- v ' I f m ' " " , ' '.. ' - . .. . .JU AC ) . ' . S. r CV . e. f UAU.IGLI. (N. 0.) FniUATAL'CUSt s6;i8si 4. s--'THi; srR, Ji XMkCarvlia Gaxet!!, HELL "LAWRENCE Sjkjatbrti'W, (km tuilrs xr . R a. . mt aiil r mm. wnnrmt ai r " a-1 .ra eaa, wtl fliaaoetiawvn, bav 1 t. Minf the Kdiiurs, nnt-alt rmrf t ' m ttuJ. .fteriaemta. etceedmr "' xnCri.' Wat led tH tte tnr mm sViilar, " ajtl eety,f.f ! f' a0 Tuat.ee.. , AH leftrt M lhe.m'r aaast fee Pi1 pvi faj u- I- ,' ' ""' OFFICIAL PAPEU. i re- ' .itrt it heJCrtek (fVaw t-.J I hit Ex'w O- TrfK : -' ' giOntbe ?6th of lu., we the b rt endow yow F.itrtlcncf copies of ' onnnofvlt-nc lioJd t toe ln.lit- Sprir 'wilU Gen," tl;!ne. Teur EwBcticy will pttce-vt, tbt cfoTimion of GeorU . ! nre UihiS'.W hy hi frtsn' hy pirtW.piitinA tht CotinciV 4 in oheilirnce t ' ' i-:itl.' tn;fim, tSet eywed a pyoient. a.id. with eut dobr et frsr.i f r HVclitll. nexr ; Uroken Arrew. 'After out arrival at U't' !cei weatin.irddreaae&fcnett (No. , Cenerl. Gained r;iiewii(r bur reyieV and expWning o Uim pur jnotiTea and intention , Jn wishing to "en4 the Council. ' Tbia li4 .'fmt - apprv aWmtttrwf jo ' the GeneraJ. , and lie adhered, to Via iv'ioiM determhia' tion tq f xclufla ui.froin tfe" rouncH o$ rJtm wkttiontrt, wlite e we'e left at l&ert5 to ', attend Other' Individual: tee N. 7,)--' W deemed it-' nnnecesrj tu i entpr out - protest t(faint thi retu and determined ' aotto do "Oj-oua aiaCi-re and aximude , tire t'lie no eafui of comlkint ?to tho i Genera), and, to attend the Council as indi- f riduals, 'that - We' rfiight avail f oirrfeve, of overr nurans'willvn our power of citftni pliifun5 the object of wir appotiitmenC , " '-sAfter wo hud yjrepared oiir letter to Gen. Vrt A 1 KcfnM If liut been hmn. f ded to him, we weire invited.hr the General ,,'to attend a i-ilk' abwiit.to.be' held between Mraand the1.HtlTririefiC conynr ttrti ' Talk is marked .Xo. a) ' Fi-om io1 anxiel) "of 8i-al Aarent.Mai)r ' Andrea t-10 satkftthe-niSnd f the 4tUo PripceTM; to ati ur - isionofthe .Afftmt,CoJ.vCroweII, we felt k.ixiona forebodings thOjt We need f mt eipect to find lii htw a rnan, who south' ."'only to extend imijarrl jiistiee to,the accu sed, in tho afternobn.oftho'nrat daY'O'lie 35tb of June wo od to the, Abry asion; I (the- MethoiV!e;v'''9-). v-4o see the Kn: Im SJn)in,rwiom we pro- 'uaed .to examine aso'V tnes,!; to tpprse t him that fact and to ascertain what time ;''WMVW niosf onvenlen to hinv. Whe.b Me' arrived, -m fohW Col CroWejUf?aj. v Roclcwell his counsel; aiid MajAndrt ws. te Special Agent, a!readMhetrtt Keinp intro ",. incfi ta, Mr. inith; fteT i ''AtUne e ""informed, him of or wish- ftnd intension to sea and examine Itim' affa'-itnessy and wtshed to know what thhenrnul'k'si him. Jis ' anWef v wai, .that anv rtitne Vould be ioohveniento Uim. : We ,the;h proposed-V .malte the examination n the Monday ihorh 2 ing thereafter "and enquired of CoL CfwelJ, w hal w rVfin the 'tMter1 marked Kb, "5. whetb it ai tim would uit him, f ol t- HVU llv UTtul1"' ; JWW Mi" ..". T V v ( tasked'-by Mau Andrew, whetVer, we. ind v. CoL Crowell had made any .arrangement--. as I yito-the takins; of tCjtilrn&njTvla which wa j that each Ehould ftWjh ' opportunity- ' i 5' cr6sxavninin '-mtewttheMCo examined, i by I ,j:heftheri -and Jlistrtto, other arrangement I f ihadbeen.madei; While these, conversations fbomt whom -ueiuAierstood AO hoitW Jle. tee Comnere. llir Baptist Missionarv; and , antlic ol tbe,leHerW the Sfaithemlntelli- t i. tcuv ... He was-nifotmed that tnc ComHijsi sioners would eftaunhwhin Aiso ilr.jCTO; 1 pere made some objections t beinsf.' rwom, and he was distinctly, informed that the law nuitjpvided, that, the xJJUinatimf would ,bs cquatry obliffatory.with; an- oath,vVhe .ny rersnn had tonttibtiitmiteruiki about fta- V.imiran oath' 1 iwould not ay he bad any , -eonBcientious scruples about, taking jp; path jvplea about.tskin? an unnecessary cthrvthM he