotism,-if it cannot susuun uim against toe strre nupicttn and turssuaf sa vindictive pmHdcul enemyl f TW Mr. Calhoun lias no tkr-A nt Afnm - '.n. groundless charges, yet ? the good people of South Caroli. a? hare a just right to know what is the object of the iudre in makino- them at thi Ume. As resentiul s he is lor supposed wrongs;- ho is not simply indulging his spleen against Mr. Calhoun and 1 majority of our delegation in uini Kar :. k Itive, the anticipated pleasure oThuiubling 1 thnu vllnm hm finlmm . . U. V. : . V . -..'-m w .matrfiv w utm cuciiuci, vin dictive as he is. To uniiHtni4 th m.I m tirey wemust remember that the judge is a i J 7 ". i 'r Jangf oi jwr, vy iiiiams's lfcUom?eringvpolicv?r J . think ithey - have, brfrayed.as little prudenc as self HctVl'h have not onfy descend , E aonneces8ary mdeness; but I'hej1 have not only swnpf then interference lam neither ' , yndfal of personal respect; the' true - UteB,ent of a f ect,herdi9tinction beHeen one t , aod another, r even aWeen perso: 1 and -poIiticaV charnc- : ; lOT tint-' nfc-.,..i jl. - .r j.T Y, r-... fc." T-i , v iZl JjAilt- i w- w e accoinmbdatipn to them, at a time of con; -'B'Sier miirnt think nproc.B Ifvl - i.il host u-hik' .f-vk.:. w '' : . ' ."" inwerain pecuniary pressure, n xeiy it.JJ.-."".wwuroexcwei r in their lormer JUeDort the Commit June; has been examined aa witness by W ;difectidn,j cross-examined by .-j-l." ii j: . ; 'mr uuvrisk ttiieuuipg,' in : oenair qi tne Secretary of the Treasdr'vf and hi .. finvmy, togeUier "vvith that of the other wwnepses, is- communicated with this Rnort: aa are: also, vnrimia dnr-umanfa arid papers, which have been referred to, anu prouueeu, in toe courge oi the examination..-- ; ; ' a naper, in repijr to the communica. Hon heretOf9f e recei ved by the Commit tee, from the Secretary, and another,' in the nature of an argument on the whole Case, havfe alao been nrAcpntAil Kv Mi- - . " . ' ' - I" w--.. -fj A . . Edwards, and , .considered bthe Com mittee. a. : f -ajic ciueuvs uast run ini ,mucn tifit tail, and some narts of it. nrohahlv l.v not a very t material application to the hojim Buujct.., yi -imjuirjf, tlBeemeu proper however to the Committee, to allow to those Concerned It liberal .in dulgence in Jthis respect.i;; Aj5 After. Datfeht attention tn all tin- evi dence, and to whatever has been urged. n toio way or reasoning on the case, the Committee see .no cause to chano-p or modifyj in any material respect, t lie restil t to which , they came on the for: me.r in vesfiii-fltinn'. and whirl, tliuv kavi already :ubinitted to the ; House. On tf Min rurv Kotr, finrf tn tiia V f.tlAn. and fuller examination, a corroberfttion. generallyjjpeaktpg.'or! the Kppinjons wnicn;,toey nave; ueretoiore: expressed VO0 some narts of the ihanirv- indeed evi4en(pei has now - been produced "to ..:,. ...u-.i. ,.., r, ;l...irL.:. m .i i lunula Tfiiaii. wcip uui iixuviuutliiy a()U nnirhriilaVI v. talcpn into tl.i i-n-iu!luiainn of the ; Cdmmitte on the former occa snVToXthese, perhaps) some.