J : "1 53. , - .vBAl.EI.GIl, (;i.C,) FBlDATDECEMBLll i6;..iM.; !. XV . .. . ' i JJ Carolina Cast,'?? ; f ' BELL r HWUENCEi ' .' , , ' a f l.tsisl, '' ' " ft eann-X'). . .-., mil k ! ?,!$ ftttMl itd . ' ptr' fcal at , th pt0 Of t'- M.irs til mwrt pM. A d -. TfcMi iv MX .aj., V. seta fiiMS, lusert-pl ihM Uni (-- 4ollar, vol iety far r -wmfeMnaa - " AU U tun la (he ettMor aiuM b paid. " -1 ' - -'--1 J? i.'JU . . k Prm th -V.i Xw- OttMrwro! -fetrtKaeft; flesira. Iraoeia, BaH C Oiminf X Wave hitherto been and still tm wadccided in opinion u to tl person vtowi it vmild b - drti able, out fifth present candidates, to t true hirft emce-cfTreaident of the ) elevat State. AS-WU& , tourselvea. Mr , CUntnn would ba been nit Erst ehotcel and fter him, Mr. Cfclhow As these at present -. anoe&r to be out f the Question. I mm mill u a . tuoufh J corneas lual tor some tima nyl ilH general 11 not only worthy or Bert litre oil tK ki of L'i rri pa LtVmiiu ito.tSVcUtioa of lperiortfy- o peJictrj; ml hit cnvmtka 1t itrofi-1 ratrVed ' fo4 ne x4 ounJja !fnenL Ife U kind , plfts.nt lr, familiar, tSectieaaU to tf frienj aod ialtori,' and ipprin to naoifeat inoch rtspect foe th feelingt and epiA ioai of otiienu Tbete vlrtaM will cor ao4 the rtird of all mth whom lie might be auociited. in the joterment or out of it,' Su-Ufm who aim (an4 there arMtumj freai all part Ho do) aad ptrticift la bia DertOt nd anaSected. borpitalitr, retire - aarprUed at (he. BtirerjreMQtauoottpread abroad rejatite tejwa tharactcr, and ronr ham Wt, wrraat for one. .'"A ealVaa re m&rkeff to mt oo Aloixlaj. .VWhy, I feel mjielf perfectly at home, under hit reof, and rny reept'ioa and departure almost cap tue climax of the bospiufH xj oi we eu i v , ' ' v- amd hu bceo more cravii tovarda Gen. anT'Other oft ha fotir aurr- iuff' candklittn.' tier tor rtamhM, iquat , : tonfesa, hich ma!c me inore dubiova a& in . -Mr. Adams, than rotintfoea. appear. too. -' a'or Cftjrd,and Chy; ( hate no predile aiont on my mind in regard to tn. Jackaon made hy ji lettnr .which I hwiir,l - - - 1 . - ! i . the amrimerotl 823, froirt a reaoeeted friend men nuni in ft (iiwbcv) t Knu you an rttnct from -it,1 that it may atand hs chance '.'f mkking- ueh impresaiort aa U meet, opon ? thl Bund of thoae' who read iti, in relation to ' ' uMiiiiuiiu(,uyfwuil wBioryhera-'- W' v ClVl3.-r-; -".AiiATiNiTtitr.'SSlSZS left NasHvUIe yeslerdayV Durjiig "tayM paid a ULt tot5en. Jackison an4 hij amiable lady; A' more anjiatffe i nd agreeable pair5 1 fiaye ielJom seen 4aaa,M.L. - f f . ' . - . 1 .. " . t Hmji DM ,bf taadRdates for1. the 'thief tiagistracy f out country, y , i - " AUhougti' ray interview with" Kim - was necessarily pbort, my dutie Tallin .we wat inoch doncr than feelings dictated; yet; 1 mast 6a v.: that tn cor- tectne'9ft .of political rinciplea 'sterti ' honesty and integrity of character, die. ...interested pitriotism," and "that wKich felevate'S him much hiore In my eatitna ' L iion.tijs f o.it respect for religion1 And t rcliio pei aons, he is not excelled by v nj of the prominent r. n of the tymn try and, H may le question1 if he has , lis equal ? These great "firjEilea j miist ' command the respect' of the vise and Rood every where, arid will go very far ' fA9 recommend I 'm as at suitableperson . 