f . A A . . -. hal::igii, p?. cj it.iday, august sriiszL- r I ... ...-- v. , if a system it can, b called, ta ...sor- t iractcrs. 1 v ... tut cor.'rover t of .is r -;t".j-., E.t 1 wcv...J s far purple ht I .di ir.trtxiuct J their I r.iFIPi AAA IM , . - . . . I r m BBW av-. ....- . . . -" ' lrpowueacuoeraiii.f presume: 1Lv .. mAl fr- vi. v-iio. rt.rt oirt Br imi-.-n- m- I t.- v , .1 a, .y , r k I . . -- ..- 1 . - ;., A . 1 . Ill I. I. J i Y mm-, an iw w iiiJUdl m m . th. lna aHi vf mctin- . - W -.. . " eppUcauon of woHdi Mj ,1, coq Jr-aence r ,-frt-nUorMc-rr--t-r-t his teiTO eTfte partie b torras " LI- nrirate l.f-" -.' , .. '-v.. P-.J. A - ...WU traaaJ Radical." Indeed, be seems 1 tj. J 'JnlcBUr mirt arfredodion ....I , lrrtl tKrM ! ( on . , r i ' a i. . j i a j. - PUC11II TOClrTl CJ reduction "1T ( . -.J. t fallen into such a dderama when referj to b tWmed .-ii,ufwifctJitorti-e W.,.. he htxf wnTtd t tie tecQti.ceneof hr W -m-,krfK-rU-J-'K;. , . . ' i COMMUNATIOXS,. - , ' ' i ' . hi- d elowme Bt. thttshe Ixgf what ptj.- ,hJt jt tTd he had aadertakeo Idetcri plication pursued the subject 14 order, be- would ul Mdertkeo.V He pvecMo denUr arpekri they were Dot exclualye iptioa of the term CTra or Us kp- ijr their wtirk. "Xrrvi deemed them 'v 11 VrPn!i t' ,! the time, an J it remains fur oBress to considea ' I their r 1 1. r-y"V""u'MJ:i".-:r t;fVrPTtt aucoverea-ine roiiepness i.-ji n Ooabt the-were e.C ted par. , t . 1 tin m ml B ill t P Hiv ir-lk . .iiu- fl aa... a aV 'av a. fc j a-a -ft --ju A. . . r.. r . - y. ,m - c o . , 1 veauw m vuui avm awva- sw -rUnr r.vr, ia oilier introduced 1 a.. a1.a.a- v. a... r ' 1 a vour wider U .T""l"V.. :.f iru,.n rT, " " . " Vl-. w v",r T' . m 1 uuin uiii 1 Mil ii v nv iiHirnii mm m 1 i.r 1 1 -1tJace; he must hae failetj W placm fro-t tr, tK.Tf.nHn w.;. -ti-w Mi-v- o - 1 1--1 - r w m r - . mmw m .11 I It'll " M!l i i I (Id I lirlr 1 11 !- Lra .oru Witers.J lte answered hia hurpose. - If r;uua - ki-.il .f.n.l in .fer. uuwu yuu-, uick bad.autea'.t&at the uitraa modestr' and the Vtr 1 enceto the powers of tha old world, some W, woellea clolh, aadhsin, r.pci uerxij uiiiw Ui rite that rea tl.e lioate 4 Kpre-etit.tirfs Oa wouilen dothi a prrrciie,dutj ws !iJ, ia crAinj jtrljfron 2 perceatamad Tklortio, up to 50', he toted -nth as, t red tic this increainj daty from 50,te 33 1-3 per centum; a simiUr iucreiMi'j dutr was bud oa imported wool sod J yoieu tor inmuir rviluctiont BU cents was . fixed as the. mini mum talnstioa of veeilea c'oth hj the souare yard, for the porpose f retanae calculations; My tlie duty laid "wis S3 1-4 per cent, o the Talue of 'the cloth, ttvat'Talue must be nbwo at the custom Iwuse, ia or- der to cskulate the. amount ef du to bs paid the Importer. Suppose a piece of cloth should cost but SO cents a yard La Jltfrope,. which Is s&id to be the ;act, is re' a turn to SomeoarserJbrics, and tins clyili k Lich cost but 0 cents in the foretga market, shpuU be fated at the custom house as having cost SU rents I . e or f.'il.' u biv, wiey o v w-jwh0 BtYe pursue n position and Vulgar Fraction. -1 HCT-.lrienda1up .