DRAWING OF 1W . i LSJ C W lottery rf - J'uvjL'liiM i . - . tt rut. , at - H S ..-. . aw-w I a"1'". -" J I. IS. 43, 3. n. 3, 40. IS. aix or nocir-nom rrRxm;w; ,... r aywwU mm alas fnmmm wwpni s VIbV MrbsSa ! Illy ts i. t- it,- i AuiviCAN crrrnsTr-D' Ma s ill ia Ms... :. . ilJc!nn w llc-urjaf SfHJ mai mk ' ' -4 m ,Y"U IM Vv ts ww aw' " ' ' rouTtt;i nofc Tv..r 'If t-rd t-4 i - 1 1 Km'. "vw "' T" a ml mmm rrm ! iy .sw r,i ",'" li.Ua.a'S.A ., Witin i.i i.im, i ! ' SaMl. - - - .. w.i . ' . j: muk is mhrt lha wtmmw M ttwir v-Im, ' ' l I m - "1 .. ! i-k m4 MWaH a ire vrvj br.Mi 1 T V : 1 1 I I. mtlVrY. i Ik. Mat iMiJ UrWaT a lllt.vTIN(2f sat Kew T I '- i -.wlr tl A4 U i k uiGiii.Y nn'ouTAvr COMi'AUE, ' ' A!?I TUtX JUDGE ro TOCMLLVtS faBfthbyMI UM. - I ClaM. MWaf of jm4 m4 Ml cWrti Tka (Ux) M T lb km ith all r " - A prabtonnkl dinner mrt W StOM W, mi vii W bmI rithiml (liaatc , A large MOlarM ) lrarc. aaiati rmpfU.no, fry. P aw Ira kvana. larj t A alio, i l pota, aofar baiina, arcam joft, ka aUlrd co8r pm. Hk atanrl aa4 Usp, f. atrfMl Jnnacl lc a ' aofla traa. 4 Library of Dookt, Contaiaiaf a LtmAom HhUm f e' Tyalnpe . t d r .f ili3?rtler Drawit ml kind. Tk mi artilmtt kataerr a k wr la Wa ilraa. a) 0t (aUar.s tara'l4 iraly fraatf mmi ataaJi4 . r . pri7 of Sli).o.y) i ,!. V , - t A f teaartlfall I mr4 m laa faa rr a4 i ri .v", . V pr-a iraaajuwwa iMtrii v r. 4 a r.i ti Ui' . alnM ta"tj ?. Xa !, an tt. ar 4vr Wt faA mr-n t ( kai a4 at la Mrtt 94rrt. IWk r r fk Ua a J W a44 twMfi ... , at U, 1 aaao M raat tB, m 6n iC, ' IbraarnSrr. M l Uraarfaa , faa Jirai 1m lmtmrm Lr-'-ry, Draaa m w aia a nummy mri, w a 10 44 88 ir6 35i 5.6r8 Prixei of 40000 0,000 10,000 5,000 1,000 5C0 240 100 50 14 t a aValrfrd uaal.Crt lx M fhr (.atlx. " p ll-.l " rttnw KnM ar irra) in p o a n-aart, aa-J is g 100.000 mI 50,000 40,01 K) ui.ar- f prarrf f,J, I JSi 'tK I a y t . at. mnvt. SIWI. a. , M ( ke,slJ.Wa. n-vrtaTTirVr-tMrML fci. i.i I I ... ik, IW, lo tt'-a Wc rani- bap rtfeirlaM, (41 are 2U.0O0 50.000 50,000 44,000 44,000 42,240 S5.C00 283,80 6458 Pritef 13,244 Blanki. :84,M 0 lr.tVW Tickf U. 7S4.0O0 Puur.ly to ka draw oa taa S24 of Febrai- 3f a rtiaa therefore la ilrl ronr pnpcl.a! WknU Tkkm. gMJ ; tlall, 41 . Qr , Irr. I Jf KirUtH J Siuoih, 3 li ll.ir ly 9eanrltb, I 6 . Bf Certillaate aa Wf-iwr a rt!riole of 17 aU, aoaaalalo, wllfc a a.4linf M .tbmatieal, WkM. Tlcketa. SJ ",t 7 HaHret, Mhtauaal, rolnlcctural, rrieBtlHril, ITiilo. M I H iU IT Qaartra, 17 7i rt. 17 KiKh'h, aophiaal, lirototioal anH Hiatiinal Wrtai a 74 7 lo 17 aittecmbt, 97 16 do 17 i but) 'utaktr a book m Caal Koada, BrW'rra, d araowltha II MbraH!jraltr'iil and 'HarT .mr- Copwal Pri . i Who'e Tkkeit Shares nr inip abo SaUH. KasU'bu'a, Pi.pv'aaad reou't rVrtftcatra of . tor e at uial. at P Warbt. Um ahiiy Lmdoa eilitwna CAN HRLDM Ni V l.rk Stat Uutt ry Office, A a.41raiian f Minrl, I8 ia omber, ar- j;0 139 Knway. tnge- pfr aaialrM. Holder ;.fPrr in the lterat-tre !.vtfrj ""ns, cl,rT J a dravii an the '9'h instant, as af II iIm A J.-- 9. t.". CunlVrtion:irv Ston. j THK tuhacrW " r- '-i 1r inf.-mi thr cttixmaof Haleii a-l it a ,r,ni'v. inl h. piMe jjwr.l'v, 'ht If l'" ' " ho" c !. vctipte'i' by 'Jr. io!m ' i.nciie 'n Kavrt'rriilr tr-rt, . rwfrrtnn -ry an.l Hunc St re, wh -r- lie t pr' T"-'1 ,0 ,u " latlic prn'"-n- nul.i v 1) rti. le m lm l.ne .f bnainea. I'-fini dc a. I. d from thr Siore will, t ti nr, ! tm lirl tlr who wi!i tab' p-it If - ia'eivn to krrp a larra and frm. ra asaortmnx of Ca.if. nw' nry and rrato; a' itr n'licl'i, v 'li'-.'i 1 i be j' -pif nr. ill- in. ,t n !i i'- tc:m. He solicit a ihi'e '1 pu!l'"- rm r.i . JOHN Fl U 111 ig't. ' 1- 1 . IH 'fi. A psTofrtcrllr r.tCM.KlM.K i:nRF.S, well inaltlird and vell