1 f elect u vf : ! c : t ti e Iv t V Utttre of JU1 Via- i ter, and U is tv cik.rJr'J believed that they ill cbo9.T!ectoct UtofiUi to Mr. CraarWdV' . .4 If t in; l&'fer -4 red by the rtiJer tkil imajwit .ftS. LaegWttar art fa tor a two to tha .lextioa .r tfr r. Hi lh Jlii.if- In.-iark n body ei7 a oa has the lean tnlorauUoa a fW' subject, c(Tblirt it. .We cJuDert was to prace any trvJente of taeir larooriteV popularity ia' Lnii ians, eithewlth' Che Members the LfgWtre, or with tha pe?plt Urge. .Tby cannot.'. Tbey.well know hxl 'the election of II embers t faa Legiala tnrVrtuMed ia the J.wce of aV Ksst t-thirdf of that body farorable to the Hero of Orleans;, aadjthat, conie- aoentl?, he ia certain of oUinuijAhe vote or . me awe u ciecu.n c rec tors being wita.tba fcegislature. V " . ; w-'y'i .' From tiirImAemonal the best men 'and the greatest patriots, if every nation, hare beeajubjected to the,Vilst calum ;'dj and ihenost cruet persecntion." 15- t en ur' Waafiingtoa ahd JeffVcspn did Ten Our vuiiiitiwu nu rfCuvt.V'i UN. I!. rAi A!.'J..: .J uvl c5waia, u..u, .... .- -.r,-.w fibt wanting tuose wnopessess tt safte I diaboliclj)rinciplcs. Uahold the means . 1 ! r rMortedta! fo' 'tha destract W " pi mc naru- M-o .u rypuwuuu of the; purest pa triotand greatest hero j ton was waged against us,, wherf even . .. ' ,. . i neo even re threat- our sea- onrRerHiDlcan institutions were ened with dissolution when coasts pud' frontiers were laid waste; Sod when the infant were the f vftire tomahawk left the coinforta of a home, and fearless e front of' battle v : srl and privations ly threw himself in the enduring all the dangei ho took, part ia the straggle, We hatr ben inyolpntarily leL to the : above geflecttdnfti by'ihe 'coursa bafsaed .. -' .'i irL-ji-ip " .'' L .i a certain uass 01 politicians, --wno , ., r- . . , appear ro consiiier no means, nowever I ,nrQqgtinablei1n'the1"6ight of honorable . tten.' too reprshensible toHfioc't 'their i-tjurpose. Jjet tne to lowing Daraffranii. 1rom the last Raleigh Register be taken ,as a specimen: ' , - , aged matron and tender! 4;:-,' ln. nuWic t o ieara tiat thewof U P-nnV. hve not merelv tfaiie&f. daily victims of the a-' object of the late mission to the Chero- la the most positive terms, that Mr. and scalDiM-knife- l kee Indians has been accomplUhed.' Crawford will obtain the ' vote' of N, ui a ti irei wai , auu miur. ur nis uvivuvu reservcviuiin uciu vr iiicmica u -f . i I MM.-J ..4. and skill, did rtore to avert. thelmppn-- the treaties of 1817-19. and ill j-l' . iL'- iir lavri i"irj...i at rest the disputed title to lands' wl . . . J 4 .