-. vniis ". iimotn7,'7, nave saiu-10 niy-i 1 ,ecntrr t aJe agreat display.ef calcaia-l wrty Cbraed tpdh the Federal etock, Lr th-ir i,l, .uM , it the souare vard. it la clear that the' ac tln genius " oW.,"Sjf IP'? haheriting theirmndples. almost erj ry for u te arm in our defence, the first tual duty laid on it would be 33 1-3 per amount 01 popuijr . uir reader wou.4 fcae snarKa tne' taise- .Ahti.-t nf the natriot will be felt in cent, four tunee told. or. 133 1-3' Mr ' i n 11 m auuiu aww-v 1 ; nil am iiih'iiiiix iivihiiii.. 11 nun ui liic av a -vl iv...a.1 l. - hA 1 iea m 1 atei 1 rt w a npnnimr v nea amnna plMoB? J finding all th sunaTBJla-1o!il B-pUWcan roerobera of Conjra.Uarrd into effect, at rtiiidar we should I taU'on of the charser fabrics entirely.-- 1 tv a 1 a r 1 . - a . . f a m-k, . . - ...- 5 01 vmencn ha ve presented an thin j bat a Nation. 1 1 ais be voted against, and voted w itn us wiin au nauone en-1 Tf too. tK .imnln ilivtrin- af conom to reduce the minimum valuation from - aeU,.must e iner wan, Y',JtnilroiTi foreign politics; and a firm, men are to be estimated by the full mea-nimum valuation on coarse: cottons by dressed in new. suit ot Virginia cloth, J perse verinr attention to ouf owii in ter- if atandard.' the most eminent the Tariff of 1816, wu 23 rents; the dyed a Keu! :. w"n bm- "Y r'-Jiial aeenntr lad prosperity. .It would Uepublican will be- the : aaan who tan square yard, by the late bill it wis raia ,on: foTl would bet fatter the tashten ofl tin hppn Invainfor th'int-r to nlact . ; t .1. e.. UI in Kh U .Ka n.,...f . -his couDtry) ,4rifltbat- wost of the I pg, , CaUed pon the old Fede iernmenL with , all its ' exoenditafes. presentative.' :. He voted with us. to re - . Aimmitniratiana fortne Kcciater are 01 1-1.1 - a i,a l. aAnhAiii ..J . . . 1 j.... :i t r ii it., ( .... .v. .uu , ieavin? everv man te nrotect nimseu a-1 avo . roui iu sj unu me square ."j j . .r . - v .,: :.. r. ;ic iraua ana.iureiirn' mmjmvi iumius mu .uireuw w ustua pu- 1 mrk in hav Rarfiratiam . I It: coveriht! such fabrics onlv as ranged imagine,: except pet u have it with all its htutittg . Let 1 from 25 to. 80 cents the squire yard, in . fact, as I have I na null anwn our FamJ anil Stte Oa-i actual value., for the' former bill was that they first apH-Wnmpnt. Tnra nnrTjtr,Ufurp-. ourlDrohibitorT oa ill fabrics much below -., -I- r t . --- 1 . ' A . i ' . T-'- . nflarfi aa an excreacence uoon ine ivei D.... .. a.. vv.,- i.w(a. ..j .11 1 th vainn nt gli inta ha nets and character, while luaaupporteraJ DUhlican partri then formed an aberra I th- hnt nf nauUmen t f not The ad valorein dutv waa also raised on 3.A . all 4ta K.I4 . ft r; .. a. aL I r -- r . , f --a . ,.. . ."--r. ' taiTOw-,..- .rrv itionrana ajwrwaroa sjoiwcuog rasuierion;.. ouQCii Mnaea at auction) set cotton iaonca, ana Be voted witb.ua to woojd f.aTt chanj a a.r ietarc his ilettioa--lie ... : his cjiaiocj, and it i4.br i -t the rtiJIr are, that ke a toe. laaw twihirz tj 1 michto increase any exalt 4 e; ininn r ( him as a man and a patriot, ia ti.e course of oar scrTtce ia the Smite, at the lira , mportant and uVr.iu tv Mun -rfr c 5 see any t'.an xciutvflv hr-s:;! n ' the inter- . ts of Alabama, is lis coum as a politician, eTea.upon th- fir'X Bill,aafeTerbalartcel.istro: tUims ' t thd tratituJe and surf t of te r.a- I tion- t canpot see the jusiice of f iy;, ; off the countless thousands we owe I ' , for his splendid exertions in prr-u. ; the .soil we cultivate, win a . .1 .ex.