A Joamejman Printer WW earn war Cam ami Pam, waa4 (feus n) d U a h aa naataiirt- ate.. Aa.lnsaitt, by praaaatly UularsFeWii; A-adeny. .-j State if Kojth Carolina, wxaawai . a. a a. a.a fe a w am a . kk TVa i mi. (W 2cai Unit. L.n it M. 245 .raw . Curt of FWM-od Qmartef Smon T'l aaWswriW kaa j-t aad Oiafaw an at wis it JJotic af tka mm mil far 11 tary 0. Botcrri, Prttrwbarg, Jna 1. 114. Notice. TV Part ami. in krrrtafora xtia betweea lh a. Wet hers, enrfer Ik a rat a JUranJer jrChOnmJ U le. expired cm Ike late April liihi kt owe Rrahatm. Ml par tea bavins; densnda agaiaai tke tale Int, will preaeet then la either of the Prinr for peyaaral. Aviry G. Botrert, William H. Btneert, Ahrander RVCIcllanJ. " Petersburg, J , I Nr Co-PMrtnmhip. HF..S'Hr Q. BOHEflS, havine watered la ta Pamertl.ip wlt- Alexander M" tieland the Wholesale lrv Goodt batine, wil' la 'alort be carried oa at 'ihem. il kc OAs' Siantl of th 11 cancera, u Biter tba arm of Henry O Bn tn U Ce. Henry 0. Baiters, Alexander RVClelland. Jane 9. The Cuatnmrrs of ih LTB CONCERN of H. f J IV H BtvMirt ere informed, that we hare now on band, an'' aheU aonlinne to kn. an trnai orlmrnl nf Europaaa and India Goofa. and arr rpetfullT Invitrd to fan! u a ahare of their airon( rrE vnr o. boFehsu no. P'lrrlMir;, Junr 9, S. 4S-3t Dooks and Stationary. Ju.t rrcivrif nd for tale at U. Liudomin'l Bonk an J Stationary Store, Oomwi'i I'Krat, (! vgla. SfarVi'' on SInVr, C'l'tr'a PleaiinK, on Billi, Conltf'a Inftitutri, Cruiie'i D'Kf M, I'exke'i Rvi.1- nor by Norria, 8lwu'( JJiai Prim, Conn n on ''.ailn cti, Phllio'a Kvi.l. nee, 8oler'i H'-pona. Hlackjtnnr'i Homrnentariei, ArmaTonRon p4-er, Itiehrrand's l'hiiology, Mare'iilie'a do. Kuth'a Worka, Pari f'harmsenloeia. God'a Vtojly of Medieine, Whurt Ana'omjr, Dorar'a Snrtri-y, Hmper'a Mnlienl licti(inr, Tliomat' Pmelieo, New Mitioo, Franei' Deninan, JamPt Bnma. Coldarnll'a Mullen, Medir.il Jiri!ru.l?noe, For'her. on FeTrr, Vhipman't Thri (.tvitlei, Co nrr"a urjpnul IVieiinnary, KeMv'j llrminiareneea, Pioture of rJrree' in 182J. Grnnby, Voe In 5 olt. Cooir'a Nmrlt eompl' le WaTcrly Noyrl'a oomplrte in 0 volt baod- tom ly hounrt I lun ecronlutr in t nt. Hr;i' orka R da elrgantly In Oil aaill. t atrlSMaaie Owiva Putia ffu IM AlMoada Anita Vaaaaaei Jantprr Lvaadcr Intra Kuiarr Prpiermiat .S)ieanniiil Penaymtal Hnapni.ry Satwlraa Aaliqtl Aaiaar Ciiinamoa Vitriol Olire (Oi.) Sarin lorprntiae Doctor lUckwUh t Ilenderon 1 w" Uav tared ttw mhap U Itijooraua , AcU v.tpUn atrrH, iuCXty PPaiw Bur i"tihC . Manaua OH. , K.na JUM 1), im. r i Prot'fa" tV. a.W.Wn. alr W tra. -rf r ' T r, nmr4 aa ik tM aHiaao. a. Ht .f-.ihrr salpkm IdMMM. AH rraaaa km-, araaa4. a- ,k Root rtiaal k Iota Ira, atfl arrat tkrai la eHhrr Kimm Aaaa Fart n Aaderaoa'a enatjk dropi Pillt aataaiJ Psader AtaafoetMa Aapkaltota Urarr Pearl Rriattiaoa Uarfwidy Pilch rinra Iktamaa'a Drop Britttk O.I RU Vitriol Balaa n Impair Canada ,-rn Toiu Camphor Otlomei Cochineal Cataeyitft Creaat Tartar Oaaaarilla Colombo Caathari-let Caatita Soap , Canella Chalk Copperaa Caieaha Cattor Oil f Chrnmia Yellow Coroairr SubliiaaW Calamine C'.raay 