cAijsidii;' (ir. c.)-"ciiurt august 1 - Vol .-; .. . '.' . - '" ... .TUB STAT. JnlA'brth'CwIita C xciUS f i i A ix) PM"- Jiwuiu 4. i at ZZmtK kssilst hrr time kt OM SoUar, AJJMtrmoVlM ti ..sMal bcOl Now. Gentlemen, this silly Korth- Caroliniao" would take it for 'granted Out the people of North-Carolina reaJj iook upon ei. u. Urawtord as a se cond Solomon, and fit for the governor Ibiaed alt the ideas fti act of rebel of associated millions, without ' any I lion, add an orrwiied movement, as otner snowing vian ma y euu, soul wen as spies as teetptraiert. COMMUNICATIONS. rrk- aJWrrfns article. InUeded fcr tat peel's paper, w omitted foe want of room: lluwEMor,k I predicted in vlat,the ? North Carolioian" is fur- sashing more of his idle perversions, in trder to bolster yp the Caucus Candi t iiot hr makine fair tomparisoni between that Candidate and bis oppo nent. On reading tho last commouica mn jiffhii writer iri the Reeiter, I had deemed it unworthy of nofice; but, from an idea tliat this North Carolinian" must b"s Viriiua Oracle of the Cau 1 cut iu this State, ait that the ainking hopes of the tarty tiiainljr rest upon hit powerftd pen! ( ani, ' therefore led to gire him another touch, t . , ' I uass Mifehily oter the simile about fte oersecr and the ditcher. It might h difficult to icue?- how the writer t would apply it, unless he! means to gay that Crawtord has Deen a rrestaem oe fnre. & therefore understands the trade, If ha has. it must have; been President the' Aorisla raeetioz.' that pledsted themselyes to support John Adams's ad ministration; or President "r the 'Radi-, alClub, composed of Raodolph, Smiths, f,o. wh Hroke ott Jrom tlw Uepuoit. Kail party i-i the d.iys of .necessity in last war; an J, likeanothetf Hartford vConyention; attempted, paraliie the arm 'of the povernmerjt; ."when' many honMt Federalists nut their u shoulders t6the wheel, mijlit and main.; , I shouh: f titimnse. from everr circumstanre in CwwJbrd's life, he is t' - very ditcher, 'whom the faction would, make overseer; ft Waiim his 'underroinitte- qualitieai are .''tile i4tWnsnirnouin -his history' v Tlie North Carolinian? is indeed at " fc mtserabteaalt, when' obliged to '" fturJer itwo plain narratives in the liis i tory of J ckion, "to ? detract." from ! the viWirh stand'ma in whicH those ; very cir- ) tumstance place him. The , ftiodeaty -of Jackson, in stating bis .conjecture that an older man might bp of more sef l vice in tio Senate than himself, isgiven M 4root that m vhimsvu was . unnt This reluctance to accent, ;and hisindis " . wmtioh :: to7 cohtioue in.. thevo"fuce of A :i Supreme Judgepf Tennessee; froin " an " apprehension that he might not ain i pie justice to all, Hot haying for borne time attended to tbemihutik of law bu; 4inMS. and imfemnir. at the same time V other dvecatibns; while they teflect the A highest credit upon his .honor, and qe ' tract nothing; fronj his talents, are a re-; !jection of the -severest kind jjxn the jKm8ihityoC he Caucus ;..Candidate, ; who, in the most indelicate manner, re "tainia high Executive pepartment, ua- der the chief : direction U a subaltern ? Clerk! h ' fe-Jf theliiliculdua itifeVencesVhich the j North CaioUnuh.'drbwa from the a ; hovecircumsjbinces can be k aH admissv in. We, what can we tathef from the cotem? torary history pf M ri Crawford? While lion T Vcrtn oidfl IJ ATin'hl i r a n 1 n a t or It was under these circumstances that Ge neral Jackson wrote his frirafc bnprusiotu