Notice. tu rwf hcw - Un'i.ilr-. -- ' u u.u M m f. 1-4 tua& bf fet A fvt r zvtv. lift. . - i ' "Notice. ? Ww- , - -- Im to" JUn Jkf CUSi U Ca. ef-rwJ " Lm k. tea owa tnbw- All toe" hevwg AatMnat tata-i the M r"', to itiUl i the Parvwar orwrtow. , Ifmry G. lher$, - . 'PJKm II. fleerer, jVermuter ItCtcUand. ifr w Co-Partncrlnp. Mcwltodbo.cwil to latere he odor Dm Ira at utm-j v. Tcnry (7. Power K Alexander JPCUUanJ. Cm tar BkW. at k Lk-wtT M M . atrwat a tawf of r1'" llVWftawe MifiiliS wv-eni wwt nru twwsvr Caaaw Aatwae; whtoh aw 1m tattowvar; , . rrt U C. Jwtl The Co H.Q.U W. heswwe oa eftf LATE CONCERT of Jtmrt r totorme. that w u ahall eonowwe (a aev-p. rat tif Coropaaa and ladi Good, awd art reapwtcfully savaed to grant M Petersburg, Jom I. . Sheriffs Sale. Will bo hU, aa lha Slat of July next, at tho Court Homo hi mith.ill, tdrnntwiek .. .uk af iha fallow!- lend U will ho MnaiaM to pay tho tax tor tho yew ll aadeoaUuT tlaMg,MveTUrg, ue. -800 tore of UnJ, lying en Uvtagtton Creek, joiaaeg tba laadt of Moor IM rioweii, now T. l . lur llnmrr. no Aa. Wl.r na the North West River, be- !. tk. Mtsia of Cant. Wm. Hall. 00 tare, lying erf neor IWi Creek, belong ing tothooitatoolJaoieaiiiia.' ... . A, GALLOWAY, ShD. Jane It, 1M6. Ww State of North-Carolina,. Green County. Court of Pleat and Quarter Seisions May Term, 1826. Judteittl attaehment Ir. tietl on tract ol laDd, (I wended to lilt wife JqaW Thlicpia, din', flobt. flarria. and IW. cy hia mHt B- ey a-- ' IV.UO of f.H3.C.A JWO. i-Cua- hi Witna Citne Oi H Bth frnra tht ealate of nie IsIm RaaiNl. dual and toiaiiHr Wni. Moo (itbert, 10th Mai-h, USA It apprif.? to tho utitfaetioo of the Court, that rh detendaati In thlt ae ara oot retidenU t tliia Statei It ie therefore rt ered that pob. liaation of tho peadenet of thit uH he made In the lUlelth Sur tor mi week tuecielyi and that Ox let, the defendant appear at our et Court of Pleat and Quarter SetMon to be held fur the eoooly of Greene, at the Court Hooae in Snow Hill, M tho atoond Monday In Anguat ext. m4aho taato 10 he oontrtry, the eaute will he board eiparte. and the proprrty leid on eandemned.tuloee to the plalniilT demand, aodalurt(tm"t entered aeaordinli. f Witne.. ttUUam WilUam, Werk of tald Court, at oflUe, the M6o4 , Monday oT May, A. O. lo ' wnXUM,( clt State of North Carolina, Qrttrit County. Court of Pleaa anJ Quarter Sessions Maj Term, 1826. t ' ;' ludit'ialittaehmentle. A A - I m g trtot of land, ' JotephThiepIn, ' deatended to hit wife ':;;. t. r t from the ealate of 8te- Robt. Garvit and Bet. Shea Katon, deeeated, ef hi ife, aliu Beu i joining Benjamin Kaam aey Eaton. , J h othert, lUth March, iao ,H S. Taylor, Shf. It tpnearin to the Htiafaction of the Court, that the defeudantt in thit oate are not retWenl, thia Matet It i iherefore ordered tint puMi- aatiow ef the paadeoey of thit tute he made in the Balaigh Star for , tit wr h I toeoettivelyt and that uuleta tht defetiditiU appear at bnr next Court 01 neat awn Vutrtrr avttiont to ne oem for the enuote of Givcne. at the Court Houte in 8no Hill, on the aecond Monday lo Auguit next, and ahow eauat to tlo eoatrary, the eaute