Liokc. Aipij to il.e Printer. I)t. C9, 1825. l-f lor Inalraiaenit 8ei'il Nrgrora, aootiailnj of Men, Y rro aadOrtdrtB Una of the inn ia joua nd aalaafcl bae aarpenler. A pair af eiaellrnt Carriage lloiart, a ell tnatahe! and well broke and t'io public gte r.illv, deirnti of oh tiiniitjf Splendid Korfin a, arr respectfully inrited to rail N 1 19 B tt l aj, and re ceive 'lie Cih for their Pr-im.cr tex ;h it them f 'T tome 'f the Mifrnilicicit Prize t; A roor aheeled Carri ami Solly, (nrarly the, above aoheme, i ionto be Hraurn. Many new ) A lot aland, eoatalniaa; tix aerea more or left, litnHirdaa th north iJe of Neabern trei t The fumilgre, took, 13. tnny be vieaed S diya bHotc llie aale and catalogue Itienot a ill beprin(ed an early at pnuihle Termtof ala will be aiaied io future adver tisement ... February S, 1 28. " if .Notice. Cotton, $c insured against the Ian ger itf Fire. "l rtlHR nnderaivned have a annuinut Brick I " Tlousa 60 Be Street, nearh ee-hroof "e Plid over to proper prso i for i' com quire ennveolcnt to ibv centre of ilutineu, in mon felief of tlioie w 10 suTered by Uieca which tliey are trantaetinj a IvommisM-.a dusi- lainitoti hiv in th s city on tae 13th Decern nt, as annnnnaeo in a 101 nn r aorertisenirnt t twit tn th late Ires, awl th of thne who beenm inieresled therein wl in a short ti ne bucorne rich and tinppv eome then to the resilience of the Goddess ot Fortune, ''always it and pirtske of her favor. At most other. ffi e yon wil only be ofT red tickets or share in inferior lul'eries, (and these to be sure In abundance) Ini' mistake not y;iur interest, and relv upon it you en mk thn best, the most profit ih'-, snd certainly the must plcaajing specul on, at No. 139 Broadway , dj" One haTnfthe Pr fi'son sttles ofTkk ets in the above splendid LMtery, made at 1 19 BroaUway.to tneZSih inst. in-.uisive, wil ber Cime th -n snd bestow sbsrity, while you benefit yourselves; you cannot at any rate lose much, but your gain may be exceedingly great. . Mti) must and will, who tuk tins dvie, beooine independent f r life. P C. co unily keeps Tickets in ll the Lotteries foribi' acc'immodation of his fiiends ai d others; therefore, alt adwntur ts desi rous of pi-ecurinf- the Capital Prises in the a hove Brillisnt Cottery, or in any other now before tbe public in the United States, will 10 well to apply personally, or by letter mmc diatejy to him for the same. And U ordeti. whether for whole Tickets, Share, or Cerlifi caies, w.ll he thankfiith received and pro-npt ly attended to, if a.' dressed to P. CNFIEI.l), 139 Broadway, New York; 129 Chestnut p Street, Philadelpltiaj or at 180 Market Street, Baltimore Ba timore, January, 1526 6-3t Patent H.irk Mills. JAMKS P. HWLESS, Baltimore, keep oonstHtillylors.de . ,f4, . ' , r l.utli r Gales' Patent Mills, price SO Deep liiver Mtus ana aione Loui. wcbsteVs i iteler-ncc to M, IJ VIOSOM Pelers'iurp;, V January 31, ISaC. ; 6-3w . Sfiet-r aiiebd. inv similar occurrences, tsjey he, lor the ben- e&t af their fi-ierxls, snd all lio nn) be pleased 10 entrtHt viduse or oiher rope.riy 10 ih. ir aharge, effertcd Inaoranee lor (his Jesr (o the awoaikt of Tn ITitutautf Doilart, in imr ol ilic most permaneul ami re'iiectablr orTieet in the United States, and txpeei to conunue it iroin year 10 yesrj ImcIi said iiaornl aiucinnl, should lossoeeur, will be divided anoig such as my have Uott'ai or any kimKol goo(t( tinrtij with ilitm. in a fair ratio 10 the low ej.oli pr son may sustain, (osoon as suvb sum intureit fur hall be received by the subscribers roru the un derVriters. ' - ' Th' y make no eharg whalenr for (he Insu rance above mentione.1, and 4ope it tny be die mean of k-f ins; pt rlecdv ihe' mu a nf thotehO