. i . tso cf v r- 4- r ' 1. -T. 4 NT . -1 ' 4. '.V ' I c: l.-- -uUu tTlt k Cc I , r, . ... ,na. w ! a -., il tca..i-afc.. . ' rV" ' ' rT Wit Hrta) ' ". tbry wul tst. a uv i? wad be - ' r-a.,-1 It IrMt M rtwt M tw-f -la II ., - safrvior a-s -iao -avat t.imaa, . ' aa il ' k . biack Mi lath . " ' t Kt,!. din an WHDwiA v V- 1 . S.aoli-, aa atresia, artist fee ti tdraa-r 1 '' P talcntis. ' ...- ',' T a.two uim wmn, at' a ainaaw vw - Bim, brave, drab end grey, adataataf afrvaed -f.' Aarola ( Miliar!, tar NMMT aaata, he. torn a. imt. and S4lk atrtaa-a teiMita ti!! nlun.lnll til wm." ' ' t " -P1" 4.vk , vsWrav .sad 'yT'" and unpad Meets Cirtiiiita, V ' ' k 1- . Xa-I., LU.i II I .Ml, atiwMM titti ( TunwiM Marsewia V" Uocas.dxW CacaWkky nod larg , r wi SkcetMiti ttarewt 4 Bt Daak. - mr, - '.... v . . ' t-t aari M nA Caaikriak li-IJ, " rVkreolor. "TS.toUtlod Uthc prU affixed I to them, rehjelr, viz. . ' KiitWtw, . r- - - I ; J ' ' , ' ; The Ut, 3d ibJ Sd to 6,000 Ims - ariated UaknOi, a4 I - '.V' ' 4-4 u4 M eferaM freaah and tioaejaonb r V M a.lt aadanlorad Jeana,'". " - J A proa eacalu aad brtj 1 Mblng, : ; ' V ; : ' ;1 i wear Mtkm Utdu4n Crape, Lto. buparior NaaUtvaa4 Caatoo Crape and ' Crap Koarw ; . . .; t- ' . Heal ptaia tT Vlaoh mandarloXaaafe Ti..k a a,u ...lb ' .'.jti rli i 8bwiv '.--.. J-- ' v.- . " - ww. j liiWHHlM VI7 A rarkty of elejant firlit and dark ailk and tiae Searra, . , .. - , i (alter Silk aad Caoaa Ilamlker ' . v . -v - " : '' Vl. t4UreeaOaoaeiJc, , - ..-J 1 1 jperi. brow, bloav lUJao aod PW coJorcd IiTlffi unera blue. Brow.. White aad Ulsa Crg tic Ksplrt Silk Kokf , ; 4-4 ami 4 i;ratriofca and CmbIm-U f 4-4 ami M mutt and Jackoaet . . ? da. ;kJ ltair. anil figured Unh aad bwlat Mutlina, Superiiir 4 4 mil i.4 fashionable siirined. aVrdr.l, . .c ked aodastia stripad m iwri , i-v - Tvlr-r- : fi TII t-T aod t-4 linen labia, Piapcrs, lliuul anil Hints., i! . ,. H-nred black tsvantioe silk and Ma.lin Cra .!. rfTotAii,.' sad Zcjhvet silk , . , " f!am!karhieft, i'v ,),.-. A ' -V " Weil, vella. aad browa real Rnt,nA An. - V Hair aad sotioa Baadaneea. v AVJiiia Mualia and prmted Cambrhk Shawls, - Black Cantos and.Birdseye- silk Uandkaiw Fine white Cans flannels, V"- B'"" andftaj Caatoa Camblat, aad To Poogecs -r-f - r li gant fimajr. ribi)dv v? i ; 'V i 1 i 1 Vhite. blackaad aolond Cinna. C" Pell ribands, aod Ste Buekle and Clasps, ? ' 'irocc Ketioiilet and leather fa-s, ,: ! I 1 iliet' and beutlemcu a white and blaek silk A'V , and Cotton Itose, -" !fa;..:ii-w a J- ,'tVto and niaed half Hoaa. s-: , ' -? , Woodatockr Pojakin, Beaver, Caster and silk Cloves, " - i .i; r .