' iu:ll l i..vrrn::icn. - frf ' . ' I Jl It paid Jft.!"' . ' r ' " '"'K-"l, lt tl I r up- fei . , - it arr.r. m -r" ' " "- ie '. tf I . i -1, i" ' i lain I on4'.litr. . , :-, : . ' i,r racH atumuie . ,-,', -i 1 1... i .j jri ton k fci,;, .. . . -a CJ. AT be can lor L-ash. t A T be : I lU-e'J Twine KLvCKS JIIT11 ill r ,m i'I " MHUtw StrtTmsr.. tid. ia Piiul'MO, where the bos S een -.,." J. W, liYNUil.. Au.U1, ' Notice, y y.y; " 5TBoAt " account are ptaeed lalbe ' j I Sands cm' Mr. A lei. J. Lwrtnc, or tf the Miuaf the Star, M whoa dutae iudttd will pleas to mala payment. : r , .. THUS. UENPERSOS.x -a .ol f, i34. ; . U-m'j ' ..m ii r .' 1 1 - r A Ladj )aud Gentleman, : ." flHO Hare, for it-reml7r.1V, presided In j publis Academlra, art daMrous -to get " V empty otent ia some heallby part of North Caro-' v- Bu.-Louer dtiwtrd to Dr. ler. B"le or ! 'kid Dvpt Esq. Raleigh, will meet lU esrlirat xM a is,, v ...,. n -.rr o; . ia.tr , ': Brat rate UoM and Shoe-waker tan find eon i' J sranl employment, during the winter, at my r anon in aiuiiuneia, juuasion coumv. ' " r, - . . . ......... WU LJ C s men. irr.v ',' ' ''.-.Notice.: lOMMirTFJ) to' the Jail at LouUUurr. '' a. ...e 1 "A. ' 5 the v:,ns t c. -,fj, Col. or-! or to the t'e e',.T ta 'rr t'.C k::,' To'k tsmrd a .1 u tach ttitla car u-ce. Tic IlJr -v'Jca L'.ea a.'! .rccJj a-'-1 - 0 ciut t, AM.MajEO. - Mar COuS. IkL Uua met He Se Ifcf Coe.niiuce rrKrtfxI frtnl lc t!irt:oa f loJepenv'.cnce, s .crej t be dratra tj Dr. trcvartf. ... v p&iLi . 1 1 ; . 1 i 1 . 1 1 . f-r- 1 . rn com ran? in . cuuntr. d'.rci -tin Mrd . 1 - - - - - ---j.---- , 1 wmw .j.miUUUS. rravcu oa I'roeu: cutnnaiiT eirtt two rerv.M. nd del. Und I..K.1.JL ;.v t"-' lnerii tottd and niit tVlrlrU;? f. .1- n, 1 ;.ri. ' ...vm kvui U1Q vvii-iiuuwuiwr,uf ui,cu m 4o3iun. ana jen- colonel 11m)ku Pglk, to a Itrq i0J Y Frautlin conaiy, the 7th Sep, lajtj h negro ' fellow, bjr the name of M'Lalo, ( hn tatea,) , Aa4 the'iiropeny of Uerrt H ill. of Sotftb CaroOT Move propertf, my charKea. ami take him aw y, I Portrait and Miniature Fainting. themwell executed an mnderute term' - Thm I who With to aee VairMinga, tan ee tnme Trk tJ VL itcceiKi .wii uuuvae iuticert nun. " ' . J- M Alfl.INfi Saleigb. NorVtl,tl2i.' position and tTrannr. . In.coQfurin fr to a!J order,, on "the 19th day of? .1775. tL sai.1 AAt. tion met in tUrIotte,'tLed.hh on limited -Hwer; at which time ofTtcial ncw arrived of the battf of I.Tint.n on - that daj of the, p'recfTing ihoatlt. Everr.delejatq felt. the atue and Ita uortance of lLa onie. and 1 fhV af.if and aotemh erUi which bad arriTed; tverj bosotrr swelled with indi-matioA .t 1: 1 .1 : - . . . ai liic uiaiitc ami iiisatiiiuif. rrvpnj n. eloped Tn 'th tale Uttack at LixinWotL, a uw uuiTistu BCUUmcni (, lei 0 lie liberate let ua ralcnlat th i.i pi th o probable resul and ' theft' let act withenerp-r.' brethren fn I to preserve bar proprtronr irve; and. iut iw Bun uiuic euuearmg, uv lluer tiea ot American: Conf.krnuhl y o this ?ie.w, the, meeting Vas organised,: ' u '? ii DELEGATES TRESELVT: 3.l. I Col. Tlioa. Poflt, -v Jn'o.'lJ'iKnilt Alexknek .