may have property in their Uinls UU.MOUltii UltlNKAUU N R, Country Merehsnts arer t clfitllj in formrif, that Quods of eAerj descrip luq aill be received snd forwarded, fur the cosiomar) Mo rajre , ' U U. t. , January St, 1186 7-3t blute o!' Nortli Oiirolinii, ( nrttrcf ('onn'y. Court uf Pleas am! Qutri-r pse'iohs Dcreiit'R-r Term, &25. Cnlpe.r i'luol', Chew Pi;.!. J0I1.. I'. I'lC't'. I Klijah Pipoit .y 1 Original Ai'irlimenl, lei- Klijah U I'm'rtt t el, 61c. vs Jov ph Sno I" ami'i'tine lo the silir.irtion rf t!ie ("ourt, oi(Vn j th.t Jficcpti Snfiw.'en n! Williini V npn r. the ili fen'lanta in this oiw. nsnlcout nl ihr h mils of this Stale; 11 is ihi n-t'ure oiil. rc.l that the fllerk adrenise three mfinilis in the St.r, published at Itah irh. for lie: il lenilnr.n 10 p penr at the term of said Court to ! IkIiI tin t!ie "minty of 'lartervt, :it the 1 run lions.' in H. :mi fort, on the tbi'il Moiula ot June nest, t i! re plevy or plead kn laete, ch iudj;mriit wilt be made aeeonti a; to lite Plaintitls4 emmd. A true copy froui the minutei. (1 IIUML'.Y, C C. 4-3m fff HK aobaeriber, intendinij lo remove from D this State, otters ut p rival, aale. Hie planta tion where he r sides, gener;l!y knunbj; the name of Tyson's, containing b ul )7": ei es, ! part of which is first rale lulid tor the cultivation I of nion, eorn wheal ifo The impiN-vrnuiitsI on sod Wnd'arv equal to the best in this stciion j of the State; they eoi sial of a h ige two aiory dwelling houae, an rsetllent kitcli u. with three rooms aud three f re plaei s; a two mry store house, warelionstt, smnb sliop, a large barn, stn blcs. negrd houK'S and many useful out houaea, together witb a salstabW Grist Mdt (ne ) which fori materials, workmanship an i pi rformnVce, can bear competition with the best in the tWe. a Saw Mill, also new, miller's hoqi twn-to. rie with 3 Cr places, and a Vtry nublin Ferry . This prmnTiy lies 00 th east side of leep Hi Ver, in the countiea of ( hatluim and Moore on the mai'. rod from alem to Kajeil. ville. and within H Bidet m th her place The Grist Mill it lu Silualion where it always has, snd must continue to command, a more exietibivu xtoro than any other in this part cf the Mate ml the snntul value foe many years pssl (1 xolu tive rJf theSsw Mill sad Ferry) has been from. U',0 lo 1000 dollars, r c - Alio a boot 980 acres bf land, within miles of th above Bcn'ione4 Farm lyins; i-inoiplly e the north Side of Uairp Kiver. Chatham county pal of what if termed the Gnlf and a!j itng the lands of Me Georua V) ilaos tin this thtie in comtortsUle dwelling house, with th.-ee 6re nlaoea. a store house Snd warehouse, and other convenient buihlings, orchard, tie On this him', annul 0 or auo yarua irom me river, is a atone coal mine, brli- ved to be of the best quality and quantity ioexheuslible. Some remarks on tins mine Oiy b Seen bt refurene to ProUssor Olraatewl'ctikmidtle.t on the min rats of the Slat. This Farm is ailanted to th culture of eotlon ont, wheat, Wc.ao excellent sUnd for store, or the transaation of any putilic btisiuer Fos tesaton of ecberw both nf these si max los tafi b hal at any ttm from (hi lo the I at of A put' A credit of I, and tear will be given p- ply to JV'K; XSUW.Jr 1) son's, Deep River. Monr county VN , January Hh, "i. State of Noi'th-Carolina, Beaufort County. l Court of Equitj Fall Term. John Tyler John Uby snd 0riS:','', wn f eomplaint Getrge V Jordan. J T appearing ti the sa'iifuetion of the Court, thai ftore )V Jrtlan, nirerxif ;thu defeat . ... - - -T f -1 - r r 1 . Its' of this Statft Jjiispplerod tht puVimnonbei made in the i:;lrij;h Slap, fijr aia Its, tjsat w I as the defendant, George iV.sJor l i, anpear nt the next t 'm-.rt of K.qniiy, to be h.