- refer- vwff ws,n uww jo u maue. ,j v i ney may bei considered.; as new ' articl esor new spectlications of charge and, although hilt Vprw Hpfiriifolv ikr . fil-mull mfi yet, as eyidepce has beeh taken intend- cu to auport inem,"rney pecome suDjects ot cunaiueraxiun. . .u '. . ' ' One of these respects the deposites of public money; tnade o'r'allowed by tUm. nt -. n-:i..' -tr -." LUC CCLIClUTrlU U1C IIM IIK K 111 IIIIH Ills trict.at the iiutance and on tho anl ita tlon of the. Banks themselves, and as an ibch rose was either rreateror tes than the Secretary had auppoaed. '.Tkia ap- DTnewuea rou u in me case ot the Franklin. Rank f Alvvmnilrta .Im 1 letter of the Secretary- to the President r l o . -..I n . I vi tne ornate, 01. ine.xoin, i rromary. 1823. he says, in regard t this Bank,: that a letter of the' iJ.btricC Attorney, uirrrwun .cemmutiicatefli tnoweu that there was no danger of lu&s to the U.S. The evidenr nnw nfftr.! anil nr-i v. eil.'tend to how tliat there is a proba-; bilitr of final loaa from tbia Bank: but in others respects there, is' no,, new vieW; of the case presented. v ' ' from' the Bank of Vincennes, has also been brought forward,, and made the Sttbiect of inanirv and distinoiahed tins case from those V h At .1V . W , . . a ... .a. mer vr esiern canas in wnicn the public; money had . been denoitttd. and in rm- gard to Which loi8 had happened, or Vas cxpccieu, nau atu-aciea tne attenuon oi the Committee! aa imnnrtarif tn ho rnnu. dered, at Uie time of their former Report. . . m ' '...-. . . . 1 ; ine case or tms Dank bad been pre; Viouslv made the aubiwt nf a Ui'Dnrt tn the House by the Secretary; on the, 21st vi reuruary, io, in answer to a reso lution passed on the thirty-first of.. Jan uary preceding, in which a statement of the debt and the means which had been taken and used to secure it.' were laid before Congress. -The evidence, bow Uk'en,: relates principally, as in the pre cedin? titse.' to the iitmnnt F th )ni which ma v be einanted tri h inrnrr.lN . . T-.a .Mf- -.-,. l . 1 - I lrrfivan -t.lial.l nnj.atl,. !....... i- rr v " uuij icuiaiuiii cuanrc wnicn I r m wmihci j r- iving 'k . .-J -J .,. . jl u-r ? '., I Caucus.? and a true and Inv.l ihio- Um may c usaiucu as nuiuciuie examined, t.. . . r. , - . is an 'ilUtinii v; intim-tinf. tko J" u ea.tO the election of. the caucua" . '. Z. . luumsuuB, inai, candidate, and it is his belief that he AntlllM Ik a B i I .B AW 4J A. I A I , . m . . - 7 WW i vi uie -secretary, me gucceed in this state, but bv the prostration no nan in aril ami nnKli. wnA?n-n ..r ik.Lfu. i :n i . M.v..y.o ywuub vifiutiuip ui iuc mi. wuiiyuii, ,uu wiin hi m luw menas and government in, East Tennessee, .were, tu gr instrument by wblcbthia tobeef in some -instances, paid in bank paper fef,'i bT fcreur thr tariff, for not equivalent Id specie; - v i, " rXSrS .aMgTtt " rT lt?mI Ki e --fSrcmntalr;WM;Vdiw reler.ijf that t . - -Z .7 6 . i nuuiucr nmsi cc umi ixa immeumte object Is transaction seem to be full stated in to fit the odium which is attached to the tariff uits iKSiinifinv in fiutrri ii vwriir i in uiui atianraDn . mr. r.iihnimi ! . . Mv . 