v J ' .J" ' ' ' "No. llAf.KIGIf, (If. C.) 1 KOYEllULU lO,,iL run f BahTii-1"! itua i' K m- arr villi" a"" tbo ' &l 40 op-nan cl "' rnnn, tiirta iTrmjr-, r i"'. A : rt n-oiit, aut ieeJine 6!" , . I.yei. imrtle-i Ihrre timet fur KiT.gr, krttrrt to tht etlilur ain wf Vb J. r-v L i. .., r-' v.-. '. ; i 80LDIEH OF TAME. A national song -By CaptlS. T. Spence, of r.-,: t' i.i-i i-j-iry, "V."e, l!.' stands 1-i i p3b! we re Trail frt.n a pri!aliin toar T iTm'ttM flw lA accosto r General La Fav-1 ' - rr: , ' , t , Guilford Lewtt, ,a: JRA- f wafiftii kath calleJ firth' the I C. NUuit PetTT, j . '''AuV'C''ktfnhkby nisOTeriifn decree "AH nMare rejoices the night that i ffone ,. 9 Seemed impatient to usher the day we now A'daT most iul.Hmes for tl l irpffsiloi, tf Jr!i!3 bi3t lsT ttrk, ni oberl vi"ie Trr-liwl tt t tluUncv. he HKlfaTorrtl !j - liiit the e itiQ'l :ul ffuL'.c convetttioni ItuUI Vim bj nuUior circuit. Loral of Uackt on their Lnui. ' We woulj ooa rxTcirfd thit n mt notdiixe4 nut be nJr4t-x?, in thn least pokiU H let bin fas jnhotfnrthfr rtarUnce, JJTfiMfipposinijfital rtligiwo mon ami thtt he vu rjtd1y tpproatjanj U our fc'a, ronTincr l t we are, that the enreetiter, knd blrv vttheut hi hr (e tnx". rcVi'Vioa 1, litthef in th rf (rifle) ini lhenie little inclined bonier fieer there, there, it abetter to any cioter aerial o tare, W tarne J titan. - liat-we-de note,- that, where off at rirVt artpc - laid the taanbolt t.ee ttandi are erected we rare) f find freelr telsM hornet Carjc . and rill iped persorj of color at the ne!iboririg pla- far liiV.'-l'hi ISoMe waa' &sjH, aikI ces of divine worship, while at thete bore a heitjr inaa oahlahlikj the Ran it.inJ negroea attend from twenty and waa freah aadnriuea with-Tiungnr; and Uiirt? miles. From theae ldewa of the cirne down uTf him tike t thunderbolt! abject, weonhesitattngly aayrtbat if n a few econd h4 overtook.. Lac-, aenne (if puhlic !utr be not sutTlclervttii. and annsin jap lohiftd -tU, draught restrain, l.idivji!uaJ frOi!t, permittinj horie aoJ anait- ia , aii inataat ta tiie theMiktAiida. and public reaorta of our trobnd LackiTt the boor was tnbort, s'avea on their lands Igialatire inter-1 and the lion waa too eaerln worrying terenceouht tosappress them. i Ordered that the foregoing be publUh- eJ in the Ratoich Ueristcr. . , Wm. P Williatni, i Bud Strickland-, WilUim lUrriaon, Damoi Edwarday . Joawn BnJirev V, i Herbert Harria. Joseph. Young, -c , r r h V I V v .TBI. uua, . .rfuaa luire. -.-.(. vv the horse to pay ath ImtnediaU atten tion to the tider. ' ' ', , ' V " " llanllf knowini himself-ho. he escaped he contrived to scramble out of tho- (nr,1 ind made A clean: pair of heels of it ttlt he retched the next house. Lotas, who cave me the details of this adf ejitoTe hims'f, made hb olwertt- tions on it as bein any way remarka ble', except in the circumstance of the lion's audacity la persuing a 'Chris tian manV without prorocation in open day. Buf 'whit ehiefly vexed him in Tn illumine a scene more fives us the Chief, rhoi .e light never hroke 'African tOl-The first number of UhilairVu. 