a .it; 0 , r-V" v ' ".tl t&S - raACS i . r ( i tare r '.ia'Ati; , t J v '. , . .1 coti';)ai'w 4fn am or the liberties kit p-nsate 'kJtr- f r nfr fj t. e I IlH - r , . couou.' . ci it c cJ o .-er, . Li Ut her hubaod, the protector of her children, t cV ftnce rf hi country? - And, are they rot -i!ljr paid by goversaeut oo . j-itUucej t relieve, tn a sucasar, ' e wutreiirt of their sitaatioo? Bat 'it, 'according to tbc'argtiaieota of - - " frni fa thm ita rratitad. 'SU.CO thV VT - Lire already been paid? v - ' -' I'uor, t patriotism that, which Was it patrietisia spon a par with this. - t'.at prun"-" yae spartan Dana sospui " it " - t'ia ut t' V f Wood in their rein jo ' r.. ' :.,'a liberties af their beloved . ' -j ..,... Nnt m v riwRtmnrn. atirh'fe. , ' 'sentiment would u an insult to one of .;l ; T the greatest deeds cf chivalry recorded, . , LA (lyivt .m. i. ' fr ha tio parallel In hirtory;' except the i'i , battle of New Orleans; and there. Jack L " 'cana 'fought, as the Spartana id, for f tw -i, . . .a am . -i I . ' - libertr or ueiui. inej ware wuiing to . v, aacrinca yemiele not as - a norm Carol 'mvxn would, wboae aordid, cold calculating priociplea are a erroneoai at hit concluoiona are abeard and ridi- ' culoa for dollars and cents, but for the good and glory of their country. , . ' - Doe not owe a debt of gratitude to 1 that gallant hero," Gen. Marion, and ' ! U compatriuts in arms, who traversed ' ' wild and iwamDS of 8. Carolina, iin tne lieroiunoDBrj. ar, ueieai- ' .i ' T J f A ' , the English and Tories whenever i utj came across them; tad who often ' ' had nothing to eat hat a few dry po- i tatoes.; This face, even 'as poor as it ' ' was, was much better .than sometimes . m. . a-ii h a i a nt p vamwa ww nn nnaa "' ' . AC IS us L11V 1UV W rMvssanu ,i asv wvs ' tot remember the sufferings of himself f 't and armr whiut marching tprougn tne 7 J Indian wountry, ouen, ior wnom aays f , , toretner. witnout a moutciui oi prori- ' - " sions, fighting tb'protect and save our ' 1 'innoceat ! women . and children from v ; ,t.t. crueltv? YeL. for all this toil. ' 7 4 , suffering and privatum, he, is not, ac v i - cordinff to A North Carolinian," en -' titled to our gratitude, i Jackson, it is ' '":-' trit, received nis pay,' Jiks every other v uenerai; out i is weu Known inai ineir. N.'' pay is scarcely sufficient, to Cover the k"v:1 vast expense attendant upon their ap- "w , . anointments. y V vvK vy, , . v's - Do we not also owe debts of eternal '. frratitude to Comihedores PetrT. M' ' iVtnnniiirVi Hull Rainhrutoft. amf man i ' ' v other distinguished naval officers, for ; having met and vanquished the; British V ; lyion oa the Lakes and the Ocean? and, V yet were, they not paid by their Coun. i) '. ivvrYt as lar uuiiani wiv yvuut cuuiu fV enter inui xne caicuiauuur i nave noi , Jackson and they; plucked from the conqoeroVs of Europe never, dying Jau rd of yictoryfv Have they iiojt exalted .the American, name to the highest pin 'nacle of greatness and glory? . And for - all this are we not to thank and honor thcmf f.If wedonoti welIA may wer be i, charged.. with ingratitude. - Whence but trom causes like, these,' has the mnxlm ariseh, in Europe,' that JRtpub ,'ici are (dfwoyt imgratehtlin ' It seems to be the lladical plan to ' ! elect VVm. H. Crawford President, who : -1 vhas none notning to enuue mm to the appointment never having been distin i guunea in any. one uiing except ius ui , i'! Tents far intrigue? rand to keep jGen. "" ' t Jackson for the army.'.' 