in jf privmit tetter. The verr stvle and luraaf of this letter. as Mr. I lay remarks, show that it was not e studied document. It carries with' it the evidence that vb reference that of his confederates. ' lit, therefore. impudently derogates from the fair pre. lennanns i u en en i jacasso, ss wowgQ he had bees found insufficient to meet the perfection claimed for. the chief of the Caucus party. The citheai of, North -Carolina wilt want: to knew the nature and exteut'of those pre-eminent I was made tethe Dretise vordinrof the aualities which b ennobled end adore law, as would have been'oeceseary had tiie faetiojaV aofidare.; .BUev'e-To, lthe beral Wea aboui to -met pea hj gentiemen,vit will take more than a coat iKpresston. It show nly a ranrarK o nuier general uunmptn or jir. imsaao mraassioii, expressea in i JetTersoo nay,' more than the whole imitate letter, never intended te be ex wardrobe of both of them to past himlamineu by any nice rules of law, and in review in presence of the great qualM which was not written under the res- tietouatry than ethers. .This iapres-' sMtn, tt appean. wu espectall y atreag and undoubted ta theWes(, at the tune General Jackon wrete; end com ponsibility or importance of an action. a l j i i ? i ' i ouch it me imporxani uem on wnicn the harpies of Taction ground. their in vectives: such . the foundation of the M North CaroIinian'sM luminous epistle or caution to the citizens, nut what Adjutant General of Georm collected 7 "11? to I shatl we say ef the very cautious con-fja volunteer force, end beinjt joined by I tenwl tawtioe win s supmenud. it h so. Id duct of the Caucus Candidate; that I the redoubtable Col, John . Williami, of I tiered peewnt U a lavorable moment fo ties of a JACKSON. A SOUTHERNER ; ' FOE THE STAU. Mcttrt. Editor$jTht North Csr olinian" has appeared in the last Regie. terwith a theme the most agreeable his renuis nd wishes of .'.ny that could be found in the volume of General Jack son's history: it is the expression of the General's disposition towards tbe Hart ford Convention. ' ' ' " . ! -Vc-VS' . If this writer makes no hesitation to assail the General's character end prelate his talents, by e mean,' uncan did and false construction bfthe plain honorable acts of his public life, it could Ition of his. own excuses, and find, that not be. expected that he should have he actually neglected attending-to plain passed over a circumstance on which I laws, and violated them in his terioun his genius could, find some reason for man of deep design, and covert expres lion, who, with all the ingenuity of an larch politician, has usually manaeed I his matters so as to commit himself by iw kis.oi canaia valor abortive;; Tt!e man.1 however, found it predeet at leexth te rstire to ae, where Dee bight have sup posed be would have been coasijrsed till new by the contempt ef bis country i bet intrigue brought bios Into Congress. and be now stands the prominent cabal monger tf the party called Radical. f a e-e ' . . a. a .a wne aJwars thwight that Un Crafril; wee in favor Of the Tans, & hsTir lite ty read every able eomsiouicAUoft, ever the aignaturW8iday, jmSljshed the IjMMirgia Journal, 1 am cow com . pletely. aaUsffed that Mr. CrswrWa U not only in fs vnr of i Tariff, for ferenuei but that, from Lit nmt Sin far ih ' It miht have been supposed that shameuke ofeecooragint DOMESTIC MA- : for his conduct in the Creek war would NUFACTURKS, is in favor of aa in-' KiM Wllltfl klft