concelvbd one u.nceewry la,thi case- i That -he "would irWe k Uieroent and, .'that i ;i was isllhfe presumed Mn-Smith would dof f .Mri at in ieciMft',ne wouta.iiOi swear or f ,4tatetheni would sullicient with the resi- oath. oft affirmation: butlf 'J y.' Andrei. " sajd'U vas necessary to "swear i then informed by one. of the ,Cpniminsiotier4 , 'that he knew the object ot toeir; fftkjnpthfe t( ;mony, .and .if hr would jiy 'in wnting,N r'.t!. e u.ieir,enfwlthout oatk'or affir ma ' tion oiild be iuffibic'iSthB .ComJhiKsners.j 'oull be sausfied ;:Totbi hf Hfphecfc that ! f he did not know tbe tobject'fat which they .were, taking testimony. tbat.U as a matter betwetn-tlie Commi.ssioners and Mr., Com-; - vPeto, and that, he- must decline iaying any .; thirg;. , re' was eferwd to your" letter "I him, as ...j.natOTy tjf oiiobject,,1 Ie" said he did not tliink those letters .did explain hW Bc id not know ; whether, we intended to ) i.ie testimony before the President, the a,I.egis)!turfe, r EJfecutlve of Gfcorgia, or fce- fore s Judicial tr'.bimali. 1 lie 'was, infirfmed i Mmt fie must know, that 'll could not bc in- r ;v tended for a Judicial tribunal. - Major "An t (ewal'persistiiigr ,in' his refusal t4 giro an C cpiuion, and behevinglhe controversy worse i than nsekssVe took our leave. v?,. i Imreediatcry on retdrnifigtd Fort Mitchell, re wrote, aiaj.- Andrew the letter No - ,hich remained unanswered till, two of the Commissioner Jones and Torrance, left that ".Vflace for Alabama. - To persons not present, and .particularly those unacquainted with all ino-circiimstancet, this letter . nvay appear ksrfl), and tlie Wflnuations unwarranted! but . e can assure j our Escellency that hotbing" , but the most, positive iconv'rtion could Iwi-.'e , S,intlucd. u to take this t - v. 1 hould cir- v ckmiuu,ces have transpbed4o Ify iuiwelcbtaia the trutu i.oaimcuhvjni u tue tnaian'taucaim t 'f't y; : '' . ;t.'-V'-;t ... r-i - .; were ttwj, we ,nuU bbdI eberrlinv have retrc.e(t ,u e are aorry 1ut tb iwiereat olGt,; ani pf trutX. we are compcited to 4cUir, aubcqqrtit eferjls lure x.K oaiW.nW us in the correctacss of that opia- WV " " t t. ?, . V - f . , Jj the eveoin W Uvt day, the 8ih, two w.he 1'omiiMMitMn aUx; Iim (We pub. be road, snet and WU a cuai Com reflation wT Jewkh Gray, a half-bread Ul.au, and one of tke rhiefs who bad sitfnl the Treaty, roe aornin- we frcerred mfW,i,m (bat VI m. KaiiiUK- ih - aaJ (old Gy thai Ga. Games was displea. a. wiili him and uj for holding- conrcrta tiona toffetber, and that ho snuxt d so ba ore. Prom Crara rieiwi. Kn ?i a,. wil! sea what waa'said to hi:a by the Indiana. " -Ow tho torainir at sk C&k t.. r .- Coinmjawoaera walked out, and with them jf1 w1 hy tho name of RichsrJs, (a WmA VD bad lived m U.a N.liuiV'Mut kaH U. i tertiretef to tho SeiiwHole inlant) bo had CU.m dint the Creek K"t.n .n.i .k. tended at Btvkeit Arrow to bavv h settled. ircrue mutned from rne waiv. K. w.n to I lie. CnmiisWioners' room -to shew his pa, pers, relative u bis eLumfiMnrii. . -ic ter dianrr of that day. sundins- near one of the commM.Km.-r, be was asked by him wt.it vj t.ie name of h Indian who passed by at' the vuvil ITD1 lntTTIUkf tllil iwfl If rtM K . reo'irs ed ! uk tt . it ..ir.,r whoatood by, and inrornied the Consmiaaioiier the Indian tved below. H ik. takl.i that the naiwe of the L,dian, and, not hi place of 77 J V eTVl"lrel "W. ' Hichards then stated, that he was wiling to rive the Com- rrv"t, any mtonnation 4nd aasistance in P"'" 10 ohlipo them in anr wf he waa able, bu that be had received ah order not to hiiv any intercourse with the Commis oiu:rro interpret between them snd the lf iH forony purDoe..He waathen asked, wfoffive tlie wrderf Va it riven by Gen. U i,ea? To th s he answered, the order was not rtven by Oenl Gi. hm th.t 1.W ha.t-. ceived , u seder, an- beared thai no more ouwtions m1(rbt ie aked lumL . About this time Col. W illiamson joined us, and