- , ; r. ' s.l Woe, black ainl assarted Italian aewlnci, , Car'annrtlpnd floss eotton, J! i , .. f , ' Levdi iS Tf' belt, jilt buttons, v 'y.'V : ,i 1 very, bora aiul pearl i'do -" 1-aree and small shall Toek and Side Combs, UinLrelU and Parasola, . i- t,. ,f. , 1 . y - Cases of bionsble Beaver an Leghorn ' Hats, :. ';',,v 'S'jf, - Fine Moroaeo, Pranellof . and BgUred 'silk Buck and CairSkm r do ' , A varK ty of tvx rate double and (bar bladtd - aiaivaM. : . " . -1..'. . .. .'fa.-. ..,ii.l:' ' j- Knives and Forks. Pad and S tank LneVa" JIfcSt German Handsaws, aud Casteel fill I files., ' Trace Chains,' and Cutling Kuivuu " V " i 1 Mtiae of all kinds, '1 v -: .-.,. r - ln.Ha and RnRllah China Vv the box. ( Of sett, 4 JthtI,0i n Crpckery .ware, a laree. assort "i." '.f , Cut i.TJ imitation eut glass, Tumblers, Wm j.lnvs, Uecanters, Goblets, J;ly .Glasses, i rnciien. iivera ana uowts. 4 v Freill luniiowder and Imperial Tes, ' f -tat Snpar and London M ustatd, . -- ? . Ifeppesv Altplce and Jhger W'.-tZ " Cluth, Hair aad Bhoe BwWa,'' , v ! f i"tl.l.-,,l SnffV-a aiitt. aaul C.il , " Cotum Cards, Vlre Sifters and Curry Comba. l ill, manv ather artlalea ' Inn ' niiHutrmia In ' , (6nti"m all of whwh wilt be disbnaed of on tb 'i i v . f snoat favorable tarmst and, af they- aaleulate to . t i ' reeeiv additinnsf aniiiitie almost everr snontk. . J " i fc will be" M die interest of tliose wishing to pttr 1 I ajhast to RiTC tinea ealt.-5J:.ff'- .:' '-t3: , , ..OlM. -HIMII t ,,, . ..I,'-- I 'n- .I .DoctoriBUas AVelib, AVING located bimaelf at the residence of fc . 1 flolli. i g Ihinn, jr. T. tigliteen miles oortb tfigli. others bis service, la tbe tU ens Ivraaehe, ftf his profession, to tbe iubabitauU df V. uVe, Frank lia aad the adjacent anuntlea. . May tO, UiS. .l-3 ITAVB for bale two excellent fj 1," - ' - PIANO FORTES: - A fso n Wire Feudei and a' jew doc en Svtht ' 182$. Sl-lt ' M pjing 4 Establishment JOSF.Pft WOOnWORTir retpeetfnlry in tVirmt the ciiisens of Raletgh, and its vicinity. that he has rented a house ol Capt' l hco ! i- ler, ccai iy opposite me tjonn "Jpnse, w in wrop'isrs CKrry ing on lUe,;lhinj lit branches "''-,vf 1 V 4 UNd. . , Tbe l'mnrletbr has bees, aekn.w' i-i" Mercl.aiiti and others in ISew Yoii ,, v- - ibia and Wuhington City, a here !.. , n ' . ine aoove nutiDCU 1 years, 10. pe cii ui ,a.4TVI)erlnllie Union, . J ; ' ''' ' , , ' v Cloths are dyed any eolor, ami fintshrd as portea. i ili-s oatius ane urapes, are dyed ty jrtttet'u nro'hrrwiMS.' He dyes Ladies' Ureta, aad Ce-uiwii t's Apparel, lie scours coats, and antfcUH a,ld ' fiuiatie theni in tbe neatest manner. He t-it.ES Caiacl Hair. Shaw!, which tie oleanStBiid ratri e 10 their primitive eNor Leflmni tnd Straw Uals .ntw 1 djed and Cnisbed Ja the or., 'at manner. : : . ' ?,rd.- lie ai'O-'J '' -"'iiet r-unrc, anj vmiir ro piraar. vlledves L"ie'l ' t them. Ad lnr jatUtHCtion to tlioie v Ua Ihetv eowmaods, f W -Mst 1, IS-jV,-'.', 1 -- - - - . ,, mf e t. id - tii y . arrt Clliol l e 10 give liiin villi cost: irinir - ii - .' - 1, 0 Il'i'a-CA ilOLIN A DOTTE 11 Y t4 Vn f i 2 If thii mtmik mi tMnpldtd Umfcia winultK J. B. TATE3 t A. HINT! M-xxx&iu. 4JDO0 3.000 ,000 1XX) 500 a, - M IS 8 4 8J60 Priiet. .15,600 BUnki. 