v . - 7 & ' V J r ,, - ..'-. " A ( V . - 1 " ', -. '.' i ' ..'... -v S-"Vi-. , - . . . iVcl. XV; Til K1H I 1 tt V ' " " - . .-., , " . T 1 -. ; ' - . : . - ".' I ' SELL & LAWRENrK' . lMlliii, UM Mart JT fmmlXmpm. if momc, m i paper iiMiu(iiMr, Va , ten luft. WVtlti iklM lia hp u 3 tKMUJlMnlrarcMl) MMiMMv! ' trum im n aur r pn ptliA. 'f -Theiunpnn)j JaL'1iehljir rttvuht i ma aataurt or nwuu) r Hitre piM t m butnMu revenge, ar almoff UMKiLbio. . He wa1rmN(1,, Uut he would renat p'io cc aay ih'mg bat tfia bup wHi 'IM dungeon! tittvt he wwU Acrreecie ' new of crrii.ts.Ar. prson; that hb muhc wouu dc uncnowa in in citadel, Md that is . at accootit of Wm aent to court, ba wo&t b , .ieaipnateJ only by a. number that he- vwiM Befar fecaie any not x hi family. r of oo cxiaiciics or niaicijow pnaonera,i-Al the cmr time, tnive and fork wera removed 0 from liim, a h waafBei1lr liifonned that MiBkuation vaaoM llaf would ntural!r lead &im to auiddft.1 , M ?'; ...... . I auflctlnga,- Iqdeed,. prowp alrao be- yontt tn atrewn. , na wunt or air nd de. - cent food, an4 the loathsome dampneai and filth of hia dttnpeoit, brought Vim pure than one to' the bordera of the gnfre. ' - Ilia frame waa vasted with Jiacaara, of which, for a long pcriod,totthtlijrbteat aotice Waatakenjaid; on oat occasion, he waa reduced o low, that kit hair fell from UA eBtirelT br the exceat of; . uu:iiii. j ai tnc same urae, ms estate In Fraoce were fiHiflscaVftd, hi wife cast into pnaon, ana fiiytitnmt, u adherence to the consuutuoa waa- cauco, iraa pufushed with ' His fnenJs however, all over Ciimn . earefuHjrwatcWnff overjr opportunity to ob 4 turt wuhe iiitelTifrence which thould at laaat Tunder tut es'niSnce ertaijC 4mon g those wuv mwi ob m'wii rigorous ana continued Mrtjoasta Bt JWne hmt of W jfirte, waa Count UUy .ToWndal, then a refuge fxoip h bloodstained country,,.-This- noleman ; became acquainted in London, with Dr, Erjck Bollinan; a Hanotriin who tmotcdiatetv Af ter the inaasacres of August 10th, 1793,'had bee employed by ; Madame d Staettoffect thd eacnpe vi Count Narbonne, and by fcreut ddrtsi and conragc,' had ancpefcded in eon veyina; him aafoly to England. r Dr. BoUoiaB'l aocnturou apnit eaily led 1irt to enirape in the affkiri of Lrfayette. Bi fir e pedV fion to "thf' cnntinent, uoder the direction of Lafayette's- ft-lenda In Londonin J703B waa, however, no further succea&fnti than tha he learned the determination f trtisaian' fWernmcnt to pv up Lafayette to Austria, amltlta probub'ility that ha badbefcn aTien.lv transferreoV; Where heVa vand whether h'tj were cTrn.aiye,. were, circumstances Dr. rfh)goutiti it impossible to dcuniiine. -; iRuttrtie fiUnda'of Isnravette wcreo dis, oujfed.. In; June, they .ajraiti aent lr.' tollman to Gciunany to' ascertain what dech his fate, and if he were still alive, to .endeavor to procure hia eicape., With great -difficulty; he -traced tfte 1'renCh prisonera to the Vwissiah fro nli era. and there ascertain,, ; that-lah Austrian eacnrt ba4 received tbtitn, aw! taken th toad to' Olmuti a strops for tress in Vyrlvja," 158 tniles prtrth of Vienna, jitd ,Wia' tlie boftle'it of Silesia, ,Xt IHmuta, Pr Bojhuan asccrfairicd, that aererat state prweu oohr by tfco ofioc ro ba4 bee. vWwUhia. lliawaarfitWiyiheB.. 