' . M - , . - -r" ' ' I - i , , i ' JIALE J G if, (N, O.) FB ID AX' 31 AY, 2 b; 185 (3. ;V .- i. V Vol ( r-i TfTK STAIs, - Af , , .7 ' ,-a. ; .;.s!Ue4.wsair,t.VtV thrt wiQ to fKcJUj nd bo Mtrwicing. Mr: OuuCb Mid, U Cbjurmin W (h Cut tb precedent fortoiikulT; m U Ui coiomtttcf wfco tu4 rrported th kU, oAer y n Ul trCfywuli U.f0l.if UfcltbeUDd (? to UU BBfff COD- tk MtoQT lk KJilrv bWU WTTmtrt MttyAittnilHWiiH, IKX ding f atvwMT f ( for itch liaMa All leUarl ltrf m b paid ; LA ftci I Ef8 CA3E Th commUtjcef the Uoum of Re nrewBtaliTCi in lirctie'i cae, lre re hiBjd J tlll frm th Soatt for tbt 1if of Vrnf1s'Larcbe,w. without mf nJment.oscthpr with' jth evutence is the case the matter it mow referred to Committee of the W'oler there, Mr. Martindaljs of Ifi IV, wil have to pportuBity of .riJicting th pditiple f thU extradrdiaar Ileport, Jtptigh we woahl "molt .irespcctfullr-nd rtot irnet1j f onjar him to fotbear,1 -The character of that Docqmetcaa icarcelT have tactpadj.the mcraogr of arreadr .', X " tr ST -i 4 i-'-.o'".-r This qctia "haftng exeited pro found Interest taring hc'Spathern peo ple, we ltve lhpuht it'puri dutjvto requesKhe Ctfort Correspondence, which it has called forth tetweeH Mr. Tazewell one, if oui Senaforsiu the Conrress if. the tf; S. and iMrT?lCT, the Governor of .rfe'nia. : We luljniit these letters to our re,adew;not doubling that the wilt participate n the ioterest, which . we ' hive experienced upon the suhject: RthrJ2nqi i V v. . m ExctUtnfi John, Trier: y . '- ; ''W Dim SnkTh inclosed dorjroent I w'ait lM this jnomertt fceea ki4 opon ny tble) contains nutter of. too rnoch tiitevetit tp Vir- flnl, nd tq the other ilate4ulding tUtetof thm.CDMjn, t jutury mt in onuumg taiy it before you at the earliest moment ' The fact of the case are, that Frajiria Larche, wt the owner of slave; bone, and eat','U of which were unpfeaced by order of General Jackson',' vfor the purpose of aiding in .Completing the " worVs he had planned for the defence of New ' Orleans. k While so employed In cartingthe alare was killed b v a cannon khot fired by the enemy, ;;Nd doiib,"it therefore, ejmld exist, that iarche, the owner, was entitled to" be compensated fof the prap&tx , of "vblch be had been so deprived by the United States; nd, of course, that he was entitled to by paid for this slae, provided the slave1 Was property. Ulence arose the "occasion for the Committee ( the House of Representatives to pass upon the questionj whether slaves were property or notindw their, decision upon this great question the Inclosed document states .You will hot fail ip see In the reasonmg employed by the Committee Upon this occasion,- the annunciation of anothrr proposition; of still more importance; to the flaveholding' stales. Not satisfied with decidtnr i effect, that Slaves are not , property, the Committee go 00 to declare, that whensoever an emergency shall arise., which will Justify the United States in canine put the fcitiieoscf the country, to contribute to defend its rights that emergen cy till also 1 justify the United States, in eoc' er8nr slaves into taAfir " ;," 1 "it' I wnte in too much haste, nd under cir- cumstances which . "necessarily restrain me, front eddine anr observations onon the facts 1 have stated,' Mut I cOuUlyot justify myself i awiaimnjr iretn onnging uns tnaBcr, Be fore you as I have done. ; ;'v'KVr- f ui, very rcspeCHUWY, : your most D dientSemnt - '".:' .r;;" '-f'if- wantmr to aeaia nuoiutiUM 1 j... ... . u . : i : -ieuir os irnuoncij saL. , tlefoGns; of tfrt,. nd k mt be JMoa took place between rretcbed and .t)ruid4 caihuaiast.' wbol eaar- iio:mes, linnch. Uevd. Ma old bow i)estKNi te comets of iht con. Smith. Wwodhurj. , Nowe, Van decisteity '"ry Uuatfu that eern p Baren, Saoortt, and FutaUt; anj the 4 . r." : w the late Mnod of the seeston not af- of nhirnt therfw Ht but Mr. llarundsle I ,ordnS t,me "r the UiaCUSatoa Ot geo aod his eoeumttee, ia their awtioe of men and jeralaubjecU. .'," w -:: .'