at lent V Jti't d;,rJtat it-4 . f. . I .''-,J at nrta fA 1 ..Y- ' ' g T I ' eti'f in i t rtf priJ which) State ioJU lent m I ,rraot n:..l Io3Jel M M'l lOTUi. It wW aut aeeeaaarU ci.e froa t. nc eve D 1-tare wei.xw iVJJ deatrc U imis a - J - r . I 1 A. a MflltAll JIb- hwi r: uJiltM saaw, sceptre ot "rrr tWe pJn l- '.Uva acts, wtuce wwrt owy -V Me. CmUJ U locr aa ejkfow Ml et mMvicum r prime tewmaod, baa rvile4 roar we period which ciciUs u. together with the oaUod, t aew etioea and P"4 lections for Mr fatmrw political juppi (tu, ,Kcmo A4 ci'iMtioui prtMr vauoa dictate Mr aniled: aad d'upas iiuti sop port of such men at oar en uinj elections, as ma peint eat te tha world evr.eationa! aacacilr ia pre ferring that taunriaMi dUttr e&ze to j--nSr,)ba!vui it owe eiUn!tie4 tv'- 'U trpiiiry ta ruinous and part aplrited policie. Fn which w d , k inJlpniU j Mceuar U rert ta t!lfl anl taoJul reaaoain aa fMoa Ir a ta brin; tmtk and jaUc fcrU from tha of iaavliaaa art, and - frrrtntthcfailmeatlwroafterofara- ru'Jicaa cioTerioa to monartAy, tU Ajaericao people, i Uat wo aut at he aataa tio atop to orprwa oar eere rejret ta aeo oar fdlowHciDMoa re aortios toaacb aieaaarea. aaeo kamaa - ftatara ia bat too inperfeet to taataia Wrorijtoal juritof 76, if compelled to fcinglr with iho water of inUroal poh ixsf corroptioo, ia? order to cbaiija (heirrrentf 4 .'.-' 15th. Be$alvti, That w new d im politic and dang? rona to tba fature wcl Ur$ of oar governmeat for aof titiioo, rha hu the true ioierett of hit country at oeart, to accept of the Praaidenc of the U- Bute; wheo publio' ppiaioa ia tearlr coonterbalaaced in regard to hit prioctplea, natural dispoiitioo, and his tompoocnt qualificatioaa for the office. xithi'JtetolvtiL fThat thia meetinz ininit Hfririal CoD?IT8tioDal CaUCOliDK, -u- : . o. f wl.en.beld with a view to force a rreit dentand Vice.?reideot apon the peo- 4 1 - .1 M .H'..t A pie, wno may pe uib moi tuujcuw u the ptnrate benefit tnd political ambi- Bui.Ur a i of ha l.fa, Wh rt-a-id aa aaaJl ta the i..trrt; itwl lTiui of thoaa .who '6i ti kto tU Uwaat pit of talioi (J the j !J nlm llr. Crawford aai thmi- . . r- 1. taurthlt Whoa we lad. fra a Uog of Mtiucal traaaactiaoa, that a mta who would be Preaideat of the U. Sates haa beem iaTariabl la the kakt of mortiflf to a . forgetfilooaa, aad a irwhrmm MBorr.' tluaJuoi thereby toateerclearefalf tke extremo poiau of detection ia the eoarae of ba political TOTtse of intrizae. we are wd liar toad mit him a mea of taleoU. JBat we are not to b uada oaaaiadful that then are aa bub kind of talent ia the world aa of coin, and each taleaU aa taa oatj gaia aacondeac b firft brewiar a al ubtla pelkkal qaarrel, aad then, b oat MM , I iUaaokc NTi;aiioa Company. q mi ia smm k-at a-ww.of ifc.v , eaanaw t A. JOTTJtt, C iWf at, itu. -? . -t -: a. For Ueitt, t Wt Mr. O. Carriaj-o -Ilalin; the Preeuleetiai chair, who will Uke the reiponaibilitT before hU pod. of nine of liia bretheren's political wel- f.r Kit hooldera.and leare theoa eipoctnU,lT aa fre. iadfpodcDt aod wiee, at the 1 far the defenaive, ao a to ateer clear of end pf eight W. aa he fVand them, cape Truth, we mw aa wui after a, at mm awe or r.y-iew mo ( uu. ia c puny wf. mtt"1 w IliMit 1 k Mora r to awf Ml -pwinr numceumag witn a aoitoi mmumi I o(noM prf-t hm un i r rhiit'inr . tha oBen&ire is m fctier m4 for aaMMM tmm I M fh rreAt auettion now it, who imaJt be thattnanf 8hall