upon con. sul'auon, we dctermilel to ask an inter. uh Gon Gatnesl from whom ha bl ceUed bis Jetier 4 tiu- 26.h. (Xa 7,) to nim me connaence ot tae Governor or Geor ris and of thCCom nii.orf ih, in his exertions aitd determination .16 cj'iiet the disiurbancen in the jNatioik, and reconcile their d it rcncr to state to him.tbe.Uihctilties attending us ''om-.tue tenticf which ws placed on our oommunicatlotu with the Ind an cotrntrrmen, (?';"'io o-wn m. uic .iun 1, afiu whit xne trttiltiija hemlveto detail to him tlie-a-bove cimi nstanCes relative t Gruy and U'clv ard S(. to assure him that we woi'rld have no itercfurse whateeer with: the. Indiana until his business was closed,' to 'prevent trir' niir cmtn(ction of ur motives and conduct, if he,.t-enefiUiaities,x would promise qn his nnrt that he would keep tho Indian Chiefs there after he was done with them, &nd give an- opportunity of exanuninir,. them sena- rateh-and apart from each other, before him: Hi then stated that M.Andrews' would wish to earo'ne them in Cotmcilafuer he was done. a;id that he, Maj,- Andrews, sugfstedthe pro- pnery oipqr ara wing up; pour iiHernKwories and stibm:Un them to bim for. his exaniins' two. betore they. were put to the Witnesses. Me was immediately told by one of our mis sion, tlwt we could not submit to such a, re- inwhiori from Mat. Andrews; that. if klerf- tified himself, wit K Col. Cruweti as his Coun sel, and proposed such " srraniement as re o:jrociV wtsvwat c-.nittef ot it, . But that he. is Mtinr Impartially between ua, tnd as a Judze, had :no, tight t) askroi' -.demand any . j . . .'' .... - . sucn tnmj, ana xmi we woaia not accede to it. We further . told him that we: Were well satisfied.' awl bid ncjdpubj fromhU know.-1 eac 01 me tinman- cuaracier, mat tie must 0 af,i8lietV of tp.p Inutilitf tot examining them in Conciiltbal .Jte;1rld'.iTpea:-e..iTOe story: Whetnef true or talses- imleetl, that the Talk.,ouU h delivered by one nan, and that we could ortly. hope to obtuih ' the truth rrom snem oy.w stparaie eaaninauon$, mat we wished it in hU presence, & tlmt we would put pur,, tjttjrstionV.iA.trtitlnjf. -The .General then" Tirei ushe w.ould with pleasure give iis ai) tbe.faiodities in his power; that he had the pqvi ef- M detain the rhietsrt tiwraahe pleaicfdl and thMm would''do ic-, -that he would let "usluibw' when; liie,was 'dona with thei'am) w shoud.t.hen have the opportu nity of xan3(ung.theni as we wished..' H'e ihpn took bitrv'evft festmif with full Confi dence; irr the': assurances. j ata, and assts tauce,; which ti d had received H w- well oftr xpectfms'.v?cre; fnlnllad; and ; how justly our confidene .W -repOiJed,' will be seen by yoiir Excejjency id the report of Cols. Jouf- Ui-ptf MhdaSTthinhe tttor repiiire -jo th AsHuryJ Hsion. ,hoiisev' to submit; interii?atories Ho .Mr; Li .JoniperHv When we arriwd, we ag:un found CoJ.Xro)v ell. Jlal, lRockwy!H4 atitl Major(Andrsj-aV readV there.' The two fetterm a priratc room. Uh 'iloor of ',vheh "Wa carefuilyJosed and fastened on our entrance int"the nouse:; in a sttort lirtke .Me. Smith came, int the room vbere;we saijandhanded us the Jotted No, 23. signed hr himself, iSr. Compere, and- Mr H1II4 the last pi Wbom seems io nave enusieq ! 1 . - . t s . m himself as a wunteer.as ne naa not oeen aiK ed bv us. ttbr had we intended to examine him. Pf that letter, yoa wai perceive toey bad cVmeloia positive determination iwt to sweat er kftirtn to aw statfsment they might give-. With6ut eiitermi' mto anydiacusMonas to the propfkty ef that determination, we submitted some inu-rroETitones p air.-oinucro. o ttMpf wf mnid not then receive auv answers. We were .informed .'