-J' moral kave tnade a new s4 who'Jyl The Senate then took & the kill ZTTV -Jl a ,w T' thlouae for edbKriptien of Stock , - - " A', 1 ' vwsww'aaw''v ww vH bis; witU the fku t)f ihls Uniow-La p'rinoipW V1" f w,tnP V"1 0TP?n7- whic startle and well calculated to alarm I " ,on ul ual ensueu on inis Dill, ID all the; wsibilities of the patriot, and one, which MeftaTS.V Heudricki, Chandler, tb settlement wf which I shall, sJont; with Tazewell, Branch, Nohle,": Jlolmw, ywowelf and or common constituents, watch Harrison. Kane. .Van Boren; ' Rowan: wuo in nepe interesu .,y .r. . Chamrw.ri.anrf RmI ' W,-! I seixe on tus occasion to aswre. you W.' ' , ' V 7- vT. .... i 4 regariC 14 .u' Uob oa oruenng ine Dtnio my unfeigned respect and , I bare the honor to be -j our most obedient, h,rd reading was finally determined fee. , -a v joN TljLEa. r in the affirmative -veai 1, oars 16 ' Uap.UT. Tmwstuv ;::..4Viv ;86 the bill was ordered to il third SENATE; ..The Senate agreed to the conference asked br the other IlouM on the Sub ject of the "Creek TreatvJ nd Uessrs; BentonJ Van JSureri, and Bernen, were appointed managers on 4heir part."'": ? In senate then too tun the bill sun elementary to an act. entitled an act to regulate the commercial intercourse be tween the United States and -certain British colopial ports; TTiiis hill pro- 47 readtniE, and . was then read" third time, passed, and returned to the Howe f Representativev .- ; , i Spuria a " - 1 1 nis 0111 wants onir tne signature w ine rrcsiuca; to Decume a law.!., y: ; Mr. Randolph, from lhe Select Com mittee, appointed to take into considera tion 'the present . arrangement (f . the Senate Chamber, and report ' such pro visions 1 as ther snail ueem . requisite for the accommodation of the . Senate. and the order of its proceeuinzs. tnadea report, accompanied by five resolutions. ftlr. Randolph moved its immediate VXi T 7 .n? - 7kl- i consideration; but, as it embraced an ap, impost atiu .tonnage, ana no other or j.,; .f-,, k-k-..i --L. T . T VL .r -V7ii 177 ---;-- rtmiiy twice readout me iiira readme imported from the following free ports ."-tj. 'i;m,. . j :, . B Irll .1 content himself wUh; makik a motion . iwhidi couliKbo cons deredt and: after Ifr. Raadotfh said, if it it - wJ r. I, ahoeld ttke to taeva some uuUuciiont to this cetomittee, or to a eomtte e.w hich I wiil try Is mil ' I . Imet elhati. it u iaxotuuteot wUh tha riehta and privilejri of the States to vest ia the Vice Preside at. or the Pres ident of the Senate, the powrr of call ins; a member of the Senate te order, whether subject te an appeal to the Sen laor not. . : ",' . I move you, sir, that no further ton it necessary to prevent any rurmher rrwra latemiptinz a. member speaking, becaast I never anew it to be done, ex cept ia the friendly manner in which it has "been dona between the gentleman frora Kentucky and myself,- ". v ,'16 further provtsivj is necessary te prevent any member af the Senate from indulging in Kluarfcs iu deoate previous to subroittin;a'molioiiforresolaiion, till such meaber shall haw read tuch motion or resolution hs prace, because sacs . tl l : r . ... -.1. provisions -wouta ,pe mconsiaieni wiui 1 one of the highest rights of this botly , and introduce into thisoody a practice, under which nas crept into other bodies, the rule that! majority shall have an im- Bixnacur, a veto, on motions in me oose. ,No further provision is neces sary to prevent members sneaking in discreetly, or disrespectf jrUyf otwr memoers. ' 10 say any cinoz lurtner oa this' subject, would bo a libelon this bo- ,,'lNo furtlier provision wiU be neces sary for preventing any member from ' a . -.a"" r cnargtog.a memoerioi ine iiouse oi tveprrsenutives wiui enme oroaence, lor the best of all reasons, that ha may be deputed, in hi hich, , solemn," and sacred duty here, to tharge a member 1 i 2 J , t&Tl? T- Uff tn" Vfu: nie other remarks, offered the fqllow selsof the Lotted States, and upon thel-i.