c: I. s i - - -! w',t - t ara-;. Ar ir;er. C tiUlart G.-i- pen coiti los of tlii ling fT.e r.a'Cm a- coiUio t accc.r's of th-. trl, inda.!irr ief em ir ander, Capt. I)fnnv, of L'iat titv, t 1 prt of her crtw. Tie. Brig irya' (owned by Mr, ? Uaher of thi tows) (srt PazCeL arrived at Kitinn. t. .eot was tJe T " (qro CcJety, Gear: je nd m.f' tSe at nt'iweittt of I tj M 3rva4 Jvy of Jaaal r-wy, aa t ttx practice af oe.i.i . . r ,!r a;, Ml lwfartJt ub tret. m! CU a ar-'.oua '.ortMwth vc u t kxa ni jiia.;fl rrtortj that, i lonrituJe. 73 iJCfrZPc TliZ W ,4V N- K W ; wk - Ic wta Ox U w Sri wreck T the Brig Alonto, the. 18 aaaaing, temwuiioo 14 mom nwwmrf dye from New Orleans, bond to Ja mmhm .00 thW sstbject, U gw'intr the riic." IlercnitlS Were rone bv th ietrf frJMi.T.lj-i vckftt Uard." he was full of water, and her WeWy."d -1 thwcur of iboM miJi ,Th Tryall saved froiw the .sonuveo!rUalWwedh' practice., v wreck three aeamea.iumedSaa.ueA ' . . . . . - ..-, IL Breton, John Svalta, land JohfiSte- i, Till U(MbT the editor a tlieSaletaWt, Capt.. Dennr. mata. and thrt f j Observe?, uat tna untiu urrejara, sl ha Ife been enssjrd for thr lait two! jearsia the aorre vf t!e British terri tort ia tUe vkinitj.ef tha Latct kae fmiod vpwarda f twtniy-ton llunttand ' laianaa is uk nuron. ir unuer land thatthe ittlantU fcond in Lai e Superior greatlj exceed that number. ... .: - k 1 s- A'at. Journal. . . -. .., . ' .V . ' ;" ,Hf T1.6 trial of lsaae D. Dthnt trho ' ' Utanda cbargwt' with the murder of Mr. VBakrr, was called up at Cjnhiana,Kjr. : on Tuegilay.the .tSth ultv -The. treat difficulty in thU case appeara to mtc Leea the obtainmer.t of a jury composed T of perton wholiad ftoteard the tostf . mony on the former trial, jrhose minda were entirely- unbiassed,' and ho fet ' perfectly asaurrd that they could do, im partial jQstice between tlie prisoner and a the tOBMoonwealth .'fhia trial has ex- -.4 tiled jrreat intereir.in the-, slate; both r k on accpoftijjf, the connections of the . ; prisoner, wno is tne son 01 ine uover .nor A and tha fact' of the trial hain been procMstinated. by the want of a . ? proper jury Six jurymen had been re- , ceived by ilhursuay morning; but as the term of tha court is limited to, 13 fM Juridical days, H is believed that the tri- aitting. -Tlie, former- trial, Ahe Verdict on which was. set 'aside by Judge Shan nori occupied 11 daysfr,- ' A Socjctr has Jatelr bean oiranized in Baltimore called the Jnti$lave Society, the object of whicVis to effect the eventual- extinction of Slaver?, in the 5 state of Miryland.. by procuring . the passage 01 a J&w ipr. its prospechTe ' aboh to.isTliO Society is ot course en dearorinS' to .procure? capdidates for thwLegisjaiare fayorable. to their views, ' and it.Bammore have obtained the consent of Dakiek Raymond Esq. to .,.. offer, under the pledge required by the Society, as one of the four Delegates sent from .that city to the Assembly. - lAtwPtnpnipni is the author of the well -ir known s" work on . Pulitical Econo,roy. 4'lft Addingtoo, . late Secretary of Legation and Charge -d'Afiaires of - the Prjftish GoternmentJtr4lie lUoited .8te8left this city a few dayst.agp on i'his'tetnrn'tq.Eneland.::,;,-. tfc,r i ne ijaaron ne4 oiacKeiDqrg, vnarge dfAIiirea rtf thc -"Swpdikili rnvprnmpnt. . left Stockholm some weeks since;on Jus return to.the UPvd states, to resume hjg, functions