x or m: .v . - , : Wi-wiirti a atkUlfaJ ta,ty wriur the tVerrn; iLjacjiptaa. m tM mioa, rWo sUll or nrf skat, b tL rtr President f tho UoiteJ kutw a wttcr' U 'milch I greater iatrmi fhta any the idamBt' Utothy" (car in th mrk, Wo wag tfecir LvJs sod Urk In dvLnMl ha asj IB w - - r-. L k. A ta siy elertti nmnot of wiew. be M CNtntti am vnk tJenrrsJ Juki M Use rwwod of CMUaUMtl cMttn liass. Aa evUirae h rivro tho U( of Uwiw of JacktWn rr?ri for tb dw mrrmiat of th power of Uut boJj within tbrif aadoobted fuMlMta. bj noaui U strike out a tlaase U a till for titLnr Mblle. road. aO- fir M it . " . . Tt a ..nasal i-" sV fW asst. c " sat LMMUMf, tseoce 0 jhs tote oftkt facaea of. niitiaUrfero withtUUjariad':ctiM. ilia UU , UMtrt , Jackum. the Meoai ! Mr. JeffrtWs polic r wu decided! v jrt.l .s k Mnfra (ho ra favor of nukmr mat ami canau oj aJ-s;Wof the dajf Arrows dipt ta s Ibe Liui wners irj ! rail, aJ ohot tT aata cribbUrs, wa.t' aatioiul caaracter.bat. fur that eud. be and will fall fcartnle at 0 fret of (be Jlero of New OH cam., llu worth, ta lents and military ac'iiereaiftita aro be fwrt a dixemHir puJ w; t wboot bar he ku Dothin to drid, that enr.the reproaeatatidas of pirtr rise, ai the pre iudir of liitrrted political deraa- . r . .1 I a rarnti. cia iureL it if uio mh aa-rted that an amendment to tue Vt-irnl Cunatitotion hold'firt rite the power. SOUND IDLR' . LOP hcstisg QCiBTca wwrr. , roa tub rraa. . GEVTLr.Mta -In tho Washington City Gazette, of tbo 5th sltirao, I no ticed the following editorial paragraph. of the wrt- 1 your their wiaoned arrowr, arid balla of ma-s oaeful pa pen Ike and enr: jet tfa fan f Gen.' Whih the frieoda of Mr. Crawford have Jackson i fike the Moantktn Oak,; ealn')r repoaed npoa their ttrenjth in North- been in the hdgiU, and shattered by tho fary of the ele-' toniandenumerarint; minora of the militia, to menta, inibibca from fhnn a vigor, which I swell their nurobera. After an their tret- makes its sprradins brandiea and. its oa,to wbat eoncwaoo ne wey come a . i-- 'li. ,u.! n i W vhw k has been atated that tlieir nar- . . . J . . t . . I . aterJinrwonhndanf4ilinxieatneiitond,aaasingalar cunostty of the wt " f he a tarwt at which ambition, and th. fnl iniarepreacntatiooa of the wnter, ' Vilest paaawM of the human heart, shoot) will thank you to give it a place iu yoi ' fneir poiaonru arrowa, ajni won mm-i yy' , c Ike and envv: yet tlia farna r-f Gen.' - Whitat the nienda of 1 Jackson i fike the Moantatn Oak,: calmly reposed npoa their i deepening Us root, ti,e aSSve" encoanteir'and iUugb oftea stripped , ,M - I k'tk MBa vF tha aalaa- 2 Km Bka J mm Ututa ia FaVdirr Tbn.M facirr J(Mrp FIW L- fVctwr W Mcauttn WJKw tUMtKoa Mmn4 llanikKM ;t HmIm r.ljfc HMiiHaa WiluwUu Jotaa Lcaia hut l.rvit llin Nrlrx vVilw SaUrr Wtllum Sauih. Witliaiu S btri Beojaaiin V iMis Rtvrgt Willii liruli 1 1 U Joha Willii trtinic invincible t their power, A. D. . - o Ta rria. ' ' Messrs. Editors, "One of Vie Peo j)k,n in t)ia Register of the 31st nit. has progressed with bis eisays so far as to develope his planjof supplying the defi ciency,. I noticed in my last, respecting theUltras". whoiiihe had promiseu to no tice before. , Not being able to make his , t)sant amount to about 3.000 persons-lp the whole atale. - ,,u't north Carolina contaihs 100,0-0 free white matct between the, f ge of 21 ami iS and uftwards-of course her populatiun embrace individuals capable) of voUog to that amount, wrist inert u ue en tire strensrtli of MeasraJackaon, Calhoun and Adam in the atate? Juit u 5 to 1 O, and no more. . The fact is broad and inconteabblei and yet cerlain pressea prate ot Gen. Jack- This is a paper that warmly supports image fit ia the place he had promised t caucu9 an( the caucus ' candidate, to pat it, he has, workod it overasain, Wm. II. Crawford. 