18, r' - UALKIGH, (N.JO.) FRIDAY, NOVEMBEU tO tstu Vd, XV v ' -TiiK firvi., Jul .Ybrii'CaraliM TiJ4UtJ, weekly, kl , : BELL" LAWRENCE. f (.WMrifion thtwe Ur pr aamX as . -- ! .show! a krMt RliOll m htw' I KOfaprr JiMoaiinartl. kl lb oyi ei the Kdilon, aal U mragrt fMfct. SiWtrtiaratraia, ant ticnlig f tta IW-es.V'WTtea' thr Uawe 1 dollar aadtwaoty -4 Ma for r,k wmintti All Ictten ss ik mia aunt W idV ,:jBttrof Nortli-Carliniu fflt" Puktta Tw-aewtrwinkbiA w.ioWtW it t! whotell y ewweein.anQ frowi a Uh rewili.t tl ,H seek" ? adit ar twbaia U that frd, WsaiM krreby af oHc " k former kkan hlrH ta mrta l ralnw trnrwi at ,1m-. b t,.) m the act of lh amVy miitlMl a ta aar H an4 rteW ) W Taa' Aat. miHA1 Aa Aft arnaaott AfrWHrr m4 f iy OnaMKia VamUanitw viHia ih Sf" C hplet lt lbc T aktck Aat iha aitmiMHi oft) RlwrifTi of Ui aua f- Louishurs; Female Academy i K KmbMiaf th' Pomltor lata Ata'la- f A at will Uka plat. on tarwlay. lb 1 4 " arc rutpcaUallif miMW aNood WM. 47-w , V i rjri niii' Con fere n cev 1 aext aauiaa a 1 har1f the Sh of Fehra arr. II2J. in Oifool. QranTille amiMV. N U USKIOMORH:. T WUK te Wnolo iwV Ihrea.JOUHNRT 1 MRN TAllX)H,"ld ahocn fwxj vageaaod nurtr mploTiDf at rtt aaftrfn.- t - , . . J H08.P0Wf.US. RaWrWr Mr, IS. I U. 1 T-3t fCThe Kiiitoraf the FyefHe Obrw fa ill nfrri'ii three timet, and rurwanl baa aa: eouni to t'ii nthea. . , u, k . Ti AVIN.T talu-a that lanre "mtd omtnwllou t ;.I hoaw. latett oceunied by Mr. Faleorrr r ltirepa1 to accommodate 10 or ti Member of Clieap for Cash; f4f ATbehsda likely youne BLACKSMITH i'1 Em. Kor-teriiia attl. to Wuithiit Stedman in Plttubom,. where the bnf mar b een t , J. W. DlnUH OTiL IBM C f UH-ll ; w III ruv iili . lujuita ITacci.r T1!P. aaaaaU Joan OwU Kjara ViU mm rw I We 4k Tarktw ta Jaaaar ttrtt, avrr tM 1 wf vnr'.U aa aaatMaar1 I ar pmn M rone nrat ! pane gD 4 aula Uaat. Tw4 Ja - . - Foartki iU. airW Wata. dtrre baot la kandt aapord, for fear kaaJra4 drflara aa aac ptnMiau aa atari, iw UMncn a ft aUWn ta b dreaaai ia Silk kt aa4 aaa By arOrrUtat:tak Cll.Hf.UT LOUSrRECT.rewte.' Kor. 10., ;S ; 47-tOw i State of Nortli-Caroli aa. ; IN ake aeahi lia I'i kedieee to the Aat Jaik naaeral At My of Hi. Chapter the rih.th Pah. rreaaurrr hrrekv rirrt aaiuw that he ill Mrebaee of the uk Akam of any ar ll ol the three artxral IWake thia iaie. fnr heaee at4 aearat aT the fKMau- Settee a4 Arrtaad W him oa that eabjvet, pai-taMl. vill be (trotaptly rrptUd i -' , i v 4 jim it txwuou, ma.irw . (UlcicH, Oat. tS, HA ! ; Uf Sbttd j HroTe Aradenij, WARUEN COUNTY. - VIR fliirBli.'.io yfthr Sa,tciit af tVia 1 ttitatimi el'we-l w the 6il laattot. - 1 The tubeer&rn rnara th.tikl to tha nuhlia for Ihe lit'eint tkaranij roopt!rhaeluili. eras trertt. mm -tniurto towa utit the aaM. rfenartmeoi of their Inelilutioa it dmolwl Onl a mail Pottuadrr tha tee of ten vrart 'ill h ailmirtetf. Harin enlarged tkrir Wkfinr, they ail) he prctwreO to rraeiv a Itret aamhai ofyaooK LaUire, but ao aaora will be e4milte than be veil aeeoatmndtted. - The Muiie Departmetit will ke amler the direetioB of Me Jolia V, t.oaeke i v - l'he excrciwt ilt he returned on the firi Monday in Jhimihtt MiS ' I'he adrnuusra affbnleil In thtl Inttilotion eill b pqntl ton Hvthe Southera country rrire ot IJoard .and I anion at naual. via. 550 per S.'Mifm, payable in adanee. j ,. TilUMAS ,UOVTItr.bl.t 5tN 2 Wot, l. 