0 fc ttKtr attempu . ITwy tWfore rod rW with tb oftcefk frwm .a. . 5 ed toaiarm the ciiaacL ta ir coa'ti. ConatHutiut, aad tar tiita k i . -it u if . . . - wcmai . T r-. allude TTi: IVr-L"'?. tlroU of bis .p4re, atvd therrfar ba arm lae cu.dcL tb ream v .TrcZlT.r! w ftenss Will. One of thm k . i -",n'u, warrmM macm -fWknJ U;-l- . ; eld be U4 U. by e-rateaaena. Pc4. - one aVai av A rrmai with tcXr ti fclfr' " a immediately ta.id-TS. Cl-T- .l , rf.'a, aU a wto. Mr. lluytr told Enguah. to tolloff ortlj Z" f"-'.0e -He luUuok what was amid tVaum f!? et Tarfcton. . U bad foaTht lUUIsmia r iwakttalat VJ.:. V B.t i. aj-.ru Oireeuo U, tt)ll o-l al kwr":.: ""WrTUree, sif at u im a mi .i . .l .i i went Pitwtoen rod . back a run. ak k-i nc. more, if M eoali be of awserrtce ""lA ne. Ctf'VIxd slowly a. way, v -. u aorao, uvat nad eaeaDed. """"."w ur. Bouwan and Mr. Ha for mnuntrd Budi, iftieadinf to follow aad aa st Lafvvette. But thm uUl .... tabte, threw them, and left them for some Late a o eammuAioN Famto wouit wiiauus wew order' IBU MIX mm buJAa 1 - tf. . JoeV Uwevrr, tMo.oi,Wjr Ul.w rule's hanriaonnenL Ib wtiicb. ti.. " rayrtte'a ratnriaonriiMii. In ki,k .. iT1, t,- WbraaeWaaurw pL h..rt.erw.ra. Clarke waa aent tW " Bonaparte In Italy, and oer . T - ixiwra. mnn bum WBAUtt Ikaritrgvd, aid- ma latin fMi. k i. " . v . " ProP. y pos.uvely decknuf that be ouU iab,uJ I,ittUwdik M u nreiy Cflaata by Um orook.. ' Oo the m a lk.1 . th r. . i 7 tc oaerea to no nrocav Oatinti kia mi j . addition, as he- cboaeton--. iri-.Z eooatitutioa of iroo inm V;. , " ' """rvon t. i . --" omw awm Bsorinrm. r .oaa u iu unri atn.i : . Thia act peecS of rreat etiacnoe, rers f tba eoumry.and rnlrj br t rr. ,,-, , - " O srod a cWptink fo the Emperor, lnu Jl r l"aaUieaiKsv Locira knme!iu!y . . Wel Ht arrrr ahowvii aiorfl potr. v-ra saorelmpaocoiwd ekoquenco. Jt, triiw, wu to prore. tat rraiw. M. ,i ' ... l . tbe tinjwor, and that Its eau.ircta Ul onual to a oontr oirt, -Jie allie,' . 'R ia tho French, people.' And a propw-s u 1 W Made to thim HMnU . . Mperon to im rka r... ... . - - i. W... v:. " -s ic mounai we workl, to " "o iw Mvuy j incons .4 . l - r m mm noun "jiw ruse tia .1 ui n.v . . . i . . . "-"oerof repr.oem.Utra, Thia act hi apok. cim 7. r.V: 1 accMtot r-t i-j . ; , v",.-nrj re rule an -m-i pan. uTjoi toooted ku aLirtr,' ::; rr.r ,Ui v. "t c m 1 1 iuj muci i. .. . . . . - . . - - "-r"" mbit, ana oern. i ' . . - - - r-- ii, m time atunhed br tbeir fn. "71 r."7.? " Ao.rknAlt oas oiKCr. f",'. 7 .WB,e M pwtoatod ik-,. k . '..j . .7 "-a I vw,ui ie reciedoMf n ;r,i... l" vuoiswwb jbrhn. .. IS. owo unwrfect kaowleTe "1 ? " rWW iCr tWe to om r.? "'""a' nd to be vmaniic enterprue. Mr. Hugrr, wU tuld now aucmpc ms eacane onlr on foot, wu stopped by aoa peasants who had wiiaeaa- eu wdm oaa naasea. nr. ikiUmu -it ... wed at Hoffiut not find ng- Lafayette there, ungerrd about the fi-outiera till tb next altrbt, when he too waa arretted and drlivrrrd ..n n the Austriaiis. ' And finally Lafayette, having wruaf ruau, ana pursuoa K turtbe leotagainu it. -iT-tsd'irtaaedb nWatfinot WtU u.reouy tO Ulc0. The trvrt ou . hu y r-' rtbiiie r-! U i STif, V" Huerea calumny. v h haHdara loaecuat the French ...,T-. AraamatfevA.ot 4 a.1 an throuch rKa .nr. Mi . " 1. . 