r YtJ.-XYX ',Vv V; ' - j , . . . ,. -i' .hi XviX-Cirtfi ttodUfj VvBEtt & XKRES CE. ,- , V' ' x - . " -'v .... 5 Jnfptnj dree iMUrt aT X a. rr4t few Ml vitfcns) at WW fo la .' ! at o iWiwiim4, bwt i - ' laMiGMi wVw Ur Kar dollar, Alt triarr ta tk 4fcor umi Vlfitsl fiaiJ ' gj. ' ii i ii ii i i Natt C0MMlttl6XX'? OfVlC, ' day "t, fdr'tb iit' k S00O barrels or And J i 3000 UrreU of PORK. niMirrrH' Jnrk, o -aVIirafvd M tach ai th Mury YarJi, at Charlralowa, Maanahuartlaj Bronklya, Nr-Ynrk and Ugaport. Virginia, bj tblrfiaaf af May, 11 C Tha h4 bed awl pari altall ae nT lha beat anl moat apprarnl (jn-Jity. Of ( Wcaf, al lb e. We roamit, i.nkv a4 alaua, aha) I be axaludad, an he rett of Iba body f the ani. mal (ltl ba aQt into fiaee of tea poonui aaeb, U Par ouy ba, aa 4bat twenty pieaea will pnk a barrd af two hsodml poamli art wetgbi ; at batf.' (Xh pcirk whiea moat baora-fed, aad weO Un& all th tinlla, fret, mmI bind ;r let, wnllfa, abaJl ba excloJvd, and itia rtmia. tier nl tlia bt, includuif not more tliaa three .' 5 ilKtuklcra to aaeli barrel, ahatl be cot Into pietet ef akbt pounda. jm near aa my be, to that i twemr (ee piraea will make a barrel of two "? toftrd P'wU net Weibt of unrk. Tb vbols of the aaid bef and pork to be . aackH with tha beat eteaa eorf wliita Toik'f li'in, mc w iviHjrT.i vm a fieient tjnaatK of tbe beat aalt p-lr. 1 b bar i reU ia vbieh the baef aiyi frk ah tH te paaked. j "moat p Brwle of tl be rKnl while ank or " white mIi, arid fully hqpeil( ami nmi be tiiMiid a.1 Xv Beef.,; and ; Kart .fork,", ;ih tht t awitractork aaijie, aul tbe year when packed,-4 TK whole of tke aid beef and pot-k -nutt an derfi the .(nt;H'ti ion af the Nary Ytrdawhert ' the tlelieric-a ro to be mat'. r tueh other in. , . pretioiflt the Oommiuioiieri of tha Noy may liraM alid ' alien klitcred aball be in perfect aWpnfif OriWr- ' . aal pmpotHl. for fura'ithinf the beef ami - airk niuat ba aeeornnanied by leltera from two - ' anionetent nernonn, taiinc their remlinru to ', ,beOiae areurnv. In o-md, lor One ban tne a mount of ths aontraet. eniKlitioned for the faith i fol peiTornianaa at lie aoDtraot. Nil aUenfioo wiil ba pai'l to oOTera not onrrcs- A pnoilina; with, the terina required by this ader ' titcraente; :.,. . -t, t.-t. ..4 - ProjintfcU to tie andoraeiti- Oert (a furnish Suit 'mwViii ih', : . v. go Tw :," -' Ntiliccf JVfie Ojjictr atti sMierit of the Jit VBtutionarv H'hr.iiilhe JVVrtA (Jir pliaa 'Mite, at.d to the hriri nf $nch. t.:' 'hv httVe Vi)t uti," obtitmrd the ' furtwn ij jjinns aue to tntm jor ' fucnfttuuarfi twices. c: 1 S coveoienoe touch elc-imanU mnny of whom f Ihroueb old aee. nmst be m a measure an. Able Hi travel to tlalt-lgh, toa; ether w'uii ll.c whh' (.e and Oftlnlont ol'aevpral ii'tlu.titial and well in. formed men, wieetti the utility of the ensblish went of an f!W in (bn city, where for a mo , dent fee, auch aluinii can be received and put s. In' train fw l-et iuYrUraiio, to a to Lave - themproniutlvdeciiirilon. J he anbaeribei' .liviivtt in Katctirh, nfTert hit profeaiioiiaf aertriaea u an Attorney, in all otr amit n titiHtel and promiaet to attend In, anil ' pat nil claim .trn!:)rttri in him, uiitKM ttl b alntHillB, In tratnlor aniuiliualinn liv tbe tcm- '. '1 . . ... . ; .1. ' 1 I "i eW by thn. Irt .Oc-nenil Ai-einhly vf Uorth . "Cnlina, and wlinae tli einlon upon si! cluinii tub milled to them ngncrnlih to U, will be.fiWl aeenrtiiie Whe tirovnMiof the above cited Vi of the last aeViriii, cons' Uuling them a Bourri bi' tint pnrpnae. " .1 At the rt ebov. cUed of the Inst icssion on . atittuinjj the aaiil fioartl, foe the a'tjiiiiicxiiuil ! r all tueh elainx. will expire' on the first of July next, ana the ishji-tt be at real lor ever alter, i pfirwjni ajhfiig . to "avoir tbeiraelvrt of tlw