I r- b 11 a, .' lj P- , i . ?V- 1i Tf . ,., ; : .... . - 1 - . - ' 1 - - u L j - -1 ; .... - - A . i -2if5a , v ; .V RALEIGH, (N. C.) FBI DAT, 1) EC E 3 1 13 E li i 7 I8t4. . .v..'.v . 'm ':- Vol. XV THE STAR, V ID ELL & Liu RjJNCE.v . - . ihrM Wim per worn- - -.llke w.t .Hhiat M least fcl 0 It Bat LdnnM, "' ia paper dtaMMrtinaed, beta . nlina of the rViilnra, ntM lit nwiiwn ,,jiBJ iirrte1 thru frmrt In M oJlr, . PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. . ''I v bmmi unruiM wittcipMHiM. which haf W ntertine4 of 0 pUie pr.prr. ir Mimic to the whole, our rth, 2,Vkib. eontimiei to be rpid. VryooJ rum if to Um ttM wbicb compote it. the mum or the Mt twritory wubio our limit, ' .... wa mat. without imlieattniP My do- eliwe W' tboM occtioM from which th em.. MtWAhu been ot corapieitoaa Wfh SifiWw'uKd itreogth byi popuUtioo hi rnrj quarter a nopuUtion detoted to ' oofhtppy ye Gowtiroeot, ond che ' riWw 'he bood of union with fraternal affeo. . "F.vnarioooe hat aJready ihwo, that th 1 difrermeo of climate; tnd of ioduitry, pro. cerdioK from that ciute, inaepcrablo from ' mu h vut domaini," and which, , under other i "Ytf m miRbt h ye, rtpuUitre tendency, cn. "3' not fail to produce, with u, under wise regu UtL tha oDDOtiU effecu ' What one pori tin wanU. h other may tupply, b thia wiU " b moat tenaibh; felt by the narta.moat'diitant ; fro each other, forming, thereby, a domef c ' market, and an actie mtercourae betweea th- V xtrtmei. and throuirbout erer pom n o?our TTnion. Thuf. by . btppy ditbution of ' power between th National and State Gorero nietrta,'oeriuneata which ret exc uiirely ' on th aotrereignty ofthc People, & are fully adequate to the rresl purpnae tor wmci iney " verr respectively iiwtituted, - ouse . which a'tgbt otherwiw lead to dwmemberment, op. ' rau powerfully to draw ui cloer together !n etery other eircuaiitance, a correct triew i of the actual atate.of our- Unknf, mot be e- qoally gratifying to .our oonatituents. Our . ' relation with foreign power are of a friendly character, although certain interesting differ J Micea remain unsettled with some Our ret- , imie.undrrthe mild mtem of import and ton- J vnage, continues to be adequate to all the pur- y poses ot me tiovemmeoi. uur Ajrricunure, Commerce, manufacture, .and -arnratidit,' fluurish. -'0r fortifieatiom are adrsacing in the -nrrree au'horlred by existinr approuria tions, to, maturity! and due progress hi made in the aufrmentation of. the NarV.to the limit . preacribad fur it by hwAM thuac blessing wc owe to Almiehty Pod, from whon we de rive them, and with Vfound rerertnef, oor naaiCtited oa the part oftfeli Cowtameirt, o place the cowuntr with the colonies th. wtaa oa a Maf af Ncraeal adraatar aiwl ft ta hoor4 thai tar Bmiaa nasermarot aer tmg the Jtartice of Us prorL aM lis impor tance to the tolonlrs, wifl, era Wog, accead Wrt ' . , , .- . , ..;,. The Cosmioiers who wer appolated (br tte adjustiaew of the bouiKUry, bet weea the arm tones ot. iar unitrai Qiaica atvd hom Great Britain arietfified as the 6M article si the Treaty oftlUent, naTmjrdiRfed in their oeciaioa.and bo a utiernmeirta 'bavin greed to establish that boondary by imxiUr i aertn talma between thrm, rt a boped that H may be satisfactorily adj anted ia that mode TtoVrondary apaeibed bythesistb article ha been established by the decision of thr cosamiasionrn. Prom the nraercaa bmJ in rjtat provided for by the evrat. aotorUng to report recently received, tnere is goou cuae to prevnme that it wdl M aettleU a the course oi'ha et'kig year. ' " i ' It ia aeause of aeri-Mia res-ret. that no ar rangement ha yet bM (Inally conctuieid be tween the two'Covernovntt, to tecare, b joint co-operalkn,thf sup-ss-ooot the si r trade. It was tM onect or ine British Oor. eminent, iata ean'y ugea of the negotiation. to adopt a plan lor tae suppressioa. wbl h hould inehide the Msocssion of the mama) ri, ht of Brarch, by the sh r of war