jmrt aaJ IfvltMi laboara of riwa SO ( SO perwaoa. cViely bora fiU gCHt, wert) etapUyed im iW ettao Uhateflt. who, trota their cbeerfal cmi- kbc toe ' the liehtnet their lin, ce ! hart auM to be pleated with air ejtaatieau I sliced, tb me- .levin r. of ? ?Mtk as Ul b rn'rcJ t 1200 tpimllet, (for which i' i r. 44mcti7ramZLeUerafrwss the! Par to t& 8th of Mar sm mm td yesterday, via BarWdoet and II arton!. TV atata that as Insurrection Wad brotea et at Cvi, a pitct aboaU50 iW from Para, ip the Aouim, where upwards of 900 aaea had embodied,' aad cwmmittrj MM exceaae. A letter f tht 8U, Mjt,'. the expedition tent to qe,!I the. insurgent at Cameta, has been entirety ueiratrv, win e lota ,61 it the bailUne i calculated) matt have a artillery, ard mr thin forty wnaoded 1m wT eJVct an iMcr, not lea tlrea ' The latter have arrited here Thiabn- r . i . . inoigtni wbth, wmca was ai urn thought uo- iSe ptamiary iKuarioa of maty families in liitt beizhborttooJ; and net (t io the European factorire, jeopardize the health and. eyea the live of the cltiUrrn; for the confinement and heavy task imposed opjn them there, would no nmre be demanded than they would be tolerated in tint country. It. the language JfitN.C. Journal, we heartily wLn the cnterprizin pi -rerietiar Vail possible nucccs.M 'fttyetlerilUe Qbstrver. important, begins te alanine a aerioat aspect. An embargo hat been laid here. and the Preaident it fittior mt a brie of . - ... . .. . io guns, win several smaller veaaeJa. including a New York achnoner, and declares hit intention of destroying the tuwn in ease of further resistance." The Duke if Sax Wcwan, after having travelled T000 milea through the United States, and viaiied (we believe) every State and Territory, tailed from AVer are. f nil jr gralifiaal that we have; New York for Iiverpool on Saturday, it in ourpower to publish the following Hie manner of thit gentleman were ao TiJ aarTifij,' tttH kaV patt alar a Taarvj.y Karaiag. Mr. NViUistit ate4 op. ia hit tueil el iqaeet wan aer, U a speed af tVar boars aid a halt The Jftdra wu m hr ad a Juir ia! ddiveriag hiacaarje. uA 0 2rft r44 tea Joara hi fwmU their rer diet. U ach hat beea aaid, and retaaiat to be aaid. on thi intereatinj, cae, and aoaooo aa oar limit ..will admit, N we will give a brief oatliaa f the lettime ay adduced, and tht coarta which) waa adapted by the ceanael and eoert.' J Com, .Ids. . , Robbery Ddided-l February laat, aa Mr. Oorham Braokt, of Maaaarha aetta, waa paain through Philadelphia for the eouth, aackagt of ir00 dollar in bank Note wis entruaed to bia care by Metars. Cohen & Brother. Each of the notes were stamped 9th Feb." At Elkton, Mr. Brook trunk waa atol en, containing the above money, 'and 320 dollars of hi own, besideaclothing, &c. A few days since, some of the a bove ataoiped notra were forwarded to a merchant in Baltimore, from a trader in Elkton, who received them from docuinrnti. They , furnih evitlence prepoaseasiiig, ana hi curiosity ao flat: some tree negroes in the neighborhood. 'Ut the U. State' government is now tering, that he liat been every 'wherei On searching their houte, 8U00 of Mr. Hpoaew to do what tiht. Ve look ( welcome. We trust he has received ; Cohen' money waa discovered, tore upon th!a as the commencement of the! favorable impressions of our country;- ther with a few articles of Mr Brook' rra ni ueuer leenn man nave nereio- anu w e ueuoe mai ma journey nag nau cioinin; auu a ureaaipia, worm Biw tare existed between the State and Ge the effect to remove some prejudices. The negroc have been secured, nc-al Governments.' We know tiiere Our fellow citizen have learned tliat it ; no disposition on