-niiraun urevafd. IIc2. AJAanfler. -.J.i Heiekiuh J.Halch. Adiun Afciaiiflen', .-: 5 John Plufep;' ; . CWles AlexjUer,V a-i.' M.ni:- Zicbeue Wilson, Jit - .wiiiiara Rennon, jWafUUU Avery, V, John Ford,' ';V BeHjamin Pattwiy - Hehry Clowns, ; Jeil MdrriiR - iv Exra Alexander, Robert Irwin, '4' if WiHiam Graham. k. John Flenmtcnl V-i XJhjr Qaear,': ; David Rescj,; '' Abraham Aleahilt. '." i . S "i 1ADIK3 and Gentleaaen Who may ''ilka their j ADrilMtaiAjejartifei1 Was thetf eitfect . J- Hori w Miniature taken,, eao have -d Chairmaa. Jnhh M'Cnlf l ui.l lted on moderate term. - Thnu I . ' ".7 , rr.v. y.auT jjcr; juer.' After free. and jTmII dia; vusbiuii wi inn iu iuua oujecta tor wiitcu the detegatiott Had teen;rcoBielie'd; it rectlr or 'Jodirejr 'abetted, or -in any the uiir.harfprMi Vnil 1q bion of oar nghta. as claimed by 5'rat Britain, is an e'nera V td .1hi ennrtrw to America.-and torthe fnfireht and jnaiienanie rights ot -ttaA; y. 2dl ' 'Itesoliied. ''ITVat 'vvt''fh- rlUtani of Mei-klenburg county, 'do' hereby lis- suiv io jronuca uituus wnicn nave connected oi to the 'mother' country. and hereby absolve ' ourselves,' ffbm - all aripfnanft in thn ltntiati rnimir ml ,l - O ...v . .w.o. u .t , .Ul UH' jure air-nolitical. conneciibh. contract. or assuciauon, ,wun tnai-nation,, wno have, wantonly .trampled-on jbur-i ighU and liberties, and iuhulnanlv shed thn blood of Amerrcaa. patriot a jexiag'- - Sd'iffMbcelial e' a ueciare, pureiye a ii ee ana indepen- aens neopierare, ana ol fightvoughr to be. 4 sbverefffri and sclf--ove'rniii i .Aiw ocjioni'ttner tti Sniroi of jntt povVi er ptner man inat otoDrr Uod; ;afid the funeral 8i) vfii-hiiVfln't if,thW jn'nim'sa '.' the; maintenance of which independence, we soiemniy? pietige ; w4;awother4Tur ktlfl tiisl 'rn-iniur)it inn Anr iitoti . uii f.,tl tuiiest artd WJ most Mie&MM knbvt 'li'do-ii" llif piistpni' and Ymifrot At o law or lcal officey tivil f milita' ry, within this county,: wJ - do licrebv ordain ahd itfoWaa a rule-nT lift' all each,' Sftd ;evcrj of bui'ormr iaw- Orfat Hritain nitvfr can ha rnninrlurait as holdings rights, ptfv ile jeS; immuni ties of authority thpivcinv v tvui,, f r.5lh'.- Uesolvti. That it is further de-i .t " . i . ' cr4llJ T0 ,uopr mea-itires to wtnciU rnrovin coucourn or citiiinsl bo t..einsel-e ffwin the Impending iwm had convened to aanciloa the proceed and to secure ommpairctl theinnral- fag of ihcir'dele-ates leingl num!fu Irttn ttie ilommanr rnn F ?lrir I ... x . . . . - e- j w- viiHa- WHiiiy VTISTcJJ .' 1."' "V-r.:, j, 1 .few hohdred aright ot excellent Bnoa for ; tgfl le.- ' Apply i 'the EJtock. y' y V'i v1 t V." Not 4, V -Vi, i 'i .""t A VINT. Wn li.fdrmNl iLalanv ij1 ill V 11 county Mapn distributed by Mr. Johii Met t "e, ni jf ayetievme, tor toe purnna ot orrecr j;. Uon, have been relumed by the 'Member to the legislature, the uhtcribr therefore begi to toy ' that they wil be thatiU ully recdved by hint at nu room, JX. K; enrnr nl vlssai-,, KoMH beott' tore, t any time moat convenient to thote ge.