" Jkd ,NVlA-Caro7 State CsUtU, DLLr'LAWKKNCEl SakMripti, tVcA dntUr f ' pa. rr till fee vUbMt M WU l I i p ' i . . i . i j a.... i " A Mll"rl 'i"1" Mtnnfn . .'.a. A Jrtu-tjLw. a a-ieewOr. lif. tarn tia, awaited lUrea 0wr for M) 4H, ndtj orajl lnlW)C All itUrr M tk til.iors saoat he ! wl t Confcct.iiar. t . rt V ' ' ukeribT, luily grajrfal for paw. fcbr. 'ii-t MtuhiiU , 10 avarit a MamaM 7 n i x mirun.. Ha. with m tnlor - Ma the rt rraeirad " ,Tork. tide eortmoti b liitct ovmiug k Mrt '.fne- loMuwiaf awialol .. . , .'. - i Hx tui fmiK w4 Pip . V. Pa ami rtraatl Hv " . . fof .helled Almonds ,.' Kng-ith WslnuKBPil FilbcrU ' Otivsiia inaheviM ? vv idi Swear toeanr r B vwniOO sad tp"iU Srgar ' w;..,. iT1hk 1'iiiiAAAti ., LarrllUrtT Cut Smoking and Chewing To baeao m pipe, fry m . ; j Latum' oaJi Snuff i . , ',.. Prime f!huMtol ,i . , i'- i do. Mit and Cracker , ,- f - . Bologin' S .uluisu wnl I rnh (moked. Beef Dried ' llili and Fkled Salmon , . lxsmmi Syrup ' v., . .. CdloO'O Water '. t Sprrmieetiand Tallow Mould Candle . Champ ig f- Vorti ) ClKmle, - iicrrv, ui! I VTHTES CiKintry , J , ' ' KnticU Urmily ' ' tiolUud Giii , . Jimmca Hum . XfrtXtt uJ CordlnU of every liwcription lali, f ult kmili. , Wliiiaal-mt ri(af of Childmi' Toy , jihi"r may expect ll v ikV wvv. .Ma-VPxM. i ' . . . , 2 ... HEV!5Y -1AUDTR. November, Si 1825. V - W-f Uulir i. f VlnaMe Prone rt ' fnr Mulo. t inv.rtftr'4 t I it b.. . .. .. :wm Iran tra.MBIN lin. 11.111 'I i II I n UrMli'M CWt!l. .1 UfMMk l I . . .-.,-., V Wori M l L - v - , 1 I . . - (Mid. . .1 5 JtMisr of KJesd t u k Ski muUV 4 nti . U Ike - -V M, Vrte W Pyueil' o ku4(vit rtl 8oh of the ibleatltkeepiuc f'' ' on rwuoatblo trrnit, m as i er(ul wuiter.' . A moat arpkuri Varinjfk - , t 1 erlaiia CUri. V ' v.liai-1 v k A jf-lKrr MiUbuH i ' ' hit . . jnnonil t),s' " .' .luiiiaoaial Poadare'1' 1 - - itrHM , .'"' ' loe ' ,-o. ei , v, " Uateani CoaJtt 0 Notice. ' r: lY virtue tf In aMignltmit by r OlTni fit inc. eXt-aHltnl b Jobii M . M krlhen, lr t.Wirfii of ln ereilitor. 1 wnl ;U on tm reaii.iliii trrniatlif inieiai h eh 1 .e M Ket kad mil) wfcieh nit-ri h i' vtil ' ne, - ttgh .Dtry Ukely sefre -at.', v -boys ii -t giii? M, a)l. ih..jitrMtt.WtJI'i Ki'tti'-uin kixl to loU witu rs lotpauvrWmtt'.C oa now iH:cujiieil kr I'homaAt'owei-at aiulalMu'kT 'iit .it Vtsu'rnirH't,;N. t8yntf,ii Othei' imt!n'WJ Jat.okMavM4M.&,B.viiiKll now eM.. (tunthnred W5 o. Huleticht three hm trctl and fifty acre of land Va iTufnbeiV land eouirty. on Uafte rean ..iver kwUMier Kuo, Hill IV fumnui jn.tiy lledtut' Siuarf Bail Muere : 'The mdiviiM iutf eat wliieh tlht anitT Jnda bad and lian awijw'.' in atnd to .00!' aere of LnJ m lampion cnqnyt hrd in e mnctitti with. Krclubni" vt(ttei'ii " an yiil. n'K.c!Ur I have cxtiinmeri tkc ihle of taid riiftlei, aol am prepared to diiotne tke extent oK r to any ftefsoii wko maT fe'l di- poeil to purekaae all nr any of ike alxwe ilffa- W'lkeil properly- ; ' : 1.,,''ft' '' I a n iimhoriJ. and shall refer to nke a priTt eomraat lor ib t prrtpertyf tnit aqen pari ul'it ahull not lie (iwnoaect of before tl HMk dT ol Kobrur ut-xi. III be sold ' on that day to tit kickeit biildur. for ready money, at tha ' Court Houw kt Uleiet. tu carry intoffleot tha ... -. . ; .1.