r - to - V;'. . RALEIGH, (N, C.) ?i:Uav rAllliltB, J X - - 1-;.-... -..at J V . . irnn .smb. -,v BELL LAWttEN CE. j LViwm, m4 m ' aWntii'ed, ba el mmi ika vtaa-ars. ales bU arrearser tiwfOKHli. Ml eeoftf if. W feetrtad thiwe Ua far was rUr, . -narva "' aaU--. umA Mito JiaM be a, flNoticB is hereby given, that a Qturteri Meeling for the benefit of Methodist Episcopal .nnrcn m uu -iiy, u1 be held the 9th St 10th inst Preach- -lug to eemwiencw en saiuvaay mo-, elockjandthe SMtViertofthaLord'i Sup iM..h Hiruniated en tb Sabbath. The Keiidiivr Elder, ih "H1"' Thomaa Howard, J fwcclva aad tor tela at the Siar OfB, A RKViKW fifth Semoa pmtM befcr-1) 0Utt ori i e4 Nanb Carolioa, m iIm IWveab-1 llabny or the T Nrtk Camlma, ib' R'T. yA frittvrttn, PmI f tl Prnb) (arUa Uharaa, 1 1 illabotva Priee i cmU. I N prtx4t ( ikta oarfc. Blirr dcTnt tog ipeaa, will ba givea to Ota UiWk Soaiaty f Mmxh 85. ill ftiperinteml fbe Meetinj.' ,BieigK Apr! 4,182 J. : FOUND, -TTNOKIl m kilabca. iba tlat lattanf, 11 hrge KKYl hich m, ko daubt, protuiaa f tbr paiynta of oiauia ibe atar of ajr tmoke baN rlj aurraHia.li ia ihapi- W tha ker af W booM. Tba ewaer a obtain it by applying at ih 8ur ptDaa R.WiKb, Mrb , PARSLKT. IS-tf Mansion Hotel, FATETTtFILLE, MVRTB CAROUXA. rrviK Suhaarilter kuriiie leawd tbia Etlabliah fnriuvrly i itha oaeanay at Cejrf. Tcar. m da io reailioeat to aaaomoilMla Tra- .al'ar,M UoaHert. Ita leaden hit Ibanki to iIm ihiblie natt lite Ciliccai of tr'arettrville, for (be former patronage and friendly aopport wbicb ka baa reeavetH aad. la aolieituic a onlioalanea af lRt-M tavora. aatorei lUeai that everr esertina ahall be made, aad doc attention beetoaed in or der to lite eomtort and ptaaune of Tin villi-r aad Bearder. ilia ttxma are nomerDat, being Mf) eleta and large, are u-U adapted lot- eom fort and ltellb, wpeuiitg ayeae gardea which ' nrcaeatt a fine pnapreli aoneradtled. tvx ihf ' aomtarti of eaae ami retire meat, which mar be enjoyed in peeiMM Carlora by TraTeitine; Kami- - i; r.L . . lira. - i iu aiyaoMit muhuihk m vnv tn mo eievated atreetac ia braltbri atteaded vitb tin advantage and eonveitieaee ariiinr fi-ora iba im poitaat and esienaive baaineM traoneted aatltat airertt ahieli wHt tnaka ttttia intereat of anuatry Metebanta ant) Planter toelt ii ia eitaataally tubnlied. br roeatta of aqoedueta, with pure Tar, luuing from oaa of tba beat Ibuotavn la the " Slate. . -i - '.'-i '"-- 1113 BAH will be onnxaj npttTicd .with tbe beat and eboie.et of tlClUOItS. Hit T A BUR ttb tbe beat Ibe Country and Market aObnti hit Sublet Uiall be attended b faithful, ateailr and boaoat 'Oaller. Other ail TanUrrt are atteudant upon thia Eatabliibraent, ' rarely to be cleeltid io any other Publie Houae ia ihia State. . V DILLON JORDAN. Fa tUeyille, Feb. Sd, IKS. .1 hre t)!enure. to ibtinr tliatlbe Manaion Uotrl, In thia loan, baa undergone a thortKigh pnrifiwtion, and it reoeeuniedTty Mr. Jordan. The pablie may rt aaliafled tltat inert it no danger of contracting tba contagion nf the late epidemic illsraae either at tlte Hotel or any otb ernlaea in FaVetU-ville " BRX'J. RO01NSON, Health Officer. fayettetille, Feb. f 3, ISSi. , . l4w aJ"Tli K.litort of the Ki;h Register, Sa lobitry Carolinian, UilUborou$H Rceordcr, and Wilmlngtim Urcordet, are rtqaetird t luaert . Ibe above ttur timea, aad tend, their aeeounla to tbe aubaeriber fur pay meat:. , , V , , D.J, ' juit Published, JUAf Sab, at ii Sr m, tSt CD betara tha ta a Narth (taralUa, a tbe Ifeh af llraemW. tkM, by tba Rarbl eVd JUU 3. Mmwmtrfi naaaa at maiipatai a Marin iaraiiat maiaaittliaa i eppcadu iL IMS. laa jO. Ira- ' friav. XUcaaw Snperior Citton Saw Gius". i'llf. anbaariaer.lirlngia Mceklenbarg Conn I l, M C near ibe treat ataee MaH lMline frota