t : 1 ... ft!. 5ufcB' t )! rrrted t M fcw.Vek ed Ibbv'v.Mtinwm ' , 4 VS aW-w ar ( t M lat'l t ' WV Swd DwavrVkc VJ. w kc b they iMirt , ,iwniiMfiitMt4 ' , ty e4 nitw e-y fcaae W4tM a niHlrtnt bilttf Wlktrv- ST r ftWr CuCj aad Oi inV - - ik l; --, c ) ; ', l tnpd Sirw SiA-rrnt aa - . IXu I Wrrat:ia,wd Crawwwtt 4 wae end fmj act ami,' ' s ' , ct f Cafieees ,"- . Vtotked b4 bad Thread UM ...' - - ; , Yvm ed iSUvwedoes?."- ,. ; T V . ft,.b t.rw e-Vaylee : ' ' ..-,: alawdarsaw, t Wankm. Ovp . " t,i-' Shawls al Hssrfkrtwblet' - ., 9iia tatef at Lawirsaa;. hml eater r . - tiuCettea,eed Tare Hosiery -y v ,. ' Lb., r ." . . w. ' : I,ttn an4 UakvtU - - Cmltsn'i Bcar Km . Momm, Bal wui UaOkr Bkect rQOKEXSI'VARB . Sc."-" ...... s, i?n trtTiT' " -1 I 1 1 V . . i ! 1 . 1 1 1 1 313 468 J10JQD0 ' Ajooa . 1,000 500 200 4 1 .8 4 8JG0 Prize. 15.600 BUnks. 4,?50 TUketi. This it a Lotterr formed detenmM th prues tberata. by the tTJiry combination and nemutat , the 30 a umber will be publicly placed 1 10.000 . C.UOO' 4.000 : 4.000. 1,338 . PtOOO 8.000 1.200 SJ44 5JU 3.744 31. 400 89.iro r9.iro mtatkm of 30 numbers. To into awheel en the day a" '!,. .rJ, w- iai ol L, Wat a W W 4 VI Sit Kw e teaa fcirfc, J-LlJL: J baa Mat WH aarf wfciafc auy a 4aaaraw aj a a r-'yi ta fan Orwr aay, i axe eueiat ra be aawawy am taa Km river. 7 W M taeea, Wake a State of Nprth-CaroUia.j IV eWWaee aalba Aat eVtbe Cawcraf A. ttmVj e lit. Cbaytar lb ria,lKa rW lie TrcaMrer bawbjr trt ( tbat be U1 fMiwaaaaef ibe SukU or iW.afj at ail of ia tkree etwral Oaaka of dii Btatw. fa .w. bcaun of tbe faUiat-LvueYe aaV drraM4tebbe ee ikat eaajeet, paatfeid, will be P7 JOil lUT-OOti IN. Tree. LandfoV8ale..: T'lK aaUariber effer tar aata, tbat wall kewa p'aa', (ImiHj llaaier't t'aTera,) Ibrae Mlca erik c4 SUWwh. aamatwfaa be taaa I aai tUO aarra Hine M iba htaat'tiM of S ... f of the drawing, and 4 of them be drawn eut and tbat ticket bawny on it the I at, 3d end 3d (h( avljieril lv, road Jih. lh row fixe tU r. 1 b-tale1t)..Mayt Uil.-'.V ' "New Goods. . ' -' 'W. It TUCKER ftm Joit rt ' i tart frota tha Nonh, at art t ew tweetrin . :V - : br -THING GQ0US, eeaaiadni ef s,'- ?rj 'Good.; ' ''J Oroceriee'r ,r I drwwa Nee. In the order ia which draw, will be entitled to the prut of g 10,000, and thoet u... 1 1- l. 1 i. n L.,.. a. k.i. ik. w if. tKa InUnvtiitr mvltm. ahmll nra vuicr ucucia v ojvu pwu ihii wi mki. w nw q , ' .... . . , .: ctMiuea M ine pt.(e uuea io mem naixituTsij, i.. ' ' k Tire lit, 3d taJ 2d to 36,000 fill. 1st aud 3d to 4,000 2J, 3d, and 1st to '3.000 3d, 1st and Sd to 2.000 - 3d, fid and 1st to 1,538 Thoae tlx other tickets whicb ihail hare on them three of the drawn Koe. and those three, the lat, 2d and 4th, in one of their aercral ordera of comUiuation or perWuUUon, will each be entitled to prise of 1jOO. ' Thnae ail ether tickets which shall hare on them three of the drawn Noe. -and those tbee rr .K. tat u miA Ath. in anma on- of their eereM orders of combinitlan or Permutation, wdl """s each be entitled to a nrue of g JW. - iM,.U.1,j, e. v f . . T V wuiwerjf . rruo. VI n Mmaaaat'.Urv,;, tkrMW bt4 at, ba , k: ' Sal. . lrt te k- w, k', ryr TC " OM-t rf a Aa fc. lU, . , .7, , a, u r, ,t . ' La aat-L- C-. . S a t " SVn mwefy Vc4 a She tnhfaiiarr b, ia'Ri.L.'