? ! 4 4 ? V p . r . - t r . . No 5, ; IIW.KlGlr, (N, " !'I t: A J .AN L: A U Y 2 h." t j .Tlx" " raUf V'f, l.i- -,:i t'V .h"-!., a j- I r ? d , , 1 r.O piy "Mir to: I ,'','' fa ,trrf It ' tM-MW ' Tit i',r. , akltari, VtVw O'f.t Ji.r, (we rt-ifr ..t'.'4tits'- "' f"t -,i 0ri in Uw eiMr"''.' pA puid ?Ct? ' INDIAN 11 AO N AK! M I TV. LU$r frojaJUiv Vail, of tW l":.bn )at " I''Dntr filr: I Wth. liberty rtwri ' ' fa vou with in-re fi i " u tli-vn r" i I ai perfojnjin b:i ::i. ul , I HaH pever irgrej tliTMiiaw''i-b . t waick fcas JuitxrfB heW t ill but 'V- Tf'Pr' -v - n'jaa-. I!ian kle,fdf trial.; rhe , Chief OMiniT pe ; ioh; I W?nt .withjrhwrUi iu'raa: yet mm ' V doubt iwt TeirS'rnetiTi ;an' e't .:-Clait'ifci5i,i tptike a'inr(lcreAlw ftVri, tiinknt maa Tor Vil'ina-a'Cfterukeci f;iwlailnrtfb'b1ej;dol;itv,vH y 6 had tlie'C.hiefsio d bifh'd vrfiQ 'lrjt' 5 l tcanl oferiminali')ririffanih?rnsVlve? '. if hf IatlwiS fed: ,fia to fear,1 that y, 'yhen, lii1 irtay jio i&igN thenitelB(iarfH y je'.(; le.dcrUoq?nta wiatd aliriBkact, V '.raod be.mngv.But Cod.WhdliM all V bearta'iii hands'ordereil Hiii X'dir f -I' f(r;mnilert:xf? y HV-?' vfy'v 'It-is Jo "be k'pt mind, that OirwHj tr 21n!hansf. 'the leaders 6t sraV-rrt arc , tccQUBtablc frajlthe mifcljefione by f ti A' thA'part. : ' Thej prtrtduct ifi ea m paijn. Ufirt fire a r nClfthfrtreirlftnoWtiii ;Tiuolbe tf., !, the1(teM'are eyoiiiderf .'5 M a th criii)iriMirf ,Tb? leader m the :Jatf sUar . wefeiaiTcoitrK demaniUui." At IHUetd pf tfrescv sMhe ied Mad j;r 'Vf. he&a leil .toy h e lamtntett eb it 8uf "Vfica.tiii' aj,hat he,rand Hher;Kad t-if Uiouroina? 'ahd-.:'rfol.tf' th -siaiis of jtliel' eifnteaf itliaf 4hef interetiVi' fatlia;;; anxiiaJpectaiort. vV.jn&Wd SVili tfiOTtn.ifterialT.tliilyaob- ? 'f f.iilsjt tUf Pawhe3;:thaftlw hilt? Can bt?f- '.avthe ikrttiBqwry Ji,jf iheirt 'deceased aiVd,;ronnerl;tV,, Aia;c"ifenarittlewasf ' - tl). tliey tonld not. nuttT : thft Wkenrid ieTvcrhiiiial8 iveris stated inr he f ,v 1ftdjiesjif.ri lii;fh"Wor.dietiiFd iaoti .r.iiad destroyed stme of thetr,f?llw;-n)nBN ?;K:"jed;nbr; eladed ;rty; 'trt' ''jteterfeifleii 'X $TV)&tync ishotild fmti their; i-Wfl and this happehpcl tor b& i tartip of :arvjJarty Mad BuaJo was, prime;i'ader.lere; "were several - Z y! v aU4 t4defsridaarg Aiuro"; .''ro,'i'u''S wWtIn tbepartf.'i'Seir .VwGfeei ifl Ik ia!r.rmrs', ;t:e tn jf joninortri; Ji(4d;of b.irid,'ahd mch t . -ptxiod amakr.tlie eoe!&vVj was the VDrverloMni(ri.'hat thef Would! not;, i wnS."n4T; tlie; oBccrt the. . foit liad v-'dl.'Oevi, irivfe.ttiemsekes no.'f-lv':v: pf..9. ft iwhu!fi.