goveraorataJ rj,!""" lb"? P "J thi f'? -' f 1 '' r"ren ' liberty ia it tn-t u.k' ,.rfio ti ep prrMtv M the itie Kt.. 1. ai I liccntlau jjess ca th oilier. A snwl fcnJ J f trwop had alao Urf o raised fjr tb pur poM f internal po'ice and etternal defence. The t?urnJ eliicicpey this nt instil into tli rovemment, will enable tSieoa to direct the energies their colonis t to the welfare of the aet tleioeat; and to becotae respectable ia i9 ejxJ of the arrouodin;oiie; and the government Geing thu respected 4t hornet and feared abroad, tide philan .l r,; mi aldikhmenf mlit dtxm er nt- dlf. S Ve are promised tome particalars vr .. . . . I I .1.11 I OH wis "jcvi wu.n -. .... .?.k nlfuurt in nublishins when re vived. Ia imitation of the plan which has succeeded o well in this colooy, a nw town on the summit of the Cape harbeen formed, for the stabliahment f the liberated Africans, their superin- tendenu, and instructors It U about one mile and a half from the capital, and has been called "Thotnpn Town," uuiupw -i v w is, i. in honor of the late respected Secretary to the United States Navv-, under whose mnicea the liberated African n6w! there have been restored to freedom.' This sister colony claime oar most sin-' cere wisuee ir i success ana prosjic Titj. Royal Gazette. . ' On Fridajr the 18th utt.the Gin-hnse,' screw, and about 45,000 pounds of seed cotton, at "the plantation f the Hon. Joh C.datHOUR, in Abbeville District, were consumed by fire, occasioned by the friction of a whfpping machine which had been lately erected for the purpose of more thoroughly cleaning the cotton. ; 4 ; ' Pendleton Mens. ry 1 r,l. n. sli Common Councils of the Citj of . vvhuuvu ;mnr..Bw.nn th.t tk!a nlace in a few nays, held a meeting last H' "f . 1. ii' , i"i 4 week, at the citizens to ILLUMINATE on the evening of the day on which .Andrew 1,,U mflv arrive. ... testimonial of ; . J J. j l-u ;z entertained for the distinguished and invaluable services he has rendered our ... ...... . :!TfXSyr. think this fact will induct th .se Jackson's intended visit to tins .State, will be prevented, by the illness of Mis. Jackson. West. Cluster (Pa.) Jtepub. ' ;i j. A'ii.2 'Hi e "r death of Ja mes C. KooEEsq. of St. Bartholomew'! ' Pr.8h, who javkil Ud by the wndentol discharge of a spring gun, which he had fixed on his plantation for the destruction of wolves. Mr. K. was a truly estimable and amiable mail. V Charktton Mercury. Weather. On . Saturday, the 12th . , - - - n I . I - . vi. , March, 1825.Fahrenheit'a Phermom- eterraseto 102 degrees. n the iSun; and on Sunday theJSth, to lOGt.This, per haps; is i the Warmest Sun ever known in this latitudein March. ' f : ' PhilCfllutn'it Observer. Ihrrisburg, Pa. March 17. George Kremer, member of congress by a proclamation of the Governor, coh for the ninth congressional district Of -formable to a provision in its charter, mis staTe, arnveu ai narrisDurg on Tuesday last. A supper was given to him, at Mr; Gleim's Jackson hotel, on Wednesday evenin?.' Many of the members of the leffislature.