- . ' Yri. mini m Kafl aifiltfl fir ftluiHf V$ v The following extract i the -concliKlinsr L 1 1 . . j prrnph of a letter received from one of our : state, uhd Mr. MRae,' of thfs town, are subscriber, in Florence, Lauderdale County, collecting materials for fl elegant map -(iUni.heana M'k kBevWtate.Fw porpose.v tlve on an elfctioneerinff tour- Since his vote on the Tariff, h has lost ground hei-e. The mo. ral and privte cparcter of the other candi- oates haa com. umjer the tKmitiny of tne Prest, and why should bit be exempt? I rood ofmv ooantrf everv A- erfewltJ' ' v xmn tor tlie, merican citizeiiknew Til J5 .twJve months, can testify that he, in his cohversatbOt Sevef eyen touches company for days and not uspecf that J. Jii a v a Vf ;v i ' he was a candidate for the Presidency VT tP W i fishes ter" of Gen. J. tobe fins masea wtitef. and pritate character koowu.. W ,-uefi;vol( corredy iah uerstond bf thnse who navr' taken tho pains fo ohtaint inflation JGroin ... a cor- .isdastahlt iwi.thAdnr.ftlAlBVthiW.g"" ai;wruu5i "!' 1 -.".' . ' - "; wnicn tnev -were receivea ana inenat- tors nave liafacterr;aj..iolitical pponeat. we rins 'bffertlrissisubi ' thaf have so )gng" feel assured,' is tod gross to rtceivo' the been made them by some of the most ' tsuntenance nF thiaSntotl iinmt rnmmu-. rtsnectable antl ttiHuenual men antnat leigtt itegisier, wmcn may no cauea 1yt:vTn.,.oV;n'n!4ht - ; f echooffije league, these Ujiot a can ai -T "7!; T a The old maffof Piic? and, Strother;1cus press that nbt obliged to resort on an elftctioheeringou is too absurd jwWrally corttet! but sifcee its pub- to pervion.; bisreprentations, and t6 merit a, serious rafutationhis' wfible jiCatioii;hew;coVnliesaVe;oeen forifted, absurd iatonsistencies, to supply the f ourse'of conduct tlurlng thS Presiden- new tovtwestabliffhed, new roads p- place of argument and rtasohittg, which '! ;rv-oi i :uz : Ai'Jisii' tvened.'and tiames of places. changed, by no force of ingenuity of subtlety can m.:..:,-.!-,;. . , .' . With the 'materials .-.which will be af' be wrought to' a' single conclusion 10 fa 1 nntn v nn nnwa tti(fiii is rv r i w hA wy UaVC TtaCU Illlllf UUUU 1110 upon iqe snmecx 01 tne iiresiuency. au..MiyB: .wuia-uiw.? - 'v. ";. v r "T . ' . ' Indeed IkYuiL 'lii. I,- inf.Mio;r klm. procure, these gentlemen wiU, njodoub with otherradicsl pnntshas , long & ZFMWPJV te able to obtain a'tery correct map of bored to mke an fmpres that Ge selfja the niatter that it ha become a i lte gtate -h? rx?? ; v v neral Jacesok and his friends would prdverbial iayW'you mightbeio his 1 vMr.tBrkiief is, an artist "of superior Surrender 'hit presidential, nretentidns M vt-uV'.i.va JiiH.vwir tuuitcy- ibuious complaints, to an ai arming rs eedhthclKiandalof his private and po jtent prevail enerally.:,throughout thia ' lifi. !.i'in V.l J" A: c' .1 ' m.nA thai 'ofl.tnanir frill ntU'tl' "thft hlaC.k ".v-4 ciiruiKft, -uuT," on. mis auuiect, But, 'on, this subject, it 8av he prudent for this letter-writer 'to he silent." Those who Jive in'eUss r eouses slioutd never 'throw stone's.. The Alexandria Herald, a paper tio-, 'c."y epposed to the pretensions of Gen. Jackson.; , says,l Averse va- . i confess WH.Wim' elevation to prtsWelwya impaa V 1 . .sioneil as todeny that there' Is too great j 1?weiv tharthe "Rocidugnara Regis: iw, v. lien fias pfofessed a- palrtiaiity for it- r - : - . . . a ."-.! . vrawiortl. U veennfl-Tnund fa rfn - Q -- I " Jarl '4 -iT- ?' " UyUod v raised last yeaf,1n conseCrawford ai the next president.; tMr,l Ched.. 4-UANch'Bki - .