si . No 10 DAI KMIII.XM!.) FUll)T, aiAntii Vol. XVI - TUB. SIn,';,V .fsJ Mrth-CcTolina Gazcttcf ..... PuWiAH,w4lT.ty: ; BELL h LA WHENCE. Su'et i'm, thru dolUrt JT pi. - -prr H1 U w'rVww WrH Rl- $ is M U ! w fpr dirititiAaxl. bit t ' d op''" nf (h Rdiinrs, antra ll arrvtraRr re lTrtirBicBt, Mt eiewlitif at". Ire lines, ""'ftfl thnrt times tor an iVBr, a-H wtv entv ior.eacb etmiisne. All leUrr 10 the editors ma prt paid. ami oa other -part of the wall were fhc tf U the President tf the Uui(?l Statu, m striking at oare to by re both the Gget ' We re gret that-our luaited time will not ber : ... i.. . . . . hi v justice i a, me ,ievnpuo6 VOLUNTEER TOASTS. Fy Gr. Watfrtr Oreee Let us kelp flcU ii Urr. . .... By -V- liaW, (Seis. LcfajHtSi f-len4 Kir l'ertutrd ttrolhers in KaraoeH Then evrrt'oas) will not b loot to Liberty,, fly the If orohtrfl JHjoter of It MbMftoi rtman to take ihera Matataaa fi forty-on dollars, atl i was to htlpr the lead their tmkI with fish. wlwch li a.:. If- 3 . .-i . . iin crrw oia, vim trn n'J'r and fatigTJr, bein oWiiwl to w a o3" .m. vv..i'B T i Li-Hi Nilti..iihk.H-i .i . . - ' - IB una m arwin r . rmn tm m From the Alexandria Phfnix, Feb. 22, .. .TUB NATION OUEST..; ;- In compliance with an inVitatJon from hia Masouic Brethren, our low nui a ,.jn honored oa rea'crJaf b pre sence of this great ami beloved' roan. The inclemency of Ihe morning exci ted an apprehension, in manr, that they would be disappointed in the pleasure so anxiously 'anticipated; but, at the ap pointed hoar, 1it were relieved by the welcome information, that, the 3uest Jmd arriTml, accompanied by hi friend Co' tit Vasscur.-y He alighted from his carriajc at the door of the City Hotel, at 4 p'chiok. and was immediitely con ducted bv H:e.oramittee of.arrane mcnt to ihe antechamber of the Wash ington T Roora.- ' The Lode had been formed at tliree, nr. were ready for hi receptiou In a x(er minutes after he"had becti con ducted into the antechamber, on of the committee announced to the Worship ful Master that Brother Lafarctte was in the adjoinm room, and had request ed to be introduced to hi Brethren of Washington Lodzel-NoSSr Instrue- tions were given by , the Worshipful Master to conduct him to the Lodge, and the Brethren wpre requested rise and receive him. . . ' In, few minutes the friend of vv ash- inrton. elnthed in -the masonic habiii ments. so often worn bv the Father of his Coontrv. enteral the room, conduct edby Brother Rnbcrt", the Mayor of the Town, and by him was ntroluced to the Worshipful Mastei .; The Worship ful Master then addressed (he Guest as follows: . Illustrious Brother Lafayellt: Among: iSft various' denwrnstrations of joy, which four arrival in the United State has e licUed froin the hearts of hsfcraleful citizen-, none have been . more truly tespectful, or more sincerely tendered, than the cordial welcome of vour Muitonie Brethrei-iK The services which yon hve renderad to our helovcd country, in tlie war which attained its independence when you abandoned family. friends, fortune and home, to aid the cause of liberty to fijjht its battles, and to burst asunder the chains of bondage, are in our itilmls" freshly remembered." .v : ' . -Through all the vicissitudes of your, distin Ruished life, you have been present to our minds, andd ar to our aflections,; 4. TThct'icr as the conquering hero, on th , Victorious plains of Torfc" or as a prisoner at Oltmuti to the enf mies of Veedon-iWl.ether ; asaertine and defendmsr the rights otliherty j "in. the stormy councils of your countrj', or peacpniliy gittiaveu in the bosom ot your tarm ! It, st thc hanpv mansion of La Granccs you r have