84,)60 Tickets, ' ' 311 ' r.eoo Tku u I Atiorv fenBad bv Ut terMTT eombinaSon aU ncrmuUUon 30 number. To VtmtiM tb pom tfcrretn, the 30 ntimWr of the drswmg', and 4 of them be drmwa 00t Arwm Htm. in the order in which drawn, will m . ,1 "l. .Lull 1.. M ikM 1Al2d, lt and i . -. J, 3d and 3d, lit nd . - ' M. 2d wd ' Those tlx other tickets which thill hare on theaa threo of the drawn Nos. and those three, the let. 3d and 4th, in one of their acreral orden of combination or permutation, will each , be entitled to a pnae of IiOO. ' ' rvn '-.jt. . a!. a... 4 .1.1.L. -Tlioaa aix other tickeU which ihaH hart e (theltt, 3d and 4th, in tome one of tneir aereraj - T . - . each be enutkd to a nriae of g500. . - . , Those aix other tickf ta wUicn ahau nave on tV 0,1 1A .ml 4th. ia imw an of thrir ordera. It. Thoae 156 tickets wluch shall have on them j.w . ,:n K K. cntiiUd to . nrixc of R24. sn wticn .j, 0B them t w oftlw, drawn Noa. and thoae two, the 2d otberal beina;46a, havbg on them two of the drawn Noa, win each be entitled to a prize rXS And all (hose 7,800 tickets, having on Uieoi tied to a nrize of 4. No ticket which shall have tbawn a prize of inirnor pruet - 'k'tnajM Mvfi'nUi.VI flva afte ib draalno. V " " " Half do. Quarter do. Fackarea often tickets, emhraciiur the 30 draw at least 13 dolls. 60 nett, with so many be had at the aane rate. "... -Ixi the tluantito Canal liolUfj, Clh. CVass, V ".-.;; '4 .'' To be drawn on the 8th of this month. : ' ' - 10,000. .4,000 " ' ' 6,000 . 3,000 Lc. &c. .-''.. Tickets at 4 dollarsShares in proportion. UNION CANAL LOTTERY, $; 17th class -nevt sEaits, Will be diawn on the 6th July nest, and eora pieted ijnr. ukawixs.3 Sify ntmbtrtEijht Ballot. H It drawn. J. B. Yte 8t A; M'Intyre, Managers. sennym.. bf-. 850,000 is 50,000 v 0,000 is 20,000 ao,ooo is VIOOOO ,5,000 is 10,000 4.720 is 4,720 ,'. ' ' 1,000 is 20,000 i 500 is 15,000 . .100 is 5,200 . 50 is 7,800 20 ia 24,960 ' -I 10 is 106,080, 12,120 Prizes, 7 -22,100 lilanls. J T'fV twfAvholr Tickets,' ; Half . Quarter 8273,760 , 4 2 1 SO 25 12 KightK - . r Ticket in all of tbe above schemes will advance, in price verw oan, - Adventurera would do well In annlvinar soon, as the sales have been very mpuj. There will bo few, if any, remaining unsold on the day of drawing. ; inisesinanyof the Lotteries of New York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, ; Maryland bud Virginia, will be teceiyed in payment. .