l. f ' mJY Ml f tit t berfa J t i ..r, and li-M-t, U'.l U rrJ 1 , tend rS KIUA9 iff ' TV jae?Ka wan ! CrtvTeat 3. fSV 19. n. l b ft iw tewo d fTM mm! rcfaiM I H CC e a - yr fnfQav ituw'itteJ l solution, wHich to iuaij refer? , h rw-irtr-. Whit W. U Ikat the rorf to cede the Stales Mr. rta anoeed to u7 e rtioruuow oat rvM & tk tablet W camea. ' n rrA 4 third tit ftad nd port f th mmmn m Ux f rf tb S. te, M the ptxUertmt om Iht 4mfpev MM1 y 8ea. U th btO nuking ipwtpmtion wewry into HTert U. lnry Crrktauaii,niU&cd i fb 224 of Apr 4, fu RarcK, Holme, Hrrio..TMwelI,P t. nuel. Berrim. ! i'wr, took prt. . i. ih nrW mrt of tV dfWf. Mr. Tin Burra iubmUtei resolution tht lh Senate iMtract er wwerrcw n m m tendmrnt. TbW ubteqtM-ntljr m3J Jtfihed, That tb OmmiHea of Confer ence th part of the Senate U Wwtraeted to ajrrte to toe proposition of the eorfereea - Ife- ltM of RrDreaentaiive on the a- meiximent vf n, the kHl nakinf nnronrutiona for camriri h effect the Treaty with the Crrek irdians. Th rcaolution wa asreed to. Mr. flarriaen then, partly from aome eir cmnftaneea which aroae oit of the preceding debate, and partly from the quantity of buai , ri yet to be acted on, and the little nroapect there waa. eonaidering the Umph of the de- . batet, to act on it all by to-morrow mght, AnVfa a reaohttron brnniainr to ettend the ieaon t Thuraday next j which waa concur red in. Mr. White roored that the Senate tntUt on k amendment to the bill for the relief ol Jtmra Monroe, dimmed to by the Other House, and that a Committee of Conference be aaked for. The motion waa cameo. 1I0USK OF REPRESENTATIVES , Monday, May 15 The following joint re)luion t)DTereil hj Mr. Carson of North Carolina, wa galled up: " " ltehxd by the Smate and Rove ' Hie frctnta.ti.vt iht United State f America in CHigrett atiernbled. That the Preaident of the United State do cause a reconnoia ance'to b made of die mot direct practi cable mute for the location of the contem plated National road, leading from the City of Washington to New-Orleans; and that the results of such reconnoistance be reported to Conptrsa at .it neit session. The resolution waa read, and passed to a second reading. On tnorion f Mr. Webster, the House took up the subject of the bill to amend the Judicial System of the U. States. TIT 1 i .1 .l MAMAM ' ir. nllnirr men iiiutcu ikicvvui- ihit the bill, with the report of the com mittee to 'the Judiciary committee, for the purpose of bringing this single ques tion to the view ol the llouxe, viz: Whether there is any thing in the a mendment of the Senate, which cannot be altered by . subsequent legislation. Defective arrangement of the Circuits may be cured by a subsequent act: but, h the Senate's atnenu men t enters :nio the appointment itself, it cannot be re medied by any subsequent legislation. Feeling a strong desire to save the bill if possible, Mr. W. by instruction of a majority f the Judiciary committee, mo ved to recommit the bill, with instruc tion to inquire " whether there beany thing in the proposed amendment of the Senate, which, if the bill should pass, might not be altered, if necessary, by a' The.iquestion was tkken on the mo tion for Kcorarnitraent' with" amend ments, and determined in the negative, 85 to 55. ; ' Mr. ".Cooky of. TUiriois, then moved that the Houie do recede from its disa greement .to the Senate's amendment; but soonafter m'lifiel his motion, by moving to trecommit the bill. This was decided not to be in order; and, on mo tion of Mr. Darttett, the bill was order ed to lie on the table ayes 86, noes 63. Mr. StewarV moved "to postpone, the orders of the , day preceding the bill " for the preservation and repair of the Cumberland Road. The