i . y . ' v y , f "No S3 TV - 4. .t . ATHE STAIV 'jr. f .U-CcrWin Gazette, -iutat waiyay . - "BELL & ImIWRENCE. ' CaUwfalVm, 1W- .J".ar pre eefmia Xa a- - ,y be vnt utiit it ' w,l II M t tnirftr, t ffrr -u. unfit, feat at ? i ' lW apt f f-iilort. u ill -rrtrM . er I- A drrrl "?' v nnt loetiit fcf. ' Hit's WHc4 three limes lur mm 4oJ1r, tw teeaty - '"U " ' xiit'mim i AH Inters e4.in c fmui. J, V , V Calxrmt, X. C. Aoa 83, 1824. Jfr.JWt O. CrjJV v . , tia, Itxwra air tiorae.ar mm vlo. mm I -4-ii ka astiaSca. Uturrwrae, yaa will Mi MMaa sarraader aiaxTaaefani.- . .. A Noticr. - w-i nocm sTRiKCfRLunw.v, r nieV. " A i nt7 North Canilirta, rra ih mtk " ' im ir ma.nl heftd, far aaw,.uve Hollar. oVeit the of Nwtaber. parable in twelve moaiha from the at; ami tint I acUnw) said ante in letter, an4 (tireefeil it to tlfretl tUldwia, of RiahmnnJ eonnir, N. Carvliaa, for anllratMti, and amileil k in the city of Angatta. Genrfta, the 4th of January Uitt wbwh h nr toraonMtohanrt, end t hercbr foreaant all pr amis from tnrfiaa; for akd ante, a I ha ap I , jiHut to (aid VtrtnfeHov, mad he hat paid nit ta lull araonal ofnid aot. i VVM.BJJtWKINS. October 9, t3t. 50. 10 Dollars Rewhnl. UK'S AWY lran 4h tulMtri. brr, on lh- Sth alllina, hit US rreroan AnitA'M 1i U a Ooat five feet lea inehra hifh dark omplvatrd. ttout . built - wcieha upwards of 800 Iba. and - a (iluub!e eonntenanee i I r p--3 miaed n t)tt anantr. and ill probatil ain to et there artia lie wi brought from tlicre by Abraham Hxrrrtl aod William w StHmai, r', awl I nurahawd him at Pilttborough Ohalliam eounty. I will W KHrB reward to'cnr praon alio ill apprrVwl Mid felloa, and llge him in Jail, r dciirer him to me in f 'hathm aoutttv, ' t BUCHANAN. Dee.,t8M. 9tp Kotire. T Aoriki and aernwm are nlaaed hi the hanritofMr. lr. 3 Lavrehan, one of ftditonof the, tr. to vhnm thme indebted pwaw to make paywent. J : ' ' ' 'HOS. HRKf)RUSON S Oct SfiU. t ' J U- ' . ' -i .Fifty Dtillal-s " m - W AYlroniihetilaiitniim. , ,f' of Elijah alid rtriiaiiKinn, on v '"li'.W he Uiisrlotk of Flint KiTer.nn ' & 1 Satonla night the lh iliat my , f;aft 111 0i Y rt-- ti lwt 4fl yra-re. i fciaok complexion, S leet 1 1 ini:h- evhlgh, rather thin vii(refl. io in xpreeh t HARllY it shout S vera o agv. vHow com pinion, 5 feet or lt Inches high, fuMrr face Burn othtrwrte, upper lrtn me instance ip"t donn look These negrora aerf brought from Martin eoqnty. North ierljna,"lnM mr, and ; Hi ar probability win try to get bock there I vill eie the allove reward far the two nerroet. if delivered tome, in 1aUun eenntf , Alabama, ooe.,nitmth cast of Ms)ridianiMe, orWdol - . ,5eLl 4 tan ii'teearet) hi any Jail, so that I get thenvti' - iii, f J WtRS MOOtlrV- ; tctoher2.t8ii . ' . k3tf ' OCT" The Raleigh Star ia rrn,neted th jfive tle hove three insertions, -khd jforwani the account a above J. M.v 'ti5?iW .invite the particular attention of thir readers to the following extract of i letter, l rom a gentleman now at VVash- ington, to the editors, dated the 6th in . ',;Tbe administration and the country . hare triumphed over those vfho vould 'v,-- have destroyed the one and distracted the other.?' Never was the cause' of. the v rvjpeopla so decided, or important in its' - consequences, as tn the defeat nJ the !rfwfonl party. On the one hand, we iWw V' combination of tnen,' strugs;linff frwun zeal wntch would have honorefl better cause, ainst an enlightened and virtuouB administration, not1 for i, i jiuutrpifs, dui ior. personal ann scinsn ?r p?randi9ement. Oa the other, we