-. .Js vfV-,. iiivv jwa nwi vo wvv .savt u IIIVV sVlfC porta of the United States in the same . June next and; if it ia- found that dia. togton, oo that the mail shall be delivered and d fT I opened immcdutely b'.Uftmali nd o uiminuiUJB, vim viw4n aa.w a-atu wsa a.sic- v I . r . , a 5r.t St, v&eU h P-.iflpr.t unnecessary oeisy m ine apeco r. . , .' - . : T I T ; J I mail coach oi issue nis proclamation, ana ine act may - And that t be suspended " - I inquiry to be wuik uiivjoiuii. iuii. ymvC) n w llidl I - . - o Me8aBW6ja.th;iW Mr. IarUnc!aJs fium the Committee (.f Claims, to which was j efarred thu; JJill rrom the The PresiJi" t a.led if the gentle man from 51asa4whaetts made any call to tmlrr. Mr. !.'-rd u.J.No. He wished tft ' irqulre ethrr rm S-ratorhl ariht ( to rie and tute the condurtof another, without' that Seaator haviuj a rjht to , re-'y instantetf ' . I t. e President said be regretted ex eeedtrjir the occurrence thad takea ' plire. Tlie, Chair had no auihority bat " a'.at was vetted in the Chair by the,- rule or the Senate itself. What said the rule of the Senate? If a member be called to order for words spoken, the' exceptionable words immediately be ta ken down is writinr, that the President ' may be better enabled to1 judge of the matter. ' The Chair had do power be yond the roles of the Senate.: -it would stand te the lijht of a asurper, were II , to attempt to exercue such a power, it was too high a power for-the Chair., . me senator caluog to order must Com ply. . If the Sewtor from Massachu setts, or the Senator from Alabama, choose' to comply wiUi ti e rale, the gentleman, from Virginia would remain v i .i j j a in nis seal tin me woras were reouceta to writinr. If elthet of the tentlemea declined it.the gentleman from. Virgin- ia might proceed. : . - .-v Mr. Randolph resumed. I should " have to file a cross bill toy self ia that -case; there were, words 1 would hsve-' reduced to writing; words that art tech-V, nical among men of, honor. It is an necessary , to inquire how far and in what cases a Senator onght to bo jer mitted to speak disrespectfully ofthe dead. I ahall ukethe liberty oi speak ' ing aisrcspectfuiiy oi iru, amuiao, and the-rest of the host of worthies,. "that the Post Master General he instructed tnauira into 4ha Drtctioibilitv of acaelerai. The act tfj go into force after the 30th of I ting the Southern mail in it passK to Wash- Mat ti4a Wr1 Ka amtaBtif'iiAi'l ' via ssjv e vsaaf vwf a v lb S4'vu- ',. - r t the Postmaster General cause an instituted into the conduct and antageous mode il accothplishinfftlier! "MV .7 51 ' VfTTZ whether i should be done by the resolution was agreeo jo. and -Tazewell, took Dart as to tlie tnost rl aoipn , iwiowea nia motion - ''j i. S j. . . adv object; ' a preseui out, w ms -. . m; ocKoiiaiion:i;t . . r kS- k;ii ,..tt lii ws amy, ai mis late stase oi.ujo ses- trJl cnri'iinpririal fontieio- Wtrfor.ii 'oi to etTera resolution for considera- the produce of,.every; pari t of the woVld 'nSct1 " the present session, but to cue ports, wtiue we couvd only go tit- "V r v,. ? ,r e 1 rect toJbtf West In4ieswimrown J1 U e.tention of the Senate prtottceitd to-utject, an ?enoulily impress on vMr. noimes nioveu .ta unenonem 7:: , -i :r '1. r- V..L i1 1 t.. i.V A.h,,u wi. a t.a Mr.-JIolmes then submitted-the fol importation of Plasttr of .Paris infeel'0 re80tlon.8'f of tlie Iiouse of RepresenUtives, Teal though they be dead, when 1 see fit. -j .: it . rtT ..J..4t .1 aI. . 