the part of the au-r doe not. follow of course, because a' Tlie (Soli Krgion.W were, a few ihoritics of thin Sfate to pu&! matters i man is a Prince, that he is either a fool davsaince.'ioforineJbv Mr. Angus Chis to cxtremityj'if it can be avoided. Aft of"a coxcomb, lie is neither better nor holm, living 30 miles front this town, a (ieorjria has ever asked , is that justice i worse for the rank in w hich he was short distance from the Narrows, on the bom: or, as fecotia bard better ex- east aiue ol the Yaukinnver, in Mont pressed it, Th rank it but the guinea' ttamp, ' " The mun'a the gowd for a that Nat. Jnt thou I d be rendered unto her. i A dittpo hition to do this being now tnanifosted nn the part of the United States, we believe, should that disposition contin ue, that all .difficulties may he satisfac torily aJju.ted. MUleigeviUe Journal. rvpartment of War, June 4tlu 1S26, Asaoaf wtkert U- thS UD09 kad rwbbeJ, wrrt several of his aw prvfea smb. tix. krarM iaieve. It ia a bd suta ml awiety, iJeed, tarn there la ao haaaar aaaoa ihievea, .; U. 5. Oaucffe. i. . j 4.. -i . . . , urwrt U jLyi t kite jaat cwaveraew with Mr. George Swaiai. of ' uuiitord. Agent oTtho KrfJ Carotma Yearly Meetiar of Frleods, who hat bee io Beaalurt to aeperiatexl the embarkatios) of a amber of coloured people wbo have betw liberated by (be Society. , Ha ia forma that the erni granta, to the number ( 119 snea, wo men and childrta, were, after aurotoant ig many dUficultiea, properly accom modated oa ooani the Sally Ann, which sailed from Beaufort on the 11th intt. Prosperity attend them! Ay. 06arr. Ovtrag vpon th Prrtt. Th Ob- server, published, at lork, (u. U.) states that a numberuf bovsg and chiU dren of . larje growth, have, in the broad fane of day, eotrred the printing office of. the Colonial Advocate, and broken - up the forms, acttered, the types, and deposited a part of them iq tlie bottom' of. the bay. We are not dixlinclly informed what was the im mediate reuse of thi singular atd un warrantable outrage. AttenUon! Italefgli TMat. TruC J aapcaro rwia, at th Ct oeafu, mm 1 mlmj mmrt (Wt 4mmm , tarWrH art4 mmi mmf mrn aai a-! mtk tmn iwrukda of kWa Cmtu tidgto. ' 4 8 Order of tkt Ttntaio, 4 1 J.rUsr.Ord.Sargt. fivkj, immm 33. laa. ? : , .. Wholesale and Itetail OkUO AND MEDICINE STORtt U: . Jtt at $gn ttk$ GUm M)rftp,. aWtia iir wiiin mM Waa, tfce arrta T (Mr aatktMr mftXj mt . . , . . , , ait4 la rtieri m tmH wlrilut, tMtlii ittcir tawtmaat ty MtaWt. brVl for aott kittm, iWy retaWWItr t liwiMMiM alkat fi'mm vktak kaa awotnrt) ar UtaH a- a IM oaWltai at4 th7 w atrr Vffuij (Torord tka, iatcfMl trUing aa tbrp,r aortper lha n mm otNMM ta oy WMMkrra Nwrktt. aM ikctia ihvtatrlvtM to JeM(a all ordrrt vita UM af omN ear tad atuatiea V: ' MT.RB U WILUiMA. RMiV Umm tt, ltd t74 'WWW. hT lo MnrttMat af ia krt Wit, Frc-wtj Hraady. ey. hb a ( mnmum LflnaVw Br Stoat, Uiea tkry oiU aril low urch. , 1 gojiery cxmntv, that considerable quan : uties ol gold have, ol late been fgund on ' his land. There are, at this time, from I 50 to 100 hands constantly at work there . 1 and their finding average from two to ,V',.!'"T:S,ne our"lat. eajrs the five penhyweihu per man per dtenv. s,.