stili. eribcr'a filfcr, and prof Mioir.il tprvirr will cp Tly is, toon hs jtcMtile, to aa to five time to have , their arvertil iiint nmlui-ely considered, and do- lilienttelyiadjiMlivlited. s , 4 He fmther infomia thoae inlpretted In saeh eVimi.hal be baa baiJe ueb : t ranjfrmcnts with tantiemes) of intelligent, ;and Integrity, at will aW hint lo bave any "LamU they thall obtatn, locaiet, or Otherwitc ditHnrd of to the licit ad ' van-age, lor a proportion of aitlier tie Laudt or Jwineeeiia. . -i,. ' ..' - ' i.5 na,auinai-iber will rirwtt etrenr anr.:iitinn t; Jo biqi an mbjert e ou.pii.lwl by a mcder ' "c feawtil c"elivrelat hiaolfieein Kaltlgh.free i l , Kaleieli, Jn.2Jih, 182S, ! 10 1' uy Cwry tniilieant most ttate :rtie Cnm- i lny tan reirnenl he enlisted at., served in. Hie H . aameaof the Of.tnin and Colonet. the lensjih'rt . Cm be terred, ami where, ana the. affidavits of -V J ansae peiarmt who ( tl tvith tbem and peramt- ' "v knew Ibem.ln have aerved. -The heiit mint . "frnv iIm, tvrvUet in tte same way of the knees- COMMUNICATION: . i : foa'TIlt xXiZtOH STAB. ' ' .iwtt$r$Editoh,l am a member of .Viapttst CUuycb, nd Jiave labored . Sot more; than twenty two years, to dis-. .Ytettnnate; he?tlorious GosoeL -In this tToi I bave travelled through wuch bf Ipiboorof acting iq council with Ihat peo pJ)le, ;ln diiTvent sct'ioDa of country v "iauj ussyciauons ano tenure nes, ana . rast tontesa havejofihe Jtnttmt ha K:y tonlshtncft0relyawakiie4 to tin j ""hn--' ' king ofer the enclosed paper eallwl Western Sun. and General Ad 'rrt!jMT I disenvrrt 1 th.af tlniSf iaf vi Al.urth.4it Lairot. Illinois, had ier.m. , .ciuuicste ! iW'lUff. Elijah Dodson from ' thcir Jellowabip,- for joining thtf Free Mtwaet, without r lnt lir the Brivw Wg iiHr tleCence. MtDyaoci At'tMt d kUxmmi cMDcil la difcr-ot atatr torj e6nnrrv htr full U'uctm H tW. iuVjet; Ut it bM erer beca kotr bcCurf tUt final exejtaian Jim bra protMaiicod by an rrlitrWui totra Stntn it u, tnrlwd, that thit Cbarclt thoald potiets more iIoa and pttlr tt.ti all AaafleiitionarSnwJa, Prfwbjterir, Of nral AuembUea. Coa ferencra and Couacila (bat kav acted on this tttbjtct btrtir thm. 6urlj this Cliorrh at Lamot did not pr hcr nclf time tt reflect, that .when he ex cluded from ber fellnwahip Mr. DoJaon, -jt . prottoiiitcetl etcommamcatwn a trainst a lare number of the fUrat Bafi tiat litvinea, and those of atber denomi nations, whom God ha called to publish lalTaJion. Vbo can ht, w'th Saint Paul, " Woe ia me if I pffacb not the Gospel; but Lamot Church aira, you fthatl not preach. I will Jeff Sir. Par ker, or even the most devout christian or profound politician, to produce a well founded charge again&t the principles or deaign of Masonry It is ontj ig norance and biffotrj that will prompt mentnsoch a precipitate sentence. . Suffer me here to say, that, while all enemies of this, institution are insensi ble of its intrinsic virtues for want of in formation or goodness of heart, or both. I am fully authorised and prepared to say, that all the plans of Masonry are pacific It co-operates with our blessed religion, in regulating the tempers, res training the passions, sweetening the dispositions, andharmtmisinz the discor dant interests of men; breaths a spirit of universal love and benevolence; atljs tine thread more to the silken cord of e vangclical charity, which binds man to man; and seekato entwine the cardinal virtues and the christian graces in the webb of the affections and drapery of the conduct. In its bosom flows chanty, the ratlk of human kindness, and its neart expands with love and good will. It wears the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit in one hand it holds out the o- hve branch ot peace, and in the other the liberal donati hi ot chantv. .While Masonry thus aids tha caue of virtue bv sivinz additional weizht to mora obi iss lions, it promotes public hanpi ness, by enjoining a ready submission to tne wholesome laws and regulations ot civil t ucity. P.P. ake county, N. U. June 4, 1825. From the Western Sun. TO THE PUBLIC. 