9reil Coriander Seed Halaineil Magncli Cubeba Carbonate ol Iron Pit:.aa Ammonia Cli. Ili-nHatTi Salla ('hamnmile F'owert Card-imum Sred I 'mcon'i Blood Doi' r't t'owdera Dnni 'i- ! ik Kptom -al'a Klixir Vitriol Kri;ot P.ietiee Pt?ppermiot Lf mun nei'Ktmot l.iftniler E eampane Extract Hfiiiisn ll.rk ieuia Colocynlh com pound Flaaert ulphor rtenzoio Kix fjlore Fennel Seed FoentiRreek 8ecd Fie UliK Gum Arabie Tragacanth senrgal - Guuiae SliclUo Copal Kino Ammonia Myrrh Thus Aatfoelida Golden Thread G' Gin(5-r Cphlinn Boot Gxibanum Glauber Saltl GolilLeuf HclliUqre White UUek Miera Picra Hamilton' Worm Lo Iceland Mow Ittngltsa I rory Blek' Ut'ip panijh InecDCUHiilia Kali Causlie Kernici Mineral Litburgv Lu-ar C.iastie LtS Wood (ChipM) l.a 'fiuiii U'l Pillt Lip Salve LiiU(ince flail lteined Manna FUke Sunt Mezcreoii Hoot M:..KIer MKiirii' Carbonxte bmall q'l 'te Maea Miim't Corn Plastir Nuim et Nnx Vo uica Opium Opo.l!tlno Oi it Hoot AcadcmieU In.tmction. .,)rZl mZ TmZI- Ta.we--a4 TaJU--aiWn-l STrfaJlaal U aV a wot hmunU. tut j Uri Car ka laaaxaaary ma U oplliat-aW LITT' C-a '-a- crt Ual mr, Arahmaaia, Aaiar.aaai tt-aary.t-a alara , 5tM.. tor it. Af rt tor tka LMta a4 Vraek. i ai. jlja i Lwraxta, MaUaaj-, aad aikor aiadiaa pee IpariTyU tb. Amm Cas. a ia tkraa. tk Camn Out pk'"V kifk Star. tor. krt. Ik. doaVaO-at ap-ta k. h iK aoeair. a tiraewkaerfc.oatkaHMoayAairaaa 4i,UJo. .. ,1, ,hea l tkar ta plead rrpirry, lUM iaJcnrnt ial wi rolerea arai aiaa. ia Vi,.CASit:r;.,:'' It 'ml I as " la altaaW, a ia mtmtmmi . . . . r a Tjpnofi a au 4vt.v WWra W kaa, aad htm It laeW M y . T-At aa ail aVt aUtaaaaaa akarr. YaM?!? M'tMyra are tiaiirait, wkiah amy kt kal lk WM traaa- VrwVra - n i m -rk . L- a. a "." ar - r ana aaja j awa aj raaBna aamaaaa. A Ira anaa frma lit Miaaiea. T 'JNU HA XXtH.CC. C. Priee Ad. fl tS riJll BHItV'rUt" riwaeptnr. LoaaaVarK. W C Jaae l7. Utfc- -p State of N'orth-Oarolina, f a a a IV-4HI no iracK '""t ft k. H. BoyxTur.r7 ! 1 : Jdthat Thtpta, aomr I fraaa tka cetaic af Mt- bound, do. do do, do. du. do. obt. GarTia,aad Cl- Ubea Katan. y kia ifc.altat l et- .joining IWni. Ua- k j Katoa. J Libera, 10th klareh, J Kobt at ,ary trd h otlicrj lUwnt and ( KnaU J Notice.,:' ; . ' Theae indebted o tka tabaaf.kaa Ttnin I tamtk Immeiliai py aura( M 1 k o" Saott, a he daly aataoriard U native aayaJa aed rrant diackajrea. - - VM. t.TTILU4Su. . May IS.HC8 . t4fr rii'isaJ Bill. Ilo. I r JVotife. : I mn T il Tffr tnh.aiTki . f , -; - ..." y , n-rt tor a.M iiaj. ir, 1 wnMl. i m.t.aavorlh of :aldik;2 taii j fire liimlrarf -tfj-itti atioat ea ktaifJTJ ir.. j. a ui.j mri paa ml f-Traadi ij - : tih SH -iV' .loeai-r'. W orkt, io. Ho'lin't Ancient Hitliy, do GU'er'l Greece, do- M'l-nn'tTaiiiUi, do. P'lltareh, do. Jow-nhna Workl, do. Burierwor'ti't CnnrotHianee, Prowo't tJoncnn'Hnce, Fm'' Bihlei, and a complete Minrtment of Osteal and F,r jluh sohnol Uookt. Jllso, an FAepnnt Assortment of Cona't'iiiR of 'Coral. Ie-'ium,and Itemi Dra ine 'airtsr. brtt ''. anmmon Kooltoap Wriliie Paper, best quality Knglitli hot pirated Vrllu", a;-. Pnat, do. b tt N en-ii'.