1-- " O . r uavw si I - , -w--- vuwHaa wat. a s iitn does not appear that any knowledge of l?"'.0 er I... t..: r ki... I l iect 6eunuL .. SSZ,rZ ' the ccountof Mr, Cford, ; thi. idol of 1 Ji , . iC tn ' party .is not a U known to the e political veneration South Carolina.? and place ofdisburseihencei fr the present, till the public mind ' thi SmZZF -'H'? & expressed their opinion in relation -"'VoaidfiK? . aepbtes of this nature; and' referred 0 LICKSPITTLE. '-4rn-v Metttii'lhllM. rmJ V . - f mi y ut' K-rwJiciosea . .proposed ,n the Stai- of the 18th' u'.fc bv V.HI tavill .1 ...v.. , TTI1K.U ;i:8SS!s?!Viththe .: .-V7?-mr,,5-"ea io tne answer.' -,v v .UAhVVCLJs F1NCIL, , ,.'.- .-M."- i.-'.' in u nnhli. f ftrnmimicBtinn isf tho Socrn tarV, an which' the facts wers avowed; arid lltitvni.k m t a -floe-. rf 'm IiLa I. udff . suitahlt. and iiuli-r-iniiA. II kml a right ; toeipect the payments io' be madiJ in specie, or its equivalent; orat itani, iv luiuf llicu l oyj UllUgBUOUin happen to prevent such payment. No information ;,was given. ta him of v any disaonoiritment of his exnectatinii in thU respect; by those whose duty it was to:, pay;, and no Complaint appears. ;to iav j UMu - m c.j i tu uj , luusc wuose In; regard to the contested letter of Beniamin SteDhenKonl of tho ? loth ttf October 1 8 19. i the Committee - aei no f ause to change ;the opinionwhich was eiu-eriaiueu, aim wnicn cney iintenuCO to'expres's in their for'merteport tliat although the letter was writte n, as sta ted by Mr. Edward in his testimony, there was no evidence that Mr. Steplien: son commanitated or transmitted it to the Secretary of the Treasury, , ? ., sue uouiiuiuee u not. tieem it ne cessary to exteud dieir Report, by pro- tracieu . . ouservaiious - on ; ine Various submitted to the House;' - They conten t themselves; with saying,thati in their oninion. nothina- has been nrnved in im. peach the integrity of the Secretary; or i.i, ui in? iui.li i uuui mi- irt'itrn i rnnvri. ness and ability of his administration Nof inv u ly uimuvcn wr illia 1JUIUV, US .ii' ' . 1 -? '.:'.."'. . -. ine mam omect-oi innuirv. tn i-nipt at. if. j J 9 .. tention , of tlie Committee has been di rected; ana tiiey nave come to the re suijwh-ch '.ha now been stated, . will tne unanimous concurrence i tne mem- bere preKtnt. 'if Other1) points tbcre'tAre; of ; Jess timportahce',; bwtwiclv may, nBvervneiBss, ie auppoaeu ooi ro navf escaped c'hnsideration by the, Commit- tee.- . anewt.nowevEr. unurraii me cirv r.iirnat.TnrAa itiPV kavo ' tliiinol-it ifWn. rer to leave, without observation, in the isht' in which" thev 'are Disced bv the evidence. 