-Gotemor Murphy having addressed ' 1 m gout is to caret nne. and ...... - r ' . . r. . ! leltprt Irnm llxvli. ulilrJi Ipccnri in nn :. I I k.....:r..i .: -I r .l.. ry fine between Georgia snd Alabama, 1 tuink ( degree, th. dark-colored picture, w e gie of a pin-head to that of a, hickory itdiieto j ou, from a previous corresi)ondf nee then drew, of Haytien affairs. Tlifse nut. Mr Chisholin has obtained, in ore nu iuniie ueiepmono. i,torr,imne ae-;ietiera gtjuc, mat notiung but the per- Wa latc. ss weiu Willi vourseit,aaUo from iue,8onai inHuence of Gen I . .1 t- a-" . o -t. ...fllSJtmmA in the North, has nrevr nted i- i a TltAnlnrLfi Irnm nrnnlrinfv tint in muin K'- wav and another, about R4000 worth of a?nyw'gol"d this yesr. f'eifem Carolinian. vliich is herewith enclosed, 1 am most rcipectfullv your obd't tcrv't. JAMES BAUB0UK. Oov. Troup. (COPV) Depart aientof Wr, 4th June, 1828. Sin 1 have the honor to acknowledge the receipt (on yettcrday) of your communication. (latctt tlie llHh March, covering tlie resolution of the Legislature cf Alabama, authorizing you to appoint Commissioner to ascertain the boundai line between Alabama and Georgia. In reply it Rive me pleaaurc to communi cate to vou that the President it gratified that : measure to desirable to two Stntet at that of fixing1 tbeir'boundary may be carried into ef fect without objection or didiculty at leatton the part of lh U. Staies. No provision how. ever having been mode by Congress for the appointment of a Commissioner or any money appropriated to meet the expenses of such all appointment, the President does not feel him self authorized to make the appointment. And .lie would fain hope that this subject may be equitably and satisfactorily adjusted by the two Statet without the interposition of the Government of the V. States. Should how ever the difficulties to which you refer, as probable, rtally occur, and continue insur mountable, on their being communicated to this Department, the : President would feel himself bound to refer the subject to Con- cress, who would decide w hether it was a case requiring their interference. , I am most respectfully your obedient serv't (Siirned) ....,. JAMES BARUOUR. Gov. Murhy. " Executive Department, Milledgcville, irthiune, 1826 V Sia. 1 had the honor to receive your com fiiimication of the 4th inst. accompanied by a letter addressed to the Governor of Alabama in which the President has been pleased to express his prutification M that a measure so desirable to two Statet as that of fixing their boundary, may be carried into effect without objection or difficulty, at least on the part of the United State." it is not apprchenoed that anv serious difficulty will occur between tlit two States, and the expression of this sentiment by the President so favorable to the removal of one embarrassment will prove as it is hoped the precursor of the removal of an the unhappy oitterences wiucn nave oc curred beTvveen thej;enerol government and tins on other subjects connected with it. Accept my thank for the politeness which dictated your communication, and with them tlie assurance of my respectful consideration. . v. ;V-,':,g..mtuoup, . lion. Jamea Barbour, , , -v . Scc"y of War, Wasliinglon; . i Commodore roricf arfivetf at Vera nit .from New York, oh the 1 5tli May. He writes to a friend that nothing could 'e more delightful than iiia acemmoda tions and his voyage' altogether,, every provision liaving been made forthc com rt of liiniielf and Vis party, by the 'orders of the Mexican Government. ? The Postmaster of the City of Balti more has irenerouslv offered to receive whatever may be due to the Editors of 1 pers throughout the Union, from per "tis who may get tlieirpa)ers through the Baltimore Post Office, and will ; transmit the same without charge to tlie pameg, this is ceilaiftly ft praisewartajr uri 1 ettaking of Mf. Skinner, fdr which he qeserve8 great credit; and wo trust his lamplc will be followed generally. r"-n an arran-Tmnt between Pi-inter rebellion, against the Govcmmeut, and seizins the property, if not sacrificinz - ' Alexandria, June 22. Kidnannm arrested, We