ever hecn Vevered as " one of tut pillars of Our TetnnleA i ;t- It affords vciH ihercslle pleasure, to he the organ of my hjrethren, here assembled, to welcome yoil iritotbe oosom of this Lodge, irt which vonr hie-hlv valued friend, the be- lwved Father of or country, was woot to pre tide ovcr'ourlabors. and inculcatelhe princi- pies of our order-'" Friendslup, Moraliy, i Jlrotheily Love and Charity." While it is our pride ami boast that wa had him to rule . ' ver us, we also esteem ourselves peculiarly . happy in having you for our patron. "-When lasomy : IVaa such supporters, " its prin . iples will be roaintaincdUs cause must flourish.. ' , . - " . .'-r,- i: Accept, illustrious Sir Si Brother, our most coitlihl. wfilcome! though wo are unahle to "pay the debt of jmtitodo which is doe to yon, yon hare our prayers thaf happiness may a tend voti, until the Orcutd Alaiter of the uni verse shall summon you to eternal happines in tne Omna Jjotlrey above. J To' which the Ycnctable Gu?8t replied, "t'Vorsfnpful Sit and BreUirvn itf lf uniting . im'l frige I receive with peculiar sensations Ihi jj mnrfc tifldndness and attention, and these :rfla-!!sio!is of esteem from my Masonic Bre- flireiu and it Is particiilaily .afrfyinj to my "-ciirs to wish a uwigv, ovw which our i- , mrtcd illustrious llro, Washinpton utesided, ' ' 1 3h,iH ever cherish a hih rcjrard for Mason ,y ) and pray you, Y orshipful Sir, and the rest -of the Ureuiren. to ftccent'my particidar and cratefu) acknowlugments'. 'J. , vThe iiiaster and olScers of the Lodze, ' nipt fTcscuted-their Brethren 610517 to itl.e Guest, who received them in the .mint aflectionate ar.d fatherly manner and often tepeated his assurance that v it vtfas one t,f ihe happiest njotnents of . mtk Hie. ihe scene was ertremeiy in teresting ?nd the recollections, which . natttraily agsocta tea themselves were uch as .are. rarely exDcrienced. -Tl-.e , 'rooai was beauviruiiy furnished, apd dc ated ki the 1 ichest and simplest man :Ber by the hands of our patriotic sisters. ' :;Ortr jhe Master ctiUTrliunji the port travtofitsimmivrtal first occypant-over that ot lie Senior AYarden. was the nor- trj'tt of (venerable, Gut, taken forty crreraonies beinz sivrr. waa invited into a room, where refresh menta wi re set out; and soon afterwards. dinner be in? anoounced, tb nroct-ssinn was formed,, and moved to Cbzett's Hotel. t - . 1 We cannot convey, iu term n'S cientiy stronj, the meral satisf.iction siveubj.Mr. ClagKt, in the splendid and symntnaiia dinner, uhirt. (. ,. . - r -... , y - , - : pnnHl fur., tlie occasion. Evervihind' ' . snai couia oe oesire.i, was tnero, i the fVette bestjjrtler, and the idohJ su(enorof iu kind. Thanks were oifrred ud bv the Rev. liinther llaiflnr, and the comna ny sat down ab mt sit o'clock, and par- took 01 the finest least we ever saw spread, with all the harmony, peculiar to the society. the cloths benr re move!, the following fixed toasts, wpre dronk: 1. Gnrr FPtuluntrtth; First in the Cabi net, 6rst in the Field, and first in th princi ples of Masonry. . i Jamet Aionnr. The East- proclaims bis wonn me west re-echoes the same. 3 Oar ifluntritui Divthrr and Gtie Lafau. elte; His brethren take peculiar pleasure in receiving him in that Lodge, over which, their ueioveo Washington was plcasea to preside. company standing, and answered by Ay BrikerJnm Corf.n May Masons se ver feel a-wtt nor want trmg. Ha BrHhtr Pott Matter IT Ukumf Our dts- tin7ii;lif'l tateanan. Brother Henry ;iay. W ftrtt'ter CAuMi "lU-Oiiry; Ato-c an cient 'ian the t-oldcn Fleece or Ut nonan Fjirle iiKixf bri'tw it the brif titeat rem tha gfttrrs i tlie MjniMVs dwdeai. -. Bg .Hmtjr ur.f.