'i y4 4 vim uie f-ziiijiiium j - cwcuev r ;.7b fAe good people of South faroknij. Judge Smith, who bas so freely remarked An Atk-M r.n rw4" MmnUi.' that kA tn 4.im vi r-uYi"" .. u..i. kuiiiw m ,41 ju-nwiuro, in reiauon 10 uie. 1 a- should become the subject Of, remark. I do riff, and' jto prove ' that it ia of th most tohv not intend to comment on the manner of mk- chievpirs characterand So far as the passage iug hi fe6tf before the g'td people y South of the tariff bill, in iU modified shape, 'shall uw"v ' vuavi4..iu; sa. na9 .11 iiw pnv nijuriuus. IW Will Pv nlOrC V VUITIO wian nof W circumstance fbr Wc find bira tirst any other inciividf. not even eiceptinfc Mr. relating .liif gfietnnc in the columrw of CUf: hi officiil tittfatidn ft tU T-Tiy bai HiAtont ranai th Vtatitinol Inltt11WtrirAw rL nan n1n.4hs.tnAaia ivftki. J yY " ' 0""- t msst- 1 fjif iiaaw wa- su-altv VI IIIV91. UVVIUI.U der an allegation insulting fo'-jme State,, that trol in relation toy it. Divided an congress he Could not obtain hearilir.' even io vindi. I haa hrl-n cm it. Mr. f!rfnrfl !. t' all im. raiAr c'ti ,ld tA k.v- h.4.n ftf ...rl-1 catwiv. pf himself through anyone of o.-r nu-lhad it in his power to defeat the passage of ' " ,-vi.n,v. v ii.o Mvk.u v. i t .aii .'m.n.n. ' . Tn.l-.. !,:. I v:. L-.ll irk- ' W r -l . eX steftce and ton oa .nuances .The mvZZ3XLT-D "j "J"' ! -i "." or , ., , o . , . . I wn fiv.ru, uiiwunuw iuc mucru ocreauy rireierrcu uie interest 01 me committee did not qeem it necessary t ration; he obtained admittance into the co-1 country to hit own' advancement.' What has to Cal l. for proof of ihat ! which was aq- J umn the paper to which I hate referred, been the feet? We find him, session after ses- w..v.v n. i.vm; . v'. uviuic (.lie un, f CkUllllucnumij m rcvituuii ui uie tanii, tribunal of the public opinion, of the nation,1 and increase of duties, on those very articles for having dared, ih the exercise ot its const i. j which he knew would be ati-pptaHe to t- iuuuji- nt;iii, ri.4unc- iw -vii wiiu u iuu i niwMjucntrerii ji anuw iiat irr nit; nu4i Senate of the Bnitei SUtei v v" . r- I p 4rt, he bs?rj"Mrf in his leComjcuendativns, iu tail iitt prc-oi oi nat wnicn was aq mittpd. and n it wraa rif nrinirtn thai, the , practice itself ; was irrcgulaf and dangerous, it did not think it material to inquire, patlicularly, whether. La the te.hsTt U irw. SxJ"ji lncrsf f A rrtJu '. ; ww uunr-aw reiwembered, tUt m , i 9 , . Us- .us) r oor-s. w-ktn tK- tm. . .-. 1 - . - , - , , . m rr-r.be has ren'jii-p.t Lh CCmmrtxlatjoaa! Tker rtcoa.m4H-i.n.)r. .4 well knewn. especjallj te the.inr" fnt it -iho caoiuL kare keen rephstifig a tariH bill from year to . tn.. --'". m tb Ucuaktn of the ibect. re i'mwMy find the authority of the avervtmrv. (m ltr nma. I-quoted In hs favor br the aji , wen iw mraattre. vkU.,craviord, howe ver, never makes a OW: BviltuMtt I-Vlinn. the nifans of retreat. IX m easentiallr a Dari , . . of hit tactics. While he baa been eprired . ' mglieresUfUndliis friends, have been tf-, ' i qually busy us soothing the .(rneufturuoj j tb4 aWMltK. Vav-Kata a 4Bia. n kK m 1 1 1 .l 1. f S ' " w ixcuncura dt 1119 -e pica 01 rr-rw, even though the trratuiy . .. .' werelll. Now.nthenameofoonMnoiiscnse,'' ' wliat .liOsrsnce can it make to our farmer. ' whether ait increased duty is to be U-d ort " 1 K ' coUoo baggi ng, or any otiier article of soix hJ - ' '' ern consumpuoa to mcturaf imtubricatiutt at Asmr. or to miwij tL mimu- i.