-and private citizens, were" present, to testify their sense oj ma iiiamy niiu iimcjjciiucin. conduct, during the late' Presidential contest, in exposing the intrigues by which the will of the people was set a aide -Chronicle. . , " v: "V..lJttlVkv(Ai)TebT 87 Disturbances between the Civil qul MilUa?y:Authbriths.Wft regret to learn,' that an unpleasant " controversy has recently arisen between some of the chixens of Miller County, and the M... - . ; a n ilitary stationed at Cantonment low - so" Lal f, rao,ut.1' of,1h , K-,amf,,c which fc.n already nrodtked eonsidera blrexcitnent on both f idea, and, it is leareu, may result in serious consequen. vc w me paruea concerneane cir- m,,- ..William county, Vir, by two of enmstancesof the affair, as related tous,' his.sluv, who. after despatching him arebrt dy theset An officer of the Can-. with hatchets, cut op the body and bu ttnment was indebted to a citizen, and . ried it for concealment. The crimi a horse belon-ing to the former was le- nii were arfCSted. " vied on by , a civil officer.; Shortly af- . . . . . Jerwartl , the horse was rescued from . i tne citj court of Pittsburgh," on the constable by a detachment from the the 19Ui of February, ' several persons antonment. The constable then call- were tried for a riot committed in ,eMon the posse, recovered possession Durning the efiSgy of Henut Clay. Esq. oitneorse, took the soldiers .into cus-; for his vote inlasor of Mr. Adams as tody, and placed them Tinder a guard . President of the tfntted States. The composed of citizens. A reinforcement; jury coui(j not agree, and the defen- -was then Sent from the Cantonment, :aant3 were bound over to appear at the ho demanded the release of the nrst ;ucxt court-rrwiAmCia. vciacnmeni, wnicn Being reiuscu oy tne guard, the former charged on the atter and released the prisoners. Thus the matter! stood at our last ad- .-.v., x,,v viiiteua nave st-nc over an press to the Acting Governor, calling for a redress of grievances, and the a , air. t is sopposfd, will be , terminated vices, ; l he citizens have sent over an SUrtnOKPil. will h tArminstAd . i...i- f !. '. ":: - T-T -I """C'bodi aexea, and the exhibition was such Murde. A most shockinff tnnrder! was committed in the county of Amelia In a!.?. J ... . .. ....... . - .. , ie aie, a iew nays ago. y it ap- pears, that on tfie,Friday previons to the commission r the deed, . (which was prjLr!r4 ei To-. fjrtn'vt) tie , t.e nexrtx pace J under lu r uf :!ul ; wii.le the 1 4DiO,mf r.t was in2.ctin the, neroeiir4 UeciDfi l!ir-fr' hand, and gave him a few" Uitf. and then expired. Shortlj alter thie sad catastrophe, a gentleman, residing on or near the pre miiea, went U the field to investigate the matter, and as he approached, the' ver seer ordered him to halt, or. he would hoot him. " The gentleman, a poo. tbia try-rat, directed one of the oezroea to go for his gun, who. while in the act of obeying the order, was also shot bj the overseer, but not dangerously. ... , Ti,. i.nrn.f..n.i. .v,.. ., j t ii vuivi luiiaic man wuu pri ucuiicu Una double deed, ta named Moore, and ia in the power ot trie civil authority, where reypect for the laws of our coun try inducts us tp leave him without guing further info this melancholy oc- ",'" . ZouUcMe (AY) Fib. 16. Steam Carriage. : Dr. Buchanan sue ceeded yesterday in propelling a wagon some tnree or tour . miles, with a very email capillary steam engine. The ex periment, we are informed, auccreded beyond the most sanguine anticipations oi iu ingenious inventor. ' , . ' ' FmieltrvUle. FVh. if. s , k ' 1 4 " w ' A bale of cotton wag broujrht ta this wee. UJ neeanam a a - t t -me? n 8. f. "J fof. qaatr, deserves & particular notice. . a year or two ago, a few cotton seed from Mexico, and have cultivated them, with great cafe, separately from their other cPuon' proauceii m.a jear l ie a ,-- rws il . above mentioned bale ot cotton, which, when brought to market, was pronou need superior to any seen here this season, and commanded twojEen'ta pet pound mnr than had heen nrevtnniuv rvcn. planters who have been in the habit of using seed from their .own farms year after year, to change their seed n much as possible. It can hardly be doubted thatjsuch a change, from a foreign coun- ;t froin statef or en from an , J. county, will be attended with d,&ntctf- . Charles Ball was recently convicted of manslaughter, in j Vermont, Tor the crime of killing his father, and was sen- ! tenced to the State Prison at hard labor I IUI 11IC. fits UlUUICl , Tffliu W9 a wit ne8g that he had : i.r ir:.n u,k . , 8everaUhndre;and the prisoner was the mildest tempered of the whole of them: ; The' charter of the Planters and Mer chants'. Bank, at Huntsville, in Alaba ma, has been declared to be forfeited, because it has relused to pay specie tor ( its notes.- Nat. Int. i x j . - ' - ThiT ar.tinn- fl da has recommended to the Lftoialatur to make appropriations for Craig's Road, wnicrv 19 on ine route irom yueoec to uuston and tor a to the Kennebec' Road from Quebec The Legislature of Louisiana has come tty the - resolution to remove the seat of government rota New -Orleans to UonaldsonviUe,aboutro mites in the interior, on the Mississippi. ,' In Dorchester county, Md. a vouns w n a 1 M am T oVin IT a1 4tr i w am t rr 1 1 c V t' liiaila 1 till uuivvvn,j SU a IWIIDl iaUem t to frbhten his father in a dls- ' guise, was stabbed and killed by him. i ; . ; X'most atrocious murder ras''oin- mittea on Mr. i Thomas Edwards, of Washington, Ftb.23. , m n i I r.t n ai l .: " f. T tHUU m u,e VT ,mu "1 J i i X .u. ' .u- " ,tr; fa ed J" ' i at - te use 4 otf Representatives, thAra was nnnata'nt and. . . " crowded succession ot mdividaais, oi. rw tien aWonl!, bt rrttred m j eapej from the manner ml pnxi oacli more Btvfirvble to the V-r- I t..c- - . , Tueaaj inomiD5 tj bis wuti. The;the Mnref w were enabled te uke. mcrito tUatcoantry, tljaarUri rrsia j ''.'"LVXfcfiirKf oteneer silJ nohun? to 0e Uave wheat Tee mttimsa fik ha,l-lrK .t-k. J r '. Wig.k!jj1n U ilbeaaw him in tK nvtiior. hataflrr. i 12illlin iwr ,r.l ' " "1". Cw. f'. . (- warda went to the Lftd, taking hit a j Tne tottw were in abundant rietji The Pari W prer, Gxwi'.Tikiwi-1 , ," - ' '' ' ' with him. He then directed the nere; frwm He manafactariu of 'Ncw.Tork, nrf. MTTb mmt.tensl journal are ( MUaUTrV OQre. to be itied. bat some reluctance bemXl Xew-Jerey. ad were ofei-.illeat inaulunx-UfareiU and the noole td- ,tTnn l!fttA !nttVw j ' ordered the othrrnegmw material end worknanbip eouM of emph e4cre4 t kia ia the U. dute. vwuu SVJHtTJJ , to stand ajide. end del.beratelr shot the tie Bf mi the best productions efTbtj eaaaot eoncette how hsaun caa a??? ""r; '? . him. TneDeCToUD2uiJiedafewoura. thefumz- market . , . . be nlid t. a man fr. .t,M Ji, Ti f Jra,c IHV.Vj ;jm both to iustify and satifr the very laudable curiositr which had been ex- i . . cited. ,..'--!, - ' Amongst the articles which were ex hibited. we observed 6uperb specimens of domestic broad-c!oths, cassimeres, &c. f;r - i ' Vr ,!cc't w'!ea mantsftettJry.V CW frUa.