be- W oeld a people, rousctf (from a lethargy 'i iauwd by an entire Mtisfactirtn and ap- I. Probation 'of theif national servants in , - majeic atrength. to Sustain those . , . . t i ' . j ensures ana jnose servant wntcn rnev ' themselves had created a.l sustained thr6oh themost trvino- tcedes of nrirtt -,. tSd of yrni The people have; over w! whe)meflwhli dismay their opposersv W ewrJ direction, in. which their pub i ;rjc errants i thd states had left them n the power; they have etertcd it; and - : irut down the ypplftsingi party, and ih. no iatate. has the triumph been mor com ;iplete or instnietite than in N. Carotin. ne combined contract between your niembers bf ConsTess, the National n relhpencer and th Raleigh Register to WiNorth-Carolinay bound hand nttti oof, at the feet f Mr. Crawford, has teen Scattered before the four windsof ! eir,en y the Indignant citizens ot'JS; Carolina., -At i the 'frniou, by its act 'wti-0s;'lvthe Hepresentatives, r JfUl stamp pnr exertions with, its hear , ty approbation.- - r, , r I- ne strtife tu reen the people and -3.H0 LrawforJ ns'rtw- t.A J: J..r u i . , 4-" v ii lire 'aX hetweea Mr. JefTemtm and Ir. Uoo, ifl ptnrtktr Mr. Crawford tato the Hoose V Represeotativea, reninda' u of the relative situation of Aaron Borr a4 Mr. Jtfferaoa. Om tbo ooe aide trt a deapenft party still ktnig lioy to toataia a ua. ot thoaght of by the people, aainat a run ar taen sent to tho Ilottse, as President, by the people. . Bat whatever exertions may be infused into the party ia their last, thea dyint;, atntRlea, tho man of the people will bo approved of by their agents, and servants. They will act, as the StprtaMatittt of the people, by declaring their prefereoee. The snooster, (I speak politically,) is crashed, bat not vet dead. The poi fton which i snips from the woaods ho has received at the hands of tho people, i attempted to be scattered over the bravest chasnpiens in the people's caase, in order to destroy them. The Craw ford party, to drop the 'metaphor, al- inougn, now extinct as a party, unable to serve themselves, from feelinw of hate and revenge, are making desperate efforts to sow discord and distrust a tnon; brethren of the same principle. The most extraordinary and unprinci- pieu cnoru to iius enect nave tteen made through the neighboring Town ana rosiuuice or Alexandria. Anony mous letters without number, written evidentlv by politicians, have been sent to Gen." Jackson and bis friends, statins that Mr. Calhoun was usinsr all his exertions to promote the election f Mr. Adams and azamst (Jen. Jackson. The tame pent, with the tame dales, have written similar letters to Mr. Ad ams and his friends, statias; that all the powerful weight of influence which Nr.. laih'.un could bring to bear on the Presidency was exerted aeainst him and for Gen. Jackson, The Edi tor of the Alexandria Herald has been lulled bv some of these unnrinrinlpil detractors at appears from the tenor of a recent editorial article filled with un generous insinuations, bat beyond these they dare not to. this base intrigue has tailed. The arrows of detraction aimed at Mr. Cal houn, have fallen harmless at his feet. Both parties have spurnetl from them the letters of those anonymous assassins of reputation. , Some, from each party have been received at Washington and comparred. They are written by the same persons; and those persons will 'not only 'be idehtiiyed, when necessary but their connection with the scene shir- ier or me J roMttrv exposed. I ne 00 ject of this little