of ew-fa party,' of the scaael f the other, for aus nected oflenders. This was objected to by this GorertMnent op the princtpi, h t. aa the right of search was a right A war of a brHig-reni toward a 'outral power, it might have an ill effect to ex tend it, by treaty, to an offence which h d been mde comparatively mild o time at peace. Anxious, bow- er for the suppressinn of this trade, it . Waa thought advisable, it compliance with a resolution of the House of .Kepreset'tst urea,' Founded on an act of Con. gnesa, to propose, ti tne tsntisa uovernmem, i 'not the UJpefMleBl Careraaaeot el IVaad Tkat cuaatry, acratofjra a coUa-al posaea of tAsrtugal, had. eosidi tears aaaer, bea prWairaed, by tba Sorereigsj of raetagal oiraeclf. ta indenendent kingdoni-' tinea his ret am to Ubes a rewlirum, a sVasX baa eaubHahed a new gowrneat tWersv, with aa Imperial lule, at the bead of which, ia traced the Tmca, ia ahooi Ute Mrgcscy had been rested by the King, at la lima of his depr tare. There m rcaaea to' eiped that, sy av saioaMe acgociauoa, Ub sadependeace . ef Brazil Win, ere loag, be recognised ay rar-t- gat herself. VTuh the Wmaininy rower of Roropa, with those oa the coast of 0 bary, and with all the new Sooth American Hates, war rela tion, are of a frienlt character. W have Ministers Plenipotentiary trsWir W"h the RptlWIca of fio-'Omhia, and CtiiU, and b.ve raived Ministers of the same rank frosa U'tiombi, Guatimala. Buenos . Ayrea, and Mexico. Our commercial relation with aU ihose State are mutually beneacial and in creaamg. With the ttenublic of Oilombia. a -reaty of Cnmmerco has been formed, of wiiirh a copy is receive J, and the original taily experted. A negotiation fur a like retty would have , been commenced with Buenos Syrea had it not been prevented by ne ind'wBOfition and lamented decease of Mr Irey, our Minister, theret and to whov nemory'lhe most resnectfiH aJtenuon ha een sliown by the Government of that Re public. An advantaceou slteraiioa in our treaty with Tunis, has been obtained by our vmiMisr .Agent resirlmg therci the ofttcial Ineument of which, when received, will be aid before the Semite. . i " The attention of the Covernment has been Araen, Vuh -gret solicitude, t oUier sub jixts, and particularly to that rettW. ta a ate of mantime wr, involving the'reksUve nnts of neutral and belligerent m mi h wars, an expedient which should be free from thatl uwduiwuihea which wehyieefp objection, and more eileetual for. the object. by m .lcing it piraltra,!. in mat mode, tne e norm tty of the crime would place the otten tier oyt-.of tlie protection of their Oove-n-mient, and involve no question of search, or o ther question between the parties, tbtirhing their resptc:iv ngM ts In lieved nl o,tUat it would completely auppresa the trade in the vessel of both parties; and by their respective citizens sod subjects, in those of. 'other pnwe-s, with whom, it waa hoped, that the odium which would thereby 1 at tached to it, would produce a corresponding arrangemont and, by mean thereof, its entire extirpation forever. A Convention tq this ef fect, wis conrltided and s gned m Londim, on the day ot . by Kienipotentl- rienced, and of the losses which wc'VaiM sua- . .? 1 ! .V i i . r - l . ( j ujcu, biiicc uKj eaiaotwiimem m tniy inde pendence, lure proceeded from the unsettled state of those nirlrts, and the extent to ln b he belligerent claim Las been carried against lite neutral party. , It is impossible to look back on the occurrence of the late war in Europe, and to behold the Aisrertrd which a a paid to our rights, a a netyral power, and the waste which was made of our com T.erce by the parties to those war, by vari ousact of tlieir respective Goveronients, and under the pretext, by each, that the other had set the example, without great mot ti free' ion, snd a fixed rHirpoae never to submit to the like in future.' An ai tempt to remove those cause Of possible varian-'-, by