-v prtrmianxi r-,, m .V' ' V a aa a.U.L a4 rwea to . , ' ' pat afl elaiae Wrw,;ISr1, t- ad J4a. U tram tar a.-.,; w "IS"1, V trw)t.M, and Uaa ikaUine im. , , - - , .SS lU Mit aWv.ivJ tK-'l,,, , at! aaab mM . .s" aanWee a Trr, and pref.iasrMal aurriw., ' eiaeUr, lie ffitliA- hilanna rtnu aVnr. tUlkr,a BM,!elUuf1Jut l " rmMt" bare mr, U i.cn 1 J falto ftl Keaie.aml atjniaini tbe liStf el Captain Natht Joers adotkers. A larps partioniN dte traet U ooi Iwd; yr of whii m Wrrt inn ia ealliTHion, bet It aow aorrtd with tbotrr. Mwt tbM Mfof tbe traet baa earer bee tier-' I0-1.W, n krw,ia iiaoar4 uf m ex Wmiw! VI. Ml ' ti bared. braeiaei ana waieree or a ian" wiibmb upiv rw w o am ww we t.!tet u,im.i rcral eer fa-hag fprines of xallfnt waten ; (tl fca.ixl !rlleUtkitaBoeifl i-.i.iT'" of which ia aulBaieMly atwerMeat w ifae , of axp'.uae to LtLa. "t , ' ' : . Hardware. rtiiiwniware." Va'uable Property fur suit, r ' V : Wb'b ibey will nil viw Ibr aaab,, ( -i'' : Y-4 '! t te pnoeiual eottomera, '5 ..1 ,' y; fH '' II ' II I UN. I u : dtabliihiiient. r af tOFJ'n WOOiK ORTI1 reapecflnlly in. v. ' f (ormi the eiUsens ef Baleirh, and iu aickiitj , 1 Utal be bu reatad a buoaa el Capt 1 nee nan. ' ter.'nrarH etDoei(e tbe Court tlroM, wkere be Thoae ais other ticaets which shall hare on there three of the drawn No, and those three the 3d 3d and 4th, in some one of their orders, will each be entitled to n pnte of 200. ( Those 156 tickets which shall hare on thetn two of the drawn Not. aud those two the 3d i and 4th, will each be entitled to a prise of 824. " J Those ?I2 tickets which shall hartj on them two of the drawn Nos. and those two, the 3d andLor3dsAd4th.winewchbeentledtosprixeofK13. r All others, beinj 468, hsring" on them two of the drawn Nos. will each be entitled to a " . . prize of R8. . , ee a snort Att(j ajj those 7,800 tickets, having on them but one of the drawn Nos. will each be enti- tiAit n n.u nr 4. No ticket which shall hae rawn a prize of superior denomination, can be entitled to an ,!! tke watersof lintej i reek The aforesaid 7 . " - TMiriint hH. P1..I.IIAMM M.li dwelKne on tbe road. 1 buae who may with (a pnrshate this desirable aiinatlo-, will be alievn ibe Und br the subseriher, wbe anay be (onltd ib tb apiglib'M'hoiMl. Tke terms wiH be wade aa aceowtolatinr as nessibla. - ' JAMB3 M.tlREVSrr-lt. 1 April S. IISI. : , le-tf T' Pranvilte atmalt, Nnrtk Carolina, vis. I one t ract '-f UK)0 acres .ot l-atnl, on Gras j sey ureak; one 1 raet ei - are on Uie same arteki one traet of 84Krrs on Tnihofniny Crek aad one cA nearly tUUO, 00 liland Cre k jonx p. crL'vcr ', WUgbsJet, 'b, Mh '; ;;' ;t ; i;,r N. ,B Keery puliasat nmn tute 1) t i ptsv and iwx'ewt beealiated s. ,1 rri , naeea of the Captain aad CoWt, il I time be serrrd, and where, and tUn. , . , snme