7 i-. ir , ' i u tkAiaiiH k;. ;na . . " i . - iu (nroucrn t .. . . C-Z.-JT' - rayeuo was "tT " aerotedtr fo owM him to- Ihrf-Z j "wP a oa oaa enen bee a "W mourn th blood of thre. ni: ' . ,r ' ' !T hefore, under more difficult eimM.... Pmukm.n tI...T. "ret m.i,.na cf , ota. it-w vrr, i Mk.u t T.T "'v?" was stopped Fnchm... or riT ' .v.u. Y.uapeOTjawrsoorn, aa a auspicioua -was with hia f.mil. iii.rT. TT-.'S! tuore bilbo was recog- 25U of Auaiat. irbr m.7. j . H.. " months, and U Fayetu iMmaell fivo eart,lri - spini or .rolgar cruelty and re- venge, of which modem iuator cau afford. we trust, trery few Oxamplea. , , 7 (. Uitnnff La Fayette's imurisonment.nunn jroveroracnt employed auch means as were in . Pwcr iw-tua release; The American ." j T " 'UropeAo courts were inatrue. i J18? lheir "w to this endi and wuvi, nasiiuiCLOn louiul th. ia i. i. , . : . """" w . ucjapea irom. Una quarter, he wrote a kt- Un opewna; the oegotiatioo, an attempt node oo the Dart of A.i.tri. i- . ,1 l. . . . . wwwi "? " recti a Lis fi-fli.m.. A.i:.:.u r""", "U out this bo distinctly tusedi and In a documMi ih.i a.. -v c .LI.L.J . . . HV11 UtXU IJ .-J I t . pMaueo, aeciared With a firmi- Ut,-h I . " .' T " P1 W re prescuUtiv.aiul!pr-Sj(on On tha w-k;. ,1 h;. iik v. 7 woumoetrer accept n i"ciiiauvo oi too people, ho aawi.ru -eo ntinaeir bowed rennectfullv ., hi liberation in anr wav th.t .k.m I Bonanarte. for IK. C .V ' Ihim. n! .i.l. respeciju ly torv promiao hi. rirttaW'TiTrri of the eWh: .rTJf dWhT T"' rau,n- He r- '.Mlr ". bare met, wneraL-f It Wat determine j- i .-. aua aibomw ih . - " .crmii persoo. and detained nized by an officer from afterwards. All three of them back to the citadel separately, and were there separately conlined, wiuiout boitta- Dermiitol to know any Urine of each other's late, air. UUrer .waa chained to the door, in .n..n arched dungeon, about six feci by eifftit, wita- vux iigni aiui wiui omy preaa ana uater for rooai ana bnco tn tit wHirt, by any and by ftamined each brkk and each liak of bia cnain. i o uis earnest request to know some thing of firx Boll man, and Vo learn whether Lafvettc had cscafied. he ataii, to hia more earnest request to be per. mittea to send bis mother in Aim-rica tne words 1 am alire, Signed with li name, he received a) rude refusal' Indeed, at htsi every degree. of brutal seventy ws practised VMwarua uom ai menu imh, aiterwarus, tne iv verttjy ara relaxed. The two prisoners were placed nearer, together, where they could communicate) and their triai tor wlfett, in Vi. enna, was magiKfiod imo a wide and aiai-Munit coitspirucy, uas begun ,witu all the (edious tomiujtties that coum DC pretctibed by Aus trian fear and caution. f Huw it would hare turned, it they had been left entirely utipro- -.--wiu. great kindaosa of manner. ff Uro members front rh ne aaw La FavMt. hut i . 1 (k i r . u eaitt ik. a:' "!:" .Vi o'wuncii w ifle mii,U,tcrs. an.1 .! - 1 measures to bo Ta 'dUtruat, bor. i. committee. or three candidates for the pokon, demanding his abdi. Hi 5 . ?"