conspiracy, was a dou Die one; tirst to scatter the seeds of dis cord and distrust among the friends of me administration generally; anu - So condly to prevent, if possible, the elec tion of a Vice president the people,--' in order that the Senate, which is still disposed towards Mr. Crawford, might make a Vice President of s their own choosing. Like all the intrigues of theCrawford party this Alexandrian conspiracy has been destroyed, by the vote kOJ the people, it has only served to shew the exalted characteriahd ser vices of Mr. Calhoun Who was the chief aim of all the detractions and intrigues of the Crawford party, and who became so from their dread ot his talents ami virtues. ton TH STAR. '' messrt. .auors. i nnd, Dy tae incw York papers, that meetings have been held in , some of the counties of that state, : for the purpose ot instructing their. Representatives in Conzress to vote for General Jackson, and also re commending it to other counties in th- state to follow their example. If it is wise in New York to pursue this plan how much more necessary in this state where the partiality of our representa tives have been so strongly expressed I believe eleven of pur thirteen repre sentatives attended the caucus, some, if not all, of those exerted themselves in electioneering for the cauens candidate. and it is said that the pens bf some of them have been employed m the same service, still farther, it is ksserted tha some of them have declared their deter mination to support their favorite at. all hazards. .Vith all these facts an 1 reports Staring the people 1n the face ought they not to instruct their retire sentative ought they not to "snow them that they consider them (as they ought to be Considered) their setfihts: I sincerely hope they ay, and it would give me inconceivable pleasure, H the county of Wake could set the example; f ' - 7 y: :l .FRANKLIN. . ' 'tv..'.;0.TU StAaV'. r' " ' ;f J ; ; EliARD lllll DGE, Af. -,ril Rotcan iounly, &y ? The above mentioned Bridge across the1 Yadkin River, is situated aS'ut i x miles .N. B. of Salisbury, K- C. n jh: main road leading . from the Norili' to the South. - I must confesa that 1 was somewnai astonisneu at Beeinr sucn an . , a - - T coaatrr. It is Iaeed anoa alx stoat piers, hkh, ia all raaa probLlity, will stand for a thousand years, Ttie Bridge n aooaudlv strtAg, sr. J covered; and it is between 8 and 00 fret Um. I was informed t! it this EriJ &i built by a Mr; Lewis Ueard, (now. de ceased,) oat of his oara 'private hods; tad that it now beloors to bis heirs. Improvements like thisabich tead so mock to the coaveoienca of the public, deserve commendation aad nraUet and they claim and receive tho patroBage of u courntcnea commaaity. XVTOX December 6, 1821. VCK THK sra. ANOTTTER CURIOUS ENIGMA. Mesere. JMr Lawrence, Having lately seen in your paper aa enizma. which was' ciltufatl t nwit the coriosity as well as the attention of m . . Sf . 1 a a. wmc m jour reaaers, i saDtmt one to ute puDnc snu more rnrmas, which will puzzle the witS of all the m,V,rt an, I solvers bf euigma'a to ohriddle it. WONDERFUL PROPHET. He hi not Noath's son. TKr a Tv a nor John the Baptist, nor ye4, the wan- ciuig b, uc wat oeiore anv ot them; is generation was before Attim. with whom he was in the garden Eden; ne was aiso wun XMoah in the Ark, and near v,nnst at his tna before Pontiu. Pilate. The Scriptures make frequent indium, vi una prupnei, yei ne never knew his father or his mother? h lir. barefooted, like an old Friar, and w.r. neitner