vcaterdav attended a Magistrate's Court, when the lives of the whites and mulattoes. i Thomas Smoot and William White, This patriotic cjiief, himself abiack, is brave, generous land huinanea lover of peace and order ami 7.enlous for maintaining the Government, as it now f tanas; but, should his army, in a mo ment of strong excitement, & forgetful of his paternity towards them, cut him oil, a state of things might des tructive as the wildest scenes that were Craftsmen, from the Eastern a a a Uarytanrwere , examined upon charge of having; the day previously, ... 1 j . 1 . . n . 1 & ... soiu a urgruuuY, i" wuuiu, as u appear eu, tnev nau no claim. 1 tie Drat was Extract from a letter dated, Florida, 31st April, 1896. . , Tlie cane in tiiia country grows to the greateat porfection. I had the laat year only three tasks and have planted Iroin it upwards of twenty acres; besides a large quantity . (say half a task) which was not planted. Sqgar will rerlamiy be the staple of this country, and it is the opinion of men of expe rience, that the, land will prod ace from fifteen to eightcca ' hundred weight per acre." Messrt. Calhoun and' Randolph. Much continues lobe said in some prints in regard to tlie conduct of these two personages in the senate. We are no apologists for them. Mr. Calhoun seems to have been particularly ainglea out as the victim of vituperation; but there is not the remotest cause for the indecent epithets which are to freely and 01 fl frequently lavished upon this fcentle- . man. vv e cannot help, with the most .1. ....1. .. Hillsborough Female Seminary. "ThrBraal-Aanaal Esan.httoa-or the Pupils of thi InttkuUo totetl oa Ike I Sth instaat. 11m txrreitet will b rcaumytl Tkartday, ih Urn mi Jaly aeit Tha taprriatevdaat tkn. in. arMt MHiadMM, terlt thr BltMllon nf tk ixttoktibltarhanl, tiatwR tMy aoa ketanti. mvtmi at rttablithcd en a MnuMM fMUafi tad tin its touraa, Ihonth aUrt, ha Wen marked witti the aaqualified pprnllWm of iboar ho haw ltaeM4 in pablla taeraitet. or bav looked lata in daily prvigrata : The terticet ol t Tour ldiet if aUlhr, or experirrt. and of treat n oral mnrxh, liava vettly bera obtained, In kid f-l b Sehool. And III arnamtutaj drpaHmrnl will now ba flllori la alt tba tnatl kraaehca 1; . Th trribt ol mil ion ht tht ardlnary sttvllea III vary rrom I0 to &ts. Maait and Paint, at at the amal prices. Dnard mj be KbHiined la the ftrit families of tht hlaea at RIO ber taonih. And th SniM-ri,,: tendant will gladly prnvid will, (ftetnt boxnl. Inc. at many yoync lattiat at may ba recoio mended to his tare. ..... t WM-' M -GHRItN, Supfrinnwtant. Ililltbnrough, June 10, t8. 7-t Notice. , At I h It In view to lea the State lit approaching fall, and not vlahing tn part man ?! ?'h t d'Ourb the pesaa and hapbixeM which bind parent and children together, I will the term irentleman iaatrietW die him" 1... 1.- ,oreMn' ' "v in despite of the low personal scurrility r,;.a,l n nrrennrM tn k,;i I "'"t" iew prima apply io nis cnarac- rZZ ml Z 17""' : t. That it is miaeraWe and 111 Ijll Bum "a vv wuiisiiai ivi 1119 sbl pearance at the next term of the CircBit Court for this county; and the latter at, exhibited during the insurrectionary war: the principal, was committed to jail, his between Cbristophe and Petion. iV offence precluding the benefit of recogni such ao event, the property of strangers, ; zance. Under these circumstaccs, we on both sides, would be sacrificed. f i shall refrain from speculative remarks i v 'that might have a tendency to prejudice We learn from the Arkansas Ga-j their case, and shall confine ourselves 7.ette of May 23d, that, of a party of to a brief narrative of facts as they were ten-or twelve, that were engaged in ! recorded by tlie magistrate.