. ' ' -., - ,. ,. - rt jnt. Cod t pertrlvf j'jt tKet CertaW frry $lrn 7!Uwi, t ItJ &t i On tk' Mr. frjidi, 4" N- Ste'cS lent I'J M,M ft VinV 1 1 . .11" a r'lin, n CABlCTa till MOT 1 P"ir4 lfv Js. M pt4 XSe,Mtetiri belnjt Ms ,1 llir bi.Trw ft tbird fadir.". Mr. Vif.iwvor N.C called fort Bil nJ" - f't' .' -f - .' "Tt mar nncttil . ! r eai ytni. .tail lb 11 be tn-roased apd rdtye ti J l.'i.-0 ,r'!'nr? anal decaded ia tli tbe aftrtfivwvatM. rtavC2. l,.tbt hi!' ia ordered ta ft Ciina Tttnf thidayt'.., ' - Tk ! lW iook an lite Pot OfCcf 5 1 b;i!, wirh rn !ig1nU amended and ordered C4 tlanilinc. k.w the ritVomnUif i Inmrfre.W th rxprrlltiKr ofj Mr rnmTp, !' tli H" hit h tht Halite cOaCHWd, iut uS rrpK aon!eid to be MpoaOitli J Ttw b!lrnfn the ',SMite. reHtlre to.b tiinir of ut:on i the Dirt'ict and Cirv t itt tVHirtt Of the tnied..Bite In rerti'm cti- w iTfi a thTH timr. and pawed. Tlie nmofc'mrnt of tke 8f ni to tl bi!l r . .... i . fti . M t km P, atw! mi qnettio. heing m. m.rrirr with ther ivm'fmwit if tke Scntf' vhkll tofttoUietrnw'tlienraoiinta' appmpriaiion, - ll"e .WmTmcnt. of th, CommUtee Jthei the l",noh f fft.- .'iioifiry to the bill " rgiltir proce in tie of Callao, was estimated at aanut h. .CjHirta t!. IVStatc er .Krerd o, r000men an4 that of the Uowlisti nd thf MX vu ordered to be engrossed for . - - , , ihlrJ rendma;. . , . fftt S200v -TJie latter had eateujalUheir On motion nf Me. Hines of NortJi Clin, j,ole, an(j mulf nnj f-nanT had re J'm'veff, 1h the Committee on Kod;- . . , ,,. . , . " ' . siid rafiala.be instructed to inquire into tbe course to the bodtes of thetr companions rxnedienty of rwisinp a aurvry to l mte it the neveral routes tor a enM heretofore wade under the dpthonty of the State ef orth Carolina for the niirnOKe of aonner.tinir, the waters of the Roanoke Kirer ml a 'He; 'narle Sonnrl, vnyi tliffwattra or Tir Hirer und Pamtico jSiMind. ' nrk: Mini 15- I The PacVe Ship KAsord Qnn Capt. from the tjtlenti displayed in the etiito-namWiw,-arr!vid .mt.rdfrom Htre, -ba..lria matter of. the first number, will no Jliieh 'nre to the Sjst of March, coijioin no doubt ranS among tbe.most respectaol , jrews of importance; Capt. H. inform, that jimrnatt pf the State, t , Gen. 1.nrnvette was so unwell as to be con- , ' , n v' , , ; fined u. faia house. ( " Cape fear Recorder has pass- it was reported that, the turTta made a ed into the hands of Mr. Archibald M' jeeueraliBraett pi HtlpoltiPil on thf 2d of . .. '. Jtarch, hy sea and land, and that they were Hooper. , repulsed, with the loss of several thousand The " American' Recorder," which L.T;.XXT. .d been 8Uspendefor afew weeks.-: arid is now in the service of the Pacha of, has diangotl its title W that of Wash- Firyrt, has surrendered t discret.o. at Jr.- ingtot Heralrf, nMlSi Carolina Com The health' of' the Emperor of Austria was tnercial Journal," and is now published 'mproving-. It 5s said the Archduke Charles, 4eMYa. Uaminond & Yeoduuis. eldest son of the Emperor, has neforehand J , ' renounced the throne, from attachment to private life. 1 A "L I Aljairt at Mshon were unsettled;,.!.; Tlie Queen had eAued to see her d:wfrhter, iuce J her appointment to. power. The London pa- pers sar, lite, present Kepency wjit oc suj. ported by France ancLEngiand. 