- " ira cent on 4 yard ot ba: r,-, . t er r V . or a jicw-c.on a yarg ui tu .1 ( and, above all, i t f ta ha u . i t , abandon hjm f s .:prort 'of the Ta-11 riJ, Cnle&J-we 1 i be anred'tUtT some.".onj'of the jcsIuz Candidalvs'i' was ajainstthe liill. or ia fivor ef it tj I a leaa extent iiian he. was. We have' r no evidence within rnv knowledz. ufv h on which we. ean.safely sar, Xhat Mr.- "'-.' Crawford or Mr. Adims woald not have supported the Bal to asgrest an extent vf r ' -as he did. had they been in his situstHn. ff' j. I should have accorded without he ,i- v y. X tation,' tne explanation Vou renucst. to' ' -? i it- r-i Lr- ' w tr . . ." ' . i KUU.W.1A.AAV w . n 7 1 IBJ LI ..l.tlia BTIII1.U Tiis producUon Jry V ' K 1 how then he would h Having read many of the,communjca-lfor k;-. RmHadtixk- , t'tions on the .Presidential question I proposed, no one can find this atrikiag fact, in opposition to admittina: theVaii 'J Timethy's" statement, that the oppfH given it in my laat, 1MQUOI vii viiwtwiy i.-.ubv uitt Lmuiiv I ,f. . . ... .M i . . 1V'1I --- -m.-w. . , r n a IULA UUI vate rumor and scandal. 1 he appeals alj the incongruous materials of oppoi- j a jrift a- floating castles, to be1, daBhcd reduce it, as' well as my metuory serves W ih farmer are to known official floe-1 i n 1. .1.. ..;; J. aI...!,:..!! I .... . I 4e - - :j a ui u-w w. a v. - -r -v 1 iiiiii . aiMiav a iirr ai iiLuun ui aaaaaa. iii' uuiiu 1 a a -. vvm mMn.M-M a-m. ar aa AMVVvtA maai.- am in - aaaa r. 111 v 1 iti nrtwaiiiat nn rnia aernra nmeuta, ortransactions fair y before the iar:ty alM importance by opposing every ttB kt4K heroes of other climes: of the. bilf ia lesi distinct than on the , v VWtcf he ajw tttter .ana puwaa-iAjj.. 0f yital mportanee for tbeUj m once 1 come down to theVadica. olhef. As tpcottop bagging, the duty was f- -v. , w -."v ""T iweiiarf! nu aecuruy vi yio uauuu, ci- Das,8 ot individual, j where every one I naea in me iiouse 01 itepresentaaves at , . w r.,-V - r: ' . . liner waony m iu uum, w wum 1 ai.au act wittiout control, so long as thel -:ceuiajine square vara ior inenrsi 1 1 inavmiTiiii 1 at r-r ta iwrvinitfiii aa rii m tti m a.i . : a. & a , . & ........, k-. ..A.i.-i . . ' a . m n a - ia .r juie men 01 gr?i rwuumj mu cu.iu-1 v(ce end .the. despotism .winch rules iniJear, ana 9 i-a auerwarus.- tne par- I will refer Jveur readers to the pieces J B . . . , ! ' . . . . J . ' . . .A t Y' lW P"- sive vigilance. . ProiecHng nothing, they the world shall allow in' thus to -live; ties Were so nearlj equal ;for ;and v wivv''.-;.' i. V pw awiug wwiwwn , I ami, erefiowe, 1 s ed tnnis electioh to'the Chief Ma-ns---' -? , tracr r the nation-lit isdue to hitn on the plain princtDlea' of Justice. ' and I "i v; . . consider it my dut to gire to tha pco-- s pie of Alabama, or anf twrticin of thein:,v,.'t V such information as I may possess on all J'?V: subjects in which their interest i con- C "V everjr useful measure, they covered conduct by vocrtera,- opposition to patron- perchante;we shall find this is the! gainst the bill, as to render it necessa only radial Republic, if ;; , ' I GEN. JACKSON & TtiE TARIFF. mnt?-" P00! TO ' -'aw5?-- -.