will be heard eiparte, and tht property levied on condemned, aobjeet .to the pftintiJ't demand, and a jottgment enlerrd aoeordingly. ' Wttnetot . H'iUUm IFiOimu. Clerk of tatd, Coart, at office, the tuenod Monday oi May, A. U. 1130. - . : , o WM. WILLIAMS, Clk. Prkandv. $3 (0 J-6 A Wat (aaoaoriee) JEtbtr ulphwria AliaBCt Ucot AWaa A ana Kortit ' Aadoraaa't cnotrh aropt rait .otiaieaial Pevder Aaaafaetida taaihMi Hartey Pearl Brintatoao "T Hofady Pitch Karat Rateateo'i Drapo Bntkh Oil Bfato Titriol Balaaai Capaia Canada Prra latu Camphor Chmol Cnebiaeal s Coiotrnti Craaiai Tartar Clove OeeaarllM Colo -a bo Cotharile Caatikj Soap . CenMla, Chal'4 Copper - iMeeha ir Oil Chromic Yellow ; Comcive 8ub)iratti wamiae ; Ctravay Seed Coriander Heed Calcined Mtroctia Uubkt -Carbonate Roda Iron . Potta Ammonia Cheltrnham Saltt Chamomile Flower Cardtmom Seed UraKon' Blond Do.rt Powder Darat-le Ink Kp tum '-in Klixir Vitriol Krrot Rtwnce Peppermint lemon ii Berittmot ' Ltvtnder F.leetmpane . . E i tract (ientiaa Btrk Ciouta Colnerniheora i bound Flower Sulphor Zinel Benzoin Fox Glove Fennrl Seed Foennjretk Seed Pit; Blue Gum Artbio . Tragaeanlh seoegal , Guaite Snellen Cnpul Kino Ammooiuo Myrrh Thut Acnfoetiila Golden Thread Gal' Ginpr Gentian Root ' Glue Galbanam GlaaberSalU Gold Leaf Heltibore White p ' Bliek Hiera Piora Hamilton' Worm Lo- Otyaarl toollla Oaraaal tWmlo Oatraa UwU pC Oa Aleaowd , t,MM Wurmaerd Levaadcr . IOwTW Notatcf Prppormiot 5iai mint I'onoy royal koaemary Saaaafraa Aatiqso ' mar ' Cionamoa ' Vitriol OHve (Opt.) Savhi Toryewtiao Praaaiaa Blue Pareeurie Pearl Ath Pearl Barley Pimeato Pink Koot Pbocphate Iron Soda Photpboru Pillianorted , ft irrt ataoited PJI Boxea Q'taatia QuckaiHrer Khaharh atoahello SalU Powden Ruatlroa 4. led PrejipUst , Saandera RoXoa) Stone ' 84ffro SnilKaretio Sulphate Quinine err tao of T-k oo in OOCO MIM--rOTV t HOME, P. CAnr4JTS .wrtcv lit HaiT-- at hm oAwaa 11 rvi.t.if kia.ciiao -"T"TLiTi noaU aae auiA Uilaaf, tor mm haaeht of . tr-p lUtoeaakw to oaH a, mr mmmmj . LT I'lkn tLLTl tXVra lor licani w at U ohtaaa the OtwlJ Tri aoawf AkAm to1. I mt lO.uOOu tO of SJA all to bo wrowo oa the JOihefJoam. utaaunriayr"-i-owimproved o fe taoaaroC M-f Ikea who eaako loinaaiol aoUeotioa fc Tie or haro to two Coera4y bwtMry , aaa aw - -mo-aiod wilb PrtvW aomhatotatoa-fcoo By kry rfthetatoof MatrW,CK. YfcUiirY. LOrTtKT, tathth t'tom -New arm hi mm - immi m.1 Sinn. r. ti.Aii'- I"'- Prl: RlOO.OUrf. Tho xt a4oaiy loaii) fOa SALE. AT THE STAR OFFICE, litW & Iaw t enee'a ;t NORTH CAROLINA Containlncr Attronomictl Calculation, tliew- inf Cm rtainf;, aetttn;, place and eclipse of wo sun a.iu aiooni aioon a ruaaj mo niinp, cettiptf and outhinof the moat conapicuou PUiieu and fixes starx state or tne w eat tier? tha incfeatc. decreate and lenjrth of dayas teliious Pettivtlsi Mlacellaneoua Articles; tueful Recipear Anecdote time of holding the different Courts in the State; Littt of the officer of Government of the United 8tatea and of North Carolina! Members of Attembly and of Conprets. &c. Ac , ' ' ' ' Which a ill he sold, wboleaaJc and tetaiL at tnettttiaiprwe. r r r j ; : -OCPOrders from Country Merchants and other will be promptly attended to. , .. AJournevinnh' Printer, Wlio as work at Cm ind Preii, wanted Im mediately at tii Office Noo oeed apply hut ath at are perfrotr? acquainted with titeir btuj. neat. Application vj tener pwaipaHi wm w promptly atteooeo m - v .,; , n ; . . bf.ll it Lawrence. , Raleigh, May it, I .. - . Situation Wanted. . 