Sxlltbary 10 CbaWotte. anile ottii of Charlotte kaepa aoaataotly oa band CO I TOS ij s, made on tltamoat iniroteti piap,M lit beat aiaterial, and be will warruat bit enrk. to be a faithfully executed, aad hie (tint to per Kma at well aa any cattle ia tbe -. Urder from any part of the tlale will be tlta kfully re eeired and promptly aliened ta. Direct to Chirlolle, Mecklenburg County; N Carolina. TJF.XJAVJF. ALF.XANDr.R -Korember 84, 1 184 4 oamflt Notice. . Y Books and aecnnntt are placed in lltr , bund of Mr. Ales. J. Iaw rei.ee, one oi the Cilitoiaof tha 4tr, to wbam tbote iniVbiei1 wilt pleaM to make payment. Oct. S7. 1H24. ., , 4-2m From tbe New-York 'American, March 23 The dinner eiven Jn honor of the vie- tory which sealed the emancipation. if " South-America, took place at the Citj Hotel on Alondaj. A oonieroua and respectable Company sat down to a ta ble provided bjr Mr. Jennings with e verj delicacjr of the season; and the evening passed oft with ao hilarity, good feeling and temperance, such a are seldom exhibited on. similar occa sions. The room was handsomely de corated; and the portraits of Columbus, Washington, and Bolivar, encircled with the flags of the republics of the New World, presented the appropriate : emblems of the enterprise, valor and vir tue, whose triumph the uaj was mean to commemorate. Among the guests J resent were, Obregon and Alvarado. udres Van Ness and Duer, Commo dore Chaunce y, Captains Riugely, Rod- fers and Ballard, Col. Smith, of thp larines, and Mr. Buchanan, the British Consul. General Swift presided, as sisted by Mr. S. Swartwput, and Tho- L. Smiui, as Vice Presidents. After tha dinnea the following toasts were drunk: , L Columbus he gave a new world to Ii- ertjr. ; 2. Georire waamngton. S. Bolivur and hi fellow patriot,. remit sm U efcorrre, tir, that I dee tha bowavof beittg a Kwrwr ayoa thia accaainn a. mooe; one eftbo aot trai-fv $ cirettraaUuK ea eoaaettcd arith my official atatiaat, Much ha beet aUtc4 a UrevtUuitoM aad their happy eoaaoueacca k thia amaably thia rn nr, but there ia another I cannot omit thia op. pnrtnuf to aotiwa, which a a law yean bck arraatd aaura ojtbkely and lea cipeou ed by amny than the1 great chai.gr wa era thoa happily aaet to celebrate, and permit inc to add aae, ia which tbe prosperity of both ia deeply Interested. Need I ntrntioe tba revo lution ia acntttuent and feeling, which I re. joice to hear my tcatimony to, aa having aria. ea be'weea our mpeetiv rover aiucata, which ia bat spreading- amonr all che, and which I rameatly hope iuy aettle dowa into permanent fHcndetvp. rt may bt asked, what baa the growth of. rood fcehaa-a brtvtea England and the U. States do with dt cel. chration of tba recent vkturie. which hae brut us thus togc.hcr. 1 will not any, go ask at Madrkl, at Pari, at Vienna, or at L e ttraburglt Uiuugh t'.ierr their importance might be diaoorered, but I would direct any inquirer to go to the fuot of tbe Kocky Moua tains, pass aiotsg tbe Andes, on to Capo Horn, tbenoe trom the Oronoco to Columb.a and who are they within these vast bmiu that do not see in vue friendship of the Lion of Old bngiana ami the tagtc of these United States, a aliiebl to guard their struggle for t!te firm estitbhaiinient of their independence' Yea, tia, who docs not perceive the furae of the observation attributed to Mr. Cauning, when advening totlie happy consequence of these (rood feelinjra, at a dinner at I jverpooL Mo ther and Daughter aratnat the world'" From whence, air, lias thia proud eminence of Mother and Daughter" arisen, and where- ii; does it couaial? Certainly not from superior powers of body or mind, or from personal courage, patient endurance of toil, or aupcrioriry of climate; no, sirj for who