friendly negotiation, and on just pri ' -iplea which would be! applicable to all p -r'tes, could, it was presumed, be viewed by none, other than M a proof of an earnest desire to pre rvfe- thote rmatirm with every" power In the late jwar-ipet ween t rance and spam, a aties duly author iaed by both Governments, to the ratification of which certain obstaclra have arisen, Wbicb are not entirely removed. The diirprerice between the parties, still re maining, has been reduced to fointrnot of siifTicieot magnitude, as is presumed, to be oermitted to defeat an obiect to near ta' the lcrfeis occurred in 'hkh it seemed probable heart bfb6th nations, and so desirable to the I th it all the cgiltertibte principles involved ti irads of humanity throughout the World. J m such wari night be brought Into disena. A obiections. however, to the Brincble re. I sion. and'settled to the satisfaction of aR Par- moat grateful and unceasing acknowledge commended by the House of Representative, J tie. Propoaittons, having this object in view, jaentaT ';:r'& '!:'; ' ' or at least to the consequences insepiirable ) have been insdeto the Government., of Great In adverting v? tour, retat ions wnn ircipi i from it, ana whicn are understood to apply I n nam, i-'rancej Kussia, and of otb r Power, powert, whioh- are alwaya an object .of : tb J t0 the law.have been raised, which may de-J which have5 been receiveS'ln a friendly snan. pvo r-.tirtmdpratioo ot tile whole kublett-l tu-ei hv H.-r,iit aa wt tin tri haa hern I have thought it proper 'o suspend the don-1 form4 who either for lu accomplishmehtil elusion ot a new convention, unia tne ot-nnx tiveaentlTientS of ngr!may be ascertain. ri .' the documents reUtBia to the neeovis- be resumed bereafwrf under eirenmstances tion are, with that intent, submitted toyourl of the paftit te,tbse warsvaod from, whim more favorable to suecesss and others are still COh,;aeraiiim. , V-j , I we reciveaiho-o irijijrits.weawrtht redivas mnegoiiaiion, wnnineiKiJCMii"rcyij"ci our commerce wun :aweaen. nas ueeni try war . rrmn e, o-beh bf whose incn adtusiedwitb mutoal accommodation to the I piaced 0n a footihg of p .rfett reciprocity by 1 reigning Government our vessel were aeiaed interests and to Ui aatiafacttoa nf the wapec l treatv' md, "ith ttussia,.t!e Netherlands, m .port a wetl'a at sea, and their eargoCa tive parties. ' tt has been the invariable t: j p,;,, ; tl; free.rlanseatic Citiea, the IHike-1 eonfisearea;HShdefimity bus been .expected, domtif Oldenburg and Sardinia, by mtef nal j but ha notyet been rendered It was tme rrimtationaoh ecch side, founded on mutual I the innuer.ee of the latter": that uV vessel agreement between the respecthrie Gove,?n-I were iTsXIse' ieiiei by the Governments mertU.. .; . -v,y " f . 1 Spain, Konnd, ttenmark, w -den, an i Tbe pnneipea upon which flier commerciiil J pies, ; and ir3Wi whom indemnify has been policy of the United Spates is ftwnded, Y to'l claimed ahd u siill expected, With the escep- be traced t6 ari early period. They are 'is-1 tion of Spaing by whom it hsi bee render); ehttally connected; wan, aose; upoiKWruch their wucpenaence was ueciarea, ana ,oe theif orisrin to iie enlightened, men who look the lead in our anairs, atinat ,importnt.,e biehest imnortance. I have to remark, that of the tubjeci Which bae been brought nto discussion, with them during the present Ad mmisiratiooi aome bsve . been aatisfaotorily terminated; others have been suspended to i mi f-rran - TVeaswv, Jtrinr tVe ya axe (Wms-ad eight hanadrrd ead iwwrty-6 w.l a aamcarat ta tae naKantiMMi of Uta year. MkIu- d aw (be eaas or tea aa.lUoS of hilars wbicb is aaoaay appronrtatad by tha sett son x it aw taffthaStnkanc faad, ta the pyaaeat of the prwierpal and aaterrat erb public debt. - The whele anocat of tbe poblie debt en Ute firt oftaoqary swxLaur be eausMtrd at atghty-aix saillicaa edoilara, iaekafrvaof two mdlioasAve snandned iheuaaixl 