4h tnaa nf fha ftailrll. w VMtc.t'?' Hht South i nVarjourr. publisheaat lu wWnied next day with A party, of from Britain's stem ue.Vpe.ot uooa nope. coQiain some fend to take Tendance on hia' feline i with bewes departed, entranpmsea ouriuons oi mat rouniry .ano land.).; Jv; : . ;,' t. ;, -; that, beronrt , the limits of ti ' ''.'... '''". SI , ,,Tu-therr Accounted peculiarly , jmoi mmoi. anoyears, c; .paroa oy u , - and he thinks Air. ' r . lO(l t- -" (.-' 4'. ... ' r 1 "roTisilthe Borne or the nappy o..ce more ':YK'Tath,of hia eloiy triumphantly trod," - t ; ' tVitu ncrtry perch'd on th atawdanl he bore, : "i nTited. ho comes, mid .the shouts of the . ; TTr ihniil nf 7Vn ATiUlant who trladtlrn very interestitig deUvls respectia' the foe. but bot the lion, and saddle had wruersays, disappeared .'And nothmr coulrt be found a i a .v... io coiony, but th horse' cWan-pick'd bones La tierce tna Irak Viwt hA run Id have etcrfswl the Barrow's I ,,h,r. i ' 11 l IV1 aAUiiiiX aaw aaxa ov ) iiv rent ations. mat mer are cowaruir i.itnu,Ai . i,;maif tn. . :arT hut h and treacherous, is conclusion nrawti fejonioUg abstraction of the saddle tfor from limited experience of tnaccurate which a, Lucaa gravely observed, he informatiori.' ' The prodigious strength CoUi j - have no possible use,: raised his of this animal, (he observes) , does not spleeai miffhfilv; ind called. down a appear to have been, overrated.': It vi Nhower of corses whenever be told the . tie Spangled Banner so proudly un- certain that he can drag the heaviest ox, story of this hairbreadth esctpe.n " .'"'' twrd-r.- ,;-; ? ":: ':.cr ,f ' with ease,' a considerable, way j and.A Lkv-js. ' C, cm:h finf lificultj thrioTer ri0geitrWtof t letter fron.' .n'of. y m.r gloryj v- 'i - Wi vv h shoulder.andcarryingolFto, anv dis J. - f in:(Ad state while asceu- 1flnZrnmyP&& tance he may find convementi , I have SlV'itS . .im - f.s' V .ww-.io-rf- .A.iMKmnfo 'ng the Arkansas (n iiecemoer last, on tressed inton. . .r. . ,i ' ini. uB T vim H million a v .in. JW onvW. rtr tTi" in the CiU of Wash; mue iroia.ine opoi woeis w,Hu..iHeu . i t . .ut- rv.- anu a more ciifftoru.na.j o h, . - , ... p. n - , aIhi" I the sketch of i tharacter who, without -ibov srt Vn" iaginktiou,.might be ' oKrsVbact nietamorpnod Into tCe Rob Roy of the vp11 airnpaaf(f art instafnce Of at Tef . :.t ": r.ta- - 'T..j iJT'- . . . -- Vf ooae name n wwsc u:nu icsjj;iix- L'f nfn Kmtv hffoM-'tlir. nirrest' the best! ' 'Come forth, lovely -Woman! come forth in your 1 'w t more cxt r -i ;f KeautV i.-v:'!'. - 'r, 1 been mentioned to r . . . - ' '-!. 'i'l. ij-!.t' ;i : i s -j. ireauers win aouuucse ucinu mm ??w.eTOSur? V. wer ' ii.-.A.A- rtf 4 Kharter who. without' v iena:ns -iH v y.,, heifer OF two years old. was tolloWetf on ' r ,Tr"S'7. Tl"iliALlr iJl C Ok you who are foremost ih virtue awl fluty, A., r fefiw. tHoVi ri' :imucn eitorr Ot tne imaginauou,.HHgiiaJ.uc Crirefurwant to welcome atather aiurnena. vr I -L. i.L-.u- .i.. vTo'thlan4 of the free.' a Hera M come, f:.c 1 and. throuehout the whol whoaeiriory wui tnumnn o-er a?es unDomi carcass -ot the hetterlwas- oniv once Or I , t ,Vi .-a ,iuj ,v, -JW ail wax is monai anau suik m uiewmoj Hiirnvurxd M hnVtf tourfiml th . . .k. t.. Wh'h Tilt tima Shall be U n eten V awo.