- preparedbe who Js te be1 benefitted in care fully kept out tif view, . In due time, however. it i Intended to come out openly and pro claim' him aa' the onlv atatrimun fnmaAlu the interest of thiaand the other southern , w., , .11 .wiiui n HvO 111 which himself and his politics are held, should continue to be such as to blast even the hope of success. He will be' held up as' the "real anti-tariff candidate, but in such a manner as to injure him .as little' as possible witlr the manufacturing : interests beyond the Potow- w u jwugc 11U 4l wnwitici in this state were really the enemies of the tariff, and in consequence opposed to Mr. Calhoun, because they sincerely conceived him to be its friend, and supported openly, Mr Crawford, because they believed him to be its opponent, the course' Would at feast fca mnllrl .n ;n that View, eoramendable.T. Such, however, is -.n. ,1. . j.T.1. J... U V - ' 1 "K auuuugn 1 ;i ,ioi acciisenun oj being the friend of th tariff, I do aocuse him of being mwA W tppotedt Mr, Cat L -l -.' j. ..1 ivjtiit, mil, ,n juwr ui vrw vrffWITO TDan Op nosedto the tiirilT. and of imihcr It in-l mJlm political vutrument, to depress the former, and iw Eiwaic wic inner 01 tnose two genuemen. - tlnv.Mi In malr. (wiiul ,t.ta .L... . ' - the, judge, which deeply implicates bis character-' s an honest politician, and which 1 Would not venture tp make without the most settled conviction' of its truth, arising out pf the strongest proofs, shall prove it by shewing that he has dealt most unfairly and unjustly bet ween Mr. Calhoun and Mr, Craw- fnnL'aa Well bv .what ha km mruA t,..i j.. foriker, aa what he hat omitted to tag agaitAt I , f ... 1. ll 1 .1.4.1 . . tncuuKTf ,1 Dimn ucw uikv, wnaiDe nas saia against Mr.VCalliotin; is erroneouai and that Mrhat he has tubbreitiid aa to Mr' r,t-.u.f,.w. ;u most important to be known ' to the trood : t ' r .jL a- ' V peopie, 01 ouin-varoun,'7 wnosa voto he is endeavorini'.'throiiB-h the uAnnftho VmrifF Ca ere tly to secure for him. . If tsuccsed in both un p"iii kutjnyji.iimy assert WIU1 COnn- dence, that the object of bur ex-enator is ffien not fneattirem. and instead . imtvltr.A. him, as an honest and: sealous opponent of a measure, wmcn nc considers- as ; opposed to the interests of the atnte.' he pan k mmiuI In nn ntliM litrkt 4kfln'a an mitfkA 1.UIIU111LI1 .UBiiie 1 vim lur HMipr luimn. ses,,' Sincerity is the distinguishing trait bf tKil raAlit.a tMmm mnA 1. Ml . - -1 rate a covered and ont7 attempt to prostrate a 4-... l. 1 ... r. . . KTunvc buii 4ii uiucr j ICTUC One WOO CaS no claim oh the state or nation.' x 'd - ' ; Keaerving for the present the examination of the unfounded SccusaUohg against Mr Caf- houn.T Will rrrwf d of mm. tt An kIi9 tha judge Ac omitted to do; t man tj exhibit to thft'l htvl ; npnnlo nf ilmitk PaWil'm. " f"Tr HVWM. -'.W.HW,. . VU course of MrCrawford, in relation to tlie.Ta iv ,- -m m . -a ...' a .a required?, 1 they, opt beaf the same bur- uH laucvn- uio motive or rather the pre v irei .-.. -i . . ;, . 