1 have ever been pleased with the prosper' tv of all societies of men, whose aim was to civilize mankind; or professing1 relipion, if they lived and acted according to their dechv ration. Since I came to the state of Illinois,! joined the Baptist church, having been raisetl to be lieve that they were the only people who were rtjrht; but at 1 grew up, and acquaint? myself with the difl'rrent sects professing reli irioii, I discovered there were more or less in all aocietiet who were unworthy members. I have had in my acquaintance, several oppor tunities of informing 1ySelf 'respect'ina; Free Masonry, ss far as the outlines of that order would admit: my attention beinjr drawn that way, I soon began to form 'quite a favorable o- pimon ot the institution, consequently I made triplication to the Palestine Lodtre tor admit taice I Witt received as a member, and still cor.timie a member of the same. ; ? About tins time mv h.iihisi ore:- "i immi festcd their disapprobation of my o; .metj I readily informed them that 1 had no intension of inavintf the peace ot any person uy beconi. ing a member of that order, that if 1 could see any evil in it, I Would willingly withdraw from the Lodge. When tliey discovereci that tney had no (rood Grounds tor an accusation, and were tin able, in argument, to convince mc of error, they requested me to leave tne Lodge, i in stantly informed them, that what I had dene, had been done with no evil design; that I had found no impropriety in Masonry; consequent ly i wquiu not leave neuuer ot iuc societies : until I saw my error. .."i. Much atriutert af tiis, the case was made known to the Church. Being; prepared for trial.- t informed them it was not my intention ho leave either societies; it instantly fired their minds wth indignation. A motion was made, that I ahould be excluded from the Church, snd I saw there waa to be no' trial. J then handed them a written instmroent, containing some of my reasons for notiesving the Lodge, and also proposed the following questions to the Churcbr requesting answers to eacn. - 1., la moral good apintual evUf . 2. It Masonry sirrf ; 3. If Masonry is a, sin, wherein does It eon- 'htrrnav: Ijiot nurane whit Course I please, if it is lyfnlf andanadyantage to qse, provided t do not sin? " 5 y A 3 , 5. When I have neither done or intended harm, whv ahould I be excluded :.. i u. How can you judge of that of whicn yo know notbinrrV " ' IS ? 'Elder Daniel iParler. obBerved . to the Church, that the question were unantwera ble, snd likely I knew hi-that be riresumed the question were tnteoded to puasle and perries, the Church, and not for my -own in. structioni furthermore, he was not prepared to any, whether there Waa mnch good or harm in th inUtutionbut one thtnr was certain. there was enough contulned in tne scriptures to employ si'ihe leisure time We Bad to spare m this world.;;" ' ' ' , . : -v ? 1 - -, y 's;The question was tlit n tuken,tirid f Was ft. j, CiMiCO i oiongn i a sirange way oi puis a man to death without knowing whether !. i.t.. . .1...!. ... . r bad Coniailtti a dime, aud without t- . I rerpiaattd a ViB at say sVhs, cvtMltklftg P- oaMT, i mirlit have avtM cck f kae tm future, what t kaal do at aras fnaied, tuatl fa ads aa taBowa: ' - " StmU W liwma, fWWf fat-aTa. tke Maplut t-aarca wj varaat, aw -ar.