- ... . . I. . .. .1 . . ' .. . - .I4 - tteifitn who nay .have 'them in their nosaeasion r jEaIe!gh,KoT.-2S. l8.l,Vv-:H.ii .'tfv8 St' -; Supenor CuUon'Hat Ginsi JTlilHSfKuWriber.'living to jieekletiburg Conn 1- ly, N V. seat the great Jaiage road leading Irom Salitbury 1 Uirlolte; a anHea North ol , ? Churlotte, keep constantly on ham! COTTON 1.IN8, mH.Ie on tha mokt Improved plan, Of the beat materials' and le ilt walrraht hik work to faitlilully tetuted, hnd.iti Giotto per 7 ! lortn a well a any inade tu the Mote. .Order - Irom any part of th atate w'Ul be UianVfuily rf s ; eeived and nfhmtttlir mnnnl inl' ',': - . It r.. toVhsrtotte, Mecklenburg' Cooiity, N. i .hPVYi tar-tf p itvt it'nvn t Kovemher t'l8.;44jaib6i Direct V Caroling; Shbcco Fein a!ri A i,fidchi v." ' v.fnlS, : UCAS;irpecirnily kr6rin hef ' .'JJ I 'end und the public, that the fcierejte 1 of the above Atsadeikyjatiir be reauoicd oe the I InMonday in January nexti,1' v ;f..v 1 The utmost auention V til Be paid lo Jfliti mor- ... 1 and behaviour of the young Ldiea placed in Semtiwry,-. and. jta retired "pleiuant ind 1 hea.ttiy situation, it a1ubi'ioolraud8nf aater, v't J116 U desirable residence I'otT youtht and, . leiog a few inilej only from th eUlee, Itoad, it , J uol npl0iiui)'niei for Parent aoo Guardiaiia r' f ''r comuiunicatioM with their Cliildreo 1 er Wards ' .' .-r;,.,.,.(.; .;' ,.' , , la ailditioh tq l!ie: usWl' tVement of ESuel; ? t.oti, t 1 ,iujn Blllj ornaniental Needle ork, j Tv f ""S i-aiiics ..will he intriltd in Geography, ' . fintoiy, Astronomy, Chemistry, BoUny, Vlti ' ",,,'lhy.Di'wiii!j,l'aintingon Velvet, Mosic,ete. - . nd lor such as wih to be i istructed in Dancing, .. fir' iient ' adjoining House is ' provided, i eaeher will liejeinployed for the pur. v. poe of teaching this acmmpltthntent, , . f -1 ' t--lJoaidfnd lViUoog50pcr BW '- g20 per ein. , , varren (county, Koir. 2i; f gS.V;v.. 48 6f " Jnly last. f T),-. M r;.l if-V. ler, :....! lately puL'r,!sed i.i t'.c Cataw- . it V, i.it a t 1 1 .,1. ki s Jr- 'n tf two i iitia con: j u;. 11.-.! creed, that all, caclvand -everjr milium rv i(lir Hi' thiyf fimniv ii Imriiliir'jMj I JL" J f illu! 1.CK..U i. t "-f lir i " instated: :in' Jin 'Jormer 'commit! -Jn rufehtJ. :'Wt;i4i'fhav: turn their cye for ahtaf and egeneratipa Jight antil tiui4e.buaU be, loK in 'mtj'tm ; tbll globe itself dissolve in cliaOt;-to'ihbar ed. with ;"- siicfat cE& ra cteVft H'it jiir , thi try of state,,or Vvhat are the entoty un- uteriUMl attei of uobilitrf ' Who woald bot glory in such aticcRtors w ho Would hat pmtil.-lfB- Kitrh tirttiP ivilin n.nM ot; Sanctum sucn, prjhcimes? I'nnci- rnnntrv &nrl firA .tr It.A..lArt 4lt;.li'....' I i-. ii . 1 fi . -2- - . .1 ;" ; ;; '""' '; "., . ' !iuu"' ,i,iiy,fiiijiKMi'reui.faiiu - titumtu never ".""" suiuai pouuiy;rron tne .Ota o j vui. America anui a more general- auu irading authdiritt ty "ct'bforma1iiy-i member! present, ; of. this' delegatiou, bhalL liencelortb be a eivil olUcerryiK a Justice of the Peace, in the cfiaiactef of a "Xomiiiit!eiticm'i to TswiSf Pro cess,1 hear and iHe'terniine afl 'raattera "of " Declaration " IehpnHil : : -v 1: u , . e extract the jTolloiifg ; ac'couaf of controversy,, according to said adopted j the metiing; hVd'at tharlotte, leckicn- 'aws- apd .ta FsTe' Peac.e P" and irom an addren dplivrroT of ITrtfA4Lill I organized governmeut be established in this 'province:'."