-th rat baU chancellor refused to put tl, C4 inov. be sent to Ka on. - The arch poleon club." nreaidenrv nl i -..". , v ii. uru n . i viuuicL-iior waimh .a- ... . l . i . Wt. X. Favetto and Int.,i.;- k.A .V. x.'"l .. :r.-r "e wotiont hut it at number of vote! bu, TmZX T.f ."L a,acd d been f . i.- i j . .. 7 . O " 1 , I n next aiomin. t... 7. '""""" ue craimi ttr.e tint peror had declared that km w.n.t -..t . Lanjuinaia. If be should be chosen. La Fay. ett uurl m i . . . . J I --- r-!, 61151 wuunea a ma. lww,.-h own hand to the emperor of JJ"t for finii to wnich circunwuacea coin. '"icreeoing in ociiajt or thia early ""-----ku,c" w sunmit. from Qua mo friend of American liberty, ;. , v, , ,i Z t-u fter the battle of Waterloo, which Prance, was too little settl-d t JtI PP---in -ty M Fayett-did Oot make peace or saf. ty to La I .yette and hil familv. TIT?" ft ber. - Ho vc i ney proceeded hr. -to Uamburr. and tiiek v "U!,T,, on the ground alter cauami-ti vl" .i j . ijih. UWI American citiaena to be forinallu i WMt to the neighboring territoriea stem, where they l,vcd in retirem. in retirement, and -There', they; were irtuiiM. it waa imposublc h could have an comtnou. tt Thuilleriea to thank hiut fur ii, en bcU.f of the nation, ; .v f , - , A crude nrsvkmnaf !.-:'....' '- i ! established the l7 A. ' 11 "t : . ! n wai thl ,tt rin-ipal men.uro Mutation to; the allied A-uayetta ra the head, t of France. fwreiern: .i . i . aiiquiuirv two vum fll 7i -". ?n. to them " .77 v V V ,? T' bit wblch lAf.Vo.t7 .w,.r -1UGK oaugntcr waa married to 'l110-? b' lcr of the person who -1 Lf-i-ia-ii. a 1 ia ik 11 111 111 f-ji 11 in i-.f m mrtuMa. a... i . - 7 -v---- a vaiui it. w a. mi i iwr Uiis criaea of their fuu, they woro eerUv' , S dev,,lf d hkw--"'i freaf earnestness sisted by count Mctrowkv, a nobleman LVimT 1?;. .ffrlt-'l purauita, which have rivedfrom Waterloo. Vdefeated anrf "1 l.riw-TjJ. ..r?1 "f T-"!, dissolved . ate maiu Ha wa. al. ,t-...;:i77-7 Ir.t-oT iL . rUK-.if-ruea on the mornlr- , , "- mi u w nit em, om Dr What authnnto 1. spl. the representative body. and. assumm been knoia, .n.r"""" Lviiiir Hvaruisir prawn, wnuni ijciiacc Or Micm iiaii ever seen, and who was jiitcrvsied in them, "only for what, In the" eyes of hi goverimie .:t;' cpnstitutcd theircrime.' Tlio aioana he used ihoJ'f rff ntTV? --mtf been knoin, .naftirt membn-tat i bole dicutorahm of the country. play, ette'a house, entered thfelVfe I at, one oeen and bloody mm r s iipvt-r . I." since constituted I plness of tli is living ot his farm , Irt influPltf-v iK twK.in-sl iil-.l t.. 1 nlf Tne be eailyUgincid, .Swr ftf j-tb, Brumaire, NoyemWi far suocesitul, tliat the pnwnttsra, af ci baViiur . ' pj-u. promisea lor a time tn. tt-ert! . i : . P ' a been .'con&aed for trial eioht nwm'th.' 2 awijo. too government of his countv i sentenced only to H fortnight', imprisonment LT x"T? towediately returned " - ---t! -w. mtwHUini ; UintM'n ait 1 Jl M .. " x? 1 . . -. . . . """T r"gc, nne. oia castle siirroundea bv modemte estate. aUout 40 mi!ca from- Parii ' been not , nUke that .ujd fovirdalhe ia1f . fabulooapei-sotaj-e Ji ' the 'iron, inaskA He wv"n ; oui i-aiayce waaone ot them, and iriakihir himself Drafbscoiuillv atzmialnti . . vith tlie military