tin. nk.n....Lfklul,Mil 1.!. f linDll . propriety were brought in)uestioa its- Will yoa baye tbe goodness to pubi". uiB uiinewr ut say mn. , iitn tne ioiieing extracts from his Re ..lne next difficulty which gave pe port to Congrea in th rear 1819, and' ,- f ' ; te party feelings,' was the conduct. of the remarks of Sidney" on the samet ' M ,x v. the Governor of Georgia,' in the last -m ' ' JC - , oeen wun the ieeloixs ol him ,o imvbmimliedbv u aJditiAa w n At , thostasm ; and unlimited confidence that the ciWna ef Geonda had look ed ' for Ue appeeraece of ' Jackson near their frontier.' end everv 'one seemed to be acquainted with the, in tention of the Government that the General was te pursue the Indians into Florida Catherine a semblance of authority Jrom this circumstance, the low imtMMrd atxm vatkaj rtclc W fiii-i .? irtrTcbandiae..nd 1y a ramubi duty ormn , '. ilea t bu !4i anctioni "but it it not prob.. i . ' , . .' tbUMiy modiSMtion of the txvttiog TwJT , '.' .. , en Mipcrcede tbo aoMMty'of worting't ' ' intern! tasitipn. If the espendituro is ot di' T h unUifed. Shuuld Coogroi deem H eaptxbJ " j. ' ." ent ta modinr tha prtsmt rt of duties fW u ! a view to. afford that proteclion to our ootaa,' v - wooin ana iren muififacturcs. which ii nc. ; eeiMury to tecurw to Uoro the domestic qrk Tennessee, they actually, crossed thelV,dij?f efficient protectiou to that tneret. j'' Florid, line.end commenced H2S2e cessrul war upon the.Alacbu IndiaHi., n.uoa. alhution of ih countriJ from without e semblance of formal author!-1 whence our ftneira m.nfL-hi . h hen developement, I ty, unless (riven bj the .Governor -oflprincipJly draws oa things authorixcUx- ' , pecuiuon, ion m ue event 01 a monopoly or uwato our cottoa, ' j . " conndermble por. ,'.,,: 1 d it- much less ot incautious, familiar expres- Georgia, who possessed no power to pcttion,thatm the event of a nx ncan. sion when we turn te his own public thateffect. " V5-- the heme market bemgaecured to plain, repovrith all the gloss and meliora- .v Progressing, during the fa, in ScwSufifeMSnS the Creek naUon, the General had col those tmntriee will be promptly transferred lected e large force of friendly Indians to the - United States, and incorporated into to terminate the war. when the Govern- domestic cspitalof the Union, bliould official aclioni? This be did, according or of Georgia detached n military force lexpectidjon be reaSaed, the tohisownWd acknowledgment, whhl regain w m wans, uepusun, anu, u i i irivuuiy ww a oi me greens, commit-1 that a syitem of iuternal taxation w ould b msutike not me eunior, line iiin ui vru wauiuu luuruera upon tne ionaoi Cerolinian? has publicly and repeated- tants, and jeopardised the safety of the ly ; acknowledged , that Mr." Crewford General's array. tThis outrage met the made' e rreat miatake in his construe- severe! reorimand of Jackson, and the chosen, is free from inaccuracvt but it 1 tion of the Coustitatloo when he voted I yells of , faction from thence began to ought to be freed" from die false color-(in the Senate en the Bank question, es I sound. : Every delinquent warrior, eve- upon it.UTne time of its writing, the the pave a loott. opinion on' the second Jetood ' ready to worship vi where 7 the circumstances ot the case, and tne whole larucie, oi war in , e private leuen iaun )none, ine very men ,wno regaraeu comment, and, aceordine to its wonted range, room lor -its atretcn ot wire drawn, invidious amplification. v tt will pot be pretended by the Gene raPs-i warmest ; friends,' that tbe ; text which the Caucus commentator", has severely (en oy the great mass of our ciiu ..' 