persawa wbe serred with' iVm a, r sly knew them to hse serred. : Ttf keir. 1iwe be sertlee ia lis same way of ita , tor '. - ' ' . t - j- I-a ; -a 1.. . . r . ... .v. a . .. i.:u,.iv..,...ij.j,:.. r r in toliiabie reed repair The lai. larne rrixes psyaoio urn,. lcr .w a "J - i I'" 1 ,0 work tea t.xixle on. te .dvanweet il.e Cent " ' Vpanpnaes esrrying ee tbe 'JJying Humueti in all 1 " r.r-'- fas eiwhes ; - r ' - ' i . ! ' " rTbe ' Protrfleior bee" bees teknewWged ly i v y!erelal.tsaldMbe!rf ew rti-fc ;-' ,mI Vashtogton Cil"r. where he earned ee nCkarea often tickt 'Tilt 7 "ZZXsZnt s porwe. lias sauna arte lrapea, are njew aj . ' ' . "i -V (t'B 0l otherwise, tfe'dyas Ladiea' t)ressrs, ' S v f . Vi Gentlemen's A pparcl He sews eeeta, ad '. : 4 ' ' - f lMUoons, and tuisbas 1heni in the neatest j ?V ' itusanaru He takes Camel Hir bhwla,hish. YATES tf UriXTYRE. Hare opened a LOTTERY OFFICE In Raleigh, and offer for sale Tickets in the above Vaiuable jh-intltrg pst oi them,, 'rHI5 subseriher, NW and wonriMar of A, Senoucbl' 8 CHKItMtA lHfl4tUliKN!l!t.B, U etnd. 4 t inenoremeta to ilevote id 'ikst Whole Tickets, Half do." Quarter S4 2 i or J nxniji: I l. eicnt-er itni nu uie sin. : "ns" a nw h nts urne as is-rrflmi ' suSieient for 15 or IS liamls. the otlur tm. puttliestkm of--a weekly Journal, nrntenten's on earh DlaoiMion. aie tolt-nblr o:iliair ni (atDMiirtraent . good, (i-Vgaiu buililings esoepted ) li is l.tfli. t- ' , Cn raw liiteUi fencer hm now liees wrk el ihat tlir Orensrds on Iwn of the plane areO lihed nearly two yer wilk soacesa, anil j:i a, mora. valuable and aootoin t0f tFilttt.3iTrs,; dAlmO'toUa-beiflf sJ Jwawa, weselin ib than any othur two plaiiUitioiiain the'nntv,'aiiu publis ento'tebit ihe fultoat amfitteoss ia ii "(. which are known to bear twr) yetw. One jf Uie mweyr4l-ctanutrps holil out emit ii. ckets, embracins; the 3U Nos. of the t-ottery, which must or necessity sbnve t retanf iod is witbin oorr niii.s nr inoiiia i any pertu a aMnDf U tmlmt tn k an. s. 80 nett, with ao many chances for capitaUi or shares of paekarea may Osfrrdi the other three lraeta are in tbe North sinesa-of Mihnainre,:. - mle . j WeMfrn part of the Coonty . Ibe esiabllshmerrteonurnssaereelleiiirrfii IITJ "7 'I Thf aliove Lands are. situated iD the . most -ltat an Iron bed, ' tultitleni to prim is IxlLt FjI bealtkv mut of Granville, affontimr a Dlentv of sntf'a rPT aa liKeilintutr aaa w waww .tr,.-f.V:.i .'If.--.' ' he sieanSjaKr restores 10 their primitive color -j Leghorn sno wraw naija wrw- ona iw ia tbe m at est manner, . v Ha atssdvss Utdies Shoes, any color 10 please, ..fit dyes tadies' FSatbers, Sol aolor, and fliih. e them ad bisofwost desire will be to gWe .'rsstisfaet'oelmtlioisi wb may favor 1 him wkl. J tlM'ireomrnawls. -,,v ;'' JMsy l.f?.y : V . Vt-a. Tltr " ff rtfrtd. TToVwnnrl . In Wic (uanVUfk.A'ftitttV Lottery, 61h Class, To be drawn on the 8th Jane. ' 10,000 -4,000 . . i,, 6,000 ' 3,000 &.C &C. . Tickets at 4 donarsrShsres in proportion. Piiies in any of the Lotteries