-, . " .The plan of Lottery by 'combination of Noa. simDlv.' as well aa by combination .and j permutation of numbers,' has been used by the I Subscriber in New-York, Pennsy lvania, New, I Jermcv. Alarvland and Virtrinia. tor some tim Jv7,tji irreatv success.. Asthe plan is now. however, for the mat time introduced into " ?LaTaVette llbtel. ? TUB rabseriber : wishes to inform bis friends and the public generally, that be still keepa the Lafayette Hotel, a ud returns hi gratetiil thanks tn them for the .liberal .encouragement they hte bestowed on hiiov His .Table will tw.is be furnished .-with, .the best the. mar ket affords, Sod hi. Stables with anlheieqt.nroT-) eniltr. His prices will Mcord with the times, !, 1 -" ivkjks;s-i'" A v .vn-t-e-iv Ualeieh, MaeitV-SO, tlMA 'ii'.tt t44l( lfqrRent,;;-;;rtri THE ROOtS sdioiiilne and over the ?I'J Store, or Doctors lire, Hunter. iev are welt CnUlird, etuninii . and suita ble for genilemen without tamili... 1'ntsevaioa given Immediately, For lemu, apply lo l)r A. irtiT 8." I. t-'HUL5,or, mlusabscuce, to !r. V- r ?t -a.0 LnoUbttrj: JiU (Fmnklin eounty,) a ne H f " f'bw by Mine UAVY, ho says he 'vV ' betotirto. HeniT Clv, ol Miltmr l b ; v 1 Prize ; : I do 1 :: i do v? ; a do --i, do: - ;20, ,do;;' 30 do ; 'Si do i56 doV 1,248 'do 10,608 do wainaaaaaaa.Haaaakr ' '- owner la vetueted locsme fof - an!, j Tor pro leity, py'.cbhi'jtT and take bim aj Or. he iil bsdealt'witli ', thehiW dtrcois. , - u -:';v : - v i" c. rmoss, si.. . Afrit 3, 1S2S. . ..?L':.:!m'.i j,'., AS I 1 ' - wiH be publicly pbced into wheel on the day ! and that ticket Itarkf on it the In, 2U and 3d ' be atitled to the pnae of RlO.000 and theoe tl.. Hu Una m fe,lljMrtnl Am k 3d to 4.000 . tat to 3,000 2d to 2,000 lit "to 1,558 thcra thive the drawn Kc and thoM three . . . . . .... oram oi corooinauon or periauuuon, wiu tnem tnreo ot tne arawn poa. and tnose three will each be entitled to a oris of 9,200. two of the drawn Not. and those two the 3d bat . one of the drawn Nos. will each be cnti- superior denomination, can be entitled to an - . and aiihicrt to the naiial deiliir.tinn 'nf 1 n 7 " - .. ot ' ' 2 . 1 No, of tlio Lottery, which must of neeeasitv chances for capitals; or shares of packages majr New-York State -Literature t t'l,"wnn.T , jLU 1 lKKYc - ... KTn t a; lent . WfiW & JL "V825' To be drawn on the 20th of July next, and completed in a few minutes. , Sixty .Vb 1 lxrtJiiif Jiotktt u i drawn, SCTJTE3VFC. 1 I Pri,, f roannnn annn trxvtt ! ! JJoO.000 18 330,000 ,U .mm rrs ' - mm do SJ.UUU IS iJ.UUU I 1 20 ( 30 ..SO 51 :51 1.734 11,47 do do do do do do do do do :- ti 10,000. is 5,737 is 1,000 is 500 is 200 is 100 is 50 ia . 82 is 11 is 10 000 20,000 15,000 6.000; 5.100' 2,550 33.148; 1540,225 ,13,395 20,825 Prizes. Blanks. 