. : , , ' V 7 . ' . . ' , ? , t . . - i . . No. .18 RALK1GH, (N. C.) FRIDAY , MARCH ii, 1823. Vol XMl - 'I- rri i n'o r 4 i ji .Vi-Carui State Gazelle -F.M.ahd. weekly, y BELL At LAWRENCE. ' SaksaiiptKM, tkrwe deltars frr aam-N fw par ril ke Sent vueant M least l I Bil ia advaae, awd " paper rtiaawaitiesjrd. Wit al th, optic of h Editor, enkraall arrears art paid. Advrtauaia, aot riaaadinf, tl. leea Uaea, Inserted tore uan (or dollar, aad' 1 aenty 6 HW for cuk coatiaaatia. 4H letter to to roiinn moi oe jwm hiui. FOR SALE, AT THE STAB OFFICE, NORTH 1 AK0L1NA "l TO 1020, Containing Astronomical Calculation, shew ing the rising-, setting, places and eclipses of o -.1 u... n li l Jiff HUM .llu .touwii, rai vsvii . I l( UIC nwnig. setting and southing w the mom conspicuous planets ami fixed Man; (late ol the V, eather; tht increase, decrease ami length of days; rtliginus Festivals; Miscellaneous Articles useful Recipes; Anecdotes! times of holding the different Courts in the States Lists of the officers of Government of the United States and of North Carolina; Members of Assembly and of Congress, Stc.iic. ; . Which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at the usual prices. (T? Orders trom Country Merchants and triers will be promptly attended to. Music Tuition.' T AliKHOYD, teacher of Vocal and Iostm J . mental Musie, Newbern, N. C respectlul- I; inform! the inhabitants ot KalPigh anil its vi cmiiT, thM he intend! Tuiiine ttieir city the en. luiny sevion, shout the first ol June, ana if tutti titntlj untrnnixrtl, he tender them hise- Ttw l in inr w.j w hi. iinncMiwa I'm h kwku ii (uur or five months. Attendance ever other wi-fk rim inff ih Kfaaon - o - , ,n I r.KMS. nr instruction on the mno Fort, (Je. J t S for twenlv-lonr lemons, nuruction in "-aered M uiie, for a session of thir ty lessons, R3 N. B. Piano Fortes am other instruments, to. cPiher with new Musie instruction Hooks. ao Books of Sacred Musio, furnished at the Phila aeipnia prices . Ni-wUero, Fein 13, I8i. " 9-St I New Drug ;Establt8liiiieut. THE subscriber, respeetfully. Worms the citizens of Kaleigh and the public iu gen eral, tbt h bus established a Wholesale and Retail, . ' , . Dtws & ijieimca Store Ooilie West side of Fayttteville street, about one hundred j arils South of the Capital, whbi e he intends keeDin? a areneral assortment of Gen uine DruesaM Me'licincs, which he wilt disnose (uf n reasonable terms, uut up in the neatest anil InMst careful manner. Among which are the JoilOwtng,- Aeid Nitrie Trairscanth Sulphuric Murmtio Vartaris Golden Tliread Iceland Moss lulan H Citrio Ipecacuanha Lunar Caustio fostida tlltier Sulphuric IJnt Mace IUIB ntimonni Wine Mvrrh ntimonial Powders . Musk Manna Magnesia rsenic Uoes ... j itorss lislssm C0paivJ.' Talu -;t- Peru Canada ' Brinntone lsiinhor Cantharides ;nelU , Cslomel L'rrnni Tartar Calamine Ppt. sstor ('ascaritla Colombo ?n Cstor Oil iff rK' 4 Cochinella , s Chamomilu Flowers Untnamon ; : anlamnn Seed " Caraway Seed r, c iDoeia Pnwilcrs , Calcined Henrva u.i.ru aeeu Nntmrgs Opium . Oil Almonds Do Aniseed Ik) Cioves Do Roses , Do Koseroary Do Ijivender Do "Amber Do Peppermint Do Wormseed Oris Root Oat Meal Peruvian Bark, Red - . Yellna " . Sanfords Prepared Chalk Quicksilvrr Khuharb Sulphate Quinine Saffron ', . Sal Ammnniso If psora " Soda T .nr I'ootk 'owilep. Lee's Pills, Genuine Wbita Wax Phials Assorted Graduate Messnre Glass Funnels, ke Tinctures in general Window Glass , P.inis 'f-:'v ir.xtretUh(UQ " Jalsn . V- r I lnuni-ic Plixir Vitriol H'lecainDana 'got lowers Sulphur' Zinc ' Uenznin K'entiau f a'hanum imiher Sxli. stnhiwe ohl Lef mm Ai-abio Ammoniee Oil and Putty Dnltrt (mm PhvsinU... U.l,.ni...jIih. a. . 