-hl for the, county aforesaid, at the Court House in Vth. lingion, the filth Monday alter the lorn-th Mon- 0y m vjaronnest, anil pleixl, demur, .of answer (o the oomnlainant'a bill, thnl the sameWUt be tken pro cooteuej, and set lor hearing exparte 4t tha succeeding tcr'n e A C"PT Irom the Minutes. kich aui cms r, c. & m. e- r. c. ; V-.-'- 6CW State of Nortli Carolina, Nath County. In Equity September Term, 1825. Edwin Sumner tt wife el als vs VOriginal Bill, Willie Runn and others. 3 T appearini; lo the satisfaction of the Court that lean Thnrp. Ilenry Ilium an.l Nancy his wife, Kobert Freeman ami Phot-ba his wife, and Joseph F rt and Priseilla bia if- re side beyond ihe limit of this Sinn ; li isihirr- Ibre otdered, that utiles the said ,'esr Thnrp. 'tenry llunn ? ife Nancy, Mouei I rreeman anil wile Phoeba, and loseph Fort and ;f.- Pris. ills appear at the next tenn of this Cnnrt in Nash ville, on the third Mnmlsy in March next, then and there lo plead, n- swer or di mur to ihe enm plainants' bill, it ill be taken pro confetso, and heard cxpnrte as to them JXO. II OitAKRj C. M. h P. T. 46w State of North Carol in::, Wayne County. Court of Pleas anil Quarter Sessions November Term, 1825. Phereby. Smith vs C Petition for I lower Heirs of Isnae Smith J T anpenring m the satisfaction of the Com". that Vlatfliet Smith, one of the ilefendnni), ia not an inhabitant "f this Slate: It is I r dered by the court that pnldreatinn he made in the Itahfij'; Star three monl'is, ih.tt unless the said Matehet Smith appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Wayne, at the Court House in Waynestmro , on the Sd Monday of Febtnary next, and answer to the petition, the p. tillosj will be heard ex parse. Witness Philip Hooka, Clerk ot our said Court, at ofi'ice, the 3d Monday of Novem ber, 185. P HOPKS, Clk. 2 3m hat M a e'S.arrsrsa of h aVe r iuU inr a w i thai llir said Ktfkik Ciai will lm f:rmn-tJ llie ureal sajesrsjfvaj n4 aas e-cr a.'ett a) ilrsw.. in ibe t'ri:e. Sti. ft.; ! ikai if illrn fl wf srwleis lo palm frT ans wlwr nn llie nh!.c. as really ibv nol Uiiu.nl a ill w l) tic v in and fruilleaa, but lul'y 11 l!,r tee-ne. e In ll,r CnlVt isily, ihf v S M.S'.t h'iifes aol to as, lhal tSe " e Toi k Catei-, (to be tlrawa i!m U of Jaonsry ,) mar he c iw I, m wlticii then are 1 nl a si . . I ,,'..lr o( iia'.-ls, and h e. Ise a (): U mfiir l unj IkirtJ mny I'HI.ES, .l,.r , n.e trno'..iiu.iint of sne hun.'r'il i,'t".f. I lie U;.i V-anal liters eo'-l--o a luorr It an t'-r. e ini s the iinmbir i lUk't iSan il.r New Ycr I iteryture. and only IJtfftffi-Jw'" V'izr' jliose (Los of fl1'"' se t I i.e " Second (J e,u.t.t il L"tlrry," !. iriimes csllcl llie ' (.1 .,,, -l:ilc l.i.l-ei I of ar I ,11.:," it wi'l he I i v,rri sins .",IKJ(' ' ' ' ' ') I'iekeia, s. i nlv I lurtg t'nzft jloe i!,c ilei..)nim .1. a of il'Sc It' ii,.- in i, ie I for tb draw'.rgoft'-e ! .fei ww inf n trd m cl--sbn rr i:'i'ire, or i' tertrre Willi Hie ,:!i,in; splendid "irlr ni'; Nrl,e" i ' Iv rel p.vri 'o tl.ose p' iC!, r cm en ! tin re. , i i .t to dr w 1 1 a I nt 'er a . li i I M , (.re llie I ' .n rrniti -ai ' r il ti .ru. Idey unii i.ol onl. Ik- vhi active, but s'reinely form-' nat- in l cling s.ilta "I llieir tick.! s;nl H will perhaps )el ne found tint the I nnv.l.i"d i ue Ivniers i-t no, but that the Uuivers ty will be s 1 1 -- " fn-si Cutlery" I'ntn io the Ms'e ol Maryland. M. ' die tl tN l(.K!( of tl is loiters Kam pi.li'oe'.j . .;!. tl at nn il.scoii'H C4li le m elf lo Veii-l'-rS e;llier at Inline ( r a'u n id,'' Ircn tbe cliome 1'i ie.e, lut!irr it sha'l or i-liMI not he ihcir p!r isnre to porch j" and nllVr tli.se tickets to the public-I ul all those liltcnttly -.n-l kii.elt di;-s-d. Hill l,e I'urU acd lderalti asippli'-d 't will Ue n"ti c d linn the I' hi i mi) hitiiri caul iin l ii a anillinu:.' u! lirk'ts. , O.f if i S I 7 h-ir llu il rdtiu t V-e- zi, r yAf I'ltl'.KS n-rr Iff li -cMi .