- Gazette. catcjiing wnanorses, on tnetoe-Ya- despi cable plan, with some, to ingratiate themselves into the favor of the rulinjr powers, is apparent enough to thosa Raleigh, Jane SO, list). I. H. COOKB; ertf shita; ': a branch o,5the Jled River, five were killed bv a party of Indians, bc- West Poirttr-The lloarj of -Visiters annointed to attend the annual exami- lieved to be Pawnees. nation of the Cadets of the Militarr ime difficulties have arisen between Academy at West Point assembled on the Cherokees and Osages in Arkansas. ; Monday the 5th instant, when General A council has been held at Cantonment Samuel Houston, Representative in Gibson.where the Cherokees demanded Congress from Tennessee, was unani- oftheOsawcs satisfaction for the murder mpusly elected President of the Board, of some of their people, and restitution, and Professor Ticknor, of Harward tor several horses which had been stolen University, Secretary. In announcing by the latter nation. The council . this information, the New York Times broke up without an accommodation of .'adds, ",Col. White of Florida, one of their differences. ' The Osages object-- the visiters, was in this city on Sutur ed, to treating, in consequence of the day and spoke in the highest terms of recent death , of their Agent, Col. the flourishing condition of the Institu M'Nair, and positively refused to make tion.the Police, and good management tlie satisfaction required hy the other of the Officers, and the uncommon pro party, until another Agent should be fkiency& improvement of the Cadets." appointed. Th s consequence of their : f refusal was an immediate declaration 1 Cant. S. Betton. of Milleds-evilie. of war against them by the Cherokees und Linah iims, of Kentucky, have Notife. On the fodrth Monday In July neit, I shall etnnaeto publia salt the LAN lift and NK GUOtS brlonrinato Dr. It II. M.I... f. ...L. wm nave neen at an observant ol , na wraiMioa paper.,. 1 ba rop or corn, matter. Mr. Calho.. , ha. Jtf ed what he conceives to be his dtty as un i7iii down tot.kt t view ofn, Ultltona presiding officer of the aeuate. ' Others, :onjr tha mott vaiu.Me in tht state, aontist. whose utter ignorance may induce thtm!itrtvSmnH9a0'd7hlA bt,t' l" """" u uvi-1 atre w Between eigiit ana nine handrrd. tcr iiibii nimscii, are ceruiiniy enuuea a. s. to the full extent of their opinion; but in forcing it upon the public, a' respect should be had to decency, if it ia adt observed toward the' man. Here Mr. C. is too well known in private life for his urbanity and excellence of dispo June 48, 1118. B&U.RNGKR, Shffi 2J.Jt Notice. LAND for aate .whereon ! nnv .... ingfle hundred and twtnt4woaerri, ftina: on . The subscriber intpodtng 10 remorr to tht west this fall, be now offers that valuable tract of aition to be harnied by these pet'slons; (( Neo,e' ' m"M "fth ff ibhtiRk, , . .. . . . 1 .1 ,r . i ' The improvements art tommon forth Cnuntri. but it is abroad that the poison takes j Wch at a dwelling house and out Usernf 7t( effect and it is abroad that it should ! kinds, with the tilditlun of a good bn It baa oa it several goo1 orchards of Apple and Peach. but, though. the nd Postmasters would not iailto nro- ice the happiest refctil tain lessening I , ,8fby insolvencies' end removals; wnuc upon this subject,1 we would "irk. that rlifying Editors of dead papers would conducive of muclf good-tfaL Int. intercession of Col. I Arbuckic, they have consented to suspend hostilities for the space of three months,' far the purpose of giving the Osages farther time to deliberate upon the matter, and