it be" Adam,' Jtck aoa, jfawford, or CUt? ; We . object to Crawford for aeveral reaaooat Firtt becaate he aeema to have aaceaded the ladder of political fame b a kind of forced ' march, incident to a com bination, of long planned inventions, who hare wracked their; political eeb tletv to allure the cood. independent anderatandings of the people for, at power, aod artful io aelf agrrlndiiement at the expense of oar paoTtc cheat, and the fature welfare of the nation. Fifth-. I l We want do man to rule over us who has hitherto exhibited a political ambi tion, with an ee fixed on the Presiden cy for at least ten years, with an enthu siasm which has sacrificed at least two of his fellow creatures who were base e- ? -1 .1 ft mM mill k. U !) gl ! M sirr vi . ; , , ' Mmt m k eutr, ea UM otmmwi. Awtut It. ISA.- , as-av .'( tfM l aaVwxifcn katwg Mrt4 kta ' dr th Sraff JACUQ AS ( x. 4 llm k.- Inn M Lim ik. . ' N U . rr.,;r zr . .n. ! I at. - . Kvmi.i, 'tr-w mm myt mat wark Mi Uw baa m low aa k -1 L lad alaewkera. .Tka, Wack, ia, i.-t i ahaii aa rrarf lor jaaaU - itr, , . are , THE wbtartfce ka mM faeaivei a fraa tup- of LIUIJG!, 4 '.DtCISKk, Wa ; JlL a a,)ly of vTAIM CKLKBRATCt) HAMVWA. ibrlha aara oT orofow f nouzh to become the toola of briberT.'B". nhwatii, Ulaer, TaaMtura, aad u viiL. RirhtTHinrl T. . CoabT and RobL blood; bolmore apeiaH) wr sypnuu, ru- vi. (Richmond T. Cosb-ad Robt. pabn bim apon qs as War, jr.j at tne aitar 01 perjury ro gain ria djeM, a- ha for vi h FPr'e ent. , 6econdlv--we an electioneering object to the State of otfen the fohoaiaf; tfaaarlp-ioa i ao e'fi,5 irgana of thU a1rt of Georgia during ft first political re. ' J, ; - ',194? J" v - tin train of self inter- For -the truth of which we refer our fel-. R,'-h' T l titli ' ! - Ao express its highest diaapprobatioa least ten ear, U palm im apon gs at against mdal Congressional Caucusing, I our . next , rresiaew. bad tn moving organs faction, are a certain tra ested - expectants to - office, who say the wish to effect -. radical change in lion of a fetr, who study uoro the art our government. Yes, fellow -$tt.iens, Dt tell -interest ana eniaiimenuwi c-i ruioi , ' - -Uaru office than the rood of the com- j fc When we suffer ourselvea to be flat- r.... watr.M Ur.liirHl nt of our riuMs. to think and act ' ; forv;.. by the magic w.nd -of establishes these two fact, and .undry .15th. (Rtidvd. That thia meeting artk we become supporter of, intrigue, others, by himself, the concurrence of urt 'disapprove also of the ambitious policy aa the moving jmpulae to undermine of our Secretary. Wm. H. Criwford, by our national Ubertiea and equal rights. jeopardising our public money it) times j If radicals are necessary at this time GW1IUQ PINAP1P.A. 'V TT.ii -la.W Madieiaa hu oMaiuar a Jiwliu iiom hiob hi affiaaay alooa eaa aupyoru (Aa a MilfiflaVt ftka ManA ku o nkrallel. It M lita I " - w r . , Nnrth i:ralin. Mil mh,'ui. n. All lliote a-lio r lfeeil ajiB Acr-( ... . . , ,a.Ktvu vJTJV? y pari uiaat known Jaaa-1, 1124. ' '4'.- C. J;;Tpolter, CABINET, MAKER AND CTpOLSTxjtfS a AVfNG contraated ta fun.UU tbaCapitol J. low citizens to the Damphlet nnblished by Governor John Clark, in 1819, sty lied " Considerations on the purity of the principles of Win. H. Crawford, Esq I Hurt ura hi fmm liia cnnAttet in riiniiAT' ....,. m... Known. Ail inoae ariio are aunicu i.. t , , ., . vi1 MiL-.-rni i t-:. t n u , .