4 Now what can be andlm nowtroduced U m the 8liapelgai(j for.a cause that 'require for its of a comparison between the candidates .,ir,nort. aurh bare-facad and wilful for the Presidency. He has introduced , Derversion of fact? Can anv well dis- tlie show with an odd kind of narration 4nj VntelliKent mao put any con aa oueer as himself: for, it is evident, with all his talent and information, he ia . queer fith. He works on all aide of the subject, without making any dis tinctiona on any; but he ,has ihia one fidence in a print, which, in the face of the strongest evidence to the contrary, circulates such shameful falsehoods? Well may Mr. Grawford say,' spare me from my menus," when they endea the above It was not intended however, I pre sume, for the meridian of North Laro Una. It was obviously meant to de ceive the people of other states. But the writer of this profligate print will, in the end, when he comes to reckon his host, find that Mr. Crawford in this, as well as in a great majority of other states, ia not half so popular, as he now pretends to believe. Instead of getting the vote of this Btate, (as far as expres sions of tmblic sentiment have taken place,) it is my candid opinion, he wil not be supported by o?ie tn ten " of the free white maex" of North Carolina.- That must be a desperate cause, and one, that should never prevail, when its votaries lay aide truth, and substitute falsehood in its stead. TOM 1 f thing in view, ma . to make out that our to, advance his interest by such Mr. Crawford is a Kaaual nepunican, p;t;rut and unf0unded publications as anU ine rent. Ol inc camuuaics aic lvh- ttrucfioii men, fond of ssumed power; i. t. Ultras. . V! I will notice his remarks on Mr. Clay, and anticipate his sleek-glossing of Mr. Crawford. , He charges Mr. Clay with having been once opposed to construction; but with having become ultra-construction. Let it be noticed, that the question upon vhich Mr. Clay opposed construction, ytli the question ot renewing the old U tiited States' Bank charter. At that time, let it be well and distinctly re- ttnembered, M. Crawford supported the construction xystemi Now, in what has Mr. Crawford fallen short of Mr Clay ....in construction since?, He was in a fo reign country and an Executive Depart ment during the discussions of the latter question nf construction in Congress. He is, therefore, only known as far as his Treasury reports have developed his views; and in these,- whatever he has said, he has said as a volunteer. Upon the subject of Internal Improvements, he has voluntarily suggested, that, if Congress chose 'to carry on such im provements, the TVWTmightbe increas ed for the purpose! Now here we have the um of every thing than can be Charged upon the other candidates by way of construction, Bank, Internal Im provements, Tariff', and all! Uut, I foresee the drift of this Unit's intention from his manner of introducing the Tariff. Mr. Clay advocated that measure as a matter of national policy. This writer for the people imprudeutly intimates that the Tariff gvstem upon that ground is only denied from con struction; and although Mr. Crawford proposed the measure, he is, I foresee, ready to place ' MrtSraw ford's recom rovuiiation