-, It la failmitcJ tat '!4 J it aril lat rear if hnn'rel tnl ) i k-rt- f. a ,u u.r4f v.c ia Mjjc i4r?:: I.iiti.S af'il. Hry;!SceulKaviile,a(Xi5sa4 Jtr TVre waa.aUo. an extenive of flanneU'4Aiae of them of the manifactere f war Own Dialrict f baati, 3 Mr-clot, die. &c. . S.Ik drere exHbited in abundance and of a qiilitf which exceedeJ our htstexpecUtions. - AJl Ue Hanlware, we noticed ome finely bnuhed rrates. from the manufactory of M.mtU. of Philadelphia. ! uuueiwun ienign coais. uneoitnee grates, which was marked iS, attract ed particular attention and admiration. renders, apides, shovels,, boes, bird- caes, hallows, brushes, kc, were shown ia cnatiderable variety . ve aUo otwervfd an exqutsitelv finiahed secretary and b tok-caae. exhibi ted by John Needle, a manufacturer- ef cabinet furniture, from Hanover street, Haltun ir; whichfor the beauty of the wooil, and the excellence of the wurk anstiip, is, at least, (jua( to any thin which we have seen. It was marked 8123. Satfe' ingenious models of machinery wer also exhibited. ' The exhibition "will, we understand, reinaiu open until .Friday evening; after wiiicn, 11 a puoiie sale should take place, proper notice wju w given. Ac. Journal. Jackson, T. Feb. 19. Few sections of the Western country so much invite emigration a the Wes tern District of Tennessee. None in all the varieties between Florida and the Lakci. pxHseses a more mild and agreeable climate, nor is it surpassed by any in the fertility of soil. Besides producing every article in abundance common to this latitude, experience has tested its peculiar adaption to the cul ture of cotton of a fine quality, and in luxuriant 1 bough in very many instances lrom twelve to htteen hundred weight has been made to the a ere, in despite of the ravages of the worm, one thousand weight peracre is a .very moderate calculation. this country is watered by three navigable streams, that now into the Mississippi, which bounds it on the West, while the Tennessee, always navigable, bounds it on the East. With thee commercial ami flrrririllhlrnl Art vhtnn-a lanrlanftha best description can be bought for much less than its real value. The scarcity of money and the necessity to have it, have produced thisv state of things. Never was there a more extensive field for the capitalist, nor one which fur nished a greater certainty of an abun dant crop. Notwithstanding many ob structions, our rivers are navigated; the products of the West Indies brought di rect from New-Orleans, and the flour and fruit of Ohio and Pennsylvania are daily ascending the Forked Deer. While the planter is presented with all these inducements, no less are offered to the mechanic. : :.; ' Besides the four towns which have al ready made respectable advances in im provement, there are ten in which the lots will be sold during the next spring, I he private buildings woulu give em ployment toa goodly number, but those ;.f . uKi:H-'k.rt.. S .a.iml wilt be of sufficient importance to at tract men of the first skill in their art, as most of these towns will be able to make improvements which will btbbth useful and elegant, Gazette. " Munificence Our aced and v much " w vi Mls w, vfcU. ( iUU UtttilfU im li&CIT ID, t .i i . ... . . . . a respected fellow citizen, Godfrey Ilaga, "Kh' ofMPPy.80"6' Soorehet Esq who-died on Jlonday mo Jig last, made, by his last will, the following, VIrtu.ndthe genUeneasofhe? disposition disposition of his property:. TothePenn- endeared herto all with whomshehadau o sylvania llospitalone thousand dollars; quainUnce Four children are left to be to the Northern Dispensary, one thou- moan their lost, while she is numbered a sand dollars; to the Southern Dispensa- n?.Vho?.)