- 1 " '" Brare warner or Fram , owe s . rotiamen f, , - .;... , - tw 1 e. m lnill mnt nil inteife. ThemilUonsofFr.eu.enwb vdcomethee snowownipeoncouv " no ' r&X: i tl V i.A. i , . "u w cuum bviovb... ma..t mh.- i Hvihir entitles hinv to' that -designation.; wv ? uriuc w'Taiucu, xrvCu. ... wkeUr DU M will irequentiv approflca Urintthe eosturhe of a wUd-man.or of a com. rl xiyh;'SiKMi.& I within a few4 ' paces, and", kdrvet -him IpTete wooilsman, and you will have an idea of ' Ve worthies who .lumber In Glory's bright steadily; and sometimes he wiH attempt hia. on my e"X Sv gntrtA w. to get behind him, as it. ne tcou a not rfkrdDriih tthoVbotmr.forcountry, fot liberty bled, itand hi. lobk bu Vet:deirtWorl!.SJ f.tl 1 . " f. TX-.-.i .... I " . . I L CTfT HVTnniPIII J llvniUI kwuiviiu'. V" lonresM nvm xne crouna w iuV,vc,, him Tin,'i.r4 Ir af fMr.p 1 vr. ' -. .j .,- Ams Before whom Oppression and Tyranny (look lown sainted nirka! look down and 9 m I' .1'sThe homage we render to Giatlia'a brave) vjninent pcri l;r softf -jawv.vJ presence of in i urnoioon wuiDciuntiuoncuio 10111 vcanove.. i t..iuiir.nri ;ing upon aim unawares.; u a per-1 rigUt quite i.teel and neatly drei anrh irnitiBtanres attcmnt eiV lf ,i t-n.mo. Wi-i tni-tmiri ht at the unne for fly, he incurshtheniost 1 end Of: the room, directly oere a wrg. g hMi he hasvsufficint careleklfreclining in an ld - J V . . . likvAAUAa Hnmal . Ha Wia taTtf! TAT I 111 DTfSkl V, : J:ri the rteraon named.; He rose, and with -great nw cooiiy m cunirnMuW, n- . me : o Hisdress Tn tfrViv ihe reu-nM winch hia fli-tun . - ,--..,..- .... vf- -Ti ' have) won,.. ' ..' -J; te sons of brave chiefa, tO whose valor we X owe ' y? "The blessings which make'usthe pride of j r- v!" itie earui. Semeinber the: warrior wlio vaiiquioli'd your t Toe. i ' i . Of eithe-f terror or ease and dienitr. offered me a seat. ; . . o...-. . ..... was ;i bucliakift fiunting-shirt, nangmg apoui aggression the, .animal: will, m- almost half way between his hip' and knee, witha everv tii8tance-afte' A' ,Uttle.pce, ;ri standing collar made' of the same, material, - m ' . .a li . a v 4t. aI l . Ifc. V. 4H at tire; ,71 he, .overmastering ettect ot the l oressea wiw dm paw w m - ofthe;ey.;te UTtiuemiT;- ibcuuuum,, wms it,-rf x.. .tvV nn. hiav ahoea. ana doubted, by.' trttvellti's but from, my j on hia head a caslaa'e.: This hunterress, own "inquiries arnotig lion huhtera, I am (however.' coold not conceal' the fact, which ' Can. '(lie, brave .be angntefuVor ever fonretl known to my informanthaving, thanc-jsHid a luxuriant suit of jet-black hair, three or i'iT kind Benefactor who Visits their son; e( to ramble into a Jiingle, Bttddenly rourwnesiong,m.overiiii.iicu,uupi .wW V , i JTioot fi Register t t,AottTir-ejinouyA rBAKKtnrcousTT. enoounterea- n yayr.. . . :T t eai.-''' M exwititexioais' darki hi ikin some, centre appeared equauy unexpectea on Ju buh ; but hanil80meiy tinged, near l both sides, and both, turtles maae a cau ithe check bone, with the roseate hue. ; He la half. 