of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Vir girua, will be receiyetl in payment. The plan of Lottery by combination of Nos. simply, as well as by combination and permu tation of numbers, has been used by the Subscribers in New-tork, Pennsylvania, NetJersey, Maryland and Virginia, tor some time with great success. AS the plan is now, however, for the first time introduced into North Carolina, it may not be understood, and thev therefore excellent springs and Olher convenient streams all tile purposes of work, (a great fonm 4 si wiu r which are new,) all kinds ef'amiinre.ijj . Hie anil well adapted to lbs etAHare of Corn, "very 'btng nreesury ie rt adeVit somite, h Tobaoeo. Wheat, tW.lion, ke. Snd my jostly be b'a alsn an rslewW snd steadily iharwaw Suh. ranked with the valuable Lanils of sakf t ount ttripHm Zi,antishiglitjeustiiiigedi'h.U j Tbe PMiiuiions are in a' good eondirion lor ma - ivrtUinf patronage, -ff -fv - ..j klogaarop the ensning eari Persons Inclined 'Tbe p I prfagrcss of .the Vrwa f dinr; to purahsaa are requcHed to examine the prt . tngt tber with Uie great advantage we tueniu. ises, and Salmfy themselves "I he subscriber, or m rsted renilcrs at well, worthy tl atteuiioa rf Samurl St. Downey, Ksq. living in the upper ...' rsooa as may wish to purchaie. , p:rt of Granville, will show the propertr, and U will , lie sold to an aiprare1 f nrcha cr, gs make known the terms. I lie crops an :or 1 snd I'Wsl Terms, and poastaiioo' civrw at i!ic nt Fodder and st k of horses. Mules, I Itlle aud f the present vonie, which will b.ea tl -CTilt ..... . t. j: . r .1 . - . . nogir. 00 two OI ine atiove lilantations. ai lor . lJnrs aqureancw iw vw piu.-.muct, mnecmi iv inriw au uicn ai uciirc an vHHi4hiuii w vie in iiivimici ui iuc rysichi. 10 annir . " .'. : -. . .V-vii v i.r .: u- i.-r..tiJ -:,!.- u.. r .ff ' l ry waluaaiw Jelt anrt thrre Jen r .. ., M j t wksinws iGRtMk wsfViasf a ssawAfas Inlnt-rnabtinn vsviH K sr.hswi4iit1v fi Van ritrts Kv nn rf t nAVfSu settled ItirhkeH m Raleigh, wners seivts, or tneir AgCTt t. t;. uyri.nxKii. his proffstiotiai sttrriaea te tbe sitiseos 33 Orders, inclosing the Cash or prizes, as abo e, free of postage, for Tickets or Shares in i thereof, Ia the inhkbiuuts ot Wake, sad tbe sd aar of the above Lotteries, will receive prompt attention, if addressed to ,Joiningeoantles..v:v:.'f:k- V ''; ' ' ;' ' - YATES & M'INTYRE, , ff lT.tI.W WHW1, wi-f v.- V. v . ,., UnlcitrK M f l.l-. Ik. Mn nfl b V Pf.ep. oe at tbS rw. iidBaa of Sherwood, tlsvwood. Kse. - v u 19 3t; Jtahifh, Marth 10, 182. 11-tf 7 tUflSnbscrTbrr' fesortratry ' inforin bn Navt Commissioners' Offick, 5th May, 1825. SF,ALI proposals will be rveuiVcd by the Commiasioners of. the Navy, until the 1st . friends and de publle grraly, that ha has re- dlir 0tvJuly next., for the supply of " moved'to n m arsan, lamwiaroj mi- 3(jr)fj itnw Annin.ii latelv ie theoaeUnanev ot I ; Mr. Uobert K. 5vynne, where ne is pi-epvoo. 