!:h,i!ce? ,n.Je.a8i "f h "''Ii!1! ry, one thousand dollars to the Penn- syiyania insiuuaon iot me ujeai ana, Dumb, i one thousand dollars; to thn German Society, two thousand dollars; to tne uioie society, i.uuti . aouars; to the Widows' Asylum, five thousand dollars; to the Orphan Asylum, ten thou sand dollars; to sundry persons; fifty thousand: five hundred dollars; to the Moravian Church in Philadelphia, two1 thousand dollars; for the relief of super annuated preachers, their widows, and missionaries and their widows, belong- inirt AthA lit nra via n f!hnrrl . ait tlinnannit j dollars; to the Society for Propagating i 'r . . in. n .1 .1 TT .1. . .... ,c V s 1 ."Z"': e..t .i.. r t;t. li . ,1 ; ,1 . tf v i-i - . a pnea py ine, socieiy iot ine P"P eduratinsr nious Tounffoien at IfSaOTtlltitTf'Ia.-. -..?, S ;l nan tor me eospei ministry. . . V The residue of his esrate,alued at ! more than twohnndred thousand dollars, i ia bequeathed to the said society for '-propagating tne gospel amonz tne nea- - then, and to be appropriafei; fr03(itime .. .,- ., -i to time,a meaocietysnau uireci, . ' Philadelphia Gatm'. f kemJt nrrt falwJ, and it leal f ia in county of Bclnot. ia the iue assort-'aorhinr tekone or fear." ' The. Paris Jjumat Jet Defrmlt n. "If France were rut no foraal. 11 1 doubtful whether the bankers of Eurobe would bid onhe sol condition ftv. in all the hUemitieM whirl, M u. manded 00 the cround of revolutionarr f poliationt. If every petitiun nresea- ted wa aecomnaoied bv .rnfiri; of the sum claimed the total would as- tonish the world." ' A Steam Boat of five hundred tons has been launched at Dentford f Eng land) destined ta serve as a packet ta Calratta. ' At the crand ' anniversary dinner. (2d January last) in hon or ot tne memiry of Uhaies James Fox, the following toast was tlrunk, . with much applausei "The President of the I'atted btates;aud mayrherub a spee dy unbin of all free nations araiost the encroachments of tyranny .M-ATa. Oax. Breach of Promise of Marriage k cawe which has excited great interest at Portland (Maine) was decided on Wednesday dast. It was for a breach of promise of marriage. The plaintiff was .wary rcast the delendtnt, Lewis Sutton. The trial lasted two daysj u tiring wnicn nine me court room was crowded to overflowing. The Jury gave a verdict for the plain tiff, dama ge, three thousand and Jive hundred dollars, which gave grat satisfaction to the assembled crowed. " - MARRIED, Near Elizabeth City, on the 8th inttant, Mr. Franc ia L. Davaon to Miu Keziah Craw ford, dautiter of Mr. Wm. CrawforL , In New 'Hanover county, on. the.lQtb.jnat. Mr. John Howard to Mias Ann Burnett. In Pitt county, on the 3d Instant, Rev. Tho mas C. Puckett, of Beaufort county,' to Miss Nancy Bowers, daughter of John Bowers, Esq. of the former count. . . , . In Mecklenburg county, on the 15th Unua ry, Mr. John M'Kibben to Miss Deweasei on the 15th of the same month, Mr. William A. Tye to Mis Cornelia 11. Shaven and, on the 10th instant, Mr. Edwin llexander to .Miss Susan Clark. - In Halifax county, on the 1st instant, Mri James Sykes to Mrs. Catherine Pittman. At Enfield, Halifax County, on the 10th In stant, Mr. Thomas Mason to Mist Eliza A. Lane. . . . In Caswell county, on the 8th instant, Mr, David Hall to Miss Blanchey Peterson, daugh ter of Mr. James Peterson J On the 1st instant, James Gwynn, Esq. of Wilkesborotigh, to Miss Jane Dickerson, daughter of Col. Martin Dickerson, of Gray son county, Va. r . i. In