'llie French Covernmeot was endeavorinir to efTec; a reooncirmtion between Spain and AiRievs. Th Ttiilie of MontrAnrenrv frll down dead. wVile at church in Pal is, on the &th of March, 1 lis fun end was celebrated with great 'pomp. The number of private carriages in. the train exceedaA 90". : .''''' Enlistments wei4f publicly makinjrln France fur the, Viceroy of Epypt. A number of rrench officers recently .enfragerl tor Ms ervicr. were about to sail from Marseilles, Six armed vessels were fittine out at the i s ..... ... I ' same ;iiRcetorine viceroy,, , In the French Chamber of Deputies-, March jjtVpetUInns were presepted'tVom Paris, and from Havrej'.forva more effectual prohibition f tlie slave 'radet.-- A member stated.thot more than 30 vessels had fitted out for tliia trade from Kahta within a year: and thai a. . "i- , . - . .. rench s'aVo vessels, when puisued, threw tlieir slaves overlmardl Gc.eba.-.ian as- In the sime; session scrted that the ministry eneourairad. enlist. went tor the Tacba of Egypt, that t the at to the construction'vof -vessels" in French ports,' there was oo law -"to- prevent it, but they we not allowed to ain it ' - '" BALEIGH. 1'IUUAY MORNING, -MAY 28, 1S2C. FourihofJuhLWt ar-.r.qnested v V "J " . J, . n give'notice, tbat tt rheeting of,t)ie ci tizens nf, this nkcenili be held aUbe Court Ilousti to-morrovv ifternoon, Jt 5 o'cWkfiir-thc purpo'of tn'akiDgr- rangefjjents ; for Ihe'celebratTon .'of tjhts arbroa.cl.livr a'nbiveVsdry of our JSTation ... . ' ' ' - ai Indpppn!cncp4n-;f r '. ry .; "Already biive'rneafures been atloptcd iti hvAst ofthe' citiVs of he Uninn for'j PAmlH.n.AUlth- 4t. J A' .fiiAiMm .trf fcf lflVl "Miuiviuuiiiiiiijj 1,1. i wfj ' V3Y' i annp'er&ary) n9.: national litbilrt. It is to be hoped ;'thrrcfore, that tmr cltK Aens vii -itot b lukewarm on Ihf Wft. sioii," but Endeavor to tcnder:lhe.eWi braliou crciiitahTe t"thclcapitftt of Stated ,f ," " -.Vr V The following geotlemftt "urc candi dates to Wprfservt llib ciiunty'Jn the nest Ge'nejralCfsetiibly:, For heen a'.' Jibwy erttft--for:tUef Uouae; of v ommons Samt'el iniitaker,utJwwl sioreajnatrenstirewa-conveyed in a French h..,-w.n',i nm,-er,li, nr- r s. ... iT-,:.,i i--t fi 1 t he success awentiani on uermusxai iiuuruc. vessel) and thal-it was by permission ofthe i'i ' , 7 ... , 72 CT , "".""'".'"o l" pil" VP-" tiona demonstrates the extent ot ner quail tJoveynment that vessels of war were' fitting , 1 v ' hirt'ter Understand that the" subiect 'll t,,.P'!rcr "V11 ""S ,a,,tl.tMC Pst)a8ter fictions, and the happy faculty she possessed out at Marseille, for the FacbaTlie Minis- ...V 2 he SecKtl nf that the subcribn- ,'had made j of excitinga laudable ambition in tlx.' female -roCPto.neepHeit1 Se Tears of . oV prospectr we at. not at iest ,hld be published. - , :t, j wlw V.U 'bed w'hel u""uu fiaiii uccii iLVAtiv is i i riiv7" iiii.'iiiMtnu . . h.'