! ;,'" '' ' 'i ; V Alter cliictissir.j; Ves.anil uiTu'ri't iitihs fr t!.e hA Committee t i i!ecteil fi t. ; ; T nn.u ;lr v 1 : . :tlld b'';tH.''.i. ' 1 h: f.' reiro i ' resol ,, s aiul regula i l a Standing fcty, whpl tvejre the whole ibly aJoptei! cf:r:ii,.iaVe m as A full cony of tlift 'whole rroceefrln was then made oet Jiod attested, and Capf. Jvmt$J(uk, of CLarJotle, wade puted at expreaa to Congrtaa, thca ait ting ia Philadelphia, 4cCompanyi6g44id Eocecdings with a tetter adJreed to chard Caswell, Win. Hooper, and Jo seph Ilaghesoitr then represenlaVves from, thia Province enjoiuin it on our said representative "to, use all possible means; tti "havtr tKe' said "proceedings sanctioned and apjrtwed by ft Gene ral Congreaa.i' Oo tli return of Cant Jac(th Dcleatioi learned, bj a joint letter, from' said three reprdsentativea; that their Droceedinrsweri iiulividnall a'tiioved bv tho'naembt-V tif f!onrpa twjl tKat it wis deemed" pi-emlture to lav tk.n wr:.r nx' it. l. . MiEiu wiuic uw iiouaej fecQuunenoin perseverance, order, energy, &c. V - V ;.vThe" Committesi' f Hatttrv.' iX whirfi Abraham Aleiairdcr Aval chainnat,ield their regular and stated; meetings alter nate! at rharlntta af : f.ma. 11 .-..l--' antl iuhd ,Jifer,8.:lLvtt'ju civil Court;'; ftiamlmi on Jhilitar Tjcess-. Befora this judicature all tu.oitloc's Yef sous -uere made to aVinai: whriw!' lviUlUJT'.liCU; UUUIB 1CU . lir 1 H 1 1. 11 1 1 fl good behaviour, .Itajurihdiclioa waa uo Umited a's' torvinm. and ila dfrpia a nnaj as tne totitidencB and patriotism of iuo tuuuirr. i ; - ivvcrai wr iirrcfi.i aud broudit before tliem'from Trwnri luwai i,utoiii,i nuaijB sou me aojaceni coiinties.?? (a.) 'v'-r ;' a is also iii"iiiT rraniTinw ra tTprv wiux-cii vt tare v eiate, q jearn, -inar at OUr ProVitfcial AVaaimhlw' hnlil'arHaK: , , ... . .7 T' T - V r Ma.3-a . itu l fax,; on; the? 2th .,of April, 1 776, a law unanimomh passetl the Hou&e author ising iid ' empowering war teprtsenb tiyel iii i Chhgreis to concur lu1 declaripg Vey fcf t-j.t. a..i,-. .'.it tK'actf.l tour r y if. .-, t- ! tl i a t a-J troupe, i. Cm htnce r.n ti ee!!rrrfnrr 9 , () Jut ful'.j.; - CcrUlcaU U ia Jur io- r -.. na; - rfnt.cAi:ouxA..'. '..' mrcLtyacae torTt. J r,t,-- X. . 5. ,Tbe B,y eer ify, to all wl.r4 it may cooctrn, Uut ttte bearer Urtuf, V .:;.m !!(&Jenon, ia siioani hr . , . - - ' i fr.end to Li-aertv. xai hi -ne4 the Ac. uoa, , certified by - , -, . . . , AER'lf ALEXA.VD F, k. . . ; . yAc..-. .riUl iAe Cawat.i1 Ay. tlunn and Booth, two lawy. -n r. .". Miv in Saitaburr: kusin rnuntr I,..., . i' . ..A. . to hare th'i dekrtiow arrested 1 r trvson, tb Committee of aafcy Uiued an urdtr. f taeirerre- fU.)Ai was went ea U Saliva ry with eaid rdrr tlwr warn nvi,vl brousrht . to . fcharh it t a Slut ti'. 