-Ciil..tMffcrs US eon. luct at i e L'ki'.: of lUumts a bright txmin- ..U.t( ll.ll-illt. i . rfirr C. r t'Adwm Brpther La As hrieht a fcem of virtue, honor and ral w ks rvrt eradiated the world. J? Hrlr M lMw-CoL La Vasawur The amiable co npuu.on uf our beloved Lafavette ISi) tirtther "ur 1 Be JrounaaUon stone ot-Masonrv'Chanty. B Brmiyr T. I., tori Gen. Buere: U s lute and brilliant victory secure to his country liberty and mdcpenilence , Brother Etl-Jd A. Muu Andre Jackson. Grand Master of Tennessee, the firm States man and patriotic soldier. . B Jiralher Jamet Barry -The three Lodir rs of Alexandria, and tli ir sister associates, the Mechanic Relief, St. Andrew's and Hi bernian t-oe'rties, ''",." Bg Brtthcv Swift -Oua illusvrious Brother, Gen. LrTiTTt: One of the muster mrhmrn. and firrd aeyml times at them with makers ahd '.d.,J M basses then anchuml and boarded them. Part of the' oitatical rrew. examined the fibbing Tesel,-.iod wiyt went on ah ore n (he hots. TJiey rsve one of the tshermen two doubloon. arxl took bim and the others on board of heir h'vit.-i There they drank and ca- -oused .about hsjf an hour; roakias hreateninr menaces towards Captain II. in the fishinzbnat. Durins theime. tlwy sent ajuj of liquor to Capt. II, and M-ew, and made them drink somo. ' 'Son apfer, those who went a th huts join- el the others, and came a'on side of tlie fishinw vessel, with two canoes, . k . . .. B urawn dv the hshermenthe mrahcal rrew accompanina., with awords and lon knives, which they pointed at Capt. s ." a a it. ana ms men. feeling of the edes ot the knives, and makinz the most appal linsijrnsto1iem. At length they took them and bound their arms behind them with cords, putting 1hem in th,e greatest possible torment, then tumbled Captain triumphal ore at York-Towm w'jere victo rious termination was effected of our gldri-l ous -tnigsflctorFreetloifl snu independence. JSu Jlrottier -4teniNifrr Ihe most . nnh n. nine cheers. As soon as the seats had I ful Grand todirc of Vmrinia. been resumed. General Lafayette rose 1 By Brother Sinrleton-CeMni Lafayette: who assisted in, fitting the Key Stone of the 11,1 ton. "nd Mr Merary.-l $t officer, and , a sh 'p, twimrnr a id ra.Jes, pasu! iard ami ti( ;io, CMiie ml, -I f him into the hop. roblvd hi ! a '.I tlie clothes and one dollar in. uvinrr. Ua S heha'i been kindly fomiSr l with st t-t. Clart by an F.nlrU) earpeptlr, ai l :eit nim mine most snaiireiul manner. , ; and. thanked his Brethren in affection ate terms for-their friendtr wetcome He made them judges of fiia feelings if Am he found himself in the Lodc where'our beloved Washington for the last time fulfilled his masonic duties, and now In the room where for the fast time he assisted at the celebration of his owi) birth day He proposed lowing toast: v ; . " .The Masonic Temple or AlesSi the illustnous venerated name under which it baS haen oonsecrated.1 ' 4 Mamiry: Though tyrants may perse cute its votaries- iu cause will triumph over bigotry juvd superstition. 5 Our Brethren in South .Intenca.- Toe wi dow's son will never be refused assist nee in the time of need.. ' , v?s Though persecuted by the despots of F.urope, and impr'wened in the walls of Oltmifts, he has two of the men. Into one of the canoes, and Mr. Collins and the rest of the ei.w. two others,, into tin other canoe, and drew them rotund some distance into a cove. The fishermen, two at each ran oe, drawing them, and the others wading In-side with their1 knives, and rutlases "like the widow's aW' maintained the same drawn, eivinar them to understand that iiiui..u.c HucrniY i. . . . , thi wnn mnn fn Tool .lorn nrK:., hrr. - J "1V MV IB . VV Sl " lll-ll VS By nrsrW'rWnThe Ilolr Alliance: MaSonrv, Civil and itchtrious Liberty. By Brother EPiUman Ferdinand ' Vll. and Alexander the Deliverer Heave them over among the rubbi-h!!". : r')t to relate, was the case. Mr. Cof- (inseaya that they first struck (he Cap tain with a cutlass on the aide of his neck, then put his head across the gun I . Bv Brother WGutr Our IL W. Brother. ...