1 " ' .1 1 even me presiding: omcer 01 mai it is unneceosarv to nature, whether. House, with crime and offence, or any I bv the exiatinr rules, a member has a office of the Government, from thelnaht to retain a paper or documents. highest to the lowest. To prevent that, 1 he acknowledges to be in his Doae sslon. is to put us prostrate at the footstool of j of a publio character, which he Itn kj power, vhere eorue hereafter may be I have read In debate, and whether any disposed fo fly to cover their disgrace. I further proceedings be necessary to ob- " It' is nntiecesaarT to inanlre whether! tain mnh nariw lnrnmnt4 ' uhtn th . 1 , " - , AWV. A-i W.WV- " ' ' it isproner to prevent that any member Senate deem it pniper. I should have; should charge any officer in the Govern-1 taken no notice of this itring of reao- ment with an impeachable offence, And j lutions, but I am compelled 'to goto why? Because it becomes necessnary fori Baltimore in the course of the day; the us, when the other branch of the Govern-1 carriage is at the door which is to carry mentis negligent of its duty, to Bound me away. It it a matter 'of jaotoriety, the alarm, and to show the People they I and but for mr dutv here: to be dis- are sleeping ai meir, posts. 1 charged towards tbs) Senate, in relation a. is 001 neccitsarjr to imiuire now isri to the committee, ana me resolution a it Is consistent with the dignity of the have submitted, I should have been at senate to allow disrespecttul language I Baltimore. I shall eo there with the to a stranger invited into the Senate.! leave of the Senate; I shall pursue mj This would apply, I suppose, to the cast course unchantred; but I say sir, there ofthe famous editor of the Boston Centt-I is ah insinuation in the last resoluion. hel. , So far from feeling any disposition, I which is rebutted by my resolution,' aod wnen mac person or any outer person properly rebutted. 1 say no sucn wci comes here, it is the duty of every Sen- exists. ' I deny it most, peremptorily, ator to put the stigma of reprobation on Mr. R. havine taken bis seat mm, ana tnrougn mm on me senator wno 1 , ; i ne rresident rose, ' anu expresses introduced "him. . ... 1 his deen reeret that an occurrence had n Mr.iLloyd.--Do you apply that per- taken place m this body, calculated to sonalty to me? I Introudced Major Kus-1 destroy its harmony. The, phair, b sei, anu 1 am responsiuie tome oeuateisaitl, would never assume any power I am responsible to you individual- hot vested in it, but would.' ever show; i . :r 1 . 1. .u: ill . -i.... .v. a iv, 11 you picaso. : a auvw nuiinug tui urmness tq exercising iiiose powers mat tne United States from 'British Drovincesi Knohxd. That icommiRee be appointed to Cranted tO tlie UnitC SUtes' VeSSelS, a& I ? 1t To rrnmr the President of the Senate -r. .'t. -t- 'i-- -J "ii .1 1 Tl'7" . . .. . .. 10 tne .priusn vessels couccrneu p mat I to cau a member to ortter, and to tiecidq alt trade, 1 be amendment was Senate- entitled an' act for th rdief Traacis Laicbe, of New JOrleins, tnade the . v 4t": BEptfaT:.v. CqmmiUet.tn Claim fa Afl ma rtfet r the peiithii tf Ftwtcit JjarcheKwth a EMfram the Senate for Art reffr, rir.: ! That this ia a' claim far the volue of a tluve i belontrinir to the nctitjdne!j..iirerf Intothe erjjiae'of thaVr!lte4 States by General iaclc vAt'UJn the difei-ce-ofiNew Olleaits. 'fthd : alleged lo have been killed by a Cannon sbor,; in .'that Service . Witnout stopping to , deny or admit anf of the tct by hich -tli j petitioner stippors his'-clwrn, the Committee coiiip,etld ,ita Kejecliott -upon - principle. The emergency mtifled the unprcstttneiW rf .vcry-morl sjeent -capable bf eontrihating-to Me defence - of tlie; placei'tc cull upon the router to dcTenrl liimsclf andlave. as well as heslaveta defpndliia master. .lfWould ba the height of injustice to call upon'the fit - Citizens of States many hundred miles distant Irorfl -itik place "assailed, to pour "out'beiri v aioaq, ana sacrtficc their lives tor its defence, i and at the same tiine tl exonerate froin that senice ts own physical and moral foroe.