8273,760 3420 Tickets. Wale Tickets, Half : Quarter c. Eighth 89 4 50 2 25 1 12 ii.y. , North Carolina, it may nut be understood. and they therefore respectfully invito all such as desire an explanation of the princi ples of the ayatem, to apply at their Office, where every information will be cheerfully given, either by One of themselves; or their Agent U. C DUPLAINE, . . v '5 i 5 (O Orders, inclosine the Cash or Dtizes. (post paid) for Tickets or Shares in any of the abwe Lotteries, will receive prompt at- iUUUUIIaUIUiUIXaVadrUTO " v Vwie 1,1835 fiV.4.xltf V-sNo-tice,: f4lB subscriber, M beir Kjeonter of the ;L last will and TeturaMtt of the lateUrtwton Joaea, of Granville couoty, the Mate of North varoiina, nereuy cautious all persona njtte ptr- ansse any 01 lb estate, either real or personal, Of the said Brclm Joweadeceaiietl. Macmuch aa bia aoaaent and signature to all .title conveying property ,f eitlier kiud is indUpeosable tomake the said cmivevancea valid hi Uw,- He also dopts.tliis method of advhimg aneh persons at may havw nurcliased any nf th.: ahoai- m.-jvm. withhold all payments anaeaoontoT J same, bo. til they can assure themselves that the Execotora W acting in toe aiace 0, Korth Carolina have a ieg-d right id make conveyances without his co- opetttttiQaj; w-.'r.v; -.- '-?.",.-. -( ,. Cbarleston 8. CU FeWlsVlSlSiJ -t0-3 : State or irortii-Caroliqa;' ; ' . T . - ..." 1 . T obedience to the . t of the General As- aemuiy or-'ii:,, t;iii T the T1I1. it., !... lie Treasurer hereby l ives nDrv, ,k. v.. win rnrcnase ot ttie stm s all 01 the three jeveil V, the use and benefit ot ' -1 dresaed to Urn on th j' ct, proiojitly replied lo. . u, " . JOHN HAYWOOD 1 olany caamo 10.000 400 , 3,000 S.00O- 3,000 . 1.200 3,r44; 3,f44v S44: 3100 B9.iro. f 1 isic, lor i tter ad- J, win bt Tresr. K OcL CS, tizS.r full t- 1 7 1 .V..rc- t.i ty ian W wi f rrw7 wum. All at 4ua U Mi a m'iWI iri. , Spring and! Smcr.GL rr m4 mmumm i9 kaa kiiWrta-rf- a . I v I Cir iti. aatabta tor n . Smpw 8attriH 8W4 aoion Martritle, wbke aad hoej fUana IVilUaf ' , . , , f . Ditto Sitkltnpol - . f Colored Maalma aad CaUr . JaaoneuCaaabrie, boo aM U Mtaila W fM-kft) Uobes aad Tbrcad Laaaa RqbbiMlt and Laea Vetla vm mA Kirra4 Uraatiaea s Rich Gro Napea ; Mandarine, Canto aad Naakbtf Crapci Crap SSawli, ItaUaa Crape aad Caux " -Bilk Ebavb aad llaadkcraliiela Saiia Sitv.Lear aad Laatriag, ikffareat eolora Bilk, Cattoa.aa4 Tkrad rUaicry UJovea, ia (reat arie( ' ' . Aa eWrat aaaortmat of Hibbooa , U.iu Pniauli and UtahtwIU . Data UW and Ceotteaea'a Lerbara 0oa aal Mala FeaiKer Fans anitvle and Work Baakru OrtHlemea'l leaver Hata Vellinrioii aitd Menroe Boota ' LadnV Morocco, bwd and Leather Shoe C!iildmia do - : ' QU RVSWARB ' f H.KUWAR& - ; GltU'JKRIKS . ' " v '. These, whh every article to the tcncral line. ani- purni inr ma uui . . . r . t I . i a tb pneeof Goeda, tko SuUantoera win " i" naTiuent. ntUiii a nuubiii aiiAt Raleiji, May 9, IliS. 04w " ... M. - . a nAnafnn wt u (Joods. W. C. & R. TUCKER bare just re tornert