- 1st. Took the rcftrenet frotn Uat moetinir.reipactinf Klijah Dddauijoiainf Um rrew aaasoM L4rc aa-it uouaoa cant lor waH stkl iafortard the Church that b artaabl lav tb Msaviale order, the C lurch therefor excluded- tbe aaMl D t Uon iro-w their rcDotrahip, for wnttina; hiavtcK with rh kUaotitw Iddrt. ami aerivciinr la ear Um Church -Done at her mectiflj of buaUacat, atnrday. 12th MrcISZJ. " SiwU by order of the Church, - " WILLIAM Kt AH, C. A Irue copy eher reeord." AccorJinr to llie beat oonitniefioo 4ilch CAn out aaon auch a writtan :in4ruft)euit eon t una rwocharets. each of arbiah ara faisc tax. i nava ajwsyt aaj L it t touht oe eon- noetl uT ray error, I would retract tuiva ao deaire lo commit an iL and knowinrljr or willinjfly pert i in t'je aamcj th&t my dia- poaittoo for evil wit hot to airon; but that 1 would turn !rom it, when convinced. 2 J IHM I negiectec to near the Church, u equally ridiculous, and mutt appear ao to every person, because. I have alwaTl been anxious to do what was riirbt, and williuc to listen to reon out inateaa ot this they de prived me of the opportunity of hearing them, by not ansu ciing the question which I pro noted. I wus jvi linr to hear, and bad no other expectation, until i it eseiuded in ao shameful a manner, without ever attemntine; to investigate tne auniart. I he case lias never been inveatijrated in. the Church, ia any shape whatever. The intention of ihe Church appears to have been thit: If tliey exciuaea me in ton manner, it would proba bly injure me, it t never came bark to join them--t the same time thev thouirht by" es- cluding me in so a'ru;t a manner, I proba bly would not take the second thought about it, and conclude the act was to bane, and they had thown me to much contempt. that 1 would leave the Masons, return ami acknowledge a fault, and be a member with them. But 1 never intend to acknowledge a taint until t ara certain, mat i nave coui mitted one. I now submit the matter to the public, for tnem tOjudK w nether the Cluircti has treat ed me aa Christians should treat a meaner, or even as a friend or neighbor. , Or rather have they not treated me as thiujjh they were destitute ot mat supernatural love which flows from God, and fills the stiul with true love to all mankind ELIJAH lXniSON April 7,1825. This same Elder Daniel Parker, who can find enough in the Bible to employ all me leisure time we have to noarc in this world, has for the last three years been a member of the ifgislntures and previous Ui hi election, he positively declared to the memoers of his Chui cli, tht he was called of God to legislate and according to hi own statement, hat spent much oi his tirm- in fr gold and silver, & concealed treasures, in a mountain in Tennessee. GOV. TROUP'S MRSSAGE. Extracts from the Message of the Governor of Georgia, transniitted to the Legislature of that state on the 23l viltimo. "The recent acquisition tourvacant territory in the occupation ol the Creeks, is t!.at subject, and the survey and appropriation, the objects which wifl claim vour attention. For the fir.t we are chiefly indebted to the ConimUsinn era of the United States, Col. Campbell and Major Meriwether. Too much praise cannot be git en to these gentle men, fur the iirmttess and intri'imlitv with which thev m& the most formida ble obstacles, and lor the untirinz zeal, and patient lalior, with wlnclrthey con quered them. That of this praise there can be no waste or niisapplication, you will reatl in the various documents, and corresjiondenre connected with it and which are submitted.. You will distinct ly see that the principal difficulties which embarrassed them from beginning to ehtl which defesti the first Treaty a Broken Arroa-mi.. which were well niah nroducine a ruDture of the last at Ue Indian .Springs; proceeded from a quarter, the- least ot ail trfbe expected from officers ia' the naT and con fl- denceof the Federal Government, who instead of rendenog to