7Ateo v-. .'Entertainment. riHRaohneriber It'forun hia frienda and the puMtyiatrly, thai h hat ournel a hoii oi r.Bteruinmrnt, tor ma aceomrooaauon ot ra ellert, oa the Halifax rovl, 1 1 in lift north ot KsWgh, where he it vreiatvl to entertain th wW tme ror him'. With a call la a ananner vhichtbr. (Utter hjouelf, viH jive aniTenaJ aa- tmiotioo, tiHl an tbe lowest term: - :v BOIXIKQ DVKW.Ji. 1 Entertainment. rptB jhihterlber htviiie taken posteiaioD of the wen anown tuna ol John t. Ktootetn, v.tq oni tlie toaih-eett aortirnfthe Pnblie Beware- intendt keeping houtaof Publl Entertainment, tod will be prepared to take fifteen or twrnt member or tbe nest Lrrilture. . ina iY.riin.r-n. Raleigh, Scpt.lt, 98-tf " ; Notice.. IT Sookt knd acerumti are nlooed in Hi hunrft of Mr. -Alt-t.'-Jl Lawrenec, one ol the Piliioiiof the SIht, to whom those indebted will pi (.' to Bake pavnieiit. ' ; , HUOS, HKNDBRSOW? Oof. r. i . , , 'i. 44-2m f. ; 1.;--" ,'""f A? Ln4v anil Gentleman, r "larllO have," for tnrcral ; ye?r rireiVeU, U ? .public Academic., ire .deirit- to get employ ment in aoaie hMlhV lwt of NortliJJero. liaa. letter directed tojm ler.Baltle or Ha nieljhipre, Eiq. KalelgVi, will meet the earlieir atteDtion. tjft? : , ". A-'v Just Published' AND FOR SALE, AT TUB STAR OFFICE "j tt'fcU & Viawi ranee's i 1L ill iXiii 'Dili r...v;vvfoa--.:i;,;,v;- -Tt . , CanltinSne A jtmnOmicid. and Vetber ealeola tinna, tereral mutellHncoiM article, ! Ha"ip-, Aneedetea,' timet of holnuifr the ilidcrrnt Court in the itate, lit ot tlie, Member of Ak- CT, Cottntry Merchants and others can be upplieu at tbe, usual price, ana on tne snort et notices . - , r v-ftJ'a V?)'K'oticevi5: first rata Root and Slior-noftVer-ftn flml eon tnt cmnlnrment. dtirina- theeyihteri at nr? bltop in Smithficlil, JohnatoTi soiinty. ti i' ,-.'. ;, av M.iiBm'fi'cri i 0M Ml rjBB- io the Jail; 'of .tKlirftv . . 1 J rriinnn conniT. tne fin xpb mh( a 1. ' 11.1!-,. 1... .1.1 ! . l. In. .1 . bi inr preperty w erry hi. en aouur . aroii' , a, ' The owaer "It rwinetted Kt'eome'forfti'd, ' , prove property, liay vhtrgrl, ami twke htm i J . . o 10.l824. -V.. .-' r -3n ; . :T' i.i Jpprtrait and Miniatu re painting. , 'YrA')IMkwl(ienXIeme who may wiU their - Pot train .or M imHtiiret ttkvn. aut have Uwru i-ll rxeenul on iBwterle term. ;..l'liot( vho iti to tee' fwiijine., can tee aoipe Tmictjr ,w riecttat Mr. ticinekc' UMicert lia'l. ? . "rV 'J. MAUL1VG . ;WirH,Vo;il.to4. ' -If 0O0D "PIANO. FORTE s ' Uit tala kt a whesp ratft. ' Apply t fOct Bucon r ft few nnndredv we ifcht n eicclltut Dacon fof JP nle, 'Aiintt tolha EJltor.'-' " V.K 4,1884. , --'.' -r 1 ' Private Entertainment AllP. wiUerib-r.hatftHj reraoeed to that large V and aommoiUout hoult, nearly n-rpaaite to "ie wtr jiirec, I ptered to tntrrtjUu tral w,'nJ' Vh oiler at tnf t:ie bim a ea!L ' ' ' aJtonrepaued lo aeeommodate 10 or I $ letabcr ot Uie next Arwmbly with fliwinj , ' Kefcien, June I, 1824 .7 -V. y AliMf 'a: f Jiaiicin SchooL v; 5; R..VH.UAM T RICHARDS inforin It lli eillzentnf RaWigh and ita "u;inity, tli -J U ojii a IHiicinj; ScUmil, at Mr4inekr, . ,-TO!ri nait, immediately. ' ttom r K M; I ilerei.c iu hit (imftation. bait eerlMin ot (pr- 6 " ''nwi.io lte ifi,t aud ai.n'a.awi u '''tllfM.l!..lK.... 1- .. l. 1. . ...