-'toV?tf, t"o the , r-.easOTro expeqt tuey. would hot. ;'e-U?VkW-iirtao$t icquainted wilhjhese . vf.itd faHstbfr .Vaijrn; four hHle8frpnl the fofirl ct'o'ck'.' on W tJt gthi l:n Rldiiins luiA termini VI'h& i;:-Co!oriieJ . was iicdonbt itiWlrtUv ? - ' 'jwod,4nclos(ii the rt C:FePat5'l--Wcl!Bn.ded , -i: ; Jey -shoald Jippfoiich;vi(th hostitr jn-i r-..?Him' -; Uis-mijnd' was-oUec'tedaiid fjl-ynnif fearthat thVy miyht 'f.PWWne' tnrhnfeut. if Jiot teirlucik e ww - lo'ir hi i. . iil warriors- v. are j ; gfrofteliiti i -They forded the neraSin; vpkall g mi j above ' the i' .Vnd ha1 :el ? ,,u,e i'anc; lathe -'west "perfe.-t f?ptiti .-Many cf Atien WouhMh.-u VJns bow and- arrows; arid toitialnw i) C.f in,''. I a it utit, thr I ' ctl imiti J CUmoif and tW t Crr iH anSrtentew The o' i dUi ri)'f firsTjr4 i(i -(rnip!i'te Amwc'. -f-witKUfat-arrv f.;n?uj4 Jlr, 1 ;! , t'f NrkY'i anianiLi wwit. !urt ! btSht liHB,ln,J rgiLIc (Vni and r.v.ifl4if nab!nt,rinii I v" .'rn, irSsp' ittnti',ci'r (f 4w i at Washifljtpn."" CJamweuTin. t n ; rratelj tndiaji, of buaf m f jv f i i. - and ii towering pitik iJjiu? , ;-i'i.a f..tt avt hi Uat ave bit! a ,b apparince.' ', Instead of a aord, ii arnd in hi hand V iajvfccel Hi- r'll)i8wahe(lrst.tirae liuJiern 4 ' Chief tbo habited; aDd'thr- 4I6 mrnf I.,w biin'ln -auli-l,'l fi-lt-'a H'jrf ,i:i.'rVi'--iifc thata?U.i'ui fcapjN v .-,lk"nJi4iaact wa ant'uuaiiidj; pUritt. . .If eeaaed tfee)-bis ii;iuTaud when ttook him bT h htttid, , I- perceUed 'that lie V a' ftneuUlr. attii vOw ttuuk-ipg t.fu right. Tbia Catef, lt allotliArlndiansr aud 1 i k-ejtll ;otlw?f- b i has hia- faumtrs;; but I;: tirver.tbtet bim mttvmt rfi-elig troB! atfachnaent toward hira,- min eled itb reecti' J I lv Cltraoreaud Mievif" blovew.'toi) reVpecta dit vjar cmmiryxnetit , u. cfrtaiaijr , .fua?"had mant adfaitta- abov, tbe t)iilk of. dw iuTioiijvii fca' Wod-if -givit i-eV; trarjon.'r J t lias becjAlwid tbat'-betHitpF t ! ntea act? i d wW, jr(Vf :r thrf nake pputarit nd tha toaa feci'el py."ed . taetref oa?o0 vef ; bis- people tbrmifeb tbe mW'ruiwriti'y thelni 6H , iio ttiU;fit trtaiis conduct ua ti ai'.r!(bJ occjfsiott before as, wbicli public dclirrftliwni.evtncVa aditfpoMtitMi f(Tdit tile ttunlhal iii'bes! far.BisTivatin: pfejer,i'iw ; Mr- Willian and Frau foiM(j!prB; The Cdon; bpend j the ta I k7 bf sta.this Hat ha-was' read, ia 'rw CetVa U(e meti w-bAirernleadeM irt the :jptrty that ;ktlled the XwbltUi a vlV rW UireplHtav' tnat-lurpeiipreiah! neve iQe .men metyjy me cwntnaa di'ngtrfBcer.at thlvpUce. -iTbe Cudonel petencjr'to try meti f(ir"reipa KKaihtit ia rw utiijne of the trial i the; ii'ih wDtcit h vwwu.proceea ana toe- tare wweb wpaU; be tsiken ta Vunip at jh fttith. Sud JW.aV 1tit' liailsw jraie at a'SHuraturtbat