-, . ' r Vr..;' UlUCAvC VI. UC nCTClO HTV''KlIV,t. WV 4aiiivvfcvaaK a ivuvi u v , , . al - i t i( 7 I .t ' , -. T ' v , 'f , CwiUsa a: ..; cm, u that tU t;m t-f a t..i l x UU rata - ., . , -iby , The i rrrrburx JateTl'rtacer ?t2 t, Tetaday .lit aaysj f I -Virji ni,- the weather eonftmaes ba dj as 4 the accotnU from tho Mi -'.Wuii coouliet ladace r -v - v ; it. tiVtnlgl9-T34 drU Utacte abara' Wilminjtoo -M,at w teara 1' tt xm ivt v """ jrtPturri aeaimisaa ir reorra, wi perat'wna havs ' beta .carrjin.oa at'aodenU4, that he will forthwith lei tiiia plate der tha immediate soper-: iame fa ttiharge of the duUe of hU inieadance of Mr." Fa4ton; mod with office Vif: .it. '. , frtit aucc, ; The obistructioQ at thia! .v , x . place waa eaased bj Urge Uga which Graiiult Tt ia eaid Ujr imbedded in ha channel of the" lit-; that, on the return or La Fajette from er. TUest we acft happy. to eay hare rp,rtsmoath to Boston, he received no bea removed, and he cJiannel is now tice that there u deposed , in one of improve .daily. Hereafter our lar- tUe Banks t. his erediti the aura of gcKtboat aili be able to pass without gw.ax). Whether thU sen waa the difficulty. . "V-V donation of one individual, or of more . Itt toorh at tnimhton art go- than one, we have not learned, ingon" upon? the -'original plalp; but if we understand H. property., no tHJuen- y A ntC way efahiuUing a fact. The cial fccts were expected to iahe place Raleish Renter, .of the 7th inat. con ntil the work is completed. Tie dam taiiu nlie followinz piece of intelligence from the Island to the Jmuu land extraordinary: . . I across tho deeihr channel.vas closed i . . . r . . week..and thebole of the-water moturnpil into iin direction, ami en- lareod ia volume by the swell of the nver, the current will, in all probabil- tty, show-eoinethiug of the effecU of the w unn&mtU for pfituring more information upn this uhijh id inaniTMi.fi inrMiYtrtirMi r i rm ' ia-rtfation to this subiecU At iojiJatuin to this subject Jt U one of vital interest toNorth; Car- olina--JtycUevillt Obi. treaty , has been concluded which 1 .-.' nr.; ' ta ...Ml uj ' ' A on'T ,,ra,ti, tne wtloQ f the legisla'monstrated, by showing the -results of Uire to go into operation.. - ; votes taken at ' ruW meetings, of the . The bontract embraces thirty eight peQple, throdshoot 'the State.tliat he nder put tcli Ih addition, the state, obtains .bout fifteen" thousand acres supei supeiTor ."quality TheTamls . art. -W M paid for it Franklin 'in . Ha vwood couotr.' the ,z -7m j , ' i ' 'first Monday tn May next. ' The thirtv-e cht ' cla ma were : all which appeared legat,'i although ; few ' Cherokeea appear to ;Jbae OjShts 'In e- h v T "', . a . . . tv fa'of l-Norlh-CarolinaWe are happy: to states that! Mr. Bra xier Assistant . Engineer - of - tlie . . . atawa - ' . a . a a are placing tor correetton a map 01 eacn county imthe Jiandsof some experi- enced surveyor-residing in the ' count? . 