-I. f t. !.. I l ' .1 t, t 1 1, . ... . . . 4 I, , in UIC U1W1, Ul VOIIUC, Sll'l tlHIUUCU tlwM, Gen. Jackson: His iaAorsm tne SoM, are :. neaaw the KmiI. if MM.rv r . fs I dcarty cnenstiea tn the neat, and will be pro- ... ., .-".i j ii 1 1 nriv ,,.H ; h jp.r. - v n the rest in the canoe, cleaved oneh. By BrsMrr D. SameroUy Ihe Morning I"" thetr bodies stabbed and cut tn the i ave no occasion to accuse t,e Night spent most horrible manner. - The canoe that by Fr Masons. . . . ? Mr. C. wa in was nearest to the shore. A Uttle after eight o'clock, the Guest and he ssMn th middl hi. expressed his great regret at being com- two comnthlv iw of them an old man. piucu lorcure. me suornime wmcn Dy the nameof Knssel, hatf his head en remained to make arranceinents for his tirplv srdit onen tn hi hod hi hln1 6 Th memory ,f Warren, and other Brother, I ou thern tour, he hoped would plead his fly,ng over Mr, C. Mr, C attempted excuse mr leaving a place wi.icn nau so to spring from the canoei t tLe same many attractions tor him; but he still time he received-a heavy blow on his hoped to visit it again, and in the mean head, fwhich nearly stunedL him. He time should bear in lively remembrance however soon had his reasbm so as to tne anecuonaie ana nospitauie manner perceive himself out of the canoe, and in Wliicn he fiad been treated. '' lie ft- under the water and the laahino- n hi arms either cut or broken, which - he sunnosed was either dni h.hia vrMt J-I.-l. r.: ...... j ri - --------- - "T...- uepaneu mr iv-asnington. -v e i that he win set out lor the South On Wednesday evening, in the steam boat jfotomac. who fell in the wurtf Iiidependentet They have received i-vra Ughti which, eternity cannot dim. . 7. Bolivar The chief cotwr tone of South American independence; may he continue the heatl of the corner, J ae Jnemory of HteeoUwms fought the goodfighi, and fIen martyr to the cause gam renewed his wishes for our prospe of liberty, he now receives his waget at the rity and happiness, arid takin his leave, hand of the Supreme Aitect departed for Wshin2ton. We learn 9 The member of the Holy League: Their superstitious horror of Free'Vasonry, begets ror them tlie scorn and contempt Of enlighten ed and liberal minus throughout the world.. v LyPn Ins toast being given, ueneral Latayette expressed his great approba tion and jocularly wbsemd ", 77i Hal)j JlHiance oxt vmi muck indebted to w for our attention, we toast litem on ull oceastont 10 3Iaonryf Supporters of the just laws ot their country tpends .to hoerty. Sum cient cause for the hatred of tyrants, a 11 'flie Brethren oonr Gloriotu Craft: jilay thev ever be distinguished .in the 'world by their regular lives, more than by their gloves ami aprons. , ,". li Mcuonryi Hay virtue ever direct our actions towards our brothers Justice, mere', and charityto 'all mnnkindj " ' ; X ' . i he tuir; 1 hough not admitted' toshare the mysteries of our order, tbey ars dear to our affections, and honored in our ceremo nies. ri , - - exertion made at the time of his spring ing Iron) the canoe, or Irom a inisdirec ted blow from one of their cutlasses. He instantly sprang upon his feet and made for the shore, with several of the Piracy. The following - narrative. Ipirales after him. One of them reach from a source Entirely authentic, will led him, and in attemptinz to run hiih afford to our readers a geneial idea oft thrbuch with his sword, made a' mis-step the horrors.