1 , .l s CWeaton, 8. C, Geo. George f-raharn, uo vuarioie, was one ol Ute Kird who tscwtetl them from Charlotte to Van oca, and dtGvered tketnto Capt, l heanut, w ho, io a few hour, aet at witli a detach, aieot of hi earairr to place Uicm ut CUtlci. ton. t , v - .. . " Tht certified etatcmenta relative to the tJwnaacTioni in CWlotie, of My 19th and 20th, 17T5, by Ccn. Ceorge Grahaui, VVilliaro Hutchiaon, Jonae Cbwk Hobert Bobon, John Si toe ion, of Mecklenburg; ctmnty, and of Cpt Jams, Jack; end tl.c Kev, iranci Cummin, of the Sute of Georgia, aa pub hahed in a pamp4let,' at tUWiira, 1822. will uo wy i ooudts, aiiU put all cLfRculSe to rejit on 'thla MiKiAt tr(J -Asxh provincU! Assembly,, held at ILJifax, April 4, 1776; is in the p amnion ol Very few, a Copy of the Besolve. itli presu med, will be acceptable;. -; T . " The a-l-t r.nmniia a vi J. 1.' . , . " -.v .v taav guv mil aidcratioa the usurpation and violence at- vci.itu. ,nu coronuwea oy utu King" and Parliament nt rtiniin nt i . tne further meaautiea tn L iuVn f. r.t . - M.Uk. wig tne aame and to the better defence of .thlt.4iiin.'iiut. F M . ' - r'""'"-ti repwi wi- iouow, -via: (,tere follow a narticuur and fnrmaJ liIoyance. i0.) Aud whereaa the modsra- uw t.ierto-inaiufejrted by the United polo rvS. Snd their . - w. i h-whuw aa f ,t VVUJIVl lei t'o the- niother, country on eonstiiutional pHactp!- have procured ntr mitigation of uic at. t ircTBkuit a -larrtiiirra tinii aiiiiitinniiitHa ' y w ? ,v j'"Mwk ihj nv Hope remtm of obtaiaing- retire by Khosi mvai fcibne which have hithMn h.n if.t. j . - , - - - . ..u, vii it- . .t.i ..i fcM -.r ' . - . t . . . ' iliultt enter into the following' Kesolve, vin ''. te$otixd; .That tltxle)egatea of thi Col ony in the Continent! Conercs be embow ered to concur with, thedelafffttes .of. the other Colonie,ia dedaring'awWe, and forming' foreign alliance, reserving to thi colony jhe sola aoU exclusive tight of form ing a constitution and kwa for thi colony, and of aftDOmtintr'deleiAttea VWm 41m' w. ig t'"ld direction jf general rei5reacnta. ApEST. FROM, UR0PE4W:; By th arrival this mJinJng ; oiT lI.il. r.v a r.iwe I 1 1 1 . "t.Ct t. f :: i i a iaurets of ; mental and moral occuny the briirliU i.ii'ea in the hisin- ry ot -Jtuman greatness.'?.;'; I'rintiples wnirh rrtnvfifiit. 'stiaf trprm i f I hkpf rneisiV w.lycb",'' '.'deposited ia ) "fr boil, erit)gs p" to luxuriant uears tfep bloom' 'ofblis its' i that tuiiii of life, fifth n"- tij J . tu:: ! -sth T litity of ! ' ' i-tJ;i! VrrtLie, f . vuui t'.r t'H v.e-!.vr of tit ti an ! r.'!'-'.. tv, .tiller -I ciab?!l:.:.f; J.. 'iu;n- f').i '-'!S V t i ' l t 1 !' 1. 