'M e first part of this extract, you C ;over, V : ' he recommends an addiUon to the tii -n ex'v ; , 'j v 4 ' isting duties upon ffttioui srficfee'df foreigqr' ' ' merchsndise, and a ressonahle duty uportv . .1'. .. lacreasinff i n5Vi,; 1 ; features , of the transaction. have nowlThese thtng.however, evail nothing. I no law, tUft authority, no" principle of riptumcai or constitutional right, began oased from the nublic tnind. and a kind IThe Caucus fiat is to cure all absurdly of oblivion has been thrown over the! ties of Us Candidate; and the men oi l now td combine against the man whose . ' , J 1 i' j . I Jl w.1 V .t..U.n'rKn I ..Inn. L.J nnn U mo pcuuie ai c mi ire tiiiucu uuou 'ur i ivui ,im hou,ij vivwi t, "nunc w the members of the corresponding com lergyV had thrown them in the back mittees of the usurpation! ... IKfound,' and whose just rebukes had I sales at auction, for the purpose of in the revenue; .v( ines tw, bis report i. stnetly-within bis duty, as prescribed by that section of the act to establish the Treasury Department, which' ' you pumiuea in your, paper ox --a uiumoM impressions which existed relative to the criminal views of the Hartford Con vention; or some part of them, tip to the-ttme the uenerai ? wrote. I will uwn ei,-aw. uiviii It wilC bev rerollected by men con vefsant with the transactions of the time, that; id Massachusetts particular' ;ButttabalatteeoftheiWeettract,hias moss '.rf.-j. evidently for its objeot the prtuetiim of iho vr v M Washington himself was hot without j rendered their meretricious conduci the iiAperfections of many but the great-1 contemptible. TU-W---'-V' V manufactoriiiff interest Of the eountnri Aftrt stating that it Congnss should - deem x j4 wS uford tliatprotecHtn A sw esMsw, wtoU 'a fcn and trn waHxtfairtmt, which is necessary to secure' to them the domestic ir.srket; the r 4'! nes of Washineion is fixed in the bo-1 'The verv men in' Georgia who bad I necessity of resorting tee system of internal I soma of Americans Jackson will not consulted no law but force, were eager Dll tut ffimeAtf J19 " Y.' Ul-. . wsT r vaasesj' mm ss vvuviu mo usjb wi ve lib lm m lumeace oi cause iur I r. 1 1. ,, .orj; . . . . 0 r,t OVIUP WJB. tauif iiWISfiHI 'VHWWW " Mvp l vv..-..vw W swi V1 be blasted by the sophistry, rhisrepre-j to find some semblance iy, a neciaea btbdu was mane against euiauuu , enu cuuuiu;; cnwwm w on uoiersi , wiui uie very tirit to that inereaning and important Interest-tt ' the Federal governments arid that the enemies, i But the blank ttierits" of acts of illegality of wbicb they them- Ifitoaa be done consistently with.thegoner-.i 'i ' . Governor refused io suiipoi-t the 'war Crawford Cannot be placed in opnosi- selves -had been guilty. They boldly l Interest of the .country.",, , He then pro t 'against Great Britain by withholding fion to the brilliant, services of such assailed him in the Senate they tra- arguments in ftyoter the Wrf- ) -.. . ?v thVtailitia legal W called U service b dttceJ'bHn in the pbficrnlV;.nd, III Ulll USl V A lia C . IC EllUCHiai CU LIS 1 aanr-arf SW BkA. T.Ku.J.ea a.. at 1 t of the' Government in kttacking and repelling i the enemy.' a Add . .to this, publications strongly savouring of tree son': were .promulgated in .those pnj rs V- yon ?THE STAB.. i - ' 7 rl . : - c inuuiu 'ir - luavuiuiuiKi represent him es t'lyrant," Traitor resiling ifrom such a mowotxily" (of the PERSECtmON OFJACN. GwrrLEsfwr-The persecution a-lis , to bis 'accusers. ;ardennc which were cbnsrdered the organs of gainst General Jackson,, after the last I and criminations ere .. 