-I re nn.iu5i til to HI care. , . ? i 'i'l ; enigma.: The foilowlng Eoia supposed tp he written by vr; u: Ii. uunter.'oi l ar bortjugli," Was handtjtj jto us; by gen raah-of this place, for publication. . it was Known to ine Aimieiny wiore the Creation of the earth, and constitute ' X,. a' 11 I I a portion pi an oia juagemenTa anu is mercies :- It wa with Abraham,; when abou t to loffer ' n p hia 1 ont Isaac , ari composed a part of Ihe burnt onennp:, which fwas received as a substitate.' ..It was posaessc I bySolomon, though un knowri tq .his lalhtsr David, and was used - in ,the .Temple s at . " Jeriisaletry though -it entered, not into the compo sition, of Gold, ' or Silver, or Iron, or Brass; neither was it found in thefluar r'm of Zaratlbtha, of th forest of Leba non.'-It was on Uie mount with ivioses, thoilsrh it was jhot; engraved upoli thO sacred .table, and, je$ informed n part. wit tapecte4 by Georjr III. dot even andem-md bj .Genl Vahin-(tM. It was Taiua tha ifotlanatt Bnliatk Ma jor, wha wai ciecoted at a ipj, tW r- perwiffdJ by tne traitor Arnold. It vai in tbe American arm t, but waa not at the battle) of Iiiogtvu, oor at tha ae'ige of Little York, -ktti Cwmwallia urrenderetl, bet it naa latd Tinted tbe United Sutea, on board f the Cad mas, amidst the acclamations of minions of .freemen, and. will accompany the MarqeJa L Fayette, at the cemueme ratio of that great and glorives event, on' the . 19th of Oct. neit. .. It was in iompany with Ainbriater, without tlie anowledse ol Arburtbnot, and waa a mong the Seminole, undiscovered bj Jackwn It formed a part , of the late celebrated memorial to Conresiir- un known to Nihian Edwards, and nntlis covered by the Secretary of the Tre.!i. ry, nut without it, tltere could have oeeu no Minister to Mexico, ll was at the battle of Baltimore, but not at the cap ture ot tbe Federal Utty, but It came up the Potomac, unknown to Uockburu the incendiary. It was at Thermopobc with out the knowledge of Leonidas or Xer- xes, and was with Theinistoclet at Sal amis and Marothao. It belonirs to eve ry Mason, though it never entered LrTKlce, but cannot be found in an christian Church, except during the a ministration of the sacrament,' but it was in the encampment of Knight Tern piers at New York with our great Na ttonal Uuest unknown to nu son, or Secretary. '. ,',-. It tell with Fackenham be lore the lie ro of New Orleans, and waa sent home with hia remains, in a hogshead of rum. It waa wth Mac Donough and Ma- combe on Lake Champlain, but was not with the gallant Perry, at the victory ul Lne , " ' It forms a part of the pleasures of imagination and memory, but enters not into the delusions of hope. It partakes of every emotion of the human mind, but enters not into Hie passions, or af fections of the heart.,-' It constitutes a part of the Roman costume, though un known to Canova, and cannot be fount! in the Statue of Washington, though the last, and greatest production of that cel ebrated artist. Without it there could be no melody in music' or harmony in numbers, and yet it torms no part of a- ny political stanza. ' it was found in Ilerculaneum and Pompie though un known at Naples, orany 01 her partofl- taly. It abounds irrsuinmer&autnmn, but has never been seen, in the verdure of spring, ' or felt In the dreariness of winter;' it is known to every themist, though it has never been discovered by analysis to be found in earth, air, fire, or water.' -i " . ' . ' . It soared with Mongolphier,' the in ventor of air baloons, but" descended not with Spalding, the constructor of diving bells. It murmurs in every I' though it never flowed to Hie ocean, anu nowis in storms ami tem pests, though it never was seen in a flahh of liffhtnina: nor heard in a peal of thun der; neither does it belong to rain, hail, wind or snow. It is found m the polar light of the moon, but constitutes no part of the radiance ot the sun. It is in every mathematical problem, but was unknown to rythogeras or Kucud. It was st all the ancient tournaments, tho' not inentioned in chivalry or heraldry. I once saw it in the Smiles' ot a bride groom, but never . in ' the blushes of a bride. It is apart of all sorts of machin ery, & yet it enter snot into the principle df the Wver, the wedge,, the pulley, or the screw. It is in every similie and metaphor, and yet belongs to no figure in Rhetoric. It was with Stemes' Ma ria when she entered Monlinis, and was with Corporal Trim, without the knowl edge of" my uncle Toby..' ; Whe;e an what is itf It - was -; w'ith . me, in the dreamofTny early life.and I aometiraes see-, it io the gloom of,1 Mjdnighf.when my mind is incjinetl to melancholy me- ditatioDt bur it is not to De touna a of every commandment. V-It was not at mong mends, or relations in ir or in f. i-i:iw( :i... v. I sorrow. Like alt other perishable ob- witt'w.ri,A hi. .i,l reth'htiul Af lects; it will be cpnsietie,d to the tomb, !, ar-ilvAtir travpUpd with Kimon w ' ' be.heard in the,8ound.of af Cyrene, who bore his woss, and was H last trump, and make itrppearj JiurA nJ.i,mr ufthV .mint,- nf sucein the day of jiMlgmeot, & jet wdj deaths It waa with the malefactoi', who "t ff'T'fit ..-KJ n.l September 8ff,t8S4, ' :V iajfci -4. a ua a iii.iau'bs vu attin rvi entered not into Paradise. It was seen with- the women who sold Doris. and vet wa$'Rti recognized byfthtf1. officiating priests. Ttbrmed a pari, of -theSa ioui 'a vestnienfl anu yer, wnen tney cast iois, it was not divided. - It dwelt in Rome, but was unknowA to the. Caesars, and was at Patmos, though not'mentioned by"St. john the Evangelist; It was at liethlehpib in-the " manger, but.was not with Joseph in his fiight- to-Egypt. t': It was with Columbus, when he discovered America; unknown .to Ferdiuand or Is abella.; It was also at Mecklenburg in W. C . and formed a part of the om- T tfn Honorable the General Juembtg f the i j,!u -Stale fMkViultnt j - GsTi.sitsv-4o obedience to tha laws of the Plate, and in dischanre of that part of my official duties; ss Public Treasurer, 1 do my- sett the honour reniectfuUy 10 submit to the Legislature the Mowtne; Report, to wit: 1'he receipts at the Treasury of North-Carolina for the year con.meTicing' wi'kh the firm day of Kovcmber, 1823, whI eiKlinjf with the last day of October, 1824, tncTudinif sundry nayoienti of trrearareaaml the Public Taxes of erery otherdeacription, which bacameduo and were paid at the. Treasury of this State, Jt narchaae-iaonev or sroeeeds of the Ta-' cant and nanproprtated lin-l hUelenttrftC aad pwiii ke tm taw eoutwa of the time shore tjwaadt and the coUootio aasde frw-a 1ha hwads p ran by tK-reiiAaetVofvke wb huidaj wcm RlcifK wluch were ao! Jia IS , amount to two Uunurea ana laurteea thoutand six kuno.ed and thirty 4uae dnHart ukI thirrr-ii.viwi eats. aMBte-stxth of a cent, (114,69 -a.j . -., . . i." To Ujs sum, the balane retxtmnr in the Treasury, oei the first day of NovcBiber, XAi-l, and thereafter to bw accounted for ss rep ted io xaa axst u?nrri A ate rub', wclnjr aolo.l, via. una hundred and; mine ttiuwaand. aeren kojMbod and twenty -three, dollar, t aMy-one ewoia and Bre-ixths of a cent, an rjrrrt sototiat ot tw hundred and twenty .