1o lia distributed the -county .maps in 0st of.the y estei p countiesand eXpresi ilie with forded by the 'surveys Vlrttfi have alrea- dy been tiiade under the 'dire the Boardfof 'Internal Ilmpro irectiOn: of overoents. txn his profession. His plaflorttje tnAne ITktrAftaia4aifi! of the firsf : Pieces af wrVotwship of theikinde enterprise orthese centlemeft vriir be . re warded,,by a ..libraT; share of patrpD- .l-- lUaf-.b' fJ ;:WMWa teret 5 to state: that and ine aoining, countiesj, we Diaca popuiauon appeat wtiuiciyyj whom Several deaths nave receniivoc curred. . t)ur town"! ha continues usually wealthy 1 '' f" f i 1 i.ilr..-.-a. - 1 a,.i t CoWonA-Notwithsllandhig th favor able appearance of th Cotton crop nn ticed a few weeks pastt We are iuforni ed that tlie 'rot has' made-great ravages, and that the" planter in tiiwMciofyf ml toot reauj morerlhan,nan a crop The successions of rakis, whieb we have bad for ten or twelve days past lias ad ded considerably tolhe oisherteping pro6pecw-i0.' .fi' - 1.."' rm. stia .v iiww o'm " rvh -Tfi 1 Tha Ampriran Farmpr Mva. that not!li AlabidnS. has retnoved Robert Carr more than two-fifths as much Corn.will be raised on the Eastern Shore of Maijthat Court, because biioppoea to Jr ,c i fry N . cl Jiuraii Ufortat taJt tS iecreurjcf Wax rrtar! i i- fo nil TTir.!ir. f. oa lit tO J ' - ' aJJf tttU t tery erttiScd wttii Li Uit u tSo sufflmit W the Al ' jHittjj aixi that there tierwjr rtaa ' t bePw tltef viU Im B ittciaf of aUr otha Miami t lf el for lh pr ' lrrx. Va.'ut t; ? ' " jected NaliW Coat. . , ; v 1 P aained JudTait ia the . -t -i..- , " tpartk4tar fiend af Mr. CrsvfvrU and air. Sicretirr Crawford and his faoi ! HreUraed U this City fxoai IkrkeJy Jprinw the ctenini beA.rc hU .. That Mr. Crawford will obtain the . .. :. . TOte of Nortl,-Carol,na, is now so .pp. ih.t M Arnrta t mi iuvupi negatively admit the fact.' T,e hbit ftf perverian is become so invincible and so universal .with the Caucus presses, that if a paper friendly to the ail ministration and the people were to aflTirni that, the - aA-.y it blue, they would nat hesitate to wear that it had acknowlediretl it to be rtd. This nPcrnti)' tvlinluslan hiiwfTir. n HAW nr v.nitA. im MTnti ih. Ralm-rh Re'st Wrve alrtha cred. Raleigh Register d ij of originality. " sea," as" the Editori Tlie opposition nres- tors are pleased' to term all the papers friendly to the principles Carol ina.' but they have actually de stand no chance of obtaininz it. But how' does the Raleigh Register show that thevoonosition prwes'neg- a-.'1he last 5r call upon the friends of ! th9 'People's Ticket' to be bri (he alert." TImj Star calls uoon tha friends of the Ptmli to be on the alert'' aud ihis'is r .1 r r proof that the -enposthon prmes nega tivt-lv admlf that Mr Crawford will obtain the vote of N. CarolinaiThisj says the Register.is tantamount to a "declaration; that the self-created tick "et in this state, stands but tittle chance " of success!!" 