nat, cap, bonnet tr any kind of ireu aimc, ins coat is neither woollen, linen, silk. hair, ruttuin hart Lmo. nor sheep-skin, and vet it ahnnnHa with a variety of colours, anl fife rtna n his body, without either liiuin Ml!. -? L If ' u-n, ui iitu ui neeaie: ne is not fall four feet hirh. add rarriea n,i. ther stick, sword, cane, nor any manner ui oi uc iiisii umeui, ai yei ne en counters his enemies fiercely, and often kills them on the pot;h takes no mo ney, neither loses an v. nor ia nmvi dent for the time to comt: h thinka it sufficient when the day arrives to pro r.. l - r.. viue .or u, ne is not told 0 worldly priety of providi ng, hy w , that any S show or splendour, and would rather cial or other civil offle if thaOJS ISA Sin am rVkBavanM?a Kn.u a.l.-.l I IT' I C - .. 1 . . ... . '- lie in a farmer's barn thai in a King's - " " . i u n iviug s " "'" ouvc3, who snail nereuter palace; he is remarkable foi tempe. ance, 1 en??e in fighting a duel, or in challeng-inff, anil nrefnra eloar nraof U U I SaistiniT. or enCOuraPiniy. an'v nthr nmrmnm ma antl prefers clear weather m th ctmnir est liquor on earth; he never was mar ried, yet he has several favorites, whom he loves sreatlv: for if he hna Hill nna morsel of meat, he divides it among them; he is very jealousy and would ra therventure,his life than countenance a rival; he is Neither whig "nor tory. coniormist nor1 non-contormist, for he holds no article of chriatinn faith no!. ther does he deny either of them; he neuncr goes to church, meeting or syn agogue lor conscience sake, and, as for Moses' law, he Scorns to cro over the street to hear it. He once preached an eminent sermon before a man who thought to thwart him therein; but, in the end, brought tears in abundance from his eyes; he is very urgent in wo claiming with outstretched arms that thettfay of the Lord is at hand, and at i uc vuilc oi ins propnecy tne aoors and windows open; he speaks no language Cerfect, and yet all men-understand im Z. CONt.UESSa SENATE. - . Tuesday, Dee. 14, On motion of Mr. Barbour, r-- Retohed, That ao much of the President's message as Teiaiea to 1-oreign Aflaira, be re ferred to. the committee on Poreitn Rela tions. -v The motion of Mr. Barbour, it was a . a a .a . . .. uniiersuMxi, comprehended, besides o thers, that portion of the message which relates to arrangements lor the suppres sion of piracy and of pirates, on the Is land of Cuba, &c as well as on the wa ter.! . ' -.'. 't Mr. Benton presented the petition of sunary in nam rants ot the state nr Ma. souH, 6n tb subject of a trade and in tercourse oeiween tnat state and the In ternal Provinces of Mexico. . s , ; , . "This petition recited, that a benefi cial trade had been carried on fnr mm. years between the inhabitants of the twtj couhtries, in which domestic cottons. and other articles, had been carried out from the United States, and eoA ailr furs, and mules, brought back in return; t .i. . 1.,..'. : . e . ... nicv me luicrvcuiuz triuea oi inaians J.i...j.i.-jf m.-' . - . prcBruieu me oniy oostacie to the Sue 4rnt 4if the tribes waa nreTiousl v utttin el; that aome outrages to persons, and Mr, Coevai Sdeul iatercearsa. aa kjsrvr.il h9tm i thai oaarter, bet weea the ciuiens of the io KepoMics. anjat U araraoeBdod. aaJeoa tha OavtrasMat of tho tailed Statea internoaed farSta wnim Tha peririwo, therefore, prayed 1, That the right of aa aoAolested passage, fur persooa and property, apoa adeu-naiedttMite, betweeothe fron tiers oi Miaaoart and tho Internal Pr tinces of Meiioo. ni4i( la aSr'ine.t k. treaty stipalationa from the lodiaus re ferred to. C' That a anllifarw wm attJ TJI an Agency might be established on (he Arkansas river, at tho point of tha In tersection of that sTlTwM" nV th tamnBBmaarl roott, , ---.