'r ill I ,iiiii. 0 . -h, win uv iTuiiilinv wihi umm rj ueiwee to bv I! Raleich, Oct. 19, J85. i3 If To Rent, TUP. n LotTlHtely occupieti by Wi PfUi'UtA. .1mm in. m .K.l. II 111. i - -ti in. appiy 10 . JXO. G., MARSHALL. "areti n, Sg8. tate of NortliwCarolina. obedie,,ee to the, Act of the General As Sttnblv of 'lti.t. Cli.mr Ik. Vll. ll P..K 1 io 1 rrasurer hereby gives nattre that he tii Parna the 8..cks ot Hhaiesofsoy or ol the three several Banks of this State, foi bZJH n.'' benefi, of th Ptjbliw-Utters ad iLrt.'0 h'm ,hat whj- post-paid, will be 1'dHDptty replied to , - y . TUIi JikXT LbTTKU Y. COUKM'S OFFICE BiLTlMORR, Aortwr, J4, UfcJw. Cy The drswinr of Ik Grand Sut Loite ry vi Marytaod, bic tuoa place at Balti iHiraoa ihr iJtbinat arecmb4y to anftouwea meat, resulted as usual, srilkj apleodtd sue caa to Adventurers at COhEVS OFFIM , wberr beodes various e'.her Capttala uf im portanre, ihe jrret Capital Pr te of 100,000 ioiUva; vas std mi On half w4 hn Quvttr Ticket ad alt o tbenianei by distant adventurc The Hall 'In. tUameu, Hamptkir fmtn nrrtma. by' er. Charles H. tl.. td J ire Gibsn One Quarter by Mr. ) cob Wolf(raOK of 1V- (tmlt near tkuurtr. f ( tftli tKet tfuim kuvt been aiwult; prttrntid. u4 tht cath tmlantlt paul, at utmoi. at oiii ! Umcs.T The remaining Qur ter, which held in Philadelphia, has not yet been presented. The iiu ts of the sho rrntlernen are mentioned b permission " We hare now the plesure to present to the puMrc, the ntxi scheme of the. CiTfttuY State liultery Of Maryland, 6, to b drawn in tht Odd and Even System, tl which tl e holder of two Tirket, or tw Shsres, will be certain cf thtaudnt at Itatt KiSt. I RZ f, and mag draw THH'-li! Th mode of drawing which i secured by Letter Patent under seal ot the United States, ha been again adopted by the Commissioners ap potnti-il by the Governor and Council, in con st-qt,n'-e of its unrivalled popularity Tn whole Scheme to be drawn IN ONE DAY and will tnke place in the City of Baltimore, iil WEDNESDAY, , , , The lOlli of Majr. HIGHB.vr PKIZB Twenty Five Thousand Dollars. BRILLLUfT SCHEME. 1 Prize of 1 2 10 15 50 100 100 550 &25.0OO 10,000 5,000 1,000 500 100 50 20 10 4 g25,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 7,500 5,000 5,000 2,000 5,500 - 80,000 0.000 20,829 Prizes, amounting to 8160,000 19,171 40,000 Tickets at 84 glbO.OTO Xot one Blank to a Vtizel MODE OF DlsAWING. The Numbers will be put into one whee as usual a , 1 in the other wheel will he put the prizes above the denomination ot rout Dol ars. aud the drawing to progress m mt usual manner. Tbe 20,000 priaes ot 4 dollar will be awarded to the odd or even numbera of the Lottery (as the case ;may be) depend ant on tne drawing ,oi tne capital nucm 23,000 Dullaia that, is to aay, if the 25,00(1 do lar Prize should come out to an Odd Nun- r. ihen ew.ru Odd Number in the Scheme s ill be entitled to a 4 dollar prise. It th 25.000 dollar prize should come out to an E ven Number, then all the Even AwnAers in rte Sdieme will each be entitled to a prize t 4 dollars . ' . . Odd JVumbert end -with 1, 3, 5, 7, r 9. ' Even Numberi end with 2, 4j 6 8, or 0. -; A 1 ickti uiawuii a auputioi .e in ibj 3cheme is not restricted from drawing an in tenor one also: many Tickets, therefore, will necessarily obtain TWO PRIZES EACh! Prize subiectto a deduction ot 15 per cen and payable sixty days after the Drawing but can be had, as usual at COHEN'S OFFICE. THE MOMENT THEY ARE DRAWN,5 V' fjb" Tickets will rise,1 the 24ih of March, to FIVE