'eawiestlV ffazin Ott each Other. Itacitorn. aJhioatto repulsiveness, only apeak' I The f centlenjan hd po fire armsi and Ung when, asked a question,. And the as if he litary apot t.. -; .. .fwr ,, ., .isnereiiounn Dim. net.' t nmuivcii. with such an; antagonist. But be .had jtuckywheti quite 'a ladj and has lived fot mai heard that even the liengal tyger might i nv year with no other companions than an HM ..rf-.- . a r .i . . i.. ... ne urami jurors ioc ine county i ;cc iutmu ..-? 1 , . . .' . . . . v . j .. .. i i j r I coitremnpn ftnriai iiirfn uunw. . 110 'loi-esai.Ir vievin2r tliemselvcs- as bound I was aware mac sworu wwiuua c. - - "-,. ftf lhe t! T eJMthsw to take police of all fective-defence ajatrale"- J0'"' I ft here I found him.-. Me came heref v iviiMiiiZi 1I IJUUiic , kijui j , ivcj i v.. v.. . ; . I iut.j, r.iiic a I heard that even the Benjral tvzt nn-rhtlnv veara ; with no other companion! M nd; public, niiisancend ,;,,i.Whv,euWo, . a ,y prevalenfi especially ia their conty, lew minutes, uc iyger,wnicii appear: Ut om he toId me- hebad not seen for ae- oTtheweeting togetjierof slaves on tatlia . anl at niher timocunri nTarrof.I srew" tiistul oeu. siuuK ' aside. 8ou a i i eaten mv dinner, if it does not rain too neavi ' ftlled mnrls, under pretence ofholdind tempted to creep round, upon lum yetlhr, 1 Intend taking lanterb and going back ; . !publie worship; l,vidence; irrefragable hind; :Tl.e flicer, lurtted, constantly ff1 JwJ-Qrid jndcoKdusrvba Winced ble -violence. - I rose before flay,aa.,l telta littles lineusy, and could not!'lepf;:-'lW first Object I saw; on opening my cabin door,' was my la eveiving'a companion, Mr, Walker, enthtg; the cabih' of ' large' boat, above nicj'wiih birifli in bis hand... .He aoon came out again, and passed rapidly down tbe bank of the riven' He looked at oie,' aiU! was vnr 'enough. to' have' spoken, bat did not. it i probably the lait 1 shall see of him,, as t:,, wind hai winicifcntiy Jated to warrant me in moviiie-. He is a tnvatcrious h''i., I never heard the sound of a sweeter v e than li possesses. " It is ' deep, copious," and m.-i i nit a l.'i-inT rklM-ilcdtliiittlie wne 11 Per J that tficrcjy tbany receive acn.' hlcJ bT Lticas Van to ee Boor'fitury VOT- ' V, k ;qrj, uiat winle'.pifie btotrvci have in- to mtiiiK lroui s giance; vu, waami influenced some few of our slaves to', at', into the thickcty and aain" isfeaing forth Jtnd these meetlh. hv ft- tin matf. Irt a diSereiit a-.ai ter. it persevered for fart intTt -purrMwet!cinoiali8ing to above' half an hour in this attempt o . hemsVlyesVi injprios''to their '.owners catch him "by surprise; till, nt lasf, , ami Ucti mitntal ti the public, --That M " ;'tWc l''accs our Negroes get dronk, in ";'t'1B'oe i gambling, roake a martof dftn stolen, and in thei course of this -'t i cIHiib;, stealing, gambling' and drinking1 rjHoi-t;;w- frequently made to j--!itiiig lwhw-sj butcla-r knives, bludso:;s and ,5''H'f unlawful weapon are so dextrous' faii-lV yielded the re: c'V and lclt the gentleman' to pursue i.i-f a&tireivtdk. The direction he now tok':'a may be easily believed, was straight to the ten'& at a ilou',! juick time.1' -After t?ng "sever., terrific fcUuiei ff encoun ters with In.tis, t'i.e writer :cbncludi-4 lb anicle wuli pi.e notfuite so iraiju,, re y; LA FATKtin.7 : i . tosyutd front iwvry run j.d tr -, taiui!