wirtfeoB of the jioat, soon ecamfcre of it?; $y ery 1ngenwt warn; fMiuiian oii-nyca comrounicats, bis ptjectwbroBgU hia iui'geon to jAfaveite, ..and to obucs :anm-'rav.'Withotit eroiting the iawgeonV autpicioutj :hUl at last, after the Iap:ofeU.monthdiiring which," Wa. oid all sk Or, , Botltimri -nad Alvnar xia.lt r .M'Tteiina.. H,wakdet:Hnmed.that aW atteuipt Jould be made to rescue Lafi-ette, while on . Jha. a r . ! . ...... . ' I 1 . .u wniiga'witO' wuusi d waa then .Jrgularly indulged; ca aocount of his brokefl 1-,.'soonHtVrt uiu;ra to, vuMinv ami somniumcated hm tmyect too young American, by th nsmfc of 'raiiria XT 11.,. .-.- . ti . ... , - M.lU(.-niBUy LU- AUlr. ' Wst Ht of tlie'''peraoN. at whose bouse io ;7CharU stoh,'tafeyetteatl been first weeived ' Axil A - n his landing in Americat a voting man of .oncomnion talent,"Tccw!rS and enthtasia, ft lktJWt tot.rejji.5o tlicvhole design, y W ocroled llmatlt to its executioiV with the !.ifsnUe.caioeatneasieseVcre the ! tws'rywo; eoua pa tho- tontinenl; except 3Ar!iyc"ttc bimacl, wiio.liad the slightest aua- ptcH)& of arty orrangenicntl for bit rescue, .'. tiid helther .oTthcae pervwn knew him by welO, It f thei-efore coiwerted between tlie parties, alter tbtt two fneiids had eontcto t Olinat in ovc:iibcr, tliat, to avoid all ini . tskeayben. pie rescue sliould be attempted, tach lioud take off Jils hat and ;wlnc his fore- aead, in sign of recognition; and then having iuccrtained a day when Lafavette wotild fide f out Dr. tollman ond..; liuger,nt their 4 oavriage ahoad to Itofl". a post town about 2i ' ila on the road tbey wished to take, ith 5 directiona 19 have it waiting for them at a gi ;;,Veai Lour, . The rescue they determined, to '4iUeit onborsebackj and they put no bails 4 into their pistols, and took no oilier weapons, yHunkinir it would be oniustifihl i','4?tT"-tr !-Te tD -be purpose' 1 S 1 ' . . - o- wy au , tii nmst contain Ijuaj ctte, simcc -j tbero' Wii. a prisoner and "leer inside, a -1 - P-"'d boluml, liad ps at of the gav .-P -Ojo jurtre'iw, they 11. cm ,.,d a4 folio? cd. V-hey rcdu by it, and t!,f n tlackf ned -their 1 .'feec, and allowing it . - in j, g0 ahead, ea. -1. , Chariff J ait--.:.!s vith t.ie pr.oirr. At tww .';.'-orthr,:e n.uo iroii! 1 ,ate, tlie can :p(--1 rt .tbaVi"4t -rj.ik.t rA .... 1 j.... fVVVwnvea. irac u Uie kuJjI 1 r -U a C rt as then punistimeni, tud then i-cIcsed.Y A few uours at ter they had Ml Olmuu, an ord came- trouv kieiuus uieeUng a new trial, Which, under tho.managrment of the tninia. ters, wouki of etmrsc have e..dcd very diHer- truuj irvui uju win woiiagcu uy COUUt Bfe- trbwakyi bttt the prisonei-a were aireadv be: yuiiu uw uiiiua u we Ausinan pornunotia. . 'La Fayette. in the rai-anihJc, was thrawn back into his obscure i4 gnoo)iuouurrer- l wk, wvtn nantry.a hone that tacy could be terminated, except by hia death. Durinirthe winter f 1795, he was reduced to almost where be lias lived ever since. H'hen, however. Danararti. tt om iV. revolution of the JStk Bruroaire had given aupreme control, began to frame hisconstitu- -a-aaa.afaa senuiuves would cease to esist. There was, of course, not a moment h tt ii& .,m..,i.Uf . j - , - - - ---- - -- wuaa--.aawvH oradvicei the Emperor or the chamber must iau wk morning. As soon, tbereforck as the seasion waa ODcnedU JLa F.vnt. with ti. same clear nourage, aiid in the cumi spirit of wu-wvwuon, wiw winca be bad stood at the om 01 tna nabonal assembly in 1792, immedi -mp.oyments.pere. In the midst of a famil? . f t&A childrerfho an looked up toh.maUieir patriarch!! chief. 