.they- would be prepared in--k rmiw (d tin (lav and haiitlc lo ns in the evening, as thfrt'-Ouncil were ex; -cted t j meet that morning. The Commissioners dc , Clined submitting tny questions to. Mi . Sn l' at that time ahd departed, leavine i .e r 9Ahe nan together, tio doubt to c and determine m the answers proper to be girtn to the questloiia.' When we ci-'Vd in thdeveninc. tint answers rfc ulre.. ia.h 1 out to the questions betore pro ; " , an 1 answers n-a .e to aaoiuonai t4ui. -ion iui.it. subnultc-d. , v 1 -We w vi e uiikb'c to give a pvlir idea of this altwu FiuT.ce it torwJiJwe be-:ame -ihiied t' l any altcii.pt 1 our part to j. T.'.,nini.'.!,i;i. Muce 11 wiVhMe wwra well satined t t auyalttii.pt 1 our part to trutu i.oiiimcuLvjr rui tue Indian' Kt, whether hh or red, and uadee the 1iWace and fvt efUo Arat, Hmq boj eotklnet, we nere then eainirt, cnitat b rrti'ittca.. ' for bat auuld . .eta.t tru.a ntbetn, who pretSoda Hae no regard for tue sacred obsess wreCrion, wbrn we fownd a Minuter W the sVicnri-a doe of Christ rovernv btjaeVnitb the sane- uty orbiS mande to proud bmwetf trusa h prevancaonr and auivucaUnf w lb a UL meat nbich nis ewiKicvi woidd n.jt pet mil kins to vohfy by an oaita rotation. . Cn- aer tlin conrtrtton and to , "en Ibea from preparing tUe aiUer wJf as they bad done those about I on Mitcbelt. it wan deter aurwdthat tan of our aliaon sbauM iramede ! aetly proceed to Alabaan to Uke testhpor n o road, and at Cine creek ana. Monu goery in that stale -Messrs. JtMtes and Tor-ranee-were t-lccted for that business, They left Fan. Mitohslt, and irgceeded aa far as Crabtrce's that eveninr. a diaunce f fwv miles. , In pursuance of the in tructions we bad received from yur Excellency, CoL Crowell was served with a notice on the i8tb early In the morning, that we would lake ths testimony of Kendal Lewis and JanvsaAIost at the House of Kendal Lewis, about 25 r 36 miles d.stant from Fort Mitchell, at 1 1 o'clock that day. Tan will peVce ve from Cok Crow- cii's letter of tlut date, No, 10, tliat ne com plaineof the time nsttoo abort to afford him the opportnmty of cross-examination. While we avlmit the time was short, we deny H was too limited for him to reach them. We in tended to gio Only tine enough to enable him or his counsel to get there, and to allow them no time to tamtv-r with and prepare the wi incases enner to answer aa tliey wished, or not to answer at all. - - j. - '. V ? r-As proof ef the sufficiency f the time, we would refer your Exeellencv, to tho re port of Messrs. Jones and Torrance, marked mX'" ' '"-''' i '''C,.4 '' -Tho; Report of Messrs. Jourdan and Wil Caniaon (marked H. will show theif proceed mand the difficulties they encountered aunnr ui absence Of Messrs. Jones and Tor ranee. v '.. Fou will have seen by, fiinnirpan'of.tlile report, mat two or the inemuers of tue am sion v Messrs Jones and .Torrance) departed from Fort Mitchell on the e veoin of the 27th for Lewis's. J.ine Creek "ami M mtfromerv. foFtlie purpose of procuring the teslunony of certain witnesses at tbose places, r hey hav ing aC:o.njH,siied that object so far as jthey were enabled to .do,'retumd ahd joined the CommuNuoiiers at Cnbtree's on kundsy the 3d instant: Having been informed on that mot ning that Mr. Kendal Lewis, U whim we had propounded certain interrogatories, 'on'-the day before in writing, & wao .had at his re quest been allowed a short time to draft his answers, Vhad refused to answer them at ill & i had also left the neighborhood for hie rest dence, wc determined to inform Gen. Gaine! of the blunft, and re.juest of him an order, whereby Mr. Lewvs might again bebroughttoj Fort Mitchell to testify .This was done ?n( tho 4th inst see No.SL Jrt that communica- i tion you will observe, that ,we cautiously -- raided I the use of nn; -language,' the least caV.ulated to interrufX the rery fiiendly feci-1 ing manifested toward thet' CqvemmCnt Of Gwgiatand her Commissioneh , hy'j Gen; Gaines, shortly after, their, arfitai atFort Mi chfh.Wc sought cidy to correct what we considered a mistake made by - tho Gene ral,, through his aid, doubtless, nnintentional -to request Uie order for Lewis, and a copy or copies of tho Trtka to,' and firom tlte Indi ans. How far that communication authorized the reply we received forbidding further cor fespondence ith thtf Ontied States'; Mission, then in the eek Nation, touching the ob jects of the disturbances 'herein, your Excel- lency will readily determine.. Whether the 'VA'.f . JIuhI wai, inMtlri..A ! -'4knf' HSwiiiA.. we know not, but suppose, that he, wasi.nd that our correspondence may have been closed iiftder a feelirtfg produced by your Eaceilen cy's note to one of Ra memberaj Major Ani drews, bearingdate the 28th bhyv.V,.',.' rtv. 