(our thaii- bjhL three hundr.4 sod, sixtywo dollar. Mxiy-one cents and two Uuro or a cent, is formed. (234, 2 61 . v r , - - , rroaa this sum total, diaburwe meats katre beer tttaeVe, within the tina first abovwmen- taoneo, atctuoin; tne worn 1 reaaury note, and other monies burnt, to amount ot eirhty- sevew tboasand, tlwew kondred asd twenty, one doRars, flftr-rlw cent and one-sixth of a cent, (bTai Si l-6, the voucher for which hw bom Ttanded over to the CoaiTHrulhtr. and passed upon by thai officer.' . . This expenditure beinr deducted from the sfrgregaU amount, aboveraeationed, win be round to leatr a balance) of one hundred and thirty-seven thousand and lortv-one dollar. . . . . .... ana sis rants ana a Hair, renmmita; hi the treury ot tua ptate, oa tbe urst day of Ko vember, uurtant, say on tho first day of No vember, 1834, and hereafter to be accounted for, (137,041 06J.) The Treasurer take oc casion, however here to remark, that three thousand, two hundred and forty-four dollar and twelve and an half cents of this balance, being the proceeds of vacant lands entered and paid for, are appropriated by law for the promotion of Agriculture, &e. which being; deducted, will of courv;, lessen the sum ap plicable to ordinary purposes, or the support w ooy eminent w mat amount.: f .- . iv 'V For tlie tereral items, torminjr the recep tion and .expenditure abovementjoned,- the Public Treasurer respectfully refers to tha printed statements, prepared and furnished by the Comptroller for the uao of the af em bers of the present General Amenably. ' Tbe Bute Rank declared dividends in tlie month of. December, and June last St the rate of four per cent, which, on the shares held in it by Nortb-Carolina, amount to twen-ty-ono thousand, three hundred and seventy- si i dolUrst which .were passed to the credit of the. State, and are, of course, included- ia the amount of receipt!, at the Public Treasury, tint sbovemen tinned. 'It is knows the Decem ber dividend was subject to a deduction of tnree luousanu, t&ree aundred and ntty-sit dollars, twenty-four cents; being1' the amount of tbe interest which had scented and was payable by the 8 ate to the Bank, on! account of the unnaid-for shares of the ttnet. hi-1,1 therein by : North-Caroling un the first day of that tuontlu And" it ia ukeviss known, that the rtioney emitted by this 8tte, in the year 711! ....1 i7u! .J c j .a:.i --: iiu ii iM) hiu uvm uuiB ,ni uiiw,,- deemed by this Rank, and handed over to be burnt and destroyed, as directed by its Chats u-r, is aiso ciurgeaoie to tuis tuna, or the di vidends dlclared ill favour of the State. ' The amount of the emissions, however, which have been handed over by tha Bank and bnwit and destroyed, according to lsfwii ftlov. 