-perpetrated Jn the West sell his length into the;water, which Indian Seas by the blood-thirstv buca-lcate him-a. considerable start, before The regular toasts having been cbnel it a doty to give you a detailed account through. Brother Wm.. A. Williams f the aiUiir as related by him .'Darticti composed for 'any as Know yo are leeljrjgtv.alive yprs ago, and held in .session of Lodge daring the -wh.t.le of that lime niers who have lately infested thfrn: , : .. j.,., ,- Aaf. nf. Extract of k letter Jrom K Wry respeetable American w a senator ot the Vnttert Ststev : bhfi--,Matanxas;Jai6,lM$ti- ' The object ol tins letter i to' ac quaintyou with one of the most horrible and atrocious acts the pirates have ever committed, which has coma to light, T!. 1. il . . i , . a us. uciBwn, . m nn aiune nas maue nts escape, and is able to tell the melan choly story, is now before me, and I fe'el o V are m a situation to on this subject, and do much towards putting a stop to those b8hy manffr0ve t scenes of murder and rapine yv ; gtarted . again II . ; us jjtiawu buicu, aim who now gives me the following account, is Mr. Daniel Collins, of W iscasset, state of M aine He states that he left Wiscasset Novem bcr 25th, in the bi inff Betsey; with Can- win cuia nuton, bound to this port, sang the tol lowing song, the occasion: ' i- ,S0N"G. flail to the chief" whom the world in ad-1 miring, i Honours as first iu the patriot hand; " Mail to the chief" Who in elorv retiring, " . . " . ... a vuiiii treemeo now crcew incir own uanpy iiiu. j t. d a iRfc ..r , Wnm t!l . hl.-f ;n in w.r XtitA com- I " " dvvwwu villi,-:, Vi uie VCSBCI IUHI. motion, n,v Btcd in the contest that Tyrants commence, Whose arm has bee aver in noble devotion, To LibertyVcau3e and Freedom's defence-. All hail our noble Guest, Joy wake in every breast, -: Honor and love to the Chief we aoore: I-ong may he live to see Urave sons of liberty. ' -; Hail him as father from every shore. Dark was the hourwhen our foemen insulting, Brandished the torch 'and the murderous blade, -' .-. -5 -: -i-i- 5 v---,, & Tyrants themselves in wild trhimph exulting, Strnled on toe nun their votaries made. "Twas then from the ot the young hero a- Hope led the vanguard, and danger despising, Victory followed tha nowe and brave, ., ' A!? had our noble uest, S.c. F"-rone.t!ie darkness vf ssres dispeUi!iff, J !1 rise on her despots in elorimis niitr'it; And battles for freedom ahall not 'e rcbell- f!nt scouriring the trW.i ns9.. .wd ricrht. Then sliail the name cf our Hlrobe loumkd The watch-word cf Villous resolved to be ". free; " iV'i-";. '" -:;-: ' '; ;- -'s "r-" A s shall bless him, ! y freedom silrrour.dcd, J And ru tor liis, ; Ail had our nouic uuest, kc. the other could recover himself. . : His other comrade in the canoe, sprang from it me same iniani vitn n;mseir,T;iie however saw the pirates overtake and stab hiin before he reached the shore, so that he is confident that no one es caped but himself. : He, got into the bushes and mangroves on the' island, and run with all his migV until night- two ot the muraerers in pursuit ot him. and which be did not los sight of under two hours, and he -could hear them in 'a ' ft a . searcn or mm qntu sundown. It was about nine or ten in the morning when he made his, escape-, from the canoe. He sentfeted himselt that mht in a Ouck tree. In the roorninz e enme to the beach and saw at or 3 miles distance anoth er iKey or Island, which