.u tintiim rr i.i ..v . ii ..v v i a . a v l t. ij. ,i .i. a.!. - j iatuf anti Jaw sen iimfct; wjwhe wftt;c!. rtrmuc. !. ari ftJTtrtmrjit in rtuvlVftn.rliM uMltrtt,ml fij?rr, Ul b tfnt bwAf fnr.tt UhMidtUatUittrafttrranrftkMWii igxcrSptioa'T new atacV art to t tl prUoMf. Tfe ioVabiitafttt, it ped f t!M Jlh of 9ext nTanth. Kt."- efrj at iht flmin: ' : ' , 1 - . . . , . MneriJ cr, and KrfJ kim, H N Of th. CId cwnd at t! mint nfili' frie,,J r1 Wiwr. I ,r,P0? !tJIar w A product of lite r;nc of tSta State. .', ; , : At the lat aiof of the L'sidatore, of Iamalu. an act wu pwscd. prohi;! biting'the forthpr Jfftr!ucti Auction ofalaTea Sato that Sutft for le. Manuel Anlotne aa hyn at yew- ,bern. on V 12th instant tor, Uifi mnr i1r nf VlI!iam )uUum " . : for sustenance. Tue" North Carolina Journal," pob- lisjied by Mr, James A. Patterson and edited b Major JoluQA.. Cftntertm, at Fa jet i nil!tv tn'atle its first t ppearonr e on the' lrtV instant. It is hdndsomelj .' ': i t ' ' i i pnnwu on a large si.eer.inu. juvpng Petertburr, Mau 19, On Wednesday last, about one o'clock, the j Soup and Candle Manufactory of Mr, Fr. Itoyle, situated in liiandtbid, was discovered I to be on fire, Bt befure assistance could be rcn-; dered by the eiifrntt'S, was so completely en veloned in flaints atu put at defiance every exertion to save it; ana we regret that, so mini was the cnnRapnitinn. vivv IiiiIa if Mi1. It's nrooenv was saved. This is. we believe. the third time that Mr. Boyle has been burnt out,,and literally thrown upon the charity of the wMUL. iepitbUcan. ( ' - ' 'Petersburg Superior Cturt On Saturday, Jiibet-t Pointer, wlute man, was arroiirnedoii. the eliarge S alleri Or n.uulutV,, a t(.,.v "ticket WiU the dea.rn of rwm it fi tlt,us valuer but as the Lottery was not an-1 thorisedby this State, a fraud of this nature appears to be no otience against the law of Virginia, and he Was acquitted. inf. 22jint.- Ghent Triary.Wk are Informed through achannet, that we believ e entitled to credit, lk..f Citwr . ftiiVi. mmiUa in I nn3ttn hntx III1. I'll m,i.ij sstsiafi..ai ' j'ii-vi iwa M , hi, ellbm to indlJce tne Gq; " !f j!r..",rS' ' this Treaty, or to submit the point to' urbitratioBthe Anierican Commissioner not ,,The lottery rewlers the C.tyof New, ? 'if! ;2L1!? aiu in inc uinjmu wi uiv dvntiwu iiwacui without fee or reward for their services. i ' Th! shameful manner fn which buildings have 'recently been erected in New Vorlc, i ha become a subject of general complaint. it it mentioned to us as a tact, says me n-r-cantile Advertiser, that a getultmaii who has occupied,' since the 4st of May," One: of a block of j,nev three story brick Jiousea, which rent at high pricein attempt ins; tp drive a nail into' his wall to hang bit hut upon, ac tually drove a bnc If inw bis ,ncigUlJor pap, li.Vt 1 , . Pvtmrt of 4rtte'rfrom'I!aliSa.'March 3.' r' V TlieUv'rates'ship Cyane, Lfe'itniri ' rfllmf. ia bete.' tfnd -'has been Vui Voul of by a Brazilian !ve JBcmmpr, 4tk a was inefth Cyane's light' part and lilted one of . lier men. lid . bearin's nT from-the ship's, main' yrd4 and by'tm '.me'aniv.iroton the schuon eriiuainyard,and a black man cut" the foot, rope, ben he felt i dctk, fracloi'ed bis ftkuH, and broke one of; W arms. Tte Cyane.took possession of ber', and detained ber tlnW-days. ' The Captain and !a.tcf abctiniled'Tlie,. president of the Biroviuce ha rniitl Capt. Elliot ampV, WS'arion, auu tue vessei unit aailed on her voyage. Tii 'e.w. f ttat tTtiiifd StnUtJCit the 4,1 aei.kTvwte cempoea the Senate of tbo K.,1,., .nl n'h.thn lh.,--m...,.t U.rknop Iho rrMi.Li.l'K ivrtinn iiimwsir,","s mm 1.1 ... . ........ "un,w.w w.-V ..... , , fj V.J ST. Ji'r:.'? ! n lhemtrth tbia waj; iuiJrcwihfl4 cmc am if ih Chilian on tho roat.oir puii-i tnartrt will drcun. lnftr wm)J ocraMnn not ft litti TexatMm anl lITTe t0.f WJ Jwn,fr ,0 f!? t .i!ii, - lt.:.u.i. - m. - Mi.:. u- r , w i- n rni ait Vl Unci m&trate wiU have in In aid hi rhe. He wm to h -.re tailed from Btbia bv anpoiutmrnt, vrterdat. and t i" t I r L " K i wit if itwifceu lor in ne r ourve m eiMt or ten dara, a rtxxl passage have latter. Ivhctnuiide. He Md to have bf ea government have riven him nrt cause to be pleaed with them and there is a good deal 'of ill-will engender ing in this place against the subjects of his frritannic matesi v. The fall oi Cal lao. St. Juan de Ulloi Sa Cliiloe,has been Imiked upon as a certain indication of the strong working; of the Yankee leaven' throughout the continent. Nor is. tbe brave little squadron of Buenos Ayres passed over without making an 'im pression. e shall probably see a new great work matin; progress, ere long, under the hands of most of the young artists around us; the new nations." T JFfanklin Gazelle. FrrudrrMal CatitKdata.ti a short para graph, so:ne time apo, we presented our rea oers with iCliat of the names of. the several persons who had been 'spoken Of as candi dates" to fill the Presidential chair; after the expiration of tbe constitutional term of the present incumbent. Amonff others, we in troduced the name of Mr. Calhoun, the .Vice President. We are rejoiced to perceive, by thertl -8r Telegraphi mat Mr. C. has no idea of being considered a candtdute for'thatof fica, doubtless from an earnest desire to avoid dividing and districting Ihepttplt at the next election, ana thereby again throwing the e lection bito the House uf Keprestiitatives. Mr. Calhoun deserves the thanks of his coun try, tor thus earlv blasting1, in relation to him, the principles of" those whose motto is "to divide, and conquer." We jcould wish that the example of this gentleman might.be fol lowed b another individual, wltp will be nmiielesa, lest' we should thereby offend tbe delicate sensibilities of t)ie editor of the Alex andria Herald..5!1';'.'. ' " ' In the paragraph, alluded to above, We gave it as our opinion, that Judge John iW. shall woultt also bte brought lor ward as a can didate at the next Presidential election. We founded this opintufioii Ui& circumstance that the Chief J us' ice had been frettiehtlyand warmly eulogized jby Mr.v Randolph, and as we could nut peroeive the motive, we took it for granted, that Mr. ft. determined to' start a toriiiKlable opposition- to' Mr. Attains at an e vents, had fixed upon Judge Marshall, who, al though a federalist, is as honest h, upright in his intentions, as anv man that breathes. ' We were, however, 'mistaken. Mr. itanuolph, . ' ".. ' ' ': a . . .. Lot-twlli,e, t, JnfleXlb'e Iustio0 s.'