Caswell county, on the 23d ultimo, Mr, Edward Montgomery to Miss Tabitha F Pe nis, daughter of Major Wm. Penixs and, on the 24th, .Mr. Thomas D. Johnson fo Miss aarah G. M'AUen, daughter of Dr. John M'Aden. . rf-V DIED. In Granvill county, on the 11th inst.' Miss Elizabeth Yancy, daughter of the late Ster ling Yancy, of thie city. '. ' ; Very suddenly, in Pitt county, on the 7th instant, Mr. Michael Windley, a native of Hyde county. ; - At Hayes, very suddenly, on the 1st in- stant, Miss Catharine Darlett, a native of Windsor, Bertie county. 4. ; : In Chowan county, on the 6th instant, Mr, Elias T. Parker. SV! J"" 7-"J- "S, r ""W"" win. In Franklin county, a few weeks ago,' Alfi Baxter Pleasants, aged about 50. ("OOMMUKICATED. ' '.' Died, on the 10th ultimo, in the 33d year of borage, at the house of her mother, in Frank lin county, airs. Tillitha Brassell. wife of Wm. BrasseU, formerly of Nash county, the eldest nvf the ipproMhofthe lagtcneay, ud fil). igj,ed her course -with joy , j t s ' nairlT1 i j iv PRICES CURRENT. i :? W ilming. t'ayeita V4le . Newbera. March it. Mhcsadiii oai.., APT 1 5 March 17 T;ts. Cbsts Brandy Cog.V Apple, Baeon, K Buer, i' Beeswa,. t,.., . Coffee, : I 23 a 140 100 a 135 15 175 ST a 4f 44 a 5 Ja 6 to a - is 33 a .13 71 a SO i e It a -so 32 a S3 ISa So 4S ' SO 33 s II 30 a It a - 35 80 S 81 ( ', 30 40 55 700 ll 50 m vao r-.. 45 a so 14 ,-a ISa 161 ; Candlear 10 a IK 13 a 14, Floor. Bhl 600 400 a loo! 630 a Gio. Holland, so-, 00 90 a liS 100 SI -' AO 43 4S 40 a tens 2jo! 90 435 gt0 I at. A si' Ja. v 7 37 a JOl roiawra, wn. rm, jaroaie. "! 80s too Mi. 71 100 85 "d,L-S'' 70a H Rice, per cm. 33T4. . iS-'V0O 350 a Salt, Liveraool St ti W IG CO , 60 '.:"; II V? 9 a Si a lurk's W SagaC, Loaf, Brawn, Tobacco, awt; SO: A 61 75 17 19 (70 lis I a ' to 10 , AO 400 a 450 300 a 350 Tsllow, S S -Mi WVhkef J a 5?i a. Si' 1 FiUe of 530,000 1 1 Pn'M of 10.0d0 . ,' 1 do 2000 1 2 do . S,0Q0kft,lL6 tuitf m:- 4 yJl tujAik d 1 13 - . YATRS fc BtlNTTRC '' Balolpti, March ti, 1823.' , - . . . - - Joat rald aa4 rV 1 at tbc'Star OEae,'", Of Of Karaaaa pr awl hefcrt U BiMa aVxisi ty ! Nwth C retina, ea tb Ittfc UeMW ' HwiMia f Uw IMmm of NnrtW Cai,J(M. (U KV. Jkm nuhent,m. fulor nf taa H-O.ri larUa Charah, ItilUbonmga PrW. $ ni. 1 M ir(Mct( at mi work, aR ritff,, mg th Worth UaroMoa. -. - T Tjfnjfft kiishM. tm thS flat taatanf, 4 for Jbe iHtrftoaa f venin ib door n4 mtf aa4a boaaa, at a aeaHy anrretpoadt ia Uiapw wkt) ib ay of sa'ul hmu. I'fco ooocr aaa ttaurin it av apiivin al tho blar Uffioa. . - The subicriuirU elegant yowtg U ra , 4 it 'AlM-.n 8" ArakW, altl MMN th l.V s -H aJlJCaoA: preopot k,,. .hid. ..II -Vd -' nd the lat uf July, at bis ou stable, at Trds ' " r inn, in wuailiia ooniity, its miles esat of 1'ins. .i-'J bormtKh, where' the tat itoa4 from Rakietl 5 -'X- . '.' X loSditburv ewtaes lliaroai lran llillsburtiinrh 'v. " ami Chsprl Hill to Puyetteville, t Ivrlvc dol.. v lart the season, whirb my IX diieharteil ht ttt ' -rSq(ent of lea-flolUrs, IIimkI wttbia lh st-awmi sis dollars sasb ia hand for single leap. Thoav. " '. wno pay in inooey iwr a leap atay uac tbo tea . son it ihey ehooM, by paying ho diBi rtuor b. ' ' twoen lbs lai and aeaaoii. A alan ot i oiaraa ' . being put, and one ma (my ehoite) belni.C reipoasibla far tne pay meat of ih holt, dt- : 'tuction ol' the pi-loa of ona mar will be gives.