- 'f J9en'wrsiromooutn-jaiiin.aana,ueor'1 j Uerpku 1 v u. cjuivrMueutun, vne propoBeu in- Sw,-r-I have seen "some attempts made cre.u cent e square jard, . Jvv l f ' x and the motion waa limited accoruitiir- to establish a charge of inconsistency a- ,i; Bni!flr l., tu.V . h-n.- Af ; , man? Vhat , is the extract rom tthe i .r u Th. terJ' Radkal was un- 6nl General Jackson, from his votes would fail ai that time. The General IVftchinMAh f!.? Atta in vha .a ma n,nAr I - : . . I .1. '.I a.Ja .a.i ...t a.. ... 1 me x ann. supposing mat general 1 voiea 10 airute out Ntne o - cents. At a ckson wa.one of the lait mm in the suseuuent period, Mr. Macon of North lyifUumn J umnlil Drm nv 1u.11 m,Ha I - .t : .t l, ... I cerned, whenever and 'wherever it mar be required of me.' Under this impxes- '. sion I have drawn up such a reply to ' your; different enquries. hs my recol- lection enabled too to do. It may pos-j ' ' siblr be incorrect Jb some particulars,, - a m nH iiuv at mis piacc, access 19 mo . - ,1 documents Ort the subject, v . 1 K 1 led confident that it Is not materii ' ally defective or incorrect, "Tou are at 'V' liberty to innH such use of it, aa i&f ' W your udjment may-be proper. , x. iw great respect, .C':r tvYonitnhcdinft i4rvanf ' ;rt-fV:iif. WILLIAM KELLY , wnica nave appeareu in rat wegiaier ana 1 foj 0f their the Star, .What are the productions ot fog economy w ra.an r m raarrni .m i-ii inian " ar.iE ran f . 0 : attacks. upon general Jackson, with , the abstract 'Wner in which the acarcely an apnea toihe trucharacter rf hM ht to . ' h-l??fIfoVK trfdnce his Radical party, Vis easily , Hf? .W-aSS- met in his assumed 'Sr. icf superlative n" 1' ? r- - r n 1 known in England,itber as a desenp-jon This last named piece is a most emptv L, ' t the advocates of Ja vcontradlctidniniueu;ior hiieitaltects f ag k term bf reproach from tocoutrastthe conduct of ..ff;Hthiir-eiaai. It oririnJd with the .-ri"-'" "1-5 l T ' circumstances of utter times; and Mr- --" r 7? " . " . . D7 "Wr ciause in tne pui .tne uty. on ence , to him., with his vforbearance to- a?he9 a ro tause it9 appicatloa I was not a little astonished when I saw bagging would have been 43 per cenf.ad wwi em' ltCf t;W'? ! ?n in this country. It was after the op- a serious attempt to do it. V ' r, intend of 20. the ormer dutv pressiops of m British gprnment hid My long anintimate acquaintance f W-W1 J.hTa oie ,rAje, Messrs; Editors, you see effects through alt the la- hifua tartBrtn ijfi n.-;. b Mr. M.con while the Ml was before here, that no merit 13 due to Mr. Craw. izTT : p-jJj...k. Wlth General Jackson, and a sincere tfiAcunat-aain rnmmif. f UKt J" 1 r- 1- . - . T UUI HIS 4UIA1SBCP- lUAJllLI.'111 -.,Hfc "V II I . 1 l . '. I .1 --T . '. 7 .T , wiiwwrireBce.wjiH l- w K,r. thi. teni RAdical was an- wenasnip ior mm, inaucev me tu aa- and while the duty on saU cloth and os- x V Jntimated by(. the : ?hief text-book of . t inceBaeA. multitudes: who. I dress a letter to our hishl v te snected I naburgS- frc stood at 25 per centum ad jueLrawtordites, mat want of. nerve a- f. ,p . . lUpir uff-rin!. anutrht to le- JuJtWul fr n infer, .valorem.,; In this statevof, thinns, the ..i i t . ' . : i , . . I inventions wmcn sousaiuiea ,ineir ia-1 -, ., ; . . iM.iiMt . ahkibhi-w i T'?12fflT ere'JiQ,1 borand kdvocated the General dis- P6'' fae wc things, when