-f were wanted, and in lbat capacity th Slavewas put in requisition. The , master too. mights have, ocen called Upon,1 and iia wis, acdha Wrtd sfei-iftiiitsi as they Were in . Wber parta of the, country: and where sona, "oianiers.and husbandai fought and tned, agreed to, j questions of order, subject to sppeal to the bill; by' adding after theWprd lastfhies; I v td OiLla further provision to prevent any . ' " ) '. a , ' a a. i mafflhai' fi.m iiitrriinfir.iTr- a triamni ar4a Ir. Mrl Smith then moved to To provide that no member shall indulge "nr'such asfma Kereafler, be declared jmero to bo free ports;:which prevailed; m i.'i-Mn Harrison .saitfltiere. was SUta a m remarks, or in-debate, previous te submit difference of sentiment amoP$t senile- tine a motion or resolution, until such mem- men, on this Bubfect. that to nrev-nt its lber shall have read aucb motion or resolution - .. ' . .riL.- tfi..1 'rii - o.. ..u.a,:..w .nArA, nf tUu fltno r t.o nn tin his nlace. - , . v r a . " 1.1A ,A,- j, ' - , 4. 10 maKC'iurtner provision to preveni ate, e o0ld moe to 8 Jt on the laV membe from speakingndecoroidy or dia blet ,wluch',was decided in the bffirma- rcgpectfull of other members. t Uve. 'j'..-1- ' '1. A -S" ; 4 v 5. To prohibit any member from charging .'Mp 'BentOlJ then moved that the Sen: member of the House of Represanuuves ate proceed to the consideration of confi- wiLh crime or ' 4. t 4 Vl'ii . r ,, H 6, To inquire whether it is proper that a deotial business, and for that purpobe 'i1Zi,irW..n nffi Afihr.nv- be flpsed. ' 1 : : I vemment witli an impeachable offence. : -.n:in1 .r.- . I A,.m n .,.i..:'L-Jj.!.' '-..-a .;.. the tralletv i 'Theimotibn prevailed,, and,' after a J s 7; To Inquire how far it is consistent with foui minrttitft anpnt with closed dnnrsl the 1 the diimlty of the Senate to allow disrespect- Senate adjourned. ' V rf ' k- ""'B"t, " - 8. To inquire how far, and )n what cases, Oatnotrodof Mrt UuKgle.the com- & ought be VeJmtT x? member 10 ImitteXon Claims eie Charged fron, tne jufiner- xoneraiiou vi mc ami amcmber has a right to retain a paper or doc from the Houses for the J-elief Of Jataes ment which he asknowledges to be in his poa Monroef .'and, on "the question of refer session, of a public character, or which he enceto tlitcommittee on-foreign ite- - T, , " t Utiohs; it war decided in the negative JP a bf h casting vote' of the Chair ayes UcLm it DWDer ; V : v , . And mat tne committee report sucn rutes and regulations on sny or all of these Inqui ries, as, under existing t reumstancea, may be "uuoiii having their lives Vaiueu, or com. .n Sri-Tour favor of the 24th Aorii COverinjrthe i-endrt nf totnmitti t)f- th .. "Oouse of Kepr-esentatiye,. ofi te subject of Larcbe's claim for a slave impressed by the II.'ll.J .ll..jt.... . f Biiiitnk, auu kJiieu Dy me eni'-ny wntie 4 Tl that Service. r-m-fliilu in hnnA . n.t. hut i ' for the corrective, which 1 trust niav be found n tt good sense of the Uouce of Represeii VStlVes. ivnnUl Ia a wn ...1 ... , t ..... .1 . . i Q gloomy forebodings. We shall indeed ve reacted a point of the most frightful ap- ireaeosnn,' when ther Congress, sludl 15; and it was then referred to'a'committee xl five. essrs.' Sah for?..'' Holmes, .Vhite; I . at", and Ea ton. iwerc chosen the conunittee. . The bill from the Iiouse, s"pplemen fanr io an act lor tlie jrradu i increase of the navy, vas taken up; and, after wifne discussl. ii between Messrs. Chan dlerz-TazewelWiBiiicli, Macoa, and Hayne, the bill was ordered to a third reading yeas 24, nays J4.;' ''';:y On'tnotiouof M r. Hayne, the Sedate then took up t!.a bill making further ap propriation for ten sloops of war, and LC-aDDronrialiuz certain balances carri ed to the inrplua fund. :l After f orate e character pf that gentleman that! were vested m the Chair, rThe rule should prevent his being admitted into was most explicit as to words spoken; una oikuiuij-uv nu, ii no re uu. u uie vnair, vuuiu nui iuai,c i. wins puuui this moment, a Senator -in Massachu-1 it would b unworthy to occupy the seat setts. I introduced him; and I repeat! which it held, if it could observe any I am reponsible to the Senate, to you other rule than that prescribed by the.,v '. individually I shun no responsibility. Senate itself. " Those rules had uided.