the Commissi oners the most cordial co-'operatiori.had organized an opposition, thereby expos ing to suspicion their own Government which in JuMincatiorj of itself was hnal- ly obliged to avow " that the perfidions plots' and devices contrived by h, were unknown and . unauthorized at Vasb tngton at the same time the authors and contrivers were permitted to' escape buf -.lA'Hi.L' ti.? :i: 2-X .!i wiiu. iiiii vuservutiuii situ crruuiuy without merited pnnishinent. Having foreseen that troubles might arts n the .Indian country from" Uie proceedings at Broken Arrow, : and the Indian Fpringn, I tooght an;'eatlrdn- portunity after t,he first jfldicaiinna of then) to dispatch my Aid-de-Camp, Col tarnar; -'into "the Nation; vfrh a talk for (haf portion of tliis Tribe which had menaced M'Intosh and his friends with rnjTjry This Uuty was performed entirely to my satisfaction," as you wilt perceivtvby tf ft' report of CoLTuarriaK iney prok-.cd tue most Uienoiy senu mentsb'K ') l it I hp writ tea anil t nwl M'Into ere ti' ive assurances that they t n to neither. : It is 1 IV. laformtio9a Uat tWey acted ia prfec' sincerity and good Ctitb, and that the aabaeqtent departare riU - irwtt it wit toe reauuca ise cuwt ana asslignaot '4aterferenc of wkka asea. a say aoticitad for the peace and bar- pi ness of this aRicted race, wH wore abopt t leave a lo try toe fartirnei ia of Irem ment distant laud. 1 issued the Proclamation of the lataf March, which immediately tallowed the ratification t ane Ireaty, aad thus' transcended the oblitationa irjsMned by strict duty.-r ;" t -s - "Hsvint their own pletlge that the peace ahould be kept among theasselves, I wihrd te see no intervaptiort ef it ay the Georgians, and honorable for them, there has .been none. -1 verily believe, that bat for the insidious practices of evil minded white men, the entire-natioo-l tera would have moved h aravonuMtsty across rheMissiasippi. The. anatsacte of M j a-raf.Jta..- -a latesn ana nia inenosuioue attnoateti lo' the at alone. That chieftain, "whose whole life bad been devoted te Georgia aa faithfully as to hU own Tribe, fell beneath the blows of the assassins, when sun rv reposing ia the bosom of. bis family, upon the soil of Georgia..the soil which he had defended against a common ene my and against hia own blood.wliich he had relinquished forever to our just demands, ami which he bad abandoned to our present use. only because : we asked it.. So foul a murder, perpetra ted bv a foreien force udoh our territory. and wi'.hin our jurisdiction, called aloud for tengeance. It waa my aettiea pur pose, havinzTirAt consulted tha govern ment at Washinzton. to hate dealt oat the full measure of that vengeance: 0 that h'inur, humanity,' justice, being sattsneu, wnatever stain may naveocen left upn our soil, none should pon ihe page of our history. v ,V;. , liut the ltepresentaiives or tna reo plc were alxiut to assemble, who would bring svlth them foldings and aeft tiruehti i orresponuing to the occasion; temper ed by a deliberate wisdom and a sound u'cret.inwthe tafek is cheerfully re signed to them, and whatever in the li?f resort (hey will that will be don.v ' " The consternation and alarm which immediately followed the death' of Mc- Inlosh, tendered necessary measures of precaution as well for the) security of the Frontiers, as for the protection of the Viiendlv Indians, who deserting thfir homes, "fled with therr wives and tiilden, before the hostile party, and presenting themselves destitute and de fenceless at various points of the fron- a. a . s tiers, asked bread. oi our numanitv, ana protection of our arms. The Quarter masters w redirected to supply the One, and our Generals ordered to afford the other, and both at the expense of the United states, or which they