the mt-u ''! blHild be cdBdacWd safety Wttle Umk,.the neat.'of iututev for'thi tertkorv. "itil 6aUlid tlie Cbtejs, and lJ tiiem t ce-J floest the G,iltiolrtd reiKat th"isane talk :o. the Jirainf',;4llitl 'people -i,! Thjfey thai) ; rVt idnd llie.rold Chief tiarauueu iirspyfneipriweniv mH Mies, Veratjii'ialkihehidhean kiiiriJftHt'a $i ;b; unliaptiV iiion, that iwu ue if ne uvrunie more anq Diore c6n'triu,; TleColpetAtf.repeatcd to the-eijf tiw;-cr! i ,,uiu aih mitiieiitiv, trvt'u; -anu . If - . l .1' 1. - - a hrcwe jonowjea as jpeungas r vasur- !riinr. ' ii Indian wjirrtors: nosaesacdJ ol u greatness oi Uotnao UeBeraU; resigniflj taaittsel veSjf wittt.iuorft. taij Ro'iuan tirtYiuss. ifkto.tlte hands-f Mt GoerhmeriCto be tried for tlter livefc Alau puinio, 4n JmJ Asiencarmtulorm, irsi atSise, And takins feajtb.of.ua bytha hand; tSiua addrffcfilOie' coinmanJitiir '-idlrAiiiUay cMeR'lE .aa by ac .cid;nt ttia those Vtt?; people" were kjl ed. Hut at your wom i yuI gtf to aa ewer a this oitoBca.''. lce was a the cibaflclll1st, rarid fatherS-routidthe el I r $i yery ' tiiild ehttTi0no& td- what had "ajdotBr1.it!;sTliia response aTniitofaxeu -jio airenginen secotid,i''pse1niii4 fiaid, '.Chief! hayeV no i4icd jto .'kill while inetr,, Noj' sVheii the? hafft'torile id iv towbi Ijbavf r? witli;plevaufj Jfed then! ; Jiat HtH'tf rw wrsn, me ip eo ar.u answer ior '.': l,'!-! I; itr5,. --i. . v.t voirtauair.' i wiii ew. Aiioiner vohe aim sai'd, r'JVly.kreat ;jrathr:4'bav lived' in At yxju.r word 1'wi.lEi I(S laiisu;!' like this,' did, each separ- aWy. address "t he jCvhaieji YeB y dear twC; )b Jarjp'e ftHunianner aiiec. ting jhwthe ftiot Uiaetisible;' SearU To each "the Wd, .wuhselIors resp)r.di;d a inte of ijiprobutiorruic;i tep'ive. ; le fjitanimiiy of the iatjoi in the u;; sore-.; WTheru yvere p'rm'titalsw'v t -! o -rit' -r fiT.'w the peoplf of .'SVhUe-jlIaii .e, tl.e Iif.le 0-a;cS, n,nu('8huii:-- !i ks, Mehu li's tow ; to trsuly their saliin;- nance,' .natnimfy fierce and 6a vagevwas boeverrtiild ami' firirtAs he closed. peace tiltyou see my bead ' full of grey nairndj my theyt;atte overed with sorraw.l'At yxjur word twi IIeo. l&yif-i .'.ttitr'i imuiaiS! jji ycti np; 4d twtof wLon'ca lie Ur'.;i irrw-.f CoK'fi t t'iaf :' "fjc tut -fA-elitv-a. -It Mt itet- C-i 'tf lBf. ' SAJll, ia' Ihi p I-. t..c- Dtnc vha fit it f oad a v!- -i t f tra jrfalni. a j t c t'.f Are their Siaje . ti e i f ic!i a win f In !.im" VU tai. A neral iilcnce uued. All'rert ast'i.-ituM. : 'the crimWial (wok t'lBir el.-, iti a coutiteuaiice cciier" nak ciousnor feaituJ.baihunestar. 