'thi tle evening if tle 3d we were notified that'theCOunatdfbr Col. Crowell would 'pro ceed on the, next morning at about the' hour of 9 o'clock, to take the exuminatiorr of Wd fiam Hambly, tho tnterprelei1,' ? In pursuance of T;Kt nytice,i we attended at the time and place designated' When we ajTied we were f. -'. k .. ...... .... j' fc'.i- J.I, inTinrmea mat tney were nnicay, out wouiu bn in a short time, 'After we had been there about an hour, we ! were. informed thai they were ready to close the examination of Mr. Hambl?;,," To our surprise, we found that the wnote ot tneutesuinony- or ;ine iBicrpretesw . . .. ,5.i - . 1 had been committed ito paper, by: Colonel Crdwell1! -Counsel; before we-Wiire called ini It was read to hitn y the Cqunsellr qf"the Aecnt, wh stated to the witness before ho heean. that he V:ould read Over his testimony again,, siowiy ana oisunciij' m ana thed.aakii Mr; Hanibh', "1 pare read over the tetihTOy idowly and distiiictly-rmdo'ed not once but to 't Mxret ( o;e and you tan savV'Sf ' anv vthV;r vls twronff.j-"The witness enid all was TiirhfAiid then swore to the state- ruents lie bad beard read as true; such a course we considered very unlike what is termed an edcaminatimi, Having heard the testimony of Mr. Harobly, we determined at once not to cross interroeato- himt his .'Evidence, ' beiitr mainly confined to points affecting, the means whereby the late Indian Treaty was obtained, and attempting by 'a selection of statements, that we believed te bo wholly false, and un wor. thy of credit, to defames the lair character of tne .v.- B- comnuanioners f nu every , .cnua tonnectc d with them in- their duties as such. -.Such utimony, if from respectable cha- iraetes-s for truth; might be considered hnpor- tant if thtj Government of the U. States were Drosf ctiuni an enquiry oj acT.,aimw ajfviu. tr or not a fraud -had been committed hat Government by her Commissioners. :i opiuikid we could not for a moment ciusal of the testiihony iif. Mr.IIambly 1 convince ou in a nwnwiit of the cor ? s of tbe opinion w e bold in relation to - :. . vi-racitr- lie has xurnubeu abundant I mi'tter for rctnn 1c. '' ' - S ;' You will see trcmCol. Cixwelrs letter ul the S-Ji nbi'Ko. 10, to two ol the. Cummin, 'sionersj tliathecompls' ' runr..irness in on: I - 1 ir.. v. ntit '.r tliat v. tiii; ,."i , i ' f.-- " tshould proceed to law 1 i.onyaia taucaU.ra LJ-ottca An.. 2 t.-'.iV$ . 1 a mi. t T1, l-ounCil' aars he, wanof favrk kvpoi-laie that I .kouU b pre. . sent at the CnuuciL" Tke rw. ..1 I were nma'toerd to be prraeat at that Cou et al here fore rt eetM bare been of much hnporunee fur an eSrer U tr Ge tieralCovrrament tobepreseut whn was then Mpendrd rrorji the fu actons of bis orSce,is for him ta eipiaiW We bad distinctW beard ; in public Own t-n, CWiaes that, it was bra I wiah that nn white man should brl -T ta'K'.wvhtbe lixlians utJ lie v, doo w.th them, From the enuree putird by the- A gent ni skat council and bis permits on to tie mftr Ikr sanan a, r4i. , umt aennia. his nsnei-vmn was purely Mmnnali if Was a mr ui krrv. We m .I.