1 v C 1 S V tj i. Te it N Wt other Colonies, for audi nurtioaea aa ahall be hereafter pointed, out,'?' The Houae unanimously concurred ,. thereia. gt , 9 April lfcV1778. x r'-r. -ix-W'' s lt ought to be obserred, that thel enacting htuse to every taw pasaedby thjakgialanire. w f -HtHhtd? &c. J'.fiWjv - i t--ftelaat Colonial Congteaa wa. held Mariu! AsiemUy; at Kewberh, Xu Convention, which formed ;our present Con- titution, Halifax, December, 77-'t': thoUmred Coloniea aTWk'atifiHiokan.f .,tNereof,J to meet tlie . delepatea oftha Nien; t(f form loreigrf alliances,. &c. nia no ucuFir litres nvmijl IMCVlOUa i v ure t uei.iatnuu uy Kivongres8, j ana stands the first Icirifldtive an fciinh. ject of lndependeric'e-in vtlie 'United oiatcs. j , j ue oeitgaies rrom tnis jcoun tv "at that" time tvere- Juhii Phif-r. H... - -F7 - -. , " ' ,a..-j oenvirwin ana jonn ai'lvnitt AJfljan. Tlie boasted Vefeol v tif flv 1rta?i2r.1a'i V " IT J---- at, a,vBftVal Legislature ; of .?Yii'ginia Inttrifctiba ineir representativea in congress to jlee elare the United Coiomea fre nd tin; dependent, was. jiaise'd tho 1 5th day oi tj y " "c iiuuiu tttter uie .v t.i au. vtiua UI.L. 11 II1U uiiuii.il fv . tlentlr ttnai riaieu..! v v ;;J v-- (Wirt' tife"W -P;. flefamf 'mmc1W4I1 a iitac nic tioits WUtl WfliCrt totofcfether with" tJiecifiiefisofYhk andVihe adjHning ;cpunt)eghavo jong ueen iamiiiiir tni!i liavu mok ha t. a. 4ent tunica, of C tbbversatiotj amonii -t -a. . r...''j;Ij.i.:ii' r... i. . uiL. -i.0 uri iui ill-ill it i mi T.niBHri I fi ngn tv ia uitlividual .of. whom haSv descended fo Uh ileiit tomb: butihese are" their ttvtntf-tJeedsVPptiotlslmf in.iii.rr-i-i.iiii.il nuw .xi'iiikii' ami uiiii.i. tli'e mafignaht laltt of 'enyj durstoj novvissadtoblast.yit.iv::; (, yvuiu inuiuia Mlt? fe'U ? Ol tfrfe-ehrinetfttv'1 narfrtibatiha-' in ' Aiosp tsctib; wbicV'ca. hereafter, ba're- firm as thb.eterhal prifrtiplea -of justice M. ticket Oslllirll. frnm Pnln.nnfK U. fedito;rs vt jlliis Commercial Advertiser i.u.s iwiicu iivm ucir tirrcl)0iiucni8 );.. .'CL.C .' .I'- i.i : r'rt . . ' uuu j;aj,eie to ,nK lllU.OJl MClOUer, inciusiyet hye tlayg la- j,an before w fceiye.BTj(hc ; picket ship, Queen Mab,' from, lfavie, ihey; have TeceiVed Paris pipers tht? J5th of tiobe'r, find ati.' Vxirora;nnjy,, document below.- ly - - --- . - . . viiw v. IJIiiril y"..i..uDaiv.i-r m uk luumil iMailtut nag lUtilCr let ute uriuan auina oi wafjiii nuit t ,, capturetetiesadk.'ii i.i j;,?. . ) lie accoonu Ot the Jiaval pperatioii Of the Turka are UU aa conU-adictory as evcrOoe account front Cunstantino'nlfe. of Sent. 1 1 cava "The Captain I'&cha, v, ho bad onfy U vessels iui i, 4iit enccicu a junction wtia uie tiOtHIa et ......... .... v-, infiuMii!. w, thkh vi ueit taptiiOple, ;w,bith baC joined tat ; Kgyptain WocW; Khroniten Pacha ' reported to have sailed against Samoa at .the head pf these 28 china. ' An ar.tinii haa tnVn Ttlaf'Ah between the Greeks and the Turks, ia which i . a ,i i. a . . , inc lormcr inuneo. uie advantage at. hlatv but were, afterward reptdsed by the Toxu.'Vt una be true, of course th atnrlea, un hav heard, of Ute defeat of the Turk at -Sariio were, entirely prounuiusav liut anower let. ter froth Constantinople, published in " the Augsburg Gazette, alter having repeated what we, have already announced, relative to Jhe defeat ,of .the Tiuks otF. Sanio, add, that auftnir.mh heivina tn hi'iit.Ttaf ni-rl lmf heniet Ali, I'acha of Egypt, never had t!: intention of assisting the Vorte, aa was imu cinedi tliat lik naval expedition moreover, hits exrierieneed some loss' that, Jiavin" hi-en dispetaed bv a tenipest. Atlnihal aliaot, i . I. us t,iiuivu iiut vi ,uia i . ' I'iia,. ti(.4 itjt; fest have taken ftfuje t .. , d;a.: .. ' , . A private letter tion. -va, atate, t! at Count CApo d'Lstrta has i tt.v'd ititeH'icnce rt-.. H.t nalmt ..1 r fr..!n,t nnllt.'tl. C 1 t. .!"