4oQars ertae loan aaita)iaed by the act aftbe twenty atxtb of May last, fa r eatimste is included a slack of aeven saiUion ofdolisr iawd for the pnrehaa of that aumtntof the caoal rtoek of the LUnk of rhe tated tutea. and wbh, as the stork of tbe liana, sttitt bold by the Want, wOJ at treat be fully equal to ita IWiOMrarseraent, ought not to be ommmW cd a cormitutiag a prt af tbaa pubfi debt atimabag vaea, ttae-wrttole aaaouwt toe pubUo debt at vrem nine mill ina dUlxra. and regarding tb aamual recriS sad etpea- aiturcs ot u (osrnwient, a wu louaded bona may be antanauied, that. hmld eoaa expecJ 1 event occur, the wbote nubTiodebi may 11 rred in thr oners of tea yewa. and thr, --rit be Irfl at liberty there after, to rtiaa of the revenue as ouy not be eurreut es prases, ta Buck other olj- - - most conde- cn to tbe public i iv ""and welfare. fhat the sum spoLcaUe tu tbeae obiect. will be vry aonaiderable. may be fair! con cluded, when it is recollected, that a Urge ammint a the public revenue has been appli ed since the late war, to the conatructioa of the public build sir hi this ci y to the erec t ion oi formications along the onaat, and o arsenaU io different pari of the Unioni So me aurmentauon or ine navy, to ute axtin guittimuit oi the Indian title o urce tracts 01 fertile territory i to the acouivitionof Hor iaai to pension to revoiui ionry oiacsrs anq soldiers, Jind to ihvatkls of the Ute war. On many of these object 'he expense. Will annu ally dimmish, and ceae arno distant period on moat or all. On.the first of January,, one Uiouaand eigb hundred and seventeen, the public ' debt amounted io one hundred and twenty-three'inillibu four hundred and ninety one toqeaand nine hundred and saty -five dollar and sixtaea cents i and notwithstan ding tbe large sum Which have been applied to these objects, it - ho been reduced since that period, thirty-eeven million four hundred and torty-ais thousand nine hundred and six ty one dollars and aeveaty-elgtit oenta. . Tbe bat portion of the publicdebt wi'J be redeem able on the first of January, -eiie thousand eirht hundred and IhirtT-rirei ' and ' while there is tbe best reason to elieVe that the resource of the Ooverament will be contin ual!; adequate to such portion af it as , may beco'ne due in tha miorval, it is recommen ded, to Congress tov aeise every appurt unity wtiira nuy . present 4 1 sett, to reduce tne rate of interest on every part ibereof The high state of the public credit, and the great abun dance of money, are at this time very favora. Die to auciji a renuiu u must be very graii fyinir to our Jellowncitiaens, to.witne'ka . this ttouria;.in state of the (Jublic finsnces, Wlien it m. recollected, tuat no burthen Whatever ha been impoaad upon fctf'j, The Military EsUblisbment, in all iU bran. dies, in tbe performance of the various duties asstgneo io eacn justmes ine iavoraoie view joct sasyf foilr scaoapti It ia ooaics&Uled to cx aad Karaaaact IVay. SirU j iioa of tS4 , cHp of 1ifHirraricaJ Eftf ?w-erm, f I be ,rJ Ira mt survey oi tUe t(' baa been mpWyt4 aurveyanr the Vrfy iirmnr teal roatie sx-tweest lb ro(.imcM Oto Coaatderable prorrtaa ha ben It an It, bet the survey eanaet We rompietr M the It aeasnsv. It W rtatityiag to !r-jia the view alreed taiuL that thf'e ia rawl eaaae to believe, that tb gret a.Uor. J " t if-' Fhe ptilicVill, it ia presumed, fe pertrvered . in, aud in the hope that it may be aucoesstu ; It Will always be recoilectei that ttn oiw " jfect of thia Government, to cherish the mosj friendly relations with i very power, snd on t,' pl-kibiples and condUiiins' Which might make , them permanent. A systematic.; etfoit ihas v been madeto place commerce fiitb each : rpower. on a foot ins of perfect iwipeocity-.'to ar settle with eachj in a spirit of candor and libe- (raid), !1 existmgrdjfterenceSj and to antici. , p4tesu remove, so fr as it might) be pric ; , ticable, all causes o"f future