't6, receive, the hehest honor' oucjiation - , can oestcw.. , . , . ; , V"" tf h tliouaht'bT tht) who best , ' know him that, the- character ' nublic J and private,; of ""this gentleman has bticn basely 'slandered by Some interes ted. theri; for sinister lVwrnnspsi. I shall it ot notice partimlaj lr the tuany.,facta w jllustraliveof .fii heart 'a a man of . V Iiilinir nr iMialiaV. Mt.l , fiion of charinrro:' TthrVA aha h&fnrA " public e.ve, andihae ofte'ii befch. prescn: ted ,b? friend3fcand -'arknowltm "od hv eriemicsi Of -one' thing. Am pertain. tan, has ntvv anil hipjl tut- hft- liberties :: !clf tcarful,f rrvfuVyW' hfl nut meu up jn Afe he "proves .trcsse,!';' th ricn iuds tfia'inoor around iini che-'-H for,))im. the most ''arjent ifi'ection , and- cpver vdoe 'the. aon, of iinre iiopi! nis mansjon wunoui; , saw-itAtndwn boy Attbewencrars" , 6tm, wLose -short bistorv .la further aU f kstiative bfjiia' benevolence. 'During the CrcelCwar;' after r-nqt)f the battles, ; ;n,inman . chud was discovered wcking v-tne breast of bis do.nl motherJ"- The 'reiic-vfaslfuly -T-c titiff,' knd dktatet ;v.u mur o ti.at he, who na3Dceachar- ., Mini nnvu me -wmow, ami tue-orpi 'xa the: ivar'wornoiaier :.ho ,'ouant ror .icau ..jam to htm. .Ini pi ivnite Jij tbimself the' friend of tho respect and public attention for the ma ny amiable qualities be poasesae and exhibit, but la the various important official, posts he. hai filled. Via conduct challenge the admiration and praises of every true patriot, and lover of pod or der, and his coaairyV we4l.''Ni pub-liciiacnlatora--'no ; public . defaaiters will Jong endnre his presence and eagle eye-ruch miscreant characters , 'woiyd oo longer fatten en the blood of the pa tion, but would retire branded with In famy Into the regions of tiie politically dimoed; and covered win eternal die e-race.' Ruch a nxan -iivxraiuncr nnrriirt tion tequirts'j to stem, thf'toodp The devotion or a true patriot has ever actu ated hiinr and was the principle "which governed him,tlirough every part of the last distressing war. " The honor and suceesa of his county's arms, not person al aggrandiiementtor his own cof fers,; was the reward he sought.' He more ihan risked all he had, to guide the ark, of liberty safely through the storm that threatened destruction to our dear ' v4 iiie- most endeanng, and tn my o pinon, the most elevated trait in the ie- neraPs character, and that which ought i . . l " k . I. .., . . . . io give mb ine cniei piac.e in me nearts f il- . .ll..., . . .... If ' ui uia coupiyuicur especially, me. ren eious nttrt bf the community, is his de liberate and decided teatimoay in favor oi inetnnauan reugion me religion oi . a a -l t : , 1 a" j T a " 1 . ' - 1 1 me qiDie anu m ine nearu. aitnougn, as yet, he makes ho public profession le fore the world. .w some of h3s views. I may refer to his. official conduct when peeping the .Sabbath, arid bu ppressing vice ami immorality. ' Uoonthia hart of his conduct,' he and his friends, and the friends of religion; will ever, reflect with pleasure,", '"? V , f . ' V I find jt, is. the opinion of friend of mine, that th$ General 'iU ere Ions, aiiavu . umiow ; i' iiic ,M.f csujr (.ci tail Church' in Nashville,' by a public pro fession! '.yThe, solemnity he manifests in -public worship--thetntere$t with wliich'hd hears the word of God, and the Gravity ofJws whols demeanor,, lead me td entertain a hope that his mi nd is properly'.' impressed with divine things and f t trust the, day is : ftott jlar 'distant when he will prove, to the '.world, that hk itt and will be' aa good soldier f the cross as hd has been in,' defence ,bf ins . ueur'vCiiuiiiry .vci j eiisieutc aim liberties Mrs. Jackson is a pious coin- .'' j .i; a ,i ji . .