near this Government. : ' men, peruhed ft Vmington Record. , ' C Ana Bcilford, SepL 17, rrotn our Ttrre pond eof. , " Port Praya;Sl.p, w.C -To Jutr. while the brisRubr.Slmte. of Bucksriort. from Bottorr,-was Ivinc tno bader ahort sail, in tha harbor nil SU Michaels, under the pin of the fort, His Britannic 1 Maiestr's ship neuwingr u. u. viavenng, command. ttt - r i 1 1, (, t ' ', a - 3 ft t 1 f. v-. tr, au ! i . ;r en f : lr r 1j y f e t -1 t 5 t' ? I I--h a-.J t"- 'frira tS.stk? "I Li'.h -k1 - rer tSf y r U ctreJ; k'e f .-I iHea (riji - itv 14 nscft tlemnttv in J ' 0 urrtney that the a, '.rant fl It' :. 1 1 L ', . j i.r. . f, 1 sarinin if t I re?ie &ta fro-n 1 i t ro'- fft arr-e I wet , Vt C " t r. j rCMitisc?, I 'ja ta tia t..,tu. - . e i ta ta ery rr--. cswa cures are cctea. I he appiicaiwMS U l luaaara aaotarotta, aa4 toanr ewe & hat fcapneol ia tonr rtnuace, art a at Tar a- ua Ohio : Hcr rk 1. n 1 1 1 , ft U ;ih ut m-. r .;vi ! (rSl " -'iltJi . 1., ' c 15 tit-;. 'jv' s utei A mfhncH?T occumrnce is state 1 ta ne iowb el rrovi "P ! ! I Vk tr... as ' neeiimr, ana vte apptieaars are passe.1 ta ta tardea of Mr. J n V -M . 1 s..T.-rrv. r .v r r. i ,.,r?B,. aotlimitH tt the Ignorant part f the for tha parpo f taVin rachn. an I f ' 1 '! U ' 15 h' Lok eaTO0nitT bat art nrallj. po f whlU ,U0(ja? tnjr t e t,f JJ J;,; ' Up ole of wealth and good infamatina. . 1 them rweil wrrral woundfrom to brr t t. frm .cl a:.e-a.rm. havtaotas ret beard of any east M!dicKarr era mak . jnr I la MckienWr CJ'l'i'T. on 1- , . ... . r - - - m 'v 1 . (. up. Omibletely miracoluol as the cart of the ladyta Washington lut winter I year; shit, and fired, br the son of thtwner of tha tardea.. The youth was mortal but very fjhany that coma near it; and, j woandrJ and expired ia aboat five think ha may with propriety be called ma uoneniue at tne w est. ' Y - JdarlnxUe, TtM. aoart. louajr ueii was arretted on tha Mlowi day, and has since been indicted ftfr.mtfrifr by a tjaaJ jury," . " 7Vento, . Sq&U. . It Is' rarely that wt . hear of Byin quadrupeds, or reptiles without wrap moaatin'hiHia air' Soek casra, how. ever rare, are it witliout precedent, as J punish theft tin? folio win j will shewt ', 4 their Decks ' Sometime since, as two hunters Were I rant dreadful traversing a field in Am well," ia this lafliete!, aa thev art alnast dsvoured coumy, wim ineir guns searcn oijalira oy tlien.es. 1 ' H came, in-v ooaerven a naa a nun? irotn 1 . t - i b" - 1 - - - e 1 j 4. . ' ' . . . er.wantofllj fired three shot at herJ the ground, rrmn whosa foot aoinethm The Boston Medical lofellinncer. then Jowereu a boat ana sent a toea-ioi' consiueraoit nuix was enspenaeu, which is replete with valuable hints for tenant and crew en-board to search whkh, from ita apparent weight, caused I the preservation of health, ia an article her. lnev lorciDlv opened the hatch tt soon to re-aiignr, it wa.a aain ana headed tha Health of Ais-usi." has a. a .1 ...mt.l amam .i.4Kr L A 1 aiMiM ftmi.Arl mm Awm . n4 . i n .hm.I i I. 11. A i ' j I oini tuwium tinr jni l ui mi in jiu i vuku .lit. . .iuh -i yucV Tinillll . ttO notice, Willi re sei, auegins mat mev inougni sue pwwew.iu.u tvan- tu v.ciret,. xktx persona prenisposea to a t be a tlaver, i earth; until havms no m6re strenrth to oonsomntive hab'it. as tha aeaaon' ad. ' Rr. it was taken alive bv the hands of rancea have considerablo