-.ii-n uUrw ifuntl r'l 7M.;r.' in ; V-T-r.'ifi j-eT'C-i iiinrtr P, izi s, eree.iline tlmt stiin.i e.ti .ice i o hr t'iU'i, in iSree ci -s-'S nl l.;eries, mi-ntto-i, ,' r", .,bm'cf v lich t i-eil .r ennta . JC'il I'lckc a:'. ! ! I '. !! ! 0,is : ve fjj riifr:vnc. fin- he ninh tn ul I he k ei n, an I I'lt-'i ileiernu'ie as eo.,r czel jmirt'm s!inM ilictiite, i .d :.ct "I l' tie., s Ii i eal;. r m C'tnl'ir liTv thereto, iinv orib-rs '. 11111 :.hi'Oad hie hern an-l ai-e eoiistrimly reecise't, and the sdes ot Hi"! 'i'ukets at retail have le en very consider. hie, and are daily nride: and Ihe Ma'a-er will like ;.Vjsu -e in t'u'-lier wailtie; ' fo-tliwith npo-i iIitso wh" call personally " I ukc'.s 01 Shares, or .eriilivaies nl do ; and all onlevs f'M- lick-ts orSii'ie, per litter, will he ilmikluih n crived, and aa promptly Httet.ded tn as per-onal application, il ad dressed to Ihe Manager, at either of hisOftie.es, where " Equal Jiitiic? if remUrel to all" FORTUNK'S HOMK F0 REV KIT. bm Omf awi-s bt trt.ete J. -(.,..tl Pr.;. a,i . M UnW Vkrts,r or CwrUb. jies do, fmt w.!e, as wwaal, , P CWMtU's ,r Trl- A.'one -f;-wy lytV ' irf isrsaaar. l.i. o e'r.-' er !. !et, som! will in ! s Y"ri e f .WV". s .;.'. ,1 a fiivw' '. or l.j U-ttre, j is . oai- I'm t-'e, I T tTts a m f'..-. s i i M.r a !'-. e -.s Lmtrrs Wr ie put. I e . j.sri.-f h - C 1 ltsl hiair, an, I 1 liivle st ee'.er .l ' w- M th f.'ot i -r ... n ' i4ss as -o i. a. ' T- liona Hill V- I1,.. 1. il'v lull. , .. It i'.;! a'l'-.de 1 lo, if ad IrvssH , Our or St oJidu i.i and ' ' " !. Isv. r. CANHCLU, New-Yort. vov. .v. is:;. s aTrr's of re. L. s 'I t aUica aiU a I i'uU'.ir Security. V 1 ai'J7r " m- ua.i- y j..ryi' Siutr f .lUiry awl, r. mi i hit Sua- I i'm, l l.'l Inl il i n- ...siesil pasiss-sj.) . r n ! 1 1 1 the I. n on r 1 1 es, aa4 I j 1 1,.. our ol pi n Z to hi traa j ,.' 1 l- III- ' ;!! la. t'auas, a. i Y 01 ihei;'.'. (V.'M Inch awl 11! il- -n ie. t ti heme ver w'ontrCia; ,r I end M'.lrt Sftl linitliM t p. CAigrpisuy orncno. .!9 l!r Kdw:iy. t -i9 hesnnl-atrei t, Pliil- adelpliia "I I S Marki i.j r.-et. Ilaltimore. Where hsv- h- e,, sold and paid. Prizes of 50, 00". ,0'M, iJO.Oijn, 15,0110, 12,151"). 10, 000, 5000, 3t0, 25''0 :000, 1000, 5' 10, fltc etc. armunling to more than 1 aiSlvWVtm ol' lViUars! By Authority the Slate of Maryland, UNIVERSITY LOTTKtlY. EIOIITH CLASS NEW SKI'.IKS. P. CANIIKI.t), MANAGF.Il. CAPITAL PRIZE, $lBQ,OQd, SOLLAHSe I he mosi lu'illiant lottery ever adopted an l drawn in the United "states, and lorihv ih i-nrnediale attprli n nf nil JjOtU'nj Vender and adventurers therein. (iranto'l liy ill" i:neral taaoni'dy nl the Stat .-if Vlary'and, for the heneli: of her Liters ry Institutions. The system adopted for llie ipprohation of, as well as in justice to her People Poaitivcly to tie drawn on the 22,1 of February, i air,. OR SOONF.R, And if the B'di nl Tickets will warrant it, the Draiving will lake place b"fnre or about the FILIST OF JANUARY NKXT. UMKIRALLELED! TRULY GUANO SibPLliNDlD SCHEME. PltlZii of ijlO(,oo is glOO.tfiO I IK. the .it- I he I... i in r. h ;i I ih- : i . v neirr t, e . n , niiel n ci e f o, ' I, . i -n' lh:it will Ik- nflV-rvsl v s ve al o jh i f!.. urs liimell lhal . an r'. .!( ' nl a.'vei.mii rs ni -y be :.rco"miilatri,i, i r- t ,eh. nie w he inns p; iciate.l aoSss. pi iiM-d Hy an ailei use pi l ua.l ot llie acltesa, ei.iiiv ii-iitiia. ai'vai i..-i L a ill W discos rrea, us ili !... t-s is gin ml lor a truly Lil:t ' irp"s-, viz: 1 1 at of aeq'iirm;; imil aprewln; i kno. Ii ''-, ihe ' itizens el M j I .ml mI Ukk i.I !', C'd'd Males, jj.