DOLLARS ail orders previous to that day, will be Sup plied St the tollowing original price, viz. , W hole nckets, 4 k Halves, ' 2 Quarters,', ; 1 00 Eighths, ' 50 To be had i the greatest variety of Numbeis (Odd and Even) at COHEN'S Lottery and Exchange Office', 'No. 114, X, Market Street, Baltimore; Where the great .and rnagnifioient Capital .One nmdrcd - Thousand Dollars, in the last Grand State Lottery, was sold ii, On- Half and Two Quarters ALLCTO DlS l ANT ADVENTURERS,) and where more Capita' Prizes have been sold than at any otb i.r.i'flice in America. . ' ' K.; - . a (p Orders from any part of the United Suits, either by mail (post paid) ot private' conveyance, enclosing tbe Cash or Prize Tick ets in any of the Lotteries, Will meet the same prompt Slid punctual attention as if on person al application, Be particular in direct- ., J. COHEN, jr. & BROTHERS Baltimore. ' 03 CPHEN'3 Gaxette and Lottery Uefti ier? will be published immediately after the drawing, and will contain the eorT'' ttf l of the Prizes. It Wi I be Swarded gravis to all who purchase their Tickets st COHEN'S. M' . a f -a . . a.. ... OFriCTi, and wno signiiy neic wwb io. re eeie ii. - ' - ' JBaUitnmi February 2ith,2Qd. ' 10 4v Removal. fill P. stihscribers have reir oved Iron (heir for mer stand to No. 17, Wster Strt-r, where (bey offer for sale a general assortment of , 7 China, Glass aiid Earthen Ware, on as libtral terir.s aa anv hmie in tlw I'nlnn State of North Carolina, Grtent County. Court of Pleat nd Quarter Staiooi rebrutrT Term. 1826. - iv t,, l uniwiai uitt. cat. - I Mtraat ta.vt, jouMag a I ph" sad BaL r aaosa, beiag k ahar sarplkea F aana'a, ara si 4.ih r. I Jaassary ma xm, isnaa. T apprariat; to the saUsTaatia ol laa GsMrt that I ha aVfeadaat is) tbsa aaov is resutrM ht another Siattf st ia taerethr arslercd kt ikr 4wrt that publication b osidc la tba lC.leih tar lor uirre rnoatwa, that sratess Utf OaseSMlaul por st ear seat Cnwrt of Pleas aa Qua at awinas. lo be held (or the aoaoty ot (irf i 'be Court Hoaw la Snow bill, on lU J Man lay af Mas ant, aad shew cause lo the aoulr ry. the aaaae will be heard ranartr, sad lax pm nwty levied oa anadeiawed subject to the plaiii. tin tncusM, aoa a judgiMiti cateraa acaor- rtinrly. ' VV iturss. Win Williams, CUrk of said Court, Office, the second Monday of February, A D. 11.6. WM. WILLIAMS, Clk l-m i State of Nortti Carolina, Piit County. Court of Pleas anJ Quarter Session February Term, 1826. Robert Knox S '' vs. J Petition to tr. terlinr Averitt 8t others.) build1 UiU - IT appearing to the satisfaction of tht Court, that John Fow ler and his Wife Betset and Early Albertson and wife Nancey, parto he defendants, are not resident of this Statet it is ornered by .h Court that pubk cation be maTe in tb Raleigh Star, six weeks hat unless the said John Fowler and Wife Detsey, Ea ly Albertson and his wift Nancey, anpear at the next Court ot Pleaa aad Quar.e. Sessions to be heid for the county uf Pitt. 'he Court House i Greenville, on the first Monday ot May next, and answer, the petition win ie neara exparte . 5 Witness, James Sheppard, Clerk of Ou said Court, at Office, the first Monday f Fe bruary, I a Jo. J AMES SHEPPARD, Cla. f 12-6w State of North Carolina, Pitt County. : ' ; Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions- February Term, 1826. Reading-WillUmV -v he heirs at law of f 1?J? MUU A-ithony Walton; '' IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that He-b Williams. Edmund WilUam Richard Wiliiam and Nancey William., win ai cbiidrcn of a deceased stater, are restden of the State of Tennessee, it ia therefore or dered that publication be made in the Rale git itar tor six weeks, that unies. tney appear at our next court ot Pleas and Quarter Session o be held for tbe county of Pitt, at the Cour House in Greenville, on the first Moudav I May next,' then and there to plead, 8cc. itidk ment will be taken pro confesgo as to them, nd juiigment entered accordingly. Witness, James Sheppard, Clerk of our sai Court, at Greenville, the first Monday of Fe Druary, 10.0. JAMES SHEPPARD, Clk. T-i4',,.'i-,--.