iiritatiim at Extract o Utitrjnm Becnfirt, dated Sr.', the hunters,- who found its claws firmly the lunrs; and a dry couzh accomna. . L 1 -. li j . . A- l.tl i. . l j! . .. - T . . J -n.,. nicam me enciosea aneu 01 a iana oied with a qnantity or phlegm after Ine prospect of cotton in this tartiiu. from, whose wine it cnuldDolL,;n. in tk neighborliood is deplorable, ion can .hW ethic te them Itissonnosed hm rl. ,Jk.;. ... lorm no luca 01 ine ravages ot me raier-i that the hawk, bavin seen his terrene the snu. and retirinz to bed "before the piuar wnnm jne ia monm.- iney friend jogtrin slowly along, had darted nielit..ia half exhausted. Instead df wi u in nveays completely consume a down upon hun m hopes to' make him fceing conuned to the . house, women field of 60 or BO acres, leaving nothing prey, and getting his talons round hnd children should have daily walks green behind them, and stripping tRe the ,ead bf the tortoise, had them or rides in the open air, howevcV feeble n..1r " r .linn. . i .i. i'i i it . I.. " - poni and tou, n w ion ytw of nrr ne, 1 Vi ibti U lltxkim, fUti.-.irof Jftte D nkit-.i, r.i. At 1Hjiit Crttk.i.11 llcaulutt count.- oa the. ISKhtltuTHHMr. a! r ILObook. .. KiM EjirkL lltLfkl CowntT. nn IK. ? it!ums Ur. Wm. Ttrk. It Perq.iiiiiaru eountx, on tU I ih uVroa, x ' Uimoct M bcdUce, Em. U.S3Ui ttiroS'1 hr. . : . . . Near LWf. Ctwn County, oo U J 4;a , tsior". Drnhim, mentions IhaLt'it trdaof Africa, who inhabit the coua air4i .Vvn.i a AnA nnji J I la Rarkinrksm! m -tVA 1.1 r . . . ' II Ih. tfith ...af LL . 1 . fr. H ' . a.thaartr Which U tht . Xoar8ntf-CTndeoanWa;d? .' - il nuaiaT.inent that coull be 28th mo, Dr. .uuVK-.fc da JUheA, " - - 59, 5439, 10, 64,,, AO, AT, 2V. ' THrt abova-ara tha nBriban kik : dr-ttra from t hel oTlka Nav Yark I ' tnra Lttrrr, Ho. 4 UK, ami wl.ick n.. a ...... W. r . . .1 v . . -. fnmii anpari'w or Wit with ns will not equal the last, and may Among othet raodes in which the not amount to one halt ot it." citizens of thia republic sought to tes Ch. Mercury. : fife their respect and, affection, for La fayette was tlie .very unequivocal one, ly ventilated through, the day, and per sons laDorinx umu.T. au innamroaiorv affection of the Jungs Vhntcve'r, should mnmivpr nn rirpeiiiniriT nnrrirnur nnr Rsmmlic Mmwwn,--Weyei:'i of persimt presenting to him, in -many to lodte in small corifined apartments. tave, m v irginia, said to be the most instances, and refusing art compensa- Inattention tethissimple circumstance, ine mnsi conspicuous oi . inese tion ol , manv. wood ajr makes good r. Hurley, hatter. ; of Chatham constitutions".'? v v M ..:" whoe -memorable reply,, when . -'y.' vV' 'V v t T payment for a hat presented by , Thomas Favenman.' a lindon ihvsi. admirable in the world, was brilliantly tionforjatiiclesof thcirmartufacture.--lhas nndoubtedly hastened thn disolu- iiiuuiiiiitico wuii tauuics vii uic ijiii yn.0ng inst. Jllex. erftW.