'Yet, this" is the Brt of j logic this is, a fair specimen of the rea-1 soning by which the Caucus" . prees, i -.'i wr- I j 'l l a ! throughout the Union . seek to delude and mislead the. people., t They wei)W Indeed bo theiV. worst enemte," they wouia, .inueea, prove uiemseiyes ?? unworthy to be trusted," ahd inca- pahle "of self-gov ernment, could they be brought to listen to the thousand iHcon gruous absurdities which art daily forth from these pres6esvlFi'orn ' the ex-pMcial Intelligencer, whose, Edi- . su mmered and wintered it upon; the patronage ivhich they now affect to despise, down to'the Ra- '' i ' . ' "i t ' . -f 11 ' l it me v6r) of the : , principles-"wntcb theare fswortt to Bupport.r'aif., Jovmal.: and fnin Mr,, Adams, ja at .length com-j neiica to retract us misstatements on this, subject,;": That ppefof uesday lastf ays.'that " until recently, tt really thought that Getieial Jacksov," had no prospect of success, and 10ud be witb drawtr,? but that nom 'i.iti opinhns are m$eremJ': to -tar irom ,noing witn drawii frohi the contest in fayor of Mf . ApiMs says, the Enquirer, '.'every indi' caiionoT mtcsenUfueru.ietimio e- mmtlraW'thai iimtral Ja.okso iithe sironepr 6ihi:iwS.'tidal(r.AnA the E.. .uirer ought' to-have addeu, that he wi decidedly the itVGts-t of All tlif canauiafetrti We nope, atter tins cohlessiorr of tlie leading radical jour- rfi.l nf tnt Mmntft rtk al , uhall hear 1 . more, nf Iba tibricitea MOT IM succes;'. a6d vwill " lithdratt lavorioi iir' dams. ; iiienery utwf leans will, tre sincerely believe; be the next President of the libit ed Stat 4 .. ' art 'If- AH Radical fmrriptUn4tot . "ai t of theDistrict Courrofthe tJlrited States ;Jiafie, Jrjs viawitiru a a ine; iAt.t7rcBuciiia, 'jt lAhTual & " iTfiars" T?i liiTiAnl -' Prtiiiiror lalilch Wrs fC9 lit b: U!e. .! -: t'.U. m as cef &J a tu -C -tj .f d ka' v. s'.-a oa oa kwl:.iral , - ral of l.e tiaj ll p!c ii tha .Vouad a J that hasTr ul SutM cvart; aad ilr. LaM to anal to tba aa artOM coart f tU lTnurd SUITS for tf bad a ?erf active agracy ia oae of tha 'duels ia which Mr. CrfoH h beta BitiactofaletterfrMO lk Bu Geo, 1CTMT Ce, of kVlaeU. 8. C dtod tt anh At . irii,h tltCWtMof ItM 0vtko C. 1 i artUibunr. Va, W. -: .. . - 81a There are.no Committees af; (- Correspondence orjlalred fo this State, for the purpose of interchanging com ineaicationa wita other parts ot Ine Uut- M.oa the subiecfof the PresidenUd ! Rlecoon. lodeeiT, such IS the a aaumity ajiungt n ranks 01 people nere, mat a.itk committees aredtensei hnnecessa ry. Jackson is'the choice of at least foar-fifths, and the.remainder are" nearly an in uvttr.01 nr. Aoama. a am oap; py to inform- yon that the Causae Can - .a a a . . I ilidate has not the slightest prospect f obtaining even the countenance of a Tt spectable party in thw State: . I am lure there are not a thousand persons of all descriptions in his favor ; -i . ji An Earthquake Tb ciiizenl of this town & vicinity experienced on Sunday morpiug last, about half past 4 oTclock, a severe shock of an Karthquake-4t i supposed f many to have lasted at least a rainuta. JTarwce f did.) ' Gaxtttu . , j M . ; .v . y ;.". . 