7 - I TS a 'e 1a'a m t. a the prevailing party s in 4 that State. I creeK war, naantcit nae rurnishea luoclteapd abon would be the pro. can it be eny 'longer pretended .that IW . t ..!. . - - i e T l n.u.. ra , .nri.. l ib,,ia.h I .a' ..k;4s .e . "n:n: I r C 1 1 J .J 1...: I la, a v v in iK ill a i ji w iui m is u'uuku w dwicvuiivt uuuck : thecfnakkg!cnnot 'H basjrM.y ealied..tBatten I turn ftf fllt'rvA n tit aiikiAi . M,rT...f' ' V to meet tne r . t : . s..r- 0 . '1.. . m..,..i,V'-;.j .. , 1 ea 10 uem ,,-juu. iiaj wss a iat 01 in' . bkn: he intimated his. impression rare niswnans wim equai surpnse ana investigation 01 tne principles wntcn fo, .ffwdiBt ejbimi pmtettin xo tho mamK) niitmnr. j nil ,urn m fiprfliirTinn iu Nrron in, i iMr vnr; sin ,nflt,vniii ifLii...:.. . -j... ADOUl wis time tne tusciosurcn 01 nenry 1 iw. ms imrwju 1 vutjcvi .iiiisabivii, werf made to the President, ftnd by .him j party during the present Electioneering the object of censure; and remarked on in m messase to Consress. campaign!. will be looked upon by fu-1 sycophants, who, ' fearing .' vV' W;-',VV'. " I riiatrnaK v: That HUr.ll a 7lere.lirtun of I fprtert th Prlr wur? kal ondavnrri . I c.a. . hn . 1.... ... isted for sidin withihe British Com-J principle, such e strange Selection off without: success, He shift the odium entirely jeknuuy,an4 must be oonsidered e;' 1e. such a strange; Selection of without: success, Ho shift the odium entirely voluntary, and must.beoonside i Wander in Canada.; About this time 1 parties to bring into collision, such at I of flinching from responsibility as Le-1 expressive .of his opuiloni for it wu 1 ten. Jackson was a Repuuiican'Senator loffteU:.fiutesMr. Crawford was r lnAr m adulator of the highest rTederai meat x vwtv -Te- .wsT ev- . j ff yo? think, f Gentlemena ?;, Jf0.4-Xn Augusta addresser! Delegates" resisted the plans of those of Massacnusefts; any me couyennon ais-: Solved for want of concert; W Li Vi Here, Messrs." Editors, I will meet, K, sures which ever pecurred in the cbun-1 this perverting and assuming North 4 trjl;! It won't do for the Virginia gen- J Carolinian" on pbint of .fact. ; l The liaruoru convention fiiu poi; meet either jopenly ; or lairly,;in "inytiensfj whten wouitt exonerate tjinem, irem yne anoeUation of conspirators or" epjes." opt cm, furqxng fiinwu ute cni,HTH uj. 1 the Hartford Convention , met. : .The I departure from all application of the lglBlators, by throwing the burden of re. 7'nr pin . nf r irmmstsnre ident?-1 charirea Uledged to' the pronet obiects, I spoftsibilitv u nob. the General, oulrht tolh tied the wassacnuseit5 aeiegates wimiau "m vt m-- ..iuiu w rcwcu ujr just auu. iu.ciugcu lucuied" that .Aai wu a favorable ."nimrr tnnnu thfi Fpd erall have - been suuerea. unus.r ierisiati vet with due contemnt. h . Jtims which he Mawirymi that it nuU uroyemment, ana xo act as neueie. aiisouvwH, w shitoj 1 . ui vicu nuywagw auj cepwvi "t-wwwurewvn4ijt iv,nnin gress of these United States, no re ... i quired by.' any resolutiee of either house of. -J oner ess, nor was it demanded by the obhesWA': . tipnsof his office., he states "it was bcriewv, inoment,"-l. .Y' " .s V 't is well known that t the