for the appointment of an A jent, and receipt of instructions from this City, which; it is hoped, may have a tendency to prevent an effusion of blood between the perties.' Halionat Journal.' A notorious offender, ruwn by the name of Paddy Scott, but who says his real name ia Glass, was captured on the 3d inst. m Mobile bay, by the revenue cutter Alabama, and safely lodged in jail. '" He had been for some time hover tnz about Hie bav, in a small sloop boat with an intention, it-was supposed, ol committing depredations. A man nam ed milie, vvho was ; in the boat , with him was also committed. Scott has twice escaped fi om the jai!a in Alabama, when conuned for former oflfejices. X ' ' . Savannah Republican. ' lAhel Suit. Tlie trial of the case of, General Root, again st the Editors of the New York 'American for a. libel, in charging the plaintiff with having been drank in his' seat in the Senate, on the last dav of the extra session of the Le gislature. in 1824. took place oh Tues day of the present week, at uelhi; ana we learn this mornina that the jury have returned a verdict of 1400 dollars for tho plaintiff. Counsel for the plaintiff. R. .Williams 'and 8. R llobbv; for the defendants, J. Blunt, and Wisflcr, of Orano-o county.5:. The trial occupied the Court and JuirT from iiiae o'clock been appointed by the President of the United states, as Commissioners to ap praise the value of the real improve ments on the Indian lauds tatelf ceded to the United States by the Creek Na tion. Macon, Ga. June 14. Accident to the Mall-As the North era mail crossed the Ferry at this place on Tuesday the horses became alarmed and backed the stage out of the flat in- ta the river. Otvintr to the darkness ol tho msht, the mail bags could not be re covered till they were filled with water and the packets in them completely water-soaked. ..One horse was drown ed, but no'other.losB suffered. It being necessary to dry, and re-pack most of the contents of the mails, they were. 'of course detained it the Macon Post Of -ficice for that purp08e.-.fleMenger. .- Montreal, (CanndaJ June 5. Tt is a singular circumstance, and we believe unprecedented, that aince the opening of the navigation, a considerable num ber of Squawa has been employed io bringing raft ' from Chateaugay to Montreal, two of whom do the work of a man; for which thev receive half a dollar eachsome sturdy ones take, the oar sinzly, till receive double wageir ( The Chillicothe (Ohio)v Supporter mentions the conviction of a fellow in the Court of Common Pleas in that town, of stealing ahorse, it being the thirty fifth that he had appropriated to his own use in that manner he hod purchased a boat and waa preparing to proceed to New Organs. with hp booty. be guardetl against by - a not too great degree of credulity. Alex. Her. From a Parliamentary Document it is proved; that the laboring classes of England have, for some years, exhibited a gradual decline towards a state of ut ter poverty and humiliating dependence! While the population, since.1776, has increased as only one to three, pauperism has increased as more than 12 to 3, that is, irom 19 .10 01. An augmenting proportion of human misery every year is a frightful picture. ' ? w-4t . w taaSawawUwMv - ' y ' FOR THE STAR. Jifeitn. or;--T1iia it to afford VOU the earliest information of the laudable example set by a number of our most. respectable citi- ZCIIi, WIIW UIC . . .mww - m.iukw w-umt v fix on a suitable character on thit tide the Ri ver, to represent them in Vmr next Legisla ture. I earnestly wttn mat tne gooa exam ple may be followed by the citizens Of thit county on the other side the River, (wbo are entitled, from their numbers-, to choose the o , t j . t ther two memoen,! ana oy every county in the State. 