- . .... r lir. a 1 una. C( qui ill tur iniiiiicui v miu ,- w thin' - 1 WILL.' 11. II AT WOOD, Jr i .f . - ' ' Truitee v Ealejgh, Doo. fl, US J. -S0.9i f the Conrt ot Plea Quarter SetHOi lit-lil Inni line Mimlvf ot rlaeeombe. OB I lurik MondHV In Nmbf rtat, Jktwn of ad miidttrat'Oii weregraiued to tlieauUeiibpr on the et( ii tne tate joiix t.Qaifv; 01 ai. ." All peiaoni liioifig lim iipulnat sid elte are rtqu Med tVetliibit t)in at in'eteiiUd by law autt alt thaw MclMati Jtr.'cq!Md'tw. "kj immf iliate lisVToenl. ,'!(!. . , Bfr.NClia W.COTTRN.Admr., ..DeeKmbcr , ; 7. f , ' ; ' , , 7 v r; ' r ' A. T 1 ' ' , On Ttieadgy, ihe 9fth it.rt. I hU eomntcn the tatr ol. all tjbe perinliablo eatalf ot: ihs said John Cot ten, at lire ltteiilcnbe lo Edwni'i eOTBiiyilifcac the Fall itf, t ar Kivtfr. and cwtiti ke ibu name from Atf toli.y uniil H is ()1 roui'"OR of about i?V Ux ti pMieel ot out liogsCuitic Wd Shct-p. and. I or 15.Koir . tnon which i W ejuellint jmlritf veil broke Carnage lim-aea, 'ai year nlily gotten b)' the ebrated OM Straii.out .of.lltOrwURh bred Mlacea. bout 201) Unrrels Corn, tome Pcaa and Fodiler, nd ahaut 4,000 ckjht' of aeed Cotton, 0n gooit laelr autt Hmneai. ono (iiftg and HarOeai, oi' a. tfind Waggon, 4 barrel Uramly, (Incliotil nd Kiiehrn garniture, aud PbuuUon Utensil, J&c, In, .' !' r, ' j f t Alw UI life hired out at tb? attmVtime and pliwe for w) eV, 'o lh urgiiMi beloiiRing 10 M Vmui. Jood aud approved aeourity t! be rquUe). : '' l , ' '. 1 ' ' ', SPBNCEa 0. COTTEK. Admr ' - Tola . (Nnaib Hi:imiooe ''aflhir Oaiiharlde CaieU4 ; ''atoraijl . $ s rrrum TaKae Calaiuitur I'yL . UaHor taaeartlla Colnitilui ,. Caatnr (d ouiiineila huiuomjle t'lower , S t maun '' Cardaniun Seed ' Carawa $evd "er I'owdert atr. e Geuliiin 1 .'tnu'M'iefj RlislrVi'riol: Vo uipiiii 1 4 . r'luweri autpnox - le- zoin " Ueitian ' . . ;t .lalbMtum ' - fmlanhfr Satt Gamboge , -i Uom.--Vrabia .t Ammonitv. CroaMat rraU r fat 1 1 lVad 1 to. lead Ian... Ib-ai Luoar CaWik .rrki'' Matk , vt anna -Marneaia -- Ifetiryfl Namrga Opium. Oil .hnni lo Aniaectt l)o CloTea lo K-iet-iaiur lk LtTi-tule IX Ani iur I In Prp;rniii4 Oris Horn I Oar Mhv ' Yetlaii $atiiur4a Prepared Clulk ' I Qnuti'.ir I Uuuhm b . , jolphate- Quinine ! S.ffron 4 'M Anianorijio , ' 'pa-iii - H .bmla. 1 Tartar"1 . ' I lO Xi f'Qder ' le'a Pill, benuine I hite ax Phial AMined . Graduate Meamre 't I'u'.tntli, kta Tincture in general Window Glaaa Pinta . f)iiaudPntty Orlf i from f'hyiotni, Merehaot and other 8 f ling in Di-uga, aiillLe pronai.lly and refu ... , fi u LrlHHt Orrki 1 TVa4 f tt Aarea, a Tuikomu (Jrak aad aa f UU a lla4 0k Ml tka waaata ei Caww Lmk. t W atarrMd Traau m bw l'lati4aiecb l ihea. 1 M tuleraMe giua) rrpatr ' Wr la, larg raft M wnrk 10 kanda.ua. ta adatttr i W Xui 4 Jlu' I kaairhi Jd. itH tCM aI KS. il K. aaftcwaa ur II Br -It katk, la takre aa rteiei 041 ab pl.waiH.- are haVswhty rtnd faleraat ailiittracrote4 kiakftiw. ajaataf'1 M k- OaUiMa two vf Ihe fUo ... . t. . 