-n i is nuinicani in tne: rresoytenan vnurcn in'iNaa1vil!e, 'of which .the VRev, Alan Dampbell pastor and the General is Ver '1145111 in attending his minis trations, although', he resides' welt e mtlei fiom the town.v tte is particular' lv attentive on sacramental occasions and remains during the whole solemnt- i t ' tS f f a,,an"y I- mind , with Correct evan- " ;,:., 'I; rV VtTO Pies and; .that he, y this means, as : 'uiu uujur.- OVl M, lie WllTU?l Qfl fmm .hanin.nf t tV. -. Vv l.,J; ", l am totd hi" was' lavortdwitii a pious and Ijrodly mother,' who earl y in structed him to the ;"great and essential doctrines of the" 'srospel; and imbued his ; DUrnue deavoredto procure, a squaw, to relieve in wu tcnea mtantj but all to whom' he 'apj.!id refused; with 'this excuie, that a'l his. relations were killed, it would ; ne better to. knock liiiil in the head.r- ' Vnrliiv' ?nr:.4; 4. -.f-.-. 1 1 . t ! wv ju iiituuvit ;uriu!r in Tttmvi lie j ' ook the little orphan under his intone- i -vs wiuitJtiHui.anu alter in campaign, o01".1. him' home, tntroduced hini into pis laihilv' niid is tio-ar dnratirtir hihv. Mift conduct touarrla, htT aotdiM 'anil ;ailTon(ler lliacottlnland,, will' forever . ml)a!ia Iilu. memory nmr sg-lhcm "and itwirbobterity,; He wept at their 'aviate Miwrings6i,ii,i.jprtU mroiaidrt arid r-incrii t'le'Csui.L'iir-s - well as from subsequent, deliberate and riper cOhf iction;' firmly believesln' the inspirationf- the holy ; scriptpreiand rests ail his hopes ot salvation ana eter nal "felicity on the divinity and atone went of "the" Lord 'tw Christ," And view; these' .' prominent - doctrine - of scripture, not . as ' the dogmas 46f," the schools.,. of the taticies oi, misguioei fanatics,' but as revealed from - Hearveo tl pKl Mtriuce tf fiecrf,' lie f: tea jivca a, pneticat proof is iti frvor net to be diaretrarded At this 6me.be ad his neihbt-aTS are baaily ceased is erecUag a pace pf ,wwhip, f ih Pmbytena erder. near hit rnanaan, and bit a ate or two frees a lot build- ingia wkich I jireiched, and proclaim ed jay aaeasage to the people of bU'Ti ciaity, aiHr time since, ,H appears mtereated i the ftrozree of rtlkrioa. and hia hand ia, epen to advance tbe caaae ml tnu end righteousness, and what i yet more te his praise, la jites freely and without os(,entaridn. v?! flUU aUo the friend of clefrvmea. manrof whom have been fedandcloth ed by his geoeresity. To this profeasioo he obitrvea inch a coarse of conduct as excucs inetr yeneraiion anu wve a ney are invited epder his roof to perform du ties of family piety and some time ago, his parlour was thrown open for a pray er meeting for the benefit of the neigh borhood during-the visit ef his pastor aad it U the ardent and constant pray er t many pteus Bonis, that 4he brave Hero of Orleans siayibecome a faithful aad dauntless soldier of 4he Crucified One. a Jr : V" ; -, ?