variance. ' Itliar'insr- been' stjpukasd by-the- Seventh which was presented of th etfte.eiicy of it oriranizationi at the last session, . AU the ap- protution nave oeen reguiatiy upptiea, to the object intended by Congresst snd so far at the disbursements have beu made, the utcAimli htittM hn iiT.rH until mntUc. wi.hrkr looa tutlie oublic .1" condition ot the armv. iWelr.as re) tes td t.ie ctlioer and nien w acieoce sum ipnqe w jiiguiy re- peccable-, The -Article If the Convention of Kavigatiok and j pbdn The AViwtope4 in tbelr ISrist tr'ea- r l-ommerce, which was conctuaeo on neiwen-itvof commerce wan tTancept sixtn f,epru-i on condition 1 ty-foarth Juhe.eigliteen hundred sndtwenty.l '.t0iieii,osapid seven hnudred and setesty- which has v'!'.-awo.lktwein the United States and France. Iv.n.ki. .,it hv a formal .eommisaidri'.'WhH;h I asioil'iitbi'' 'ft '.VitU both parties we had abundant cause of war,1 but we had no altereativ. but to res that which was most powerful at sea'" and pressed vu neatest at home, wnh tws, an differences were etted by a treaty aoundfcd rir and hsnorable to both, add been to tar fight, i enounce ii in which v-i first treaty cr the Unitsu state witn rnissia, i relations any just cause m discontent on our to operate at the e"nd df whiSti'' w&at ;' flifrttiste3 y ilat commiBiibn;tsidei'ii ' 3 'm1,-7 atlcbj delaTationt'andi no. I fcffccUjf a'aTfeWaf dlostritioa -of those pt,M$ir4.i.-iic4a fstiNialtsl - that,-ttt.-fedelpta Into the tiog been announced, ,-ttie I pteg; The aot of. Co'iiirrese $f the thil d-j Treasury 'during the eurreDt Jew, Exclusive g been found advantftgeoua 1 ,ur.Ma thousand eii-ht hnni&ed anti fif'-i of leanatlwiU exeeedVihteen4niIlioM v hiik ainee remained. Slid Still .i..L.i ;.n.,i;.,t. fi.?h. ri-mrn I K.ii.M.,1 t!..,an,l' t.-llnt uil.i.i ittik ii lih our conrmorciW'rc-Jof the !. year amiHinilng to nine lailiiuna ar executed with perfect has heon earftriftJ v.hrinf d. thit ', that tlif naut f!nnvelitiim ahbutd Continue m l iniiJi.iifril irfirm.tiat(itV lkLttt -titS cori. 1 th Mttili wOlild'. of ila'nwft muint. add tMm ivrec wr iwo vears. iruni Me nri .wimnii i rinvirm or tneir nevouuronarv -.sinirLne. i a sentiment oi iusuce mra conei nation, ntaae of that year and: far sin .indefinite terra after rt -in. ht lirnoait ; of kofiatinr Watiw ' off taour eitiaens tfte indemnitv td which thev miesa one ipi tne pai-uca numiiu i commerce .wcttt eyery European power, vi nt aro cnwisa, ana mertDy remove irom our ciare its intention to t vent, it, should cease Six months, from such, intention Ui Convention bavin to bfilh iiartiea. il remains, in;.: force.,:. At the time when jof.VrfncW peace, wca a neWoverture to fb-1 um ieniMning iii the. Treasury atthe end ....c.,.m. wa uinwwKu, -""-"""o lrChjn nanon to essoin ouiiiccxi were lelt unaevTieo, anu uarcrcumriy "wit claim to indemiiitv for S ere committed uu i.or commerce , wars. . ror tnee interest ana cuums, tit Sti EiecDtive on the suWect 1 ment of the vear. the interest on the ptVi .1, - . r t. t.ulb' .b1"' : - rr'j . .T.,.-.f .... , I . ..--... . ...... ... . . tiii'vh-uhhiw ui in iii.re-, ., , ' (..- - wr': " wittur.aoa anwaus ci eleven minion, ov ,u- V . .ttrovision. : a- sirbsedtient day. bT'a:fnwe,f . ,lJr.i; '..it, Up ininArl o AjMi w riie:aAn cvrmprchensive.swl definitive Tresiy. t T he niualinni slution. lw the Northwest: baUncwof more than three million dollars' ico'ecK tlib'rV lu.Ton. Which iflaV tmbracekhd aiTshge-alli vxis'me diH'iT'.pces. and every other coticerq,tt- at...' . ,:n iw,j,,,i- k u;d I nfth mmim nr.iki Muild : be Hii-.hiu-. ,J ' wbstfctb'ey ;.ave a wmnfoh m;e8,fJ before the 8atie4a for tNereevi;iftei.'e?Ifa ,hy the (ordinary revenue, the act o ithe iu accession oi me in-cuy . "--Mijtiiiiil author itv of that bodv. witn rete i twentvixtu otnisT. auturrizea a wan or ore ent wn.cD um occurred mw w f 1-, to lU rtificaiibn. U i proper to addl raUlion doll ara4 four and a hU pet cent, to thelaat Seswoft'ol tgreskr 7,- j;, iJwt wh'Stf tUii, negociation f meet the aroe. By this arrangement an an- . .1 K n'.ta'iil f.nw .rmm. It llitSr. I . .. ' A - .1 .