11. . . .. . . L.. .. . -t . eaU d fmm m vaaataHT aawi wiaiiBai nor nan aieate Y oiknc p'Mlil la ihway. aa .tbioaarif lnarwa toararatnry year. IHw at i I rati ot lnd 11 wiinin or V tne k itie'odxrr ta r TlKaa aa the Kaln aaleia) partof .ha) Conr.K. Tha eulacnhee , Mhaaribae . lit aa aril to fcaT . ra rf.4Ht tercateaali ailk email tnairqee. br tMla aiiaatadeSn, 4k m iky part f lraHirvut"a-ilUig yiio 01 -n ijiriiigt ao otfrer txpt M. ater ; itb t '''' nro w l iafiii . Cite anil well dUi? to 't aulluiv O t an , eMfc AVIicat l'"tiai . Mml nrjiattv ud with Iht va!ht: IjioW of Said aai'ii l'latiaiiuii are in grind a milium tor v aartp4kr enankvg year ' Prraona iaauott matkiae are rqwleit tneianime Hit pnf. . e. .1 '1 ... - ti ...t-- '- on aail-l ,lliMUT. . 1 in mnranti, 1 1 I 8 - tin mi the appa-i I trai t llf wtM alinw tbt- jti'Opert), if known tin 1, ema le aiit of 1 vrn ' r i.nl atova 4 Horiei, Mulea, 1 tt! a on two i t'e athe punkifm rr m I to a vor VMliwule" Jak and lkre it'- aiatit tvotn tlm moot avprnTif' xm, . . . .1 . .11 L. to nit aiKirr 1 raw ua 11114 am p 11 I (or Weatrrd j-aml V " mauricc smp n. - iUe Countf. 8th Cm !S -il-4nop COMSMWI. W-Mtende.'ta. UlaiRlkUot..t9 1S AA tf i. . ,W k. I A.-, . .rf'i.'l.i ice. " auhioriber'i tot, 'tin 1 Suturi'Ht jii'flii 10th iKitxnt. a blait Vwe.1l VMM Wfl ti thertcbt etr. out. u 1 ....... A I . . .... . . Jf . immi , iar in ii im ratm, a miiu- on tier note we himl fttol hilt' ulo tb fut lork , I ) ki- urr..,,.,qi. hp, lk.iitm.vvj :ui aiiiu .wjrft, an twenty ntv lor tiJliwover ol tlie hict, an be can x appit.neuo4 1 "s '1 " 1 ANURF.WS. Dec 14, IISS -' ' f St5t . 1 - "Patent Ccon L'less.. "tHV tubtoriber KuecUullv inform Ini-aifk ann tliUliliB iu gt nelal4 (hat: nv lia tH(e . ntto and iisel Machine, for the ' baltk, par 0 'er, actrte afuJcum, vom urivet tlie follow tt Uiat pmst$e- voaom. into me t nowi'V of thitr iliin itsueli thol froif. 450 la 500 pound o gon cwu he phased into ing wHk' aonnldepalil time,, 1 be an tier lur are eleflrW riutisileaC I.I ''quantity ot bRgiiijj U (471 aoject two punk iriiin 1 igln to Xook Here. A T W JCotr other Viuit, ta b'fy Horas, the ir.i J u pi open y ut I tic nauiwiuri, w. - " - Piit&lmrouRh by Mr Vomlle, through mis , : rtaVe, I presume, IhjuVing him, to be hit ow . hora . , Mr, rnubla rode Sni to h: reaideoee; (LKrp Birar, Chatham co'inty, N. U ) tlnring , 'hich time aeemi he a uoabl to diwoeer V W error till uinoiiiK biro to be Uia owtl borne, let lii.1ooe,thakiug he would eontinue , f about lii plantation t ha -ntrr wiiee been S. ' i heard of. .He in horse of ordinary atae, and ..! if"; UOia utlernhlv hirdi hnliir.d feet arewhit. ' teiMliog ten or rwelve in'clic ahovo" the tionf( hi .;aii Mra tremaikably mall. There are ho olh $ ".;.ar, partieulae.tnark reiweni)cered .Any nfot "'ina'iinn rmneeliw him Mill be thankfully reetir edb lib, rally rewardeil by the aubaonber living ; 1.. .. v ...-.t. ....,!..' n;u. ftye yanti ot 44 nifk eae. anrti t'k verV Tvnt!tge hLlliii Mn tliat iivtuldition to ll'f rcauire" f.isldch ter ...