0. yes! this is i ! .! t; j Very kind; but where is the army?, : Has it any thing to do? Has not Jackson -: , already served in it most laiuuuuy and , ' ; cftcctually until, the .silvery chaplets ' V of age have 'blossomed thick; upon his v; brow? ;: llas.be not subdued our ene ' -';mies, and crowned himself with -ever- ,' green ' and parenniat honors? ' Such, , K surely is the lacu. and a large portion ' s " of his grateful I cpantrymen, m . consi- ' deratioa ot his eminent services in the I hour that tried men's souls -when the thunder of tho British cannon in the eat, and the scalping kaife and toma hawk of the Savage in the west, appal led the stoutest hearts, added to his con ' summate abilities as a statesman, 'have j presented him aa tlio people"s candi- . aaie ior xne .s resiaeucy; inu . ii any -; ralculation is to bo made from indica- f Hons in almost every quarter of the rtountry.great hopes art entertained of his elecbon, vVes , fellow "citizens, ,' Andrew Jackson', is ; the man.. .He tin 4- "- l , "well qualified to preside; over us :' he - : ; " has been; tried ia various situations, and -c , has ever been found equal to, the task, " J. , having always acquitted himself with tnauDguuaed honor, lie is a bald and in trf nid character. '; like Washington ha has conauered the enemiea e.T hi cpuntry;Jand,' like him, will administer the high" destinies of this government, 's if elected, with equal energy and effect. ' ' But, says the sapient, "North Cajro- linian,; why -not keep Jackson for : the armv? Vnt appoiot him bur Pre- ulenC wheo we may again have war?" "Why, indeed!! f As 'much ".'at to say that a Presideiit has no need of military knowledge. ' How preposterous, and absjjjrd!! iln any.viewi he ought' to nn- erstand military auence faily af well. it f-t U:ArsA.!atcKaJttlrt:iMStr.'.-.:;sia . -t tt a. ad kv iIw.U tttctbe wiA i r Tff '.wn li-' f u La stall Hi U t ,s i t.T' r.t of Tie. k.Jc-t,' it is to i liScti rLoas ref-UUKu, ILt Listory siIU U-J nfar ka u triUl. ko tad r.i .tKiUiHl. (a aMrk a. air drreavltULrea dars from t.c , . -oaciuon ,Lna traArMuiaadff tvilliaat Bailitarvl ti'.enta, wtach, oetagcsiie M oa-i fend tM eagle standard of bts coaaur. ke, at all times, gave eoch signal proofa. : Let as, dMRlora, . call aim u u chair of sUte.' Let as alt ait and rapperthiai i oppoattioot the caacai candWlAtM and. I hava D doubC we shall have as wise as pndent, and as eaerretie ao admiaistrarioa, as we have had aiace the days or wasungioa. O ONE OF.TIIE PEOPLE. FOKKION. ' .,-'. FROM ENGLAND. Bv the arrival at thia Dort. on 8a tar day last, of the packet ship Alexander, trom Liverpool, wneoco sne aaueo on the 8th of Jane, we Juve received . bar ties or Uverpoo papers to mat data, and Indon to the oa 01 jane. inci. siva. aney wiom iiiu.tPwiiucai intelligence of any importance. ' Great BritainQrden hsve been re tently issued from the Recruiting De- pertinent, in Westninater, to the differ- ent parties throughout Great Brittain ana.ireianu, xoauconanae me larmer enlistment of men for the new letieit, these corps havingcompleted tlteir re spective establishments. The new re giments, It is understood, will procee 1 in tne fprmz oi me ensuine J ear, to .1 - a - r foreign stations'.,. Ilie Courier or the 4th or June saye. We haveauthortv to state, that no loan has ret been contracted for the service of the Brazilian government, the commissioners appointed for that pur pose declining all offers, until then shall have been a further development of political - circumstances connected with the state of their coudtrv." The Lord Chancellor is su pposed to be one' of the most adverse, in the cabinet. to the recognition of the South American siaies. un ui, ne reiusea an