-d. . A m Ui. nt if thin I nu,l.oiiinlLki.i'iiA fthk nuhilA nf vA- roursansts on tliesame toowng tnat it uw at I a haa been-very atisfactory..:.;:xx il 'vity-pve thousand dolJarsff s t ''- si'. "J'ri. ti..-; Alrk iKtfti1 rhe basf or Irea' an1 1 four hundred' aixtV-three thousand nine hnil- poUfltjOtill Which I ..,,A MAnttfTrti -.-Tbnit: nrrtwanWi' has 'rter-ldratd twenty two riollara and eiirhtv-btie cent. to the- la'C I,,. iiul. iB !" rvm-rrrsa. aniTat 'be I wrtL ad j1'uu-i--mW rhe aurrant diiburse- the Army ess; U is much irnl( ment, bak auin: other inHti.o vn degree of Km has shown .Hhst th corps ''of An discipline oi tiic Military Kb tabj is t V. "V. tl last Sjcssioa; ; By the convention of on thouaaiid eight hundred and tittteni tne com-1 pg w in goa'erntnetrt of last, a ban offiVd mlHSofl dbftew, waa'aotW nip j . ,mJ. f.iH.t ; tfltfctit h lat ,wo IVieed in rder to meet the award, under the The great:' ml ' eatifwiiiifaiT- changes I i .Under tile acC of the twenWotmh of. May therre bet weea the Un i :riush ilomlnions, m Kurrme and tne msi r-1 -'"7T", lLZi flWJn the tViendlv d e VhsarrsriRcd on a principle of rip.i. 'ty Thst convention w as rfinfir'ined and Cbn 1 1 tinned. jn 'force, with sif, exceptiofis, by a ' vjnhseqnenVTre-..'y, for the t rm ot ten years, , . i from ;lio;twn. -.U .Octoltr, oiie thousand . iU 'hundred and e'.phietn, the date of the i lattrt ; The trade -;ihhe British colonies in ', ' West Indies, hssr.otasyet, been arranged .' bj tnfW or other 'w to our satisfaction. An Pr,",ch td that result has been made by Lt gislatrie acts. Whereby many serious impedi- . .ments which fiiidWn raised bv the parties In drltnct o their refcVe claims, acre r'-ffip relations whicli; under all of them; 'have bee; maintained with those power by tne unrrett' States, hii' e been bhsTacles to lbe a l.just meal of the particular Wbjecfs cf diseossion which nave arisen win eacn. a resoMrtina v, ic imie. adopted st their last session called for inlormirtion as to t!-.e eii'ect prodiHt4 ujv on our whitions with Spurn, by tne .recogni tion, on the part of the United Stater, of the Pide'pendeht South' Amtriran GcawimenU The yapers ennta'ing that iiitarnitoti are flow conmuracatcl to tOftgrcsst rieed in nrder to meet the awards, under the FJoma-Ti-eaty, Whteh was nepotiattd at par, with the Bank of Chef United Stale at tbiir 4tiA a half peK cent. 1b limit of interest fixed by the act. : By tbia pro sion the claim ot oer 4titM,"who hsd sustained so great a IOby spoliation, and from whom indemnity bad been so. long Withheld, were promptly paid- Fur these advance the puulio will be amp1 repaid,, it o diaunt day r by the. tale of the land in Florid. Of tb great advan t?g resulting fi-om the acquisrttov sf the territory tit other xespecu, too nigh an. ea.i tc ale. cannot be fofmcd ' v cademv,-eft wmcn aw -to which . ttejf improve uphCiBorf; with any I tie kind, i high .wiiehence, however ipersed. condition, ;of , i unfavorable to -Uie ,)urtnt branch of )lie( i.ut. To' remedy, thi in. convevwehce. e'foveiKcbm. . ncs have b;en as. sembud at the fortification ercoted u uid Point Comfort, as ' a , achool for uillery Jn struetinrt. Wit h intention, ai they, shall perfected in the vwious duties of that service, to order, tnein to ouier, posts, anu io suppiy their places with. other, companies, for: in struction in like mahhicr; lit , this modi a toniDlete kiiowledit': of the science snd du- ti s of this arm; wih e extended throughout Cfte whole 'coi jia of ' artillei . .fBid, to carry this object' tYitly into. effect, will require the aid of Congress, to' obtuirt which, the aubject is now suumii ea royour cgnsioersuon, '" Of tbepropres' wiiiph ha been made 'in die construction 'of t'urtilications. for ' ihe