the motion was renewed ',VH?e-.'wl8 magnH ek.Ue of the national debt by one ope-l under which his different "votes were b the Senatej be , voted for it,- and it mous, meek maii; whose negativt virtues , arecompared by f. Tmn to the light of the sub This a the man of uncom . ' jnon virties and splendid talents,? who niui ut nia lnurmuies, ' nas nau loni battkruptcjr,5' The difference between a Reformer and a Radical was thisi the first sought for .universal suttrase '. and annual Parliaments,- in order to bring about a general melioration of the con dition m the people; the latter sought . - The friends ef the ? Caucus Candidate SSSZiTraS . Causa Onlv annpisn-a ih mnr fokium-.i "" . vl.-v"- - s -ueniDers or v;ongr tude enough to keep his office for more ' .than 12taohths, while unable to attend ;to its duties an; instance new. -n the ' history of this or anv bther government. and furnishing' conclusive evidence of lorbearance of the President at least. ril'mn f " Jixh-tlnth:" thuS nroStra-l'n ' tn rnl I rta'.A f,m l,i-,IpreVailed. UetWeeU tll times, Of ClVr tinr dl natinhal advantages over itber vl. t-itZ' s.....'." tV.i.''i.'? ' 1 these .twovirotes,.. which- seem to ; ------- .lllfWK.M'.'UieiuuvwiUK tw, wp.n ni.frnAt i nmriln. ' Ki;. caunTj-iea in ineir-manuiaciures. aim an i. ; .. . . - . a, hp vv wih .wyHv.. w private mditby.produ centum on sail puiMtau mi; jvvf papci. y. ' , -jgi I ciyi)ii,'Wawurga otu. iwu ueen reuucea Kpiv.rfiill vniira-. ' . .j Ito 13. ) JL he Uenersl . was1 ainunst the ' LftWlS Jilt J ATiiriVTY yl reduction, but after it was made, he Vo- i, .... -7 , Ts.-.-v, ,.,.z- :.'ited,to -etrike out A 1-2 cents ml MffuHMtrMv 20; 1824. : Poroer tnat so great a osuni(ra 1 -f . . . . -. a ' I T"'-. I 1 ."J I rfAMH(. tLa A.A4a. r.L. IT f III ivawoiWhL chineryvf CaucuTinE haye made to tne petent supply jnoir bwtt fcountr,cop H , ' Tul ",n k v-Vendent aid Mtr.n WV 'r . K. 1 twni. pr toe country, ndmemDers oi gBcn g duty as would best suhserv the r""V"yL ' V. nu'V.tr,tn'1 decide Whethet they will JtiJ -he UimtpA nH h..ji:,r -.. 'JL. 1 the publifi : otti anp EW'PVARjrisrf ,J .Jtowrj. l?JUorsA--SiBce my last com ttnicatim - oji' thia' subject was writ- - wu,!' ' er, who calls hiriisclf, One of VP. has "appeared in. the Re-t-. pster ijf the 10th and irth inst. vith a .h ery serious lecture ODon it: under the professioh of giving ahistoryof the ori- JTxmA tem of FederaUsm in ljS' & the Repub I cutated, s in bis judgment to Utastrate I f Altliotfgh t was opposed to'ihe Tariff lican system which succeeded it, is, tnat j ana carry .itiem out into tneir practica-i in every shape; am sure that toe tie the former songht to make the people's ble resultS-rWheni he thought the duty Ineral voted as honestly for the good of his to the power of the! fixed by the House of .Representatives country, latter to make the was not too high for the objects above I best judi : . - 1 i t.Aj At'..:!