$. . , .Wl La Tatirra was bora at Aavertne in Fabre, la trjr-cuna!rnently, fce it aow C7 year cU. At the early ajt of 19, ha left wife rtlatives and prince ly fortune, and esme over t traa cean iry in a, ship Ettenl out ai his own ex pener laodin; at Charleston; 8. C, to anuary, 1,7 "e tmtnema:eiy cuter d tie aruiy, and served as a volunteer the Slst ol July ionn --, ncn ,-as commusioned t Major General He dUi.. -ed Iiiua- Kit on various occasions, i- i pvuvs- arlr at the . battle, of Liandywine, where k waa wosnded bit rtfukeda quit the field. . , . , . , .A a, " - In 17T9, ha returned to Trance on a vixit, and while there he waa presented by congress with a sword. ?lla tooa this Opptrrtonity to mase interest wiui the ' French government for assistance to these then colonies, ia which he par tially succeeded. v Ha fetorned aain in if 80. and landed lit Boston, with am reinforcements.. . 10 1781 ho was entrusted with a separate command in Virginia, for the purpose ol driving Ar rio'd out of the state buf did not suc ceed. Ha wa afterward opposed to that able General Cornwallis; whom, he frequently bafflod. When the army was itt -great wanted" clothing he; sup plied 10,000 dollars from hia own pri vate nurae. ' . - :' '.tl'- - ' ,' At the terse of Yorktown; he acted a conspicuous part, and in fine, tvithout dwelling tipbii particulars, ne conunueu tlirouiout our strujrile, to render ,the most efficient and disinterested services. n 1781 he returned to France, where ho ' was received with enthusiasm'. .. At the breaking out ot the rench revolu tion, he took sides in the cause ot tree dona, always however opposing violent, awless and sanguinary measures. : He was1 elected a member of the State Ge neral: in, 1789 he was made president of that Assembly, ' and commandant of ttie XMailOliai Muarus uut, n mo tide began to turo against fiim he was too moderate for1 those furious times "National Assembly susDected him aotdiers ; became disatTecied to wards him and his life was attempted hv a ruffian. i He reiisr'n'ed hia command at tne auopuon oi vie rrvuvu iuimu- tion. a in I7y!i lie was caueu again uno service, but; on the' memorable 10th ot August of that yeariWhen the. Hoyal Family fled to the Nauon;iI. Assembly for safety, he opposed : the lury of the niobi was deprived of. command and o bliged to flyjiis cOudti'y for safety. priceM-Was a'et upon hi head , j He wai atfested In; Germany by tlie( l)uke of Saxe ;Teceenj and asv about;4 f o b hanged; when the King ot IVussia in terfered, "and chahged the sehtenee to confinement in the dungeon ot Magde burar.vwhere he' languished a year. At Austria claimed . ana iook, mm, anu threw hini into the prison of Oluiuttl id thains.' Hisyvife and twd daughters (Virginia and Carolina) went to prisiitj with hini.' vHis estate was. confiscated. General Washington "endeavored . to procure his liberaiuon, and supplied Him with vWv thinn- necessarv. After bei ingstWo years; inthe prison of 01tmuz; a Pr,' Bollman, a Hanoverian, and , I vboriff American by. the nanie of Fran cis KL.' Uuzer;: formed the plan of liber:- atiW him. - He was . liberated, but had not trayelled more thati ten milesi ,be- fore tie was, suspecieu, auu uuany re taken and reconducted to prison. UU er was 'also taken and imprisoned and - Bollman voluntarily surrendered himseit to snare tne late , oi nts com a. iv. trh:r .