..:,w. ...j ;..im -jut stTii integrity and incorruptible, purity 6f the man ot the people Geo. Andrew JacK- Runaway SvbscrtbertyV? are, lrt ' dined to believe t that . proprietora; of XT aukj n'.. .IjI dla aa, dai ii'ioa ra tIio WLM TCI 19 VtUUlU HV A IJlil IVv , n I ch mean spfriled men as subscribe ftr Ppers, ;and after receiving thein.one, twp, tir thrca years, as the case may be, nnson- uiuus receivpu mo ouuesiiuui Ovjd, Seneca county, to" the annmiit 0f U.94f gnd went ory, Ifor iti . Thi9 ift'theonlr without paying rccommwwuuvn . . ... j,:j..iJ r , r ' - . . . Hi ' f nil tun j;ive niiu ,t nit: vuiiuuciibC' v others, Statesman.- (J. ' t - P.OSTSCHn?2?a. (flrcsa, no ;doobt,v adjourned on MomTay-last nS itheJIbiise of Reprc sentativesi' on Saturday, refused to con-cur-with' .the resolution, of , tbe : Senate", ,to prolong theession until Thursday. ' , On Saturday rtbevYice Presidebt rose and stated that it was Ms jnterrtion row, having xeacbed the last bnsirest day of the session, f ' ' - ' ?W? Presi byywttli drawing from the chair, to give to the usual opportunity of appoint- President pro tempore. The Senate 't?,en proce eded to the election of a President pro tempore," when, on tbe'lrth ballot Mr. JUnceti, of this Btat. was duly elected, and iok the Chair acco,dingly. v ' ; . 1 lir. Randolph embarked fct "Liverpool pn Saturday last : . " " .' , ' , , LATEST FKOM ECBOPE. 1W the abin Cortes, fiom London, the Tlir- m'mgham, from Liverpool, and the Howard, from Havre; London paper have . been re ceived to the 21st, and Pant to the lotti ult. The most important intelligence which they aj'ord, ami which will be learned w'.th IHccW-jmm ml tW Urf w J W w. ftp tk rfvrKiibcWteil 11.. Mf Ik (.11 iK ti JUe.t Mf mf jirful r DM l.rr Mmbr Krance. ttnai rwwored at M tS r ViktH. that Hm.d kxi MnhiMi r-i ' "-it" r"r mam, em iy tl ontrt TiMMtaatiiiiin:! T cVre H0c. aent the Vtrhn of aod tufihrr. Wt Vte frrk WL by a er btJ d. mm, pm tlele. mwtr, .f aeen m-J Fi,vt TWdYnooi ik muBiiin in T)- fW.-ie fcrtnetr! rn;i;1 oteni fenee eoncrrat 0e ettte of the mrke. n.e iri In traite bad returned aad were tot with jren aevrji!.. ' . , vj- . Attention! lMM;rh "Blue ... K PmVATRMF.ETrXGoftheComtiany ill be held at the Court House th t (Fr'td) eTtninp, at o'atect,-. - i , .' n r i. r.k. Br Order of the Captain. : . . ' J. FEURV, Ord. Serrt. i ' Friday, Mav 26, 1836.: . ' .; ' Mar"r"kiva ; : . !n Meeklenburt; ernintv, on the 4th instant, John Knox, Eaq. to Ms Hannah Neeh.-' .... At Newbern, on. the 1 1th inmant, Sift Levi Wowe to Mise E)i taheth Fisher, daughter of Captain diehard Fisher. ' , x" r IrvJoitrs eounty, on the UlJi Instant. Col. Edmund Ifa'chto. Mrar Alicia Hateh, . .. ., fmtho Sound, etow WiWirton, on the llih instant, Mr. Lewi HvMarsteller to Misa Lavina Ocer. , )- Vt'-.yr-f In Vartii) cotintn on the 1st instant, Vason Wigt-ina, of liahfax county, to Misa Eli. aabeth Slade, daughter of Gen, Slade, of the former county. ' '; j ' . DIED, : ' - 12thibstant, afteran Illness of five iMwrs, Mrs. Mary M'Milbii, consort of Mr. Dkniel M'Mil- In Guilford eouhtv on tbe fth iiit.nt n viuiuoni