surpasses Fmnce in urts. science, and military lame' what people are more endued with chivalrous bravery than the Spaniard? what people brave death in the 6eld with more unmoved courage than the German what Russian' ever received his death wound in hi back' wliotri then. sir, is it? Sr, it is id the predominance of re- oua and commercial liberty. I would anstmat, at tha City D1 of Kew York, ! Jjerw frtJW Havre. Ia li Ini KX koaar af the SwaOi a,cuerc'- .vl U ucaa ia- mtr( y Han th AmericaJ set 'irtUtl ftra , avwaoe," sealed tcUofAjaca, fiw , ,. . . , ' '. ' ' ft;k.VmntUtl -waW . FurtheccoiihUorJoMuV milt ia rb CrlcbrMiaa of tba tmporuat eveat. in UollanJ Irvention trJ htivy ,huu . - . wwuUhaoattU bitat HcWm my km.1 MadT alikes in difrmt parti wf i Ua. ' It i aaj ersjt da, ti evory tm Amc. rsjb sean, e every pouaavopaiat ot cvrry country. It will b celobnited by Maborti mill ion, sod 1 trust, will lead ta iba araaaci paiioa of lb wbU world. Bach evewt, 1 nead K aaaura yow, i bailed brma with fjae most Joyana eevotioaw. it a therefor with eitrem'. regret t havb to state, that MCesai. ty pretests my .aoceptaace of your invita tion. ' '". ' ' The keakh of Mcsara. Jackson tain such a situation that I cannot leave her, I mtiat ra tnra her to our homo by tha moat direct and easy root. Rut, although absent, my beat wiaues are wiU) you, ana beg leavt to requett that in my name the following aenUmeat will oe given: - . "' " I me same as above f . Accept. Sit. I pray you. aad tender to th committee Individually of which yon are chair man, toe boraage or my nigh respect and es teem. ' . . ANDRF.W JACKSOX ,. Gen. Joseph 0. Swift, chairman. H'mikiHgHn, 10ti Marrk, 1815. . Sir I have bean honored with the iovitSr tion of the committee of which yovar (be organ, to partake of a dinner at tha Cit) Halt, on the 31st mat. in honor of South America and Mexican Independence, sealed on tba field Of Ayacucbo. r I regret that I cannot accept the invitation. I am prepariag for my journey south, and ax. pect to commence it snort ly after tha period which you hare fixed on for the celebration. Were it otherwise, I would gladly join mv fellow citiiens of the city, of New York In ca lebmting thv grat evenL It is indeed "wor thy of being commemorated by the whole A- merican continent. Oil the immortal field of racucho, tha chaini which for three hun dred years hare bound the new world io the dominion ot tuo old,' awe been burst asunder. - , I .x1 fha eountrw were broleo t'irvujfb, aad raaoroe parti, jnhnt houses, witlvaJt. they contained, vera carrtet! away, and great many "!fe!i appear to na neriaher. - -- - . - '""- ." !! lriaCorTMpmdeftf tjieLonv . . don Morning Chrwpid auryouiice the . ineudrxi dismemberment cf Spain by France and Russia, Mby ofirprN- , sals for the English recognition of T ' Americas Independence. Weav! o credit to this statement, , --' From the tenor ot the latest Paris r per, Itrwa'a anticipated that tha impor tant menar, of indemnity to the em's grants; thtmjh gUeoded iih infioiti ',', difficulties, wodU be carriwd through. Mr. Caajtimir Perrier atrnngly objected .' a, to a demand of lAoutanJ mi'Honi to indemnify th emigranU, before any do- : cumetita were nrtHiented to kfTird proof of theabilitv of France to support socil . an extravagant expenditure. . ' From the answers of the rnioJsfert id ' -the Chamber of deputies, it is to bi in-.1 ' ferred that tha recognition of (lie JSout American States, by England, waH, -' measure anticipated by the French Gov eminent, and that, therefore, no occa i sion of strife existinow between the tot A A ; ; governments this nl)jett'j.,; V "4 3 : ajjj ' -, A letter from Copenhageni of th 5th ",rt of February states, as report, thatj V Sweded had determined ..on followia. w ' the example of England) io the reygni , tion oi uio oouio American otates, ant) -that Mn-H. de .Hanswdlf. whV fous ' 4 .v w; ft . Poterity will consider the series of events, I months before, had lefi, Stockholm Tori ' 1,' j . i it j Irt.i i. " i j .