'Norfolk, Scpti 1 3. The French squi dron mentioned in our Last, as having anchored in Hampton Roads o Friday, are, the, ship of the line L'Eylautrigate LUeane D'Arrr, ani brig 'L Antelope, 14 days froin St. Pierres.' (Mart.) under thi command of Admiral Jurien; Com mander of the West India and, Gulf of Mexico stationg. lit aeon. Don Pedro Mon tairut. formerly mer chant at Nuvitas, of tlie firm of Vilegal & Montagu t, a gentleman very much es teemed as a merchant and citizen, was assassinated, itr Havana, by pirates, to satisfy their revenge for his withholding the papers 01 Tn piratical, schooner Zar'agoiana, arL NeuvitaSw aftefwardi takeu by the British, and several of her crew executed in Jatnaca. . ' t. 4 ".The aea serneni waa faiva tha Nan rtucket Inquirer) in the Vineyard Sound on Saturday, the 4tn inst. ana was also seen off Nantucket the same day, A letter from Parjs.' of a late datei mentions the arrival of Mr. John Ran. Jolph, of Roanoke, in that capital, and that his costume attracted as much at - ' . . . . . . - , tention as a sandwich Islander would, t the Caledonian ball at AtmackV, London, Mrs. Hops, the wife of a bank er is said to have, worn jewels worth JtTOO.OOO ior three muiwnt oM hun dred anil eight. thousand dollar! vk 4necdote rf Faye'tteJ-foi following anecdote will' serve to show what a debt of gratitude we owe to the . illus trious Fayette1; tWo had it;frou. .the mouth of one who was familiar with the times that ' tried men's souls and who had the bestopportunitjfof knowin all the minutim of pur glorious revolution. ; At the siege of rork-Town while the fleet of Count de GrtissO was block adinat the i harbor. ; to" prevent supplies from reaching the British, the Count received positive orders Irom France to -proceed to St. Domingo, at a certain date., Gen. Washington, welj know lng that upon' the tfoet "depended his chance of soccess, went personally no board tho Villi dt parts, the flag shin 01 kJ9 utrasse. auu cuucarmcui uv eve ry means in his po wer, to'irtduce bini to delay jiis departurebut in' Vain; the Count, shewed hint his 'Written orders, when jit appeared j that th; time Wd al ready; elapsed. General Uocbatlnbeaii nnxt went-but, wn no, better success. n this dilenrma, the youthfuU'ths yir tttous, tlie great Fayette, determined 0 use hit influence in behalf of his" adop ted county. Remain, said he,) and I will ;bear you safest the" kjtg-ire inain and J will Jbiear the .brunt of his displeasure -The Count at last con sented the enemy's fleet was. kept out --the1 towitV$urrendercd"--andv liberty j : .-,v..!' la conseouence of intelli (fence "reachinr j Trbormi?h on MontUr, tne Utn Sept.-1 B3, .tfmfy0 f4fttKMlf7 DMli;j mB ti.a gentlemen of th. bar attendhnr th. Court. , ataembled at he Judge'a Cliarober in the eteninf, and onani mmislv adopted the foHoWinfreaotutiona: it.-inbetiL That we deeolr lament-too me. lanclioly erent which ha deprived ua of jthe societr, and our community ot roe uuenu, : JZeW.ttwt,'.as a token of rtapecf and afteclloiLfor the memory of the deceased. we will wear cnpe oa the left arm durina tlto term. a. .'' '.