--r-- The petition was referred to the com mittee on Indian Affairs. ' t Agreeablv to notica. Mr. 1ttf An ad and obtained leave to bring ia a bill graduating the price of .the public lands; aaa fi ii Vi 'waa a. .1 m 1 C I . rau aim reierrea to tna committee on the Tublic Lands. Mr. Barton, of Mi the memorial from the Cherokee Indi- dians, coacerning the taxation of mer chants nassina- thrntla-h their temtaM as granted to them by treaty of the U- uiieu oibics, anu u was reierrea to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Senate proceeded to the election of a Chaplain on their part, which after two balloting, resulted ia the election of the Rev. Sir. M'llvaine. of Geonre- town. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tuetimj. Dec. 14. : On motion of Mr. Jennings, of Indi ana, it was , , lietolved. That tha Cnnvmittee n, p.,.?.- Lands be instructed tn innnim Into k ... pedieney of reducinr the price of such por- nuna oi me puouc lanos as aiiall hare been exposed to sale for ah teen year, and re main unanlrt. tu RFtv such portions of the public lands as have been erpoaea to saw ror eight years, and remain unsold, be reduced in price to seventy-fire kcuva per ntre. . r Mr. VVriliL fif flliin ntTA V,. 11: ' . " VWV HID tUI- lowirfgresolution, ' . - , i . itantvea. lHlt Us ramm UM futil,. I. 1 .!" . , 7 ... .-v , dickry be instructed to inquire into Uuro. to act pK in 1806. to Tk pnety of providing, by Uw. that anv iiid'u I ..'V .hi .:u.. l.. .1 11. . 4 . " rriJ.Ltt.ir. . -V M. Arkaniaa . V tbo fullowmrt 1 . . - eaarr lktM CTarr.' vn IacTsU AHMrt bo tnatroeted ta bvm tv. ... . ... wWsey of nraniiiBf all t,e 1. rr.iory mt of tha Caked Statea tying t a Ua Suta ' - MiaaMin aad Tarritonaa of Arkaaasj aad ' wfmimv t rmurrf If Dff 1 1 - j v 7 bjkj w av tkcvwiaj the rresWe Of tha United 8Uta " ' ' ta adopt aoch prteaaures u ke tnar tUuik bmn .J.. r-Li! . . . n ... . 1: .V miw inuiana a UI prr us ,v ,, fitatM nut Trrtiti-M .ir :. , . ' the sane. '- . ' ' . - Me. n.i:.r tf:..t.i: ii . - - ed that, as tha entire aubectlo Vhich '''' ih. ... 1.1 r . - . . . ivviuuh rciera is DTOUgOt IorwartX ia the President's Message, and already ' ' referred to a committee of this House, me resolution was annecessirv. Tlnl . . Mr. Conway axnlained. and it tvaa finals'. ' . . ly adopted., . : .. . .v. v. ; ; V' m57,nf New-York. Ja!3 . on the table the Mowing resoletion: , - v Mtmhtd, That the Preildaftt of the United) 'J -SUtes ba raqtca(ed to oomamnicata to thia 7 ' Hottaev if comDalibla with th uml . . . - avaaaraaajF OSSfcaga w?a.s t . ,- ui cwreanoiKienca witath Spanish irovenw . - matrt relating ta the piracies of tha Island bf On motion of Mr. Longof N.C.tl Wa " ' .:' '"; y ... " : '. "'V, TietoMifiL T1l IK uracc rou KOaitll baa inMMaisw1 a rw. quirt uito the xrediency of ubli.hmp wi irwtn riivaufmiuirn. dv Juanii I- Brook's, William Limlley store, Albright' 1 i . eammiffa'ir tha wholeton the bill authorising pay inent for pfoperty.lost or destroyed br ' A the enemy during the tato wart and. arr.-.v.