t.n the "round of revenue! I Ivill be, beforehand in rep) v. ' he;;Virginia interest had no other Way of excusing Mr. Crawford but bv making a distinction between a TariiF laid for national benefit and one laid for revenue and several members of Con gress from that state denied that Con gress had any constitutional power to - interfere with commerce by laying im ports except for revenue. The consti tution gives power to lay and collect taxes; but it also gives power, yea, a plenary, full power, from -its very na ture, "to regulate commerce with fo reign nations, and among the several States.". 'Thus, then, the powers thus given are separate and oidittercnt cha racters. ' The friends of Mr. Crawford, by re presenting him as opposed to the Tariff on constitutional f ground, but recom mending it for revenue, place him in - this odious light, that lie is a construction mirn f an extraordinary kind; constru ing powers from the constitution where none are given, and construing others awa which are enrely civeuT There is ho doabt his political character has a fcurious mixture of constructive traits, with,3 little of fixed texture as that of any mao nW before the public for the Presidencv... , , . - v 1 shall forbear m commeiit on the ' conduct of Mr. Adato. n 1 cannot with draw from it many of ,thj objections of the Uuit of tht Pecple, r, hovreTer, i jr. f 100 ' w sua . i 40 . so iO s i0 ill i JO 5 J J SO li 5' I 50 l IK) !0 I'K) 150 I'JO 60 1 i t v so t J I V2 I CS am is 4 dautaB.jJr'- UuJ.UMLmU. U ri"?' STKA1TS DWTU1CT. St Nsney Arther Ssmad liell Arnokl Bloodroofl Newet Bell Wilson 9urfrss UW Rell Zh1 Hell John Brirx Kielisrd Cshill ThomsiCtris WsiUse W Usvls Isiat Dsriijr. JHiio Umv'is Jamts r uincd sen. Siiael PuloUer ett J'uleherjr. n r.ilmonu rarrosr Philin rulfi . .' ssreiiteT i'ulforj Jobo I) Fulford UniFt Gillikin 9lejheif Gmlirie jr. nst-Dh Hilt Willisia V. Harris j Abner Hancock Clarita 'Urki'r t borass C. Joan Kelber Joiin i Jamea Lewit Saral.l.etl'eri tear. . Kylcy tii . WUIixniT (Vkke LelPig(t Jr. & Lmoel smith Attaalom Simnaoa Iticlmrd Wliiiehurlt James Wnile Mi.l.ua Willii Josiali Willis n nr. Jsmes Willis Daniel Willis , Samuel Willis Uano Wade Alplieus Willis IIK.AUFORT DISTINCT. Klijali (Hiiaclav jr. S5 KIijhIi CiiH(la Stnr. ' 140 Klizs Dade, Lot No. S, Beiutort old town Mi SO IS 80 50 7 100 so 939 f CO CO 50 0 40 50 SO' SI s.i io SO 300 - 400, 10 7 104 800 50 50 10 S3 II i'20 76 50 50 81 1K0 50 n 50 3 04 SO 55 04 1 15 BO 44 St . a s a. ail as ir-SarBkOB Kris. ' sabra vest sorwr of H ota ... ,,u - s2j -rs. iw t Ji4,im -. -- llvsr. wiiera lrarllr a aars u mrrt ' I -l , II U ll, . " B. W. , . ,. l. m.rf II s ranaas . L 'S roNea-ras. aaal are turasthea waa - 7 His uut.. aa aaal,aall U a-VI-a a'h ike iiM lU araH,saJ husuWra M r-1 mmirr. Ta saWsenbrr 4Srasas u wr-- t4ot i, rlse, haaft fy.alfr, ' .kin l Cur ths swalorvUe sa- ' ' . i.. Ma sub-' ' r mWttiu Wa ho-s. I he k-s xmlaiua loaest elisrjis iH essure. .....-. July 8J.HS4 , Un.. KD aahta la (ka jsil .' iy.aalUli ri, U iZZT Was.IUh4.ua.lf JOSHCA saTsM.1?1 ha was (riirsuaara' on (be Eastern aksr. Jt 7 ' nbi.J. Au Swim It ill I i !.. k. IcA ad M , n.s , tr7J' Vasf iliaaaa ll aj a Bsleigh, 1'rivate linfei tuinment ' rtlHR auSsenber, hsiig rrtaoreo to tb tarra I .