183 L to Nov. 124, is but smalli b- inr ine huijdred JS A . . L . J II.. L ...ii'U . . i . ot iin-cigui auuars k aersn j-ir scms, on:y, (lid 73,) which sum, togeth Hh tlie a mount ot interest abovementiKi 4. a paid to tlie Bank, are included in the ' ,neral account of expenditura or disbursep rt for the year. Of the sum of one hunuV ,aud tbirt)-suveu taousMul and forty-One collars, six anJ( its half ce.its, abovementioned, ss being tha bal ance due and payable from the Public Treat Lurer to the 8tate of North-Carolina, on the rt day ot tlj present montbvtz: on the fir.if day of Novel)iber;;824 fif ty-fcigltt thou sitrtcL etht hundred ami fifty -seven dollars, sixty-two 'cent'ftrc. rb'posited' and attmd at my credit, as Public Treasurer, tu the State Bank of North-Carvlin.li.Haleih:v:vi;;'"'. I'ortv.nina tliousafid and five dollar and forty-six cents, are deposited uiul sund at my credit, in use inannei, in um uanK ot JNew? bern, in luUeigh.v,V And twenty:foor ihotiHaad, eight hundred and sixty-eight dollars and forty-nine cents, are deposited, in like manner, and fctatid at my credit, as Public Treasurer, iu tlte Bank, of t;ape-rear at jfayettertue : ' t -y "; The retoiiinder is in tlw public-, chest, and is formed partly at warrants and other vouch ers, paid off and received since the .first day of tbe present month, and partly of cash kept in the office, to be at hand, and in readiness to meet the demand of the day,. In the month of November last, John Pat- ton, esquire, the Comtuistione a) pointed by the. Governor, to Sell or superintend the sell ing, Sue of the lands belonging to this state, commonly called the Cherokee lands, or such p rt of them s might be'in dc;hand, paid into the Publip Treasury the sum of four hundred and twenty-seven . dollars and . forty-three cents, ($427 43) baing the nctt proceeds of: the sales, theii lately made by hini, and hich had come Iuto bit hand, in cah, as Commis sioner aforesaidi and at the same time, Col. Patton paid, additionally, and as commissioner aioresaia, me luruier sum ui nnyiiTc uuuars and twenty cents, (g55 5(;) being tha a mount of an error or omission in bis settle ment, a Commissioner, in. tlie year 1822; which two sums were, forthwith and agreea bly to taw, placed at the 'credit of (he board ot Internal Improve oaentsi as has been, also, in course of the late fiscal year, the further sum of six thousand, ve hundred and fifty une dollar and forty cents, 6,351 4U.) .se lected by the Treasurer, from purchasers at tbe several sales of the landn aboverneiUioued. The Commissioner, CuS. Patton, at tbe aaiTie pme,rnsd return of the bonds taken to secure the payment of tlie balance of the purchase money of tbe lands last sold by him at afore -aid. amounting to four thousand, two hundred and fotiy-fous dollars,' twenty-three and a half cents, 'the wnuie 01 wnjen. were nlaced on jile in the Treasury Oflice, , ; ,'k , , TheFublia Treasurer has rendered to the Board of Internal Improvement an account of hi tteteibt and ICxben&iure from tuff v. ' b "v uie-itiiwriU ar-'Se wih .3 o-V- rt ' I ,rwA ivii by h;.n w ,', h a-w out -ct ti '-fKte (t-nfl,wl ir' r - , .,. lc,-a ia 1. s,u! art w-teijxa J' lu. - i f twrn-ty-tw-i thoaandt n.r. IxA-ln 1 i.. I )"lrrs fnHv-cizit anj a bU" Ci i rtt to t . jkiihci ior a copy H tun 4' c-.um e vtatcmrnt arra-ut true tLi-v and is nark.c4 wira the letter A. "-" . 1' ; TI'Tte4uret kastSo bonor IistUs tv ubuitso.tbe Cclernl ae iN u'o.ncut iiowin; uie co iiiiun (4 Vi'.