-... ...t ' Proposals For the above By MME3 A.. PATTERSON, .Xor publiiing, at fayette'vHle.N. C, a week . TIijb ayettCviHe Sentinel. -. - TIIE press a powerful engine to direct and control naniie serilirnent, promote grouine uuuiivHntxm sn'i exienn nure morvuiy ttnie object the ubi ib;r propose i ' poblieationj & ? f i i ' ; - it t tutendeil UmK this pper shall contain in. . ccicwitig seiccuoua iroin loreign an" aomcuic auvtee! Vctmmrrcial liitelligrnee tuo every tub : Vet SMseet4 with Meresnlila tntasHCtfiiAQ la i lormatioa ami kitruetlon for the iiuiirovemeal f Agriculture, tl.at most essential bransh of aa tlonul protperity; Meahaui Art and "slenufae. tnres win visa reemv that notice to which lh y , nre justly evtu'cd-Abstnet of Hi prweedmgs ; of our national and state h-gistatuiv, public doc uments, and tkrtehpi of inch d. lialis aa shall - tend to elicit, defend and support political truib ' ami Justice, hs!1 liken ite b inserted.: ' -''i s CoKii!erli,r that, the Conatitulion of the Vnl' .. ted StMrtis the Ark of Poliliasl Sfe&tv. and that e.Watliin'eton" Policy thoold be ibe polar War io every A,eritaB Statesman, public lueasnre aaall b eamlultv rertawed':.aiid censHred or at- ITT aetarttmg to- their olra anoteaueitey, Uelievilttr titut' Vir'uoiii rBa'i.net-i have nOi e tffl oy ttum food laws, and arc atoFUher essential . t lb, very eaittence af true liberty, thai pur system of mnralUy ahH or.ly bi supported, which nentultrremaved fivtm th cold fomnbly of BMbkisb snocrtiiiian; d th varying fashion ; f a vain tliiluoiUv . The cauw ot Ateliekm s btl be adViiMeJ uihlixit timnoninv the hitaU ' TiWlity J Uie Bigot, Vv;ju.ng th dogmas nf . ! sVctsnr, (ipUiiliig the tieeotiomacis of . . tbe Libtrnlist , I n interest the mind ' and Jm. ' proae ihe tssie," Origiiu.l and elected Literary uibji anaii o irquiitiy inattfen. ; -- ' While the Ri'iu tolieils ihrr usitfsne afmffl :,;J "teraiure and leiDrr,'.he ture the publie t'lal bis coastanteolrorswill be ased to rew- ler th Srntiael worthy tbe aonfidroce and sup- r, "w njMtiiytiraa anu canuHi vomtpunvjj ; TheSeatiael shall be pablUbed evcrv Wed- BJy opoa a royal sheet of grd quality and " with new type.-Terir.t-.Thre Dollsrs per s ? Jear, payable on the ittliverv of the first acm. ar. Sabaeribcrl not residing (t Favetteville, v: .."?,.""" '" I'l'pm forwarded bf tba Drat ' tead after publication, or atheraiee s tbey aiay t rau ,v Adverttsmenui wilt, be inserted aptm . .thaaanat reasonable terms, aed Die ps.ier iaaued aaoo at a snffieicnt subacriotion is obtained just add, that it is my earnest bop that Mo ther and daughter, may era long exhibit a perfect example, to the new empire in the south, in these fundamental pillars of Nation al independence, prosperity and glory. With this expression of my feeling upon this glorious occasion, I beg leave to give The Mother and Daughter. Oblivh to the past, with increase and perpctuiry of har mony for the future. ... Tbe lion. Mr. Cambreleng made an ap propriate reference to the liberal remark of tbe British uonui,and gave Manila harta The iirst charter oi Human Freedom. By Mr. Blunt ThafTreedom. which man holds by the charter of his Creator. By Capt Ridgely. General Miller, of the Army of Peru a gallant Englishman fighting for the liberties of South America. By Mr, : Morris. The independent Gov ernments of South America and Mexico. May the wisdom of their institutions perpet uate among them the blessing of religious and civil freedom. By Capt. Rodirers. Our -Sister Republic of the South great in the march of freedom. By Capt. Ridgely. James Monroe " An honest roan is the noblest work, of God." Bv Mr. Blunt. Th dav we celebrate. It bus severed another link in the chain of colonial subjection. . . " Westward, tbe ir.ar of empire takes its way; '.M. . 