-: . was' M 'ii"-"'" ' "" - ' " street, r The Cahawba Ala. Press returns offered "acknowedgments to the author of all him to Lafavette, "that htf had been good,? because the physicians arc all paid half a century since focall starving: and recommends that, instead he could do, for Lafayette', will not of drugs and medicineshams, flour, have been forgotten the General him. 4nd coi n meal, be sent thither. self will not forget itand as an ;evi , ; dence of his oeau-ei if ho can be per 1 ' : " 1 Baltimore, Sept. 7 mittrd-to remembel his friends,, we 1' We understand that the trial ofVoin. have seen a letter from him, written Connett for the murder of Miss Cun, after the Brandywme was under way, ninsham in : Cecil county r. (which had requestins; that Mr.1 Hurler .would en been removed to Kent county court) able htm, by consenting to receive pay has been postponed until the latter end for hi hai, to wear4 in luture only of October next, upon the application thoienf his fabric, and giving: an order, of the accused for time .to procore wit- on. Vied conditionl for four annually nesses from Kentucky, by whom heal- In mentioning Mr, Hurley's name, we leecs he would be able to establish his must not omit to speak of an engra- being in that stat at the time of the ving executed at his expense, by Prudr commission of the crime with which be homme, and beautifully executed too, is charecd. .v-'-V.'' of Bolivar It is altogether a-" very 'mmmm. ;. , ; spirited thing, creditable to the artist Ltoaton, . 0M)fva4." and to Mr. .uaney, to wnom ii owenis Count Vidua, of Turin, ha relumed existences AT. Y. American - In KoSeao owint, on the 25th ultimo, lit. uutti" Hoard inv.-' sr ' A- rSEViAMfV. R, KlMfl .III I l.i.J I 9 moammitBe wi hoirt, Tairt, ar I J! - ' Memjtti-a tt tha Mil Geacral AhcuiIW, , r . ' ' ; ( tUMt,Oatopart t. ; - 41 tf - .. ' " V A Patent Cotton Prtssl !ir. Wbcribr FctpeeUnHj tnrnriu. V,i friendt and tha oublia In ecoeral. ' ' heiu tn?nte. . " nem - nd utnul , Hiacfarie, to this citv from his tour in New Hafiip. shire and Maine, and has visited eor Natural . Curiaity.-On . Saturday ,ev18l?J,.lHi called forth 'accon,panietl by thelayor. ; It Umen ed in town, ; Of the species, there was ' vviooeviiHici,ii:.r tioI1ed- Xhat he has nurch based (upwards no manner of doubt,f It was' perfect- ayenman, a Lwndon physt nan,' publishes a remarkable cure of uydrophooia, or. lus own accomplish. raein t no pfiurui was iwr me urn fifteen minutes washed and caustic, of potash; applied to the wound, thirty ounces:: of blood wece ".taken from the opposite urm, and a scruple of, China mug autninisiereu,- a evenirtgijim nervous system -was so excited as to render the application " of a . staipht waistcoat necessaryv.. The doctor con ceiving it a.nervous complaint, admin' lateral thirty nve drop ot : Uow land's extract nead,hen the pulse was at 10J;, at ten two doso vwa increased to forty drops; ; aftenaf ds eisht ounces of blood were (aken and , forty five drops, of the extract of Jead jadmlni- tered., , un tne succeedins: nwnini the dose was retdted 'after tliis time one: ot tne, spasms came off and he bit off! the nose ot a lea pot, wjnch contained his drink: when the paroxrsm . had subsided, fifty drops of tu'e solution of lead were administered and a paraly. sis of his jimbs ensued; the solution- of lead was then reduced to, twenty drops to .-tr.iiS. purpist of Packing Cotton into tquarf . fV.; ' bnle$t by fhe power of a tever, acting 'M qfuleuA'whiek drivel thefjUovomf''!l-C.. 