i .. - -. a y f. b . - i 4 I i I . - - ...1 Ll Vol. XV No. S3 T.ALEIGII, (N. C.) rillDAY, JULY 10, 1824; LetiHc U had drained tkott banks of i parted more thia hm Wea brought! their Candidate, as though to tUckrn 'examine te lonYvinJicatioa '.it nt ti M t wuwi fiuc, vim iiiry twain Day ii unto me rountrv: ana etiiv no rvro. l an ornonn wrt fa .Mr. CO more. . Thus the United. Sutcv'l Dct lfars tii i.'f clir. fur the hitfr. lCrofJ: thus nUr'm Mr. C.nmdrd Iknk became the very means vf destroy- Our Constitution has wade gold and ibefur the peoph ipoa kit negative vir- that cirrency it was intended to Mer the anlr tender in MvmenUtaes. This remark is aDetUUr teri- reined. At the most disastrous m-4 This it the reason why its preservation I tied in the ca of Ninian Edwards. . it crun, Mr. Cram lord was lis absolutely necessary. IYis ia the! Mr. EJrtnli had renreiMted. bv Sec rt I art of the Treasury. II wultole cause of the iniurv we suffer with-1 newsnaner Duhlicationa. an -nlawfyl ir. called apon to exhibit to Congress loot it. Other nation have other raeani. I rerulantr ia Mil Crawford'a randaet i&rietf of statements respecting the! Ia England. Bank or England bills are resDectin? the mibtie monies: and a va Mz .Ti t :. s -I.. .. .i.l . . .. r. . . I . r. m . . '. . - I MKi t.cn -& cHt (or rck. momuw hu,,,1"J rprvw m mo cuuuitt, we i a tender, aoi ueuovern-ieaican, and riety 01 examinations utt year Dot ore Aiiuutrno u.- ccur nun fumi. iiuut; .iwivihi. K&pwucv, aituiuneu uoes, sanction mcir cirvui.uoo i commuters 01 woogress loo piaca n the measure necessary to preaerve the without being liable to be called oa for a- charge that had aeppreaaed some Constitutional basis of currency; .Mr. specie. It ia tliea the first dut. the im- pa peri ia his communications to Cou Crawford reported, that the specie bad penous duty, of th e Federal Govern- greu. Mr. Edwards being then a wit decreased ia the country, and that a inentto control the exportation of ape- nets, mentioned a letter sent from bis much greater quantity was annually ex- cie., "' , '.' ., . eighborhood." flying information' res- 1 his was If Mc. Crawford, had. instead of bis pecunr a bank, in which Mr. Craw- THC STAR,- 'Jnit'yjrth-Cdrolins Gazdtf, ,BELL A. LAVTllENCE. J0"" Pr a!a N' j, i 'ri naiijptTil'uwmuiiurital al il. AilrfrtJirmrWl kjC tlonf ti(- r . j ... . i i f , unrt, l(rnm nrr limn nr ot ii"ir, J . lot THI STAK. , ' "jt Mcar' Edilort,T clamor which ported than was imported ' h raised oy we caucus panron me suo- inghtiul picture iri .B.t awvMA. 1 1. jectof the rwiff. renders it ncceary nothing else bui gold and silver was ajtiona, recommended tuConeress, when caiition him; butwhkh was diarepird- that the policy wuicU has actuatea that I tender ia the paymentof debts.' . Fright-1 the subject was first agiuted, the effec- ed..nd loss conseqsently sustained party HiouM be reprcMiitea btore tne because the party who are now most tual prevention of the greatest portion from .that bank. Mr. Crawford never public, find us pernicious euoru ex-i clamorous for Mr. Craw lord 'a election I of the exportation of specie, so as to pro-(took any notice of this circumsUnce piainea. . 