- .". ii iii.iir! Fund, .on the fint day nOhe pn rn m'h- incUkUnJ a wefl tJ.a ansoont mcitciai tb Trcaau' v tt year of 1 3-3, fof racanC w bvnt eMenrd and then paid tor, a hcretoforw rcpwrtedi is the arooint pf.tbe lite ktmls p'kI . fiw In 182,' and now ref rtod; and iiKf i.iin . likewise all other moiiici appertain t - to the said fund which have'eema to harbuttJtl : Vsavmir a babutca of sis tliouaaiid, three tmiw oiwi ana ininyuur uoiuuw, snxj fxt-tn cents in faorof snd to tho credit of . 1 fun I R(V4 0)1 which statement also accoiQa-r1 niea Ibia, and Is m-.Tk.c-d wHb tha letter B. . ' Tha Rr lurns. in t..t rrirink mada areT'otr' . hf to tha clone of rV I m fiscal ytear, w. - - r.-w in munber, and the sun mentioned - . 1 ' then of which we cpsis! on them, -rv.L ' erally apeakiug, very smalls From ih. .re; turn, hawever, which have been aince hand- ed in, tha protpecta of tbe current year would ' seem to brighten, and tire Treasurer ia flatter ed with the hope of being able to snake a fur'" - , ther and a much mora considerable collect ion. V and' consequent, addition to- tin fund, v , course or the next montb., ; ; . i. . It mar. perhaps, be Considered the dutv of , the pub He Treasurer to Inf.Wm tha General . . Assembly, that the Board ol lu'errml ImrroM . nienta made such arrangements or came to such agreement with the BtoeUiolders of that Cape-Fear Navigation Company, in course of; tlie last Spring, a led to it subscribing on ' tho books of uie said company, for adtlitionat atocks or, shares for the State", to the anvnintf , U . . t'. tf . authorized by tle General Aembly throtigbi .a V their Act of the last Session,: entitled Ar V '- .t . Act concerning the Cape.,Fpa Kavit-atioit,v i;- V VI Compnvap. 16U..,, l''- - ' U Is believed, tliat no additional atibaerir-1'' " tion for account of the State was made bv tho. "w ' Board; of Internal Jnv Tovement for other oaj'r V more snares in tne capital stock ot me kossm r, v-i okb 'Navigation, Company pieviously to' the '-.',,"'; ', first of the present month, under tha Aot of '$ ' the last Assembly, entitled fhXn Act ooncerrr- - ; V ing the Roanok Navigation aompany." Jk i . ;' : meeting of the Stockholders of that Company. ''V".' ' has lately been had, fa which North Carolina V'; was represented, but the Treasurer is not yet ' f f fully informed of the- proceedings of that Viii f; mwtlng, nor of its determinatioa as to funhtf .,,.' snhscnntinn fa it Htock. - t. . 1 ' -r 71 r "T ,.'' .'t- The rublia Treasurer has progressed In is - suing the Treasury Notes ordered by the lass assembly, as rapidly a to him appeared ex- -y pftdieut, and is still daily going on with that wort.4 . The notes procured '.are cortsidereA f weat and sUWHff-iot durable,' a4 are Such, h ri all respects, as ne trust wiu meat the appro- -bation. Of tbe Legislature; 1 (le has not yea . made any actual investment In bank stock of ' -the proceed, of the notes disposed of, but ha v i provisionally contracted for stock or ahareav' lu thee banks, with the torrent dividend?. eni to. v : . the foil amount of ;is issues) and a tranafer b -ooly delayed for a few days, at, hia imtancaV " and la the hobo and exnecration of thcrekr becoming better Satisfied as to the price or sum per share, which it is right and proper he' sliOuld give. ! This balnea,Ul be conducted, ' in such, sort shall best and ttiost efi'ectualb ' tend to promo e 4 secure U.a iiitea st cf 5 die state. , . ,-.,::: , ; ' . syifr-'i The surplua money 5n the Treasury bavins considerably accumulated of late,' it n cess-i -rily occurred to. the Treasurer that it roigtit ' be expedient a pai t of it should likewise be ' ' invested in oana: siock: uus oeinir aware mas- a very considerable portion of that surplus is. 