(la aan win irrcai tu Lnti a fn one (tar i it coiloir ia vi.nii 1 1 bjl havinc om wiUn Jt-wiilg, aliieli i It), tar tin- inoX.teillous Hit f tin i Unity of Uiit Vtaehini awl il nperiower nrv grt atK wl miivd by nieehunibul 4. "1 in laet all. aho hae aeen it. .Hy iiWiwieurdKmonHriitioit 11 ia provrn, ttuit oo " cwenuiitsfita ait' VtUv ten: 10 tkf weilfr, W"4 'kVnin.tlM b'Rh uo oft'ur it. to the puh' ihelr iHttnedihti'. uoi. a want, tan apply ta HitHtnber The prithn -lie eit will ;, FlPf ILLAI?9. whf a l) the hutterud nr foti' loitwl Patents Letter (Void the lp:irtKin State, a persona are or tlaint' the. nunc it h iVineelaentt wdt meet . 9 . . '. i . :t t isatle ami nrn.." a " alfanie that totif , - .0 t yntion, jmay by jay itery moderate un-. aeeure indivtdttai enuntl atate.r.ghti bt aamr isoffcifil to fnriiiil all orhcr. f ' I ht aire ar the iMacU nxtttn feet low. three feet mde and caLet in u &eute oj tixtten Jeet pnen,.er ma near tm out1 tide thai the tollon taiknvewd bu a tub from the Gin t the Pt , , 4 Iiate autnorneu nan xcnon,oi tin ounty of Pranklin, to tn agent in eltiig my i bicih ii;iii (ii k lAiititw iii - uie ennntie of IrcihH.. Lit! emnbe. flnike. Wilivea, range, Randolph,' How Itoekinenam. tmcu, Mortre, Robcwm, Hith'n erv. Bladen and Vniat Hiflitax.'N. CSept. m wiiu wiuinlftiifWiicni ititit.j ... i-: " re e w. ' :-v 1 v , k -i-4w, r v " .Ji4 K.lnttfiiigeava u lt.c tnsted 1 lUr Ki thv levfet' mid ( t 'Smictior luauye. lent eeoi .linn pat anii'uiing wnnny 01 tny:pvrij tlmt may kd KlUfiTS.-it not ing bren . rb(ai..ei) ititte at tue CnileO ktbiled from making kk'nl new "AM in- Ihe rigor of the Sw, 1 ra t iij fi:ew cnefitu d by the a fr rtuUt prTMTlp. Dtoveojent Av Oie wr pie: ion 0 Vth rHa art mJ State tt 1 be kecure of poaaaaaunr the aeaaa. AaaWveaC Tha ttif Mteraf State qugtt to be the power to expend moaey to appro priateU, an ioiprwrirg hrer acwi oo'ant na 1-1 tiou, oral i Tyoieouag , JurmlMm, calun.ia t on, and U libarat and aWl alts, when. tr, b telrawirmo), its peadita for theM utecta would be mnpt oarfui Vu U' yiictin'g JftaniJean.I., , r ' twlvrJ, That Congrree OLght to hara powrr to. make eurya of trwtav rirera, and road and eaoaJ toutea, to aid tLa State in aw. Iceilnj rhcMc vfcjeota wf itpproecment wkiok nt anoat afToctuallj ooatrit o the. rood 0 the. bole , . - v. ..' itbL Tbat CongreM ought to have over to construct ruaJa and canal, when, everlhey' thall be antad for urgent pur poo of millury, com accrual,' or tsett avm. mitnioAtion. . I u . . Uemhmd, Thai Congreaa oif:St ta have power to oftaphdt National dnvenityoit a a Jaittro." Winch till wr rra,! lLa Srit tilite. te t". r m rrferrr J to the m tnitu-o ob CuvA'ius, tad Uit to t!. Jmlxiarv tonmiUeo. - - t . Thhl U ihvoreo Jj,ltS de b CL. pel) fan iter UaaUnJ; tl Ltll t teil an Act pafJ ta 18il, t r th. patroj ct UittmunJ . cotititt,' tnit. for other purpoaort, to fitr rtUtfjui th, coontf of UiclituonU, tut will frtutipj U'lhe Superior Court of Bmnawick, couut oriiDAt And iciuivt, jut tatik liol in U c whtrt the iaterteaiiotv of jury I ueceirj tiie bill to krrp opto for the pAorCsh, main W hit, Oak iCtra, to. KuLheiTurd eouhtjr: tho Uiit to prevent jrron l Uve br eo, ., , or.vtbo tnajbctppotDtrtJcojniiaaioorrs Tor At) , j ni fxiat,' fi out brcoaduj: cob- trartara! tr hill In amerwl (Ka I,, n. -- tion of AS Ac), passrj in 1819, ctiictr' v , u rho toyn ol uonconlt air thr biU tni incdrpnrgte Abboit'a Crei k Librirj w tl nlaili