1 thayjbt fii.. I 'may aay Wuh tjo'a i-uctV that no one uw, no,, Hi t t. t UkjVi u 0.ijre. 1 houJ.J and fc-j, that since my . .Vru cujtttry, ltava acarcelr'jf oaxiub cast a hh'.; .hikVtv'v ;ti'i !lhlr, i" thi an a w inner must honorabie to .t ik Uiat be never eatertained iiti -anupinioajof Uje-Jiatloo. 4efrt;j I toid .'the ttaert ' that had IbeV Wen ;u.UJ; U!eyvMft!d have-taken t the1 IValrle.san'f, wt appeared at' the 1ortS- hat tliy-countenance in-1 ucatea mnoceuce; ana it. waa not fur him tv, preditritha reialt 'd' the trial; bU( 'that hcy could haf done iothiti mure, odculated . in read V'a favorable fesvd't. Mad Ikhy i(i' jp'arucu.lar, tkitred fcreat- botior to bitfiaelUj v, ," v When th.tuaa came for thm ta bid adieu 1 1 tlieir I milie'a, natural affecttonl ffai."ltbe, aeailaiicy; .and they ware tea io, request jjurny ,o pe wwn ineir friend awv'daoo "' , With' iiV a enstbtned i wisdom!, rth Colonel rtioved.thedifllgiityv.by, as artQ2tlieio tlmt their -wiva and thU- dre'n mijjHt Coni! t see them at any time trule twf feinaiuedaUr) ort.lb dn-Tose. and followed tbejColonej 'ia ia the.'Karrison, wheH tliey were receive ed by ui Hldiera, and conveyed awa 0urnjf all this time1, not a sign nor a rry was heard anvunr 1e people, thiti wjiutuHit paraiieij: in i we nation; -lor, uiaflyjon UsmalJeat.ptcwrencrt ther uurroDiti(!WiS. titer is 'muck crtih? and Wibingj" ludced, fso far Trom tpp pwsin the- eaame,:.4jij. aotnen are aU in favour ol it. knowioz thattt will cave tluiintid their cbildwa from ieing dei satisfaction ft the conduct -of the people ciff'lly''fd Xtyik'd Wieei ;Vticrty as a ftidbarji' fatheR' iv fV'toVttatooiajptieae8i ih'ibod'and lobaccorbdf was "care ful W's-ive tljein iioihuig Btttil they bad done tlte business f.ir which' theytam'twiheFoWfV At liht.tlie IJUiefS slept, ttt the mmand erV tent, and the peoideV generally rre- ht-'fip..-. " From the rreemao JoumaL AlTetiaveefe"eived 'a letter frnnt ao intelueh( geatlcrnon,. now.travellma tlirottglif M ex ico, and" fit racs ach parts as are worth tuo attention ol our teiJers, Ai'f6llV:it,liesfcoridliVof,-r-tbii country ,siowjy ana.grauuaiiy'jinpre vlngrth'e batieSjSeenv t be, inspired wito tnore COuSdence in relation to the Stalily of tha presebt brder of thing,1 auu appear iy ua- '" uicn risuatuig, wavering maiieiv When seakjnjj of n. Tills":! tertaiuly - one evidence of the good ptecriLof"the;goer confluence anu reliance in xxs strengin by ,he sjibjectajjare absowteily becesa: tftib ofdei; tbenabie'jt ;td act wllh Brmi neso and-vieor' 'As tc? the moral state of tKe peopw.sotnft jery curious Bpocut lationf pa iiM MWAVjtoiS-'&Wh 'Die characCer of thlexicti, Native is "a" strange niixture..f gencrositir;fcnd pfide, good