Irau the Snrlh. and ait row reeehiuc tkcirSP'MXU tiiOU3, oouuaiiuj ol Dry Uoodt, lli'nrprie. Hardware, . . Chinaf ' ; 4 Queensware, . Crockerr. &o. &C. VtliicU tbey 'h1 sell nw each, or on a short oredit to punctual customera. ' ; ; , ' May. 6, l-'5.v , . t9-4t FRO VI . tnv plantation, in Oo tober last, my negro mn 4 A COB, about 30 or 3$ year of ars, five feet, tilne or ten inches high, large made at well pretor tiontd, lwk eomptejiion, ion look wbta snokett to, and very easy and mild in aairrrinr any onatlnn lhat la Ssked. . 1 hava nrt nnialtnn hut h wi", di!?.r" hU Mme LM " u of his owner's. -ITiereu not much doobtexistini inmy mini, that he is In some Jail now 'I her. fore all Jailors are solicited to attend U this ad- vertisemenl, and be partienlar In tiamimor those whom th-y bsve in custody. he fellow has a notable loot a foot nem-lye've Incite, in length, ami nearly all Hie way one wWth. ve- ry alim,' and tbe bottom yenr flat, lie had on sve leit m a suit ot coarse nomespun eioihes, and a round jacket and pantaloona Of . V. . r KUasta IMICK, ' An'f hil'ormation by letter may be .directed to C. J. Lidt.Cheraw, 8. C. j . s t 4 , r charles j. Line. , Cheraw, May 10, II9S. ; v 81 3t State of North-Carolina, : - - Gertie CbMnft';:'!,v- Superior Court of LawMarch Terrol .w.;.-A.-n. -r ; Martha Fleetwood , : . ,, vs. Petition, lor Utvore. F.dmund Fleetwood.3 .tV . tTl anneanns to the ttlisfactwa of the Court, I tUttbederendanttolhiscase iSDOtaaiulia. bilant of ibis ntatei It bv therefore ordered bv the Court, that sublieation be mude three month in the tilentou baseue and lUIeiRh SUr, gi,.; ingf notice tb the defendant, that he appear at Hi next suierur uonrt ot Utw to bo held tor Ber tie aoqnty, at the Court Uouse in. Windsor, on tne third Monday or September t there to plead,' answer or tleraar next, then and r 1,0 saro peu tioni otheraisek will be taken pro eontessoaud said Couit, at oSiee, tlie tliird Monday of March, 7 ii.,,7. j T T "V""""'',!" "-i dilint to Mi uenig Well Snown, we Bc'nr .. At U. t825,nd in the, 49th year of the lndo- .blie entertains the fullest confidence ia .tnr pendeaaoCaid ..m'"' y.l ad'MU"!!" "W t rrt Ms. 'W,v'eC.'v "rRBYNOLDS, Clki ,Jfntato ana persoa wisliipg Bbarkfaal' State of North Carolina,1 Superior Coart of Lav-!ilarch Term. Mary:iiel "': - ,: T--- '' . . ' X V. - fretition .for DivoreeV' ry Henry.Nie! J?y-S;-i$tf -VW r , ,mMcUo Court, ;,:ZTt,. -Ij- .rJ Zl.t.r, I?.,;.. r Uy of Scntember txL th t i,, will be taken pro-ooulcMo andndiudged accord --.- ,w vwrwaaawiTC UlllCrWIII! Wltnesa, rlEUSTKH REYKOLDS, Clerkof said Court, at office, ibe third Monday of March, a. u. ia. aaa in uie vm year of the mdepe dence ofUMl atate, '' . ' ' I'-'d'.