-.k, k... that his free adm ss.cn into the Indian Ceun cils, aided and awHsted by bis' farmer hub- Agent, Mr. aiker, rave to him .quite as much ind ues-se ors r the mind of the I tv liana as o evrexerusen in the days of bit uunost ni-ni!u-rit rA uiiIiahiw 4 . JHosr well the lncr.aia. adhered ta the law structions of Gen, Gaines, in not receirinL- tatt-t from white men. vou can detrrvnine. when you examine the written reply made by them to him as official la that document you win tcrv wax uiry apeak of the nstifrej 01 me v, autes ot her eonstitution, and the principles by -which she is governed. Truly a savare production. 1 . :. ; ' - Upon the subject of a law, which the hostile party allejrethat M'lntoah violated, anr) which led to his death, you are referred to the report of Messrs Jourdan- and WilLamsou. ' W. bare no doubt from the very many conti adic tory stories that we. have heard io the Nation. . . . .u-. . . . ' toucmi.r the oris-in and enactment of much a lav; that no such waa ever known amonrthe Creeksi w ars confirmed in this oiinioh bv the reply wf Gen Gaides to the friendly Chiefs at the Indian Spring on (he 20th lilt If we are correctly informed upon that point, he there stated tN he had read their laws end was gratified o hnd none aa aanguuiary as u,ai aucipju ay unr enemies a exist: under refer of which it has been stated that thestur. erof M'lntosh Was perpetrated. f Xhe Chiefs A Counafdid not pretend that they had any such law reduced to o record. tl AlfPP ' TO white man who informed one of the Commis sioners that he had resided in- the Nation 20 or 3D years,' stated that be knew of no . such taw. The very manner in which these unfor tanste nian were put to dt-aih, proves that the inaisns ai 1 not execute tnem for aaving via. luted any law, We believe that when it be comes necessary ta enforce sucb eangiiiiiary edicts irpon any -of that tribe, 'the culprit ia ar rested and conditeted to some town or public square in the Nation, and there : under foes a species of trial sentence o. drails, is. then pronounced: the accua-d ia thereupon publicly put to death by shootings How, unlike such a procedure Was 'the foul murder of Mcintosh and his friends; Vhie house was surrounded at the dead hour of night and set on tire by a band rH lawless samss'mn, and these encircled by the scorching flames rodiitie4 By- the "con. flagration of his owrt niwisioh, Vas bp inhu manly " and fit Unlawrully nuttto death. When witnesses are called on in the Nation: who' it is supposed know something V thtwj for these murders by saying it Was for vwlalion of their Uwe-which law. 'answers a churcR uuiaii uwa aiui anuian Doucv. xiiev account Missionary, was ."tttniy n$My.", ) Uer asked, what tow condemned to death a distin guished man amongst them who was of the party slain, but who did not sign IJiciTreaty? Th answer i trravely jrived by a Her. Cler. gyma(i,TAe Lav tfMitttfu, see Mf .Siti-th's testimony. ..it woura have, been 'welt if ttvV digniUry had Informed us when the luJiaiis adopted the brincirdes ysJtcl, alartins and' uji,.vi.hw... , ul5 iivnq illuiiaiaicllOli:, III the statements of, the Indians and white men ' resklerrtmongst them, to establish the exie fence of such a lawvtix indelibly oft the ftiinda of f ha Qbmmuisiooers, that no such law is, or ever was. p 1 ne, argument jn support oi su h a latffoyejHoQ mucht the Agent himself did not rely on it at the commencement of these Indian disturbances. .f , ?) 5;' , As an instance of the determinatioh of those gentlemcn,.n-sidents iu.tbtf Nation, who have assumed the rohes inf sanctity, to avoid 'anj thing like plii trudi whenever It was to ope rate against the Agent or Hostile Chiefs, we call the' attention of youtfl ?clleiicy to our Tenth Intetrogatoty 0 (he Re. Isaao SiiiUu Ypa will observe tha he bu thought proper to Uke the liberty to alter that Interrogatory to read in such a way as would, ;tceQrdin$ to his notions, f.'