1 look on thit meeting; at highly auspiciout to that reformation in 6ur-clectiont which bat to long Deen tuc octve ui toe wise and good of our State. P . ion. . sua, MARRIED, At favetteville. on the 15th inttant, Mr. f lovd West to Mist Edsey Oaineyi and on the 20th. Dr. Frederick J. Cutler to Mitt Loui. ta UebruU, daughter of the late Mr. Gabriel Debnits- ' , 1 , At Newbefn, On the 15th instant, Mr. Johii H. Goldtton to Mist Mary smitnt ana, on tne mb, Mr. Henry Waring, jr. or new yorit, to Miat Garoline Chapman, oatignter or tne late Samuel Chapmani Etq. oi tua firmer place. ':r-H f ff'i , , 1 - in Kowan eoumy, on " i, ui. William H. Trent to kits Margaret Locke. tn RMufort county. OA the 13th inttant, the Rey. Jamct WeatherlejT to M'uit Ellen Trotter, daughter of Thomaa Trotter, Et. ' ; . V -.: died. ; v In Cumberland county, on the mil Instant, Mrt. Catharine M'Dougatu, consort or tne :' AlloM u'Doitpald. ' :Vv.-it?t?r At Columbia, S. C on the 12th instant, in the Srth year of hit age, Mr. Neal I- M'Faf. i.,t. nntireef Laurel Hill, in thit State. At Wilmington, on the 19th Instant, Mrs. Ann Janea, wife of Mr. fiavid Jones, aged with a suRleienl qnsnuty of alcarrd land io work it or seven hands to advantage tt produces w heat, uorh. t ottoo or Tobneto wall. Vnr. ther partieulaia art thought unnecetsarti us it is presumed do person will purchase without first vowing the premiset, Application to tht tub scriber, living on the plnnn. ouNlt.L VKHCRR. Wtke connty, Jane l, 1S88. ; uristp; Nbticei l.hcrtrv forewarn all. persons from trading Of, atul the drawer from fimjm a note of hand, itiv- en tnraetiina ia Jsr.oan. US, by Alesr Ni.att tn Uritton lie Loath, lof 59, ttteitrd by Thomas Shaw, a! the note is lost or roittaid. . JKU. DUNN iltinaways. Taken ui and coramiitcd'to the is 11 of Itohe- ton tounty , thit dav. two negroet, supposed to ba runaways, Viti UAMKb, a Icllow sb.rtit fifty rears of age, U ANMf.'B, a woman about thir- t' 9 C on tit Uharletton road, tnd they formerly tr yeart old. They say tbey belong to t.abnal Fields, residing twenty aniiet from uoturowt. hclnna-Ml to-Robert Wllllalaa. near atnnmn U. H. N. Carolina, and were carried io aotitlN Carolina ' by John Cooper, of Duplin. The owner is requested to tome forward, prove pro Ptrtj, pay charges, and takttheps away . . ALFKBU HOJVLAN1), Jailor; LnmtierU, Jane (1,1 lid 87if , '. . ' " v . Jailor1 . Ntiticfc; ' ; WAS taKa Op and aomniiiled to tbit jsli. at) the 94th Intt. a h fro woman, who tayt hef nsraeis MAKT, ami that tha bttnngt io a Mn BIvt, of GeOrgiwlat aart of Ote the dots om she bad been lately brought there by a Mr rowner, wno noiicin n r inm yir raroTv of Currituck, in this State line try thit Mr. Kldridjc married Farby't dsngnier. .wimm the lived with a short lime She is a woman of com mon Site, wa appears to b abont ff yeaH M tge. I lit owner is rcqurvictf vu -yiiic .urwaiv, proTw property, pay charges tnd take hr awajr, Or tht) will at dealt with at t law preti lhet. . ( !.); A,UU IU v.'. . . J. T. C. wlATT, t. Sbtt r Rie!ghif.C.luaea, 188. -y Notice.- - Wsi aohwhllied to lb ttil I .Ashbormivh. Randolph . U oa the 0Ui day ol Mar, IStS, a hlaektoali, at a rtibswsy stive, k the name of BILL, who tats that he lortnerly by mnii H a nmft vj ' uvinv vi r' janiia Drawer, of Chathtm aotintyi K C. and hat ha, wat told last winter td a Into, by the i.rme of Fharool, ia Sth Carolina. Ti e o irrtaa bare him, on proving bit proptrtj, and ptjio ahargota v jiLAJ 0X0 V -v. ' tT4t'.;-.

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