-m-ra'ly, will not.sti Imp,!, N- haikwanl m R vim; it ihtir rappv, lin iil patl' 7. il as well Inirn Irrlinps ol a. i i-iiisin, .s I i the ixcellei.i chi ne? now itt. it n a dn ton., n i,r';erli I bi4e iv-t yrta Iniiiiili-i); in ia'lii will I'O't.inbt ix-ataaw upon llie unpaiallelc-d opportunity of aeSQlieji I ii lin e . ) I In- d-iv,:ind Co- ' ik-ti n the last nr,,k (,'i.cs, ass in a' I'-n" no e cnid lie tnundW s.i' in this i iiy :' tin lime the laill.'ry. aw rrin, e l sitr.il -e, i,o lb ii t, will be ill Sr soon dm puvi us to the di 1114 of III fert seni scli 'oe, evi 11 ili,n-h il he noi ih- phasoiv i nf venders gi . mjraliy to ng'.ige in lbs? saht ihcse Mik'-m. nd should tiny vei 'er deekw laki-ig l ick ts i i this l.iien, iniless he sua art j cure them fe m the Manager al a dedtietioaron ,".e setiene: price, he will h id uil iipplicalinalis , Tisk-. ts 0 uvh terms, made in v.. in; and itais j . I he list labor for any vender or vei.defi la'ieini I by any ma icc nre whatever, lo aasettii to thrins'-ivi-s the inani'gnmtnt ol this llltrl so lhal it shall result tu tin ir own particular bei eFit. rep; rdless win Iher it si,ll or sh.dl tint tew lo he juvl or unjust ton aids ih-eominunity. Ik the Manager plei'gi-s hiinsell 10 he eonsittei with his mono-- tlqnvd Justice," ami a fc months will s listanm ily prove to the public III truth l lii:s declaration lu nn ii stance Cat credit lor any I r" hi- nunt be allowed, utile a satislartory ai-cnrity be given, lor, notwill standing the integrity and property ol many ihoae in th- trade, the Manager must and i endi-av r 10 ,1 rd against all casualties, aiil must be expected lhal this will be looked loriu adhered lo hy him in nil cues, not only fort own protection and tafrtv, bin because it r h intention loprr"r ed with the Lottery in aoet manner, thai he will have il in his power t pi the (iriii s promptly, and thai it thill result, the enlirt saliafaetion nl' all conoerned. If llie fin 1 going eonsidt-raiions are not a sol ciei t incentiv tn venders who are not oppoa to ihe I irnessol ni5 rhcme in all respects, well as to a 'venturers, to f.ke an intcrist this litlery, in prel'ererce to any other, tl Manager truts lit it the Ibllnwing 'V arrant menl and volu- lary act On h s part, will al Id stamp it ilh such a ch.ra.:ter, in ihe in i mil .idventurcrs, as shall n nder it jnst'y deservii of that preler. :c end he is euiifidc'iit it wilK IV receive meiitnl patronsge. To ensure puhlic. eonful nee and 10 prrv the (losiiinlity nt loss to Ihe holders nf I ickell roiiii'itlence i f anv enpiialiies v h tevr r. "il Kor SalVr or Rent. :- f -r t a deed of trust fo t-xveuied by Henry k Gomlwio. 1 am authorised 10 sell at priva t ' "lit, fur eab or negotiable paper at Uharol the Banks lu this city, part 01 tot nauiDer on nun- dred and lliirty, (N(t 130 ) with the imnrnve t meuit inrrenn, eousiatiiig oi a store' Said the he eaasi-s out bouses TUw star bous frswu Fay etteciile nwtt; and h mienieilj timatesl for tho transact ion aaersantil1 businesa, beii ttearlT io lb wenttr of the city. 1 ba above- ' mwntione l presatset may bw rented, 00 app ica taoa to the Mbacriber. ' '' ' . , . , p.a w, iuywood. 1 ; Bateigb,FN,t2. riiiii a. State of -Ten hps see,; iietifot& Cauntn. , Circuit, Court December Term, 1S2J. ViUiain lUtls'icM' vs Andrew liartsfi:dd, Nathaa Hartsfi-hi. John M (t Lou isa l. Stephei s J In Equity. H" T being sngj sted to the Court Pint Andrew 1 llrtsiieliV, one nf the defendants Ins de- Darted this life since the filine nt their hiHi saij a bill of. retivour hsiw been nlHaf th praent rerm of this ipurt sg.inst Jain -s Harts field and Almond Bevers, r xi-c.uorsol s-.id A n- rew Uarl.srieid, duseasedand tfUappeariiigtbat Mid F.xecuiors y eiliaitns ol'the Siat.