3000 barrel! of HEEF, and ' 3000 barftla of PORK. - i.. 1 mmIIim. Rnardera imtt ath One lhonaiiid barrels of bocf and one thou. L'- era. en moderate terms, aad with bib risee! at sand barrels of pot k; be dehvTl at each ot f 25-2 "r:. 7 ?" - she-Navy Yards e( Cbarlestnwa, MssswhwettSi "TVv.;J4.rf..S-;- illl.COOltft;;' Brooklyn; New.York, and Gusport, Virginia,. i 1 ' s;M'k-M.i a tiaS ' ' v-'-- .: 19 M. the Hrst dy of Maw !'- '-." ;,' Balefgh, Msy I.JIW. , f sit as . li oori JuB he t-Tthe best .. j" 1 . t . .1 -ii DM WM VirIVFIA. lUI1lltJ. Wfl a4 .l7imi; the It-gs, leg ruuuda, neaks, and tols, shall b' excluiled, and ther rest of tbe bmly of the ant mat sba4 ba cut into pieces of ten ponnds eaeli, as near ss raay be, ao that twenj pieces will miike a barrel of two hutidml pi-uncls net weight . . l . r , i m . 1. . . 1. . 1 : .1. .... i. 1 ..I . ... ... .. . l . . 1. l 01 iu:t;i in incrwa-'w ik 1 uitui iw wini'ifM. a n: 11 ""VZy the skulls, fcet, and hind i s)WTT aaamttVSWna v aim- wiv awavwwssw waw -n ' 'fi f the Colbgc. will take plsee rtJ;X ' 0 5 The follb'iuf Trustees, composjtrg the fm. ' mlucaof Visiudon fat A. U. l4J, wdl attend, jr va . 3 n jr S Ivt'HbVpublU'Aonivry Examination of the 1 VO.'''- Students of the Unlvershy oi North tJsroll--) ';is -wiH ba held it" Chanel Hilloat Wednesdsy, 1 . ws Heio; at unnnei s the 1st Jnajt next, and eeoiinne from dirj today ; "'.f. tl Exe'y'rT.'G Burton, Prest eafeffielo. J ,KT,i llev. liatr Joseph Ueldwell, .-rc.,i .i , John B, Baker,'-..' Kdward Jeaes, . : . - v :.?f-: Thoa Ik Bennehan, v William Martmi-r." "v. -J-V.-W- Tbos Brown, v: "ArahM: M'Bride, a .sil'f John It. Dry iaWilHaisV Miller; :ri4mnwn Umeroa;-v;f.VUlie .JManrasa..v ;fi.;.fMJoho llsywood vvVVl-Areh'd. R.liaffln,. WvV'A, John D Uswkioa.'' KtcoH i. spaignt, s-wl ttaniaf I at m USBST-w s t . ' Atlas Jones, " 4 All otbet Truslees sm utoj ortrad. wdl be oasiderre WemOfrs Pt a wmwuni 5 an ; V 31 r their atteiwlanee Is soliotted tqdmtluany ' i v.- VCS .fJllABMlNLT.BeaV- 5 w. ttr ...1 ... . ilv i.: ' ..,. 1 VI lilii u"-'- - t wn.i,w w miunB 111. flifcwfua r. b .1 .. . iOV-B. a V w .t 11,0 t,i,M,a MMrltt. tlkitt a .fill k .I'lV-f; .-tha.lafHVette i 1 'ttel.'-nd retiims bis ersteful 'Viir'-'i' ,';i!?i'i''tbsk m tbet a tor' the Bberal smeowrsgemer-f ;V.;-. . -j' ''-U '-fMhef have- betjtowed on him. f His fable' will ' 'ittf wlwdre'' .bvMdslM4 Vth the best: the mat 5 . " ktt aff(yls, and his Stables with sufficient prov ' , ' Vl eader' His prices will stertriLwiih- the times. ; ;,;v,t'?;.v.T ;r ;fv.-vt ;:.?.''jwX w.'rutxKN. .ig,Mliilcli;Mrb,nia vy vra Y virtue" of decree' of .be Pnperinr ' Conrt . -V it 'V -1 k (.j i-v.,;i fne aba anuntr rf Wke nf. s,'rl ILa i.t lorm ofaatd Coort. will be cft'n-J (nr :)" "" .T. .