-ti' l:tti-VHEotAs,cik;i: rrme Aiv, a fuiUir st-Sm ' i' Land for Sale. .'::v f BY virtoe of a deeree of the SHperW Cotrri of Equity lor ille onntynf Wake, made at the last terns of said Court, will be oflered . .uic "" veiore in voort House door ia theoity of Haltigb, i the SOtb day of June next, tract of LAN O, lying in.aaid coun V on Fall Oet-k, adjoining the lands of Jaraea Fort, Turner Pullen and John. Butler; eonUin rue, si puuue ausiton, Delore lb Court House orj.1 one laanttmLaKl nineteen acres. mnr- heatum be made three .month in the J td-mtonIir 'ja ia 7w ,m-oved bnrcfctjef, c:;: detendant,fftbat be appear at the next Suueri. rfrceniJ b-ont'""4 or Couttof Uw to be Ud for Bertie ewnty.al M. PliW? to the su! . . the Court House in Wibdaor.on tbe third Mon. t . J.'iv ; it being tne same land .whereof David vd Uw atate dnrb the m died seied and possessed. Terms of sale, 'i'he terms wi" a' ' lth approved seeuvity, 'pay able nine and known nn applluitioa to .i 11 ) mths after date. ? i ' ' ;.. -. rireuiises, 5 ' JO:l M & ELUS, C ft .f t v( tut; l r i ' - SUA) Lir r- ' ij i sooo wfl;, tf 1 i WlOull it cat Uu Mt of u . L 1 I . 1 - 10 each baweU.t.J he of aarV Lwtml bcaa4a u .I.L. .J . T1 " u 1 be abclo ot the u.4 W ami so beat circa kecrac f,tt Msy.orM tk-sWt, . ' aUaoVlalarf tiiHaaaUly Navy aantpaalar'k ua u.l .L. - . . Tltawbrfoof tbs,;d keet.Hj .b fc orm ibe iaoWKa ut tU v.i. . "" te deliveries arc to be mwic, or iW, uUr aaoaiioo aa to Cuaiaauooer. c .IT... I" Atnn aad a-ben slehservd sUll I. i. L. ' ravals jlal rar rMrwIAios; tk ef d purk saust b sccoaapaaiied by Jattcrs l.wc4 couiitewl persons, stating ibeir ral 1 beooase accent-, i, b-ad. tut (m .,, maiiut oj the contrast, ooadtUoaed lw fnt perioral ansa al the eantracu , r o aueauoa will M paid to atTm a. c r- fc nonainf with the terms ratjuirtd iLj FruDosanj lobe amdoraeJt f)f . sou Yn.r,v .: -. ; rfrrj- V . r . , . r a r r lA OJfieiriindSoldienoftU T . . troKfti-er l'tf,.alA Ju,f ct . ioa Unet sixd to A Afiri cf .uc ', portion, vf L.ndt ' 4i'to (Ae:a - A Lie S covenienee ttfkacb claimants many of ,1 mroiigii oiu age, muai ve B a nwaiurt i, to travel io Hate'nrh, lorctker with ike U esaad opiuiuus ot'sfveral ufiuaiial aadadl in formed men, augen the Btility J tbt tsu.:.i. tnent of ao office ta this tity, wbers lor a n o. derate fee, such claims can beftcciful , i ; t M iraiu tor t gil ii.Vestagstion, to at u I i hem pronpiy decided on.'. 7-"- ' . -. tb- subscriber hvihg tn Kaitigb, piestuonal eerviae aa an Attorn), to. all p. soia ) situ:,tvd, and promisiis W aittud la,. put all claims- trautuualtcd 10 bim, tunui i(il 1 jHidavita, in train lor adjudication by tU 1, misHunt-r to whom the subject has bcra n ,.r. red b tbe- last General AsHabli of hurili. Carolina, and whose dveiaion uuon all eli-- ',. milted to theni agreab, to law, wd l aeooriUnc 10 the itroviaioii, of tbe abuVv nc . of the last session, coustiluuiig tbeai a liau il . ; that purpose.