Ut, Mi RALKIGII, (N.C.) FRIDAY, MARCH 10, I8J6. tot H -s-- tssf Vol. XVII THE STAR, . .M .VarfA-wrWiwa .S7ae Gazette, Pablnhcd.wecklT.br BELL'fc LAWRENCE. Subtttiptiont three dollars pr sonnm. No M- ii , - - : . i . i . ... in aurance, ni m piper iTttennlinued. but r . i L j : . i (he opitoa m r.unnri, anim ill M-reai-atr, ire piui. taveniieroentt, no riceefling fir. teen line, intec ted tbn-e limn tor one dollar, ind leniT own cents lor e.el coniinninee. All letters to the editor matt be potl paid SALE OF HOUSEHOLD H RMTL UE. Negroes, Horses, Cattle, Arc. 'l'lTILL be tohl on (lie premises occupied tj J I Himilion Pulton, Civil t.i.ginrrr. 011 TburartsT the 16th Mirch neit,all ihr iiroiiertt of which he u possessed. Hrtidrs the usual ar. licle of MouiehoM urtiilorr, there ill he 10I1I A London 1'i.no, mteje by Uroadvocid & Son A locking m, of I plate, measuring S3 by 3 inchet, with in elepant gill frame km. I nrni. m-ntfd top, niraturint; in the whole 80 inches in length by 36 J in width. A Convex Minor in a highly ornamented frame. A Urge assortment of the finest Hritith f'nt Gists, consisting of quart unit pint dt-cinttii wine glasses, tii iont sixes, tumblers, fce An Kp with 'irj;e cut gUss i!ili in the centre, ami four branches with rut glass ores-it, dishes The stand is of Ihe best ttrilibh I'Uti . Willi silvrr ei'grs. A l.iqiMr stJinl. with four cut glass hntt'es with tirar hasin. The stand is of the best pint , with mil v. i i df' s . f.ihionaMe dinner let of best Stone Ware and an learnt set of China to correspond Sets of ihe finest Mahaster eluuri, y orna ments, with and without 1 : shades lnrg' assortment of Silver ware, consisting of soup U lle, gravy, soup, d erl and tea spoons, a I ire fish slice, I tra pots, KUgar )ins, cream jug ho plated coffee pot, with suiml an. I lamp, i elegant Japanned le i nnd cnllV, L'rns A Library of Rooks, CiaiUiiiing a l.nndon edition of 'lee's f'yelopr riia complete, with a o.illi ctioo of M itlirniaiii al, M hmicaj rcli tectural, Agricultural, I'bilo sophitd, tieoloi ical and Historic I Works; DU'iiti"- of books on ('.amis linnils, Hrii'g,-s, nnd others' bjeets of Civil and Military engineer ing; also Swif's. Fiel. ling's, P n;'s and fieoT."; Works, Wo chiefly London editions K collection ot Min- rail, 160 in nuniber, ar range I per ca'al'igue. A variefv of Levelling, Surveying and Draw ing Instruments Several Negroes, consisting of Men, Women ami Children One of the mm if a JouMg ami valuaMe house carpenter. A pair of excellent Carriage Hones, well matched and well broke A lour wheeled Carriage and Sulky, (nearly new ) A lot of land, Containing six acres more or less, sittuted on the north side ot Newbern Mreet The furniture books, (Je. may be viewed 3 days belore the sale and ea'nlogues then of will be printed as early as possible Terras of sale will be stated in a future idver tisement. February 3, 1 886. 7 tf Deep River Mills and Stone Coal. THE subscriber, intending to remove from this State, offers ..t private sale, the plant i tion where he reside a, generally known by the name of Tyson's, containing about 975 ucres, part of which is first rale land lor the cultivation ot cotton, corn, wh at &fc The iropr vtroinls on ainu unu are equal 10 the nest Q this lection m me mate; lhe coi stst ot a large two storj 5 iimie, an exi'.i iiem Kitcnvn. wnu three rnomsaiid three fire places; a two story note nouse, warehouse, tmitli aliop, a laige barn, sia Dies, negro houses, and manv U9"ful nut liiuii together with a valuat le V,i ist Mill nm.Wh;.!. fn,. m.i.,.:.i. ...... . .. - ...air, mis, wirKinaiisinp n r pi rlormaiire, can bear eomp. tition with the bsl in the 'ale a Sum &i:n -i .. . . luso new, a miner s imuse. to i sto nes with 3hre places, and a very publiu Kerry Ihn property liei on the east side ci lleen Iti vip .n kA Hr t i.