't i were me noisy denouncers oi an notes ihtuit the issues to Lhina, and other un-tiii late m tlie last session ol Uonjrress, a n a nullum -"i vv i ui uauu uiai uiu uot ikit buccic; ijre- i nCMiuirv araini. rnn lmimriRTinn woum iwnen ne&iaipa. in a rpnnn in ixinorpiia increase of the duties On imported COodsldit had Sunk. SDecie was souzht for. not I t h.t hv kont nr with thnT.!that neithee thia etttr m.ntinnpi! h .Jean be but little felt by the people, un-jg0 much because it was wanted, but be- portation. The fifty niillipns now want-1 Mr. Edwards, nor the alleged answer der any circumitances ana it, is easyj cause it could be demanded; and the ex- Una to sustain our currency would have t it, were to be found. At this time V ash to snow, ire u ituouiuj, w me ponaaon. inreaienea. 10 arain, me last been preserved: and, what is ot morel Mr. Edwards was lust leavinz . policy of .that measure is i rendered ah-1 dollar remaining! What then did this J consequence, the steady continuance of inzton to go to Mexico. This solutely necessary py the situation an great Solomon, the SecreUry of the I specie in the country would have check-! duced a memorial from Mr.- eu the alarm ana coniusion which re sulted from its incessant departure. - klrli nnr trade is nlaced by foreien na-1 T?r vt in v " - w I J - O oiwwi j ww vw vutaMSt avi uiv ,tions; and that it is calculated to pro-! cure gold, as did the sage of old? v Did . 111 1 1 J ft . w I I - E duce incaicuiaDieaavantazeswuie Da-1 he look at America, and consider Ame- ITie Bank of North-Carolina was not mismanaging the public monies, &c. tion and all its citiicus. ut the mere J rica as she stood-in her forlorn and em-1 so ' much embarrassed by the want of Committee was appointed to investi I! .L . I r-.fii.ji,. ji 1 . . cr . ; . A . Aicer a long mvesuga pro Edwards to the House of Representatives. ' in which he charged Mr. Crawford with A calculation ol farthings in the list ol UtM barrassed situation; nd regarding the specie, for it had not less than 500,0001 Rate this affair. ties is deemed sufficient to disgust the Constitutional basis of currency .with dollars, as by the certainty that if it tion, two facts appean lst That the !jeople,--'uiiJcr.aprefamptionttarthej guardian care, recommend an immedi- paid, the hole would flit away to the letter spokefl of by Mr. Edwards was r have not sense enough to see the differ- ate and enersetic stoDDae of the ex- North.' and. h horn nff. in rihina. written, althoiiu-h its rtemnt i dniiH a JJid he ence between the mere salef a piece j portation? ever recommend Onice stop the open dam, and the cur J by the witnesses from the Treasury; nt flnth. COSt'lliar a Cent a Vrd mOfe 1 that- tHntu mi I linn 4 spnt xnr.nxl! V tri Phi. I a.,J Ra.r,,noo.n,t land 0!1ir' 4kof Mr fMurnnt k.J r. ,v -- ' . o .... . I . ..w wv v . .. jiciitlTun v-o, uvvuiui Aliu t Clliaiua ca I , v . a niui vt uau II V thaa it formerly did, ana the conse-na for goods not necessary for subsist- tionary. ' That which passes away to- quently taken upon himself, without Jueaceavi iiuici.uuS uw rtuicun m- ence, or even convenience, snouiq De day, comes back to marrow; lor the pa- law, io grant accommodation loans, on ustfy in preference to the foreign; that.UtoDned? 'No. He1 entered into an e- npr haspd uton-ir. ia mnrp rnnvpnipnf! various nretencea to different hanka. 