'T'if tMt tircnet th$f Cotton into ihur v 1 Tb pier,of ty,fiMlios is toah, thai Nk jS 4S0 M 500 pounds of Cot loo can ha prened. into Hr yard! of 11 liieh bagging with oiitidoriil.lo i ' aaa, and In Very ihort time - Tli iwriur.' "7 ! dnmWgf of ibit NlMhin r clearlf mknilr,tr v'-' V lhat lo mlilltion to tli until quantity U brgln(. f ' required, f Mch wrtaMg h a ityct,J too , , : kmitl, otn hh rrtnt rnoe, pnok fniia t ight to ' 1 C IS tmlM In ooa If the Onlton i, anayanienk. ' ' ' v by htvioc torn iimMoim in aavini.. which ta fcy a ; itl fr ih moil twliotll part. The iniiltolty ofttiia '' Mkohine and Its superior power are greatly adi . -. . mired by meatmnltal artists and in fust atk' alio i hsTe'seen l. Ujr a aehileal demonstrslloti U &'?:& "r .r inn vilunifla nn the Institutions. &c. lr white excent its head and the butts lvoi ,hrr Knur. , if a ... .i,nil. .?TlrS 1 r. - '1U ss.VhichwerC.tioSed;wntb inabled drinkTandJfy ttftS'ij ' - V- f . fpale rt,;;. eight W from' the first uVef the '&r!P i 'rtVf A TlipTJ? 1o-Paris, n numbcr.of.the friendsof; ITie .same gentleman, :who killed this ,0tution of lead the-Urgent symptoms ?&.f-rtr-l' -Wdfri,toih?' Gen, Lafayette have sobscribed for the bird,9ays he.also once killed a white 0f hydrophobiahad abatedrln MUiU vpns of Michigan, .into whicb .Terwtory pttrp0e fleringa gold medal oCtbe' trow,in the state of Tennesse' ; they disappeared the doctor descend. i&H" lemovd family, with an in- P , of l0fK)fr, rBthe best piece of H Couriland JL) UeraUs incradua I the seal of tha remndl is nrOTen. that the nower of the lr Yet ami SmeouniUntf ,r eqanl if not mi pet lor ta any fori to ttit wedrt. il nronerly spntiej :,. '' , ' From the hijh d freduent enoomiams nst on mo invention; tn suoserruer is Induce. 1 to . ofTur It tojUo publis a sorniliinf wortl f off tbulr Imraediste notice, f Any )twrsti' tlit niny wsnfc ean pp'y to t'e siibwiWe- Tbo-proba. tie oost will La Fl K TY UOL.LS.lt!,' wfn all . themutcriuls am louml, nod K1GIITY; it 'noft . fonnd. Patent Letters bvi been i,Uiiu4 front tU" DrjWitmei.t of SUte of the United ellaha1 sail WkAsaaWUkll alftsaB OaSWalt i Ualaajl AlAM . .'J ', "i 3 w using Iho asm without legs! right I All loa V.;C Wart lnitivi1ual eounty or -Matt rights,. '.Tkmy'J' snm Is ottered to former and nil others. r. i; ' t l- ; .", The mm atat Mqchint i tixteett feel jf,v?-V .V Cirw v an can n u houtt v elAeesj ee pitch tr, brugkt nur lA eti ;i' . tide that the xtfto tan bt cmvtjtd l a V f . frn.th4fJi ttht rttr f -H--- y,'-;-- I .r i Lit- - . - - . . - ... j T- aouai' my OOUli omue, uurke, Wilkes, Burrr. ningo, nandolnh, owsn, IJavnlsOh,. Guiiiortl, lvklngiim, taswen, wumneiiand, Uoluuilni,, . :.? ' Vloore, itdbeson, ttiehmoud. Stolus, Mcmu-oni. --: -m- ni...l. m.t ttmn.ai.tr ' : i . .. " . ' ' w ii iii),-wbiiw jr ngiu ' -in ion v . . r, y frineemeots i.H .meet srhh the tlgorof tk UwV1v? t 1 while and prorided in saeh euwx.i Any rya. ;4 Patent Ititjlrt lor oseking i;otton In . tho "ft .; f U ities or ireaeit, uncoin, uutlmrtorrt. Bun.. W', .r -vV ktiw I'ersnn O.' l- kk' t 1 . n e -" . . icnnon-.torcsitit. - we slates nis owect ,k . f n fenr ?d5chi'rawCr America, his stay there, and hit return Citizens from unwonted ,ohlnonv:'anft . . - 4 r . -r:' - - i- r .- . -'iT; v . ' af .' Yi f ttt A - ..