akhkalh Bit at 1 1 awVHlM f ak Aarli Vr. at Indt i r. . uw iutt it utuv "iiu wuciru wurti f 'ltUa.'s rp. . r. . Iuuthertonl, Uun ' , Aahc, I'ertuiiO- kfidMio', Uuilionf, trlan't, Coluu.bu, tlokey AloMgom- 'layssaru. a i , Aiut Staife o NoivaroIiqa. : W. ohadienae to tbf the General Aat aenihly of 1823, CIb 7th, lU Pub lie Triwanrer hix utttrr that lt will paixhaao or the Sfftphur o I any or ill! ol the lliree eer!ol b dtititt, 'ot the he and beoeut of llier lUer ai drt-ud to hira on that nl'0t-paiJ, iU kt1. httiiptl replied to 1. . . '"."V. i'.iiiv flat : . SENATR ' SrttAte proceeds J to lk consi n f the fdllowiu? rcHolutioo, ted on a former Hlay; by Mr. i of Kentucky: s " vd, That a committee be appointed re into the expeijicncy of abolishing' U1C1IL IU1 UCUl t . . ' . , l:tvne tnoveil t(tmenJ thorfs- 01 bv add m? the following- word,: ah)0ti)t thtf be instructed to in- o the ekpe'diencv of estabtisliing an ;yateiQ ot Bankruptcy thro.lgkoiit uV, State, with leave to report by erwiw?, ; a. - inAtiftment was afraed to. and tbwdtiou. an Amended. adoDted. - ; .-Jhurtdtnt, Vet. 15. tute proceeded to consider the resolution, tubmittvu yesler- ', That a Select Committee be ap- Ul t.-iltructioD ttf tiwi'iiro into the ot anientUns the contttutioii ot States, to us to oroide for tiie e, 'reaident and Yfct '.'.President, by .i 3tcuf too neonle'. io d'wti'icts,' vV' Mvne moved to amend the re-' oluly addinjt the following: " ; -, " lut Ah eommitttc be further In. strucSnqtiire into the expediency ol o anieiB, Coiiutitutioii, a to acoiire'. the elccti preuident and Vice lesidtnt of Unites, without the intervention of the SeBaioue vf Hepretetitutive. y iiaestion vvas lakea on HVyiantjndtTient. and carried.- v on of Mr. Cobb; the renolu' rther amended, by instruct- r.imunittee to inquue into ncy of.ao ainendine the con- to prohibit the, appointment bet Ot .Oonjiress to any ol- r or ttuat uadfj the Upiletl 12 the term for; which audi Stritf till t!ni Psif.Htivn kIuimIiI iiat f been cl ft. , " 4 V ,Y - ' The tion bems put on Mr C a- ineudmlit via aareed to, nan, com .. Mr. In moved the following as a subiitii tlie resolution, and the se veral adments . Already - adopted, Tliati!ect CotnmiUee be appointed, who shaliire into tlifr expediency of so aTnendinJcouwtiuition, jn- tlie election of President Vice President or the United Statea,ata.in tbe best, most piefemblc, ,ana, attcodo, tn regard jo jsucli ...ewe tions" I ' i fMrv3in'8 motion ya agreed to, and his shtlroent adopted v. ' ... aB(aaW ,4'... .(i-V . $ j II0USIF REPHESENTATlVtS -.;: '. I l. jii Tuesday,' JDeclS. Mr.-bv.of Masai offered, the, fut tiiins: . . r- i VeaAdL That Conereaa Ottirht to hare power taofTer and distribute priaea fcr pro- lamir agricuiuivc, aoucayon,. aoience, anA the lihrraj and useful Aitat thus, bj A aiTia.ll at.nuai exneiMp- atimuu. g;tmia and. In- frtatry to the, greatest ana nioat hucful eler tiona: . Therefore, , -Jh . ifetoteed, by the jSenaui attid House of lepreaentatis of Aha United 3 tute A aieeicain CopLteaa aaarmhleda two Otirda of both House eonrurring, That the, following be proposed as an amendtneot to the Consti tution of the United State, winch when