permanent defence 0f our maritime frontier, according to the plan decided on snd tu the port of tbe Secretary of War, which is here wit'A communicated 'wSB tive-,a deta'ded ae r -t 1 Therr finul combietion erinot faiI ta ,t k.reat aduitiohal security to that frontier. and to dimmish, prbponiooablrj the expense oidefendmg it m tbe event of w.r wf eress ai me uui acaaion. ior ino ui)iruTc;iieiit ofthe iiSvicatioO of the Mississippi and the Ob o, f tli Iiarbor or Tresqo'isle, on laxe F4ie, and tne repair or tnu riy moutn ueacii, are in" eoue of reeular exec ut torn and there-1 res..i to believe that tbe spprepri at ion. in each instance, wiuhe adeoaste to th obiect. -To carry these impiovemd:j lullv into effect: the superintendence of them hss been assigned to otucera or tne wor a oi Engineers.--.r I : i ti. ftJffoC.M&;; ' ? Under me act tt me auuvAprn iss, u thortaimr tlie President lo'cause survey to Lbe; md!, with the toecessarjr plan and esti miWs,of such roa l and canals, a he might deern of national Importance, to; a commercial vt miltUiy point of view, or forthe transpor. lion oi te inmif a Uuara nas oeen inuiu ted, sdnliisting ol two distinguished oflicers 6r the Corps of tbglneers, -und a distinguish ed civil Bncmeer. with essiataiit. who have leen actively employed, in carrying nm er fect the object vt the act. inty nave care full examined he rouM between the Poto mac and the Ohio rive. i between the latter and liake Brier between the Alleebany aid the Suaouehannab: and the route between the IX l ware and theHariton, Bftrstabl,and caoaiwenca early 14 tbe text aeason, .toe execution af jih ctUr branch of Ust let, that whick rrUte ta rsaj( and with Uae surrey of a riie front thi City tbraurt (be Bouibera tutea to New Or (eaas, the iaapartaace of which cannot be to h'ghly estimated. All ih oflicers alb tb the Corp of Engineers, woe eould be spared from uW Brvioea. kve been emrdmed in eiplminr andiurwv'mr th routes for nanals. To digevt a plan, tor oota objecta. Kir (aa, great purpose apavified, wiU leoaita thet otighv knowledge af every part oi oar LVkxu and oi ta retatoa ot eaca part to the otters snd of all to the teat af the General Govern ment. For sacta a digest it wiU be neoeaaa ry thatue wionnatsua ae full,, annate and . precise TYith a view to these important ob jectsl submit to the consideration of Con; v' grea tbe propriety of eemrgmr ootb the -corps of fcoginecrs, the Military and Top gtapkicaL It need scarcely be remarkVl - that tbe aaore extensively thea eorpe are en . -. gaged In the improvement of their country,' - ta the cxacttf tone of toe pawtr ot Congress, and in aid af the tatee.'in such, improve - ' ment at lie beyond thai limit, when such a4 " ' is desired, tbe happier the eflect. will be in many view of which tlie uhject ia auscepti ble yBy.pr'itUing' nf thtiracienoa the work i V . will always be well riecutadi and by f iviag f: to tbe bAicsrauch employment, our Cnian will derive all te advantage in peaoa at wI) a in wr from tliearr talents, and- service ,. f which thev can afturd. ta this mode aln. . tba olilitarv will he incoroorated with th ' eiviL and unfoundetl aqd iriiuriouk 'dcsTine' -i,- .i.j: r v .i t i .. .. until anu jmrju.jior every r.nm, oe oonw t away. To the corps themselves, thi aemce : canno) fail to be equally useful, iBa. by tbb ' knowledge 'they would tbu acquire, they would , b eminently betterYiuaLfii-d. in the event of war, for the great purpose for which they were instituted ; . ;-.' t Our relations with the Indian tribe wiihta our limits, have not been materially changed during the year- l be Hostile disposition e, " , vinced by certain, tribe on the Mis-oui du ' ' rih tha ut year stdl continues, and has tx.,1' j':,. -v . tended In aome degree to those on the Upper p , ' ; Mississippi and the Upper Lakes. , Several, ' V - parties of our citizen have been plundtrerl '-r I , -'yt v ! and murdered bv those tubes. In