-. i ?ea-o.i 1:1 White Bear a a IVanch r( t r i r 11 Kt l l-.IW c . JcLa Grah-. bfack lar, a:. I i (ai ia i ; v ibe time it wAa is fcf ihe epiniai t tance, he. c-mui ..-.e ' This Utile first r4-:i!r-ties tat has tKPti seen i r part of the world by en y 1 1 t iniiSDuanTs.v w icrr.r i t i !.e 'tt t': e.v ft . " a ' 3. , a M it ..." 1 . t rf-., .-.it . 1 '. at 1 , f .. 1 sra 1 51A- it a'.irt. . ;!.', i"e' . n in iuieTt it u a t.ar bingtr, of A hard., winter, as t r " crp fuuod plenty in cold couuti ica. , Kv. , i V"alilrijton,Koven.' ' CKottato b-'vtc::on.A' dej of Choc tax in r.na.Vr, au this ci ty a f e r d ns f o a ba & i a c : t&e Governlneut.;- - ; " ; - On the'r way, 4...I1 w!io;i at ! 2. v. i v lii in Kentucky, t uiit-t .it-i J. tipal4Cl5ef, end ilt' .j-.it jyt sterpea froia i precii-ice, in a 1 . g v ' kv uui me cnasin iron iu view, aua i tared hji skull, which killed ti i. ; It is cratifviti td witness, in tiae deputations of latter tii'ncs.you m-nof education , ana . virtue, iw taier.tsw conduct the business of their bation, and manners suited.. in all- respects, to the, poliihed Muxoveinenti , c( .their vl'te brothrrs.,0 'tjre are two of Uiis Ucscrlp- ion attached to this deputation. CM,' "otnin, well known as the fiicn J tl i'.e School-gystenl amonghis pecple, t:; l fir thedisUnuultedescelleuce .. c. ...n acterand James L.M'Don-' '. ' ij educated in thi DisMct, H ' v the ' . Ret. Mr. Larnahan, now t're , ..t or.- Princeton College, at his classical school" in Georgetown; and subsequently rul- t aw. in Oliio. With the rresent i'o9tmas-i I ter General, where he, wai admitted t'r , . ; uIT' ' iim;.r,i,n.n!..4..V: visit to his motner,, auer many years generation,' was Included by the Louav.y.. cil of the nation, in the deputa'ioh. t" We cannot but vViaii these pei: -!e well They have matiy tlaitiis Upon our justice and humanity:, and .hovV (t! ' n e sen tnem emerging iroii,uie i .unco toi barbarism, anu even adventuring opoa our Icarded prbfeislos. feVery fcucour- agement "ouglit. to be held, oat, ana evee ; to Animate aul -;,C- rnese two were meui oui oypooa mknagementi ; came off : wltli only a week's' imprisonment. -y La rayette, howeverr aV kept confined'" until this close of I7t)7i i whon he'waa released at die request of h -. tu arte. Ilia health was impaired and hU hair all canrie out. The heal th of his .. wife' and daughter was almost destroyed; ' Declining; the oner of Bonaparte's protection, he re tired to Hamburgh; where he remained until after thenverthrow of the French Directory: die then re arned to France, antMiveu upon his estate. ' Upon Bona parteV first abdication, he was elected aDeoutv in which" situation he contm ued until ' the final restoration of the Bourbons, when he once more retired to private life. He was however again elected to the Chamber or Deputies in opposition to tne muuc"ce oi