- ;' ' ' FiflJ euU to Nit groom la all easrs Lots witlt ' iticlowl and well watered ar proviiled for' mares lliat ihr ba left with the tume. and will . be fed wlib grain at a moderats priev, II' rtquV. s' Great care !ll be taken to prevent aeei.lents -of any kind, and I will hold toyaell liabl toriuy (hut msy oeeur by .reasoa at the borsri and at- - so liable foi; eteapraj bat not liable tor at ) nthav kiihi oi ucemrmi, nnoiDieionian is S I tS'lllnl dark dapple bay, will be lour vmrs Id ihia iit liif. full Sixteen hnuili liiirli.' aoil w!its,- ivm. . try of form and mujetti apearanor en'iilfc hin' -to r .k amoi.nt ih bit Itonea in tbc L i lted Stt'-s. Haroi'letonian's dam Is a Urge - Well formed tnsre, and asrassd by I hoisa. ulirst Etq. of thia "Unty, from die choice blood at ibis ' Mate, ni.iJolly Air, FonliiieL Ice. ( ixxh a few. tria's made ia private way. I have ao doubt but ' . )oung tlaaintetoalan would ilistingiush lniwfilf . wMi treat Meeeat, oh the turf, and, under Uiat beh' f, I intend to put him to training si he tad -of the seatbo. . . ...... c . ... t- :- J. W BYNU.t. v Trades Hill, Chatham aoonty, Tti . . March 19, 18il. CM ,r Stop a UuiiawHy-and Tine.'! II AN A WAT Trim this City, os'ths night of IX theSOth inttaol, a bright Mulatto man, by the nam, of CHAKLF.S, freqotintty . CKlled ' CHAKLKd MURKY, belonging to th atutw ai'lhe bt'. t Dr. Jeremiah tf-ttU ii is about SS or 30 years of age, aooiit .5 left or t lnohes high, rather stoutly built; and has black es and hair, the latter of which he wears ctos.1) t. ' He bad on, whea ha went awsy, suit of bias brewd eloth elotbes, boots, and black fur ha;( and ' took with hira sundry other articles ol' goo! clod), ing t'e wilt probably att mpt to pass ! a (res -maa, as U ii belitved hi had procured forged papers for that purpose." ,. , 4 . , j, Said negro aarried With him a yellow lorret " UOItSh, belonelnr 10 Mid ntkia 0 year, aid - unis spring, aooui ieei nign, in gooooro US - forehead, a thin, switch tail, and tolerable Urge t earat be walks briskly , trots well, and ta(4. -1 erable pater .. He. also took aitb him a saddla much wwn, and a good bridle. !i..i,.-sv -''; J :A liberal reward, gives to any hisoii w bo shall apprt hand and lodije said ni'ro In some jad, and, notlly the subscriber ihreof -A an liable reward will bs riven for tb reeovcrv of U Horse . : l o; mi- '."-". , , . , - i G it EK fi , BOB HITT. . . Raleigh, March 84,1125 r 1 13 tf Tne editors nf the Norfolk Herald, t'.dunton Gas'te, Pvtrrsbarg lnt'lligunccr and Rich' ' mood Inquirer are requesiao lb insert iht above for lour wneks in lluir reiiteetive'papYn, and "' forwitrd their Bills for so doing to the Mitseribcr. k Entertatu ment at ttyj ' v ' pflE subscriber retumi his siMera thanks to 1 those who have favored him with their cue om, and assures tbem, an d all who may call onV hire at the above sign, on e hundred ysrds writ; of the State Huose, that' they will be acaoouno-, dated oa the following terms, that is toy, . n ; ureaKiHst, -t 4 x eenia Supper and Lodging, . - , '40) j.m 7 W: Hdi! tre-, : . 6 -s: :vr 81 :' ' r :vFor Man U HoTse,'perdar 1 10 ''. v , JOSUH UIIXIARD. Ra1elgbMarebtS.lS25. . : 184w Portrait and Miqiatiire Pahiting; ADIR3 and Gentlpmen who tntf with theft Portraits or Miniatures taken, can have' SOrFtuvm well exec o ted on moderate terma Thosa who wish to see I'aintlnga, can sea some variety of Pieces at Mr. Gonek',lieevt Hall. ' !t , S Balclgh, Nov U, t$2lv " v '4.,J..'bB Z i'- . 0f 1 St :.$:: r.'.i !f -ff-. -; .': .A-Tu'.'i.'.tr.- . ....