.vehim the oppot tijuiity nfT an snswer. It is, under the1 words that he has in terpolated into that interrogatory and without our authority, he.Kas furnished us with his no btual answer. . i J ; I Wt; shall pot bcre ftspress'ati opinion'on'thl conduct of Xlr. Smith, nor shall we say what might be. the consequences to hitn if oe had done this, within the acknoIbdg jd jurisdic tional limits of Georgia, , i t ttnmi r..t.a -.,1,1. ..f. ! support oi we charges sgatnst the Indian. A gent Sustains Jheie charges, is hot for ui offi ciaJly . to detei-nuneiv nor do we desire to el press an opinion ot aa official character upon U1V IUU1CVU - ( ! ,-- ..v.-. - ... j. - . -,Jf . .1.1 . .l.lJLVV IIU, -UlSdyU WILUIU. U1V ODjects-or our appointment, but inseparably connected won tne 1 reaty and its eonsequen ces, upon which we beg leave to off er a re mark. It is upon the sub ject of the contem plated surrey of the Territory lately ceded. During the stay of the COmmissionera at the Indian Springs, three ot them were informed by several of .the leading Chiefs' of the friend Iv Party, that thev were willini? and even de sirous tliat the sui vey should be made during .1 . .11 -.. V Hie tnamug rail, ana assignee as a reason. urn uie aurveyora aim weir peopio oi in araontrst iliem at that period, would afi or them an opportunity of disposing of much of their products that they could 4iot transport with them to the westward; that fbey intended removing beyohd the alisnssippl before ano ther crop Was made, if the government would pay them the money according to ' the ta ins lot the Treaty, .--..sb. ivvv r,,- Cotinecteu with uvs sir, we remark, tliat it. ps somewliatstranRre, thai the Chiefs who le h.ide beytrui the limits ot the .Territory ccuca to tbe United states tor the bencht ofCcur tria. are tli" only Chiefs, with a few except.. so for as v. e t e iuformedwhosre tipposd to the survey.; 1 hi fact i liotorious. v. believe. tLat tite Chief aad theit leader who.'' oj.pose Jlii'--"'- 1 A:'.:.-, "" '-if TV':' r'.'v.r vl.. measure, are resident riear TarsPooa tt, Vc aiwi A abaua. Wkat I-j .rv tbeu caaUw- f l- . 7 "Z wsum by b sufer H re rtb r truian-ll ra v T iri!lMif ' Cop-esof owr Correapond. . , (04 , . Gaines aitd Major Andrews, eonneCted wnd . the subiect, numbered from au ( Itto ienty ..' " three t;Jj) inclaijveT s'ao tt. teatia'ionr rreeCa ' iwniiai 01 me ouu. s as .g ned ta - us. ; The Ut-isaWjef vcialotlier w.uiec , wilb reeeivVdj aa iip-wrtitnitv fur the r et -aanmatiwn has not l niTcrcrt. ' We alu.ll I ' eriiteckiwetheMveralcxa.ninalMMiSMeaa, japrwucauie, ana lurttie.u, rrpirt toytn " Wub Censidentione of bieS rr,n- bave the bonor to be, Sir, your Excellency '4 " obt. atrvanta, ' WARRCN" JOUnDA V. :. ",. WM. W. WlLU tMSOS r- sr.innAv lwr a JONKS. CTledre11e, lih July, X82J. , . , . Rqwrt Of jrtrr. fonh and Thrramt. ' CenlUawia.-' We mrrivA 'aa r l 1 . . . 1;. : aW j w o'clock h the morning of th. 28th 6f Jur. After waitias? ame rt. 1 entered into conversation with Kendal Lewia. ' and were informed by him that he was pre.', sent wbeavthe obsarvetiona k - CoL John Vowell, the Agent, which tveri v proven hy Jesse Cx( tliat K had wuCos'a - statement in the Newspaper, and that Cor had sworn to the truthi and had. not told any ' ntdre than was said. We informed tr. Lew, ' had come on to take his testimnvi to.'- " ' which he ol.jecteVayiny he did not know any thing but what h 1 mJ heard."1 We toli f bun we wialied to ex ? l.im as to whst he" beard Cwwell say. , he said eould bn V' proved Dy others us wl u himself. - That Jesse Cox, Drurr Spain and otbei-s were pre. sentjsnd that Cox iad Sworn to it, and thu was sufficient ..We.' told him tliat Cox had sworn, but that we understood the dwells said Co had stated a lie. He laid Cox had a-rom 10 w tmtn, but that be eould not iri Kt. , ... . 1 ..... u wwnsr,-.ws then told him we won ttainea tbr an htvietn 1 . appear ocrore ntmtogtve histeiniMia ny, which we had not a doubt he would irivei' but if he refused. We u nnl.t m.Ir. a . of the facts to the Governor of Georgia, and he would apply for tn order to the Secretary O of War or the .President. He Mid he would . jt,'-v mj vi.iunrr om n u n, i net sued an order. He would not diso . We then wrote at letter to Cols Williamson, informing them and requesting them to apply t for an order to require Lewis a; wi.:i. . r. . ... rder. e 1 .1 and. Jdc . e. . .