1' ... . . . , a . ; i ue luur ii rot, acm aircaoy past wuiuiwnniKiiKun unincivH inn una cno. VOIOnlOUl, WUUIU las lOtTUSieil WUB UHl-y' , ed at Avacucho as among the most remark- nwtiitioh of.treatlfsi wilil ihe UepuW 7,aT ; i rble and important recorded ba the pagea of rhi , . . , !. h.-i ' , , , hiatorv. and thourh I cannot be nreseat at -FM,n, Ckrtm. ,5 r the celebration of the last of the series. I will, I trust, be excused in offering a. senti ment oh the occasion. 4 The same as above. With great respect, 1 ainj StU.' k , J. C. CAXUOtTN. Geh.J. a Swift, Chairman. I .. ' f H'atMngUn, 8th Maixh, 1825. Gentlemen, 4 feel mite h regret at being compelled to decline your invitation to a pub lie dinner in honor of South American Inde pendence. Before that day, i shall be on my return to my residence in Georgia. The oc casion i one which merits my entire appro- Duuonv l am, gcnueinen, witb great respect, your most obedient servant. ' ws. H. CRAWFORD. David R. Dunham, Sec'y. r . Governor Clinton's respectful compliments to the committee appointed in the city of New York, to celebrate the establishment of South American and Mexican Independence, and regret that hit publie duties will prevent his participation, on an Occasion so .congenial with his feelings, and to auspicious to the li berties of mankind. Atom IMJUarck. 1825.? . . iif.i-i-nJ ir a ii LATEST FROM ENGLAND; :,:" 4. The event we celebrate practical tri- "Z.-. " . ,',v . o "T nCmMfll I aim jputllvi 1 I1IBIUU w man 1 , . . . . , , : . l i . . . uy air mwacv. ouuiu nmenca. way her liberty be at permanently established at ber Andes, and pure as the snow on their summit. By Lieut. Col. H. Booraem. John Qulncy Adams, president ot UieiJnited State. By Jieut Sands, U. 8. N-South Ameri can Independence. May It never be endan gered by domestic faction or foreign interfe rence. - " T- z vrr: ' By Mr. S. Price. The recognition of the Independence of South" America by En umnh of the right a The Holy, alliance or America its od ject freedom, not tgrunny.' t. Uenerai Sucre secona to uonvar, out first in the fields of AyaCucho. 7. The people ot Spain may they take a lesson on the science of government from their American -hildren. After the regular toasts had been drunk, teneralwiji rose and stated. that invitations had been sent to sever al of the principal men of the United States, whom, circumstances nau pre vented from attending! but wnoin their answers had expressed common feelings in relation to the glorious wtnt celebra--ted. Among other letters received, were one from general Jackson and a nother from Mr., Calhoun, .containing toasts, which those distinguished gentle men becked to otter to the company, and general gland. The highest tribute to the best prin ciples ol tier own consutyuon. By Mr. C. C. Cambreleng. The Common Cauael Mav the influence of Dublic odinion jsecure to all nations rational and constiuu tional law. By Mr. Samuel Swart wont--Andrew Jack. on. Education ana nabit may maae a di plomatist, or a cabinet minister but God alone Can make an honest than and a hero. 4 ' Ttv J Vernliinck The President: and hi wilt, alter reading tne letters, l Administration shake thesn wno can proposed as the toast of gen. Jackson- ..Jifodwar-ruiesaeapy me same Liiviuuy iiiai guided our revolutionary struggle!, be has given treeaom ana inuepenueiux w aw twin. try-Mav he resifm his commission to- the people as the only Jcgithnate source ot pow er, , and thereby be associated with our immor tal Washington.; i: - ? ' 4 ,:-'.