- r.u. ; laann a nan wmwuw aintK nnttiu ion aiin Hlttl oi v,nrira am iiaM. JWa., artgr. ? 1 lino r tha Caollot Uouaw. whar. ha k ".. W -"ST i and aoma littT. li.Ur of tite. to tmtXxTZLZ U. P.,.,.. r;n .ffirl.. II' . rmr.: ...... 1.,k" publio tronace. ""Vf 'vmr vita nFJnhflLntulnn and David Adams, well a ibota vhoie eoi.UluUooa are1rokea! Raleigh, Ma0,JI34 "VA4.Mf . past, to gain popularity; and proselytes to his election, to the next Presidency. Arid, more particularly hie wanton at tack on the character of Ninian Ed wards, which gave the firtt impulse to a defence at .the. expense of the nation, which less if Vis ambition to the office of President, wuld have, left our public we must admit that the administration Esqs aundry m,,lrl f .1.. -:filfnr and n T merattnal, aabmaawi or aracaHwi ww , members ot the legislature, anu . . . . "V , . rf .swm't Pa- liCIBUUB Ul I man , T1i..RmiI Mtb. nMnJUC IB VUCU Urn I m ' : ' . . . . . ' -ri'-' of our government and law. (inwhich sU.dmg in the W Ain. Acreha. J'JSr nea too inucn sinone rutcu iiuiu mo :... - . . t .... .1 Mr. Crawford has been conspicuous) have hitherto been corruDt and base. . -1 -. . I m mm I . f I T I ft J ' ... .. . - . 1.1 I . knA lan that th f.uinditinn of our in-1 ura wionrs amuiuoo mr men oroce, ana iice5 .wi nsi'.te uOUV dependence was conceived and brought party spirited kind of intrigue, not to be foi th in corruption. Is it possible this ome fire, which seems to us a-i hidden cul ttle ul tUM mllieRtJ WOin oawiion, taa. cau be a fact? If not, then pray where from onr fellow citizens at the north, by okrtificatks., ;kl-. ai'thi. lima Mmnthina- like 100.000 ia the necessitv of these aelf virtu- the use of bold satellites and hireling . .i.asw na.iiT doUars better off, including all inciden- lout, enlightened tmd political Combina- prints.. Hence he has derived the ttnen- XtShio eVa valuable mXine Id WeTnenses. ' . ' 'vs g.-r; I tion of Crawford radicals?' ' ,' IvsaMetitleio this part of the country .ahraaw. apliiiiiia and eriuhus aompliutfia 16th. Retohtd. That thia i meeting , Have we Deen raising merwy uisuiu uw ouij irom uictunuuia m tc ,ruF.c, ""-rrrYJ 'Ar m MSUme no Congressional mjlUOUX, J UOOS III tuiauuin u wuw "r, 4 r, , Tl W . " Profeuor ofSurgfn ia the UnWeraiiy announcin to 0ir leliow-citixen woom trymen to me ans oi pouucai uu- iluwuhuu., " we intend te vote for as Electors for tlety, and of demolishing the simpli-J appear to the northern states in a mo- Ificd nillar of libertr. and rearinsr the 1 aetl and virtuous buck ground. It is an tnr vt' would uotoresume to be so ofR-l Herculean of republican conversion to I old proverb, fellow citixeos, familiar to : . r . . . ' .1 a ' , ci'ous aa to intrude our choice of Presi dent and Vice President of the U. States unnn their understandings: ' nor shall tWM, nor their, minions, intrude Opon ours. c We believe Mr. Monroe has not fought after eelf-intifrest dnringhis ad- DUOlSirauODy ailU, III ptcjill(j . mm monarchy upon ita, ruins? . If ao, we have naKonally been substituting the goose-quill for the plough, and opened a door lor numan depravity ana corrup tion to usurp the rights of man and draw the veil of oblivion over our free dom and independence-Thirdly: By too great an importation oj joreign ar- a i i . i. - a. i Ku ,.4ini Atinar tri " - mwm first talent, of our country against Mr. ... aaac uuru Jiunuai DEmrwucr hiu th. 950 aarvi oa Loag Creek, liated bj Jaba tY Ho.:-- v '.V"'". .100 ditto on Long fii-aoeh, Geo. BtrUUa! aw Uta. i'.v'; -.V. : 18S t-8 do, littal by TalenUnt Slaukitv Jat. V ao Creek ' if? . aoo do, an llamer'a Creak, IWUd bj Pvfl , ley Maik. . . '. ?.f sr- ' r do. on do. by Jat. Harwocw.' ' ' . 