order ta i" - 'j .1 esHahlish re-ation , of friendship with them, J ' t,"-'C Congresa at tbe last session tnade an appro '' pnation for Trealiea with them, and for the1,'- ' " ' employment in a auuauie M.iury rscpn .to accompany and attend the commissioners, st- th places appointed for toe nego 'ion This objee. baa ot .een effucted, .The reason was too t ir advanoed when tlie epproprnuton. waa made, and the i' ".tnnce too great tq per nut vt but mensuret have been taken, and alt the pivt-araiiona Will be completed, to nc tfomplKih teason DCiKViMir ui iiio lira uij ui, uiw v luev, J . nSrtiCulartv jon the Unner M iaisiriDi. and the t - Ulket, ii ii) ho small degree owing' to the wsn wiiicfh are carried on between the tribet residing tii that ouarter, measures bsve htctt taken t9 bring about, general peace am n ' hem, wbich, it iiccesstui, Will not only temL to tlie security of our citreen. but 1 i' grest advantage to the Indians themselves- . , X i With the exc-pUon t the Tribes referred pr-i-rationt will be completed, to kc It-f f jliiih it at an earU period in the next , )l'i'V'VVV:V:..n' k ilievrnglhat the hos'Uity of, tlie trlhe i x ; 1 to bur relations with ail the others are on,, , tie iani'e friend'y footing, and it afford ' great satiitacnon to add that tueyare ma irng steaay aayanrci in civilization, and id improvement ' of "tlieir condition . : Many oC xv the Tribe nave already ntte great protfree ' intRcarta' 6f civilize ' . Thia desirable! t-ealklHia been forouRhi. wut by tbe humaro) v Tnd perteverirg1 policy of the Govt rnmrnti and, parucuiarly, by means or the appr,pn - tion iui the civilixntiort of (be Indians. 1 tie have been etabh"shcdunftprthe provisions oi , ' thiact,-thirty t'(i'0 achu. i, cont .ng "nine hundred and altteen tfcholar, who are well , insirncted In ae4fal branches of liter re, v and likewise; in agriculture, and the onhuary ' Under tle appropriation to authorize tm. ' W t , ties with the? Croeks, and Quapaw Indians oommtssionera nave been appointed, and ne gotiation are now pending, but the result, iv - ' not yet known--' -,WwV'.i-i ror more iuu iniorroation respecting tne ' principle wbicb hat been adopted for cairying t into effect the act f Congre- u;horiilng a surveys, With plan and estimatei for canala y and Toads, and on every ot her branch of dntw r incident to tlie D " irtmi nt of Var.f fer. you to-.the Report i i thp c-cretary. -J 1 V rhe squadron in iuc , -eouerranean naa been maintained in the extent which was pro; P4ed in the Ueportof the Secretary of the,. Navy, of the last yesr, snd ha allorded to our commerce the necessary protect ion in .hat ea. 't Apprehend wg, however, that tha ' unfriendly relations which have existed be tween Algiers and tome ot tne rowers or En-.. -': rope, (night be -extended to us, it has been , , ihoughlxxpedlent to augment the force there, , and,' in rtonseq-ience, the - North-Carolina,1 , v ship of i the li"-, has been prepared;' ami -will sail in a fo ' ; t o join it 1 , r ; s , -The force emp ..ed in the Gulf oi Mexico 1 and in" the neighboring scat, for lie u ppre sion of Piraeyy bus likewiM been presi rved eitentially in tile U.e in which it was during . , Uie Inst year."' A preserving effort has been ' i. r. u . U.i:i... ..r -i. -i . . t'-- and much protection hat thereby been a d cd to our commerce, but' (till the practue U I far Irony , being supprteaaed. Prom ever view which ha been uken of the subject, it ' is thought that K will be necessary rather to augment than to 6imiiiisb; our force in that , quaner. ' There is reasoned believe that tha piracies now complained of, are committed ' by U s of Robbers who Inhabit the lnnd, ana vuo, Dy, prcaerring. kou iniciiiReiiPc , with tlie towns, and seizing favorable oppor tun' ies, ruth forth and foil on unprotected V1 rev.' TU nillre-b 'thii' taken thev carry to c ' tbeir lurking iiiwei, vnd dispose Cf alter. , i- rt a -I . . -1 petvn rage r( 4