1 If Mr. Clay and Mr. Crawford agree in adV li 1 vocatinf (A mm rafes saVj i matters not ' . V i as to their objects, whether they are t same -T- . or not trdeUi,prmXimfStmome.; i'l the effect on the reventu the .am; and tk, e. ' ' ' , cwurujmmcm,, moment uuifaclure the mm The : ana diffVin n l . r T, ... j " Hi. ll i VI i : i tht two men. . The one. iW. l;....-y ' .-. jf andy- the other white inflicting ui hiuo UU1117, cnueavors wpersuada us ho- j ; laouraVatteiMt- - -.. .,-v-,:i .... .. y, , ! . 'T?4.th'! Seral MifeteWe,-founded on Ufi fO. - ' Crawford's treasury reports, I might add the ' : V suspioious silence in the late djaciftsion of ther 1 ' " r T tariff, ill the house of rfpresentativesj of thft . . s Georgia eV kgafcon, and of the friends ot Mr." s Crawford ' generally.1. They; voted on outM ' side, it is true, but really lefV fit battle W ' ' ' ' . our deletnttum. which baa. with m, guiahed seal and ability maintained the aoutlw 1 . - ern interests. , I have said they voted with us.1 H It requires, however, one most important ex' ' i ' ception Or qualification, to make the assertion r w iruc. a Hiouon was mane Dy ir, Owen, Oft- 4 Alabama, to take the opinion of the secrt tary ' of the treasury, on the effect of the propose! ) '. t ' duties on the revenue A most important1 5 " " point, and calculated, above all others, to de- ' O feat the bill The. tafiff-mtir ccordinrlrt ' ' J warmly resisted the 1 motion, seeing that if f -successful, it must be fatal, eiid the fiiends1 of " ' ', ' Mr. CrawfonLledhv afr Frtnnrih. r.ituirltka' 4f . '- 7 r - -"- j .i..m. -w .. .. . in the ODHO.ltirm. '.Int Mr ' rfnKl :. .I..,..t.t c. . ' V. ... 1 1 -r T " v.wiyiumvilllj oe. compelled to come out!! .u S ' BV this Union, the mnttrin ttii lnd . .'n fdid ''.' passage of the bill Secured in the house! i a. vl.. lk..iU. i i J.' . , ) . . 1 . , auv. uv, vci.aoue wiiQ wr.urawtorj on the win.,- u, as t nave anown,nis general cmirseJ . miaUhiAVnaiat kB4in1u avAisi aT I!- V...... 'JL. tl rtrt loaxia IndtMAita Ym aH.aa.U' J'k ,v a. t IThe inost ediotto' ftema In the wHbW Jilflf the dutv nn enttnn' kciro.',i,o-- I. I. .4. .ui-u'W; t'v' V . , t: ot tne coarsest Tabriz, remiinno-.in it. mamj ' V. -w !.- factare, either skill nor, capital, nd is pot' lAnn.4l.rl - iW in.. 1. i.-. .1 . . ,- of the country, to which -may fee added the fart, that th.ilni.ilA Ka.'. r tr V ; !. ft ft' "ft ' uiirngr lllftllHr ant- Mlila Ik. mmJ. 4 .. j if . -;' ft'vI V, v ' Z i r-i. I.) 1m.:i4 i.: : j: : .. , .... . .." 4iu4i una uu4uus ncm, our represenutioti ? r -.-; IIUM4C uie mu4( vigorous enons, notwunstaiid' T r , 1 . , . " injf which, w pasbcci uie nouse, ananhat oit lha AmM.sl,A.JSm. -J" Mjf-m JTt " t . - . 1 m . uieu anu-tarii -.:.l a W4U1WH ricusc. nrurawiora ientTiaaiithR n- .k!. ..i.f-i:...ii. r. ;... j . .. i ;' ,. V -w uujwuumuiw lum, so Ir DOCK at , 'f - v ' ,1 N January,' 1818, whilst 0fr exntenator waslit ; ;V: : V emtrroaa.: akniit tlw. tima ka ..... :' l- ' if- tj.; . ' 7 - " a 4 willing llltv y- ..' ,(-, , ,. , 1 Political connection with the C-auiW n,;f. ... . i J--.'