he swam, to and then continued Ins march with al the speed that his exhausted ( nature woutd 'allow, H'; Aftcf - 6wimmine and travellingfrom one islapd to another for wereraHiays. he reached the mam Island vSEXATi:, . ... - v. , nlav. f(b. 18. - . ' Mr. Smith, from the,timniittee nn, Fionnee, tn whom i 'f rred ihe b,'!. entitled " An act i .linjfurtUrr si iro- . priattons for thewihtary srnice lor die ; ' year 184J. reported .it with amend.", ments, w hich were read. . . . " H ,' Mr, Kins:, of New York: rose, and said, in oflVring th rrsolpU.n.he ata : bout to sub nit, though it was" a ulij.ct ' ; of great nathmal imnw tance. he did not desire to debate , it, nor did he 3Vr it v ; 'r with a view td its prenent consideration. , ' lie submitted it a matter for the fu. tore consideratioa of the Senate, and T'4 hoped it would be' received, by ail the v' , parts ot the House, as one entitled to ' serious attention. ; lie thou laid on the table the following resolution: . -. Jtetoftwt by the Senate of the United Stntii O -.America, That, as soon as the portion of tha existing funded debt of the United Slates, for , the payment of which the public land of the 1 United States is pleilred. hall have been oaid olf, then, and thencefortli, the whole ut tha -public land of the United Putes, with the nett proceeds Of all future sales thereof, shall eon- 'i stitute and form a f und, which is lu rehy an. ' propnated, and the faith of t!ie Uivted States is pledged, that the said fund shall be invio- lably applied to aid the emancipation of such slaves, within any of the United States, and to aid the removal or such slaves, and the remo val of such free persons of color, in any of iho " said states as by the laws of tlie states, res-. ,.j pectively, may be alfoweJ to tj- emancipated, " or (emoved, to any tenitory or country witli out the l'nniUof the United States of Anierl- , cai which Was read, and, on motion of df. V Benton, itrdered to be printed. ; ,. MR laton submuted the. foIIowiOif ? - , i - -. . . . . r Reoo'.verl, That the committee Cu tlie Judii ciary, to whoru tho Jndician- Bill of the Sen. ate has been referred, inquire into the vpe-. ' diency of dividing the United SUtes into four t ukuiumih ckuiu'uiuhiu oe ar aneea lino three circuits, so that each circuit shall con tain not less than one, nor more than three statesi and to appoint -r- additional justices ' that they inquire into th espediency ( au- thorium; the judgi s in their respective divis- v , ions, once in year, to appoint one of theif number, who, when appointed, slndl, with the- V : . Chief Justice, oe, for the time being, Jusrxes, f the . Supreme Coiuti nrovidimr. tout this l V provision shall not take efi'ett during the con-, ; tinuaiv in office' of .th. present a ociato . juslicest and piwiding that, where the r -iti. , ' Z; tutionaiity ot any statJaw shall be p.; i iing - ' 5 in the Supreme Court, on any question atfect- "" ing tlie right of any state, tluft the Chief Jus- ?m'V tlce aiiall certify Uie samo to the Presidenlof V the United SUtcs who, thereupon, on procla-, ( Miauum tuurru uie wnoie numoer or ? -Associate Justices, St Wagliinrton.. to heap " and determine said Cases. ; 'yA Monday, Veb. 21. ".i'l'f. MrTalbot. from 'the Committee onUiH tlie Judiciary, to whom was referred 7. '; the bill " to extend the Judicial Svstcm ; T of the United States, snd to provide for thrC'i ailditirtnal . fimntl' Ciiri rt ported it with amendments. ' '. , u Ihe benate proceeded us in commit-- ' tee of the(vihole,4o the consideration of the bill from the other House, makinf an appropnatioi) tor certain fortifica '.