4 jwItow,wAawwrj A di PiMit Jcuikmg Vrww to T - - .'hi imm m-mm lumxhlm ttmtM r m.f , i77tLm tkmr FiKtarm. jlhbkr. I chsrvi a. and take Iheaa awar. VnlUbt' .yl. tW ALLENGEBShlf, wf-tf laaelHSC , J-3t Sevica MJ' ' " . . R.iHi lmmtv aa ttot oowwtry, aoow to we drawn, it the fotl-wiae aaralkjled, truly PBIZE of 8,w,ww Oluu SOJOO - AUU0 ,40,000 OA ,10."00 1.000 1,000 I'lO - su 100 I I I I . Sprite 1 w II irs iSi Mi SO 40.000 SI.000 0,000 SC,0n0 sxywo U.ftOO JS.tUO SU.SUO Rrs,Mo Books tad Etilibaar. J a rr; O-i tW tot at P. U-d.- awkawdat rytUare. Cra' larvet, wa. , N . aa.k, aa t n ' CkJUy't rWwAaa oa fijtia, 4 ' ' ' Oaaua UmmwU, ' . , - PacAOt t - Vy wMa, WloeNiri C.,.MCatrMls -J ftoUpS CwJ , , . - Smi.f'i Kepeeta, f maakatoao' CmmtaoCT, . 1 matrnaf oof rvwr. Raawaraaw1 tc-aorj, MarwadM'o em. tVtJkt Warka, Pan PVarvaaco'efU. v- " GwaoV Stody af kcdc, .Waver aaomy. . . Hooper Mouoal Dktioaary, Tkoa' Fraoua.Mw tctlwo. . Praam' Oeaataa; ' , . Jam Bona, , CaldWl'CjMa, Mediwal Jomprwawace, 1 Pardyoa on r'ever, t Chipmao'aTherBpeoiica, . p (prr urricl Uicuoaary- Kelly lUaakiaaewtet, - I'Mtare of Uroeco to ItiS, Grtwbv, o Novel io t volt, V.- Cooper Novell oompie'e, Wavctiy Novtl'a complete comely hound. II 1... xmtJWe ia S volt. . Hi roo't A orkt S do. elepotly St-tc cf North Carwl'tLfi, Ccsrtof Heat aoJ Vivu-r EeaW . ; . alsj bessioas, lEli. . trfuoo Bau4 a4 wrft" ... ". to reWw a W PnH. to tho wilt a rirZ; y. -eaa. . llapfrcitof to tho Cwurt, that of U Vt twn, Tboaaa Bwrto tod faVaahoth haTwT' WUUam Jaaoco a4 Sally hi ante. a4 raw H a, mm 1 .i tan a aw u 1 Baaa. roaid lo Tee awe; and that t'rk ( Mary Bam. nWUy IU. S.U j Bs Aaan hZ.. I bAhlUaa,aMKiaMrdtIaaa,waarahaanJ ad iwha Com and mdi ' v. A4rw Haea, Wm. Baat am fn, W-r BCUo . of Buhard of Jaha vd thai Mhlieatioai ho vaada La the J! paper, aWhiieheil a Raleich, tor art tKat aaaJ datowdato appear to aaal pauuaaaitk r arWM or tki cmnt at TTlnni L third Maatday of A(at ont. or Um aa net 00 the will he takee Ore raneta at W acid acUaxU.. tadpviKnta,! mirdinTf'y. ' .;-, . . Wttawto,, in 40 volt haai. 651 prlxet) II.C00 C If allM..k.( tiaketa i I.KWVI.V. AJftOONCP.D ft -pPaatdW to 6 drown SOtK June, r rr ij fa toi lin.. itu.,fnr. ft deliv vour nurebotr. WkoU tasfcel ou I tiaivra w Quarter! - t.MBibtht 6 S Sixteealh U Thirty tee'dth ISO B Certificate aa followaf- A cirtifieW ir Tickelt eta be had for $S0i 00 , If H-lt do WT 50 17 Quarter do. 14S 71 17 74 S7 l7Sitteeollitdo 97 S 17 ThtrtvSecoodlbt do IS 59 ' Which Certificate! will entitle the purcluuer or bhrActpmm'a Workt, t Uolltn't Auaient lliatory. ; Giltey't Grwcoe, Murpiiy't Ftcitat, Platrclt, JoarpW Works Dutlerwnrdi't lkoeordattee, Browo't Uuneordaae, o. do. do do, do. do. hound, do. do. do. do. Witnwto.1 Prito Adv. SO -y. P. UOOK1.C1. ,? State or NoftlL Caroiina '' ' Guilford &uhS Court of Pleas, and Quarter Scuioujw Riaj, ierrn, lUitt, v ,v CU Smith. ) Ocieioal Attoehmeat knJ. v.