130 do. on do by John M'Uod. ' ' - ' Soodo-'on pitona Natlil. MwooV" 100 do. adjoininf; Wa, Btrria .baloncir; t V John ForeaL, jr. aWid. , J.', ' ' S I do. on Kyaj't Creek kekmjlng to the cstit) of John Untb. . ' - . a - '( ,;vj V- : t00tdo. oo Curl Tail Creek, beteing to W, 130 do. on LiUle Creek, belonging ta Eichifi Graeo,wa - ' - i , , C. C. COPPlDGE, Shf. July t0, t94. s . . Priee ad fcS ;, Yoi k, 3un-voi " New York, Ut mo. en ia 1 ol' the N Sth h. N. Y. Y- Hosuiul, t8S4 us all, " there cannot be so much smoke without some fire." We shall state one more fact, to show the world further our reasons why w e an important remedy in lerot'ulous, venereal and would not preter Mr. Crawlord lor our mercurial oueuea. next Pressdent. Not wibIiius; to de 1 have within the lt two rear had an op portunity of te.ciuf; aeveral easel of very ioYete rate olerra, wbieb, having retioted previously the regular rootlet of treatment, were healed by the uf oi Mr. oiiii'i Paoaoeai and 1 (Jo be. lirV'-. from what I have teen, that it will prove un his eizht years' clock of frtce Repub- dent spirit into this country, our inter- lican time, we cannot iorgei iqai us last naipvrnf9y.i t. tiu -nn.i click sounded in our eara like Adams, our intriguing politicians find an ave- who e feel confident would make a one to our good humored depravities, good regulator for our old 76-fashioned and thereby avail themselves of the foi- Ume' piece. ' But still, should the ma- bles of a certain jportion of our popula- . . f . l ti .JL. mmmmknfm l.nw Miksjk la jtnmmnn In all nnlinnsN joruy oi our4ieii"w-vivijM;ua, e veic, tuiv w think differently, we are willins to ub- to gam an electioneering object. Al scribe to i treat of political peace, though an immoral fact, it is better for which will -at least carry the .balance of Our countrmen to know the truth, and oui declilhine, years down to the grave, meet it at once, than be flattered into tender .the Mflyinbaanere of declin- the road to national ruin," by false ing liberty, and a free expression of our proseltes, who wind themselves round lentiments. V onr animated 'fceliog."at our 'annual e- 'SP I7t f Retobf That true copies lection byjpresuig invitations to take from the minutes of this meeting, be another drink. Signed by the Chairman anil Secretary, And when they are mellowed like the Which, together with a short communica- clay, sufficiently for moulding to the in Ulcn.herete annexed, to our fellow-citi- terest of a sort of political gambling. fcena throughout the U States, respect- anu a train oi raatcoi canaiaaies, wen ing tlie quajifications of Wm. H.Craw- they are invited np to the poll, to give foxd, as one of the candidate, for our in their" suffrages. . When aome are met ftext President, be transmitted by mail at the door with an insinuating sang to the Raleigh Star Richmond Whig, froid, & requested to show their ticket, and National Journal, for publication. (M O, who do yott vote for?") and un- suspecting (when thus thrown off their , il?W-CWiM,-Ia pnrsuanee of guard) the fine trap of intrigue, ao rich ihl purposes of this meeting, we shall iy laid in flowing