't formed of old or wirn Treasury notes, wliich' eatnnbt again be got, into circulation, and fak , ing into view likewise the daily and wcllmgri U hourly calls of dsalna.pn the Treasury, bt.eon Ul riiilencn of tnA nrevmlin(r rliinnttiAn t rage, if that term be adm stable, for bringing in and exchanging the old for the new Trea sury note) sml 11 1 being able to foesee its S jL ' l . ....ij 1 i'i :?' . . -7'; J :' iimii 110 eouiu vm. ueauaie ana ooudv 01 uitt , expediency of afly measure which should gw .'. directly and Considerably tolcakq the ( iiity of tho TreasUrv. at the toreXent moment. nr..H during the continuance or tlie present state of mill);, in, itj.n iu uw 1 rciirjr ihum ior-i merly issued.. H is hoped and exneete l. 1 w ever, tliat the prevalent ;di1)Os'rtioh above ' ? ' mciiuuiicu wui iinuuwi uvciino, lui i(ie? r . - . . holtlers of the old note may become mero . disposed to keepr and use them, and that lis , ' .5 the eourse of a few months or before it ber ' ;-'' :i' very long, a part of the surplu hienirs of th T -' state above mentioned may safely be dispOseiX ; '' .-V, of and invested in bank stock. -ii' 1 f T iui rciq'cvv Hi" aiui.. ijv urn puitnaacn, with the proceeds of the Tressury notes issu ed and to Be issued snfl sold, the rubhe Twa - ; , surer, strictly speaking, -Would,' par haps, bas rnore within the line I i his oflicial dutv. wetm i ' ' '' - he to' remain silent, Whilst thi stock would N ' t V Ul VVUlswjJtii "w wmiuii ssicaovs 4 ' ' which is already owned; by die State's bukv"; 'i'i .t? i':: bearing iti mind that the. Genarat Assembly M has lone and anxiously sought the means of - i- v ;? 4 , , creatiug a fuad, without resorting to taxation, , . wbiob might ultimately prove eommensurstt) n ," to; the providing the aueans 'pf edu'tion'K -' thftoughout 'tbe state.' tor thsrnorlion of ami V-'i ' citizens who may, from time to time, be found .' ' ' , destitute of them, he Venture on the liberty ' of respectful jf Submitting wliether Uiis stoekaT' ' hould it be thought expedient so to appro?, priate it, might aot weQ be considered as Wl . . .v . I .I c l m . - ing ine luunuaiion 01 aucn lunu, aiHI lOlming, atleast, a hopeful beginning. - ..' ' 1 Much and rcBpectfully. Gentlcmco. Tour ' ob'tserVt. ' ,41 . ..,", ' - ;no.iutvood, ,f. suueijju, lotu iioy,' jlos, . vi a-: The Exposes or statement of the situation ' of the Haiiks of Capo Pear and Newbern, in December and June ta-,t, are herewith trans .': mitted.- Those to be furnished by the State 7 Rank are not yet completed, but probsv vt.;- ' f . . I'-"- t , " Trins may be known, 'by siutinr' to Alp. n.,0i ffPf" that perlotagetrr ;ti; he fivnTthe )r bo' In readiness early In the next weeky :'' 4 vCo"k. Me. Wow M liiiior iv'Mn Iticl,ara nitUee, wluf .hrstdclai e4 Ihemselyes cnAt declared .v auvtatc Bank, on.bs first of ;Njinber,' 183, to U w tot ot No- wben'tbey shall likewise be foi'airdetL , t; f.Valay.jkbt. tjpu, .r-VM- free and iadepeidaOt$ and yet ifsefer stock or stares -koid ln-.it by North-Catuiiftas .1 vu, 1824, commprehcndrngftwii a- t'vjlp'Vi'iUJ: MX!