-' . ; Vpo a aorret horaa, the Jl Wat. C 1 lUvi. Tpeny "f delewdii. It appearWif to the aaUafaottoa of th Ctrni that the deioadant Jn this aojt it no! aa iaeaW ' taat of Chio Bute; U it tborc'ora oMrrea kr tho Court that publtaatloa h made iu tk lla? leirh Star, lor aix weckitoccettirrly, that let Hi defendant appear at our nett J' I -1 r B..l. t Ik. . a. w "i-Vkl-l .Vd . aomnlete aaanrtmeat of btla ,OT J tri- -'" Hon h Sfl,' an EUgMt Jttortment of qMudrmeat InalwinbeetitetaijaUalhii; A tree copy from the lamute.. Tt . J No. HANNEK, C C C Price Adv. 8 J , ; t r t. ovtvtiuutuTj ' Con tit of Boyal, MeUium,and Demi Draw! inj '.per, betvrtl common rwaasap ; ttoS; State of NortK-Carolina, r-.l-7.. 1., loktifluk I'nwdrr. Water! 1 1 - , n " " W 1 . - . '" . mf T , wu StU Petre Sal ACratut Saraaparill Sgi'a Powdert Scammony Squill . Senna Sntke Root Sweet Oil S larch Sulphate Ziae Sugar Lead Sponge Myrax Smalu . Saadrae . Stone Ochre Soap! atanrted Petlinr Wax, rod and black Spaoith HrowTi Stoughton't Bitten Sweet Spirit! Nitre Smelling Houlkt Spirit tiarttbom Lkvtnder . Mindereri Wine w Terpentine Camphor sat aoiia Tapivca -Turpentine Venice Ttr Btrbtidoet . Tartar Fmetie Tooth Powder Ttirmeric Tineturit aatorted Uv Urti Umber Turkey Valerian Vermillion Verdigris Venitian Red Wine Colehieum - Antimony Wtfen Wix. White Whiting; White Lead Zino Paint Bmihet Yellow Oehre Window Glatt Glut FunoeU i'nuff Pttent Lint Tooth Bruthet Pili 5ab Compouiion Mortar and Pettlet Phitl 1 aatorted Ciibitert Elattio Rongiet ;n.iuiM 1 immIIii tiUtH' nnn mu iconvt . L . 1 . . . 1 c ia..u . ' ... . - . 1 ...I H-v-lin was. inKKBROiaiHI HVUmck m mm , oy um i 'g-' " "V -- -i- iiiic!' and tient ernen'a rocket uooa tatareo oa we stray hook ortaid eoantv L aboyo the to m of abe 'wIlK. pl.te.1 Pem-I CtoeAd- J.mea Otla, a dark bey HOKSB, no A lherem,ndinhkeproF'eolorShare.ofdo VtQn.ttt ' pa cM, Rodrert patent he teen, 11 or I . years old, a tttr in hi face. "reipeotvely. t new mod nocket Knifet,from t to I blade, Kn white nin 00 the left tide of hit note, n r J: Utoibl. Ink (..rranted) lleev,. genui.. mrtdl. Mall. 00 U, h.ek,. hj, rigt.t fore fn, Paint Jtoxet. Drawing Peneilt fa Paint Bruthet, bout btlf white, lour feet nine inehet kith. in. Z. . . . i .a..i .: 1 1 .... ..1 4M. 1 - ,ir l) t. r ol Malherattiea) lattru Pole Chtina, .. ... j. ...!.-", .. rx- rami Jtoxti. ui J '"r "V " " TT. m'! Snrrevin Comnat. two '('"'JJ'-r: r"!?J5 Stolee and Wvi.lert. Si.te. nd Slate waeila, TTTr'iZ YJttihLl7tr Back Gammon lioxet, Chettboardt and Cheat dpmdoytrr..iVl -Ma. ...Si and Mar Backed, belt ! anality Kagle, Playing Cardt, Pocket 1'eleaeopei, , GeuiUmew'i Walking Canes, with and without Swordt, and many fancy nrticles too nuAereu ; to mention , ' i An atortment of BLANK BOOKS i tlwtyt 1 kept on hand, mtde by himtelf, and of the beet material, and BOOKBIN DING carried on iff I all itt branchet ".'' ' I P. S. Tetchert tnd Country Merchanti cm be tupplied, and a liberal ditcouot