--vAi-i a '"-'- 7 TXit is the mad whom ,manTui( e very part of the nation! deemed it a pri vilege knd 1 delight te honorr He is tho't to be too modest to push himself into fidticc, andv too sterling a patriot ".to court popularity by. the prevailing arts of this degenerate and corrupt age.;-He never makes ttump tptechet. nw shews himself abroad to the people. But it is to be hoped, that his friends- and the true friends' of the people and of 'our country's interests. .wrll . not' fail to sound his (well tamed, fame, till, hia worth f is oniversally acknowledged, and till he ts bonored with the nrst dignity this great and 'mighty nation can confer. l am neither a prophet, nor a prophet's sonj yet t sometimes think . that this) man is further des tined by- Heaven, for some more sig nal service ta his-natural country,' which snau nanauown nis name .to posiemy, interwoven with that of ..Xiur , beloved Washington.'. , W are on the' eve of ventful times, and t beheVe that the church' ana state are surrounded-, with perils on even hand.'? ... . : .."- ..- . r t . - i '. i :C i nave no more on uis s'loiecr, ana conclude in part with : the language of i;esar : r--. ,,-.- . Veni,.vidi, et victns um'.w' " 4 pit sUad?9rtdieetlit lost i found! " the. most, extraordinary, case has just happened, in t' is county that has ever AAA i.nA.I aril.i. n.nllA4inM Ca..' muel W, Standifer, a young man of re spectabla - connexions suddenly disap peared on Thursday evening of the 21st Uiuiiiu, in a way ao iiijaieriuus ns 10 in duce a general belief io the neighbor hood that, he was murdered.'', Suspicion immediately aiiacneu to nis uncie jesse Standiier, an old ana highly respectable citizen, with whom there was koowp to. be a misunderstandings U liutwhat .gave colouring to the (supposition that he was murcerea, anur that nis uncie was tne perpetrator' of tb fout deed, was that the next morning the young man's horse. saddle1 and bridle, were found at the old gentleman's cotton gin, about two uunareu yaru8 T.rom.nis awetung. , u on inspection, the; saddle and brid were found to , be stained with blood the bridle reins contained several spots. and the saddle was marked with a taree . ':. , . .' .... . V impression a u made wtth. a bloody :V inia diaepvery at once tued the guilt upon' the unfortunate; uncle, and . the whole neighborhood were excited to an actitft. inquiry into the ', circumstances It were needless 'to repeat the many i die reports'1- which immediately -took wing u pop' .the , occasion Search was made for several days' for the' murdered man, out in vain, ne was noiio pejouna. Gui)t nevertheless was fixed upon the uncie, ana ne was lorwiwiui arresieu with nis two sons, anu orougui weiore i magistrate for inquiry, when the follow mg facts were disclosed; lt .was pro ved by the uncie that the young man . i ..ii,:: r A . a was seen oy a neignnor ot-we nrsi rea . I . ..ij.ii-.fl.' Ja.JL for "the foundation of christiab hope and comfort.' '"trf . Jt was "pleased tofindhini, early ito fc.f,'t! knot's . , have been Uuiht to b- iiewi( ,j,i'r writers a. 1 r' -l i . Hi-... . . : -. .-.. . .' -f! the mornihz,' chjrtged in reading. the se cond volunitf opining however are hot the onh' evidences t he'rr-;-"ects Tiure and idefded r " ''ui'n'intc. for w.i ,i-t' reli .tion iirousi b'ur.ituii.niuc-d with jwewV-Msd. "tj, .jLuttlftrseis il,e if- , that i mi n., - -T1e pastor ci a 1 preac!, while here, thai . uid ..bright' ofiiaan ul "t i . f irthct stated that ten. ), t, lor ni ii'!ierbh'p in his chuixh, lurin," opinion - r the ' -"J men, expencu - ; v tf . lately wiiiiCr . He staged, s a member mucin and he 4 pmpo"" corrtpoBd"u prtrisery with the it i- eHptioo of Sarao! FtaoJiTw.baJ lod J ia the Wruaeef one et t&eaa on tbatnpht, and related to them that he waa by the name. Suadirer"; and nephew to the accused. t TJh'ia evidence being so Ll aad explicit tat the young man 'was