eounty, on . ltn instant,, ni inn. luiiiiiiuiiu conmT. on me Mr.,James UicJc. - , ... iiiuH.i.rv. Kimiiif, m, nm ill iii, Mrs. Eliiiabeth Fitigerahl, wife of the Rev. Edward Fitzgerald, . i. , , i1. cttMKtrxtcarnt.1 , L Bled, in Sampson county, on, the 15th in- stant, Mrs. Mary Ann bpaiglit Williams, wile of Wr. William H, Wifliama, of this City, and daughlerof Michael Sampson, Esq. deeeaseel, of Sampson eounty, and neice to Counsellor Sampson, ate of New-York, in the 37th year of her aare. Mi Williams had been absent ten days from home on a visit to her sister whose house she had left but a few hours. . and mu fettinunir to this nlaee at the llm. bodily distress for about ai. day., and then languished si mc-reiraod gradiudlyjmnk qui-. etty and resigneoty into tne arms or aeatn. On the next day ber remains .were interred near to her deceased father. ' Uurine her residence of a few years in this place, her amiable disposition and ssuvity of manners had endeared her to all who had the pleasure 6f an intimate acquaintance with her. So acute was her sensibility, that she would always svmpathiae tenderly with eve ry object of distress,' and was ever ready to contribute rettef to the extent of her ability. In some particulars her character was an ex- of postage expense will slio be probiplly attend, ception to very many of her aex. The 'eel- ed to, if addressed to the public's obctlieiit ser ingsofenvy were unknown to hen she re- 4nt, at eitUrof tiisOfhets i s ?)., loKsed in the prosperity and happinesa of ev 1 p .eonstantty keeps I lekels In alt the Lot I..... . ik- :J .i.i ...... tei-ies for rh . aeconimoilatton of bis (rkadS and CIV UUI11A1I ITCIHKIt JUy fUlV. VI K.IIUIU Wfl.. never raited in her presence -without reeeiv- mga Kenue reprimano. one wouuvnever s...ki.Htlu tinl-An a aau sin tii ait nsa iitronnwiii . . " a i ja PiituiV . ..... . .,-.,..-.. ..Bv...w... aspersion of the charaeier of either a friend, a common acquaintance, or a arranger, but would make a defence with seal and warmth. Reared n the lap of ease and indulgence, without a wish ungratiiied, ahe'was but little qtuilified to bear the storms, of adversity, which were showered on her for many years. In her youth ber talents for the fine arts had been cultivated, and in ' music she particu larly excelled. After a -thnrt residence in this filace, when she discovered that her botband tad been cruelly disappointed by hypocriti. cal friends, she resolved to meet the rich woman's contumely, and the slights ot little mi iui la, and undertake the arduous task of teaching music in aid of her family support, crave. itett, near spirit, ana receive uns tri-', v " ,i"t - bute of aflection from a grateful heart. , .'. I1- T.l'e second session of tbe tMr la the lnsti T wion will eommeneeon the ttiib 01 June .. .... . ..... tXevr tItftTisemftifttftc JSIeu&e River JVuvigation Comjwny, A renerat meetinar of the Stockholders ofthe Neuso River Navigation Company, Kioluding thai subpurchasers nf Stock at well ksoripnai sun 11. ..m lm m.MfHt,.Mtd.A I lit. iJl!,. Al it. w. - trV of StaU bv 10 o'clock A. M.on the Vth of June Beat. At tnUen of mtieh mKrlanee to the institution ill be laid before the stock lioiu." " " " 7 trs on tl.