- Mr. Randolph.-You shall shun none the Chair, and it would apply them ri-; to me, sir, wnen you owe it 10 uie. - gluiy 10 every one as , iar as its power .,, Mr. Lloyd. I shall, because Twill extended. ' t - shun none. v -v ' 5 - 4? " Mr. Randolph. And I ahall aubmit Mr. King, of Alabama, called to order; cneerfuily, because I klways submit to J jThe President required the I '.Senator jnatir-f Mid order'' y- yftr.'' A'"'-- v 1 calling to order to reduce the excep- The resolutions offererl by Mr. Ran- tionable words to writing. - : dolph having been read, he said, let them Mr. King said it was not necessary lie ort the table till next sessiobi when, to reduce the words to writing. I shall Bay a word or two about them. Mr. Randolph. I should have call- The resolutions were then laid on the &A ordermvself. t 'fe t i , table. ': "..' . The president- i he gentleman trom r The bill to provide tor tne erection Virginia will take his seat until the of a Penitentiary in tbe?Ji.'trict,of Co- Chair' decides The words must be lumbia, and for other1 purposes, wai taken down.. The .Chair directs the read a third lime, J . v,', Senator front Alabama to reduce the ' On the question, sliall this bill pass? words to writing. v v ; v it was decided in the affirmative 2 to Mr. King. 1 cannot reduce them tolls. .i."',' v ' f 4 . writing for tii8reason assigned.. It " On tnotiob of Mr. Tazewell; leave r , was only necessary to check the gen- absence was granted to Mr. Randolph ' tleiuen when they were giving way to for the residue of the session. - - effervescence of feeling.u -'Xi -v : lbe Senate took up. the bill for th The, President- The gentleman from relief of James Monroe, and the ques- Alabama will take his seat ? ; tion bcinj 0n the amendment proposed , -Mr.1 Randolphs Am I at liberty to by theforomittee ofthe Senate, to strike go oil? , The disorder consisted in the out the sum allowed by the bill from the interruption of me. I allowed it through House, -ind insert 9.111 dollars in . . . ,i . a ii i ii. . .. I. a. alL - sT T a. 3 the comity and courtesy mat ought to lull ot au oemanas agamsi me vmiew . I T L a a... .. .,-. . . .... i expedient. - - .4: Mr. RandoTph moved, that they be considered now. ; ? - The President said, the rule was, that when a member offered a resolution, if he did not desire its consideration it would lie one day on the table., ;? ' ; ' ; Mr. Holmes said, he had stated dis tinctly, he did not know that he should call them up during the present tfes?lott, bat mat he should nrge their considera tion at an early peijod r,th ensnitig session. ,; 'y :H. h ahnwn tn everr member on this flonr. I Statea.M . .- v. - I allowed it because of the character of 4 Mr, Harrison moved td'amend the the interruption on the part of the gen- amendment an as to include interest on tlemati from MaBaachusetti. The words the outfit from the time Mr.Monrot of the gentleman from Massachusetts was employed on the mission in 1803, cannot be misunderstood; they cannot till the time the outfit was paid. 1 ' be misapprehended they are technical 1 Considerable discussion ensued and they demand no other reply than that Mr. Harrison baving withdrawn his pro- A. - . .. . .1 . ti . - . J . At. .1 AAA I.L.A AN .1' I have given 10 me genueman, ana i position, id quesiiuu wh iuui wu - which, when lie snail ne permitted to greemzio tne amenamem pmposeu, use that language tome here, I will the elect' committee, ind decided in give to Mm, or -to any m&n on earth, the affirmative yeas 3, naya 14. n here or elsewhere. c M The InU nu tMnTdjret to thud MiLloydwse- " Vrcadjng, - .' ' ., r" i V" - - 1 V 'Tt" . j -as - -