till I'mn. tU wntle and tui eons were immediately discharged-." ; : vThe nncfe end his (rieoda, conscioas of their lnnocence,,and the more fully te icOjUit themselves of the anjastlvptj tatioa. immrdiataly despatched a ties oiigtr in aearch bf the nephew; wh, af ter 8 ,er 10 dtyi, fstand him ncarTlo- rence ana, brought him la trximpn to Hantaville, alive, last Sdnday eveniog. Thereby Ktvinr an occular demonstra- tioa to a jtalows and highly incensed communiiy, mat tnty nad Deeo charged laiscij. i at lurna-out wa. tni young inta resorted to this nefarious and wtck ed stratagem to effeet hii uncle's de struction, and actually tut his own fia Ker,' stained his'toidfe and saddle, and left them and bis horse atlhie'nncle's cotton gin, for the express purpose of inducing the public to believe lW his ancle was the marderer. A most dia- bohcal scheme.'- But his blot failed, and he ia brought" back, to receive the addition, to ,the evidence given on the iriiM i uie uncie, u is, proper to meor tion that the yonne man. before his rfe- parture had made a confident of ano ther uncle ? to whom .he disclosed Ida wicked? intentions, and enjoined upon mm perpetual secrecy But when the nit tended victim wee found in jeepardy, the ancle promptly interposed and disclosed ed the whole scheme, The result f this case adds another lesson to the many alt- reedy tiven to the; world.1 what fiftl confidence is to bo-placed in clrcum- ' t..j i. aiiuinai icBuiuunj.,.'- uuuureas oi inno cent meni no doubt, hate suffdted death in a similar way. and butfor U' deliv, erwghand of Drovidehce.thft veneiuLt Jesse Standifer might, & probably wonld nave been sacrificed to appease the yen- ..AL. . i .J . J.,j pectability, on the evening of hie depart le road wmcn teaas py rliaiUja - . it cou-.etriv pioii'-- 4, ture, riding on the the uncle's; that after theyoungman ha passed hia uncle's about two and a, hat miles, the witness, between 7 &8 o'clock at night', overtook him a foot, stopped and conversed wkb him for Several rain otes. ' The witness suspecting from his conduct, that something was the mailer, pressed upon .him " disclosure whu the young man, upon enjoining secrecy, stateu mat ne was aoom o may a ttick had abandoned his horse, saddle ai.d bri die for that-tarpose. and was then hi way to Some distant Jilace vhere Ii would ueVer be heard from in. Tl, witness described his per.s t l' vl.I 45t,c. and was nositiTe as to : iJc-' 'ofhispcrson. Two other -jsweie "examined on iha part of the uncle, by 1 .fa. ..-......'..1 it: .. " ...AHiu Ma.. pu - wttuwi'iii epiwuiei- luab- a-iouug man, ' ,i . --. . .. .--fr -,.. ... . . :-'.'n - . I '-) i .. ..I.,- u oi tht 1ay- " ." ie li. ; t'.a L I XoffJi-Cir u; tl Cennntixi.inptt to r in; e9' od iaijiroT; rw4 lying betvre, n county aad the Teas for the relief of the Tr.'r?s I the Oi fortl AcademytaaJ'tSe b,:i tprei4st acUoas from abating in cfrtala caifi,V werej.read the second lad third tiase-v and ordered to be engrossed. Mr II ill. from the ballctir c""Ti:- tee for Governor, havin? n rnirti J L'.at 1 Hjitchina G. Burton was duly t'ffed. - a joint committee was ppot" ' ? wait V epon him to inform him aftui s!cctjon,t . 'c- f and to ascertain wbe it irill be conve- 4, nieni lor mm to quality. , JMenafa. II.. 1 - -and Bryan of the Senate, and Mewrs. ! Uonoho and t iliiamson; of th ,"" ' moos, form the committee, v - r ' ' Mr,' Shober: from . the comrrt. n ' -v ; 4 . Indian JKeservationsi moved that the. . ? A a . w a. 4 t , .