mjunc - tion. ou the part or the Colombian go vernment, to perform a contract made with it, saying he could not listen to a motion of this nature, as it. wpuld be a recognition of the government of Co lombia." ' . ' ' ' . - Thrx hnmnf iltinn mnni thn Ktm- boata. CUde and Belfast. iut now. is such that thevoyage mat be ma.de fori oniy 'jive pence a ne - - i tnat crowds pass over irom'tne sister : On the 5 th or June, a public meetinsl was held in Liverpool, " for the purpose of petitioning his Magesty's Minister to advise.tha Kane in Council, to recoe - nize such;of the governments, of the North and South AmeFica. as have ea- ISa Untniflh mnl Unmnnm a a a anlAHiao a m I tsblished their independence." This question continues most anxiously to occupy public attention, ahd the Coun- aaa V99 wm a n vttrii wt a n a session of Parliament; a communication Will HJO maae on wis quesiion xo mei House of Commons, by Mr. Canning., 1iw"Tue,iLTcu r rf ha. nftered an v conceaalon to England . provided a new Consul was appointed; as tne present one nau uiaue nimseuitse tne . vote oi tne company on tne personally obnoxious to the governmeut. Presidential question; when there were ved in London, on the morning of June 5, bringing the Etoile of the preceding dav," from which it appears that the French' Ministers have been unexpect edly beaten $n"the' Chamber of Peers, I . .. M . '..J 1. Where the nnanciai taw was rejecieu Dy a'-, majority considerably 'larger than cbuldhave been anticipated. The num ber is variously stated, some accounts makins it 35, others 34, and others again only 15. "' We are inclined to consider the last, says the uouner, as nearest the trutiw The Joss ot the measure, BB!T 7T::U S above two yer cent. At the time the vvaa txn uuiucuwis mil iu uid iwuiva ui express leit,. they were down as low as 10c ihey baa begun at I04t. cf;Tariousrepwere,or it was said that a chads of Ministers would be the first .consequence of this! defeat. We believe, however, that the best informed parties do not apprehend thle result. "V -. - . V fii)oin.rhe amrfesty of tins Ferdi- nana, wun its copious scneauie 01 excep tions, has been made public, and is.'in truth, a proscription of the most sansui nart and rigorous character, embracing, that 0 Jackson ia abt wipur witfen it, range, if not the whole Sfefe: nil pcou Cf wpwi " the mtefliffent part of the nation. - Thon sands whdhave hitherto supposed them selves exempt irom tne necessity oi asa mg for the King's forgiveness, find, wvthl to ; guchtontemptible f arfifeswho HrZ"rX they are included in' the proscribing ex ceptiohs, : rroin. Maand , alone, the surliest capital in Europe, 7,000 - fami - 1st January; Vl' iuI, k lie Ijsiat 1 ' Boeros a C.eyara. f j sery baac tf omr, t ae-Jtiifi Ukerp imas viho art t.fv kai Ct r. Tho ;4cur of ..s '.iiia lkT SQBSt CtK t-Hr cf tSe amaeatv. oa pais f urfciting tlia provi- won BLiut m uc A comcutte. (armed frxx ex-saemlrfrs af the ioqai (ioa, U sitting day sad siicht ta make oat a catalogue of prehibited books; aod as order has beea itaaed fr all persons who were formerly empwyed ndef tne Freoch administrstioo, and wh are bow withoot occspatioo, to quit Spain witboatdelav. ,'.' : 'rmira1 The intelligence from Litboo is little more than a recapitela- tionof our former accoonis. , Toe cri sis, however, is over, aod the King has resumed the full exercie ot his authori ty, lie leaded on the l5thulL amkl the acclamations of his subjects, . and rreat reiwcinir took place ia conse- quence. lion Miguel naa uien msae parturein the Porola, a Portuguese fri rate, on the 14th. for Brest. The Pe ro a was accompaniea