ratiliedbytha LejriUtnra "of UireeourtU tf the everal States, aliall be a part of said Cor.titutioii v . , r. - . . . . "That Congrei shall have power-,' j, r -.To appropriate ,oncy tor constructing rosas ana , canau, tor imirovint' , river ooat nayigmtlon, And t colonisation, ami the T . tnylov'Dtt. 16. -; Oa inption of M r. HogaB, l)V J ndici . art committee ere nnockvd tra. : . . jture iuto the t petlieitcj of no an.rtjdf v ; " jf me iMnti;usv a a nov To,rtinpeA J rv . linnd Juror it io-prtsetil roads .that art) ' t Kfpt tu reakonaUle j-rpatr !r.' Fornej, jfroro tho eointnitteeitjC ' Internal ImnrovrnenU. nArtrd a ViM atiihoriitn ,ihe' JWrd of Jutwoal -Imj v priVe. t ,to c uie.A auTKj'of a' mad " Ui bit tUttde Ironi Morgatitoaitrtisa th , ... YcTl , Mountain to Ihe vTeuueae , Hue;, Mr. Dat'idaon, from the coAiiniu I tee if VrojwaitiouA and Crievancf j, rtt . . I Frrv.rwrtwwl ,..w. I liliriCU-wl Ul M IU iriTHAIIlUt f I1U llfrillsfi ' ie liberal 1 useful art l namer ol France Ann ArKmneV And : ... rha wnnttaaa 4 , suthof the objecti the j,ute, resets- Which bill wr read the firs t time ttvely, AbI Coiurress'iof the District of Co-1 ..ai. :.i.. r i it. .. 'K . .. . ... i ttii. 1 ii am. iiiiui uiit juiiiiiNiiri .nm u lurtiUi. sjmih by-law, direct, and in part 1 .. " . .. r a, . proportioned to their Constitutional eensdsi r !'. make '-aur'era of coaats. rivers. and road and canal rnutesi to oonstrqct roads and to A,nendineat of th Law on Usury -wA"re,ferretf,' reported Ait it is inerw'n; '' J.l' 1: . 1. 1 i ' JiL . .. ' .. . i - ' .a,' ":.T7r- cart!, fur urgent put poses of military, com- pedleiit to cliAOffe the Bame. mercial,or mail oommunitaitiont. toslAbliah r ; 4r , nvidori of Iredell' rri a National rn:veniity,ecurinjr to rach State . 1 i ?! 1 1 7 f ' ? P r a just portion, of it advauuge and to offer presented"-' the Committee' of tlie -Whole on the f. .1 ww a a " . a. 7 ' . . . I State 01 itieumon, ana oiuerect to pe printed: -. .si'-- 1 ,r ' I v itmivea. inat tue constitution ot t ie United States aliallte so amend as to ren-l der each and- everv member of tha Ranate I and of the House of Representative of the! uihivi. oi.ai.ca,. 1111--UJJIUIC vu ana incapaoie ui 1 holding", nny office, post, place, or appoint-1 menti '.which is within the' Rift or patronage 1 of the President or any of the Heads of Do- part men Vol the united 'Hates, Witlnn the term fur which such Senator, or Represent. Oitfi tion m tbii tlie ef si km I ot Au via Geo ot Siatesi wve snaii nare oeen ejected, and lor one year tnereaiter. ' , . 4 7- . inu- the JoUa At the . ' JhtirsJayt Uec.lji. . Lenoir , county, rai Mr. Sloatie. from the Committeo of I to he ehrii!lid" ,,. lowing tr . JteitilvH. at the construction if Road and. Caiudiliigbly important to the Union, strength, general prosperity of Iie tJot. ted StateAt , '-f t r-K H Kemlvedhl, since the Indivnjufd StAtes of this ,Ua have roLnauialted ' to the General Gtftimeiitthe control of tbe moat eiy .and efcnt mean of raisin? r wiue, it is At, tbatbrtiort ot. tbe gefterat revenue., if consisten&h the ConatiUiUon,sbould l .iasntaWmwtant-A.l 4 1 ii Im wiWa-ft1A Viti tf r'"1 . ,lteaivetli AU Jwnue a larjre lwniop 01 the Peonle I uf'tlieir IteDrcsentativcs in Concte. bdVe such SDPropr'uitiou to be inconsistent tv the conatitutionaj powe;" of Conrresa. " atfcsuicle is presMitwl to te ' - S . . . f . ..... ... cofflplisboienkf tne object, Wtocu joineo 10 the diversttidjf opinion alwuys existing in reliitin W tSexpciiujnsy of specific me.