-' ter some time spent thertin, tha com- AAA'v mittea rose, reported progressbd ohV' -' : taiaed leave to sit again. h.UW-Xk.f . lAgislature of North-Cai'orina J SENATR Tho bUi giving the assent of North Carol! l na to. Slid enforcing? in thia at it aetrf ' Of the General Assembly of tha 8Uta of Ten J V ucaacui niaiing- mi iuo Dinoty - Mountain1 ,1, Turnpike cnnpanv, 1c. was- amended, read the thirvf time, anrl mflm,Mt u . . - t V. '' V' TA - ... viivi ui wic uuvamnicni of the Uniled States who tliall hereafter assistinir, or encouraenni?. anv other neran v w t f- to eniraire. shall tnH.t h .in.. t.u .: ... - aa . - vnivv uf mui av held, and be ever afterwards rendered inea- paoie 01 noimng tne bke or other ofllco utt der he Government. . Mr. Tucker, of Virginia, called for the previous question of consideration, which was nut. and tha ITmua a.rt lirferthe resolution. to consider Mr. Poinsett, of S. Carolina, then moved to lav -the resnlnfirin on the ta. ble, which motion was negatived, and tne resolution was n!opted ' without a division being -called for, ; though not without a considerable negative vote ;' ffre dnesdav. Dec, 15. - The SDeaker laid hrfnrpr the linnsA . communication from the Department of mo reasury, swung tne amount and periods at whicthe bonds taken for duties on imports, in the year' 1822 'be came payable, ,. By this statement, it appears thatthe ; duties on imports, which accrued during the year 1822, amountea to a,uy3,3tt 57, 01 yhich B484.686 42 wprltf received in cash, and the residue of S23,6 0,650 45, on me several credits allowed by law. It is estimated, that, if thpe r red it. hut been allowed on an interest of 6 per t-cm., uie interest tnereon would ha amounted to-8M51,416 88., . . , Tile Speaker also laid before th) House, from the same Department, a statement in relation to tha lffe ft fasf a St - terest at which the Bank of the fTnif..t , " T - V utvvu sstates will continue the loan of seven millions ot dollars to the United States, by which it appears that the Bank de clines making any change tn the terms On which the loan waa nririn.ill mnA - v . aa a j XaaOVS va 9 f The :; Speaker , also laid before the House, from the same Department, a statement of lossea sustained, during the last thiity years npon bonds given v. wk.ivv luiinii ia, uiaiiiiKuofninir me amount in each year. nhe total a mount of losses sustained, is 1,575.- ?2l6r- :- : A These communications were several ly referred to tha Committee of Ways and Meant. ' "f $ ' "'';'''- . ; On motion 6f Mr, Mangum, of N. C. ft was"- .;.,: :. ; ; ?- ' 7?faftii That the i7nmnift m fe val OfHea and Post Roads bo instructed to Inquire ascertam the pilotage that should bfl allow a1 -Snslf a. -a art. a. n . a a' - ca rums a. ucmcocK tmet ana swasnes( ?:, , f i ; wr, Bpeignt a diii to preaonbe the duty , ." , of the Publio Printerj and Mr. BeswelUobiU l, ' A to amend an act, pned in 1821, to tbrtsoli- '' --"Vf-V djlte into one, the h ertl acta -of the Assem- ' V; blr of this state relative to tha appointment ', 4 AT Tnintea nftha I TniirMaUw ' 4V l..- ..-'. ' ment! thereof.s, and j for,- other purpbses.'' '" V Which'- bills were read the first time, b ' ::d On motion n "Mr. r'miin K s.m -VV I. j auiYvu tiarii raw a comitiiitee ot tne wbOiei . Mr. Forne ht the chair, on the biU authori- ; a k ainir and direct! ntr the Rna. rn..i 7 K beholden in the several piaoet therein di? A. rected, fce -After some time spent in Com-? H' ' mittee,it rote and reported amid bill .-.with 4" sundry amendments, Mr. . Spcivht moved Sf&S'. lor Its tndehnite nnntnnnement, o.ll-.t r.'-M for tho Yeas and Nays on the question, which; Aj ' WV. weee. Vaaa 2fi. aTava 9 v. & .. . Th, imAndm.. mm..1 ttUi At.. A AA nuueo i uie.waoie, were severally read andk -H ; I agreed UkU .J1 '-i vX: ; Mr.. Williams of .BraolorVthen moved ntv ;. V I'?'