-t day, it is esinea:y,lio,ied tbal the Vl "f O'eiltuwraio Prtsih.ai.dlio meeting wiH hi full.sn.i where penNinal attend. . represedljd hit 1amtr to be BRACKEN, ante U ineoHveai. nt, Stoikholil.-rt r requested : el""f 'VJtiea bak note ot J5l0t, m tiadnw im uiu 1 lorard their proxies tltested br teos w itnesses, and ektowltlged or proven bttOre a Juitice of the Petee. By order of the floard. ' ?. " ' aioitiv vuuuri, on y. May 80, 185(1 - -Jv;. ; It ia farther ordered thai books for the sob. set iption of uew stock in the Neuie River Navi. gation Conipkny be opened In the eiiy of llslei(rli, on the ftb day of June next, under the sbperin tctidaiiee of Mark Cenke, Treasurer ami Secreta ry of the Board, add ihht dit books toiiiiiiuee. pi fl for one month. , , ' , ;, y ' ;Lotik llm!, i " The ttritseriber bsvlng made brrangementb to remove to the west this tall, would sell a bargain in his hditae ami lot. If inc in tbe aitv of ItalfUth Tlioae ho are aexioot 10 procure property of this d isci-ipt'iot would do well to vail and tXam i,e for tlx-mselvt-s. : The lot tcntniut fnur acres of ground situate on a high end airy plaeei bass goml dweltirg bouse, ta excellent well of .water, und Is convenient to the .ea'emy. Apply to the subscriber, living wtU prendst f - ' IStlAM UENDON. WM Mty 9 1 l'J. sl-w f,tiR(... w. .. . r I. AH" , . i'MVEiiSiTT Lot uar, lt EIGHTH CLA-,r V p. cAini.ii), vw?. ' CAVITA V V G I Z : r i.oco, . . . raamtry. .. "..' "I TR,Y Vw, , kAJJ ! Klzt V CRAND lin.M)lD SCHEMS. Kit . jt i I t ",IP.. J.od VOPOil " ' IO.ISVI Ooff 4.1,1 KSJ . anno T n.noo " . II ,0O . . , ao.om V. - U,)00,. , " ,'00 ' : ' as too " t5,aoo S tfrlac af. lit', , , . s.ta SftTt tit- iiUM.,.i.t tLSL I it fie mlttf TVifWtfwfmtifr " "f J . Tins LnMvrjr MmII dr,m at SMMvas thr fcerths the tickets ra tiy ,1 of K tbareiorc, t- 4rlvymr M,t,w.. J WW. -JSso i f iui,r, RM or, Quarter I 0 F.,lk. ... , 7 f , Pf 1 i4ifieafeasfolleM-.' J K UrtiR.' of 1 7 TMr ta .n a W for ft Otf '.v s Qwere, , i ia 7i rKiththsttt.. f ; "i"tethan. VrtV. ' i' . ' . Thlrrf SeaoadtHs tto" -Hft'ia Wfe ah Certificiei MI entiil -hr t.nrrhr of - evntr therenftrt tmuvH prise m.y K.tlrw . by the nriginal 1 Uk. is . I ilk tiu,er ewramt Wive Ibe suns, of Jft30O kin the Oooonltia thereon, and t like fkroporiHm fi Khkres ih. . v. .- . . . . . ' .. . 1 . Jft'mtteut'ekfTifattit' iZJTT Mjr ft 'W?7nIt, f anduet hrdrrt actual!.. mnUJ ,k ,w wi-J a oAa,...,,5 IT. TI t'AniAi, fttizrs ... '.-".v !o whole Tiekvt Shares, ortertlneaie of dtt, for sale as kaual at llie J - Ti -, GOLD MtMB"KOHTUEt h6MF H. f 'ANFM4JVS - - - Ynrk Klalc Urtlrrt Offieiv--J- 143 BRtiADvr T, . Whieh office , ver l.is been and will tontiaaa to he true to Its mollO , .. ,... Ch at all tim promptly advanced b ,' 'or1 P"M 'iher of his efKcct, at ' l ' ' " "f Ti ,h--HltiVr, thine ta him who .uiii Tha .fiens of New York who with. to natroa. t th Shove l-miery, or to em.lrlbble some- to an ennalily with kings, and , taught kii t to tycmble before the aeanlof pobtie iiirkm, l.