-. ' . '.'. awn fommiuee, oe. vested with power." x , , t to Send for persona and papers A- r i -greed to. ;V - - . ' V''' . MrOVelborn. .from l' commit' 1 ' .jr. - of Divorce" & Alimony, reported ' i.ouiTwce xeTia omoereao, ot irora nt wue Tsancy; also, a b'dl. tu ili-, vwee' Solomon Davis, of Carteret, from his '.wife Ctlia; also, a' bill to divorra hUtaeth Ferguson.of Wilkes, from her" V''X-' husband William Ferguson which pass- - v V . ed their first readings. , j 1 .Si. iv Mr.: Forney, from the' conimittna titi Internal Improvement,! .tiy whom wa referred the5 petition ""of sundry inhaW- tanta 4jf Wilkes rpnhrtpdah'ill tn n l- a road across the, Brushy MouuUia atVA-v ! yreera.uap. tteaa tlie nrst tin.- aul J ; Mr Forney, trotn the same com mi - f- tee, reported unfavorably to the petition. y of John King .and others." Concurred ' .t of John Kirk. deCAA referrc the V .? an- Legts latuTe pf North-Carolina. .SENATE, v - vrf ' On motion of Mr; Bryan,' ! tftmlkxd, That the ComphPoUer of Oiis state be required to Obtain from the Cle kt of the ( oort of PJeaa and (luaifer Sessions od War dens of the poor in euchepunty in hi State, or from any authentic source, a statement ex- liibitm; the amount of tax and sums of money levied and disbursed In their respective coun ty, annually, for the support of the poor, during' the1 last five years, and report to the , vMrt-Williams,1 of Bea'nfort, from the committee appointed on the 6ubiect, re ported , unfavorably to the, petition of the Cavalry Company ot .,KuUiertord, praying to be furnished; with 'arms. Concurred in. : ,. ;V ; Mr. Johnson presented a bill toaui thorize Charles I'helps, late Sheriff of ti opiiiiiivM yuuui, iu couect toe ar rears of' taxes for, 1822; also a. bill to appoint Commissioners to lay out a road from Lee's Mills to t head' of New land inTWashington county? & for other porposes therein , mentioned These bills were read the first time;-and the Utter referred to the cor .littcebn liy terflal Improvements. ; ' ' v. ' ' v , ( Mr. Pool presented "ft bill to,' legiti mate Eliza Bailey and Ambrose -Sailer of Pasquotank. Read and referred to the committee' heretofore appointed, to consolidate Bills on this subject, -J ' ' .The Senate' entered iram thi- rilirs ot the day, and took' up, the bill,.! for mo oeuer regulation 01 slaves ana tree persons of color,?'; Mr. Hill moved an amendment to the bill, and Mr. Joiner moved tor the indebmte postfionement of the bill and amendment which was carried; . ' - J -,'- " r V, - ' 'Ti.. t.:ti ' i.-.i ! ii. 'n . jHBi uui, auuiunz.ios uie ounreme Court to regulate the practice of takine j :.i 1 .l " uvpiauiuiiB, was leaum secunu lime, and, jbA motion, of Mr. M'Leod, order- u w tic wu wis iduiv. - -. I The bill to amend an act, passed at uio ,aoi DCDBWll UI M1B ABBVIUUiy. ID mend the laws making provision for wi dows, was read the second timev'lMr. ftl'Leod moved hn amendment to the bill, and Mr. Barrtnger moved that it be cominitted to a select committee, which was agreed to, and Messrs Barringcr, Bran, M'Leod, Hogan and Hargravc were named as he committee, ' 1 ,y , Mr. , Pool1 presented, the petition of John Read 611, of Pasquotank, , Referred to he, committee cfDiv and M'mo- Mr. Johnson present a bill, author ial1 :r thp f',omn.iasi'jirr of the town of vuuiiuuiee t rupouinms ana xi ces. '"( ;v v'.r "' .y ' v ";Mr. Bethnne'presented aliill n , . ct ing the election. of P'ipriBsi,;and t." . CountjrpiBcers. 