5 Z hejivesla.aaimpond.amc hanninesa. - V- rareiy granted o tboa. who bare borne .ttchV"' s a leadmg part m the trouble, and fTerin K- m mi n ul .1 . i ... .. o . w p I'vntiu or noiitioai . :i ' r. Deen 'eted t th& ? -1 "ePuue. iw It all Bis rotea bat ' ' h'nwelf constant to1 hia ancient orlncU f Vfr - . . ' ' -.-'w .1 Dltrm.. : WW nan tha v. . - , . ror vweotyiyeara, and said these few words, I C, ?: ' . 'zzrr??? ume p'ea, : when the ,;,;., :j.:''' -vVi jvm, oiio' aaw wiese tew words, 1 Ji-k n.nl.i ,i ' w ms ' havo been h d aiTaWi?il ""i - is Jiai K uarrris f no ciaitrii 1 w . - . rr -v vowivso , , :. a- . , , - i wim IB in ublt mywrh. !... r.r. ... v tion and orgatiue hi"eo,ernmen I'l.P never i factioui 'nZTXT. T.;t . 1 . . : I "J tiiHcniu t u atia iujl! aWlin AfHam I . . -f auic urc. up nu : tie had several inten-tews and political dis riiaciitisi um-w Ka .1 a WM.un, vim wuiwui.janawu - iivur.Ti pressed to accept the place of senator, with the last extremity, by a violent fever, and yet I ltf ccompanying revenues, in the new order was deprived of proper attendance, of air. oft things; but he rerWV determined not to suitahle , tooa, t and or .decent, ctothea. To I ",vw,ve wnseu in changes, which be already increase Lis misery lui made to ; bclicye,lf04"e"ftw II '""" nt approve;'. .In -1802, recogniic, I feci myself called upon toapeai; w jvu uuiv ui tliv IU rem DI rnimlw which yoji mil now U,e pom'er W aave. Sinister intimations have been hoard, . h f ?5 are unfortunately confirmed iret is we, moment for the ancient tri-colorcd never made any further nhnUt- .1 ' .;r"rr: 7L . X." r rance man his eon !Sndnlal plMcrcquirwI. ,Th,. , he does not iimmv. i. M.. ......2...: . "3. ? 'Pol'tlcalprincplc... inn ssf that he waa only reaervedfora publicesccu-l y""!" asked to o made first Consul Jbrjof 89i the standard lllUl I ' - - . wositstan M, CIUC-Ca JUI I niTIUI nil AO KhM.. kaJ r 'V.. " I nna . laa-T w. 1 O W .HWHIV WIMCf. V i. aTC nl ill f II4IV I a-rL. . . . J wiiiiE-tiiv .T.cr w ,o uapane binv.gnUemen.a veteran in th a.ert ,mue years, ana their manaremrrd of the ""!"cul u wwcourse i who hat alwavs ben a .imr m m. tioo. and that lui 'clii alrous defirerer already priahed on the scaflolU wh le at the same tune he was not permitted to kiio protest and sent a aelu and fi-om . thia Whetnov liia. fiimlr , wera .atill . m m kj I "ciwcen mem ceaaeo. uonanorte b w, !nn...: Zer . ... T. . ' - t geoMWe-ckappoi Jlade do La Fayette, however, was hear. WfJW. niionee.vwtie. a,. repoit of the fconr ami aU altemnU to diaive iL S T him thUii he could Imagine to be nosai.1 ormerinaouiiuwwitlJet-cd I son. and tW utVn... .k T- 7 L.T? ,5he: had ,b leaaed from prin, flv raed it vnU .impatUncev faring. tairntd''i .he, -too, , bad nearly, peishei and. I"! nMeJ t-ayettea.cross my - iwttt. every IxnUlri th. rf.:M' ,irrrr. ing