motion pre vailed ayes jO,. noes 45, and the If ouse accordingly went int committee of the whole on that b I. - On.. filling the blank fm the salary of me Buperuiienacnt, attempts were mane to fix it at 1500 and 2O0 dollan, with out affect; and it was agreed .that' his salary "hall be 21000 per annum. Va rious minor amendments wwe moved, and agreed td; when Mr. Williams, of st.Kt professing mmseii nosuie to me, whole project; moved to strike out the fection. containing, the appropriation. Mr. rowel opposed this motion and nved t fill the blank in that lection with 850.000. .. :;'J'. H, MrrfVanct of Oluo,' moved to fill it with 825,000; whereupon. Mr. Pow ell withdrew his motion for 850,000, bat that caotton was renewed by Mr Beecher of Ohk, who suppoi ted his notion by a speech. After much de sulrorr . discussion between Messrs. Wortbington, Dorpej, and Barney, Mr. Lawrence, of Penn. moved to fill the Wank, with S2T0.G00. . . . - . - . I Mr Henry, of V He nueaUbn I it vat oervnveii ty , m "1 mm . : . " iitimjJU Ir.ctwart wrn bwhu ""m k ro 1 v Mr. aic saovea i wru.e totk mtioa of the Wl.'(fe tfce'erfc- tio oT S bridge acroas the Moofgh la RiverJ and his suo6on was carried 3TC1 1UU. . . f . aL ?.J w4lta aaVflfi Wn unnecessary aad lending to pro dstecot1i'wns between the Geoeralaud State Governments. Mr. Vinton and Mr. PowtU opposed tltls) amendment and- it was lost ayei S9. noes 6IX . . , rftersome further nnsuceesiui, mo tions for amendment of tle btw, Mr. Ward, of New York, moved to add to the exemption fmm torn, all persons going .to or from any military parade." It was negatived. - .v aaa M. I arrlVa Mr. Stevenson, t r."""-" " out the words, prior lo the erection f the tales aforesaid;'' so mat we mo ney might be appropriated, to repairs and toll-gates simultaneous. The mo tion brevailed. J". - , ' lie Committee wen rose ana reporx- r . . . . . , . ed thebill; N '. v Mr. Williams, to irj the sense of the House, moved the indefinite post ponement of the bill which was nega tived 109 to 42 i The House then adjourned.' I TiiMtmf Tmi 1 fi. Mr. Alstr. from the Committee rai sed on the 22nd of pecember last, to inquire into the expediency f altering the election laws of the several States, so as to provide that no election shall take place for members of the House of Representatives until the term of ser- vice for which they have been elected has expired, reported that it would be inexpedient, at this time, to pass any law changing the election laws ot any of the States; which report was ordered to lie on the table. . - The joint resolution, offered by Mr, Carson, some days since, requesting the President of the"United States-to cause a reconnoissance to be made; of the most practicable route for the location of the contemplated National Road from Washington City to Nev Orleans, was read a second time. N Mr. Letcher submitted the following resolution, prefacing it with a declare tion of his desire that the Judiciary bill should be definitively disposed of; be lieving, too, that the country expected of Congress to act definitively on the subject at the present session: ;.. Ketofved, That the bill, entitled An act further to amend the Judicial system of the United States," with the amendments and the report, be ajjain referred to the Com mittee on the Judiciary, with instructions to report to this House, whether there is any thing in the amendment of the Senate which cannot be altered by some subsequent act of legislation, if it be round expedient. The House agreed to consider this re- I solution by a vote of 81 to 65. , Mr. VV right, ot Uiiio, moved to amend the resolution, bv striking out the whole oLit after the word Iteport, so as. to niaka it a