had due xvtre. The orders and instructions to Mj. Generals Wiraberly i Miller and Shwtcr, with the correspondence etc. are laid before you." . ' ' j The expenses'" incurred bt the re ception of Gen. Lafavette, amount to S7.198 32, as you wilf see by the ac! counts and vouchers which are exhibit ed. The Executive had, in this instance, received an urrliraited power' over. the public treasury which oughi'1 never to be" confided but opon very extraordina- I , Uk.Wl9IUlIQ.. b 19 M.W .W IHV lMU'lV as weH as o' the officer charged with the disbursement to institute , a' ttrict inquiry into the expenditarev thu ex ac ir.g astfar aa practicable after the expenditure, that accountability which in ordinary cases ought to be secured before.' 'The orders given to my Aids- de-Camp, who were charged with their execution, tnjoined on them the strict est ' eeonmnv; and all circumstances considered, they hjve not disappointed rnyxpertanons.. ' Since vour last TOeehBit our feel- inzs have been again Outraged bV offi- cuius, and impertinent' intermeuungs with our, domestic! concerns. Beside the resolution uresented for the coosi deration of the Senate by Mr. sting of t -r Jt- 1- i- ' At .iT L. rnew lorn n is unuerstoo.ini"in Attorney General of the United Sutes, who mar be presumed to represent bis Government faithfully, and to speak as its mouth piece, has receptly maintain- ea oeiore tne Dupreme court, aocinnes on this subject, which if sanctioned by that Tiibunal will make it . quite easy for the Congress by a short decree to invest mis enure interest wunoui cini to jJiemscIvea of onj dollar, vor of one acre ol Dumic land--thts is the nnilomi practice Of th Scveranten t nf the U ted StateVMf It wishes a principle e tsblished which it dare hot establish for itself, a fse is made before th au prerhe coui tind the ; a inciple once aet lied, the r.tt of Congress , .fillowa of conrkc. fdi . very s-ioii theref re. the Ur. ' ' ! ' Oovernmn:, d.sr -dmg tile l ,. i. will opetilj '.lend 'itelf to,,a eombinaiion t-f fa...'! Is for t'u-. . strucr. fion, of everj .in, la'u ' !e i.i liie Sou thern tountiy One ino mentuf the Congress unresisted by you, and H ts Umt. Temponse 00 longer; make known vour r solution that this Subject finll totbo touded by thcf-nlu$t th";!-; - bet for i'- acred guarantee t' eonatitaton i r.rrer .'.d ui. Us1. cetat parties to Cat iuU iiiitr.t-snul . - monseotyoe wouia not rnsie rarit nn Bjrtirs to aar constirutian w ' cot it-- . Course y will not be a j 'ty to ' .. . ' the momeet th uenersi t.ovti - ahall make that woven. '. . , . o ' " if this matter pa aa 'il it Ii c :. . '. nwr iH be a sin wecaa ia pi ara tbe'.' rorgiveaeaa ef iq to remove it - we a' not either theif- svmnatht or assis'anra .'.' . . ' -4t may be oar physic! wtalr.t - it .J t oar moral auetigtaN r i..e t: -1 .ier!.a - and Komana the roomt..t vvr c ase tJ . be matter wa ara alaves v. thence. ". a . a . a - tor to minister iika tne moxicrn itaiiana t to tha luxury and pleasures t f our pit- ', i . poeu, painters, mutuant, si. t . sculptor wa may ow- in m-irai t.ua n . uea nwevr wnica would niiiKe us i..; . partakers ef the grandeur of a treat tin "e pir would ba cone We would tundl 1 ii stripped and desolate under a frnii :. i" : an4 apon a genetoua oo'd, a i rnockej l-'.', , to ourselves, anq tne very contrast 01 what, with a little Brmacssand U -re. " sightrwe' might hafe beea. entail : '; ': -you-; theTrfire, moat earnestly, no w tVa ' unot loo kt,ta.trp forth; and havir . e.xhauate,(l, tiro aruuv ut,' to1 aUnd bf H 'fr "j year arm. jm , ' i . t- v., i" . ,:i , y v-. Kfrom the Chsrlott 6urna1, Si,' . f .' , - The telebratiun which took place iH v thia town on the 1 20th fcstatit, w as , ' $ ' qual to, if it did not aurpass, any thm y of the kind ever before Witnessed here, tJ . The day waa line, and botunctm,fortf bly warrot andat anearly hour, a Urp-e concourse of people. ltrangeri and citi zens, bat) assembled to do honor to the; day. , At tl o'clock, M. a rrores-, sion was lurmeu, uuuer me oirecuori ui Cc4. Thus. G. Polk, On the pi t south: of the Court-Il6useCe: 1. 