-n Americai. do. Qiuilt of rarioua nnnl-tiet Ink Wink Powder, iferi and ScilttiK Wts,liikttanilsand Sni'illloxet, riety of I-a-li"! and Gonlleineiri Ptieket t'ookt and Walieia.iilerani4 nlnled Pencil Can , Ad diaon'iewr p;intwl Pencil Caae, Bodge iV patent Ken and pocket Knifea, from I to 8 bladea, R liah Durable Ink t arran'. il) Heevot genuine 'int HoXt. Orawiif Penciltlt Paint Hruttie. 8wisa Cryo, Caaet of Aiaihiniatieal Intuu- meata, Saivevinr i.omp, to foie ciiamt Sealea and OUidert. Slatet and Slale ino ciln Back Gammon Boxea, Cheisboarda ami Cbeu men, Utet, white, red and blue Hacked, brtt quality Kagle Playing Card, Potket Te'eaooprt j Gentlemen' Walking Cane, with and nhout Swonlt, and many fancy articles too numtroui to mention ' ' An atortmeat of BLAKK BOOKS ia alwayi kept on hand, roarte by himwlf. aud cf the bett materiala. and IIOOKDIM INU earried on in II ivt bianehet : - , P. S. TeMher and Cunntry Meralianlt can be aupidied, and liberal diwouot will bealtow- RAklgh, June 8, I888. ' . Charles Stuart ' , Betpeetfullv give ootlee ta the poMie, that be hat opened a a tore on Fayettriille Street, in the ft of Kaleigh, bi Ihe boaaea reerrlly oocu. pied by Joha Stuart and VVm. S. M'K.aia as ucli, where b bat tow oa hand a very general aaaortmeot ot Spring and Summer Goods, aarefully alted by Kiiuaelf n Philadelphia ai New York. Hi will alto keep a reneral aatort ament Of: ,' I . . t Groctritt and ilardvcarti . AH ofwhieh will be sold low forCath May A, 18?C. ' I9f Jailor's Notice. Taken tip and eominiltrd to the Jail of New Hinofpr oonntf. on the ISth day nf March laat mtilitto man axmed HP!1 BY. abont 1 yrlr oltl f reel I t Inahe high, sp" aay be raroieriy kemnwofl to John JlfuIWn. of Farelteville. N. C. -who told hi-" to Jeremiah Smilh and Akmand r Burvell. ' Ppeeulatort fr-ni the Moth 1 be ownera are n-queit'd to come lor ward, prove property, pay charge, and talc aaio teiiow a CHRLES B MOIBIS, Jailor. ' Wilminstoa, N. U. May 4, ISS6. SO-tf Prtaiia Blue P.rerorit PaaH Aah Pearl Barley Pimento Pink Knot Pbo'phaie Iron Suda Photphorua - Pilltuaorted PI -Her ataortnl Pill Boxra (Jiiatii liiickailTer Him -trb Roehtlle alta i'uatler Rest Im', Ued Pi-ecii iiate 'S'.mi.'lera Roll on Stooe 9 .ft'mn Stijr-i gul IH'ircii Sulirm- Quinine Sa'l Pctrt S;il .KiMlut Saraaparilla .S i.la Howdil-a Sain ""Ciunmony q . 1 1 1 a S-'i-na S.iake Hoot Sweet Oil Starch SulpUnte Zinc Sttjrr Lefid Sponge Slyrax Sraslts Stndrae Stone Hchi e Soapa aaturtrd Senlint; Wax, red and black Spanish Bruv Q Stoughton'a fi.itrri Sweet Spirits Nitre Smelling Dattlet Spirit iiarttlioi n Lniiinder ' Minilereri W ine Turpentine Camphor Pal Soda Tapirea Turpentine Venice Tar Barbdoira 1'artar r.mc-tie Tooth Powder Turmeric Tine-inn t auorted Uva Urst Unilter Turkey Valerian Vermillion j Veriligria i Venitian Med Wine Cok'hicum A uliinonj W;ftra Wax, white Whiting hite Lead Zinc Paint Ornahri Yellow Ochre Window Glatt Gl vt Fumiela Aii.uff Pnimt Lint 1 Mruthe Pill .S'iabt Co-npotitioo- Mortar i.d IVniIra I'Ii hU attorted I'miiitei-t Klattio Itonn'ifS Sj ringe ti vsti-r Pipe Urinals Truw t o in Instrument Viin l.nici'U i-n ,' Crown Lancet P im Oil .Vuekmg Pijie Xipide 6'liellt Pucy oi k Glata' Furniture assort td Ink Powder Black Varnish, See. etc. Mei. James Sl.eppjrd k others John i lltoant Jame KnaU T appearing to the aalisUciioo of ibe Cnort that Jaiuea Unill, oea oi ine iinrunn w. . ih suit, resides bet oncl the limits of (hit i Slate, so (kal oroccaa cannot be letitd On him, t. . m the aiL.tfaclKMi ot the vonrt, nr.Srl br Hie i:.