. On the 28th of f Feb. 1817, Mr. Cmwford wasj V i : i i- V railed on by theliouse .''of representative's; tc report what measures werei necessary to thai f '":.iMf. i ' mare effectual toUecKe of thi revenue! tmdeii Z?A Kft , the I9th of January 18laft)tlpae UUTyi ,ivii vciuuuiy anoraea ninii :,i - f i .j-v ?; amnletime for reflection 'hie mailt hia .-,av. i V . The revenue was" at the time Tabundant, :at 'wrf'. .fi'-':' v uiucu ao, mat tne internet taxes' wert,ttptiUT -f j : ed at the berininr of the aarn anuiAn i.,r tn r .7,.'.-. wi uie retrtuirj,niui me income Mj., amnio (a meet th nnki; :.- . 1 .-- -..w w -u.iiuiiu U.' i.tfl ' -V - .. . I wiuisianaingtuM, ne aeites on tfte occasion,' yy n '' slichf as it io. to-twrVhiTri.nt J.,.i. t ' f ; -; I. , ' . ....... vmm MI4.V , ...... ,.,.).. 4 11 nnumy of the most important objects of coiw k$Wi' miiuuuu . uk bwuui, auu Biuung oxners, C0iA B , . ' .. V5H',,B .lyw. W4WI muuvrsi leave ll) ,'i :?.. - n', ,i uicnua io cxpiwn. ; .1 nis article ad valorem duty of 15 per oou equal to a ! cent otiyes'l. leave hi' ;'.';::'?;;'.' tieUthen vMMmW$U cent, which is- i'li" A ;,: 4 , per yrd,;-MrWf Crawfonf rMnmmpnilpA t which I have refetteaVtbattt snonld-bte changiMf '!f"r ed into a specific -duty .of Sis cents a yard, Svl-'f' 'f,-'il't qual to about 43 per cen ad valorefti, whicft iff-- has not been accepted by .(Egress,'' h datfptl'fXt'-'-a'ahd.'Scciitaper, yard bejpg',adoptei-'lf-,3.u;!V';; The recommendation by Mr. Crawford of ' r V cents, howeyev yrut the &ai 'eh ietnch AeSyfe' committee tit the report tot ' (hie item in wf'i, a ' .'" rK tariff tria .? ; .ftvVW'v' ; lt us for a mohienf trace Uieefleotsoftliis' v ''ij.Jv - . ' - , ' l' stUUUI, three million five hundred thousand ywJi n- taiiaiiv vn rn it .t-a afktrai w iHaui Jf , , v-- w -.-w vviiw jaiu VUI U1I, frrence between the thA ubBrttinjrduty anct uiai rcwuuitciivcu. oy nr t;raWTord,l woulij- maae an annual tax on tnose states of R 1 3 1 ,. r " M 4 J50. ,To this we mar add the toss trtZn tuV il- T bad q-uality bfthe dthnestic bagging, ntt lUr'r'r'J''. injurious effectf on 'the cotton by Staining, of" v ? Vs,"-' ' 35 eenta per bag, wWch I deem.modemw; - f and' which would, make -oii our annual pro ' - t aucv 01 owjww pags ?,iau,wu. The two t- ( . ' . terns would snake arr annual elm1'"; or ,x of V R2V00 On the cotton states, ot Lidi sunt V ': n1. s r wanilv aafplw nilt rlrMim nn. tk'iwt .no OA T I'.jisl..' ax tha uhffre of th kiirthttk Af Uim,. that would actually full on ns( and had it bcei 3 J-.4.4 tf i . JS i a. . taopxQ wucn recommenaea ty Mr. cr.iw-. iTiprL cirin Vear sirrrvi it. urnitld hfivie t- l-swr from the ' pockets ot flie irood peooJe of 8. i iiti iiiir inwuriis in a--.nt it t j.tii i. axrMi ltiir rtmr amount ii) the pockets of the Kentucky niatw, V f . ' ufacturerS.'' Mr. .Clay by his Casting vote in '7;; '' '' the hou e of rccresenta i s. carrie d the Stim 1 ''' -Jl - f. at 5 ecnts per vard but Mr. Crawford, by bis'' " - i v ' .-" " .... ' '. : : . iv. ' ; v',. W-'.'vr1

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