- of Nurtii Carolina; il is tlu-reftx-e pf'eri a by the Court, ilmt publication be made in some, Newspap r pinned in Italeigh. in the Stat of North Oai-ohna. fir three weeks m soecession between this and ihe .if Xt ter of IhcSf Gnurt, requiring said Execu lort t sppe.r at next 'xirt, and ant ant sai) hill, whei wise the ssMit shall be taken pro cbn fesatiand art dowaiitr hewing expai t. ; '; A sjti'V,?:if-w,!i yi frustVT.'fV Test, . OANU M"KF.RICKa Clerk Md j .:' ' Master olth Court of .F.qn)t). : State of JNortli .Carolinu, r'-i1' 1 Wayne County. Court nf-Pleas unci Quarter Sessions November Term, 1825. James Jones J vs , ?-Oiieinal Attachment. F.lisha B Wood, 3 ppearinto the sal rsfaetion nf the Court That the defendant, Elisba B Wood, is not an inhabitant ol the State: It is therefore or dered by Ihe 'Jonrt, that publication he made in the Raleigh Star for three months, giving nntics to lire uereniiant, that he appear al the next County Court 10 be held for the county of 'Vayne, t the Court. House in W ayncshartiURh, on the 3d .Mimdajr of Fehrna'y next, then ami here- to ' answer," plead in; demur, otherwise judgment will he taken pro cotilcsso, and tfte same set for hearing ex;iuie. Witness. Philip II'", Clerk of our said Court, at Office, 3d Monday ut-November, 1845 P HOOK'S. Clk. 'IMIB HOUSE at oreseiit oeeuntrd bv Or I : James XI. Hetideron and thr LOT ailack- d to it. containing two aores For ti rn.a, ap plytt , ' ; JOHN G. MARSHALU,' Ralegh, Jn.!C( 1126. , J - Mf State of North .Carolina, 'Hertford County. Superior Court r Law. the 4th Sloajay . , , 111 -jjis UIUC. , lOiJ. v -.. '. , ."r'Bmal AtlaehraeBt re. John W.' YoungJ luined. levied, See t I. appearing n the satisfaction or;li Court. I lhal the defendant. John IV. IfMlni nn an IribaMtsnt of this alalej It it orilereiT, thst putstiealion De made in the Kaleij! Star, for lbr months, unless ,tle swid John W;"; YoUi.g appear, before the llonorslde Judge at the next Court to he behl foe the County of llertlord, at the Court rlousr in Winlon, on the fourth Mom lay in Match next, renltvy the property anil pleail to Issua, final judgment will be taken a gainst him, ami the property condemned, to sa tisfy sb plaintiff's demand ' - - -- - VViiness, M ILLS iJKUNIGN, Clerk of our sain Mjun, at svmton, lb lh Monday in aeptember, in the ,50dt year oTour Indpes)d enoe, A. H. I8P5. ' - i Txst, MILLS JCUKIUAN UU.C.i(J,L, ' ' 46-3m . i t t l s lo A S3 17f So 5 5iiH) 40,000 2.1,0'li) .'0,0'KJ 10,1X10 5,000 1,0(0 50O S40 100 50 50,000 40,00 25,0" )0 8ti,(Xit) 5t',000 50,'N'O 44,001) 4-1,0011 4'.',i4fi) .15,500 S8.i,SU0 6S56 Prizes 7 131244 Blanks S 10 000 CS'U.i-iO Tickets. ? R784,0(iO The I ickets 'U this Lottert are formed li-r the tensrr eomhination of 5l nnmbers. from I t50 inclusive, and to determine the fate of all th) 1 lekets therein, 50 numbers, a above, WEI severally be nut, into a wheel on the dsv ol drawing, and six of them drawn; and that ticket having; on it, as s. combination, the lit, 2d and art" numbers drawn, will be entitled to th- Capi tal PriM of 'KUiO.OOO: 4ih. 5lh and Cth. R50.- 000: vJd, 3d and 4th. fcHOOO- 1st, S-l and 5th. SilS,0!K: 2l, 511. and Gih, .iU,WOt 1st, 2d, and 4th; 1st, 81 and 6h; 1st, 4lli and Sth; 2d, 3d tnd Tth; nd 3.1, ill: and Tnh, will each be entifledio a prixe ol ' filP.OOU:. the 1st, 2d and 6'.h5 the 1st, .id and Uh; I t, 3,1 And Cth; 1st, 4lh and 6th; 1st, -Sth and 6th; 4d, 3d snd 5lh; 2nd,Hlh and Sth; 2ml 4ih and r,ili;.3d 4th itnd 5, li; 3d, Sth and 6lh, will each he entitled tn a rriaeol $3V0. All those haring-nn ihem th of the drawn uiinabrrt, anH i host o the ' ri and jW drawn, will t!:sh be rmi:l, .1 m u i.riste ofAOOtl. All thoc liavingon them the 3d ai 4th, or sth and Cth ih-awn eumli. i-, are etch a nr of S500 All those having on them,- the fit .isd 3d;- ,'st snd ,4ih; 1st and 5th; or 1st and 6th, will each be entitled to a prize of ft--: AH those having on ihem any other o of the draws) numbers, each a prixe ol giot); -nd those siavinj on th. mf-fiiut cue of the drawn numbers, eich a prienf50 i Present Price of Tickets eli covenanted and ng -i- d on lite purl oft nvi'i (in ud'hiinv tn the security given the ":u;e nl Mury and for the punctwd payim of i'rizes- ) thai the current funds, recrivedl s.'es ol Jckets i't thia Lr.ttrry. ihall be depe te, - vr ry thirty or rixty iVya from and afltrt ll'lh day of October et mi g t iiher in the Mi chruiis Hank in the City ol Ne- York; inl United Mates' IS'.t.k in the City ofl'liilinlelph i:ilhc Phdadelp'ina Itsnkof said City, or, inli Unio-i Bark ol siarylsnd in Ihe City of Hal more, and in all, or in some ore of thefatu na-n il B niks, n pcctively, the said funds id remain s a seenrnv lor the holder of tick uiimI ihedfiwi g M.all have taken plane, b deposits will, Irom time tn lime, be nu.de kno by some of the nine sjei It-men nsmert inl iTircnlar-amiesed to the Scheme of (his Loin when first publish.!, u hn are highly respects1 ri::zi ns of ihe Ci:y of Ne York, Philailrlpli ?t Hallitnorc, and who have kindly consented act, if in cessary upon this orei-sion, anil to site the dnt es therein assigned tin m: all ol whom i appointed ami lonstiliited ti unices, and in l hy these pr' jcnti in fcisc i.I' the detlh of t (annger previous to the emwirg, full pnwrt Vested to continne. the sn!e of die l!tkrtsar.! cause ihe Lottery to bnadrawn. and the prii Iiaitl, !epo:ite! as above, pursuant - in t Scbcme;" and it iS wit'ri much pleasure that t Manager annnnneft tliis fact lo ihe public, ' cause he is coniident tS.'it lo all who advrnn in Lotteries, this aiTapgenrnt will be biglily lislaciory and truly pleasinj . ' P CNI'!Kf .n, MAioxf P. C constantly keeps I itkets in all the I teries foe the ncrotTiiniHlaiinn nf I is frieiltlss others; thcrifois.', SI! pilvtiiiei-crs desironsof p euring the Capital Pries in the abeve lliil'l I .otter) , or in any other now" before (he frtiblu the United State r will tin v eil to nppiy pr sllv, or by letter, immediately U dim for1 ssine A'i'l 11 m d-rs, whi lher for V hfde Ti is. Shares or li tificatt-S, will be ihsnkfii received and promptly clie'iided to, if addrett to , P. CAN FIELD 139 flrwhw, JVev Torh, - V29 Chemiitsi. P!ulatMphia,orat init'rket it jfallimore. Raltimore. Sept 1X25. Uf Whole-1. Quarters Sixteenth 4 gSO 00 - '3 17 Halves g25 00 Eighths' 6 25 Thirty Secondth 1 5fi '' x- ' Tin Cftmit a. f.n A Certificate ol 17 Whole 1 ickeis Can he had for RS9J 00; d do. Hall tto. lor ft!97 5h do dt Quartet do. for 75; , ilo. Wglithsol Tickets, foe $74' 37; do. do Slxteenllis do S.7 IR; do do, I birty-aecondths do for Km 9 Which certificates will entitle the purchasers or ovaet-i thereof to whatever prises may b v Jailer's Notice. "I'AKP.N op and eomitiitted In thl Jsil f Ouillord nuntl, on the Mst Oeloler l negro man nameii BOBr t.ged abi ul ti ycsrl Cel 5 inilies high, off yellow enmplrctifr.; ' says h beings to I homis Little, of Uich"" county !wiih Car din ; but as there in " cuiily in "-niiih :aro.'ina il is more than pr" 'k th tit is in Xfli-ih ('srnlina Ihettwnr1 eequ sie l to come forward, prove pmierty I ias i h-.it es. olherwise he will be dealt ilk isordiiig to law. -, . i - - 10H MUHKOW Jail' virecnssornngii, s.uinoni eoumy f 1.30,

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