() eommwat Uoox-. a-saH aipfaii to lite Slar ofiiee, i Tarrvl t eatcrtsm rasi lers sa4 such albert as may fie bna eai). I He aill also seoommonais, ua iuc amsi trrma, lea- YOUNG LAUIK3 af Iba Asadmy atta DoarQ aaa luiiiluk- ROnERT U. WYNXR. Raleigh, Joae 3, 84 SJt. Taaaaaet irt!j. sad iske fc, s.,y aa m Jl as 1 I be la ilirvcia. . . . (ry Tie, abos ssse4 aerraa os fc. V OfBockiojUsaiUsi t lac, '- vs. ' , 'I t; nOMMITTLO to tho jail 1 J coual) , OS the 'Notice. . to tho (ail of CunibcrUi ri f j BJJ l 10th of Deaen.bei . I -ill, , jLgl alls hiuitfHKNKY HAK-J,. UC-fJ' inelie l.iRli, slender ii'sn, .tfVc m Notice This. : III Rt isooar at Col. WBli,. pji.! L sale.saumberof iminxwsa COTtnil srrsat lo W M good ss any sasde lb, . : For ia if. ms, sPlJy to coI.Vb. Polk . r. . BENJ. y. ALfcXANDRB. ; BaTeigh, No. 2, I8W. 4Mo.tf urrro tasa, wbaeaiis 'tis, about Slaet ilrkaompleaion,anil saoat i or x rars ajr, i awl says he belongs to Thomas i'G?e,ol IKi.r:. eoeountv. Vs The Owner wonltl ilnaelllo' ; some forwsrd,proe prop i iy , ja chsigrs, anil Uaa nim away. . - - ,t 3M'L M A CL.TSCY, Jailor, i FeTetteTtlle, Dec T,.t82a - , 5U-r I ? . For UeuJ, V ? JbTBk THB boose lately occupied' by Jr. G TB Itoecianti, a a Coat't-ctioosry store, be- 4 4S ' " '- K ir' ' I'- aod commodious S 30 building, at the corner ol Fiiye.ltrville sad Mir 1 30 ' tin streets, in the oecupsncy of Di s. Rurgei and 1 35 ' Hunter. The store room is iinulietl in superior 1 04 i style; and, besides the counting room, thei e are . I 06 ' two oomraodious apartinsntl above slati s I I. ere ' 1 SO 1 no belter stand for business in the city I'lie 1 09 .terms will us reasonable, and K)sseuion giTen in.. S 77 ' nuxliately. For farther particulMrs, imjuire oi" 1 1 78 Messrs. .loss Sc icolt, on llie premises. fjWK stipe fare from ttaltigb teKe'slrr, i itnced front ten to elglu d ollsrs t ,( k any shorter distance, at the rats of tesa etna ' per mile. ., ' M. niLUARO. ru July 5 1824. ,. a gl " . -e- f Carriage Making. do 174 6 300 214 200 IK 1 757 '200 new town 1 30 60 8 S Oii 3 75 1 03 "1 60 1 04 1 50 9 39 tugust 14, 1844. 3.".-i ' 1 ' s.il.-ribi rk Waving entered into en-nsrt. urnhin in thr I arriase Making business, an. 38 75 45 3 44 64 Dill Bdward do 29 John Dickerson Sarah Kullnrd Stephen Fulford lohn Marker Thomas Musket Daniel Mane Heirs of Micajah Pig'att Joseph small Ann Sabiston, Lot No. S9, Beaufort old town James Shackiltord TAK) 6 Thomas Kvans , 50 l David Wallace ' id THOS. iMAKSMALL. Sh'ff. August 17. 1824. 30 4w Price adv. $8 75. pIIE subscriber liusjuj. ived a frrah x nlv of UltDGS. M INK K.- Also a supply of SWUM' ;!. :'H VIED PANACKA, for the nut o( btrn''-..ia Kind's Kvil, Rheumatism, Ulcere. 1 . . huis, ami nil diseases arising from an .nj.n siale ot thu blood; but more especiall. to' ypinlis, Mueu rial diseases, Ue Ho for lneti ili proprit lor oilers the following descn.i ion and eenifiCHtes. It v-DOLI'H WfcBU. Raleigh, July 28, 1824. ': der the linn of JACOB VAN WAGENtNk t!.k l.utr l..i.v.. in l.JVum ll.sln Cm!..-Am U J .1. ... ... c " " ' n... ihiii IWI UN - T; p",,li' i' geiirral, thai iliey can be stipnlied aitk ;im wiii k in llli'ir line a. iuw BS II Can DC O0UIS- (l elsewhere The worV, hi every iattanae,' shall te warranted for I . pnuBtlis. Person w ishing lo purchase carriages, ace respectfully invited total! . if .i a cob' van HvaGenejt; WIL F. CLARK. i June G, 1824. SK' ' snp- Statc of North-Carolina, raall& Public Treasurer, in cnnforimly lo cus I torn, and as a mailer of cnurse rut her than li om a belief there h any the least necessity for such measure, would hereby respect ully remin the ishentlt and oilier Revenue Officers ol thi Slate aforesaid, that llie lime is tasi approaching and. indeed, is now at Ih.imI, (say ilu- hrst