-i wv mre urgmr wr . cewis to be uiii, we) . enquired into the eaue of his refund, lie declared that he ws a!Vaid all hi property woithl be uken.hway li o n him if Ho. testf. V tied, i, tie told US that it was gonerallv un derstood among., ,the I Indian countrymen, white men in tho nadon, tlud if they 1I adV, hred to the Agent, and he waa not displa ced, the treaty would be broken and, tney -J would get theit land back: but if tho. ta.ifl tied against hint, and he ws discharged, th treaty .would be good, and they would have) g1 up their landsi and that thev were ett afi-aidlhbjrahould loose t tiieir piopurty ij they swore hhything against the A t t. 1 -'About 2 o'clock we -took the testimony of James Moss, and aboUt 3 o'clock kit wis aiid reached Cornell's bun c. ia n;v. Ithat;fveningv,;''., : ; ;vi: - - ,-. i" wwenea 10 . Montgomery, Alabama,; and took tlie, depositions of.Jot n"AK Peck, IInry Fjnch and John M; Bach-, Being una ble to . find CapV,eJithouj-; we returned to -Crabtree's on Sunoav tli 3d bf Jnlv anrl ucvj ilia wmcr vommissioners. ' v ,..,( ',, i BKAUUR.N JONES, '" . ',' X WILUA . T0WIAKC2, ' ; "Te the Georgia Vommitfioner, t , j, Milledb'eville,.Uth July, 1825, " Beftrt oMeiir.- .phrrfon ,nd Wmam'j, ' CmuviKrOa Tuesday. 'the SUth nh-'arn V . proceeded to the .duht; nii"ed us in rela. tion to reparing and aiTamrinir intemriaaa.sl ' lories to be propounded to several WVli- Head Chiefs of the nation, an i also io soma - of the white men resident there which wn proposed to lutve eswered .-immailiatelw--X after "Genu Gaines hati Announced tq us that I pe nan concluded his buutesswTUi the coun. ' inb conversation shortly afterwarda whh Geti. Gaines on this Subject one of the Com missionets frankly ttated to him that we had . m. I! . . . I t ... ., hu rciiaiita tin aiq oeing t.' 'ed iS tr 'tt anyvotl(tt quarter- He'- in 'cdnfu-iiia. tion of his former nirivu,, t J, vt he 1 1 ' the power tlii-' J, i!,,- A;: cut fur Ind;. lairs Wassen ; iiic Cliii ls and Indian conn, trymen -at )'y time and pl.'ee he thought proper,, and 'hat our wishes in that partku. lao should be attended to. From this u fold assurance, we felt cotifident no obstacle would be interposed a haV of witnesses ws -were desiro is of exjimining was made out ahd banded -to Ci -n. Gaines. In ijatoiiea cdrrespondthg wci e made out,' wuicb. consu med two or three days in the preparation and arrangement. - I rorn an examination of tho correspondence herewith submitteJ, you will perceivehat an objection was interposed, as coming from the Chiefs to the transaction of any business w'uh.the Georgia Cominisi sioners; unless in full Council, and the in ' suiting and Indecorous lanruatre in which ' they were indulged in communicating that . r J u, vwii iu u". ' mil wiu iuso oe lnioi-mca JL. . the objection was sustained. Our feel-, ings wi.il, not permit us to comment on this t. uisactuin in.a becoming manner, bee" - e it would necessarily involve the in' t f character which all fihould sustain .,0. j high offices under, and possessing the rontf. ; deuce .of the General Government, When it .suited Gen. Gained purposes and con venlence. We were denied a tiarticinationW . i council for reason stated When if, -VS'.S 'sftT" jrted Vidi the views of the Chieli to j&':?y.r. -e.. ic thetn to evade truth, we were Invj. x ;:- ? ill"; i ...,1 .1 . :t .. .. 1- . .. -.JT" . ' .cu m mc iivuncu. nucn ,iiuc men alien-- Jed for examination who it was Lt-Uevcd had ' noncbty enough to awear the truth, and -tUi-eiKE-ti 'fear for their safety .evaded it, tha exercise of the power which -could Coerca ' their attendance was denic-1. - v ., , yotiulll nut need the spirit of bv yi-JZ: ''... V"' A; a -v 1 a - .-1 t 9.' t. v1 1. A i..'