- aurpH. thrfutrio btleenlv in'miiousif wot fatal, to that vtrotiti suidfujl Aivclopnient f oir resourceaVhitfU tUe nitexsu t tne v tiion tninllv rlfin.-L ' ', . Jlaolved. 'At a avstero which -should leave tithe keM. State the expenditure of uiooey appro)Meu w wi w"j. uj v mted States, klnsure a more etpiapai tt) Amend an act, making, further- , and distribute priiea for proniotihr '.gficul. Pvi8iolj ' in ' " Tavor ol Ul ; owner . tui-e, education, soiencc, ai'a the nbeitrl and Stray; and MtU Pickett, A bit) for the ? '-J usefMlaru ' V , ; V, better government . of "tba) town C, ' r- ThosaesoIveA were, referred (Va Wadesburotigh, . in-' Ahwir,- lucli committee of the whole on the Stata ol bills urere rciii tho first time, ,c , the Union, and were ordered to be prin- ' A commynicAtiou was laid before tiie a. ..",- ..., ' ' MSenarrom swe Alpn and '1 wa . t Mr. MifrhtU, of Tennessee, presen-J Washburn of tlockinjhanttAtin'g tliia '! " tt- , V ' : I ncui y uauzi'U, a"" aciiatwr . 11 mat f i V - count i, no cnuartigtionally entitle to !is aeatVAvhibhr, ,00 -itiiK'ioa.'of Mr. . i-,: ti.-.j... ".v. r isaJ : . . '5.'"V'-;'.''. uau'Hii, na reicneu m 1110 cuuiinuiii ' wu 11 1 iicii avi if in"'" " . ' i ., ':.' f Mr, Picjiett, from tin" Judiciary omY "". mittee, reported that4t is inexpetlictt v , to alter the exUtng laws respectinz ap- fjvniv iiiMi vuonwe iiuiijiiicuia, vu autiaa' exceeding twenty dollars.;. Concurrent -Tho bill tq regulate the time of clos,. sevitml Rctinrxi 11 ' , tl urift tfirtltf iiiI . Elections; made ' report on the! Peti- - MpAvHdbnVrom'htojon)Ut S.11IAJ AJI AlAII W. I A 11 " 1JII If I . dir. TO 111! t.WIIIIIM I 11 atFIiniaBA FllinEI fA Fli I 11PI Ol MinKAl A" A Sfti i r., l'i : , t- . the seat of Esbert Ten Evck.' a'Utinrl ti a bill to chann- tho rornnratf timtu't :: member of this IltiusiG. from thd Ktatn nil nf thAvTYiiurnna f th Tl irhmiiuil aiB. '..-.. New York. t.Thst ri'tiort is avnfithl hi dumv i.ntl r.ia i.(K..".....r.,,-t . ; f r .-..; !- -,Kj jnl',i..'M' :.p..',l . : W.,M.1...H, ... ... I a. . . . - Jl'.r..' . . .. .. '-'. I . I'-ll . . 4 '.tt, '".'.'..i loiiiiQui ! n, .ivui.iuinn jB iviotiigoincry presctueu A diu jo atnentt oiaicuiciit, iitciTtT.1 i),jni Tilted, yvmic the sitting member received buf '3,484 1 He .report was ajrreed - tobr the 1 time -of holding the. Ciiuntv Coutm of- House, ttnd.Oauiet Ilu2ueYim. Jr wa Guilford. rRorkmrham and Wraon't aiiJ "i declarrd duly elected, jle therr ap- Mr. Hawkins. A bill toamendtT. .evef.'- poarrti, was sworn, nna tooit ins seatintral acta heretotora twtorce ror 'the-apy -the House. " ' 1' "! v ; J polntwient oft'Conimisaioners, fforf thai 1 ' M'lLiuiu .set. 1 u,' . 1 inwn ill yi,rr.ninii ihtiii nir fimfr mir. A' .' n 1 UL IT.' -e n -i iip.... .1 .L.I.. ' .'