Connecticut serious debate, end that too m tbe Con-1 unlawful, that is.a matter with Congress joiimenisTiuaup; uimneiMcreeMC4etf n' -I iT,;i:at.t.; .i.j1.i.4 r j.. I the conclusion 16ticL that Mr. Crawford is in . ' inponthepatrmtlcmindi the, session whenManpfjtbW tleman to call him a Judsrelor any thing .jt e!e,.that bespeaks intelligence! Oh, no! MMe was a thougldleu jftoWiBQY.v w about TWENTY-FIVE! i who: Inthe tightness of an inexperienced mind, not knowing tlie workings of party spirit.'or the catut-R of finrtv iiiHtiiH'.tions. strayed f vinto a mere youthful frolicVrAnd What, .Gentlemen, has ? he " discovered since sfsftat which ; shoulfl hbw b'm 'superior . A. soundness, capacity, or any other quali s esccrjt 'perseverance? ; . He is not P.-. wanting in that essential u'af ityj flbr h' xeier mp4f stjrf itfdtspositioji, ar aby ether caose, seems i operative 'enough to I biakhim flinch from pursuing the prize Presideneri fi--T-: j-' "The unblushing V ' hardy enough to call into View the slari flersir a Spanish recreanf. who, after f '- Mtin:i tliscovt'red tvery disptisitioii of bostility fcc fraud, bad tne impudence to insult the Government with groundless Jx charges Rjiust thif ?. overnor. If h6 0 ' . ther ccr.-.iuct roold te adduced, 'Hbis ,?woU!d show his q nal ilies forgovcrnmeut . . Aweaay bes it been ascert.-aneu at Ca ' 5 . Carrying away the r ripers, in con junction, with Copninger, would have , .thrnv.n a.miilion of tfollars' worth ol Kr. J in the handu cf Spanish, claimants ? "' cucaxcji tbe government so tnuc. on 6r0, is tot In any cast lJ,nTtedo near therjlace where troops are pfaced; but means 1 covert "or disguised mode of examining into iue snuaimu, cuhuhioo anastrengtn oi an armj. .opiesseaaoin. indeed scarcely ever,' conceat them- selvesperSonauy. ? I hey proceed open y ' bJ' nnder , concealing pretensions; WBlltlUg SUU stiiu yuytiy.ij. . . j 4., Tiie Hartford Convention assprnbn pnbHcJy, but di't ?wl tit pub' ' !y. ' Their acts, their de' , were all siocre't. To them was attt J.i oi a?ents of a rt uliious portion U the community in the eyes of. many; and tne trenerai impressiuu smui. ir friends of the atl nini strati nn was that flie-r views, of the strerLh ofthaGo- yern'ment forces was to L : coinmunica ted to the enemies, according to the disclosures of Ilenry.v: ; . - I 'enter r.vt ialo any iscusM.3 ' t'.e facts re' xtive tj the .mtCntionn. the fe2',"V ? v-rs ef tlifi contention Theiro; .esbiuair'ainsttbem was strong and 'much k;o viction that mere is an orsanizea pany, i war. was aeveiouea. ena tound no fault. I tinn - T)urin th . ,inn t vw neni on mutcmci. tnu ici:aiuiuiiiv, its uieinuers, Deriicuisrir muse ai i ana fm uie ui oar oi Jsnusry. iiwy. noi tmo of the tnentu' te'Moinote r.i. I Georcia;.'iirerB tbe first Je nnaenne' that I entt after iir vnmtotA fede Ais . fieori.j. in tne uiscussion, uie n blca were deemed sufficient aside die plainest instructions cipftresx aisunctions.