- ' t 7.1 tohlitl; backork the calumniator, they v7 Jiandera so nberally' iieaped1,upon bim, A nitrihipil romhst was foUffht at tf 010 i July, between a drover and ' sawver. At a late numerous meeting held ih 'wn'cB l" torty minutes, when one , .rnuarjeluh A netlaruijr bin,- resolutions were passed them waa knocked down and expir it expedient to form ,a 'ctm)td in tw0 bwUr tfter' ! v i y -V'i k coiistructiooofi Rail Road r'-'r;v-'"- The New. Hampshire State Peniten- : rant for the. i K ,, .. . .. ' . , i , ' s,. , - If.nrw i a mvuren of nroht to tha niatA '':i'r-4dy,"Br and 'Of thfe receipts for labor, tci the hand j Tptiahs have gained in -their; war-Rome iuinof 9.C00 dollars has been paid -with the.Greeks, are said to be owing tQ'into the i-atate treasury - within 'a' few , V the Cluisllcin officer who lead the bat weeks. The scane of thre convicts ' "hons of ihe .Iiofbariaiisi A'eaJlant is noticed with regret, on account of i rencn commander,; General Roche,'fthere beingTult and profitable employ x who is in the Greek service; eoniplains at that" excellent seminary, in hewing f W' thMandijrtentionsi besides, Uiat a;stone for double" the number of rogues f" - Tortlic namburg tra. rotUc; Sia; We ; have .about thi rtyv miles ?1hired as transports totheEgypfians.tliat J convoy and cannon are furnished to the '.'' inv.l2'i ."- ar r. ., . j-t- ... wwBj W.V. ?U(. IlUt T1,X:.iKS'r. "-''W:i...i)iS..f :'M. e a correspondence has been opened, from here and in the adjoininz: county riween ine governors ot oioigia and of StewarMC man" now living of no small note in our country his name is John Sills, but usually called the faith 'J1.! .h7-v?5'-"Ii a1' T'-ltVJ Knrth -farnlinr. .was vprr tvwtr f'-'t'' -''v - ithercand is ao yet s. ho takes bo pay In the Disfnct Court of the city and ffor his services He has been about fi- H cun,j of Philadelphia, aV action of teen years' in this atat--is now about Awander'.waa ; recently instituted by E. If. fifty.five years of aei and was always in TBi&t mechaxuc, against 3otn JSorQx Carolina and herein map of most t m i encssee, on the subject of carrying . .. - ui uiruugn ueorj;ia, between tne : -Ci Wafers of Tunnccuo V.or- m l i! . A ' ,VI. t . ' gradually the seal of the remadv. ana me pauent completely recovered! fJ-: 'S-'v - .Daft. j?mv. :i r FOR THE STAl.-i"' " j'ttr. .Uerinired The greatest a rectafiole inscribed fh, and the least isosceles tri angle; whose equal sides are tangent 'tb' a given njperooia.,. ,,, uvnlAfMJiSlS. Crr'n. In the ipth line jif the o. Wl,eirtitlod -TbDippointed Politician - ('lf htlM.n-se-eented ) U Is published m the Star of t!,e 9th ultimo, tha n "T. ,7!.,!J JSfSf 'r 'ITift Mercantile Advertiser of . New Orleans thus notices the chaoses effect' ed bv the currents of the Mississippi in the banks and battures bounding that city; v.:., uL , .v.,;,. ,t; The harbour continues altering every year: from above Common-street down to Bicnville-street, eompnsins' three squares, th f of the met has left a large. batture,;V:Cfnsiderable: width, not vet sufficient! v drv to ride or walk 1 publl on: opposite the custom house, the widest ml?A,t f! worrectIy taed ft part some few years Mst. In ttt'rtJH11 "A"d f ,1.," ... ,i i , l wnuw m n summer oreezo. - ICCllOn Ol tn wnrar. vmpii m Tna t r TTn , neaviesi. tonnage ancnorea tnere. lori. a v .iA-,tn.i ' t " discharging and lo BlOej. cient depth ol water,, from below St. Louis-street down to Ursuline-street, more than . fie souarei, the . bank ;. ia falling in, "and making rapid encroach. meats on the land marks, xwing to tha sileat operations of a constant ed d, - Iktririg Outroge-Otk Tuesday night, the 13th inst. the house of Mr. Adam Sweiijart. near union-Town in Fiede rick county,' was forcibly