1 iii fact, the people cannot see a great laborate tliscourstf upon the difficulty of than that which it represents. The ; Committee decide, however, that : differenced, between freedom of trade preventing smuggling specie away, as , It may be enauired.' whv Conjmaai Mi. Crawford intended this for the amongst ourselves, and a freedom gran- though specie ' was ' more easily smug- have not overthrown this project of fol- best; and say , nothing against .Mr. Ed ted to foreijrn, nations to speculate upon eled than French lace: and upon, thellr. and nrsp.rvAi! th intprfita hf thoVplwarda on account of hi charceas it an. Vs in auy vay they choose. ; if freedom natural curreiit wof trade, wliicb would constituents? It would require more pearing from all the circumstances, ev- oixraueexisieuttuovcciuewoiiu.iiiere oungau tnmgs upon a level atter so than one essay to expose all the causes idently, that the Committee left the might be some reason for such pnnci- long, but bow long neither he nor his which have produced this apathy;' but I parties to their different. views .upon inc. v uuui.t-.ux.u .u., uu. .... .o i nreuuBkuum ten, ouu uicu auYiBcu iiiai i win mention several.- iirsr.- tn rpt i ma iuu eci. wuuuc atiriouiin? uau ae jio such thing among the present nations the'matter should be left to reaulate it-1 i nfprpst nf tho Fndin TrflHp with all italfii?il& toeitliei ofthem. 'j 'i :;;'-v ... ; v. r w., . i crt . . i . v. i su . .07 m n - ' -if with which we trade, and it we do not self, until hard ; necessity should, force ramifications amonest the sIiiDDini? class. But thia moderation of the Commit- take care of flurselves, we shall be the the currency down to its proper quan- This had great influence with those men tee was not to be imitated by the par milch-caw 6j designing: and , despotic tity, and prevent any advantage being who have been looked up to by other tisans of Mr. Crawford. . Finding that i governments. W 4. taken of the scarcity of its basis.; J Members of Consresa for'lisht to en- their favorite was n6t to be condemned ."' -The OartV WllO' Clamor SO much a- I : - ' .. , . . ; .' -. .. ' . '.ltln-ktotimt : t- JIukco' Sonnnll Ihy ninnfa of Ana-rant tftUrnndnrr : ? '....t eMYriA ' a tie true logic .oi au tnis, is mat ii 6"".r , .,-''"' - j i -j . r---. t: :f " v;" v . VV v.- 3' l C A ur .1 L' . V.v ami support Mr. Crawford because 1 '?$ iiflcipies nave been more covertly ex-,ii(,n-. An9-mlinA u transactions with foreiirn nations! and. conduct. :f.,The" only circumstence. on unconstitutional habit of w"lch they could lay hold, was thetes- a specie continues to decrease, although rauicauyrwrong nouons wnicn cer-iyuvu wmmou iw auu- ; ?'1 the cbunfry is rich in property, the va- tam ""cians possess with regard to sing jvir. . r.a waras, ana thus turn the MS P u:. Jl;r.. l- the real interests bf the wiimtrvin all 1 Dnblic attention from Mr. Crawford's Tl m rZ"Z" '""' p reduced bythe difficulty we find in ex- policy. Crawford has," in SOjine respects, pursu d a course consistent with their views. f;.J' : I will ' mention:' one instance, and it is i ' -one from which more ruinous consequen "ces have resultetD'thab could have folr Mowed a general prohibitidu of all the 'this' cou ntr wuowne aiciates oi ppB . f lil,iMni.V rirtnnpil rnmnUt tion leaders ; for ' every intimation r by had denied being the author ef the news improvident notions Ot I . . .? i r ' ..... . B . . 