-' (ions in the United States for 1 825.1 i-j tne ameparaents reported br the r PnmmiftAa n. Vih.-.I. . 1 ' niiiiiti,i:c , x iiiaiiwc were ruitu mat, wiien twenty-one dayrest, about Cnba,f and .spied a PlanUtion,,wheie 4 A- M. the .vessel struck otne of the h ! ;it, irfn,i . double headed Shot Keys.Vln about ten tnent having been all the time without u.,,ua uc .cut i pieces aiic uecs. any sustepance. But some limes which load andlwatbeingswept through a pas- he found. . The name of the plantation sage wnere the water wassinootlier, they where It stopped wa St.: Clarek vAs , I i 6clMI1S "uw uKj-uoai.- oon he was able to travel he obtain At day light, Wowing very hard from the ed a passport, and set out for Matanzas, westward, they steered the .boa tall that daT'i(Tnightt6 the Siu1h'ward"--in the are now b swollen and blistered that luornutz, matie a low sandy iter, and h ' i. orrv nhh a walk.-;- IT discovered twobutldings upon itland- before ' .the ; Governor - yesterday 1 ed, and found five men, whom they sup- brought him on board to receive ali the pocd to be fishermen. u Th'ej were with particulars of the- case fwm hl own thft two days, ihere wasatthis place mouth, to communicate to yoofc mr own desire, as well as that of teyral commanders here, and I haveliAt just finished as he is Bent for to go before the Governor again, -'"-.:' ( .t-lf--As if tho measure of his guncrings had not beet) sudcietUly filled by the murderous desperadoes of this IUnd, after he left 'St.lClarc, and had pro ceeded oa his joarncy about twenty The first was an aDnronriatiou of 50. OOtf dollars,1 fo the erection of a Fort ' at Leaufort, m North -Carolina, and 50,. 000 dollars for Forts" at Cape 'Fear, in the same state. " v" '-.v "- , i, A long discussion ensued on this ft- " mendment, which ras up0Pt&d..JrV Messrs. Smithy Macon, I?rnhT Haytief and .Johnston, of Lnu. on the ground of righf and necessity, and the pledge that had been given that the sys- tem of fortification,' heretofore adopted '. should be contiziaed impartially . .. The appropriation wat opposed by r Messrs. ; Dickerson,' Lowrie, ; Holmes, of Me. and Chandler, who argued that there was no necessitj for fortifying (lie two ; points in question; that tfie Secretary of War Was opposed to it, at Lrexent, an ;, therer was no Engtnccfrtit the diobosat oi me uoyemmcnL, ior wc purpose at -, Y one vessel of about eleven tons, and two canoes which - they aid, b( longed to them. 'There , were two ti'.!icr lats there which looked like t!ie yaw Is of merchant yescl, and which the fisher men; aald did not belong t(? them, but to' some people that, were absent, and who would soon b back. Captain 11. made aa ayeemtttit with the head lLh- ine nuesuoa was unauy uecideu, or r yeas and nays, in the afBrmative, as fof- lows: - ' ,?".:": i:'--h Yea Messrs! Barbouiv Barton. Benton. Boubgny, Branch, Brown, Cgbb,FJliott,v llayne, Jackson, Johnson of Ken, Johnston of Louis., Kin, of Alabama, Kirig of N.' V,,1 Kniglit,- Lloyd-, tf Mas., McLead, .'Macon, Mills Noble, Fahiier, l'ai rutt, Hug-gles, Suiith,t Jayloi. Taiewcll, Thomas, Van tlureq, WiHv.' WUTIS 29, - ' - : - - - rf J . . ;.' . . JV'ut,. Messrs.' Bell, Chandler, Clayton,!' ryWolt, Dickerson, Edwards, Fiiidlay,Ho'lraeslr of Maine, Lanman, Lowrie, Seymour.-ll. . ' U'hetiext amendment 'was that ma- king an appropriation of S9.940, for a school of Kactice for light artillery, at , Fortress Monroe; vhfcLw88 agreed to. : . The bill, as amended; wiutUen pas ; sed to a third reading- -';'V ;, " .Tlie Senate then proceeded,1 as in i com mi ttce of the vhol e, to the conaide -- 1 v ;;t.: X M ft

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