dt me bniiso -ia . I W l"L to ijvel v. Captain EUiot, and the Fr;Bcb His High- nes wUl travel under the title or the Duke of Beja and he j, attended by hu Camberlain. the Conde de Rio Major. Nothing is said respecting the Queen in the Gazette, but private letters mention that ihe had hitherto evaded, under the pretext of illness, compliance with the orders for her retireineut to the Cou'rent of Etrella, The' King, on his birth day, distributed various honors and re wards to , those individuals who had supported him during the late events. AU the Foreign Ambassadors have re ceived marks of royal favor, but. espe cially the Engliah Minister, Sir Ed ward Thornton, who, besides havinz a Portuguese title, gets, also, a domain of the Crowd 1 for three lives. - Captain Dashwood, the Commander ' of the Windsor Castle, is made Grand Cross of the Tower and Sword, with the insig- na in diamonds. Other Lngusli officers are also distinguished by his Majesty, and five hundred dollars were ordered to be distributed among the crews of the i Windsor Uastie and J-aveiy. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 30, 1824. On Saturday last, Mr. Benjamin Per son and Mr. John Hall, jr. orWarren; rmin i T "c journ in the early part o next week, A r 1 Sluiss l)e i hb tiaics. i north-caroliha. learn bJ ,etter frem 8ent,e man in Richmond county, that the vote on the Presidential question .was taken at Steele's Mills, in the upper end of - - sult was, forackson, 67; Adams, 37; vrawiuru, uur, viaj, nunc. A eentleman'of Franklin county, in a letter to a friend in this city, states, " mr " aid county, S few days ago, the Captain was requested to 65 or 70 for Jackson, and one for Craw ford." IN DELAWARB. The book, which had been opened at Wilmington for the reception of votes for President, was closed a few days ago; when it appeared that there were 335 for Jackson; 169 for Adams; 19 for Clay; and 9 for Crawford. . : . , ' IM ohio ; , At a tneeting)f the citizens of Stark, Columbia,; Harrison, and Jefferson i . . . . , . . . ... counties, unio, neid at cenireviue, on line - iin uiamo, a resolution was adopted to support General Jackson and Johs C. Calhovn "M" Vice President. A meeting -1, the citizens of Jack son county,' Ohio, have unanimously nominated General Jackson for the next President. " Rumour are afloat, and gUtemeaU hare appeared from various quarters, intimating rcugiunr uia pre- I ebair, ia favor of . . . 1 .L .1. - : l 1 ... I Vice-Preaident under him. JHoZ. JtegUUff - r ; ; - 7. - ueaperate, indeed, must be the cause - iui uww wuw uuu u ucvebaaxy 10 reson Hve totake idlo .tnmor for authority. - wh5 acknowledge by most 1 01 his opponents to have as great, it not 1 greater nrosDects of success than Janv Y tMV;V,ur:iiWM' rr,uw'6uuli5 ty, obtained licenso to practice ; oumsry corps; in me correctness ffom eentleman of hieh''restectiibi!;tr in the County Courtsf this state, of which we ; had the greatest confi much observation, who visited the , Supreme Court is expected to ad- dence being well satisfied of the re- Lll Of-Co t a rviL r.t it's f ' '"i: .-; a-va ca i.m.u . - , ! L.i t'-'.k ?- tU V.t'-r, U tL.'.t, wbtiy ef f,-u- tloo. F-t, accru5 to th prTert, - drovalcg mta i'.l ctiJi at straaa. No, gt&'Jmeq, fitter jourseNts not with ahopetdtluifC. Audrtw Jaci- aoakaibeca placed bcKre the f..z as a candidate for tle PrwdeDcy by the rvOTto oottbv a .cicccs. He does avot seek, the office ceither will he refuse it, if his fellow-cititens should dunk proper to confer it upon Em J cor will he ver , witnaraw nia mbh, iru tlie nominatioa, until the people them selves shall have decided that they pre fer another.' : '?'