1 m.v Ka cimniaoJ in .nr. . AV.1.la.al. 1 he did deny them, it waa eitho.r rmvartt. .. . . a noiinia ann Tn rraiia iu q ri an nn rnr l v bm w w nuui v vaviI uai tci t i " - - wv - w h It is evident, indeed, that Mr.j ? , ..,., i., w to moharchv-men and hi?h-toned Fed. Mr or mean; but some circumstances cure specie to bay for. ? ' Jeralists; but to no lass of men does it hew, that the witnesses either might The consequences o were; that the people , were oytMaeMMtneyjoua ciai .oanivs canea in meir raqney. n .. j. , .. . . v". Ttor .kA,, w..i.;nAn .. Ap;5 . . . 1 Liuua uicauicu uu uv LKna m iHHiiprH. mi.vu''. ,i.- iii vk uviulvh r i r . r rf. . . I l . ' i-1 j , 11. I reverlne never aia ueny mem. uui no.we- "iu-i 1 more aP"J alW than to tliat party now l&ave mistaken his evading a confession, 1 wis scheme Knd Wical. Thev arft ridira! nn.lor. beinsr all.hieh-toned Crawford men. jetttoget nosers of wise and anfiitarv ntttiirfL I might have 1 been a little : inclined to Committer f lQrtli;tioo Uf .re Mr; EdwanJt's rtlurn to Valiirtton. ar,d decidt if they do not believe ilat 'uiJi cattou wa wriUer-by aneot!trr-rrpo Qua Mr. Crawlaru. It nit not t!, ttjle and exprvtiJon ol a nun fci imj the force of chant road asrtintt )im, or interested in hit own vindication. It it studied, cautiously worded, coolly framed to nuke the moat of the case, mechanical.- - Ia themanajrementof Mr-Cranforil'l . office, ".it is consistent with all ure, tliat, ia the absence of the Secretaryj the Chief Clerk should answer all en- Lqumes ia hmiiame, and be ins ouicial aid.v- But hen we see av aiCercnt ar rangement. Whenever Mr. Crawfortl ia personally involved, the p.ain, r w' ci.il routine of business is rot to be fJ-' towed. A particular partisan, al thou Ti a secondary Cleric ia the oluce, is to manage the matter; and tliis manager. ia ' Mr. ; Asbury .' Uickins. . That the public may know somethingof his quali fications, I will give you a brief history of him. ', , . ,"'. ... ;' It is believed Mr. Dickins was either born in Halifax County, in this Slate, or soon alter a parents removed there- . from. He vis raised in Philadelphia, " had the advantages of a good education, ' and wts.a sprightly and engagiDpr youths In the memorable days of Mr. Adams crusade, azainst France; when the Pre sident .talked of humbling the factious , Democrats in dust and ashes; when Macpherson's Blues insultingly para ded the streets, with a menace of hos tility to, Republican principles and in-k stitution.s, young Die kins hoisted tlid ' black cockade; abused manfully Demo h crats, , Democracy, &c. and appeared a.-:' good subject for. any Despot. About this time some young men of his acquain- Z tance discovered a stron attachment , to every thing British. One of . them 'v , obtair I a warrant as a Midshipman on boar' ; British" .frigate off the coast, and suou after Dickitia forsook his na- tiye country, declaring bis preference for the British Government, and arri ved in EnfancL If is understood tliat e obtained some subaltern employment . . a government otlice. lie married , there, ahd continued, vit'i but indiBVr- ent prospects of rising to greatness un' ler his lavonte system, tor many years; 4 . including, t believe, the whole period ! of fb late war;) when, finding himself -disappointed, he found means to attach .' himself to the American consul, ana to obtain some .employment from hint , for a short time. . After this he return' ed to America, and hung about the Ex.' ecutive Departments until , he obtained . ' a ClerkSI,up. j fu "' ' i l is not this, Messrs. Editors, a fit'man to employ., for dextrous management" ; He has doubtless seen a trick or two in: England, and js not deficient in rxpe-' U.b which are imported in il could not be paid without grbt loss. Sidni tj. ii&hJf Distresses weremade- Sales of pro- ?ra fiiji ana.w"0lfl y tGe difficulties, first rk V& tJlV Tk. aldly proe! thaV the' pol regard to Edwards; such a clamorous in order to make this bank w V'V" wy-M' V "Pf V KditoL tarn thVii. fW th :nitlf..l shout of applause wiUi .regard to Crawi ihstrumfent dTgood? No man calculations on the efect.of the tariff, to ford; that common sense revolts at the been.mheVTreasur had no the huire monster of financiar fol !v: f ,s. scene. rv-'?S-: has d scovered less kill." The specie to produce in oroer 10 purcnase, ... K Weak ndeed .must hAth- ra,.BA if tA Kiii j I became the Dossessor ot what nerliausl ... . , '. .. M n....K-.i :r : u l-: t....i ver thia may. be, (for I have no -design uneu.uie uinicuiues. nrsi occurea tv """.":""'- -r i hnlillv'nrnnmino rhf . l to , enter UDon tne vindication or Mr. relative to the currency of the country, leadini aW of Edward.: or' to topport. hiw; if nnyoC l" embarrassment, .lepreciationrof fy w credityetihere is someUi.ngso jutaicu a auonai joaait. .' ine avow-i """&".""-"- r nmnort, nn.i ;nH;v;.i..i ' .k;K i outrao-eous in tne connucr ot the nnr. i -I L! ' . .r .. . . . - .... lo nf ' onnthor man iln hA I r"l""V. ..,iu .iuii,iui,; wmivii 1 o-. - . . r r wit. xitiin-r 11 1 Till a ranr ik n a m tt a d n r . I t.uij va , uuvvmvi m uiuui niiw iiuu ii i n l ne . i 1 tmHna n mam ' mm m.ni - ti u. uitunuoiu in g ,iu- t o , , . . j ... j:... - f" 1 carry meir oaneiui enects t irou,h eve-1 "oa"8 "" vmnwin vu uiu anl of currency But what fii caicu lation; aid ai t.f urawiot;d and pis j r"f.v. " r , " " , . rfc DU " cou ii:iendst3ke C 'sach aii $t;.who has .went . hunt vbe . v -..w, , , . . ... ; . uiuaiK.j licl uiem marK ine nrnorpss 01 tt was to be the medium of Government he nau soia nis awior, a lew years De- ..o.o.. , . r. . U-if tliia. should form aurh a theiVie f 1. . " 1 r ft .1 i.i . 1 L.iiu.h ainiii . tt uiu. iiaa luiu . iuu.cu 1 ' - ... ... v. Mcm..t. i-ni. ,. .inn. r :j. 1 itnre tor rnreA times, ine sum: ana:nai .. . ; . .. d t . . . . ... ... . .tj.in.o miu ,4vc'pi; i " oc'i 11 t. --- - ---- . -- upon theartincial aistressesot the peo- reJulcinS" rur 11 18 apparenj.ro com- v iran itaoneratinna: irafint rnniMpr.tinn without any prudence or forethought Jr"7 .:! " ."' . ..7. min htrvt;An ' riw. nror.. as, how shall we fulfil the obligations on his part; but merer by this, tohiin.ir ' f .;. :... had Vreatlv the advantae-e over.F.d. dTapon.nsrhiclfW i anu pay specie whenever -called for: for menw ..hsswku w wp-iw?uu n.q.- K anrtl-,i ,;rK 4hS fence. A the vo uminous correanbtf. Constitution has made snfecie.'-tlle tttttionai .actt, junaer; tne lUii.coBvic- , ,.t .iffij :,0 iR dence in the Treasury was at his rohi. nlyiegaltenderW little here, yocates ot the bank -well know how to uieir uppresscu wM,;ifus riwi to jsA..tr. hf tU Trsr .. and a little there, givinar the most fa Y"4 Bccm, oui nine oi, me means oi y?i r--v -x- - ---- - ----o-r n, Dartl2i.n8 only desirous of irivine witnesses were mosuy cimer. inter- iwa liitg-toctn'?-; TiiQ verv reason offer, (as wey reaiiy were, nna again openea . m,. ,K.'