bumper ; and Jlne close with a few general remarks upon speeches, they open their hands to inqui h imnortance of our National welfare, mtiveness, which opportunity has been and the preservation of our equitable converted to an exchange of tickets (if form of government. Forty-eight years necessary to their yiewsj which the ra hsVe elapsed ''aince '.'the planting' of diced electioneerers have ready prepar thr Tree of Liberty, in, thiawestern ed under the cuffs, and up goes a certain hemisphere, and forty-one year, since class of our fellow citwens with i false Wrta' of thoM bloodr conflicts .uffraee volined upon the foibles of hu- a I man nature. Thia is the wav. in a mat I ' Holder, kind Heaven, to Ireac the precion. measure, Wm. H. Crawford common- wg2S- . 1 trunV.-fcnii ettcn4 ita'branche. of na- ced rising from a, school ma.ter and Jaha Warfilngton, tionat; felicity' lhroughont these. Up common, citixen, to his present political SeA,ITins","', ted Btttcs, and. invite the,.ons,and eminence.; -Tor the honor of our coun. lloa' daoghters of pppreteion -fron) foreign I try, we wouiu giaaiy reirain ironi ata-1 h. at. clay. clime qt monarchy fufl, despotism, to partjJte with us in the blessings inri dent tof peace and a free, independent Svernment, "And now, to perpetuate Co -national iaidcar bought bles lings, we v.jew it incumbent upon;, the twople.tQ ttnlte in liberal, "but just sen timental towards those i citaeo who have aignalized themselves in the affairs scend into his little private meander- ings, while formerly a citizen in this part of the country, we deem it worthy of remark, that in our neighboring coun ty 01 Uglethorp, where he was in a man ner raised and took na first atni t, (he county is unanimously opposed to him, with the exception ut three or lour lam-ilies. ABRAHAM HOWARD, Ch'n. Wm. Sullivan, SeSy. At UUVC. w..t, i LL perioni t Greenaboroiigh,' and ill vlaia. A ity, who are Indebted ta tht tubaeriker, ail N CHAPMAN, M.a " Profetsor of the Inttitulet and Practice of Pbyiio in the University of Peiiniylvaiiia. He tee. Philadelphia, Pebrawy Ui, 1824-" ' I make imiadialr navrnent to John M.Lorta,f I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim, '. ! ,ownf wno i, dulj autboriied 0. aettlc A io numeroti iiisuuct , within the hut three i tnC(D, , ,i ... ',' '' 4 '' eaii, ami have alwayt fouiiil it txirenitly fffl-, Those who hav left watobe to repair, are'ra caciou.t, uptcmnj mercurial iliaeaae nouoeiug it a roeiliiM waytniuiHi h cxireniti; t-iu-, Those who hava lell watobe to repair, are iw in seoonuarx sv plain aim ,n ' queued to lake them awav.atherwlae ibey tift 1 liaVe no lifwlntion in pro- mii toefiay tha expena of uh repaira. f lie of inetimatile value rHOS. TBOTTIAS.' U GHON-M-l) - ProfeftMir of :Surgery in lite Uoivtrsit)' of Peuntylvania, Surgeon and Clmiixt Laciu rer to tne Aim Houmt Infirmary," Ha. February 17, 183" , Caution to Purckantrt, The grew! demand and wonderful sucaew of this metliei' t, havi induced a nunibtsr ol pertoua to imitate it iu various wai.' Some are telling -MOMMtTTIili to the jM of CoaberJt J eoontj, oa tha tOth of Deaember, l2lj negro mao, whoealli himtelf HBXRT .nA KIS, abont S teat JS iaebel high (lender aadf, dark eomplei'ion.iad a boot St o SSyaan of ifj and aavahe Iwlnnintn I bomaiM'Gee.of bean. saituparitU and other syrupa, imposing them oo co county, Va. . I'be owner weald da me igunrani mr tn ranacza: ouiera art mixing come tarwaro, prove prapenr pay ciarjc, (hi Pennine medicine with molasses, ke. tnakioc Itaka turn awav. ' ' ' r -. :, ' fMM'lMAUliaWl""lJ( W9 n . r v .matt . l- KYWr .