-is This toast was drunk with three cheers, as, was also ht' following toast from " The natives of America, united by tha sa cred bond of nberty- and equality, may their peace and liberty be eternal U L&uers twere. auw rrmi irom : n . Bv Mr. PhelmWrhe sword of Bolivar. like the flaming sword of old-may it contin ue to guard the gates of the Booth American Eden.- . . v ' , . x s- ;-v 1 Bv ilr. Bumham Public sentiment and public feeling, when Unequivocally express ed, may me representauves oi we peopie oe taught to respect it , j, By Mr. Keanv Tbe influence of free insti. tutlons-MArna est Veritas, et prevallbit. Bv Mr. Rathbone. The Sun of Liberty which has risen ia the Andes may its beams be reflected from the' Alps and the - Pyren- neeii .Bv Thomas L. SmithiAmerica-Her o- vernmeut, institutions, prosperity and happi- . , . . . , nnWRUS BBUluuira iiiviuuiii fjrawipru ana VOV, vnnion convey uig ne9g ,ftor4 practical eommenUry on their apologies ior novDeiogaoieiani-ithat homage- aid to UieOivmengut old, and the supremacy of the trad: after Which the followinz toast Ikinsrs'" in the wprfc rtrunkt " iWXteff-fis ipeople inthe mw.wona.iir;,-!? tMiz By Mr? Obregon.-.TIie . independence of By J. D. Brcwa-Tha OAmory of the pi Cuba, so u 'eresting and. -tmporiant to tu, u.i lant put ujitvrtunate.Menenu jwego,i,;ri; l iy J. Ah arado The memory of thejm. j Fulton While both hemispheres en. mortal Washington Me oroae vie KmuiiR 5o- .he benerlt of his talents, mav New .York chains of North AmeTica,anl marked 'out the path of ft-eedoi to hi worthy imitator T .T J ... .. ... f Bolivar, and to mo ntaer aeuvcrcra w aoum Amcricai s i-'ift .'t'"?.- -V;'' By Judge Buerl The' President oT.tne fj- nited 5tatU.rf,'--'-''?;:- Mr. Buchanan the Britin CoTistil, befor called cri for A toast, rose arid ad- first have the honor of rewarding them, '.'"ty by request annex copies of the letteri from General Jackson, Messrs. Calhouni Clinton 'and Crawford, Tread at the.dinDer v i r'.-r.:: lrsr Str,-l have just received lh public !a.afA. ." k A AK,tnifva fif tl'TliyiK JSI ktrf .i si'-' itfi . FOREIGN. LATEST FROM EUROPE. The ship Lancaster. Cant West, ar rived at Philadelphia on Ttiurstlay from Ldverpooi, (trom winch lie sailed on the 19th,) furnishes London arid Liverpool dates to the 16th and 19th ultimo. ,,: In the British Hmise of Commons, af ter a vHscussion which lasted four da v, MrGoulburn's motion for leave tobnne - . ui.:il ... . J i . - in a - uin ui amenu ine existing jaws relative to unlawful associations in Ire land," was carried at three o'clock on vThe packet shin Hamilton. Globe".- brings Liverpool papelw to February 22. and findnn (a 1Q. inrlBiv ' Tbav.'. London Morning Chronicle of Febnia1 ry I9, is nearly engrossed by .) report Vf: of tha debate- in the house of commons, .. of the day before on Mr. Broughm' motion that the Roteatt Catholic asaoci- i ation should le heard by themselves. J counsel, agents ana witnesses," at tn,e - ';. bar of the housed Tha tstociation had , tj, presented a . peution to that - eHect, . The motion was lost,, ayes 89 oocir 222iJ Mr. O'ConnelU Mr; Bhirf. and, Mr; Brie, the delegates, ivere seated on,' ot;a of the benches below the bar. , Thjf Chronicle of the lame date observear " It is said that the illness of tina-Frt dinand of Spain is more moral than tthy-? v; '.'."XiT.r 3 aieahthaf ha has lutvfi tiiutMa In J'.. - o-pat our Klne'i nech.''