.... .', . .. L . i to ui, Jiianiintjn, ot s. v. .oiicreu uiei poses. t.yv Mcitouis were reaa tne nrsi-. ; following resolution for considerations I time f 1 -MrtahtiL That th PrealHontnf tho Tlnitcd I Tl. 1.: 1 a ' .TJ, f..k ',l.f-.r - , r - . t - r- ' , ' a 1 1 v Dill I illlCIClK lri ttMH W I??1. tra"8 i' J?" o1""" from mignUng into l Stale, &cV i ' copies ot All; wucb iidoeumentAi or-parts ,or , ., . . , 5 .j - r. correspondenc; (not incompatible with tbe fead th t,B .a,?d t8v puuno inwreii to oecornmunicaica,reiuitn(r 1 j vo wj imjjv) iv fajw? ' ' to an mviution which has been extended to I - . , p '.,. ;JHhndtn.'Dce, 9.T fr fienu fMicnoiis, tne senator irotn, My tie, appeardiV qualified, And took hi's'V" A1 GtMMMl MttaAVittl 4A hlflrnnfiiil i.f itt ;. ' smiury iitH.iuiiuiiia ui vjiuihuii., nuii j 1. ' . .' 1 ft'i-.i. . 1.. if '.. - ' , an Atrpassed in Hsl4,,to Alter tiie time-'v- v. of holding the" Superior Courts it. th6 ? " fourth Judicial Circuit, Ant to niter tha i the Government of tlii country "by the Ke- publics ot Colombia, or Mexico, and ot Cen tral America, to join in the deliberation of a Congress to be held at the tsthmu 01 Panama," and which ba indueedinm to. aignify 10 this House, mat "minister on the purt of the U. . 1. . . , s, ' I ' I fT- - - .. - r' ; . . States will be comoiiswiedto join iu tbpsel uaa' referred to the-JHdicisj,rcommit''iV!. deliberation.". ; . I - ...' , ; ' t , . tfie r' , . . ,- - -h - v This resolution lies one tfay. of course. ' niwinn" nfMprLWu'irnx fl A'V . it".' y v :..--,'. - j p -) - ai. y r vp.ivmkm t ,-.' .., JjeciUtUve f Jforth Carolina t v..r.,.. 1 n n ' tbe comiuittee of I'ropimititms & (Jnev auce reptirled 1 a- resolution ' aliuwin John. Duckworth -ft) pension ot J5 doj ' jL lars per annum,, during hi lite; which J uassed i(s fiibt reudiriir. . , fin' rnnfinn of Mr. fineetl. the. com-! Mr.t Uavidsou. from the same conv niittee oit tlie Judiciary were tostrucUd 1 mittee, reported tinfuvoraWy to the pe :.. tt enquire into, the propriety . of alicrinj;!tiuon.', of Jacob laVlin;, of Ralrijh,; the cxistin taws, ao tuat appeals . may be taken Tioin'the judgment of Justices of tl -Peace for afl kuuis over g20,' . j ' t, a. i- . .. 1 . .. . . . a .' t.111...'. !.. -Dir anceu preaenteu a out tu aui - ui the establishment of a fund for the sup port of scltoals lor the more convenient iiiatiuction ofyo"h; Mr Ilil), of Stokes, a b'Ui to uwiiute what persons aha:l hereAfterbe liable to serve asoveraeei ..--. 1 . .-I . " -V " t oI'foadsAna, ir otner. purnosen; n Mr.' JSeawell,' a bilt further; to amend iieUveralacta pf Asembly tierelofore ti4 ii Straying that be.bt? anrhoiist'ii'ta puint,,' or the State: a nortrait'of John llav- . wood, Public Treasurer; which-- was j ' ''"it' HfiH.-i-,' .y 'i let. ; uifi Tt.-.- 'iv,v concurred, in. ,v . i l . " Mr. Hill, of stokes, from ihe commits ' . ' . - ..r.'. .1 . ;.t'. " T ice - vi a 1 if ucva -' Biili 'jii-v.intiin, - v . 1 whom wairefmjed; the communication i I t orn Samuel Alle.l and Thomas 1iVaah burn, stating tiiat Henry 'Oanhn, the ... Henator from Uockiu(chant(iH'liot cenf.. '." ttttutionallf ' entitled to a .ifkt in".th " '. -J. a . a. .'.. :.'.."" 1 ill 1',' senate, repot ted that there m not ui' ,; titration in