-.i . . 1 .1. me vuuiiuci ui - iinMiuiii anil ivioore, on we mam road Irom naiem to Fayctteville and "iihin rl milri ol the latter place The tJrist jihi is id a situation where it always has, and miW cominnc to command, a niore extensive cust.im tlian am nher in this part of the State "Hi ihe annml value foi ma'iv years past fexclu sive of the Saw Mill aii'i Ferry) baa been from "i to najt) doll. rs. Also, abont 9S0 acres of land, wilhin 4 mile s of me above mentioned rarm. lying piti eipally o me north aide W Reep Uiver, Cliultmni c-umy i'"iiii wi n i termeci me uuu, anil a:j luiiig In lands of Mr George V ilci.x On his lb. i t comtortable dwelh g house with th.ee lire , sum nouse ami wart nouse, aim otmr ' vemem buililinj; orchard, ec On this land, abnm C or 8i1 yards from the river, is a slOi e c"" m"?e. Minted, to be of the b. si quality and '( " mexn usiible. Some remarks on ibi ..Hie niny ne Seen by reference to Profeisoi " Vnipuietoniherom nlioftl,e State . ..I rurin is H.Mptert t the eulture of coil.m corn wheat, tfc.an excellent aland for a store or ihlrai,8:ic(ion ofa. y public business I'os session of either Or both of these situMionl can ft" ha- at any time from this to the 1st of April c'',,,ll oU, 2 aud 3 years will be given. Ap P'n, JO.N TYSON, Jr Ja,"'' 5. Of "P River, Moore county, . S N C January S0t , 186. S Music Tuition. JAUvUOYD, f acher of Voeil awl Instru . me nial Music, Newbern, N.'C. respecllul 7 i"lorms the inhaliiianti of H lU'igli anil iti vj Jinat ne int. not Visiting their city the en i'nK season, about lh first ot Inne, and if aoffl ; "l!y pHtrnnized. he ill temler them hisser jnees in t,e way ot his profession for a session of ur nve K.ontln Attetidaixe every othei week duiing Ihe season p : I'MiviiS. i instruction on the Piano Fort, ?e. glS for tw.nly-fnor lessons, Instrnction in Sacred Mniic, for a session of thir- .T It ssons, g3 oik '''a" Fortes ami other imtrumi nts, o. jeiher iln new Mtsio Instruction Books, ami nooks of Scored Musielc lurnislied at the Phila oi)lna prices. .ybern, Feb. 13, 1826. - o.3t ; , A Situation Wanted, A genllemun vh hat for teveral tvur trend. XI tdtn a I'nhlie Urn.Un i. .1 lata - a. -- W W- m , - nwuoi port SL-x , tejtrmce to Ihe Edittrs. JtpbUca- , w, saw. :' 43-tf Removal. 1'IIR ..IwiV,. hav. r,H from thir fw 1 , ,' 1,0 Strcrt. .Were - a teoeral auortmenl of t tuna, (ila$s and Earthen ft'art. on as lib, rat term. . i. .. .. .' UK ,n (nc j,, New Wk Feb 84,1 rt 945. THE 15 TH OF MARCII. DRAWING OF THE North Carolina State Lottery, FIRST CLASS. (.iiilhorised by Jla of Congr,s and ... igi.nuiurr cj Aurri arolinaj For the benefit of the Orf,rd Academy ami IVathtngton Canal. B. Yule grirtgn, Managers 1 1 1 1 2 18 36 186 3:2 1 .30-2 13.930 Fnze of g20,000 is g2n.00e 15,000 15,00 10,01 il 10,000 5,276 5,000 1,000 500 50 25 12 6 5,2r6 10,000 18,000 18,000 9,300 9,300 15,6-24 83,700 I ).8ro Prizes. 8214,200 26,970 Blanks. 42.840 Tickets Tickets and shares in the above Scheme or Side at the Managers' nffi. ... u..i:..i. or by their agents throughout the State. ' ft hole Tickets, g6 IMf do. 3 Quarter do. 50 Packages of 12 tickets, embracin,- the Sfi Ni.s. of the Lottery, which must of necessity draw at least g25 50 nett, with so many chan ces for capitals or shares of packages, may be had at the same rate, viz: Poekusres of whole, &72 Of Halve, 36 Of Quarters, 8 Prizes in any of the Lotteries of Connecti cut, New Jersey, New York, Penns Ivama, "elaware, Maryland, Washington City and Virginia, will be received in payment. (XT Orders, enclosing the Cash or Pri ces, 1 post pant,; tor rickets or Shares 111 me aoove tottery, will rece attention if addressed to prompt YATES & M'INTYRE, 8tf Raleigh, N. C. New Ksmblishuieut. r HE subscriber respectfully inform. the itiv..i.a nl' D..l..:.-u .1 .... ti,i-iii finu ine lillhlie ,i.jm.- eral, th;.l he has established a W hol-.il.. anl Retail Urvjig & (.Mm?mciA Stove, On the VVest side of Pavttteville street, about me hundred mnls South of ihe t Hpital, Hhre he inteuils keeping a gi neral nHsortment of(ien uine Drugs and Me'licin. a, which he will ilisp. se of on reason:Jle terms, put up in the neati si ami mnsi ci.eful manner. An.oi.g which are the fullowii g. Acid Nitric Sulphurio Mini. i,o I artai io Citric ss.'o;tila jEiIi- r bulphurio Mum Antimonial Wine 11tiruou1ul Powders Arsenic Aloes ' Borax Balaam Copajva Tola -Peru - Canada t Brimitone Camphor CantharjtJes ('.Mndla Caloiml Ci-eam Tartar CalaiMDc Ppu t'astor t'ascaiilla Colombo Castor Oil Cnchinella (;h:imomile Flowers Cinnamon Cardumon Seed Crawat Seed IJovers Powders Kxtr et Gentian Ji.lap I iquoriee Elixir Viiriol Klecampane Kigol Flowers Sulphur "Zino lieiixoin ficntian Oalbanum -filanher Salts - Trag'canih I fiolden '1 1 1 . ad let-land .Moss l.ibp Ipecaciiv ' Lunar L ua .0 L.nt Mace Myrrh Musk Manna Magnesia Calcined - Henrys Must aid Seed Nuiim gl Opium Oil Almonds Do Aniseed 1 1) Cloves lo Kesri Mo Uoieniary lo Lavt(i(ler Do Amber lo Peppermint I )o ormseed Oris Root Oal Meal I'nuvian Bark. Red Yellow San ford Prepared Chalk Quieksilv. r Khuhatb Suliihale Quinine Saffron Sal Ammonias r psnm SKia T . tar Tootl 'owder lee'a Pills Genuine White Was . Phials Assorted firadnate Measure Glass Funnels, ke Tinctures in general Window Glass Paint.- ' (amboge (.old Leaf x ' .' '. Horn Vrabie . AmmonioB-'. Oil and Putt Orders from f'hyn'ciaiii. Merahanliand othri lealing in Drugs will be promptly and cart ful 1 attended to by ' . C O LEHM AN., Jtfin l(jn, Wet 19, 185, , 43 tf ' Fi ve , lol 1 h rs R e w a rd. , MM tSON JOHNOX. n in.'en.ared an prentiee, ft the Ti iinn'M.g j Harness makinfr buairirsi, left this in J uomy lait to visit '-.hit rnend in Northahipiof. county, at 6 ha lulled to return I hit i to to t-warn all perarmi froer. hirlmrire or ennloihir hi to enforce the law as oust meti r-i iW. The above reward will be paid to any pertm ror spptehi oding and returning said apprentice ; Kaleigh, Fe. tS, mi. , . ; 9 Just Received, Jtnd for Salt at tht Star Office, A few copies of Boardman'i KNULISH (ill AM MAR, e ho. Killv .mured and t.ili.riy 'TCU"' ,P,1. violations FOR SALE. AT THE STAR OFFICE,- & lsvv tenet's north Carolina FOR 1826. Containing Astronomical Calculation, shew. mg the rising, setting, places and eclipse of o.,.i ..,,1 Moonj Moon s fha es; the riamg, -ttting and southing of the moat conspicuous I'lanela and fixed Stara, state of the Weather-, ..ii-rriMv, uccrease ami length of day 'ligious Kt-ativals Miacellaneotis Articles- useliil Hecipes: Anecdotes; times of holding .... v... .v. mi wmm in me Mate; Lists of the officers of Oovernment of the iTnit. .. 01 rrann v arolinaj Members of Assembly and of Congress, &c. &c. U'h.ch will be sold, v. holesale and retail, at the usual prices j Orders from Country MrrK.nt. ...1 11 1 j uicrs win De pnimptlv attended to. Entertainment at the sicn of the 100 yards If'est of the State Home. i 'r tubcri : iriu'ns his sincere ihnnks for th. Ill) rsl rustom he has reci-iveH frnm Ihe punlic sine- hi- opened a house nf Kntertainmetil 1 '"e :.dov. sigi Me SUM continues to accnm oMnte ir.vi llrrs anil others on as reasonable rms.ii the limes wi I permit full supply of in, r -niiier ini mi, iIht, t-ni Charires 101 to ticeed those of lull Tear. JOSl4 DILLIARD. UileiKli, February IS, I8ifi. 8-4w UNIVERSITY OF North Carolina. ?) V 1 resolu'.on nl the Ro.nl m' I m.i... ft the laM annual uie ting the entire manage nent ot the lands of th- corporation whs given to .c i.nu committee All communic .tioni, lierefore, reipectin? these lands, shotil 1 be ajle, not to the trustees, but to the committee; ml it is requested that persons making any sucl. ommunications will uddress them to '.l. Wet iore. Secretarv ol the l.mwl 1 uigli." By Order J. WETMORR, Sec Feb. 3.J2fi 8 3m Doctors Beckwith & Henderson, 1 I AVINO this day enlereil into co partner 9 ship, are prepared to attend to all proles sional culls from town and country Person! requiring the attendance of both, will reeeivi it will, out the charge o( eonsaltntinu fee tpnlieationt may be made al I hi ir Miop, 01 Fayetteville street, or at their separate, pl .ces of residence aleigh .lai uaiy 93, I8'26. 6 4w tau of Nortli.Caiolinn. N 0'iediei.ee to the Act of Ihe General As sembly oHKi3, (;hapter the 7th, the Pub lio Treasurer hereby eives nnttre ihut ht will parchate of the Stocks or Shares o f any 01 all of the three several Hanks of thia Mate, foi ihe us. and benefit of the Public: Letter! ad Iressed to him on that subject, post-paid, will be promptly replied 10 JoHV. IUYWOOD Pub.Tresr Raleigh Pel SS. IS. '4. For Salf, A pair of excellent CARRIAGE HORSES, well matched and well broke. Apply to the Printers. Dec. 29, 1825. l-tf Ji.yp ".. " OF TBI State orKoith Carolina. A correct Map of the State in which he re ides must be a ileiirahle 1,1.,, , .. inlivi.liiul V L... . J . ' ic.er may ne a man ocoupa tionm life, it Irequ. oily becomes in portam to lnm, as a matter ol pecuniary interest, t posse s """J01 knowledge ol tbe reUiive situation ol ui uuiercni stcuous ot country lu the prcsei.i enlightened state of soeiely, tbe suLseriber is convinced that, -part fro 1 all considerations ol lur. rest or convenience, there are very few ol ur eitiz, m who do cot leel it an aff.ir of per tonal pride that the; and their children shouln oe able to speak with familiarity ol those parts if the state. ( jtlg it a diiuner from tht m, as well as those in their immediate Viiiniiy. The subset I ber Uierelbre flatters IiilukII UihI the tolloa inK proposals will be rtceneO sith l og. portion of the inlnbiUnts of his nativi stMte '., ' 'e propoves to publish a correct Map of tht State of north Carolina, measuring b leel 9 Hithet in In gtl. y a fet, fi iciet j i(h. i-j.. out upon a s ate ol SIX miles to ihe inch. I hi in. tenuis will be ni tbe bit kind, and ihe n graving cxeeu ed in tup rior style wirmest 01 utimtatioii being the most mpor'atit ireonislanee.' hut . .1,. ...1 ciibtr's chtt.f attention; to the attainment o hich impiiriam obieet the Mm. of ,., U been tetiaratelt execnted In una Hrazltr.Vtq. itb ih assistance fit gentlemen ot science rttkling in.iiftYrenl pans of the State m from the publie Surveys, and have bet 1 like-H revised and corrected ty the several county tut veyors. or some other competent pet Oft. in each county. yTerms- Vor Maps, varnished, colored, and mounte d on rollers, or put bp in portable form, t doilais each -.. M JOIN MAC RAR. Fayetl. ville, N. C. Dee. I, 1 85. 61 4w Ktatly ctccutea ktUiiaOfliae. Sao Striet of tht Muttum of Forrirn lllrrnlti i ...... 0 .n January 132&, r. w c, ir?1 r' a-ietptiia, in cofinenot. W1,h u C- Carvtll. New York, wiU wamei . MUSEUM Of Fnrin, f . in - ..aii tiiH-iauire arm ocienrc. THIS work has u been pub iabed wore ...... mix. yeara. it pi.B embraced even i! i TluaDI " Journal of &sre-bii while it yet remained to be proved that tfa. nlan wmiLt . ..n . . , . . KwrpiaDic 10 to) punuo. i a not thought expedient to incur ibe trri MMku .. . . ..... ft -r "oh7 to execute 11 lull) nor t encmnter the diwdv.nUge of copying f. on Journals to which oor reader might perhap. he subscribers. On thm uwui. . 1. ' with one or two exception, avoided the Ed inburjr and Quarterly Reviews. , All doubti. f the ueM of work on the plan or the Museum, have been entirely remov edhy Hie experiment, and ihe bestpKof gramude f.. he public favour WiU be foun in increased efforts to deserve it. The new aries contain double the quantity of matter that was in Hi, first-and wh. n it ' considered that tknt ar.. .Ir.,l.. ,1. Cheapest pcriodiral w .rk in the countn.it will be evident that we . ffer very cons.d a Die inducements to subscribe r. There wit be twelve numlers a ve--. each rnnt,in.,.o. nearly as much as one of the Reviews. This ncrease of space enables us to reprint eiery tldng -worth reprinting, in the Rdinburg anil Quarterly Reviews: in addition to th,- fot-w-inp works, from which we huve ei-triil.rt. drawn our snpplies heretofore t H.ackwoevl Msazine, London Magaxine, Bdinburjr Mapaz.ne. Wetminer Review, Itentrospec'.ive Review, Literary Gazette, London Journal of Science. the Arts. Brewster's Edinbui tT Philosophic, 1 lournal. Kuropean Magazine, New Monthly Majfaitne, Momh'v M.iirayine rtr'iiiah n, it- British Review, Montldy Review, ckermans nepoauory, ua belle Assemblee, Eclectic Re.VteW. Christian Observer l..rfi.. a..... .-v . 'i.i' , focltet Mairaxtne. and .11 n. u of meri', for wh.ch we have slandimr ordra abroad. The E I,tor of a Journal mnriitlnr, .,ti...i. of oelectiont from Foretffn Journal, may pc" im' oe aiiouea, without the imputation of vanity, to sneak of the aualitu. aa wr-ll .. il,. ciutintity, of the matter contained in his work It is very evident that an abundance is off, r rd to hia choice, and a th J ,u-nals of Great Britain are supported by writers of great il ent and high reputation, to whom Urge sala ne are paid, much must be of a very suneri. or order. It would eem then to be easy, to compile from all these Journals, one which shall be superior to any me of them. lerms oj Subscription, The price is Six Dollars a veur n..k1 Sr. advance but it not Daid in sdnro. Sev-,, Dollars and a half. Nf subscription to be disr.nntinii.d nniU all arrearages shall be oatd and th- r,nl,lih er to be at liberty to retain the numbers a. collateral ecurity, until they aIu have been paid for. From the Richmond Enquirer. Mr. CALHOUJN. The name of Mr. Calhoun has been bandied out, in some of the papers, with no little freedom and asperity, since the commence ment of the Se ssion. It has been said, tb.i ie is rallying a determined and at the aame time a cunning opposition, to Mr. Adams' Ad ministration. t has been charged upon him, that he took '.ije Chair on the first day of the iuii, wuii a view or appointing Commit tee of the Senate, (more especially the Com mittee on Foreign Relations) which might be octiciury 01 aia.e ana to the President; and that lie has spared no effort, which policy could supply, to get up the op: tii.iuii. ounic weeks since, a little paper war was waged in Hit National Intelligencer between some friend of Mr. Clay and some friend of Mr. Calhoun, in which the latter was as-.ailtd and defended for hi appointment of Committees, and tor hia general course toward the udiuinintration. We notice these things at present, because they may furnish viut iu buiiiv: mime cvtuia vve otter no comments on the allegations at this time! ) but we are induced to notice them more especially at this time, in consequence of a letter which appears in the Philadelphia Press, addressed to the Editor of this paper, from Washington, under date of February ,d. T e following is an extract from it: "It is said that the Vice President, about the time of his corninv . in the autumn, causes I indirectly an overture to dc maue to me rresulent, that if he would break with the Secretary of State. A fthn V. P.) and his friends would support the Ad ministration. The President is aaid to have refused to listen to the proposition, or rather to have rejected it, declaring, that alJiouffh he anxiously desired that his Administration might be such as to detervc tbe support ot all, he would purthate that ot none. Tin was rather an unexpected rebufl; but the V. P. is of very sanguine temperament, and when one expedient tails, without indulging- useless grief, seek consolation in the adoption of another." 1 he write- ;hen reaves the story of the oiganization of the Committee of Foreign Relation; he states how that Committee had arrayed itself against the great measure ol the session, inour foreign Affairs, the Panama Missionf how the opinion of that committee was endeavored to be sustained by a long written report, composed by a certain Virginia Senator, in his best atyle of hair-iphtUng'-, (We presume the liberal writer here means Mi. Tazewell, whose Report, if it ever seel the light, wdl test its own ability) and how ' the proceedings of ihe U of H. (.give) tome evidence ot the infiDatience at ti.. delay, Etc. &c. (apparently dragooning them ...w . ...v.c UUV.IHC couract a point, however, which they do not seem disponed to obey.) While stating these jealou surmises of the W ashington correspondent, we do not hesitate to express our disbelief in the overture ascribed to Mr. C. We think he ha too much sagacity to cotnmit himself in this wy,; But, while v.e discredit it, 'we think some of his tnftmate friends owe it to him to notice the NRtxwV ajvd mmO it a i whfck anay prove injurioM. to Mr.cT ..?m tkt btientd ItttOigtneeT. .VhiUt the lnder, to which the bove article refer., confined to the Denocrtic Pre., and other conwnial pnnu. ,t w.i lrt.t fed wi.b Ih coofetr.pt He baafneaa, and the indifference iu brd.tj dewnred. Bot since the t i 1. ti . nonn -Tlen in voked, bjr Editor having so touch of the public confidence ami .tMn. .. .w of the Enquirer, to cme forMrd and cnarre a$ bad money f tht counter," an .nlookeri for iinn?t.nr. ;. Riven to thecandal. and wenowcheer fullr anplf to it the onlv r.fut.ti wttich, fnim the (generality and skolkinr nature of the accoaatiun. it i. ' title. We then aav that it it . f.i..i.j oft ovo a sheer fabrication without a shadow uf truth. A - -. wauuu, prove negative, we cheerfuilv in-ul .u. protluction of .11 the affirmative broof. which the Washington Corres,Wrident t Mr. liuinsmavrMiHkfa Ii" onlr show hit hmul .a his reaponmbilitjor this fabrication, we pledge ourselves that his refutation before the public, shall bo a aim,.! his confusion shall be complete. It ill not do for agrafuitous .lanrlerr j the responsibility of the truth of his charges by qualilVing them wiih "it is said." When a matter i. .11 1 unous to the reputation of .nl.. .... should be reasonably certain that that to which we voluntarily give 'currency has indeed been at least taid u.,t justice, or, at all events, we are bound . t tne ouostantial authority ou which our allegstiuns are founded. vug urrejuineii issue with this gen tl. mail, whonitoever he may be, we shall leave I nil to the production of his proofs. r 1 he digestion of our rebuke, which ever may best serve his cunning or his malice. ".. . The Editors -of the Enquirer, in disbelieving this slander, have certainly done Mr. Calhoun's sagacity o more than'justice, putting aside all consider ations connected with his integrity and honor. Mr. C. would, indeed, hav become suddenly and unaccountably stultified, if he could have sent any one on such a fool's errand to Mr. Adams, aa the proposal " to break with the Secretary of State" necessarily involves. Every man of sense in the community must know, that Mr. Clay is about as neces sary to the President as Mr. Adahis is to the Secretary of State, and that, how little Hephestion may love Alexander, Cratereus must love the Xing. The very circumstances (not to say terms) of the league between these gentlemen, makes the inviolability of their political union the essential destiny of each. Mr. Calhoun might as well have gone to the shades nnd conjured Orpheus to hsve given up the recollection of his Eurvdire, as to have proposed to our good President an act of such suicidal fatuity. Political existence, as impe rious in its operation as the instinct of lif , is the crment of thl Union lovloaa and unendeared' a it may be. v ecannotconclude.withoutnoticinff the fiict, that, all the recent attacks on the Vice President bear a afrnntr fn,i h. likeness, nor can their oljecl be mistaken. Whenever he shall be found in an on. position, it will bo in a cause, we will venture to predict, in which the great bud v of the people will be with him. If the honor and happiness of the country should ever rentier such an t p psi 1 ton necessary, Mr. Calhoun, in participating in common struggles, and noble efforts; with the best portion of those who are the only just fountains of all power, will haVe the sympathy of honest men, although it, may .ometiinet be his fortune to encounter the malic and hostility of bad ones. DETECTOR. ( 01VJ3H MCA 'HON. FOR THE STAR. Mettrt. Editor). A th der will necessarily create a treat sensation n me political world, allow me, gentlemen, i , through the means of your valuable paper, to , give you a feeble outline of ihe En.peror Constantine' character, as I have heard it described whilst at J'etersburg in V 10i and what perhaps may be the result of his acces sion. The opinion ot which the public pa pers have given of him, is perfectly correct, To a savage disposition, he joins a more but. . tal courage, of which the following is a sped, men: At the battle of fcglau, in !(, ho tripped himself to his shirt, tucked up hi sleeves and at the bead of the Lancers bf the gaard, with his naked sabre, threw himself . into tbe midst of the fight hia literary ac quirements and his: application to business, are by no mean, equal to h i late biothti?. His favorite diversion Cons sted in drilliau hi. regiment of Don Cossacks, attached to this , guard. Like some ot litf predecessors, h P would insult his officers anil beat his soldiers. , f When dressed in uniform, he is ackl ow Jedj . i d to be one tftle finest figure in Europea but b-. rtiv..o.r,v y-

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