- L-j-- ".1. . legi, entire, shall be excliaied, nrf the remain der U tbe hog, Including not njort than three shoulders to each bsit el, ahull be cut into pieces I ignt pounok. as uesr may oe, an tiui twcr.tv.five piece s will nfike a barrel of two hundred taoumls net eight of pi,rk ' .' . The wbnle. ol Ine said beer and pork to be peeked with the best steal, enarsis white 'l urk's Wand, hie of May, or it Cora talt with a sui. fiaienl quantity ( ibe beat sail peire I lie bar. 1 els in which the beef and o-k sh'l be pseked roust Ok msoe m ine erst se..rnra a hrte oak, 01 while afth. and fully bwoncd. ami anual be brnue ed " Navy Beef," and svj Pork." wuhthit eontrseUn's Dime, and tke vrar wIh-b nacked - 1 ne wnuie 01 tkeauu oeetune pora tuji ud eergn ine mspeeuoa u ine t sty Yards .hen rhe (lHlvcriea are to be nude, or soeh other iu. apeeikiaas tb(!otnmissiouersof tliw Nvy may uiresii aaa wuen. uciiirereo iiia.l De iu H.rleci sblnninr order . - . V-ach pronosal - for fnmishina- the beef and put'k rnust be sccorepmird by k-lters from two -npetehtrpersuusr ttathig theh" readinr.n to become seeurm, iu--dui,. .rar one lull tiie a mount of the contract, conditioned tor Che faith fut eei iorntaiiae Ol the cestlraet .'-. , . Nn alUmtinn -will be raid to ofTera not eoeiva. ponding With tbe tersas rtquiretl by this silver . , Pi-npotsiebeendoiWOcrcMyWrnMA - -'. ' - - -1 1 - ( , ; v salt". a p'Mi i"'""'! J W t ; V. 1 y dobr ia the city 01 tutiim en- ine wn nay o W ; June next, S traet of LAN D, lying in. said cuun Z- ' i :3Ti At, xm P.H CrW'k; a!joiuig tbe lamlj of Jsmts .'.: fi' 'Yen, I ernet Pu!!en snd .tohu Butltr cm.Uin V1na one hundred and nineteen acres, more or . 2 a . , . . .l ll..tj let1,!-. eeiiip ,i in mwb ...-m k. tlrviu i i.nt posesseq. , ermsot, sale, 'm-eti f edtityn payable nine bed : i s. r tis.ckM. 'tk$! 'f it' !!"Spie diH tr T V-llundjI witU Stute of JVorth Caroliuki 5 . - . k Guilford County. ; , r i Superior Court of Liw October Term, ,AnrtyMahoney"- . A 'i ts.-. t-Jqtlicial Attjchment, ertlev KimoTn.J '?" r -J. .- v rT aupeenhgto the Court that tlie SherirTbaib ( levied on property-ucionsii g 'to. AV est ej SiKpsonoo said attachment, f. is or,!; 1 ,1 that pnblioation be tHl6 six W '.s m t!ie ualeigb Star, tUttbc3.id AVesilrv f ! 1 '-''n i rnr, anil replevy (he said pi-opeii , t; tske bv d f ujtt; a- TrSTr, - HMX CALUW. r ice a Jr. $!,- ( M 1 1 it be fctute of .Vortli ('mo!iha, -. Chatham County. - In EquityMarch Term, (A. D. 1825. tVilliAin BoyUn and A. I). Muiphey , ' Vv vs. John Willson. . .. - ; , JT appearing to the Court that . the defendant, John Willson, is aa inhabitant of another statet It isordered thst publication be made, tor Six weeks Kuncesajvely. in tlx: Kjleieh Star, for Uie defrbtfant. John Willson. to annear at th next Term ol Ibis Court, on the third Monday of sepicmner next, men no tlierv to answer, plead Or demur to the bills other is the asiil bill will be taken pro eoafesko agahikt him, sod heard ex pnrtw. l.A lyojiy. , Tssts, JONATHAN HA!t.OLS0N,C. MB. . March 4, IS'JS. 1J.0W ..'; Prite .dv.J538i laaasQ A Srray. 