will betllow. ed. Rtleigh, June 8, 1136. , Si -if praited to IS dollart ly. Alfred Browa and I W, luaoe, said Uatet residet about I mile north eatt of Clinton. ; j -SAM PSOS BENNETT RsatW'V aattttj, Kan Away Jailor's Notice. From the tobteriber, iWlng twelve mile ow- westfrom Italeigh.on the bight 'of tht 3d tail, two negro men, fmlier tiid aoti,1 the former be. longing to the tubteriber; knd the latter to Ste phen Lowe, llie oldetl negro it ntmed lit it about 40 yeart of age, yellow comply' ted, hi rare teeth petrly all deetved, and Ii to v ry knockkQeel when ho walhaV tirrid with him the tollowinr clothinr. a blue kmi , cloth coat, a pair of grey, tnd a pair of akila pinttlooot, and a fir lial, entirely newt alto ..l.!J IH...L i I.L . ...V. . Taken up and commUted , to the Jfi. of S , , lenge Iceland Mou Itingltti Ivory Black Indigo bptniih Ipecacuanha ' Kali CauMio Kermet Mineral Litharge ' Lunar Ctuttic Log Wood (Chip'd) Ltodanum Lee't Pills " Lip 'tlve -Liquoriee Btlt .-: Reined Manna Flake Sort! Mexereon Riot Mtitder Maenetia Carbontte . Small Square Mace Mahay! Corn Platter Nmm gt . Nux Vomica Opium Opodeldoc Oris Root Ordert from Phytieian and Country chant! will he promptly attended to Rtleigh, Jone I (, I 48. ' tht Mn 0t it tote BOBtK 1 VOLTON. For the Capitol Prixei in h.: above, or in any other lottery it the United State, be tar awl puroliate your Tjekett and bharei at the - Gold Mine," Kortune't florae, P CANFIFLU'8 New-Vork Slite Lottery UIBee, 148 Broadway, New Vork; I 9 Chctnut ttriset. f hilailclphia, and I HO, Market etreet Baltimoref where have been aold am) pai t nritet of S50.000, 40,000 j 80.000 S5.l, wO.000,- U.(XU, 10,000, S.OUO, 1 3.000. t.OOO. ate. amounting to more than a Million of Uollara, which office ever bat beenJ and will oonUnne to be, true to ill motto, and where the oath will at all timet be promptly advanced for ail prixei i toon at drawn, I (j Adreaturera will, on examination, find III Jl iuq uvu iu viii. mjiwiii . 1 c .ii J mwi ., . . . . . , 1 , . . cheaper than th. T.cketa in any other Lottery ""f'-T J"" Iv- -1 y toklentiry him, if he it examined, vi. a now before thepublm,aod thit K it more denrv- . , i "r". " very large tear on one of hit leg. .There it tat in,theirp.tron.?e,han in me milieu aiaiua, or wai win uu, in an prw-i -. , , . 1 i. 1 1 um of ronnev anout mm. ana tntv m-reor ea. bability lor many ye.r. J who i ' to pai, for a fre" ma , a."th7eoeT .. ... . - ' , mtnmtl ID . u , wh,,- . .L. ' i" j.-, wc;, nut' with him free paper and auumed the atme of The oilier It ntmtd fTillU, ' tie ht thwt If retrt old, ml her of a Hglitcr eompleeliea thii hit father, and it a very likely boy . 