- ...,lw-6w State of North-Caiolina, r" Wake County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions ' February Term, 1826. Robert Hsrrison " Mark Moore, l0ri-in1 "?at ,eT!ed m. A. Hicks, t Joel U. Nicks. J IN this case, it appearing to the Court that vht defendants resided beyond the linula ot the State, it is therefore ordered thai publi cation be made 6 weeks, in the Slate Gazette, for defendants to appear on or I fibre the nex Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held or the county of Wake at tht Court House n. Raleigh, then and there torrplivy and plea J to issue, otherwise judgment will be emered up against them, and the property levied iiu wjt be condemned, sutj ctto plainufl's reco very. - '-:. . . es - li. S, MJNe., U. Ki. State of North-Carolina, -p.- fpyfcg County. . ' " ' ' Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions ifeDruary ierm, 1826. Wm. Darhain, Exr. Original Atutehntrot levi vs r . f-ed ou a aeero bov alaw. John Barham. Jr. J by the name of Abel. . DEFENDANT resides beyond the limits if he State. It is ordered that publicaiion be made in the Raleigh Star snd Mate Gasette. for 6 weeks, that defendant appear on or b. fori the ni xt County Court of Pleas and Quai ter Sessions to be held, for the eountv - ol Wake, at the Court House in kalrurh. on the third Monday of May next, then and there t replevy and plead to issue, otherwise judg nieot will b entered against him, and th property levied on be condemned, subject to plaintiff's recovery. .'.,.. leis. II. S KING, CC ll-6w Kan Awav. v w . FKtlM the sukteriber, liv ins; near Raleigh, on the 19th Instant, a negro girl n.meil FANN Y, Hi) years obi, yellow tompleaion. aommno size, 1 believe she bass small sear on i htr-tace, and on on ber foot HSSTl' m sibeasbe went a- wav a hianranna froew,. i iijuiera and while, btu and white Callieo'sW h. . an lock with her a black bombaxett od : white aprig muslin frock. 5-he iH attempt to pass as a free woman or may have 1 forged psss. 1 think she will gr.' tn Neabeta, uherc she went on a former oesa ion,wheS she ran away, snd reffiained on i'nn. i-y-j ':-t v,l-?;'--:,r;; , I will give Ten Dollars to anv person wtr will UK tier up, and secure her ia Jail, so thai tNt 8tato of North' Carolina, CaTrferec CsHoifv. Coart of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Uecerooer lertu. 1825. Calpepsw I'igott l.k.W nML Joka II. nrott. Klikdt Psrwu k (Orlgiaal AtteaDaal. levi- I Orhriaal AttasBaal, Elijah U Plgott . ra caeah Saowdeu Was wVatwer. 1 appaarmg ta th satiafawtiM f th Csurt, that Joseph baawdea aad W illia. V aewtr. ke drlewdaats ia this case, isiil cat uf tba a' mils W this htaiet H ks tkilctore arCVrcd kt lha CWrk advertiaa tbraa sawaths hs taw atar publishca at Patrick, tar tka eleadsuu to ap. aeacatiau teriaufaaid (wurt to W alt tor tar wsuati uf :anerrt, at tan Court Host, ia Beau sort, an the tkirw Moaday Ot Jua swat, and rr- ivy or pteart Sa tasue, ur wugtaaat wlU be axade imamUm i. ik. Pl.liii;A.ii...ul a true copy trom ta minutes. ' Q RUMLT, C. C, 4-9 State of North Carolina, Wavnt County. , . Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions lNotember Term, 1825. James Jonas j vs. f-Oririoal Attachment. tlisha Wood,.) , . . I T appearini to the sal isfsction af th Court that th rirlendanl. Miaha U Wonn. is not an inhabitant ot lha Stain It is therefore or dered b) the Gourt, thai puhliealioa he made ii. the Ralehjb Star for threw ooiht, giving ai tioi tn die defenilant, that he appear al the nest loootf ' tourt to be held for the Sountv of Vayoe, at to Court House in W syaesboroueb, oath Sd .Monday ol tabruary cit, lh a and here to auswer, plead or demur, otherwise lUflsTRtent will ba taka pro aooieaso, and thr an set lor neariog exparte. witness, t'luiip Honks, Clerk ol our sain Court, at Uflice, 3C Monday of November, 112 J. svim riheriff'g Sale. t a JHAr be solil, on Monday the lh April 1 f neat, at tbe Court House in Washington, he following lands, or as much thereof as ail satisfy th uses due thereon lor the years tl. and UM 560 sere hind, given in by Cicero Wnodard lying in the Reaver Dam District IS'i acres land, give mi oy wm. v.retriii. w00 acres land, given u. by L'ullea lludwcll lying on S D Creek . s aeres lana, given ia ay wm. nuoweii, ji 110 acres lend, given in by Ebetteser lludweli SO core land, give la by A oner Norma. 1 00 -acres land, the property ot J no V oolard. I lot, wkh improvsmentl thereon, in bespasn town, given in by Louisa Diekiiuon. STKPHBN OVVENS, Shfr Washington, Feb 88, ItM. l.-Rwp Committed is TO Stokes Jsil, as a Runaway, i September isai, a uero man, wno says bis nam i UN T ADAMS, and is tree, and that hi was kidnapped In Georgetown, II C and has oeen sold to diflemnt men, In Georgia am nuth Carolina! ihat the last man that bound! him was Jacob Croutoh, HI Chestei &eld District, s. c. He is about w years of age, 5 Icet tt inches high, stout built, very black, says that be has been brought up a Sailor, aod was raised in Baltimore. ', If he is a -slave, his owner Is requested U prove him to be so, pay the charges, anit take him sway, or be will be dealt with as the laa directs . ' Also, committed to Stokes Jail, on the 10th in atant, as a runaway, a negro man, a ho says hu name is DAVID, and belongs lo Burrell Pope, Ol Georgia, but dues not know in what count;, as he had been lately taken there, but says thai there is a town called Lexington not far fton where he lived. He is about S feel 10 or 11 inches high, very black, quick ipokrn, and a ve ry sensiuiu leiiow. the owner ia requested to prove him, P' charges, and Ink him away, or he will be deah ilu as Uie law directs C. L. BANNER, Sheriff. Germsutoo, Stokes euanty, I , N C. Dec.U, this. 4 lr For Sale, THE Store snd Houses, ott the corner of r ayetu-ville and Martin Streets, lately occu pied by Doctors Burges & Hunter. Apply In th SVIitnn. r Dec29,182Jf. 1-tf EXECUTIK PUOCEEDlNGS IN SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES - February 15.- - Ur. Van Buren submitted the following rtsoluVumi: liettlved, That, upon the question whether tne United Slates shall be represented id the Congress of Panama, the Senate ought to act with open dooraj unless it shall appear mim. iuc puuilbttllUH m uuvuuicma, yewHHrv w am reieneu w in aeoaie, win vc prcjuai cisl to existing negotuttions. r Htnived, I hat the President be respect fully requested to inform the Senate whether such "objection exists 10 tbe publication of me documents communicated by the Extcu live, or any portion of thenii and, if so, to specify tbe parts, the publication M which would, tor that resson be objectionable, On the question to agree thereto it tissue temiined in the