entered'' by two ruiuans, ,wno iaia noia on tne Old gentleman and his wife, and after bind mg them hand, and font, proceeded to searcn lo money, and s cceed i in ob taining about 140 dollars. F vies to leaving the house, ! they ; regaled them selves on the choicest of what the lard er; and Cellar- afforded Thev made some enquiries of th'e old pe opl e rcla Uyo to their, neighbors,; dcci ring their I Ori nstiisi, ny,oriu , iin V ajnablp1 PWty for a NJUrsnyiite iMunty, Mi. Carolina, vsz nno' Traot of I WO Are of Land. On GraiA v reeki tma Iraot ot son 4 ere, on the i.m.n ",v fliauik... I Vraiw nf StN. u T...I,n.r.,..tf'-'V'..'' Oreckj and one of 8000, on Idsnd Cr. k nwl'-'aV'"' tha waters of Uiatorjr Creek. 'I'ltn aforeiw. f I'i . Trseu of LAnd hsve Plsnutlons on cash pf tliem, , Str : ' . v ; in tolerable eoodrepw; The Ist.-lnrge eDwigh " - v to work 10 hands wn. to dysnuict-i tke ttid 4':'"vr,il mm m ' t or S bandct the 9l, eight or ttm no the . . , a nutnclent for II Or IS band. Tht other Inv-, ' 1 proytmenu oti reseh planuuo, re tolersUf :-'!,.' Circumstances havintr occurred, which render it impracticable to hold Court Mar tial for the Company to-morrow eyening, a greeably to the notice given at the tart mus ter, it is found necessary to postpone it until est Wednesdajrereiiinjr. the 12th instant, at r o-ciocK.. - iiv tne uaptam. 4.wr,'a i y.ty;' f ;ma5". places ara, ?:y.5: lUsnsny other 0 plsnUtwni In the onuntyani . iC '3 abov Trwis ot M04 ts wm&ih 0 or 7 sniletoi Onfordi Uio other three Tracts are ia the North . ' Western perl of the Coontjr. i The subwribee ' Tho anbseribay will also sell two other Trset0 -otbreof 400 Atm,esch with small imnroye nimts, lying in said eoantjr.'. ';. , . 1 "'.T..h, -11. ' . ! Tk bo Lend nre ailaited hf tbo'tWl V;t; ..if . hesltkjr part of Granville, affording' a plent) of Vf ' -excellent aprings and othefeonvriiirnt -streama .i-- 'j of water, with a mill on two of t-i.l Traela irv - f The soil well adapted to the culture of fiV;C Tobaeoo, Wheat, Cotton, kesnd way justly l. ifj', ' . iwakrH wUi tho vaulal.le Unds of said .t:outy.f :-,J rg. The- l?Unwrtoh are in a good eondiiioo lor mt T'tv rf kin a eron tbo..teitswing yoari' Persons' Mnr4'4A'-v. t : to iMlrehime are renn,ud to examine the nrutd. .' fc . ; -yi t ' r . . . I laes. and satiety tiinnwirrs. : I le suuaeriber, or . In Cumberland county, on the 33d ultimo. Jar, Norman Campbell to Miss Isabella Blacfc' " -i'n-y, tan. living lu the tqperv : , At the restdeace Of Mr.' Mary .Ditto, ranT, , w,n anow u.e pmperiy, son Halifax county, on the 22d ultimo Mr. Deo. ! W tiie Kjrros. The erops of tro anji Ixmtnlvv tOliiMfTarrieilmk.: ' j i . I FoddeVand stock ol Horses, Mules, Cattle1 and .in Ansa count, on th lth ultimo, Mr. John Jlewter, nred 19, to UU Chs..tj Heck with, aged 45. .i,';..4.4''' - v'' t , ( ' v-DlED.. .:' ."i-',f - At Enfield, ITatifat county; on the ISA In stant, Mr. Jonah W. Wade, aped 22 years, At Fayctteyille,on tha 22d uUiiuo.'Mr.Lu oiusLiii'tf,Tat of UiUdlctown, Conn, at-ed i''f V :'- i Hots, on two of the almve ilsotsiioi are km sales aha 0 tr? valual.le Jak and three neys, raite.i Bom the most approverf stock. , , Two of the above Tracts ot Laud will ba ex. chanced (or Western Land-- -v'.-'i."'!! i Cnnville Codntf, Cth Oct 1S2S. : J-inB'"i- VU-t (; Of every di iituin, for sal at dusOQ , 'C if.' - W - VP1 ; C;IW)r-.