."! amend thebill. bv strikin? therefmm kw "?U''-r h.m Aii. .k . , J ! . 1 f ... ;t 1j V billr.for holding the Court, and Inserting iit i heu therep Washington,' which was notf screed' to. - Mr.s f;ar.m " SUiesviHe,- and Insert wmcu wa not aereed to, then recurred an tha nu second time which was amnnativoYeaa 29, Kays 26; , f ' ' Mr; Lore, from the committee of Hn-.nccAAA5 ? V; KDOrted that it la tnemedi ent tA nhaa mtf law compelling Sherifls, before they adver tiso lands for sale for taxes, to make oatl. ,u. uitjr uiiiuui ihiu pcnsnaDie property, , v V ; s essful pcut ,f the trde po i CeW larre ca et that the mor.nU. k.,1 I r a,... . t '.. "T be carried through the tract of the try inhabited by different tribes, to en- ici Tfiiusc wrnwry witnom a license: wis penal under the taws of the United Fish Dam, on Neuse river, bv SUgville and Mount iTiraa, to - Roxborourfi. ia l Person 0' A Ae A- Thurtday.Dee. 16. r .fatPS. and.' llantrerltna nnlaaa tl. a n I the tnhie tha fr.ltniuiTirv r.anl.iln'., 3nt ..r tt. .u.. . . i , . . I . . ... .. i Rrsalvtd That k!a emetliant aA tA '.i the act of Conereaa of the 1 it nf It mk i rno repeated depredation hn property, had f1.0 election of . President and Vice' already been committed; apd that a to- P" e appojatment of Kleetors tat in-iiTUDfldn to thOUmerrial a.,! Mr. Welborn. from the ioirit atAe'itr'Jih .' -f mittee, to whom was referred the subject t iciwricti iimi is inexpeaient at this time) .1... .U .tu . - ... ... tu wicr uw uwa m tne meeiine1 ottM ia Kiaiauirc. vrj V?.-i .- ,-. - Mr. Welborn. from the fimmiiiie f 1 VOrce and Alimonv irnnrtl fanrahlti.llij. ' petitions ofMebeeca CI... ':, cf Coilford, at 1' 'A ir' Ann Bum, of Duplin, but unfavorably to that ', v 'CA A petition of Martha Mabry, of Warren. ' i ,L'A' ! ' The bill to authorise the making .."of aA 'A ''A Turnpike road from the Sabada Gap, in Bun-, 9. iV',; j combe, to the Tennessee bne, was read thef' .S?.', '. t second time, amended and passed . . t A A 4 ' r Thabill authorising an increase of the CaW ' v - - A ital Stock of the Clubfoot and Harlow Creek I . ; t ; . . . . .I.... ... HO.. . - - .1 .W..l I.' . T. . . veiiiu wuiutiir, ww rcau uic Ll'lTti UIOC JUKI V ' ; . ' Mr. Hill presented a bill to alter the aam .' - ' of Stephen Outer'-idge Fenner, - ;,';' . The bill toprt ,vit the working of scinesV i ' A skimming or setting of nets in Tae or Pandioo A ' i, rivers, was read and ordered to he nw.it. ; , i ;18;;-yu;'AA V omrnlt - ''( :di-;?VA,); ' 'yr 'Safuriimi ) in Mr. Monttromerv. from tiia ..t. t - a ' - wiiiiiiil tee. to whom Was tefc nvil the wu.t:.. a: recline an innutrw ! ..T. -.. j ... i ot the DUblic officers. It i . ,.Yn,t n, th- Committee ba dischaivedr fram V v : ' '. conrilei subjc hlch wu -"'x;.-"';,';.' " (iCU Wa dir. liarrnTrcra irom Tna MrmsHm aw a i .r i - nculture, reported a biU to continue in forco K , Jr. ; sn act. Massed in 18.22. fm tha ni..'.Mi airni'.n uirn ann n n. . i m .1 . . . . . . .. i . i i k tureii v li, h was read the 4ir tim. Mr. Welborn presentnd a bill to repeal atl act deeding the County Courts to pay fees t cerui.u oflioers therein mentioned; Mr. (.ibbst1 a bill toebtablioh a s cnarute hAttalion in IIvIa, county, and Mr. Boy km, a l)ill,dtll.r.aory o me :n.cnuoTI0I an.v:ip:i o m H'jy mkiiiy provision for natural l-,m cl: .ca, Whn.li :4? 'X As I "' 1 11)6 Per-acity of the f-c-lmcclient X5rid?e, in thia rit of the! A':eIiAA:v:A fAA t:-, SWf ' '.A -