- V - As to Mr. Calhoun or Mr. Adams c- vvr having been concerned in te esta pusciogoi newapapera, wprvuiwc uiqiF own elections, we.believe the awertion , . 1 A ' . to be on a par with many others lately J made oy um Kegisier, ana as mue en- titA tn notice. ThA hih atandinr 1 O Ol and well known character of those gen tlemen are sufficient shieldsto protect their reputation against the charges or insinuations of those who are reduced to the necessity ot dealing in " floating ru' mors. The last Milton Gazette contains ao article signed by the Grand Jurors of I Caswell, which, commences wun the J fol lowing words:. , I The Grand Jury of Caswell County Court J their epurioo on the Preridential election, hecaute theyhaTa resaon to behere, that a leoent.pubficauon lathe 'Rakirh Star is a minctoKaentatioa of the opinion of their feV lawTtiseaa ea thk imBortant aubleeL Now, with aU due deferenca to the .. i . veracit' that no. or mitreoretentvng citixens of Caswell conntv on the sub; j'ect of the Presidency, has ever appear ed-in our columns; unless, indeed the members of the Caswell Grenadier! are to be considered as comprisina: or representing the people of that county. The only article we have yet publish- ed. relative to the prospects of the Pre- sidentialr candidates in Caswell, was a .. .1 letter communicating tne result oi tire .....'. A .i ' . .i te recently taken id the above men- epcctabilitjr of the author. We have further evidence, however, that there was no misrepresentation made in this affair; A gentleman, who was present r or the Grand Jury, we assert, j f""1.0 u ww omm uvoar ' publication either. rejwngGV0'1' )wtion'ItU(W:;, the sentiments of the I FY uinvrm ue emiorsi- wnp pay : when the question was taken, has sincelget the votes of New England for Pre corroborated the statement of our corH4ide?t may believe me; whear respondent; .and a writer in the Milton uazerxe, although he attempts to make it appear that the company voted con trary to their real sentiments, does not pretend to deny that the . result of the ' , . vote was as stated nay, he distinctly auraiis xnoiacu, ,; , :V . To guard against the occurrence f of errors or imnositi6ns in nublications of this. nature, we have, in every instance made it a noint not to tnsprt n fhirtn- unless accompanied by the," proper eig- r- j w natureofthe writer; it 'being more our desire to give oar readers a fahr view of the strength of the several candidates, than to magnify the prospects of a fa vorite. After giving result of theyotes on the Presidential question, recently taken at several meetings in this state, as published in this paper, the Macon (Georgia) Messenger, a Crawford paper. observes, " Were we to take the above as the gene ral sentiment of the Ute of N. Carolina. we could have ho doubt but it will be ia favor of ben. Jacmoiwv we copy it from a paper waitnly attached to the cause of the General; but, after making all necessary allowances, we senger that we publish, impartially, the proceedings of all meetings in this state relative to the Presidency whether fa vorable or unfavorable to Gen. Jack son1 ion's election. Conseqientlyi he can iave noasan to, doi that r large .tru .W-kS-v have majority of the citizens of North-Card Una are in favor of the " Hero, of Or leansT-oif make alt necessary al lowances, ia regard, to our statements. It is amusing to observe the shifts to which the. Caucus journals' are driven. For the purpose of exhibiting Mr; Craw .onr. grfdi popular and impressing th'iv .1.1:. .T AS. Ji 1 VT.A7S'A . T inma m wiu receive tne vote or the