disposition; and' jicions' n? temptation," bo V Hjeeoir eeWs--to fcav tifiuence 'overiiim; aodl, though h4 i ever flylng fttft the pat i-of. Rectitude, - Even "thauu-h he.be of the oncducaled cass-"HSt) : n n rt u n at ely it is a do nie jf- otis one if he bej ki the cniisswa'af srujie folly, or evncrirfin, talk to him of IDS lOUUIJ, Ml U LllUUUjiVI VIB I CI l IU, and: be wfll.tUHi a, serious eat t" your discourse, a,nd in the'enjt will probably abandoalus purfcurt In' the highe-rand hettef in.fj-ufted classes:-there ia more tqBsistency'joF fbind and '. firmness' -of conduct than; has fbennf:bei;'r(''P' piied'-j laelobifv tBthenvof coBtfi' I speak' ef their vtMrdl tharacter'- X)si- trmaiiv ine Mexicans oiaereu verv ur- tle from the aboriginal North-American lcdmns, id the tjualihes w the- nimd, !. 'TIi dire'reHtitribes under the names of Tl a scans. &c4'fii.!v UierstlandipS of Cortez and his foHewer pj "alway evinced the most .determined 'bravery and romantic jtourage in,the execution -i t cir plans, wneuier m euacit or . rtncega'tBonssttn'dividuaK'or their little primes, i ; j . i; can t iiaracier, now" turueu ia laeircarap. ara.' egy- vr- evfr'ihaH iu, virtues, and i ty te-lii'inatl i!J p.i't-:tn with the'r 1 tl' adil.-'T f!?1 vbcau ;r?;!l IT i', : ; ajxa, Kai-f.'t er- uastti ani veaii- ii. . ! ui',A Vi ai yii, e.psciaU.v i.e nencur u.txTn m m wan nrmn- ir iuti).iru vi tl.e aJvcntac- f'- '"f wre, coinitry, irftn- dy perha., crapt kll. dtifiefcitahn. H B8T bevaa.e "be rula nc4a.V.to Ki.-i 'f b. 4.r... I .", tlia..:. Merierf baa rtktiWly Hj1iwanla. it i -doof. Af;tr r, der-lbftr' that th eatirea Ware UlMrt liWe Vamrr.cl t . ' !r. 1' , :nU,r. Unht art and trickl.'.whicb mr- pea "ij we, Ditt do Dot wlioll? a wd. Un Iha twhMer. I think ,tH "of. th Mertcans, and be'ueje that thv w j reiitr rlef, pd Uart' tad njethin? iif the vbaoe of iamn!j b. fure them, to tec h iheovthe dignity f hajiau naturei j rdei.tl:tt thev mil ide'pnf reaj.'c arid art i'Wfenily. . J ' V utun u'jr fcue xorerourht .y I aM ) U4TbUiC ai-J rHticnluiH and fa'Ll tii. 'kiir; iwilb- regard td lwr be intercut ' wiib thin retmU!aZv iW rlni.h l..l-,t the 'io4epcrtdtiec oF Mexico bui.tlwre stotftied-tbat of itself can ww k' ao- tbiniliv has not -an'inUient and baainejis-dotnar man. in the) icatrarirv f Buftoiiet j been 'aent berer Toa w 111 pnjUly answer, that-th Edward af fair prevented it but let tneVk artih. art the interest of our ;itiiena and fe: vernment fo oe negiectett an.lHstro? en otr account oj the atoppnge ftf tuiiup wneei ouf political-'iuacbinery might wt'rofflatilmmiteementfJ I XA revision of the airiirwuuk'e2 place iHaovftry war 'fr'K COon, wnicn are