me aiinis tm but at the last e" lion, his ene ones succeeded in defeating him, -and he i now'a private untitled citizen, at liberty to iimuige nts inclination in re vbitiii2t!iis land of freedom, endearei to him br so many sacrifices and associ ati;..4,-and whose sorts" are so ready t rec h a their' early inenil and protector and to w'? rt' their '' overllov.in hcartj fcf gratitude and wtkocuri 5 rv inducement cered, prbs'per' Wi'eir eabrti.' yA :;;' 1, .ti-?r - The ichbol-ateAf ttnd(V tM $f ccial i; pafronagof the government ia broddr $y?JJl';. 'v cinz the happiest results, ihd, if it be well ' supported, and its' energies kept liri vifrniip hV aueh imiarda as evnfrinr.a. ' '.."' . ' may dcnlOnstrate to be essential, a geni1; v j -j: eratfontnay riot pass awai before our na- w-J tiba may be honored in having rescued 'Zf.J'lB', , t-.-ji'j.xii Li....i.... u,.Lii:J leu.'- Jk Tit " rum the cheerless condition ot the sav age, hundreds of thousands of felloe be Jv insra whose claims everf uron t'ie hum'anU ' hC -. ty of, sonany ages have been' resisted and tncniselyes made the Victims Of tve v. ry Outrage which the keenest aWice bai ,v;4' rf ' t ... the inzenuitV to invent .1 Our national character' Is deeply in tercated irt the is ae of the present ef forts' to civr.re and christianize these"': people but a to this is sbperalldcl. i 1IIU VlttllilB V ..VII UI ISO VUV VI II1CJI ..7-.. -k '.-.i:.: .. 'j i-i u- jeci. cunuiuuu, as a. people, vie uuiv r-i- becomes imperative; , and, the tall be'vfj..f 9 comes loud upon us to persevere fr ' Iv" ' . J V " V, ; ! V V . j ".A writer in the Loutst mi Meerlhrt ,J ' - of thb 42th olt. Jiomplain's of the ncgH' " gent manner in which the interments in i '' , the Protestant Burial Ground in thaf city," are riiade He asserts, "after the -late heavy falls "of rain, there were froni ' ', eiguteen iij.i.wpiuTi nitiica ui vvaier uu the- siifacd of the groilndron which ft :. great number of coCin3 were seen fioat'-. J- mg, anu oemg agua.ua uy ino wau, v were driven . in di. rent directians,, ,. knocking against each othef, and'Tou.iV ' mg a deadly representation vt a nam ; sea-fight. ? The dry weather arid-tha) '.. , hot-.tad which we have" experienced ' since, has in some measure caused the' v ' watertoevaporate4and with it, of course , Uie miSSliua louo umwu iyw me niiuos" ( bhere.' and no doubt the pt rnirious ef i feet of- it bas much contributed fo the- continuance of the epidemic vi 1 ' caused so much de'ul: "' m.n "The Fever " (says th" stills prevails in our cir to 'see various citizens v themselves, as well as t .... ..... . ..... tnus eany among us. . , v, me last tew aays has uu.i uri.avi to' health, arid' such visitors arc r ' t r ' sidered safe." Charleston &.u&i. '?'-;' '::S-'f ,'''" '. : V' -''T' :.-7V '-'';..' 4 A'-. . i 'v On the 13th ultimo, the .remains of . . the Jate MnjorGen, Sir Isaac Brock, of the Bi itiali Army, and those' of his Aid . " de-Camp, Lieut M'DoneH, .Were depog- ; ited under the splendid ttlonumcnt lateJ1 ' ly, erected on Queetwtowa. Heights,- ' The fJncrif procession wa ycry pom. ,'rMS.-?;,': - Vl-' A.?V'..l. i 4. hi'"... ,jrry ; . "ra '" - le' is ' 'i-