resolution to postpone the subject to the 22d day of May, (the last day of the session, on which no bill can pass and the mstion, therefore, is equi valent to the rejection of it. Mr. Mamnim, of N. C. moved to a- mend the amendment of Mr. Wricht, by striking nut the jS2d, and inserting the 23d of May. V'l hough uniformly hostile to the bill either with or without the-'amendment. he was unwilling to givche subject the go-by, in the man ner proposed. He believed that a ma jority of the House was in favor ot pas- sing ine dim in some lorm, anu he could not join with those who, rather than a dont the Senate's amendment, would defeat the bill by an indirect vote. On the 22d, which was the last day of the session, the House would be thin there might scarcely be a quorum for business he was unwilling to leave a question of so much magnitude to be settled on that day., In moving the SSd; his object was to pursue a direct and open course, and try at once the sense of the House Mr. W right acknowledged that the purpose he had in view, in the motion he had made, was to defeat the bill. He preferred this course to that propo sed by the gentleman from Kentucky, Mr. Letcher, and a motion to postpone to a day certain, taking precedence of a motion to recommit, he' had put his motion into-that form. He concurred with the gentleman from North Carolina, in approving and in pursuing what he esteemed a Direct course. -Mr Mancutn now asked whether lie had correctly understood the Chair to say, that the motion tp postpone to tlhe 2d, would not, of necessity, defeat the bill? , ' 0:1 The Chair replied that it would not necessarily do so. i -C V Mr. Wright said, that, if that was the case, he should accept the amendment proposed by the gentleman from North Carolina, Mr. Mangum, as a modifica tion of his motion. : - ft 73 JTrf A t.T.- drew hi . then wve4 thanhe Xtr.. sttevenaos) , . TV auitAA nrvvaitrd Mr. WrtM swvJ that te Him- to tJhrri t M diaagreeraeni w u -.tiuni (,r the en1e. Mr, terensrti rowvrd that tfce House rrorrte frOra iU Uisstement; ami t 11 jV ih latter AM' had pre I me motion to recnT wis. -!"'.' at . . Ln,l wotiob. bat soWquenUy. deterssineu that it Vrawrd be mo eHivement gf that motion the prreoiencf . - Mr. Forsyte aked if the rintiKe c ouio recede on condition, aod pmpoel an amendment to the amendment of the Senate. The Cliair dended that it could. , Mr. Stevenson then renewed the mo tion to recede. ' After considerable debate, the ques .u-k;ii on tT "5 y.r was taken and decided in the affirma tive 99 o 89 6o the bill was indefinitely postpoii ed. rreicrtfd.l The II'use proceedel to consider the amendment of the Senate to the joint resolution directing a system of Laval ry ana Artillery tactics to oe prepare for the use of the Militia, and concur red therein. The Home took up the bill " makin appropriation to extinguish the Indian iitle to lands in the State of Indiana and to acquire the right of surveying and oralinar a canal route tnrousn me Great MiamaRefcervation." Mr. Cocke ofl'ered an amendment the obiect of which was. after the cn acting clause, to strike out the residu of (he bill, and insert the followin; " That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to negotiate a treaty with the Miami or any other tribe of Indians, for the ex- . i . r .l .:.t. ... I I f u ringmsnment oi ineir imc i iumi vun- !lt theatatesof imuana, iNortn Caroli na, Mississippi, and Ohio; and for the right of suiveying and locating a canal throuah the lands, which now are, or hereafter may be,' reserved by the M ia mies, contiguous to the Wabash river; and with the Cherokee Indians, for the canal route to connect the waters of the Mobile, in the States of