- rcTCiieviuai new. , 44 .July l ;.-t7-,; , 1 ,'r ' ' ti 111 1 1. - ' tb( genuine medicine witb molasses, be. making three bullies nut of one thus retaining some of its virtues These imitations and adulterations bave in many instanees, p rot ranted the salferinga - Herrings. A few Barrels of trimmed Uti rings, of asu perior quality, for sale by JNO H. BOYLAN. Auguat 19, 1 824. SVSt Auction, and Commission Store. 'pHB subscriber bsa the honor to inform the Inhabitaats of Chanel Hill, aud iu vicinity. that tie aa OMaiaea Irom uraogeaounty ourtlof pient, in eases wjhere the genuine mtdiu,u aa tmu.Miir . ana ouera u scrvioes , wouW haTe plwej ,,vntly I ll.cre- m that Una of business; assuring bis tnenda aad , fore deem it , duty ow. thc pubiio to ,cq0ii.t those who may entrust him with their business, thero. th,ti, t, imuoMible. from the veri .Tatare of iu constituents to be discovered by chemical analysis; and, consequently, that all othtr mix tures represented to be mine, and sold as nuch, are fraudulent and base impositions, calculated to deceive tbe ignorant and unwary. Tbe .genu ine medicine has any signature on a label, repre senting Hercules and tbe Hydra, and my name on the seal. WM. SWAIM. No. 13, Sooth Ninth street, Philadelphia, ypo site tbe University at Punnaylrania Philadelphia, May 7, I SUA. 31 t that be will spare no pains nor exertions to give general aatisfaetioo. Me will also receive and tell Goods and Mcr. chandjsa 00 commission. G. BOfXIARDl. Chapel Hill, June to. , , 3S.3t uns Bucn ucta, wait uutv.cuniucia va vui r.jaa braves. point du the sources of intrigue wiUrout disguise, that onr county may be cleans- 'LSer bf ed. It i A losson ious all fellow -citizens I fioanoke Navigation Stock FOR SALE. WILL be sold ta tha highest Udder at tha Courthouse, in HaHfax, N. C. on Wed nesday the 10th of November aexL the following shares of stock held in the Roanoke Navigation Company, oaleas the instalments due thereon are paid previous lo that time; Shares, Mark Wilson, 5 Wm. M'tithee. S Wm.lrew, a 111. G. Burton, S3 JvhaJU Powell, SO muiiam saraorougn, a k lax r. Edwards S lOUohn M'Gehee S gtnWilliamPoweU, 10 SlJoho Hughes, . Jamet Wortbam, SS I Willbai Bart, SO Share Ceorga M. Wilson, Thomaa M'Gehee, S Jailor Noticed 'liUB certificate Ibr two shares in the capi 1. . Ul stock uf the Suta Bank of NoA-Caro-I in, originally aberibedT far ' in tbeVama of tliaa J. Cletherall. If not found withia three months, I shall apply to the Principal Bank ia! the city of Raleigh for new certificates. ' ' ' UbUKtifi li. UUBaUKKAUj, ., f. , .i- ; Truatee. June B4, 1894. , ,... 74m of the U, S. from which e very 1rue heart ed American should take warning,: and more particularly candidates ttir ru lers of the teople, It is true,, we have a great man; peace. (ha Board of Director. " A. JOTNKat. Treasurer. joiv si, is. :'r;-?-.' e-t Tbe editor of tb rataraborg latelliKeBaar ad Mil Ion baxatta are requested to publish tha foregoing adverUseaaent twice to their respective paper. c'; i'.' :V-:jv'' '; ofstate and the field, in support of the! who, from reportkliaveottfAin bled nirnitv 01 our counirv. ana tne uiBDen-i iot meir - couuirv, .aim .