sUte by 1L welU The Grampus , saUed trom ?mM,AT&r u;- . Hampte-nRoadi on the 28th February I We can aesnre th ftditnr nf ftin Mm. lasf ainen ; ' . x,w---wm w a A0 wwwj) " w ; -41 illi aMW - . - jcast, i,;ut 1" ' tilt ii t'.e I". , tie t. fTfa a: tfc .n .1 U ' a trt f. ., ti txrv ta Mr i 1 cith, C.:.oun, iJ tl.s other rf t!.e prceat adablitratioa , cor-try.V-''. la a Tulare number, ' ' ; , . perir.it, oe purpose -;. . a the other skle, aj a t pu!!isled by the support cus CanJidate. '' ' fc The Grand Jury cfc; their Jono term, after hav ol the ordinary basiueta lvi iiooa. mim censHierauon tie suhj?ct af J cA0ccsi0i and. after cxprei!i . - ' t ' .. .. length, their disapprbbatioa of the mM ' sure, concluded fty declaritigrthat the k rnni'iAr K lw r.r,,.. , . " ...... w W.UVIUIl lljj ion uitio nara Deen . iaetTw wrong ii principle, and dangeroo, ' practice. ' ' ? ft: v: Reactiohin PenhsvlvaniaJtht iTa-V t.-v Walter Forward, one of the few Mm.. bers of Congress from PennsflTinia' who attended the Caucus at Was!ii ton, has published Vcircular,' address ,V to his constituents, in whichhe.endeiT- ors to justify himself for having' attend- ed the CattCUS, t - J pledges himself, that Suuld finally devolve on the House of Representatives; he will a . r i ,.r ' vote K 0en Jck80n '' , ?fv . v ; 'H ;'. ,t-' 4- luc.- V inquirer," published WStf' Ti..r. .1.:. . - taxes, and fightor the country, who ' support him .Jackson; the regulars of y."uS ?u rttW Plaed as a guard .for lUe: beauty and ; booty of Ne w-Orleans; and some of the' -' WgalaraoT Ring Caoeus; . scoff atthose" wr; poiiucians wno now aare to piaco themselves' undeibanners M the en5ar w gard oux consututioa ; a ' ' . ' . 1 ..... . i " land norTwtnn to uir IiKortia i : rrr. v--f The following'extract bf a letter is ihusetts, and part of New-Harops'.irs not long since, to hi9 friend in tiiis city: , Perhaps you would not'crtidU me,?1- were I to say, that Gen. Jackson would ' say he is their second choke l and that l:..j.jj'' .r. :. ..-. ; aa wuauou JumDtilI. y JHWWUg.i . know I am not a Jackson man, I have' Kt-doubthew to'ournextP'.; sident.,,1 - -p:.rXi 'k'i- JV. ,T Fee(6tnThe schooner Harri t. Stanton, of Stonington; six days froia. riynmtiM Mrlh VarohMt laden wua $ ttft I ..Tt ... -. . ... watcn aiscoverea tne vessel to De on are l in the forecastle; ?All hands were im- I mediately .caileU,, and .every exeruoa .. was made to extiiffuish the flames, but 4 in vainAThey -had penetrated into ths hold, and it was , soott nd, necessary to abandon the schooner. . .. The captaia( and crew accordingly took to the boat. C having barely time to save part of their '' SE ton. , . :. v r.s -Ih; :1 & I he nre is supposed tohavo onoa-; . ted from a nettro seaman onboard harfj; ine, during his watch, fallen asleep asd j left a lamp burninz below, whence tM;, fire tookw NYJtmtrteati., The TJ. S. schooner Gsahtcs, J. Sloat, Esqt. Commander, arnwd the Quarantine cround. New Vo ,r. , on Priday evenine,' officers and ere on the coast ' of Africa; tbrou W-j West Indies; and Gulf of Mexico, f has shown the American flag at unr ; teen foreien ports. During the cruu . . she has been at s anchor in port onty . 288 hours; and injapen roads 29Shour. $ times, Mmpmm ! 2tgA ;iriicr-Capt. Uechi of 'e steam boat Eafflel' arrived last night, ia .t r 8l t rvnrfa the wa ?Ld: ters trom 1 ly :on the r-.; r- y 2her fia. .i ww-- nia inenas compose a large ana respew- . , able portion of the population, "aq warm j i the uooer country wue.1" riswaaatated.-Wf'; .t.ul. n . . a. I . . I r. 1 . l tlf M rm.. . . "

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