8id oerro : nit no mark! tt it recollected, hut took fir hat with iiim contiderably worn, a new ttw tturt made without writtbtndt and with 00 tleeve or collar buttont, a raited coat aud a pair of white cotton pantaloont. , - . . -a. I will give S reward of KIO iflhet are ttkea within the eountv. or Xes if uken out ef Iht. eouaty and confined in any Jail an that 1 ret. luemagim, . , JjiMbS LUWB, 4. Wake county, June 5.. - 1 84tt" p . .t. ;n i.. .1.., .i... I. ' Harwell. Sneculators any lottery of much importance at bretent ad. ownert are requeated to come lorwartl, prove vertited to be drtwn between the Hih and SOtb Property, pay charge, and take said, fellow a. of June, during which time it it h'ped. and res pectfully reiiueited. that none will be brought out hv opposition to thit splendid Lottery, by ' which hundreds, if not thouaand, will toon be made rich and independent. ! PC constantly keep Tickets in all the Lot- teriet for the accommolation of hit friends ted others; therefore, all advcfftarera'deiiron of. .. procuring the Ctpilal Prixet in the above bril 1 litnt lotterv. or in anv other now before the nub. ilia in the United Statea, will do -well to apply Mpi.nul 1 k I.H.. inimMli.l.l. Ia l.lm fn. wty CHARLES B. MOHRIS. Jailor. Wilmington, N. C , May 4, 1886. 20-tf FROFESSt)R OF MUSIC, - - om AVwoftvt, ' . ; -Respectfully informs the inhtbiunts'of Rt leiirh. that, acreeablr- to the purpose which he maile known 10 a former advertisement, he bat personally, or by letter, imraedittslv toliim for arrived here, and will commence the datiet of the time. And all order, whether for Whole hit profession at toon a a sufficient number of Ticket, thtret oreertifieaiet, will be thankful. ' PP Shan oe ootatnea Sjringe Gly tier Pipe ' Unnalt ' Truaau Tooth lottrotnentt Spring lancets F.vant Crown Lancet Paint Oil A'ucking Pipe Nipple Shelli 1 Putty (.'orkt . ......',1 . Glass Furniture t start ed , Ink Powder '';:: Black Varnish, tie, ke. Mer. Notice. V e-xanai tted to the i iil in thit eoantv, on the Sd instant, a negro man, by the name of N RO, who tart he belong to a man by the name of Daw son, of Georgia, (t formerly belonged to a Mr. Kev, of Prinees And eountv. Virrinia. lie hat hoc absent thont two year, is about 10 year ot tre. and ht I rat aearlv all hit tectn. I be owner eta have him again, by proving property and paying the ebargea. . , ; . WM. W RIDDICK,Shir. . Gate county, 1 7th May, It 6. tSt Committed . To the Jail of Johatton eoauty, on the nth intt. three negro men, one oy me name 01 nt a 1 1 , 1 hout tix feet high; one by the name of DAVID, about live feet ten Inehet high, both dark onra p lax oa, each ot vhom appears to Matter) one o ther by tba name of JI M, about five feet tit ineh et hight ana I ram appearance eaen of tnem are about twenty or twenty-one yeart of aget who tay they belong lo Cant Holing Pearoe, of Halifax eoaaty , N. C and were porch saed short time fmm Nobt L. Martbatl. The ewaer it rrtQ-tled to eome ferwaid, prove property, pay ly received and promptly attended to, it address ed to P. CAN FIKLD, - 142, Broadway, New York; 139 Cbetnut street, Philadelphia; or at 180 Market street, Baltimore-Vi-. ,s V ' "85-2w ' State4 of ;North Carolina, ' Person County, Court of Pleas and Qtiarter Sessions. March Term, 1826. ' Itaae SsUerfield - Original attaehment levi. vt. Ied n a tract of land, the Richard N. Tilman, J property of the defendaut. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Coart, that the defendant in thit tuit it not an inbahittnt of thit Stttet . it 1 it iherefore ordered by the Court thtt publication be made in the Raleigh Star for three weeks successively, that unlets the defendant appear at our next Court, to be held for thit county, at the Court House In ttox borough, on the third Monday in June, then and there to plead or replevy, that judgment final will be entered agxintl him. " v JESSB DICKENS, C. C. C. Prion adv. SI M fss.i SWtv A (ubteritTtioa ptpet i leu Gen. B. Daniel. . June r,tsg..- in tin hands of 84-9t Wake Forest Academy; The Teteher of thit Institution respectfully informs the Trustees, Parent, Guardian, and the public at large, that the examination of the pupils in their vtriout branches will take place oa the day prescribed in tbe laws ol tchool. IU craves and detiret the punctual attendance of all the Trustees on ttid day . The exereieet win be returned after . the usual time cf vacation. Friend from a diatanee will meet withtccrota- ... ..... vie aecommoaauon near tne Academy. ' Wake orest, June B, ltxti. " , sv State of North Carolina, , ' Greene Covntv. : Court of Pieas antl Qua?tef Sessions May Term, 1826;; " ' yrfK ;tf 'n,ru A Judicitl attachment rf ' y. -V ) levied on a lot of land, i aetcenneo to him trom Joshua Tbigpin, Admr. ( the estate of Stephen ;.i t. '-;; -, 8elh iUton. VRatoa, dee'd. routine iBenjtmin Katoo, and others. March 10th '" ' J tf'S.TagtttShf. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the nefendant ia this eate i not a resident of thi States it is theiefore ordered that publi cation of the pendency of thit anit be made ia the Raleigh Star fur tix weeks, successively! and that unlet tbe defendant appear at our next Coon of Pleat and Quarter Seuion t be held for the eonnty of Greene, at the Court Honte in Snow Hill, on the second Moodty ia August next, and show eaute to the contrary, the eaute will be heard exparte, and the property levied on Condemned, subject to tbe plaintiff! demand, and a judgment entered accordingly : Witne, HilUai muiamt, llierk of atid Court, at Office, the teeood Monday of May, A. D. IB26. -'v.i'J''" v'r-"'' f,.-...-,. . .!Vv : WM. WILUAM3, Cll : Price adv. gS 50 V;'-45-fiw ' v ; . b An Apprentice, ; : About II or IS year ef tie. wanted at the office ef the Raleigh Starr y , , ; March U PRINTING i&i Neatly execated at this ftVEee . vWilliam & David SUaw V nave just .received, and are now openinr. their spring supply of Good, which it ectentyvej and contitti of a Jeat variety, suitable lor the present season and Tor tbia. market These goods htvr been teleoted with much care, by one or the ptrtnert, add said In oa the best cash terms, and will be fold tt very reduced pneet : i ney nave alto received a Iretb tupply of Groceries, via: , . . , . . J Loaf and Brown, Sucar. . '' CutTee, Oanpowdter & U jsoa Teas, of superior quality, , . . ;, Viueen' and Mverpool Ware, 1 Iron Pot sj Ovens, Spiders with vers, Skillets, &c. A ehoiee assortment of Tin and Stone Ware', Powder, Shot and btr Lead, Nail of all tizet, RaleighJune 9, lii&.yt S4-31 CO' Charles Stuart,; . Retpectfully givet notice to the pablV, that he ha opened a More on Faretteville Street, in the city of Raleigh, in the houses recently oeeo. pied by John Stuart and Wm. 8. M'Ewin at tueti, where he bat now en hand a vry general xortmentof7,:.i,-,'-,. f ?":. ' -V , . j Spring and Summer Goods. carefully selected by himtelf In Philadelphia and vi or.. , ue win aito Keen a f eneral assort. ment of - K -., ''...i'..;;- .