Georgia, Ten nessee, and" Alabama; and that the sum of 55000 dollars be, and the same i hereby, appropriated for the . purposes aforesaid, oat of any money in the i rea sury, not otherwise appropriated. Mr. Cocke .further moved to amend the title, so as to make it read: " A bill making an appropriation to extinguish the Indian title lo land in the States of and Ohio, and to acquire the right of survcyirig tind locating a canal contigu ous to the Wabash river and a canal route to connect the waters of Tennes see and Mobile Rivers, in the States of Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama." On this proposition a conversation toiik placed betwe en Messrs. Cocke, M Coy, Jennings, of Indiana, and For sv ih. The latter gentleman moved that the committee rise, report progress, and ask leave to sit again. The motion prevailed ayes 70, noes 38. - . - . The committee then rose-and , the House refused to the committee leave to sit again. - . ,jf . Mrv Forsyth moved to postpone the bill indefinitely. , ' ; . Thia. motion was . opposed "by..Mr. Carson of rNorth Carolina; and Mr, Conner, orjiC. asked -for the -yeas anu nays;,outtne nouse rejusea topr der them. ' I; - Mr. Webster remonstrated, .Mr. Vinton replied, and went into a const deration of the general ' subject of our Indian relations. " He represented the bills as foroiing-part f a corrected sys tern which he denominated V a popular ity trap." Mr, Vinton was here "called to order by thejChaii, He concluded a speech of considerable extfitt; and was replied toby Mr. Jcflnina. of Ind. fwho stated facts to shew the' nresent statu of the Indians, and their willing ness to remove, v 't''U, Mr. Powell moved to lay the' bill on the table. " . On this question, Mr,Mooreof Al abama, asked for the yeas and nays; but the House refused to order them. ' And the motion to lay the bill on the table was negatived; ayes 58, noes 62. Mr. Carson replied to Messrs. Vin ton and Powell, and stated how small a sum was asked by Norfn Carolina, (5,000 dollars) Mr. Korsyth opposed the bill.' and went into a discussion of the ordinary mode of conducting Indian treaties; and the want of all evidence that any treaty aa milieu m ue lormea, etc. Mr. Test stated that there was memorial before the House.en. the sub- J . v.. - ' - Mr. Forsyth called for the reading Mr. Cocke objected, and the question was taken; but no quorum having voted, It wa.;e:tuve; n- ' . kayiwutwirsw . 'rrr. ia of the JJeonv-v ; Mr. CVt frplifst' ,L-.t-..tJ aarea-i ekiaed V , 4 . m ... I aa J KaaaWrttlssT r l wh-irh he t ZTed' oUe treaty - Gcor-ia. and to the future policy wcmr '' .,. ...... . V .t state nn tins set-: . Mr. Crtrke renlieil . . . .t at lenwn.' .-vno the ntiestmn oeinc iuru uk'i irT , .i. menuoient ot air, .u..c mo ; were 49, tSe noes 40. ' ' ' Nejqtonint haying woteu, ? Mr.. Carobreleng now moved an ad journment, wluch prevailed ayes noes 41. ' wjreiIe!Ja$, Kay IT. ff. Borre. of Rhode Island, moved to discharge the committee of the whole . :.i - r . l from the lurwer consiueranon oi nv joint resolutnin, reported some, days since 0 the Uommiuee on 31 unary ren- SlOna, reiaUTT io iiiwb niuiiauiT- . struction of the laws of 1818 and 1820, granting pensions for Revolutionary scr- vices. 'Die motion was agreed to ayes . 