-,-:'i'rV " '.t. Hetolted, 'That these proe.edmfs he pub. i t - t 1 tivtn i ?.' : iA;.:;;iiO. Art, fj,,. MX U"T " i I t -t w w ' - in Sariotgmi t f IHulS ntTt' to V K&nrr Trv, t " fjrc rMtjatjr' It rWS.-acmat, O" l 1 tM, to Si. IW. at WurMii.Mt)ii Ifca Wu.it, Uri DeUva Poo. COOMt of D lhiip C, fp . , wti daortatr-ia-kw to tt e Corr . Tarefv by his wcaftd rV. tb ret t of A 4 tUrJ AMfW X th fcrnlln wt b . : mJimI t tli ile yng eh,l.trn, wni waiweroo lrieixl - Wmt her ly tewd ffcoi thi We. . -'. la Anan. coUntrj fn h M fcntaaV . Joho U'Fs, .'fed M ye.f, ' . J , In puptm oMntr, a. the in ult. . loo9 : Si ,1 .V? Tv 0r of rtmtlit hi. vu perfect, i ha nmiM wmlk tea ft. ftfWil mile S CUf. b vea yev ago, hi wife jEet, KI 1 00 yeai bey Ud heeq awrted .Kout yeart. . In Robeaoa conntv, ort th tJth ' nOi til th63d yearrfhaajra, Mr.Jcob tl Mc -'p' ' At 8fibufy, on tilt 1 K nuti Mr, Etf wee Tv1flri utrej npwurdiilUO jtr .ltd on tb bui. Mr, Clurid liJciia we. yer ofhl .5.. . ' 4 la RoWkn coantv, on ' ' 1 4 ihttmt, Hi", Jteshack l5nkton on ; 2J,!Mr;Wm 9v.no, aired". bout 2) )c.-; mJ, tha., 4th, Mr. 3eS Julian, .gxsd. .tout 2J y.artW , Uncoln County,', few tkyi Mrt . GcorfS Bmith in tb SOth year f hi g H bad been to Ch.rletton, 0. 0. and wu oa bi teturnT within 100 wile of home, wbea i bewMtken ck. He h4' no penon-witlt hhn, except a ion, orjy, ifM vew old who was .blljfe to drive ;an4 tte treofhul. mnv M wl . . ( . . In Jone county, on he 2Vst Ultimo, Mrs. ( Mry KooncS, contort Of Mr. M ichtel Roonees ,.Ia Nortn.mpton oountv, on tb Ulh la. , Urit, Mrt. Dolly iL O. Ciump, contort of Dr. Robert R, Cnimp. : - ' ' ' At BUck' Hiter, New llnovr eotmty, oa , the lth Instant. Vr. Daniel W.Iker, gi , 29 yefj also,- a few dj i ago, Maj. Wm. L Corbets- ..1US' :. n -. " ': eoxii7jTiao.i ' i ' i f , Oep.rted ihia .life, on the lltb of Aofrat Iut,,.t n't reeiaenca In Smmptton county, Mr Fmia f Tool), in the 32d yew of het k . ' fte,'iheim able consort of Ceorg. 1 uole Em. . After a ibort but : dittresaina ill net. ' which hhe boref with titmplary and chf itiws fortitude, JooVmf up to liiin wh would b heMedeemer."; ; :i w' :,..; ".' fcW ltvctt' ClotSiifi Store rnH suoerniet It litppy to Infwnt hi friends.- ..V E-.nd th publto, that br UI vltit Italefgh a it. - gain ;aJNNtt' ih litb October wtih Ji (tnerrl Is' ; awl elertnt .ttortment .of HKAIlf MADU t r-f 1 11 1 1 . . 1 1 ... . it.iu I., a.:. 1 1 KjIAM nttiu on " oilier ariiwira in mi. hi . The article hat all been mad of th Sett na teHa1a, 'of alia Ulett lathi, i, ami by the best aorhmen, The liberal isiicoornKnmem he ha heretnfofi. met Hh from hit irieU In. ihi tyUte. hat Indued him l extend hit attortmenf this eann far b5ond Uioa be baa. herelolora hvh and he flatten himtetf that tbe wperiorlir. of it artiale will euf to hint . ootinttttio. 14 .KlelBh,ept 0, IS2. , t:-a"-;--f 4 .1 .1 1. .mi. 1 1, I, 1 11 I i, ill 11 1, ,i';,. 1 fprlB tubieriber Inform 'bis trteMtt and thaf " ; 1 " miUlia Kenerallr, that he hai opened a baotsr at Bntertabtroent, fcr tha asenmmoUHiioa qf Tra vi" cllert,on th. llaKfaS road, tt talte north of Klljfh, rhr he it jn-einared lv entertain lUot who mty, faor Uun ' wilh . 