-wvrv; ncicr ing ot justice- and wisdom "from the! heard of in ,tyrae of battle; nd to prove SIB Private Knteitainuicnt. a ins sabsanbar, htviogremavad to that large 1 aad eomaiodiou houae. aaarlr stnoaUa to of our national.ounta 'Thel their braery,tu the Vld we find them lienaadsoabatherau may give him call. . .. ... . . . 1 .,1 i. 1 j r 1 1 .l.i -1 - . . . wmi mmw munnvuMh n ill, UP14CnillL a W YOUNG oT the. Academy vhh Kostai a. jtviNNB. heads ' present crisis seems irauunrwHii mucn i oiten marcmng into uie ueia-iwn tie "political ambition and party sjnrit for the nriiietpfe 0 AonoMo fight, .political . fmrinrtant office which is Soon td be fil-l sinste combat, when there' is an office f ., . . '.m. ..m, ...nt r..lTM.I mlm mtaM . wmm! W. iitl -.:-;-:: lainwd Afnniyw''7fjirttr'anlsav Ao more o'ti'tlua t&t.:W- i 'T ' ' i, ., ,...- fwamnt tobaagood asanymadeki tha State. 1 '' 1; . ' 1.; ' I : V1""" . . ,T rdi.t'f.L v.-.ji;r:. t::i.: .nr aiuira f , lForthtem.nilTi eoCWm. Polk..4XTinltt?fl.; ;; ir-' ' taodest Doliriciaa. cwicieur ef; the tivlM well argue;: ettaee. tbU it V uail or everd aBtia.forabaiUl08ct, 1 fiaie&h. Kni.ns. us ; Raleigh. June 3, IS4A, . ' . - . - i. ' - iss-tr - . Taken Up, a NO sotnmitted to the jail of Beaufort eoun tA ti. on tha 87th Aorast. llS3.a nezro man. who ealfsbimself JOSHUA. LEfc. aod asTS tlnu he was purchased on the Eastern Shore of Ma ryland, near snow Hill, ay KoOert Martin, liv ing ia kaaklngham aoanty, North -Oral toa; and that he left said Martin ia Chaster eoanty, South Carolina.. He ia of VeUow comnUlioa. larcra full eyas, aoft 'voiea, 9 feet S or 8 Jncbes high. ud about 32 rear old.' The owner is reauested to aome forward; prove property, pay charges. ana taxe tun away, or lie win be dealt with as tha law dimta.-';"- . - - . -s '- v t - 1 STRPBEN OWF.KS. Sheriff ' Cj TI' Sbova named aegroe does aot belong la;s'ViY i :- ' KOBT, AiAHTl? . IMm , rrTHEBE U now at Cot William Polk's,' tor - aale, a number of improved C OTTO Si A W tG IN a. which th anhmrllter will S. 125.' 'r' , IvAKEJf UPad todged la'Ua a f county, on the 88th ultimo, a agr v named ISHAM, or lama Say ho WcsgM Joseph tatlow, Of Charieston, . C. Said atp -m areH known in tbu place, aod wa uM, !; or nine months since, by Mr. Cooper, of IW county. The owner is requeued toaaai r .wt mmm iimmh: Mt harnea.and Is"' ' . yviimingtoa, Aag.S, iss '..j.'.y --y. ! ! John S Bbofeatr Jlft! WOULD SELL OR RENT ' ' i HIS posseaiionSjB rtie Hy of Kaleign. atmtb west corner of tbe Ptmli fiWu: lot 110, consisting of a t, : DWELUNC nousB, y w ? HlSSl 9 rooms below etaim nitcaeo, a -j T. I I. Wood House, adjoininrt e "m Stable? and all neaeasnrv out buikJinrft bll era of ground, and a excellent Gardes- a vacant fiieca ot grmjtul, near ina '.7.. Store Uattw on the aorner of tb Wt, 1 . unJ..nJa s : L- h.wW heCB 08Wf P5cd! .? nritt UK4 A iihe above mentioned pm?? . s nai wcum - 1 -i m .?.T . 1 far a Boarding He, a"" - ' sear the : now,B.'7i ta i 3Ba. u,K-.. ?0sesioa,.7 ' aaanw ua wn ui ai a'" ' it wiM. ha rented fcr one' or nore hni. tn.ttr. o-tha Dwelhng t ' . Also, toe ie, a nuus", , . .-. well built- ia be removed from wj. j Tohlre.aWEGRO WQMAN a ,A .nt hraner .. -.'. . . v-t &"v , . :. : iiv, . i noke inaeotea ior "- s ooce tuore remlhdedi that ml l"a aloaed, and, oaaeqaootty,' iirther fca" eed stfe.-V--a6elij: ; frr 1 be tditors 01 tna s-u.-k ,j pJlhsh the above i time, evert atr w & . wad their aeeoant t .V'm