affirmative, yeas 23, nays 20, tevruary 22. , ; The Senate resumed the consideration of the motion submitted by Mr. Rowan on the tbe 20th instant! snd the same having been modified at tbe Instance of Mr, Woodbury, as followsi : KettvedL . That it is the unquestionable right of the Senate to call, in respectful terms. upon the President of the Unittd States, for -L. : r. . L l i i mi.ii Hiiwuisuoa as uiay us in sub puNeswioi, and which the Senate deem necessary to the tailhiul discharge ot the duties imposed upon it by the toiitituiMiii: and, more especiSlh the duties resulting from matters which the Constitution makes it the fluty of the Pit si. dent to submit to the cjuate, for ita atltice and consent. - . ., - -. - ; ' JrtcW. That the two foBow W reso' tiOna, of the 15th inst. izi Jivtohtd, ,1 hat Paaana, the Senate ot cKt to act whb ope doors, usdrcs it aLali appear that the fat U. caliou dacuavraia, aet-M'y to ke rrtrtrcd. totardetMite, UiU be .rjudicl t ens g argociationa. kbmf, 1 bat tl e pit udrut be rerptcttulry Ttqurvied lo inicrsu the hen s', w hart ber eucU objection Mtt tax th ublicatiaei ef the documents onir arncalad by theEsewtive.r any pemon ot thw: sod. if on, to epecify Ose parts, Use publicaiion of . wbick wrotikl (ur that resau be object ota kle:' requested iatwrausliow ui the i?i s- sio4i of Use Eaeeutivc, and ist bis pvasvaaiHt , Li t ... . . 1 " ' . . . oniy, wmca tnu'wenare ocrtjea luiponaisi. to guide ks deeieioa oa a subject iOM tl.o scope of its adviainf i-owera, s4 aWet.h su. tetrstibg to tka btates snd to the People of thss Uaien. V lifted. That th laasas-e al. tbe PtwaL dent, la the following words, rsi " In answer to the two.reKohitiou of the Senate of th 15th instant, mat krd (Ea eutite ) and wbielt . have received. I state, tanectruly, Ihat al the communications irons me to. the Stwate, 1 relating to the ' Cangres at . Panasn; kevo been mart, like all other eotnatunicattoM upon Executive business, in ewnjlVr, and ' moat ot thess in compliance with a resolutloa of tbe Senate requesting them cotihdehtislry. . . Uenevmg that tne established a sag ot treo confidential communjcatii oa, between the Executive and the Senate, ought for the pub , he interest, to be preserved unimpaired, f deem it my indispensable duty to leave to tho Senate itself tht decision of a question, ia volvmg a I'eparture, hitherto, so far ss I ant informed, without example, from that usage, ind upon th motives for w hich, not being informed of them, I do not feel mvsell com petent to decide" does not giv tollie fien ate the information requested, whttht rlhe publication of the documents," or "hity por tion of them" comniunicirted by tbe Kxecu. -tive, as to the miiwion to Panama Mwoul4 be prejudicial to existing negotiations." Hettlvett, .That the Senate has the solo right in alt cases to determine what shall bo the " rules 0 proceedings;" snd that tho President ; cannot interfere with tbe same, without violating, the Constitutional privile ges of the- Senate.' RethveJ, That the Senate has the aole r'ghl to Ueterniine, what are its existing f rules of proceeding. " whether fiMmded on uai.ge" or poaitiVe written Regulations and thai tho ' President cannot officially decWc wfat those rules are, or whether any pri posed mode of acting, is a " departure" from them without example," or whether it be essential to tho " public interest," that some supposed " u. sage" or tne senate snouiu oe preserveq un. impaired. HetlvetL That it is not competent tor tne President on a call from the Senate, to de. cline giving ihformstion, whether, "th; pub liration of documents necessary to be rvtvtv. red to in debate, will be prejudicial to fx ii ing negotiations," on the ground that In ia appr veS of the mode of profn'ditiK'. wi.,th" the Senate proposea to follow on the subject, -to which those document relate. The motion to postpone the Ranie im! firi'e . was dec ked in tbe sfcrmutivt) 24 . nays 20v . , . .'