- .f r W.' -' . '. - a the act above atted oT'the last sestlos toa. slituling the' said Board, toe lac adjudication of all such Otaims,, will expire oath first of July next and the stibject be at vest (or ever after, persons ebbing to avail UientatHvet of tU in'., sei-iber's offer, and protesalonal serviu ., will jn aa awn aa gaauiu., aoa ui gie tu i tha.t. a.ti.i.l .uk m.lnia.1. nn.iila,i',,t .t-.it - UMratciyfMjuicaieo.';';.;;.:.'.;, -.r-. : He further iuform those iateresiei) in wch , claims. tluA lie has snada secfa arrangHK.uu aitli gentlemen ot iulelligen , ana tmiegniy, ivi:i , feuable him to hat any tiatu.lt Uiey sbail oimin, ' louated, or SHherwite Uiapojed ot to the aeit a-, vantage for proportion of cither tb Ito-is of , proseods. -.u ..v. V-.w'- . 1 be ant) tenner wilt expect every sppuc.una , to hint on th snhlett aceoinpanied bt soio.Vr, atefee.auddelivuvcdalhUolUceiallcitli.i . of expense to Uaa, ..-a-.;.:. ff- L ' . ' 'IUkigf.Ja v,Vf-ltV Every apnhWt state li Cn- j paoy Sud regiment be oolltted and served In, t' , names of the Cspuin ud Colour, the Itug i. f . time he served, and where, and .! ulTiiUviu some iielions who served wdb tbera snd nevam- any anew ttiem to nave serveo,- 1 w " , inuve the service in the' same y C lbs aas' tor fiui- ' h.'.'i VaipiO PrinUns 8 it R wbaafnieditcir d rt ": ft . ClltllAW ,lNTIiLUehKCr.tt,fioilir5L, tart,e m portion of his time as it re-iiired hi l ncouvenient so ox-so., 10 tuai iiuip., ,mv,,oalloa of a weekly Journal, or" .ijisimstoir nf btsestahr.shmeitt dition 1 aineaa of ibis nature. . Tbeeatsbliihmmteontiinssoacfilen1 -With an iwm bed, 7Jf tuffiwent t pr' such papers as he, Intelligencer and io';"1"' all the purposUofjob work, (a gi-eal porn which are new.) all kinds of Fwvuurt, a tery thing nccttsary 10 render H ipl"' bat also an eatmuledaiMl steadily increaai"? 0 ;x teriptio tint, and is biijhl tnicourajed sfiib .i- iWhi- patronage f-V .'w, - L, 'together With OieKat advantages e bsr f rue rapid progress m in tows y v such peisons a may wtsit to purcnaw K H J. Cbcraw, S. CV April 1st, I Z. -:-- .J'l '1' j ', TH B snMeruicr. - Intending to remove IO Uie weaicni try, is induced w fc j' ; a -' 'V w t , t sent resides. 1" Fril. 27' tv.scwnma--'''1'0'; a. a.r. lo!.dimfroiu that town to ' for' bw-ourh, containing three bowli " ' ' acrea. more or res. It i a n" acres, more or res. 11 " b tl.y akuatlon, itb a . .eoiuloi-ui . House, a good Gi-a""'", and other it well watereil. and 'pted to te Cotton, Corn, i,o. nn-i -,il v nr r;,ia f,- n, -i -, m lit m t iiera. nO-,-.'i' t'.e ; ' . V " ;( ' . t amM saa. aBn.k.w a most U made of ibe km aaaKnd sbit. k bilk nab, and lully Uo,a, fcM7 k ed - Navy 1W"J K,,T f i-I , 3.1 a ' - I -1 Aprils:-;.!: 'i

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