t)cu ber next.) heu the laws require dial llieir pub lie accounts shall be balai.ceil and closed, lor II present year: Tn men so lone and souiiily tliviii guislied lor a prou.pt and honorablt ditclnogeol Die duties assigned li.em in tins rf"ard, it n.n well be considered superfluous to say more; tmd nothing fun her shall therefore, be added 'J'reusurj QJfizc, Septtiuber 1, 1S.'4. The Attention of the Sheriffs, t of the late and pres nl Clerks of the several Courts of Record in this State, is hereby and particularly invited to ihe Act of the lust AssembU, lor the promotion of Agriculture, ko Chapter the Y11I 36- t Cheapo tor Cash. A V be had a lik'tly young BL CK SMITH, l-'or terms apply lo Winship Stcdnian, Ijo) n i.y J. W. 1IVNUM. 36-if Sheriff's Sal c. SWALM'S PANACEA. This alunl'le Medicine has obtained a distinc tion wbich us eflicacy alone c:.u Mipport. As a purifier of the blood it has no parallel. It it the most uselul spring and uutmnn ultcrathe ever known. All I nisi u do are i.tfecled with Scro. fula, Lepitiay. Scurry, or cuianeous tmptiotu, or any ol those melancholy diseases atisii.g Horn impuiiiy of the blood mid juices also, those who suffer by diseased lAver Jiheumatic c't tiuns, or feoin indiscretion ot their youth, as ell is those whose constitutions are broKeii rrllK following tracts of land, lying in the counM ui ..luuiuoinei V. Ol- SO mtltll OI tllt'll' as Will ilim li .mi.l unl nmnn nr sruiiwl mi'l cities, should submit lo a course ot Jwdia u- K.sij. Trades-nill, Chatham, '27 ill Aug. 1824, Medical Colletre OF SOUTH CAROLINA. riHK Lectures in this College will coinuitnce 1 in Charleston on the second Mondtty in No vember next, anil cojl'mue five mouths The Professors are John Kd wards Ho! brook, M. D. Professor of Anatouiy Samuel Henry llickrison, M. D. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Medicine. . Thomas li. Plioleau, M. 1. Professor ol Ob stetrics, and the diseases of V omen and Inlants. James Ramsay, M. 1). Professor of Surgery. Henry It, Frvsl, M. D. Professor of Materia Medics. ' Kdmimd Ravenel, M. D. Professor of Chemis try and Pharmacy. "Stephen Kllioll, L. L 1). Professor of Natural History ami Hollany. TilOMAb G. PRIOLKAU, M. D. Dean of tlx Faculty. Augtut S3, 1824. 36-3t ,A Lady ami Gentleman, 17 HU hava, tor several Tears, presided in nnblio Academies, are desirous to get employment in some healthy-pan of North-Caro lina, Letters directed lour, ierv Uattic or Wa il ie I Uuin-e, Esq. Kaleiga, will meet the eaHiest attention. $ Ms 6 U84, 19 tf be sufficient lo pay thf tax due on them lor the year 1H;2, and cost ol advertising, ill be ..flerti' lor sale, at the Court house in l.awrei'Ceville, on the third Mondiiy iu heplemher next, viz U50 acres on Long Creek, listed by John Pop lin. 1 60 ditto on Long Branch, Geo. Hartman's es tate. 182 1-2 do. listed by Valentine Shackle, Ja- con s lretK 500 do. oi. Ilamer's Creek, listed by Dud ley Mask. 75 do on do. by las. H.igwood. 130 do. on do by John M'Lend. SOOdo on Dison's Creek, by Nalhl. Macon. U0 do. adjoining Wm. Harris, belonging to John Forest jr. ilec'd. 51 do on Ryal's Creek, belonging to the estate of John Ruth. lOOo. on Curl Tail Creek, belonging to W. F. Smith. 