1, i.edv'aV 1' fftmpany of, cavalry and tl.e Lafayette". ' J Thoa, I. folk; Iq front, citizens and f trasera next, and lastly a bind of re ' . , vututLmarv veterans: 60 or 70 in nnmV ber, wfafmg badges witl tha figures Ti ' ' -. atampxiathem -The procession thca s' - . , moved tome rresoytenaHcnurcn,wnicn tnougn spacious, was cruwnea-io over - ,( flowing, and numbera found it impossi ' 14 bla t proettra aeata. .Kl. -'V V A ' The exercises at tna cnurcn eoTMnena . ced with a prayer, replete With genuine t ' . ' piety and ardent patriotism, by the veni j " ., : Sf erable Dr Hunter) thla was aace eede . , by appropriate music from the band; ai ; ter which the Declaration of Indepen-f i ', .1 - it.. Mi;.... .f II..LI..I.... . . i r. Ucliccf uv lira viukui vt i'ci.icijuui4 . was read by the same Rev gentlemaiw '. An oration was then pronounced by Mr. Morrison, which riveted .the atte"fttio of the audience, and caused tear, td. 1. . . . m. 1 . . a a. af Jr . . T J truklft aown ,-tM lurrowea cneexs 01 i,, numbers of the war-vrorn -abif hoary v headed veterartar The Oratof did am . , pie juatice to hit lubiecthe depicted, j, in animated colors, die uudaunted pat -' jf . . riotitimof out fathers, whom no difficul t -ties conld dlahea'rteh, no terror dismayi '' DO privauona suuaue wuo, 100a.ni" on e , ly to the' justice, 'of fteir cause, and th4 ,T" ' wrongi.they ''had received, mdignantl ' renounced their allegiaflca to i govern- i iVtf ment whose protection' wat felt unit itt . . the injuriea, which It inflated, md whoss)' ' ' ' paternal regard was evinced only ia ys 3k,- tematio attempts to wrest frorO them, all, t that thev held valuable as men rhd r ntalnhad fraAdnm a'st birth.Mo-hf. ami t worse than det patriotic band. u'.ril itotira Kin aw ss - wit. va, t wsvj v r -t 1 Ls 1 th i llis address, ti tlur J iwhbse .venetable formfj ' t .' r. arid wlimiA anntsrv tnrb . ' . S. " oiiieiiueu irames Kiriucu bulu siniiii. w .. - contrast to the picture h had altetcheds ;V,-1,' of therr tottthful strength and vigorwai v peculiarly appropriate and pathehCi anil, . excited emotfona In etery bosom, whicl(' '- 1 ' toay be easily imagined bn t not descrl V bedV Thef jiddress, in short, v. welt . conceived and happily 4 executed, ami si -a vv we regret that it wdl not be in ptrr pow , er to lay t before oof reatjef, as fhr Aa4lt,j krm jkrltflsil 4 flat PAivtatcl1 tt KjC Uommittea iofiirai8bacppyforpubUcai v v- v' v'Tha exereiset the clrarcJi.. vreri cio sed with music and discharges of r ariftoi and the revolutroaai'y veterans r ' i. ed 1 ' in procession, escorted b Ihe f a 1 y. ; s no one present, at mis ceieoratu . couid have itieen efltirely uffmoved by ' the recQiiecuons arm associations cor fd with it, vThe. occasion was ptpJV !y calculated to produce an intra 1 u elmg, and to elicit rr"ections at i. r easuraoie ana pronr 'Oie.. 11 k ,"-- wast. .iethsnnivewry of an event of wl i the citizens of-Mecklcnbnr t without tlie impnta'tioaTSf vanity, ml; t - lastly be protfd; it was a t occasion 1 1 loy and gratifudev rejoicinj? ar 1 rf:i'.sej ' P3tat.inesanTe time, me it. .uum, , . not DUt arise l" many w .1, i,ui -t 1 few, very fevri of the! nurr.b"-j then a4 ' seinbled ttf commcnioratt it vvould live , ' to witness its returrfr' Fifty jeaflheneey f.t and of 0i!'' rnultif vle then present, tho ' rent r ( rt v. i'J 1 ' repobing beneati . " v nt, ' n... y. '.'.ast will bat, t' V a 11 'v. I 1 w Sfif M it .a' ; i" - i '