4tM lit,., manner vhlah.h flattert himtell, ttiti gr unitertala Utfitotion, ant on the loweft termi ' ' .f , UQIA.1NG OUNN, Jr.' Sept , tafl,' , t '. 'Sa-tia. '':, 'I in. 11 11 11 11 ., , 1 ' m hi ill 1 1 '' " tlouie lluildin: ' -v -: '?P. tubtcriber wteetfully Infonnt th. pabFleV 1 that, ontine; fulSlledbia enetgemenU at a . v Carpenter and Joiner at the Sial Honte, he i ready to ttea toana iwlrtk' tb. .-ti and ompleting rtf builflingt of enerj deteripilo.', in hit line, )a Wwrior tvW 0 trorkmanthlpr , Mid arhiteetqr1 ttt. I. . thie of anfof tho So'ithem Or Vtern Suiet. Of bltatpioity htf y'j will 1e ih. mott eaiUftotory referenwa Let . ten addmted' to blm 1. K.taieh will b. prom p. It altoodod to antil th. tSUi of tlcoaniVr neat., y - GIW.3 JOHNS I ON, v '" Raleigh Sej. 99, 1 tSt.;.; . 89.2m' , mate 01 onn.sjar'Him. .-. I X putaitcne of an ordir " the orhlpfnl the Countr Oonrtnf Fwnk...,. mad. at Seiitem ber Term, 1IS4, 1 tl.tll otVer fur tale, onbaimv ' day, th. tSth UV Of Oeeerober neat, at ttwCoutt llnaite door In lb. Tew tl LouHbura a likely NftOKO MAN. by tb nam. ol'Tom, ho ttj. he belonrt t. Jo Uooui an ludlan, jjiyuig hi Km Bute of Altbtm. ';';"-:,'r ;,.":'i ' Bald order ,wa tnade under1 .nd By virtu. r . an Aet, paite'd in th yC ISIS, tailtariring il ial. cmder eemio irnmtunef oiSt run- ; ' awtf lav, tle sat 0r man I om tanvio-. see. eoqfiaeil aboter iweire Dionint in tu jtn ot ' th Said onnt W Pnnklln, na titvwrjraeen re . eularir tef;rcd aliof ix inonlha, witn a ? tie t th0ocr or ownert la Mima IWwaiHl- l.-f,st a .XV:" prv. property and take; him away . -V -, V:,f :i fit-i' r k $briff of FratiVUn ; f WttbOfff. Sent. 1 7, 84, , . . -. ; 89 8ia . : . 175 Dollarsi Ketr ard. LKP.9 WMIaf t WATBKff is i mn eW feet Mi?bkAli. fourth Ne;mi tnre. " eyes, tolerably .loot made. lif OHUB ' 8 ia .wan aea 6 feet Inehes bitrht of Slender make, fair eontnlexinn, about io rear. of agei litps a IKtlet a retnai-kable smull uom, . ; bav every reaao. to nev., that li.e abov. tat. a iea kl nm.artraiiav"in aelinr a kht mcwm. (hr yesrsoU tut sprint;, t,r l u-ee. J Jiawt three Irshe higUt ar in hit lot ebead, both ' - hind f f i whit at hH.t a th ratter n jolwt. Sod a a r on tb bind r -t ol'bU riirlil llils-b. r They . hat. .Ian been, an , cttd of fcrctkio k.u.a yr .1. . . ,kt ... u . k i. i I 100 dojlsn will beciten for WATER a 0 dolr - . tart tur KKtr.ats dollars for lb bon. aiol ' e. m th. 61b of May. ,- kr '-. 1 .. v-- ": ' v, urn ot ,wHa.EtUir-; 4?.--. Tnrk !ir!et t. C. Sept. Hrr 1824. 89.SS (ryTkt Kalitoraoftbr Uli(h Sur.RepuMi, tko and InlnllgcBiMT, PeteriHurf Vs. Cssette, ' 4.tiUe,T and National Krpublisa Cinein.- Saflt Ohio, are frqueiud U nnblub Ibeabor. htn - - lt ilirve timet and lurwartt deieaeuuaU to in lTorh UJttrief. .i It-din. for nsyment, ' v., ... m ' Va .' ' fc--;i--''V,iVf,.4i.';: ?:vTiv-:r.t'' ; -'-"Vjv: r,vf r-'V1"- v'';r;-.'-' -'' ,r - '.t---. -.":; 41 ', - - "

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