150 do. on Little Creek, belonging to Richard Green, sen C. C. COPPKDGE, Sh'ff. July 10, t4. Price adv. $5 S(M)w Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY, the 8lli of June, from the aubscribei, in Abbeville District, St)uih-Ci olina, about 14 miles from the Court House, o ticgro men, one named l-LUAH, about twenty six years old, dark eonipleeted, about five feel tix or seven inches high, w illi dome trey hairs on his head, and a scar on, I think, his riht thigh The other, named M tjM FRED, a lighter colour, about nve feet seven or eight inches high, very much scxretl by whipping on his hack ami thighs. It is thought that they are aiming logo lo Maryland. Elimh was purchased last wintei , from James M'Curdy, wbo lives fifteen or laen ty miles from Newmarket. Any person taking them up, and lodging them safe in Jail," so as I r.an gel then., shall receive the above reward, by me. , JOHN I'AUILUW. August 10, 1824. SS-5t C.J. Tooter, ,: CABINET MAKER hiU V?ll01AVX SI AV1NG conlracted to furnish the CstiitalJf J Norlh l.aroliua, bets leave respectlulll H inform the inhabitants of Raleigh and iUvieiaity, that he is about to establish himself io thesbws line near the l-i.pilol Stmare, wher bs kepey by the aid of good materials, sound wotkmawMft am some little display of taste, to merit LI ol iullic paironage. Raleigh, May SO, 1834 8l4f vwh Notice. FF UENRY ANDERSON, who is tnppnsed Mt live near Tarborouirh. North Carolina. will address a letter lo Boaker Smith, Coster's Landing, Decatur aouatys Alabama, ail! bear ol soaMttiing of importance te bun. ,.. N, B. The North Carolina papers rosy confer a favor npoa Mr, Aadtrtaa by gwinf this a few iuamtona. 'ApfH J llity nuteti I he efiecl ol this Medicine is Midi us not to interrupt either business or pleasure, nl requires only the common restraints ol modera tion in diet ll is conveyed by the circulating fluids, and corrects their tendencies to all those diseases which originate in vitiated blood It is a safe, though a pnwertul substitute tor mercu ry, and removes those evils which an unbuc cuaslul use ol that mineral so often occasions, c.c. CI'.RTIFICATES. " I have repeatedly used Swaim's Panacea, both in the Hospital, and in private practice, and have found it lo Dei valuable medicine io chronic, syphilitic and sciolulons complaints, and in obstinate cutaneous afttciions. " VALhNTINF. MOT I , M li. " Professor of Surgery iu the University N. Y. Yoi k, Surgeon of the N. Y- Hospital, fccc. New Yoik, 1st rao. 5th, 184" " 1 have within the last two years hail an op portunity of seeing several Cases of very invete rate ulcers, which, having resisted previously the regular modes of Iretituit nt, were healed hy the i-e oi Mr. awaim'a i'anuceH; and I do be lieve, from what I have seen, that it will prove an important remedy in scrofulous, venereal uud mercurial diseases. "N liilrtl ..In, 1 . V. ...... - , " Professor of the Institutes iind Practice f btable; and all necessaiy out buihhng;(nsii. Physic in the University of Pennsylvania.' iC KC, " I'liiladelphia, February 1C, 1824- Herrings. t few Barrels of trimmed Herrings, of a su i a pcrior quality, lor sale hv JNO II. BOYLAN. August 19, 1824 34-3t Auction and Commission Store. 'pHE subscriber has, the honor to inform the inhabitants of Chapel Hill, and it ricinity, thai he has obtained from Orange county court an Auctioneer's kocoee, snd offers bis services in that liue of business; sssurinr his friends and those who may entrust him with their business, that lie will spare no paias nor exertions to give general satiilaelioos - , lis wfll also receive and aell Goods and Aler eltandite on commission. V C; BOCCIARDL Cbapel Hill, Jane 16.' 33-3t BLANKS, Or etery 4s$riticB fur m' at this OSa:. " I have eraployeii ihe Panacea of Mr. Swaitn, in numerous instances, within the last three years, and have always found il extremely effi cacious, especially in secondary syphili and in mercurial disease. 