Vv universal demand here will still pay a heavy duty och cue. aitioW'i'e tvtttn tlieir impiii tation liere roio the u, 53. aniens great loss is chosen to"b sustained bv - the importer',Tbi8 vil will still exiat ron.th'e. eireuicstaace that we have nn one hare fe exnlain. aml direcr.'aiid InftueBtethe tnatter.s'A re- ducttotudtbe dudes oh British dry gonda ana stun-f win tafcfr place, neranse hi liritish'.Agent haa made eflbrt W bring nurooject anout. An American minis - .- TM - . . l. i -J. w'"' ,.wi'wnvit'yiKi Ea sitHB f , we have "Uifidon aixLjUvtr. pool papers one day 'latr than those re a nursoaj, 5ui, copiain rio ,jui eign )B teliigerite of ay Wpuriance, ';;Tiie;J3lortde ff4teVith'th bodh of the bite Kiwg pud ueeu of t re Sin'd-' wkb iHlandsarived at' Mideiri-'oti ths.48iJi Uvt'vaBd sailed ott the 2Jd ior .uio Jaijaia auu the Sana. en isv lauds??fci1 Tber l.vPiaaeelsf&y'-'Jtlds'ete ; witjt tlie feing for, a long' time nWed j besdajri.f .The cphference'i soppoed t ' have related., to Hie afiair of Mr, Fauo tleroy. ; It is understood Jhlt thie Jadgs t er perfecU i. ttltkmnii08 in tliei q-' pinions with reference; to", the1 point at: fued before them jn'the. iase .'of Mr. aantleroy. It ha been abA said, that Bftcesajkm to obtain the fiatj of- iiie tori ucoeratv ior stne, purposernt tt writ ol error beinr tran ted.4:-.4 '.'.'.' '. f'bltiutelfi mftiediately after tfe brfakiiig'op of tbe council,oa Wednes day directed his elet k ti; wake oat th warrant,' oideri ug M f . launtleroy Ve it ecution, & luivingsighed' ..he'senrthe chark'itb; it to Ne wgate.' 1 1 arrived there at Jialf -past m. o'clock inithe e- vetung,' and; the Jlevil.Mr1 Cotton, Mr. Eafi ivv ho-kas beenlung the co mfort- cr'of thtrunfortunate 'thipriLfand-- the Utfcbrder'a -clfciki immediately proceed ed to lira roinn in which Mr; Kauntirroy iicenfinedi fat tlie porpose of tomiu'aut eating to hirk the intelligence' -that be is Ri die pit Tuesday inoi nin. Vl'lie Ordi nary: was- id His oiacK. ggwn, rnd; held t he 4ttvf d t'r' f epos t in ins ha nd? M r", FaBBtteyai:itauiiB'V$f:k the motnent they ehtered 41e had been waiting In a most' anxious' state for the feport, having, ijp foJhe last moment, a 'Jte tiow'atknowledgcs, enteitauied some faitK'bofte of ej teve, 'll.e Ordi- irj vu uevpiT ftuctu;u i uie appear Sc of the unfortuttate man,1 bo sat with blaiiead unoii his hand., infcntlv Teadjgprayer--;tHe very priyehich invoke' grdce abd strength id thduVe the dreadful thar.e frotn life, tp eftrni tyi The face of the1 culprit was is pule as a. ' fsWjooked Up v!;on th Onli phry apila;h-.'liini,-"' nd aaid,5 Ah! Mr. CottoDi you- ate c.uie: 1 ee how it is';" arid hej;Phe ahd walked toward .I.