1 j NTRHF.0 on the Stray Books of Wske county, by Uobvrt Handeoek, who lives Si miles north weat of Hleigh, one sorrel ARK. with s star in her foreheail and a snip 00 her dose, kfeet a inolies high, long twitch tail, sup xwrd te be 9 or It) yesra old, and Valued to six. ty fire dollars. . ' ROBKRf . HANDCOfJK, - May $,tl!25 1 - . ' ., 19.3 For Rpnt, --- ''' hlK ROOMS adjnii ing and over the Store ot IVetws Bunres it lluuter. ?i are well Bnwhed. oommoi'inaa 1 mu! auit.. hie tor gentietpen without families. Possession fiven immediately For terms, apply to Ur A. S II. Bt'HbCS, W, in bis absence, to Mr, V H. HILL." v .. , . ' r. , Jan. JM, l23 X 1 4 , 4t ' Committed .' " " "h0 Louishurg Jail, (F.wnklin county,) a aei , f gro fellow by name VY, .ho says be : , . beloi.gstovl!cnry,(;iy,'ol Mihon. I be owner is requested to come forward, prove pro perty, pay charges, and take h'ms ssy,'or ke will be dealt wild as tbe. law -directs. ; : ' ' ;t P-C,PKRbOtJ3,8l,B: Aprd 4,1825 t,' ; . ,j gm.i j-n ;:-?,,, J -.j,; '; ;n , .,!., ,f ;t ;;,.,j..3- faaasff , 1 Superior Cotton Saw tiins, jHlR.sobbriber, living m Meekieanurg CewU ty, N t;, wear the great stage road leedinr; from Salitbuiy to CliaHette, t miles' NartKof Charlotte, kwcpe eonswntly on hand CO TdN CINS, aaade on the most unproved plan, of (he best materials, snd be will warrant hi work to beat iMithfully exeented, and his Gins 'te per form as well as anV .laMle in the sute Orders from any p .rt of the state will be thaokfully re. SeiVCd UII.4 t wnnltw aH,Mt In .,,..'.(.,.',, 1-n et to Uisrlotte MecklenburmConntV.lT Csrolii.s. . 1 1 i . .. .TtRXl'TV S. at IfttKnm ' oeys, raised from the most approved stock. two of .he above Trews of Land wtU be ex. changed for Western Land, - MIJitlCKSMITH. Granville Cnun.ty, Oct ?,,.' -;Ntiico ''' .'v I S hereby given tn all persons indebted to the post paid.'will receive prompt atirmWi. Cheraw, S, c Apr let, ITOiJn TI1E MUSEUM AW SI!1. ' . ' "' ,,v'. . 'v' S" Published . Xie Philad 1, ' late lluet John A. VVook-v. .Id cmo for. : H, composed ently, as itSliHSWpi:. r way ward end niake payment te the Vilroribr, liv-1 stbns f'mu frmm un,.-r) -fe i. ing iu Ulcbmoml eolihty, to whom letters of Sd-" '"J "'V wm nowever ir ..iif--minUtration nn the estate of toe said-JOlm A ' rer 10 0r own inslnntions or htein sre-mut Wooley hath bee,grnied by the vjowt Of Pless ,h"1 n toe contraiy, it may v, saise; andQiwrtr Sessions for theemmiv. T (. effet preVutiting qie Oisaxnlojlm.. l ilv, gomry.Nlpril Term, 15, ami all persons 10 tr!T? m 'fffr whom .4ke esid John - Wooley was justly in. hHd, tiur aoetety Ji eihdtett b debtcdi are' -hereby ' required totieei.r their ?tbU tevrs and .Mwf siues sr. .tvptwn? eimna to ine subscriber, properly authenticated, ,n J' wounux-jjiawy - i v r. " TV, wiUiin thr-time prescribed hv' the act 1789. aa4alematoal therwhe the said set will be plead in bar of their b''obraee.maeh snsuec of Idlle iws recovery 1 -'. . - ' :-. snd no dairag to our rebders wc" J "T" 4 ST B PH EN WIIJUAMS, idrt'rV H'notWiqeptlyiied.to viUsihclrh ! April 20, 8S.V ' if-iw - ;tast, their tnorsls, nr (beat bnhued pnr.r V 1 i1 t '' 1 iNotice.' tint whlb- u eannot b denied that tfiere ii "" jtliese foreign Journals a' frgeprt liic!i t "' 4 sat' of detail atld Spectilations wbicb bra T"K ""wiben and F.xcctor of Oic te4" .tT!?.". "JS e lasiwmamt restament of the late Hit wmn wviwrwniwaijn-m" ' vi - -. Jone of Cmnfllle conn tbe st ?e V' Carolina, hereby eauti0nV.ll tifSfCi chase anv f the estate, either real ef ncrsooat. 