- an opportunity of rttderlne. sntd fwtrOVe'" as a trifling testimony of their erotKmlt hy aaOlfif at P. CANFII' UVS OiT..14 Utt)sdy, where a sr.bsarintion hook is p n for that p urpose." he prise of Tickets in (tils tottiri will be RIO etch, which will be obtaiued when issued anit deliver ed gratis to such subierlbeia a ho call as abve. Puhlie spirited indiviiiuals t a distance h tto ime toe pnoe oi a uraet in eiirttnt moncj, live .. . i ., . tj lI1JMflHK nrocui'lngf llie Capital Priee Inllie- above ( l.ril- iiHn, urrery, or in any ofbr now before the pub- . . k ... ... , , the UKlteif mates, will no aeti to supty pet-wnaHy, or by letter, immediaielyW him foe the same , Ami all oritert, wtether fur Whole .'Tickets, shares or cert ideates, will be thankful ly reelveH and promptly attended to, II addresv ed to P. UA.NHKM). Hi, Bromlwy, Nt Vork ISO ChesirOt streeti Philadelphlat or at ISO Market tret, ' Usllimore 1 ,"''. ', , .tX-Sw ' t State' 'Dank of North Carolina, ,' . J r Ifalagh, Muj, 23, 1 82& ' lietolved. That a dividend f lour per tent, on the Capital Stock, of this 'Hunk be, sna the seme is hereby deolaied for the last httfyear. M.1 ,'.i.,lMk M.... .1.. c.k ..ir i... M ami at tht Several Brantbtt flneea data V uiereauer. ....;.:. -. ' ;'t)VM, H, IIATWQOD, Ctihler. '..'-.-! .'-': v.-yy.,.iy'''f j aa-at - -1 Oxford Female AcHtleinv. ' The larnmer exataHiation In the Oxlont Fe rnate Aeadt-my will eopunrt'te' on the Ttb nf June a-xt. Parenis and Guardiai-aj and those t Jll.. BA -1 VJ ...... l...li.il ..... JUSr.fH LABAKKC, frinflpal. , Oxford. May ,93, IS20.!, . 4-$i9w . A (lounterfoiter. - 1 fed U my duly to Inform flit .obllt of a ioos villainous fraait of which I have bet a the victim, la order to put the tuireflvetinej and oniusptctir ,oa' their goisrd agahiai simitar impositions In like. tircumstanaet, ami nn a 'aim ,Dop tnst N may '.... ij .1 ii. if -.1 t ;..iL P;,,u7.17,r V i.w"w ;ofjhe v'"''1; V-ayP'ryt " " r.""'"'""'" "' ";"" at he wis about to start tor Fatettevitle. (S. 0 j and hud no smaller n enev. Without hititnliou . i gave him the thtnge in small antes, slid Im left Portsmouth the nevt morning. ' Botne lew nnyt tttrrws'ds I diseorercd that the said note was a tuuiuertt'it, mourn mi wen execiueq as to aeoeive any biit experienced JodgeS s Said Bratkee (if that uc- hit r'ti itame.is, m appearance saouKiif -years nf tke. about I tent 9 Or 40 inches high, it tlier stout made, hat round, full late, and light soiiiplestjpB. fie wore a bike froek tost and. pnaloous ami a tilack bat, lnli, at well ts the other parts of hit dress, wcra eonaidi-rablv worn. Said he was from the State of Itetaware.'that be hail brought on a drove of hortct wl.ieh he hsd sold on hit way biihcrV This story however, it ibmhiful, as he hadtoo horte with Mm. tnd lets Pot (smooth on hot . I b seems ta be no doubt iba'.ht it. employed id elicutaiajc eowiterfelt oteS shoot tbe country, and hat s largn aapply with him topalia upon me eon munity. Hissuy ing lhnt be was bouad for F.yeiKvilie, wss pro. Ulily roearit to lud pursuit, for miieks be tints the road via Riteoloi. I have reason to believe, that slier reaching Suffolk; bt pro t dtd 1h tlie dtitetita tt f ctcrsVmgt '.".;' . , IwllH HAf.FEQn,