- rf.lC-.-A'i.i. ..... I ' . - i Wie VJu"i,, jrmti" "p uuau.o u (.pea:- for some mouicnts, but ho I . ' ' 1 1 ' Uewder's.'.feptirt,' . r i : ;, the. b!ack1sea!-ra i the tfoi'emnedV -rt i less than, dealt ' " a,nd that.' , I 1 to r ' Lie." - JI tet WKh.f d the saine.1 i i iwffJ judg, and the expected report i f the ':. " y gfMtweomfiijnnt, ;-t.y, Htt-derrV.Tkt buy sat upon his a' t ' .- 'vl..twa;ia.lJJt,,.'V,T i 'ojijjI' ed fatherV kne'e for some time, and ' , " ft BI.G N J"S'Frfecy.awivr las -unhn; ; s k.t. . "Uy.'. ... .-."( f i, ;,r ,;, Batipn was deeply .aJE'efed.'an t. rie-l '- - pMtti lliM rli.i-ln.lnn Cn.,' t.i'i' I t . - I n from ;hULANii. '. w ;v n:tii' tin.. ..t t,.-.'i.i ceiveif by: the ship Sarah $v juurWuw Exij4.'foirowt; tvli-W-&aciiKMft Aoi. 2Tj; tj.e report h fia t-, jej, . : and tH'l.i'V t' t yiojif I r::;t ir,-d. mil Jilt tlii I I that tl IW Mr. Uaker j'.J c!1 un.-n ibry ufioulJ la'c iteJ tK siVni. Thi-r t.,1,1 1 'n, t'-,.r re- pt rpcartit, b2jrf to naintd.'a:h. i t 1 . i r..- inn."'' irall i Uan. l ( rti. Jla rt ,.. 1 !.: v Hand "o-'Vh h.., I c! id ar J si-Led deeply. . He tnutir re .1 a f-w v rj, and MtKetl at Mr. g,t ton aid . !r. ifof rovnWl, E! J If i( p'i eye ojxKitl.e r'..:i(',i '. ker-6 ; f J Lis 1 t j re.-. ... i'n-ra ttn- -a ,tt.m f.u r;til. ' , 'Uiea t; -., a d. t-i Hut floM-ji.r. lr. r..tt,,n t u i l .., i.- tUliand; and Mr. UaU t told .'uifhstt comforted,.-, IJe ,tu. K!( iiij- r'icrl frem bircs-oJivSad mid he w I t : praN-M.- Ikker thru reaif 'n raver. : o4 Alr-'Ir4urUterov said, in ratt rr m. chceiful tone It in Letter, tnv dciP ' lini that, I i $biold 'd.e, thin "t! I 'J ..Wk ..a a. . . a . uwmw nave eacapm taaimtiier fouidrr. it is wen tor tnv c' irea tliut l am to die. Alul Mr. Cettun, l hai e one treat coMVibtionin leavm-' ti e vMrh: .1 liavti. got tbe assurance (if a m- .-t vr o--s ineitinjabl friend. U,iv uy jn and mj two o;!kr cliil.la n f! '. kenare nf. 1 ooutt.f ;l..c any fears ab nt thim." ' IU afu. and. toy ta ' at tJj prayed wiih, Mr. l'AiT. 'v , ft'Otf Wednes !.iv luoini.he'.wus;. !t'' ' ;v etl,by hif legal iJiw. and the result ' of the legal arcu then t before the twelve -' ,' judges was tha'jjubject of conVei u'ion.' , Mr. Faunileroy aail that he i.a Hi-..! or no hype t its beirg lavorhble f I t; i I ; , ; bf. prepared f ji- the v , i . i UiL: afttftSese gentlemen left. l is wilV k. ' -.'' .V' boy ''called japiin, . him.', 'Mrs. ';, Wi4 i V uiu ch-(1odiaj)uaed,''.'