- H11T'-VI rtllll-MWll 1 11C I LJ lit. .1 1 ' i! . ...I 1 . 1 ins i J P v-'iuauioi', vy uie urK in the vicinity of the iie ,f Anior-s, A r ; t pte t Jc ; . part tf t?.t t (i, c . i r rv.rt, t c. n i - A 1 " r ; -., Sej tcu. r, s. ..! Jnisrit-s i t' U t aUj ;u 1 f aei, aivj gret MM Rie ;,.tt j!r- , UckUhViii.'tlUi.rJiMf.. i hat la ivvie .lur-. . t'i; renewal of ho.t.!.;,c on the "an., A'-cw:,,-- ti o Pnace ' '.runt A'j b .s i.,.ic I f Hui..... ., .a. ai,l tt.iv.t, ' I'crxxa anry ia m.,re tiuita-o and tin fresh stt,rm entnit fJ Uie enibarraan,t tit f t:,u l'urte. of B.Ustna will liue l. fou.v.i opfln ueirwiUtf of'Juikvy. -.Iba CovcmiUrBl.of the Forte has retnptorjy or.lcrtd V, . L..iLry-pfuc- lumiaii a certain tu, 'i.-t if . . ... , i , . ... joJo.th.Cpta,a 1'iU. iue 1 $iti- wuu a iue.Oe.j niur, ot ti.e i , could not furnish. coik. -nt, I.i b i givtttto Ululcrsland that it n,i,i,t tec. forthwith. . The jjy, jt wi: be I , auni a been embro.linj h.mar'.f v . ' dry of the .am'ivr rurotaa pot... Ji,, nowaid, that ti.e Lnplish Monster at't..-s-StaJUtnOple has tvbu'm. a a 1 iruiait, po.iiv, ' -enjoinmj all the IWbary powers to n :. t -from t-Uiities towartla European veastU .. Lette. i tront. Athena announce, that act'.tm of no gnat importance are aUiOji !.. y foutfli in Attics to the advar.t- t,f u . Greek., A Pacha, at tho .head ot' nvtr thousand me.i,' was lately ttucked at 1 her. mopyUe,, aiul waa obliged to retire 'nh, Joa. - snoro- Hiipurrant tii),'ajjement laTiSiatVi .1... u n....,t - i.i . . " . - ai. uaiavuuu, auu ui aiuaauiiin w dfeared,. -The artillery, JjKi'a, a 1 n tary chest, fell into the" hatiu. oi t , The ouuiber of killed and wouiuk 1 o i i aklca ia not precisely known; but it is s... that, Omer ..Pacha, tlie Bry'oJ' CarUio, among wo p jsoner ot uie urcelta. . . . '' .Sr.ua. The . Morning Chronicle statcv' tliat private letter from Spain represent thst oottntry , a a prey to the greatest t!i-rdor$y by jsassinationa vu comnuttc 1 hy t!,3 Royalist volunteers, in the verv air.-, ii .,r tt. capitaUr. The, carriages of Don Car.oa. werj completely ; piLaed, near the gates of .'-a-dnd. On the other Land it II rri.t,,l 11-1.,,-t.' cuutaciun, try, ana Biti . y execute, ft, I J liberal chaj -ei bcivie t: cut.. Eiv. ratioit . ' into France . a-Ucti on na cxtcnwvt.v ui rvi ' ' As neither an army nur the corps of no'T.lS ' ' Volunteers can be orpfiinaoJ. it win h n, ,-, a. ary to inarck into Spain several new rrcncU , reiriniema, anu cutupauitaot artuiery.' A P( ''It IS atateti the lfrnck crryieninif , t I' -'. been requested to auffcr "their troops to re- ' v . main in Spain six .months after Uie.il i cf ' ' January enauiiig. ' Lieutenant General Co-v; pun m to ue u'lto cy a tvoun Martial, . JIO te1, Hikuttli l .,a I . . fx- ': is wai the first who prthfitted tha Constttutiuriv Pi ' toUt,King.in lSil, hutnuxreover beeatis :' , he preaided at the Court Martial wl, 't tua, (V aetnnca ueut, ttouneu to die.,: i. laigislatuTi . r V. i u ? .. Ti. ursdav. ,ov. CJ. 