rained wengtji.aufiicieot for the un- " nWf " 'P.! ' therefore, In every to hav. bMtonV.jZrJrJZ.A . i .y in w uicu mey t iwa oe U) ocTvice to I cr blei where hay do taking', and. tent her eldest soo for Safely tolfte cai-o ot gen, V ashiiigton, aUe sat out. af 'Anvipaincd by, her two young daughters for V'jrmany, all in flisjjuni-, aha waa Amencsa panports. , -They were landed at Aaona.and, proceeding imnlediately to Vienna, Obtv'-Aed an audiencu of the einpe roi who refused to liberate La Fayette, but at it now seems pro. l i i. VL. .1.. . r l.:. . . . uaiv agmiiax tn uu:itiuiui v ua muiisicra, gave them permission to ioia him in his pri. semi T, hey, went instantly .to uimutzt out forehcy , could enter, they were deprived of whatever they, bad, brought, .with them o alleviate tlie utiaCriea of a dungeon, and ro. quired, if they should pass its threshold e vcragaiq to leave it Madame de La Fnyettc's health soon sunK under the; complicated tut. r.r r ai.i nnvflfinn. li.M'In.lliutru. imnta. their country, the, whole family was at ku coueciea at X4 urange, ana public ni-eas amcohe has been io thia eountrj ' i L , niroseu a trumne or the people, he might at any moment becowe for, midable, but he truau rather to the progreao of geoeral intelllifenre and i;i;..t,w.f.i thrw.ghout the nation, which be feela turo WilL at .last, brine- hia rnuntr in tK cally free government lie has always been, ready to sacrifice hia life to purchase for it. 1 0 Una great result he looks tbrward, as Ma. brought, Jhim .imply that U Fuyett. waa in Z? "i?1 hM W7U md ! ' n and li t fear, were cenulni, -"r. .mence a pious manenioys m a iu- ous and in finds a wis a- : .1 u.'t I the tribu eaiuere mine i n ct,.iH.-..i.. i - ..i ....... . ' luoi- out. wnen ne eei ut W!7CUj0Im -rcca,;v-?I 4B4 peers, s.bantialldivetea- himrf-hk ""P"?.' m vjThe rtttoratmn of theBolrbon?,1n J8I4, power, and left him roerclr .luaioua and i TT?,. wArnJlim' w. made Ad chanire in 1 P.tiV w.r.i:.. ' hb'nMm.. Us., U....t :.. .i ' "v7T:jr langtiiire of Milton, that the val r.77 traced state. Si., ftrjpgs aiid privationa of her loathaoine impri. reached the capitaji oo the 20th Hia p sohment, and she wrote to Vienna for perml I pearance in Paris waa like a theatrical illH- sioo to pa3 a. week in. the capital, to breathe purer air, and obtain medical assistance i Two months elapsed betoi any answer was return. edt and then abe waa told; that no objection would be made, to her leaving her: husbandt but that, if she .liouuldo to, shf must never mom to him- bh immediately and jornully signed her coinMint aiid detemiinatioft. f (.hare his captivity in all ha detail;" nd ne ver aflerwatda mado ..an' eilort to kaie him. Madame de Stael has WcU observed when on this point of the historj of tho F"reticb reve lution "antiqiiity oilers tiothing more admi rable. Ui an the conduct of ireneiail La Fayette, his wife and his daughters, in. the jpribon ol : Olinu!.'', " f ; . ' " -'" I - One more attempt was uia!e to e' lilieration of La Favette, ani it, was the place-and i" Uie Way that nii, been ciptcled-f Wlaa iue tmnen Ue preyentod UiuWlf very kindly received .but -the rovemirUnt they established was so dificrent from there, preseututive govemmcnV which ho bad as. sisted to form, and sworn to support in 1789, that be did tiot ugAin present himself at tt i palace.; The Botirbona, by neglecting en tirfcly to iiridcrstand br Conciliate the natinn: at the end of aVear, brought back Donaparte, who iana-if tue nrst oi siarcb, itui,jind loutcrisuw: Keports were ebroad .that the .'