. ' !.: j Th London paper wefe bus r wttlt- the pretended partition of Spain ami , Portugal by the Holy Alliance, t B- porta prevail that RuMia, Auatr and r France had agreed to recognize, the in " dependence of Greece, and that Russia '"j bail marched an army upon Constaoti' nople. v No credit is tp m gi ven t6 tlien stones vpt&A,'',: "f- i ""V ' ' Probert, who wassa deeply impIiK cated withThurtell,in tbe horrible af- fair of Gity cottage, the murder of Mr . Weare, has been arrested ror'bors"s. atealing." .: V -s.rt:iM yXt?': r M, MilbertwW has been sntn jcarg'- f,' in the United States', his sent tn ?. anhnmenie number of subjects for th ;J Museum of Natural tliktnrvi ollui-roif sA &K$ft-f'-!f- by .,$' if;, the morning of the 16th, by a majority of 15.-- The principal object ot this bill. i the suppression of the Catholic Ion our continent; among them are 2fJff v Association. ; ' ' mammifera, of which 45 are alive: .400' '-T.fi' mr. crougnam onposeu tne motion species oi Dims, tuu OI whlctl were .1 -i .L. L'.ll 1.- i e . i: - 1 .. v . . Hint, tne uiu ue reati a urn time, on me f round tliat he had a petition to present rora the Catholic Association; praying wanting in the museum;-850 species of reptiles; 200 of fish, 500 shells. of which 80 are new species, and about 570 new insects, besides botanical and mioeratr-' to be heard by counsel. The bill was, however, read a first time; and ordered logical subjects.' ' to oe pnnted, though, at the request ot Mr, Brougham, the second reading was postponed, to the following Monday.'' I Ivrypt had set tail Iron Alamarissa lor The Courier rejoice with exceeding! the Morea; that he intended, however. great joy, at this result; but the opposition his passage', ys leave all his trans ;Th Oriental 8pcctator "of the irta of December, say t, that the Viceroy of if f BW .... M - turn papers contend that the measure is ports in Uandia, taxing in troop ojj ' r j. absurd; and will provO inefficacious."; board the BhipofWar.; -''';' ? Public attention' in 'London being tA grand expedition i prepaHrig it-.'' V:'--. ' nearly engrosied bj th rabject, the pa M.issofonghl it is compocd cf between f-Xvf- pers give little but the debates on' the 6 and 7,000 Greek;Epii otc,I"el6pon. ''i:"Mf::;';"r fon.'! m.... ui : n-4;'j I iiens;fMl rsitsors id the Jsles' ' &l-::-X-m:.-"- the Archipelago; The expedition will be commanaeu ny ouras; its destina tion i not known, but itia supposed I that It object is either tor" ck L$ pabtoorthehleof Eubo- 4? jimieraam, jtto. 15 quest a smair augmentation is to be made of the British Amt.V-' :'(4 "'.K? i 4t Tbe people of the different gaming houses; complain bitterly' that so, much of their' business has migrated to the stock exchariie J Ts. iA?4! - The latest news rrem Madrid, js aa-.l continue to cive iann ted Februartath. At thal' tim the lof the late disastrous Co. King of Spain - was 'recovering from an indisposition which had confined bim to his room for several days. - f- Tlie London Courier of the 16th; an-; n' -ces .the', Arrival of the Josephine, Ct .ubian vessel, it Liverpool from La uira, with coffee, fiicTliis is, we t lieve, tlie first iijstance of a Colon.' ' ship arriving at an European port. 1 lie I'ans dates in inc British j k tlarUnt, Ftb. 13. It t whole, coast of Overysstl, . pento Kuinder. is overflowed. the wter impelled by t!ie storu 4 every thin before it, so that very fev 1 1 . could resist it,' and "n;any tier ( . atiDSBripiina Mpevs' T riiiesiea io . - - n wemtn ine slioiert'r r i .ti.i.. ru,.bf l (.V-MUtJu-r , I - . . 1UICM'U I . . . I irsiuuil Itt 111. lbllwniMllIITIUlUUn Ul III. V.W11IUI111V . jww i fY l I ' . . .1 . - ' io5i uieir liven, in me province , .t Fricbland alone it is supposed ,CQ0 acre of fertile land are water, and 1hat 10,000 horned ' V v iv perish f ,.- - -' -fr;:i:y..r -:... m. .. ,J :.J.-rl rrli . :. ';v-r. -eK: : i - (: . V-! i , v -V r -. ;'' .

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