3, noes 43. Mr. Livincston, of Iiou tiffi-rcd the folio w'm as an amendment: After " nine months" add " or who, while in said service, were captured and imprisoned bv the enemy, for so lunr time as, with their services aforesaid. a i . r : .i .... uia inaKe ir.eicrm oi Dine iiiouiiis ur up- wanls." Th nmon.Imi.nl waa-nrrefd to- whrn Mr. Sawyer of North fcarolina, moved to-iay the Resolution cn the table, but suWqentl v withdrew, his motion. I lie resolution was opposed by Mes- srs. Cocke. M'Coy, Williams, Mallary, and Trimble, aud'advoealed by Messi. Burgcs. Wood, and Marvin. Two attempts were made to lay it on the table. t Mr. Cocke moved to amend the reso- lution, so as to include all Slate troops and Militia, who served nine months. On this motion the yeas and nays were ordered: but before the question was taken, I he second attempt to lay the resolution on the table, moved by-Mr. iv:n: ...I ' vv imams, was auticitsiui So the resolution was ordered to lie tapon i the table. .when the bill establishing the office 01 a Commissioner ot the Lustoms was at its passage, a debate arose, in sub stance much the same with that which took place yesterday, and which termi nated in laying the bill upon the table. Mr. Allen of Mass. moved to lay the bill on the table. The motion prevailed ayes 73, noes CI. un motion oi Mr. fcverett, ot ajassa- chusettsfc the House went into commit- Mr, Dwight moved that the- Hou tee or the whole, Mr. Lathrop, of Ma- g0 inTo Committee of the whole on the' sachusetts in the chair, on the bill roak- State of th Uion. The motiptr-iiWj appropriation lor completing fur- vailetl, and the House went into Com-nii-hiiig the Public Buildings.' J mittee' accordingly on the bill, in ttf- i Mr. Everett, Chairman of the Com mittee who reported the bill, explained 'its several items, beginning with that which appropriates 44 for finishing the large ' room.ln: the PresjtlentV House, the sum oi ttvetity-nve thousand del- :'MK Beeeher-of Ohio, moved to strike out lhisitctn.' ' ' . ' ?,"Mr; ForsVth opposed the motion to strike out, considering it a matter of propriety, decency, anUtlccorum, that, as this House had been erected for the Chief Magistrate, and he was compelled by jaw to reside jn it, that it should be furnished in a style appropriate td the building.- -V -V J :!dr. Beecher modified his motion Vo s to 6trike out ? twcnty-five. thousand dollars ' and insert, lor the purchase of furniture, five thousand dollars." f . ; . 1 he. amendment was agreed -.to." , Mr. Beecher then moved a furthe a mer.dment; striking out, the appropViar (kin fof graduating thV grounds round the President House; but, after ah ex planatkn and remonstrance on the part of Mr. Everett, lie consented to. . with draw his. motion '.Vv V"!-' , After sonje; frirtiiertouTtraatloo be rween:" MeaiFdray tv jgveftt ' and Bartlett, this item aa ageed to,, ar.d the House twk uptbe;next "Pur con, tinuing the work on sthe;Cpitol;uie sum of ow hundred thousand dollars.! MrWhittlesey(m4ved toTstrike out 100,000 dollarearid insert ES8.586 78, which sum he saw reported as suffivtent to comp.ete tne tapdol upon the present plan-he v thought ?the western front needed no concealmenK'hnt una 1;.l edly the liandsomest front presented by this building He ''tfcoqght no serious danger could arise from keeping fuel in the vaults of the building. r-v, . . , Mr. Mallary oyt. expressed an n pinion as to the western front, directly I th reverse of that given bf Mr, Wbit- -rf, f u ,,Vm ' li. .0fMr.rWl.-,.,., , , - ... .fl,,, .... . " , Mr. Mitchell, W Wt. nveja w aitort ff the t PrTs.dentV.lU i strike ut loo.oou flouars, ajul mstn dollars. axeittstUtwupe. "; Vi, ViT Air Caraun. in lik manner. rene . k.l.nn n klnkl hilt S WKl &ll. - - . : v . " wi-i.