1 have no hesitation in pro nouncing it a medicine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON, M. 1). " Professor of Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania,' Surgeon and Clinical Lectu rer to the Alms House lnCrtiiary," etc. February 17, 13S3." Notice. snd hsvieh ity, who are indebted to th.- subscriber,! make iniiue.'iau- payment lo John M. that town, who is duly authorised to A them " , ' ' Those who have left watches to repair, are t quested to take them away, qtbery ise ihey be sold to defray the expense bf ch repairs, j TWOS. TROTrfcR. Jury 21 1824. 'tQ 8t' John 8. Uabotcau WOULD SELL OR RENT A HIS iossessions in the city of Raleigh, on W south west corner ot the Public Siiuara,as lot 180, consisting' of a DWKLLtNG HOUSR, 44 by 3 room s below stairs; Kitchen, 3 bj Wood House, aifjoining; t-moke noafn d all necessanr out building;. bsliw ere of ground, and an excellent Garden A a vacant piece of ground, near ihe n,e' Store House on the cwner ol the lot.Sw byl foetj a good stand lor business, having been."' pied as a store lor ten years. 4Kjf a M viw -ix ami i. : . L. . .1 and Ml ".!" 6 ' .4lMi vha K&36TV 3 roilesuisiani, tmmMm -he above .neiiliouea pn-v Vii Tt i hi. .nnld he a sunaoic-- Im-a Boarding HW ear the StawHc Many ' had on the first of H win oc renten inr one ' un.nlC- wliole together, or the Dwelling nw-"-r Iv. rs PossesiMa 1 feptemnerJf i ft,f one or Caution to PitrchfMrr. The great demand and wonderful success of this medicine, havt induced a nnmber of persons to imitate it in various way s. Some are selling sarsapai'ills and other syrups, imposing them ou the ignorant for the Panacea: others are mixing the genuine medicine will. mnlviKn. fcto. making three bottles out of one thus retaining some of dosed, and,' consequently, Us virtues 1 hese imitations and adulterations need not be expected. have in many instanecs, protracted the sufferings y Also, for .a'e, a HOUSE, 8 a". wdl built - to be removed from ine jj, To hire, a NEGRO WOMAN, who Mfa- cook, good washer aud Ironer..-.. mt Those indebted for dealings prior UH l once more reminded that my u' . -i.j ' .,.Ann,iiv. further imwp Raleigh, June lis, 1824 w 86,; i " "-" . clmc l" of patients in eases where ihe eewiine medicine ; ffjf I be Editors of the "ewn,A,a u .. .. ... rrri.i!t. .i i i .verv olnerwM"' wouiu nave proveo instantly enicacious. mere-; puunsn uic iu..", -v j sj, W- ll'l UKN niWHI fore deem it a duly I owe the publis, to acquaint them, that it is impossible, from the very nature oi ua eonsutnenis to be discovered by chemical analysis; and, conseqne,nlly, that all other mix lares represented to be mine, snd sold as such, are fraudulent and base impositions, calculated to deosive the ignorant and unwary. Tbe genu ine medicine has my signature on a label, repre senting Heroules aud tbe Hydra, and my suust on the seal. .':; WM. SWAIM. No. 13, lou'Jh Ninth street, Philadelphia, oppo site tbe University of PenuarWania. Philadelphia, Of ay 1, 1824. 31-3t Jailor's. Kotteg TAKEV UP and .lodged la tbe -f ounty, on the 8Btb M f$p named ISfl AM, or IsomV Sava he Joseph H-oslow, of Charleston, S t is well known in Ibis ptaae. and was ao or sine months linse, by Mr-Coow." county. The owner ia reqursita, '"dt,,fk;r wsrn. nrnva nronmii ij - e away V'UmingtoB, Aug- lsS3 -" ' ' T' . a ' i f

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