- He ved, That the Senate having, en nc 15th day ot February, passed tho Un',t ug resolutions: "Xtnfved. That. noon the questtnu whe ther the United States shall he tpresenir4 . in the Congiess of Panama, the Senate ought to act with open doors; unlets it shall sppear that the publication of documents, iesarjr , to be referred to in debate, will be prejudt. cisl to existing negotiation. Retolved, That tbe president be respect. fullv requested to inform the .Senate who ther such objection exisU to the publication of the documents communicated by the Exe- , cutive or any portion of them ; snd, if so, to specify the part,, the publication of which, would tor that resson oa ODteciionaoie - To which the President ItUirned the foJ- lowing message in answer, vis: , frutldnifton, l rtOTuary, 100. . Tt th Senate tf tht U . State: - In answer to the two resolutions of the Senate, of th 15th inst. msrked (Executive,) . snd which 1 have received, I state, rexpect fully, that all the communications front me to the Senate, relating to the Congress st Tsua- ma, bsve been made, like ail otner commu nications upon Executive business in denee, and most of them in compliance with resolution of the Senate requesting them , confidentially. Believing that the tttabhbcd usage of free confidential communication, be- . tween the Executive and the, Senate, ought, . for the public interest, to be preserved ui.inr L ,. . . . v ., :. !., Ul. J... '4 paired, i oeem ii my inuinpciwawiv uuiy ' leave to the Senkle itself tbe decision Of a, N question, involving a departure hitherto, so far as I am informed, withbut example , from V that usage, Snd upon the motives lor wiuptt , . not being informed of them, 1 do not feel my , self competent to decide.' , , i -t-i ', : JOHN ilUintil .JV,uHSi. : tUttfoed. That, as the Senste hsve not been Informed by the President, whether the pub , lication of the documents, in relation to tba proposed mission to the Congress st Panama, , x would afiect any pending hegoiiations, it is expedient tb proceed to the discussion of the . subject of that mission with closed doois. . . , " 1 .y-;;. j-toruory xj.- ; , The Senate resumed the consideration of the motion submitted yesterday, by, Mr, . Holmes, it) relation to the proposed nussion to the Congress it Psnama, v.h ; 4 - On m'ttion bv Mr. ickertoi,. w amend th . iaroe, by striking but all after the word " Ke. soiveuv wnere il i rm occurs, an j umKrW'g ill lieu thereof the following: ' Hetolvetl, That, although the Scnsteesnnot find, in the answer ot the president of tho, United States to their res lutions of th 15th " instant, relative to the proposed n i on to . Panama, any distinct iKfi-imat'ion that ; ihe -publication of the comrthuicktions, ailuded to in said resolutions, would or would not bo ,-. prejudicial to exixting negotiations, th y f nd a stroi g objection on the part of the presi. deut, to the publication of tliose eommui jcs i, tiona, inasniuch as they were nde in confi. deuce, snd most ol th ni In compliance With s resolution of the Setts te, requesting ihtm -coiifidentiail). ; And alihough the benato - have tlie right to pi blish cominunicatiops ao nuule. and to discuss the same, with open. .I. ..V J:

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