'iey embrace trtich that a , fitesBr..tm,Jo7db his consent and signHtureo all kles Conveying f tfj'Sffi.V aaasz BMaiis ami rwr: vaumcrsB -vnuua aa. as. a-i .iu - " " vw And when we tonaifft r that.Cie rp-' withhold all navments en eeemmt efilJ. ..I-'i.-. critics. all otber men tf Wewtare, a. rm M L 01 Carolina Vv Zrl ; asiber dontstusmetliodOfadviainvaufJ.nM-M,.... hnrt til tbey am Mmrsr themselves ihst th. ItZeiZu, 3$'? rTf.ffi. have purcliaaelanr of:-the above nJ.. est philosophers and Itatesmen, s wu p 3 egcl tlghuo make eonveyauee. without hi. t '2WJZ tf LZ rasfl -viw " ? . It A M5JRTT irwsfw Charleston, S f, Febt 5j l5 io.3n' Jbterstore, an liipormnlt,lbe polit''". tar anil .men M euainess, ww - - I: ft., n tl " . . ir anil .rosm otDus.neas,M ww. .. lllfV lloll'.po' IL1WA..I .-'.t L..j.i. it...,.u.. ' "-. " -i uaw .,. 1h The persons who resida at a dishmee vc H't RAN AVY; M (beMotbWdVpwitPrfcsofNcwBorfsk TT"."VT' ro ItiAAC .ions, a wofeo.l0eted bpon Ihisawn - r -, H ic bent 4tj e.,w' ef , I mnortaniy as afTording te tbem as black eonnlexion. loll iW "r!. i r t...i.. ia: aome decr. ,Ul ' .low statue, but bulk,; smile Iprog. of-money Mimer-r.' r-'V? ' jaawiaaii i a wnee spoken to , He hat no n.arM or - n(el aould well dtaeribe htm. a. a a Inn o his tight handfc hiH extends from the low" er joiul ot the tnumo l the wrist. His dress no not reeoiieet. : ne nava wife bekKirmj- to Jesse Cooper, whu has lately removed to the Sou h, and, ne doubt, Isaac ie ia pursuit wf said wile. I will gi e the: above reward for mid fct. low4 if delivered 10 m or twenty., diUlars, if eooBned ia any Jail, sol can gut himv. ,1 1 MES KMGUT. , Edgecombe eouDtv.N.C. .',.. . r Just Published," v '1 -,I Aidw'SaU,"tii tli Star tJKct, fa. ' ? ' pCEACHlr.n before" the" Hiblev oct? ot I North LamlLia, on Ole t Hh nl !eeci Vi , lb2,hy the Right riev'd John V. tiuvcnspmti Hisliop of th 'tinevse tf Vomll andu'-i aeeoin. pamerj, with an Mendsf Prra, -.4511 eepis, . ; . vv hea'lt 1. mblrl. ffiat mdst rf Ihe dav is not el -.aeeeMible to a". thanthisforra toouronii.lt'1 rca' knowle-'ged that work Coodncied BPf ;' of the Mesktns may be in a very r'l lW gee intf-reHIng an-l """V- " L.mru f w merit tlKiae appellations, must ;r;;.. thcp.,bl,ckW,erepid tion htt ts tne most grw j 's i" (- t TKBki'wtlir'cBttO'aTIO; ,., TTid Mvaans' rlspnMlshed by J" toiPsdelphia.'i.A t.. ..brt pPfrfeT,,.; , and the kubseritwioa prioe is bix ' -lavable rn clVanWe. .' - r'i ' UwNbenifrefp:''?tlair her. se AMtcw'aW aw.-ics ' ' ",, ; i Ilia Museum begin m Jul. ".".1 . ttii rwc numbers may bs oliUmcJ w -ltjiscrir.ti ' -thesswew- tuieM'-tlt OU, April in. ; ' Cf evry dctci-inuon, : 1 , t s. a 1G-BW -Aartt Ct,tS;J. ' i ... ' Jv . , ; l-f ' i.lamberk4,.l(.t, J - 4SamB( t f.iiuarvvi8.tjis. . . Jan fcO, isi- "4.4t .- ' -