--e.verj w msnatsctuies an arbeles reepm-s vv protection ox -.. : -;..;. jt oral: AS though W.. of his own sole vo-lwith which the enemies of Jackson have 1 ntohihition be made' :,lnsnavrtnthiir.lL. ' litiqn; regardless;; of the ex?stene0 of acted, has palsied the recollections of I oa the art or the same month, the Secretary, r, irn v a ' . i ,:!r " m ii . ".. i? . i m i anor! aw isi Tivvinai rtrae mar vhe tahnaHran . r voneress, oaa commenceu, pirsneOjinis countrymen; ana given an eciai ,io i :r7j" " rvv "" vv - i . m a s . -- . , i. i i in Trite v-swt-siiis aa- niimnee ni ari t .aivasi j . and greeted all the eyenuw the war. falsehood, while it baa empldyed ' ,T ;-on r'-.TTr " I .rri- jerest quib- Florida was to be invaded; and the vertlr - rretM ".WMmi ' toT set wWaftenvvds tnoveW and the gation into the conduct of General Jack- jform this house what reduction (in bis epin-1 $ Wif Hing that son was flie man who, with, all thit 1 ien) tt will nuke in the revenue: if the UnpoHw ,V. ' , t-eiiUrenter into a debate on the powr I knovrledse before him. had the session tauon of cotton and woolen prd of the Government to do this Or I before nronosed to rive additional MTlre be e-nhitooV ttbe very Arff "h tokll. noiMr e law. Wee niwod lrt be rnnne mmliwA i Ua'-mhrmLi. I tDPhded by Hh CrsWtoM to the in me Miiaira ur tuuu wuuai u wcg-i " it dcciiis .bs iijuuiiii tne cui uiiLerr i. tk. ii. .-- 4 '.s-; Wbereas the war W commenced bv lin tiraddcjng the most.brilliant stir e m;, .Tf,e tf0coesr v.;-- V f! . , '. ' UIC rcnucut, uipi bumvi "-b"' J" "UI .pviivivM iiciumuuiis. w uuie snouiu met up to me BUggesiiOn oi sir.v-rawx i J 1 " i, er,',6rA precedent set and reppftted by. his' traducers should meet their, desert; ford and aflord tjtdent prttecdon tecottonV '..u' General Washington; Congress was that their , demerits should recoilopod woolen and . Iron -manufatures, the.conseyf ' . M in Session, and were fiiUy acquainted their ownVJieads; and that the putlic ffiSS&w with its character and blan in the com- confidence should sustaihand W jlodi ': m encement. ati A ' gave i evidences of the man, who has consulted, tbe public the man whose tutv u t. aedins- to ths S n v t " s 1 it. m: their approbation, -Tbe causes of com plaint arose in. thefpt ogress of that and the preceding war; ana tnewnoie oi the opposition to General Jackson If to te traced to i most'deerading spi, ,t t l i cverTe. i"l the virtues i Jac s- I oppoi ly te vices tf l.ii ( . i.L'P. ihe General entered the- flt' in t'..e L. A Creek w ar, he tnet with op position f.-om one of. xli most noisyde mar"!:ues of the Ra' faction. Gen Cocke, who did every tl.injhe could to dutv it ta. sAcardin ry exertion' for bis coun-1 section of the act which vou have nublishedL 1 stood the -. sure end J dgest and prepare plans tor the improve ' f uicnt ana niansircnieni ot tne revenue. re. good,' made e trv's weuare, vlatitig j tt her defence, While the pretended Patriots',, whp now affect to j u'.i.t out t'..a t ly objects rof na ' cnal confidwice, . e cither actingthe '.ard8part, orl inj behind the cur- i, tb ascertii.i rt wliose nod they io in EOmt, sections (impede hi progress, abd render his '.J b4rk,,'i''- ilr.C rAtaiotlsiij WFOr.. .. THE TARIFF. iEMs:-I: am one of 'thoa conimeiidlpg a course, tins direct tendency of, wiMcn is to tWrunufi tust revenue. How do . you relieve Mr. Crawford from thU'elnIamuv ;f. sinr situation , ' ' ' . ' ... w In this snme cotniminickUun he states'' that j.'V this uc!'ct of BiX niiliKms of public revc tern ot uitc, will obwrv Mr.' Crawford in his anuu..l -.Treasury Report was made to Congiess on the 10th Decern ber, 181?, when tlie price, of the stsph) Coia. ;' ',3, me comiminichUon he states'' untS "h -1 Q i-, o . " t of six ntiUion of dollars, in the r f,''-h''p- V.' e rue, may be replied fromsfsysy'?V ' v'V-4 ' cm- I duties i . d.i ect tax. JjW'?.,.!-;' vet:...t this grr.i itous su;' jestion of 'turA in Kid annual Trfamnv Btwrt T' ' Ir 'i 'V" . ' 41 M ".at