-m - "-". , , . ' lTmv rofaJWl to order them. 20 tiriftt. aid the motion to strike- out was ae-ii, tived. - - . -t-. nuriflVlt1.. Mr. MDuffierfrom the select conU mittee of twenty-four, appointed or th amend nenta of the Constitution, injd the fallowing report v;' , -J- ITie committee to whom wasTeferred tiW several resolutions of th riouae of Repreata. at!viL trtarin hm exnedieneir T m . nykn.rmg the Constitution as ta prevent tha election or rreiaent ana rice rreaxlent . -r- - " . r"' T naea . "..JW MpoB aacptourearryillgtSS the leading resolution,' under, which the rive b-en appointed! nd thr.vtherefureait; to be discharged from the further ownsideia- tion of the subject. ut morion oi Mr. tvier.ut ,viav JTrto W, That the Secretary of he Ks be hntrtinted to came5 the remains' of Com,1 Oliver H.' Perr to be removed frmsj the in land b Trinidad, in a nubSe vessel of th C. t m. m ft.' . a a at a - v ,' states, aia to nave ne-eamo conyeyea y. laTiw-i- :n ik. nf DI.aY i.T.m7 m1Wuia..m, , iTir.rvewT.on moveu touiscnarga taf , committee ofthc whole trom the tarther consideration of the bill "tojauthoriw? the importation of gin and brandy casks ot a capacity ot not less than IJ' """Si " ' v,.; 1 he- motion prevailed. . K 1 - Mr.' Tomlinson moved to amend" ft biU by striking Out . the' words, Maa4 gin." wherever it occhrg. ThisameDdf inent goes to exclude the article ef fW from the provisions of the bill.restricUBj t to brandy alone.j ' . T ; The amendment waaadonted Mr. Tomlinson also offered the fu! J lowing proviso, which was also adopted, to come in at the close of the first section! And pmided further, That all brands aSp' ported in casks, of acspaoity less than riinrt - lon shall be deposited at thee penae rinsr m 4hw iinnnrtp. in siairn tnhlir m ntnM? warehouses, as shall be designated bv the a icctor or wirveyor for, the. port wherelh same sh'l be landed, and shall be yerootti therefromor importation tnly, in the manne? , prefKjribecf b the act, entitled f An?act pro- ! viding for the deposite of arms and distillee' spirits, Hn public warehouses, and for oW, purposes." . 5,:'- Several amendments were offered by Mr. Tomlinson, and adopted. -;' j ; When, after a few words, in opposjtr oo, trom Mr. Inmble, the but was? or t dered to in third i-MfKn.-. dition "to ' An act, entitled anactt regulate and fix the compensation bf'thr CJerks in the different 6ffice9,'tpasstl April 18, 1818. . Some slight amendments were pro posed by Mr. Dwightaod adopted? Mr. Cook moveil that 1000 dollar! be added to the safaryof Uie, Postmaster General,- , . ; s'.'?. In support ef this amendment,' Hfr Cook went into a detailed statement tCt the labors ptrfdVoied in thePstmaster'f Department, and the feformi producfi by , exertions qf; the present incumbeitt. 5' M r. Cocke amoved to amend the oil!.' by iocrcasingthesalary; to.COOO dorf'C Some farther amendments Vere pro- -posed, - but they: did jQot succeeil; l'A i the Committee' 1inB':rose"'an,d'-rrte thebilt ttf tb4 Hohse, iX..t--l V -The amendments tvefe then 'severally" adopted by the Ilooset until Jjijif f increasing the salary Ibf the PostmasleK, General ca,me upy'v-.Va:.-'.;' Mr, Taylo, .of Virginia, moved; to strike out .two, and in.ert one-0- a make the salary:; J.OOQ dollars ipstead or:fiOpO-wUarsmldema:ndetl;ths: yeas, tjnd hayg.-biit the Honpe refused, to oi'-der,'tbem; vThc question was lhe taKerv on tne motion ul Mr., layior i then tfrderd o iu'tldrd reading thi da, si'-4-' I ,H i' : t; v J :.?rC-?. - l-'Z. V'Atii.Ati-- .1 ai .The ' amendmetrts '.reported bt ta' Qmmitteef.thhil4'':'tv,fhe bi J , pnividin. for the preservation ! atid renaif of the Cumberiaud Road.wera:' taKenfepanrderj and ionipreigrei having been made in them-Ut j,sf ; ''. Mr. Hoffman; -N. Tork'.'cf presen; ting jthe, bill la'goin to aact of nn slrbnld. as Ut as practkaMe. be afi. nx the salary atff.OQO dollar!, and cart rierT yes 69, ndea 4X-V'-'- - Mr; PoJk opposed the bill at largf,' on the ground, thatahe1 Jlntwur had -information, which justified tt rprot 'Mr. Dwlafit renlied. and Cie bill