- Groceries and nardwart.T'pr AH of whioh will be told low for Cash. -E g Q May.., tmhi--U rir:jUtZ: ' "v' 5 Notice. ? AA v. Tho eontrtnpnli'in kinlofnr exittinr nndpr the. firm of John fc Richard Washmgtoo, it dissolved by mutual content. AH those having demands again! the late firm, will present them tur payment! end those indebted, wilt call and totlle without deity, i y . - r . ; ... .. . JOHN WUHISUIUN, -j, - RICHARD WASUlNGTON. ' Sept tr, ltgs. . -8-4w - . : v.- State of North - Carolini,v a Pitt Counhi. Court of Equity .March( Term, 182S. James Shepptrd U othert1 t V ; " John G. Blount and S Dill. Jame Knott 3 " T appearing to the totitfietion of the Court Janet tinott, nne of the detendtntt m TTapi thtt A" thit tuit, 4-tstdea bevond the limit of tbi State, to thtt process cannot be levied e bin, it it ordered by the Ctort thtt publiettica it made fujr ninety days. In the Haleigh Stir, (M unleu the ttid James Knott appear at the not Term, of aaid Court, to be held nt the Court House in Greenville, in the county of Pitt, the first Mondty in September beat, and iniver the complaint tet forth Jn said bill, thit judg ment will be taken pro eonfetwo ntrainat bias at said term. ,, . ... . . , o,' ' Witneu, Walter Htnrahan, Clerk ltd Mttler . ot sam court, at oroee, the 4th flay i oxo. W. HA NrAhAN, C. M- E- aw KltVf . kj t 'fa,' W .t-. . s - Taken op and eomniiued tft the JiofKe f Hanover county, on the Ist inst. negraitllow i n.m.H W1IIIAVI .l,n.',t WO . knd VCtf f black, and ay he formerly: belonged to Jwei vuneiigc, oi tvaxe county, anout lunmo"" Wake Court House, whold him te Mr. Bmj a Speculator, and ran away from him, the M 7 when on his way to the (outb.Z The owner requested o eome forward, hrove property! PT charge, and take ttid fellow away." T " . ,r, . ma va n. u Aunrt ' j.ilnr.. 'llAnbug L niiiiiiu, ; Wilmington, N. C. Mty 4, I tit. . . Xeus'f i7iiwtriat,i i'Compwi' , " A general meeting of the S tockholders ef -Nease River Navigation Company, including we sub-purchtser of Slock aa well at riginl teriber. i requested at the office of the ww tary of State by 10 o'clock A. M. en th Jane next At matters of much 1mPwf!'eJ7 ; the institution will be laid before the kl"r" ers on that dy, it it eavnettty hoped ' .jT ' meeting will be full, and where personal ""Y anae it inconvenient, Slockholdere are rrq""" toaeod forward their proxies attested J;f witaettet. and acknowledged or proven before , Justice of the Petecv . v . By orderoltbe T3af O, " , J V 1 MARK COOKE, 8ee'y. t May SO, 1126." ' ' ' 8Ww ' It U farther ordered that hook for the "b- oripiion of mi w stock in the Neuee Ki ver " v r gatioa Company be opened to the oity of on the 5th day W June oexti oder the tope" tendance of the Treawrer and Secretary el w , Board, and thst the book eontinoe r y eae MOntcv ' U- - 9 -

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