1 - the county t (-'' eS and appoint 1. to tei ve at tue 4 .Superior Cyu 1 ( , land i oun-, ty and Air. U.u . , L,,I to auien l an act for the U , vr u 'ulatmn of die Town of Smtesville, in Iredell county. , Read the first tir . ; J .The Senate i. dred, itself' into a Comm.aee of the Wliole, Mr.WiU:i , in the chair, forthe mirose of taktii' . 0 ' I- into consideration the bill to advanced W the administration of Justice in Court ; ' ' f Rnnitvj -nrt in ntlil.TW fnnrl f ,0 l" L ' t that purpose, and the resolution ulativ. U' to the birpreme Court, . bein tlie 'i- :r wished .business of Monday lt. ..f- V' ter Considerable debate, f!,e c ii:. jr ? rose, the -'-:.cr rr umed t iliair, and -Mr. AV db( i, f ,n the Coiiimiitee bf the Vf l.ole, rcpoi t i progress and ob tained leave to sit' a, .a on to-menwt Mr, Brynk from thu t .mittea 'cti that Part of the Govori '-i "w s nnsnri. r-' ..:.-,. '... -o " . '.:.". j1 t. . It 1"' latingto 'free' perse . t olor, reported, ; . -that, in,; tlie.opinio'i f t!se comii,' ce, .j "j",' me provisions 01 an act pssuu in 1 . u, to pre nt any person ! mavr- ' i 1( f 5 .1 f, riyusn"' i 1 sal to r "c tunvev.irrres cflots I vn 1 1 ctrt 4B ! . 1, t'.-ei'tt' e." ' - A Lful ! t) f iiectan cats 1 L t!e socop I : 1 1 . TheVl l. vtul lit!ing a College in th: ' t ,' . "-i. .' " c catL;j. .Read Phelps v as rtuvl 14 t'L.. '-ir c-tab ;a rart of from any part of We T 'dia- Islands, or the Freru ' ;tc ish' settlements on the h;outh...i of; America, from bringing slan this State, and also imposing cert. strictions on free -'persons of color, f3 artiply nd ettectually opeiate npon t' "Utnect aa any which can te enacted, , , i and mri'v(l thai h Aokniritta l.o A ' ;' charged from the further considt iiou 1 1 ' , ' ;,: of said subject,'; Agreed to ., ' ? w. i-V Mr1. Fprneyj jfrom the.eomn.'J ? cu r ; ;,' Internal Improveinpnt, Vcported fivot1" y1 ,i ably to the petit ' 1 tt Jo hua Allison. : - On tnnfin 1 f ' f -v. -i -i '" . '-' ' " -;- , 1 . ' "!). r,l-.t Tlinf 41, T... nmmllt.. I.- '? . instructed to' enquire i to i.u. expediency if - 1 so modifyinr the act 4)1 1 J20, relative to the -.-r v 1 niarnuge.oi iniuiiv icmkies,fts to permit tne . ' ' Mr.. Wilson presented a Ll to rpfa.', ' 4 " blish-Ilarmony . Grove Acatl-:!y, in V IJgecombe county; and to inr' -u...to t the Trustees t! -ieof; Mr. JI".'.!, a Lll to " ; amend an rt, - J,in 1823, for- the- (." - I!.- -if " ,. 1...... . , ..., I'i '?, ,'. "-Jfr. - marriage, by consent in writing of the niotlier of aeme ! or by t'.e like consent tf the Guardian, Montgomery, a .... onrerning the elec-, . -; ,s -5 tsori of -constal! i in Orange county V'-f The Senate. ret itself into a,,'iv'r con., attee 01 the whole, Mr. W ilson .1 "a. - the chair, on t)ie unfinished business of T yesterday, relative to the establishment of a Cc-.rt of Equity, &5. After much ' debate, the roim ' ? rose,' and the . CI :rman rr; srt" 1 ; . the Houp". theii ' di' - - ,.r.t ti v' a b.ll B J rr- ltior.; -wl . pttv.s concurred in by th?"' C 1 ".. . : . , -4 , , . t Monday, Dec. 6f"; - i ' On motion t f T!r. Speight, , liefj!ved,th.nt the c -irnittee on the Judicla, '' , ry ir"-"fire into the e' ptdiency of extending v rt.-i.cl to tiiubc cti'tni. -s Where the suits have so accumulated, titat Uiey cannot be tried at .'' the rcgul-r tcrui of saidOouita, witl'"utary -! , I'- I i ; Vf

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