.j.: A- ested. iir situated, as to lean toward the in uu, at lengtn.l .p -. ... ,', ' . . ... a nollcv of Mr. Crawford. k "Not . . . n 1 . ' 7 i . - a . i i t . j i c d uiuiuviib . auu ciciaLcu Biaicsuicu" ii v tne provincial' banks failed to nay sdo U Ele' l"ch he their nrttej depreciate. lines, who hav shewn, that, where theHul partisans ot Mr. C. tfillmg them: ; Trie,very reason offer ( they " ;-ed fur establishing the bank, was that the flood-: ' ; the nrovinciah hhnka-failpH A ana', we. arrive! ; cieV which made -their nrtt.a Henrriafe. tary'B.magic level'l - It is now presen .n'j n. . . "-i i . j--;-' .1 . . . 1 e .1. I -.1 'ie eat bankjcould Hot do any b i..tllian other bankjs witli jio, other m ; litre the bank fell upon a inostrui bo with better means. w u .c ' i l pes, woo nave enewn, psii wnere m v. - , zem..;.A..bo6t of ruined citizens! ' A 1 .. .r .. T'horA id'.nnti.rr. an.-tmnA.nt : litre tl,p h:r-Tt7:Vr"r: base masl of depreciated paper motiey! TCW "X . 4'J. "" i 7: ,.t ,; ".iiijij)unijiuai mimq - o . A.. tv 'j.t; t) Kiie nation nave reuuu-ea. tney were ca i v,,vuu,Biauvc l',,'vo!i;, milieu, omiusf. ; T,-r Wd pabte of tracing ah puringlthe course the clamor produced by thisittair. ought iae.by liovernmeut. ollt" y w(p-.-Y r.v which'-event ipointea' to, with equal V ?e brought betore the public, it is avt Pr, ;,h ha public sale,; for want of competition! .I.. ,-?" -i.Z-.j'!.. vr1? hh- h.t Mr." ri,fnt ?n n hinn,. - .w 1 . . , .. -. . . - .. . iirtiiiiniiLuue auu inueueiiueuci:. ' : i 1 - ..... in vain nas sir. i; raw torn mane trea. i uiuuivmwub, ii hu uu huc w fc of" accommodation at the nuhlir er;mit himself by any garbled statements n -.-. .vj.a 11 11 - , irnita: - i j -( '.." v- .,,.) -. i j . - . i..u:.u - u -. . k.j.M ....i. u ; . .... aw uirowiug.au.;' ujb cur , - - . ? v pense with certain bants, which his own nwv.-,iiv- .veen. mucin ma ia , i ttney of the country into ereater con-1 All this onsinates. not from the want L-v.- f a.-,! nni;.. wV.ot r,n,u. . Ivor. .' He has the excifte of beih? an in .. . - J. ( 1 - tJ - . . CTV. 1 1 1. L. u. U9LUI IllIll. T .l.U0b . V. 1. U t . 1 1 C3 inuim :i . ; u r ..i i r - .... ji.i .i a ..t i . . . ..i . .. a. r :.i... .i --.u man xv was ueiore, particularly 1 01 .resuurwi . auiuutr mc pcuuio lbortive;'' turnishin onlV a lure to coft-l vauu nuu lHC touctuwu wi cviucuwanu , . " " -i r" -w. j i v - - n . I ,a tlie AV estern States, from whence the from the inability of meeting payments gje we ruin awaited the fulfilment. by a regular, course- ot trade and ex-r s w siitTTCn POl.ir.Vi' ICo'ernment had ' to receive more mo" v.,e'y than : they had to expend. But, this j change but the simple consideration filas not ' sufficient."" .The same cause that the only thing which the Constitii ?luch had euiL a i assed i the' smaller 1 tioif allows to be paid is not within our s .vuKs, embarrassed the great bank. It reach,, and has. a tendency, to rdepart C'i . t."t aoioad, and bought at a great Ba ;' i :pwe'many roillidns of specie.' f It ar '. 'i Tlv-c'J--7 It soon again, by tlie coihmon . , operations of the bank, departed ; -The -it ws..uiiged to scop issuing - .... n ... i v. ii - .ii v 1 u :'euUepu$;tci the Cotes of other .banks, rciu.il, . auu ' iia a. vcuucui-j . iv ucpui i from our shores' by the current of our W ' ''vrj-i.