. .ml k!. n.UM 1 i. i .. vt hic j wuuurn uau bccb eacnea ifvwvi wvhuw w v, iv uiav ail I i . t r. . . . . . . mm nf .11 mm! l!V.'h. lrlMV "r"""S 1 ""avea. '.it was ueneT- ercVl draouTdThim"" l P' Kty, that Uona. hia arrival nnnn th .nil iJ!V.v K. J I P1"9 oulu rVATC SM" CBamher, as tZeTtVll l!ad ily.mtirc,H;d anst U, council 'donnand theam; dar. .hat h. fcl. fct.TT ' un"le, ' U) l''8 'nen . MMU.tM.tk. r.i.-VJr:H.!r pomtol tlie bavotK-t , At all events, it waa a ZZJ'tt' f. i--e. ' wU feel and Carnot was weak enough to accept the appointment In a similar way, he endear. ored to obtain the countenance and co-operl ation of La Fayctl Joseph Luaparte, to . ' ' ' ' - . , I-' iii ' . . fjladamr : layette never etrely ie. t -vered fro . 'er i mtitution I... 1 been i 1 bed by, I Sir and though she . 1 ten yiw.s a, .cr u... , she never had the :i -wuli wh.cli siie enu red tliednnreon S dicd,. loot, at la Crange, -"';-".-. 1-- f.''r, , ; experience" stirring u. 6;';ntful ' soterViVh; h V 5J rt- only tiand and wait. Ie hesitated during the wWle tfay- as' 'toi vS. . ""Trb "1 '.i 1 ;i ' the eourheahouw5ursue,bid.atlir,.l iAf?!&.1Ak'. Mm ?. n .1... . . ; r. . . i. -. - .. ; ... - , "'S wrequence oi lAicjen, whicli ad I BECEPTION OF; CENi LAFAYETTE " win ou uic ism urumaire. min-hr i ,- - - . .. . . tound oo lest cflectuat now, be aent hn with , , . UJ "gm. ' Ufut 10 1. r uie tnree ouier uiiniatei to th. ,uIm. I ciwca, iim urination .Wat received. - tliat J ju i me oegmnmg or.Uio evemnn Jiaving me tteam-wiai WHICH COntauu .1 the jv a firat obtained, cimto thai. a thould pass in (ion't Guett,"y8 three tnilei btlovr secret Session. ' ..It wu certainty a numt nri. hv.-.. l..'H i t . .t W( J I, iium tf rt f ' 'I 1 i , jiavejot OiinuU f Aa- n Dec, K bis i.ic saie. j, t , ..' moment l.ticien rose, and in; the d!il ' 1 and fclowy !';:' v. bleh tyo v it f!".h.H si.edtliro' ' ' ; 1-..U and ever t'.e j a auJ anaious K (;f the nieinlcu, ...ade a partial ezpc n cf the state of alU'ira, and tle projects aad hopes he still entertained. A deep and painful silence followed. 1 !cru-Mr. Jay, well known a- It UokUin uiidtSHhe as naad,, as a ttacl.-f r of tl.e . , ald an fcU) wr iq one bhcaspa; vs" of Shat ' , a,i.;ii. '".!", ad ' i a lorj s . J, c! ; bove' 2J sunied i I irp-'l I rpinain until ajornirig, tThe hi i l iners when wav heard th I r j ;.u4iiub o receive hnu. i-- very. I i t Lent f Icasure everj eye' bewel it every i n " tie fnoke it. The m Marshals cf Ue Jaj, i'i coruted WiA dis-r tintjtiveladgeg, wti u!y, k i i' "nr m every cu-ectioft, a., i i crfori. peculiar tunctions. rejjuiient of-volilnl D,and of. Gen. Man to about ore t'.ous , selves ia 'ruiJincii town. ' . . 1 lie tav; !1, . :Ui t I .-j. I ta t ountir i thi'ia. tar' (f 1' " "I 'i f- :. U-j rr- i t l t ;c t iu net" '':s, :

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