'rM4Davnluoii(fi;om thecoiunilitee of cla .''j'i-'-;' '4 1 ; rcnurccu a resolution in iavoroijoiin ru t i .r .v--. .vii iiiiuwi ut ,i.n. . i ...u v, a ineaNue yP.' ''- j asm waitv (uouse m nu' 'isuiis, propoaitig qr-:.. i; .h.s. ballot imniediattlv 1, r ai'.s ;n,.-l i;miiv.i..in. viw.'.- Ueut.Colonel and M:jor of Cavalry atta-f . 1 ".;;; iu tub jiTii i, vi fin tt. i.t i in, ,1 -i o,, ! . natins Miles J.' Ituh'.nson I'oe.'l'nli.n. ' f 'C'"'' mantlant, James A. Means forLt. Co'.ui. !, . 1 t. :' v:jn. I'urnsjor Major. , ' "C'v, ' .The hdl to alter the ramea tf f ur.iicl r. ;,, '' Cunnimrliam andEhaaAiinCuin, ! , i 1 - to legitimate them, was amended on , . H& . .:",' .: . rcBuiinr. on niouoii oi Air. s.-auvn. y , 1 ' . . as follows, 44 to alter the name of Ma, n f,: m- roelWailkerison of Wm. Andrews, ,.f :u' to Aiacon ajoiiroe Andrews, and lo K in - , s hint?.. Agreed to. - 'Mr, Kiddies. rovcd f .r.' l-''f thcr to finitutd tbA bill by alterii-r Ui nau-e ' Cwrtwright, ot pcrquimoii, to Diet of Dicey I.ldOick." W .ich was also ittpi1 in ' The bill to eniam ii tp rrtnin t' , i ftii. propertj' of Jon. Bird, ;-of ' ilurke, w as read,,-.''' me toiiu nine, tt on motion ci air. aiontom try, oraercu to lie on tl.e table. . ; " , Iteceived .from !, lltMiv) Vif f'nmmn, i :.. message proposing 16 ballot inim'ed.i.tf!'-, I ,r I ...' aBrisr. General of the 1 : ', hriira.lit. an,:', i i he-. naiing iiicnara v. tj :,t MXfan and O. r ' I il un,l tl. tli.i. . I..axf 1 '.,.,......... I . . ... - ..v.miu,,v. UWl ,UJl.ll.lll. ; V.UI luill 1 U ..4.,'. . ' 'I l' ' 'A nimcr wa.qrcriMVd fyom tlii. II i..'Y.,,,i ,-. r.' tlinna at'.f 'ii.n tl.v Ji,l uniiclit ... . f ' . -' -w..i, l.v,i.jj .1 ilULUII r, , relative tf) di limn? tne aa .- rr '.' . State 02tcr, !tc. and had au.t ; ' , u.j:'.m)'.';i'--by adding the folio whig worth, 1 a' o t'-n r;,t -- '- p -- --r . , .v concurrence of the Senate tu the sir., ,, f: which, waa agreed to, ',..' ;:'..;. n motion t , r. i ixiOJ, , .;"- fc " r . ; J -Jicsolvfd, 1 1 at the committee c .thn .Tii.fi."..,.'' Clary be niHtit:' .1 to tiujttiri into the projitt".-?-, etyoxso atvcuiuie present Ad act j ,etn- -. ; blv. nirulatiliff tuc 1:k,r:'M)f d" iinM-,i''i eouipci'Uie Dartv takiinrdetxr i,, i.t- i "'- interrogatories in the tju.t i,i v. lileii i,e ES. "ft',' tion may be pending, upon Ins ' no- . tico thereof to the other part,,- j J-,' Whtft t ' V a z to be f.lcen liw I i!,.- I .,w-.'.- ' j, and U.it ' I.; y rcpoi t l-y.LUlor ofthe t' in-,-, pr ill-: i 1 , c 1 .:-vr'i:'.ns I ve (.ft r r f lo:-t several i of: l 1 M ! in' u t!,c t ...yn !' vein I'.T! ( , . f ' t' (:. ifui'te ;: If i-lit i J'oa-l, bct : couti', e t.tt-d t it)