-'t; TT -'f'V .,,v - ron the 9TiK.,m CRAVFOlirjf !aN0 ..EDWARDS. Mc?8rs:l2dit6ri, documents is left to. a kind bf official attorneys, who are never looked upon as responsible tor making the best of thei client's cause. It has been admitted that Mr.; Asbury Dickins, a clerk in the Treasury., made up tlie report ,'6f the The Crawford pa- Secretary last .March. It is generally trade. If a 6mall increase of specie re! pers, while claiming for themselves' the known, that Mr. Crawford has had but i ... ii , ! a vivesy,. lor, a raomeut, .tne creuic ana i merit oi superior iiecency ann mouera- course of tranic among ourselves, H is tion, have descended' to the most un- then checked aain by the sudden de-lcandid and abutiive. representation of parture olthat f-necie. - In ten years, J cha ttr," where it could have a'tchden- abtut Cffv .million tf specie have de-'cy to weaken tbj force of opposition t little personal superintendance of his 0f lice lor twelve months past; and; there fore, the whole rests on a subaltern t'encvi , .Lrt any man, acquainted witl I'crsona! cc 'rovcrsy,anil composition iti :'S- ;The citizens 'of Rockingham', Rich : mond county agreeably to a previous regulation,' assembled on the Sd inst. at ' half past 11 A. M. at the Court House; ' ; square, when the procession was' form-" ea, under the command of Col. JasV 'A.' lart, Marshal of the day, as follows: v .:. t y ur - revolutionary vt citnebs, : on ' white horses. w . , 2,..-Capt Charles Robersbn U militias - 3, llie gentlemen ot our village-" 4, ' 4. Tlie Tutoress and Ladies .of thd" ' Richmond Euphradean Academy . i , o. I. he male department of do. , , .6, Tlie Reverend Martin D. Craw- - forcT, and Orator of the day. vv ': .7 They marched, on-to- the Methodist. - Church, where' the. Celebration of the I; day was opened by an appropriate and ratnotie j rrayer trom the Kev; Jlar t'iv i:v i tm,DXrawford.,.:;..fr v- ..;'-,! ;:"mX::&: The declaration of Independence war v Wvv -; read by JasvP. Leak, and an elegant , V ' urauon was acuvereu ; py ArcniDaitt ' - : -; : M'Nair. 'After the close, the rocea- ' , sion was again formed, and returned itf .f Military order to a dinner prepared by ' . v "r ; Mr. E. Lov,' when Walter Scott Esq; was appointed .rresident, and Isaac V Watkins Vice President. The follow ,kgS ing Toasts, prepared by the committee ? ' 5? werelJrunK:- . . t ,.... "l.The day we celebrate: Consecrated by tlie blood of the Heroes of 76: may each sue " ccssive return find the ona worthy of their' . ires. ' ; ' v-'.' .v- ; 2. Agriculture Commerce and manufae.s 1 turea: Vhen one is neglected, tlie others re. onerous distinction. " n. - i r: 3. The University of North Carolhia and , .' all ''other seminariea of learning: may - they meei wun uuerai patronage . . , sj' : .v ' 4; The republics of South Americat We S have evinced a warm interest in their causey and they, lite oureelvea, have altown to tba " world tliat a nation has but to will it to.be V free. . ' .,. ' ;;;vyi;: 5, The Creeks: Success fcfown theif armi , and may heaven give fruition to their warmest hopes. - ' ;' ,,- J'Jf. , 6 The Navy, army, and m'litiaof the TT.'' State A republic's blessing, Tyrant's dread., . 7. The Kiebmond Agricultural Societyr Majf it give a new impulse to the f armers of of 1 k 1. 1 - . ; 'If l' .1. i H it

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