- ix. ; j I . .i -il accordint to the dictates of his graent, as any man ever did, or interests subservient. Government, and the operations of the government subserve mentioned, he voted to retain it, and ever.wUl upon aby occasion; arid what tlie interests of ;the people, itr'rendert wbere-he thoughtlt was too high, hft vo- ever political adversaries may 1 think, ina the country independent iif flie en- ted to reduce it--Iron and hemp were say write and print to the contrary, I ioyment of its ofcn. resources, and se-l examples ot the former; and wool, wool-1 feel well assured, that he was actuated cure trom the .assuits t in oespouciien ciouis, couon iaorics,anu oagging oil aa lar anove tne supposea influence el amUstoadd that" ;ress dtjagscd ngoutthe4t-3 . cents on bagging, add reduping the; mi mtnum on coarse woollens; and if the ' General had been disposed to pursue a , 7 v fickle and changing poficy, W exqellentJ,! opportunity was presented toTecedel ,XV y from his cround when tha HMaa itiaa. '; greed to those two! amendinetftj of (he " V'r' SeaUThls opportunit he did hot ', i ; ' cQiurace, out votea 10 insist on our a- ' mendmeotsi 'as. to coarse. woollens,: hir vote was essential.' - The Senate went' equally divided, and the question oe'ci-. .. aeu ,y .uje casunz vote 01 tne. v ice , 1 msMienti ; A comnuttee pf conference , 1 v was appointed between the two llooies; , of which the General waa a member, by whkh out.ahlendments ,tO woollens V nrevailPd. nrl a. snorih dntv'nF A .4.4. a ' : .' cents the square" vard on bagging insfer-- '- J " ted. ! "VVhether this duty more-, than p V : me lunucr uviij 01 y per ceuium or DOt i f . -is aomewhaf questionable. If it etce'eds . ," , U at all, if ia but ittle,"tp little, to make " a fuss ; afoul unless it be for the sake of m'.'V 'i the principle Tlie amount surely can f"' i 'J maivc uw bcudijic inipicBOiuu un uir pro ''! grens of the cotton States such sTgrain --i ' ' of sand, can neveif overbalancf the ' . nfititi fif fn rtio; alrainai1 . lrtiSot. I ia ..( ; J, ,f mountain "'.of fastie; airainst .which it is ,', - ' a ' . ' J , 1 IT, weigneq. rJ:7' Wt V .-1 l.,!vl'!s' JWvMEEtrnfe , ; v At a Wpre 'puhhe mfeetlng of the titizens of V 'f Mw-YorV held kt httua vTontine Coffee, I " ,tIoue on Thursday eving,' Aur. 12th, V i . .-' f .1824, GEO, WAKiVEK waa called- to to . . i ( ' . chair, and, fhM Mwtard, Jtat. appointed, '' Secretary, i.1 he md-tinflr was addressed by s if .v' . f Gen Itobelt Bogardut Charles Q. flainea, ' ' ' I A l' T " T r I .-'T'.f. .aa...... ir, wmir KoTutiona,0 t Tj i BoardmLwera unanimous' '.'.r'i X ; t (.i'-M.; . ed, That toe choice' of Elec- s . 4 t. J , ' y' t 'Eaqi SUpUen 'Kudd.tuid Thomas ; Emitaeti Eaq-The folio , otTered by Gen ' ly adopted,' 1. Resolv tors of President and, Vice President of the United States belongs of riht to (he S people, and, that the withholdirg of this right, by fee present Xeuislature v" of the state; is proceeding, justly atig- matisea as oppressive and tyrannical, ; .Resolved, That those members of the Senate and Asaembtv. viho voted a. gainst the Electoral Bill,1, have abused the confidence renosed in them: viola ted the rio-hta of their V-onfif npnt; HV . U graded the character of the. state; , and ; ' rendered themselves; utterly : unwortny ' , to be the Representatives of freemeb w f S $. Resolved, That we will aever eeasre , ' from our efforta, until the parage of the t " Electoral Law' shall be effected, and' that we will aubfrt thoia nicn Onlr. . . . r-,A.re-a rJ..i:.!:.i ...j.....A? I A .1 . .. .'' wno' are menaiy to restoring io .vna their just right nt- .r- i . ; j . -: