it U woa.Ieiful that tU ttayVhoisesTW and inlWtigrt, t ata (tor 4a neuiWr.) tmpinx one f r jloeat team in. fle eVBtry, did n uLk fnght and raaawav wiUi the ta?; but it appeared a if tbesd neMt" ani mal: pf abakhej at swing the dejT &iitn cf .their sniecalled surarrior, or deemed it a disrraee to ran Irotn e: from thtiDfmerale Prttf, f t. 7. In this paper he 221 flUnt we publiehed Mlowin paragraph; , "We padersUnd that Commodore Porter has Jetermioed to enter lata the Mexican service, . At -our last advices ni. wa takio leave or hit friend in Vthin,rtnn, preparatory to his leaving tha fjitv foe Meiico, which he etpect to Join few days." The following note, which we this morning received, is to Full and explicit ai to the intention of Coin. Porter, that . dif not feel called upon to add a sv. la'ule to the comma niratioa thus made, through us to the Public. CmntivHlorr Porter lias not jet de termined to enter into the- Mexican service." Hie true state of the case, ' oui w carry mm away, wnen is, that he goes on a visit to Mexico on , the Manumission Society interfered leave of absence, there to determine and took the whole party to the po whether it would be most advisable fori lice, where the property .was proved, hi id to acceptor decline th offer which j But scarcely bud the examination was, some time, since, tendered to hini.l boon taken.' before a writ was taken and which has been, recently, repeated ioul 5y Mark woman lor, ami bv the Mexican Government. Were ,,e w carricd into the Marine he actuated by personal interest, and I Coilrt the Justice of which refused .-raml.ze.nent alone, no doubt cou d- !(lW t() bc removed. aJ exist as to the course which he ought to . . . , V , pursue? It is presumed, however, that !Uu1h V?"11" V' h(l Ieen lie will be governed by higher objects ,ssued to take Um out of tht' ' than those; but whatever may be his present views and ultimate determina tion, courtesy would seem to require that, bv a personal interview with the Authorities of Mexico, he should show to them he has placed a proper value on the compliment which has been paid to him. The Commodore 5s expected to sail person rose from his pew, and addres 1mm New York for Mexico in tho course him-elf to thi- miniTer. said, erapha of twoweeks at farthest. - ur tically, lam that man" , ..... . . 111 4 J r,. - r XT r..ll. -r- ItlllHlmtO, UlarCh, K ' nucmun miniri , in turioiii, Murder. An atrocious murder was England, enframed for a bet of SO committed in the edge of Person county, sovereigns to ride his hoar pig, from at Simeon Cochran's mill, on Wednes-Wisbenrli to his own house, in one day week last, on the body of WiUiaoV hour, lie accomplished the delight t Marshall. The body was found on ful task in fiftv minutes. r i.uojr uunciau-u, . rv, two or three hundred yards" from the mill, and the place carefully covered over with leaves. A negro fellow bei lftnin tn Mr Pnrhran an,l ..r.,nl..vl at the mill, confessed thatJuflaefr and another ; negro" belonsina also to Mr. ... , . - " ' Cochran,. had cotem the'rourder, and that Uey were hired to do so by a e warmest sympatny. tor their op-, In the first constituent assembly of white van, and were to have thirty pressed condition, and ardent wishes Guatemala, iii 1823, three Indian de dullars a piece and a new suit of clothes, for their speedy emancipation. I puties took their seats, of whom two Fame whisnered,' that Simeon Cochran and the wife of the deceased , . had for . . f . ...... uno ne t, as oeen accom ngy aKen up and lodged in rersoniail, togetherwith aw, f nr, thJ. , ,hr b,. ..u his escape. Recorder. ' . Richmond, March S. McNaught, '. the. celebrated Gun Smith in this City, on Monday last, shot his foreafan, lianicl Dci ori- -and rrac an immediate attempt, to sioot imsef. 1 I ailinff - in this, was committed to jail, and on smn ni-r.f: bon. htn.Q.lf uitl. !,! some time Kept up a criminal lntettQurse, a lew days, H man has nrrived in this! In miu repuouc iornv more man nau., d u itvery aoavmieat -oat bouts. 4-; and this, in connexion with iither cir- citv frrn the' west, with two harrehr 1 the P"PU,''00' J By" the constitution vAitoan other lot of ground, oetribeeity of cumstances. served to fix suspicion on 0f muscle shells, which he fiif him as the instigator of the.foul deed, MroH :nt,ai i,fi the descendants of the Spaniards. -- (ar th, --- r,ier the set of theGeneral . pocket liartdkercJiief. Tic piovo-a-,8irk with the lflupnza-'. 1 . J tion is conjectured, with what truth 'ase assumes a more malignant cha wc know'iiot; to have bcdrjeal(Hjsy, : rnrt(, nd wme iiiRtances, has vV" -vi WMs.:i ,''1 lutig fevers and pleurisies; but ; i '; " -r natnwHeut it frequently terminutesm : ' - 'r 5 . furnished, saysthe Albany Daily, Adr veruscr, Willi n ih:iiib,"; tav.. (u relation 4 deathwhichrecently wr red m tms wounty, - wnicn cans muuiy on tne proper auujorny to sup press a system of practice that literally consigns victims to a premature grave. CaptainGideon Dennisoh. of the tWn of Knox, 'died on the 18th inst. aged S3 years; he was taken ill with tihe . pi e vailing influenza :and calletl upon one of the patent Tsteam doctors, in this neighbourhood, who,'it seems, hal been patented to kill rctire- ondef; the Thompsonian gystemwho tainmenced his hiuh pressure operations' by means of hot stones, hot drops and .lobelia emetics, &c which soon threw him in a state " of dilet ium, and : in spite of the tears and intreaties of , his family; .'per listed in his application. for about three days, whea a Pbjsician was called, bftt too late to stay the tflects 'of thL poi son which had been administered. C The back and sides pf the victim were litV rally eovered witfi- blisters, and there was not a doubt on e niinda of tbose J uho i were present,' bdt that he was !H 1" '"idetermined spiiil eVdVancetl hII! b ve7 ""J UUIHV UCillll his parents have been princinai .stav in their advanced aire. -lust relations uf a qear companion, auu t. wciety of a worhjr mefcher.. "" - , tfficacj (tf VacdAatian.Zt) actor Fahiher, in a v communication pb- : . . t . s . : Jished in the New Haven Hegister, says, llawrig vafriiiafed upwards at one of the numerous Trat el ot 85)00 pen sons within 24 tears, lcr'sv. KcstV' with which thf KTa nfcd tested .with manv huiKlmfh of tl)ortus:hfaie hi'teen this atriMinl- t hem pftehvsrds with small pox ciat ow Wtr jirm-Uiin tv tW world that I tare VI er kquwii wne ol t.icia to Lave U if t! traaH pox, f ' Dthuurt Cay Wt leam that a aew Ctty ha recent? been handMeielf laid oat at the moath of the Che peike aod Delaware Canal, which it called - Ottoman City. ' APuttOUce is amiot totM established therewit is w.thia 6 eaile f New Cattle, 11 from W lmintoa. about 2 from Pt Pean, and oppoaile KoM Delaware. The streets ran at riht angles,, and many of the I'M have met a read? sale at Philadel phia. It is. thought that it will soon become an important commercial Vt, and soine etblih.ant are already in operation and other pre in contem plation. Ball. Pat.. . , JYtiv-rork, Frb. 2 AncjTM haviitr . ran aav from lain master in New-Jersey and came to this rity, this tnornin? the o ner j caused dim to be taken by an officer,' Can-lit A oowat. A popular preach er in one of the churches in the City of New-York, was lately sketching the character of a sinner with- great f.irce nd eloquenceand concluded by ask- ins, is mere ucn a cuaracter nerr A , - - Ireland. nn nerous and respec. aoe rneetin? of the frieuds of civil . ,..iiA-, ijuv ,a W'J?'lUS liberty a U$ held in t,n,,,rc .n. Wednesday last, at ,v ikA..Hi- r which an address to the people of Ireland was i adopted, expressive of " , , . t k . - JVew tiranch of Tratfe.NT Whin ton9 , riie" fifiell8 were picked up in . . i ' . . J 0 Uto river, and are about four times as thick, as the rniisce: shells found 111 this quarter Ot the Country. We hope the Supply Will prove abun- dant. art of the shells are equal in beauty tothe finest mot Tofpeai l. - Philadelphia Gazette. .. 1 no iJosTon Memo, lnirjiijcncer rms .!" jll.'t oi tie iniiauuaius oi uiai ciry aee a .a ; s I . a t a 1 dl3t f Bv a late arrival at Boston, from i Kgypt.YlV JUIUMtHara HIP lOIIOWing ad vfrtizf , for sale: . - . ... . H welve slope. 1 apieaus urave Mones, wito engravings- one-, pi wnicn naa some ureeK characters. '..'' i''r.''. One Statue of the God Osiri together with a large collection of article, of great antiqui ty, -v.. - ' ' - v holi var-ni is a very jsmall thiii inaii, with th ajypearance of great personal artivitys tits fare ts wen rnrmfuL but fin ritUfll tU lt.ll IlltlSTUe . :. -'tx 'a ..r -....i black eye is ;ycryj remarkable, lie wears larffe niustacliioK; and his hair is dai k and curling." After many op portunities of seeing bim, I may Say that 1 never met with a face- w hich gaiiine a more eiact ' idea a mari. lioiuness, enterprise, at u n , jnouu impatience autl ' a piTsevenng determined spirit, are plainly u and uiark- foutiteiiance, and ex- niotion of Win body. Ft odor' a Xarrutive. H tnnchester. ( Va) Jan. 31. J Caught a Tartar. A. fcV "days since, a wagoner, ha i"K".tuj;j?eU toiled throrrehout the dav, ' halted" - timore is eo aliuhditnlly Bupfidied," and rour Mummies, one wun a oooo e oarco- ;79tu yea, ot heragV, Mrs. Hannah Davis, and pbagus, extremely neb M h.erogly b,cv ;;fon.,ir; ,6th, ia tM of hi. age, M. 8.rKmbalmed 'iumala. ;., ' Gabriel L. Williami! , ,7. " " bavin w&Scm) a ad f.'d lu horse, uu-y jested himself by a l!uiij; Are. with a, pipe in LU mouth fur. fetful of Hi pant fati tie, and Uisre jardttit; thtute which were to come. Uy and by a rogue passin- by, dis c,ovfrfi a box in tbo wiun, wUirh U could not resist the desire of ex arainiitg, and accordingly shonlder rd it, aol rarried it to an adjacent flrld, where tb contrnts were ajtee- dily brought to view. Cut instead id finding a comfortable piece of broad, cloth or QoKtly silks, a human skele ton was dispuyed to tin bewildered vUion ,of the miduif.t T proaler. Need umrebeaaid? A anow haUn? just fallen, it was discovered that the thief had jumjicd about ten Teet from the box, and as far as he cotdd he tracked, his fleetneM by; no means flaed. It -was now; ascertained that a medical student at Daltirnore had carefully boxed tip si skeleton, which he whs sending home, and had proceeded thus far safe, until no oncereitionioiisly disturbed by the af. frighted rogue. Cat. .J ' - Vn m4 f 'Ctvtinir At the Lehieh cotintr ' lf. ti'on o Uie In insU INiniel Klein wss indicted for sn assault and battery upn Mi Maria Rau: The prisoner appear ed to be a Sw'm or Frenchman, afrrd about 40 and was mt fee in height When asked by Die rotirt what lie bad to asy in ettenua tion of bia cbnduc!, he in broken Entliiib, told a lone na rather curious tale. ' He sta ted tliat he had not come into this wooden country for Und or moiwv, but to get himself iw ,u a uvh.ii a wife. He had resolved when twelrt years of age, that no minister should ever marry him, but that the ceremony should be performed in open court before all the people. lie had hen Iwt-lva vrara been all orer Europe, and the U. States, and never before he saw Miss Rau, met with a la dy that in every point of view, he liked ao well as he did her, and he was resolved to marry her. He was at work in a , distillery for Mr Keyscr, and had just been showing a Dutchman how to make yeast, when on go ing home, he entered the house just at the moment when Miss Maria waa stooping down with her hack towards him, when he stepped up and struck her with his fist, and so enra ged her ax to bring him Jo court, that be: might then carry his long conceived plan into execution, to nake the matter up with her by marrying her. - He bad already . been in prison 4 n otiths. -i ' - . ' , , Miss Maria did lot seem to relish the pros pect of matrimonial life with such a partner, and such exhibitions of the tokens of his af- fectlon. The court after trivint him a suits ble Reprimand, ordered biro to be imprisoned for ) days, pay th.ot,:'kc aiid sund com-, mitted. Wiien the aenunce was ptonounced upon ,m( he made . low.,b0W:to th. COurt a..d auid.;-GenUemen Judges, 1 honor your judgment.1 him irrtkAnr I were eccleaiastica. .' An Indian wa also. I t ... . .. . .. ' elected Senator; a ne nines oi anuians 'f:v MATlRIEn. . . In Brunswick county, on the 23d ultimo. Tk irn.nn r Dn.u.1 nf UilminirfAH tn ! Miss 8arah WaddelL r I In Nash county, on the 28th ultimo, Mr. 1 ettp Mb. Johl Hutchinson o Mis. N daughter of Mr. Joseph Baker. . 111 Pitt County, On tne ICm Ultimo, Mr, KO- bert Lamer, Miss Elizabeth M. A, Camp' Dell. ' ' .v . ' ;'; "-". "1 I Tables, tit with two Cow and Calves and one ... ' - .j 1 .' j horse - - - -. . . , . . DIED,. ; ' 8 II PUIXKN, Trustee In this county, on the 28th ultimo, Mr. Wil-1 . ' r. i 1 1 ' lis Itogers, formerly of this city. . earPowlrtBrKlge,in t.s eounty, on tne 26tb uUimoi after confineni.joi. ot nearly tv. 1 - ...... j 1 . . .. f .1. momnsc ra, " t iiuircu. oiiiiif.', rcntv i nv late Jacob Barnes, in the T8tu year of her age. V" ' v-y;. In Franklin county, on the 23d ultimo, at an advanced age, Mr. Moaes Neale. Near Klizabetti City, on the 13th ultimo, , sir. ut-orge vr e.uiuiv, ajjeu vw.. ' : j in OdkIow county, on tue iota ultimo, ur. Hugo Farrier, - -: -f' - .'" 1 m larreucoumv.on mc oui uuniiut m y . f Crav coutv on the 17th ultimo, Mis. Blenor bimpson, consort of (ien. hamuel Simbsun. -V1" '."t:''-'; ' Latelv, in Pasquotank county, Mr Wm.1 Barnesi also, Mr. V ickers Fool, ageaaDout i yearns and also, Mr. Nathan Blight, ,V,1' ; At Edenion, on the I9tb ultimo, in the 60tb year of his age, Mr. Joseph A. Lenioine,, ' Near .M'inusor, in ,Bertie ; county on the 25th ultimo, in in- 51st year of In age, the Uev. Uicliard Fomdexter, ot to - flapiurc ! Church. " i ! r ' ' A T-.r . "At VVashinrton. Beaufort county, on the 24th ultimo, to, Joseph Kichardton,, ". 4 i Al SU Augustine, E. FloriUa, on the 17th ultimo, Dr. bamuel Kobertaon, lor many year a reddest and praclitiqlier of medicine in this , Stateif. .' - 4 " .. ' k'-'s '".. XeW wit ttltatmtuisi THK flouie ami Uiwult occnplta by W H illll.dceeaseil, Fuawauuu given immediate- lv.. rer terms sppiv to s. ibO. it. M AUSHALU' Vlareti S, l-.!6. .1': ll-U . ii 4he &3d of this month, t shall tell, na a I I srrilit 01 tit mouths, al die late dwelling luiusr oi hriwin buiitb. all the ix. udia. lt proper iv ot nid inttsl'-te. '. llomJS with i4iprivei si-cn- rity will be required 1 b a1ii.iniOBU herw li gives noife W H pertoos who haa claims a gmnti mill ii-lea(e lo pnaei.t llim fur psyment, wail all thnac iiui bled lo toe estate are requested l make iiiiiit-tune pMjmtnl- : ' ' iY, JAb. 1L 8MITII, Admr. . M3ie!i3j Ii6. H-2w : . Sa'e Vostpcijifii. THE sat af Firti-:;. be Uvv'irr t H&miUati FuIum, CiJ f. ;iurcr, m Lha Ut pit of tl iUj paper, n jl bty piMtattvd from 1 kari.jr Uia I? A la I'fevrtdaV Um iO"h UttmnU Bie;h, March , lOV.' r - ; uvio.. TtlE Ia'uirof the North irliu Stata Ijuxtry, ft tHabemfct ortha W-JvHi"on Canal aad Oiford Aeadcmr, IVat Cl, will uka placa oa WeJaesJajr aheraoon, the 13th March. . ' J. B. TATEs A. M tXTYKC, Mnfer. RaleigU. March f.lSJS.- It CJ" Wf tncst(V3 sXxt Q3 THE DilAWINO OF THE Mrth Carolina Slate Lottery, ; rmrr'euss. ' Will take plica at lha public builCntrs at the eity of Kaleigh, and the fallowing priaea distributed: , .1 . . " . , 7 20,rXK), 15,000. W.OO0. 3.4r6". l ei nf 5.000, tishlten of 1,000, thirl nix foj okaj, venae a numocr y ju, to, j c Ore. c - j-.; . ', ; . ilAXIVO THt IMMBNSa SUM Of v S21 4,1200. ; : v i AH to be circulated in a few minutes, and the Caih paid on denaml. . . -. , A few Tickets and shares for aalo at the foW " ; lowing rates: ; , ITholt Ticket . ,'; Halve - ' i ' . Qvwfm ' ., v .-. ' i I '50 I PitrhlhM .u" ' ' " . ' i TSV Parkajfesof 12 tickets, embracing the Z6 , a. n , a V , il . a4t ! .. W v ; v " ces for capitals, or ahars of packages, may De naa at tne same rate, viz: , Packne of whole, f7 xOfUalvti,- . S6 -V Of Quarters. t?.'.v.w ' . W .Prizes in" any of the Lotteries of Connect! cut, New. Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, .WaJungton tiif and , Virginia, will be received In payment,), , , -GLruraera enciosint; me i-aii or prizes, (post paid,) for rickets or Shares in 'the a-! if addressed to , YATKS tt M'INTYRE, 1 . ; , , ; liuleigh, N. CI 1. March 10, 1B?P-V - ' ' . lll-tf T New l lUioary H ore, - ; Mt'.iES M7 . k 8 Pul tarns' spec fiit'y notice,, that' hey h ve eub'islied them' solve in the store, rtct mly occupied by tisi ,ln.i Heml-rsoiw where they wilrCiriy otithe Millinnry (! NUnius making buitinessin all iis various branches. Th y are iaily expaet. ing a Very general assortment of goiidt from Ni-ar Vork and solicit a 'saare of iub ie pat. onage. :- -4 . , : r Italeigh, Msrch f, 132S U-3t Y virtue of sey-ral leet f trust, td me tt ; ceuteil. I shatl offer fur sale. On Mo.iilav the 3d dy of April neat, bat'ore the oiirt House door ia Kalrigh, uathe higtwst biihler, the follow ing property, to ait: tlie Valuable lots, dwelling " booses, wbervon tha lata loh Manhali fMill.lli .''I L. HisitMiii I.Aii.d Ku....l... B Ma a.u - ." i,MJAr- ., ,": 7, L ,. " " 7 .7 7 mviu-u.ivumi, ami ib wbh muiii ami nas aiiacn' iat pnrnote Atsemblvof ill, sad numbered seven hi the plan of the Comnurtioncrv Said loiisimprov ed. ' ',,-;;J---"'.'.p'--"v''Kr-;'i(; A lid atao three negri slaves, nf great1 value, I IMIlf ttifain ki ns M rink la't Mftil IMa.lonM. - -The terms ot ,al will be emh, or a eredit ninety da, a hMludlng diteount. with teeai itv, a' X- After the tale of lb bove property it closed, at the jhm Hioiui. nndr lh lama hi. thoriu , l ill srltaandry aroelea" f household : "urtuture. aonsisliiit; of lledth Beddinir, tJliairs, IjOllarS It' Ward. , ' " v w iV fiw ,,, T. J I m tlw , Pei,mi 1g4, ne . . .... . gro man named LYM He is astoot well made negro, not very, black, about six feet high It is supposed that he pastes "r a Ire man -There a wvnr wu wi ui aneca, iu wiiu an I'he above reward will bv riven to any person I... 4k ... niiMIU, ; tliat will spjircliBiid tlie nrgro, and deliver hi in io fiie, living six miisiuin ui -iainoiiuuq, or confine him m any jail, so 'hut t can grt him. ' .-AKlllUHSrniilll, March, 182IU . Il-I0w '. Dollars Hew n d. I ft AN V WAY from the tulitcribi-r. nn'lhe Bill January last, s ftJ'gro man by the name of KK1), about -40 yrart of age, dark complvc lion, about 5 feet ) inches high, spare built, ru thet iuoJinid to be gray luireii, h .t a down iwik, p-ki quick and lively.. He la a vety cunning n.1 trlful chap, and a Conner bv trli- I think it it probable, if he hue left .thit neiKiibnrhood, that be will aUempt lo pats for a free persoo, and no doubt a III alter hi, namr. I have every rea son, thoneh, to. believe that he it lurkine in thit t 4 - .1 I . - . ur annic ut uie anjoiuiiiK wiuumh aim i niruor- it by some rascala, whose name 1 twbeatolfor tlie ewdy of Wake at j be Curt Motito In mcutioo. A-i-Ti'-V-V-i SBTH-SPKIGIlTt'sr f Greene county, March , 1 8i8. ; 1 1 1 NoVice.," '.: VT February Terni. of johnttoa Coun. It Cndit of Pleat and Quitter "eiiont, the tubseriber qnalifled as Administrator on tlie es tate of Willimu.VV Bry.l'i, ihceaiul 4 AH per ant ipdebled are requrrtril -ioo,ke ..immediate pat incut, Sitlir tiiuattonjoftheeMata will not wd mil of delay . Those havii.g claims are required to present thtso in fine time, agreeable to Met nf Atst-mbly, otherwise thitlictiee will be plead ie bar bf a recovery, - , ' t IIAUKY URVAN, AoWv WAS commuted to the Jul of thit eunty m the 2d insU wlio sayt bis hanaS is ADM. sn.l.ihat he belon);c to Anuinh, or Anua Shaw, oflto'iesoncoumyj IS mdelrim Fay ' ttertlle. Tlie wner is iequ sii to come forward, prove property, 'put charges, ai.d take him away, or he wul be dealt With a the law.directa.-VfVi".! i'.'' ''''?' , -.,w.'-,.i V:.'-- JOHN TltlNH, SI.IT n by jdnNT,.,C. VMTT,D !.. Wske county, Mareii. 1826.. lt-Jt X.H4 lt .t . ,, (j uuhI 4 pre mi liw idirrn 4 ,11 u-br. ! ta mot rrcM Jr J in tir ha a rroi ,a km iha wJ l luf bi.uii a a baJ lii, A b- KM frvnrrt, d tVftM'J, ia lk .airrr actal td K t.ldr A u mf Mf Sm tlrbu M a S ua r, ailed Man anirMii '! y on aha bit la liaV kra t4 t Se mV fnr (tvr f 'art beat l( J . 'I tfc r er'hart, t('ah a-. urM ar, I in. lierf y - ri, ah ihi,mi' m, wr turn. .' 'mwla V m ar o4 a&r awriHMla JntnHt, lt tr ll4 twpwn. itkrfrW . arMf M rr.ik-r ti Unir r(fa4 kaia lita k Wai Mair mtmfuHt, an4 UVeir aretUiara t auM'-r . ... ' . ' He ifl, o Tartar, lha Sik tt Mnk arte, at 1 0 a'alnek, A M offer far aato. at Paalta aaio f t . AXi SI raariBTV TSt Ta acibata Mrs, or opatrdt, (aamag aluak ' litera arr twr vkarj Utt) n iha tewa of tLtmt lrf, ia (e aimplr, irord aat axnpTCtt -lli JkiH Intertat tk part Hambnrf. aw koul lArrr taavaf W sad Aaaars. a.-.j Irt J waary, llvA) ahd kia iulareai af on hwrth, ia fa si upl-sf thc-aaiaa afur that Uma.-wia ' MaaaanJ acre a ld.'nrar the tu. la Na aiiaHe-fT-ral fcfcWf avfrarf - his ne to. teraW m Ike Bitr aaroat Saa ah '(rr-r, . eva 'lajntarg aal ura(, thai (a. ta . third id ihr lan'tiHjr, aa whrek n Soatb I lira, liua end of .he tt ifse ataa. a. fiaaa aw anl 1st anaary.-tj.aa4 wmaS toe Lattttinjr a ( stmpte,' afier that lima kii IntPrest 'a a fr it e.en ay jlatr l Krll aaaj . Waller L-ian 10 Henry Shaitt d tatiaCM. r, in Hi. for g,S0O to li'i g far tbw RrH(e en tfitutk ','arnliaa aid nf lha i,t r and . ' prfvrmtd -his alaim a Satereel a At taeimetit Irvird on tha HriJceoa 9W Marak, USi.lorS O0-hitalalninehitereata,aak attathment Ivrieit m the Hririge vih ' .M roll, I m fit' Jsr 180 hit cli w ne li.tar. k in ,1.. til..' ..l.l-k . L t ui.a . - 70 1 o.kt and ra-Ud m d- ptl-r ky ih . n , - r w Wrfo. ,- . w.. 'ar, reaeiTrd ItV'Mn tUevallt tve.ld Ban ank Kiuuuiitlor l abaut Jt " -and Wwh oT Whi htl in suit ertaeen .Shuts ilnd Brtitk. BHpt and the Batiks h Sbittr Gmrgia i the aiirnie lirl f tha I A tn-l -S t w I.U 1 at mn I , ' I elai.a r rlifht, of crass, nf the britlgl ov terry, yif 'fto'l, Sir nrar righ'teea years l Soma or . ihr mo r paid for it " 'Wuirrd hv nurrh asaJTaJ. tt! ,f ' it: tvaei re ia S kl IValetr of u iv ,k",. .aM r " r.i." - M. ft f.f mhM nm) bl irk. atth ihl-lr eatri.e pl-vm.M) snd it aolit bv his rirctil.irs, laei.oi rhaser t niny ih s-.l right for thr bane af term'' hialHAtr itemi the vBnlfb tmpany Banking Jl . ar. In ihf city f AatTi ta " ; u'am or tni, rrtt m. the .VMM But Jhmi ' i. burf hit eiaira ar intereW in the p"f rt, of Bwna M 'Kitine now in suit, beiwen ihr -eifiieet at i lie a4 M'Kinne nd hi caelf. 4a rlii Ut. hit claim, Hgtu an' ti.te tn twa-kmitirtrt and fiat Im.Ltti in the Iowm ef irwrfc . Geo. a id m my other (tenia at pmpen Ida . tedious to nx Btiuo ' ( . , - t t v For tha whole of whVprrrtf . h--H re eeiw in p .yin- ni thn Bill, f tht Bank to Him. iur?- ilie Hills of (Ae Brtilg I ttnpnny Bunk, v Aiiiuta hit mchviduii (Ml-a. tt r ttoi Uut ' ' htk Ptnlm'fc itn.iii. tiL.itt . . r. pthrr jutt claims aRit.ti'fciuiio i.rferhvh , slispe or of wht kind toevi,l(Mil!hir ftnilje Company Bill or; Notts on whivli ftKigt, r,u 1 have been obtained, whether ia Sett'!, i arolma or tleorgia, as ha will regard the Amtet or Bill fAemtereea.'onlv. whether Judtmem" ha ,riu ten aerow the ! ol them or nol ' ' In tborlt-aiiv tliiilg what bears hit nme, if It . ktt not already keen paid, will be reeeived ha - As there Is Dronertf aroult ahuadant tn naw all alaimi agahiat him whttsaeter, and it, In fact - urionging 10 niaan-oiiorti anii He Having resoU : Ved lo give up all, - ir necessary: to p thw ' wholet should they give any .thine like a fcuif wIm.Ia. : ..ll - C A .. w.. i . i .. . . It is now ur hit creditors i say whethry het will receive Myment in full, in part, or iwnbinii , as from and after the sal, he shall coaiitler him self discharged legally and morally Iumw all claona whulMoever ae;aintt him, individually or jointly, with John M'Kinne or any other person. 1 W ht property he may acquire by hia takuts) and radiittry aler that Uroe, shall b "awiaand not tbint.' i ;. v ' 1 -. . ,v ' JV.-.HI HBNWT.8MUt.TX. ' (DThe tale will continue Tram day w day until ibe ahole is disposrd ot . ..,'. . 1 ' All persons having unsettled accounts against him, will please U present them for setilt-wen ; before the day of sale a v -. -. 8, r Namirarg, 8. C Feb. 80, lli,,C H-St - ' v IupglNegi;oes JWftale. -:. WlW, lie sold at suct'Mi at. the Cairt House in this city, on Mondty th fist Uv of ! iKir Supei ior Cmirt ensuiiir. for riah i.r an- ' . p ovid nrgntiublo paper at the U uik of N'W ' bem, Negro Woman and i wo Ciililren. and ; : a Girl of eleven year old Thisproieitj will- v ne eiid Drivljlv anv tintaf MTnM thM Im nE - ' . ' . - ... .... - sate Apply to 'he editors of the Sur March 9, 1826 . ,,,, U.3t btute of Norfh-t'aioliiiu, , . r, 4, !i - ' U'ukh ' County . court oi fleas and Quarter Sessions February Terra, 1826. Robert tKrrlaon ,' la.. M.rkMoore,S W" Althment levied VViu.VH.ekt, -', . . oiiellMlicksJ 1 ; -' . . IN his case, it appearing to the Court that the d.-h ndants resided bet ond th limits of hhe SiU, it is therefore ordered tbat puhlW catiun be made 6 w tks, iti the State Gasette X defendants to app ar on or before the nst Court ( Pleas snd Quarter Session to b lit Id ruieit,!), men ana mere to rr-pu-vy and pieaa to it.ue, otherwise judgment Will be entered up agaiou them, and the property levied onf will be - o idemned, tuii. ot to plain; ill's reco very v;:4-. '.. S'.- v. v B. S. KING, C. C. ' 11-69 -. U Stutir f NbrtiuCaroIiriaj ' ffake Cvurity. : Court of Pleas and Quarter Session! - . . . February Term, 1826. V -S) ' Wm( Darham, F,r. Uiitfmal ttjcl.ment levi ' " ' 'i . vs ' " : "-d on 'a nee o bi.v lave. ' Joho Burham Ji. : J by the uan-c of AW..'i , . t)kr"liSlJN (r ret.itby nd th. limits of J. the Sti'e. I I) s onlered thut publication be nde in the ttitetch Star nd Kt ate Vaaette v for Awtek, thtt defchdani sp;esr on m lk fore the ncxttkiunty Gr of 1'ie-s and Quar ' , er 4 si ns to be beld for the count ot ,fi.a .i... 1 s .. 1 .4 I4c, av 'in! vr1 ijvu"i nai lyn, vh inai . bird viond j of May m it. ihe. and tbtre to ' r' plrvj) and pieat to iue. oth. rwic judg. nent will be entered ' ag iinat him, and thet , ;rooery levied oi b condemned, ubj- ct W slahHifi'', .recovry :' :v . ' v'"-' ' . "l -i- .. . . . ;.. . 4C ',.