-and V x pressed the ' A - ' f iuiiij a9 v tuc iii'tiaiori ill in y much lit parting. Mr.' F;; luld ii not to buoy herself up with the h t.f ' , a,reniwlon jf hisifeatonce, as he knew -' , the fate that awaited him. 2 The griff wf SJi. Fan; , ci' leftrrti.igsthe fstal d. -. iicn , , Vr unhappy ha-iband, v. n, : ' . " " Wfheart'rendiiig.l l'or'iiin;i i 4' ' audible littheChouses a'j"iii i' a i.i ' -whuh she Iwlge, iit.Arai:del sunt. . - Frjira ths..K..K. MeivaiHile Avettlscr of Jail. 17 , 'tf$f h packet shfp EJitard Qui wicfc !',s Canty Ikwliiii which left Havre Ih-c ' ' 4th.and tbe fchip;J"wn Jltetux, Capt, ' ' purthar,' froin. London," which Icit the ' . Dowps, l;e5.'4lh,"we have Vanj and' London papers to the 2d of that i-ioath. BOtlf itticl.wve;MP't:,, ?j ' ''"i , V- li appears by the latest $'dcom. s fi o.n Turkey ,tliar' tfie Gi-eek-naya! y'i 'imei wnrnot sv complete an had u-en re . . - i- . . , . .. j-. -. poiieu ', A leuer irom liloyd's Aent, af Siuyrnar dated cm he"I9il) 4f Octo ber, 'says,- "There l..,s hi . n atfei i menrtiUveeii the iuikis-h J! and GreeVhhii'.;Mi!i but little th i-i-t r.i c to eitheifjzAnd an olhcial buHrtu, CtinBiabtinoplf of Oeitibc.r 23:h. s i.c,, tliat the jL'aplain 3'acha was m the Ditr tjannelles - lheU5th, in his own ship of.the'line.'v ith :.'H fithcr vesgcU f and that the flgy'ptiaa.floct,''stiil 75 Mi i , was bel e Mytelene, under t!.- i- tuandofthe Viceroy's fc , .. ie- ?)rte4 to be a prisoiier,tt tlie ( v '..) Jie -accdauf adds, duit this , fleet was vatchea:,-'icC$tli:eek'.ve-t i Is, Who, ou, tli biiMtho .'6th4-7 or rtli, burnt Ttiisiad'polacre of C ) n9 ami a ong f a ? -r. i , .the execution; rf t Mr; Fjlantlei -y tookjrSe at. London pa'.-.theCotli of, No'jeni6ej,..'.': -H ii Letters' from Havre o, Pec. Sd.stafo .'' hat fliere was ioo alteration in the price ' -T ofCott'on-rAiheshadadvancedal 'lie.5 Ai Marseilles', Nov.: IDs IVyptiaii Cot a ' ton. sold U 19 to 0 sous per. lb. . vAn .'Over.iana,iespaf c ! Irom "jl--- ', arrived yesterdays but i.scotitei til ne' f not pecn made public. Glomuy rej os t ' are iji.ciitulationand India utock has V , futlf ;7 per ceiit.r' jV ;'; ? . 1 f)A letter frtna Cojistaeii . j''e of Octi v 25th, Mates, thatoh; the em'i a 1 f the, v Capt. fat-fi.t, rotnmaodcr i.f the .TorLMt- ' Sect, -in i hi- D.intatifii. , ! d's" graced, and ordered t;evt-r ; ; : ': i to rn- " '' near' ia-. the. (!.ir.iial. Tl,M ' r ,... .. - i aciia til l ;vvjt v'a$ sj-poit.' nund the t,.ival force-.' l.-ut prii. i.er at Ilyifia. - '. V tained asulim VilfDc'et-.i the I --. - - f, - v. ' i, .: ( i a 1 ts' " ' Y of ' tT e cvf' In the' A ro'.c Jaga. -f '.'-,.;. ; : 'f U- , id ks have, afler a i ' Mvc years, laiLetii Zeitu: i, t!ie k 1 1 dv'yi'Le evacuation (if the ti (.ties of the lut'.cr j '.ovirrc'."', s, was ex reeled-to t e 1 1 1 i f 1- ''v. o