-urt tint iiuDiraaiton ooi iL.i !.. n.-irmliait in lliisea era not rvtidenUi f)r ninetT d.t s in the italeirfi Siar, "hat .1.. tUuntion is hial-br. of this State; it ia therefore or-tere.1 that pea-' nie tlte ail Ja nes Knoit apear at the next . bousea of erery kind, altiU be wi'J '2 liaatinn nf the iriaoeney of Ihia tut be made in I xm of aatd Cnnri, lo be held at Ihe Castrt ' f0. or arr roe I or cash tba Raicigh Str faf aix week anee-tie!y; and House ia Greennlle, in th coontj ot fut, oa UtatMntea. the defendantt appear st our next ,oe Mondty in September next, and aiitwer Court of Pl-atand Q iarter Seationt to be bckl lbe aoropuiiot tt f.irtli ia aaid bill, that jodK- 1 for tire eoaulv of lireene, ai ne i,(n nnu ment will be taken pro COiHeaao agvinat mm n Sno Hill, on Ihe neoail Monday in A ognat j lera,. . ' I aMlMn tlia itA 1 . . - .m a a a a aesi, n,i snow cu: o '" i Witness. Walter llaarahaa. tjierB ana aiattrr of said Court, at office, the 4th day of April, 1826. " W. HANBAHAN.C.M E-l8-3m org roe I ( .Inne 30, 1 1 JR. ! will be hear I et parte, and Ibe prprU letiert 'on com le innU subject to the plonillTs demand, ad a in ioi-ni entrei1 aeooeomgiy . H idiesj, Hi tia n H'ilUamt. Clerk nf said Court, t uifiee.Uie seeomt Monday or May, A. D. IViO. WM. WILLIAMSCIk. Price sdv. gS SO i-f" tutCt of North Carolina, 1 Grtne County. ' Court of Pleas and Qajtrtur Sessions Mjr Term, 1825. y ' V l lu.lieial attachment le- : Jos'-j.h I hipp'B, ' is Itoht. (iitrria and Bet. set lilt wife, alia Bet sey rUsuu. trie. I on a tract of land. descended in Ins wife fro I'.a estate of St. K iheo t-'ato-i, deceased ij 1'1,'m llenjsiuin Kason ,H oihei-s. mill March j S. Taylor. Hhf. It appearing to the smisfarlinn nf the Court that the def-ndaitt in tliin cat -are not residents if this M ilej it it the itt'ore nnlerexl that pilhli caiio t of ill - pend -ncy ot iIiih mil b- ninile uliic It ! it'll u.ir for six -eek niectsslvely j and that unlet ibe dl'i ndnts appi-nr al our next Court of I'lras ': Quarter SeisNis to he held forth" eouiiy of (ir ene, af the tnnrt iiinue in ino !ii!l on the seend Mnnour in HK'it next, tid sh -w cause to the contrary, the cnute will be heard exparU', and the nrtipcrty levied on co-ttieriined, subject lo the plniuliiT't dtinSnd, ami a jti'lmetit entered accordingly vitiisi, K'illiam IVilliamt, i.h-rk of raid Court, at office, the tecund Momlty of May, A. 1) 186 WM. WILLIAMS, Clk. Price adv. g.l Si) -Gw JoriN SIXCLK10X - Land (or 8icl.".'.,J THE aHibacribcrinteodintfUfrinotatofla) weatem country, it induced lo otter for ula the place wbereon he nt present !!, Pranklin county, seven tniie ponh of Loa burr, and immediately n thelhtwroad I injf from that town to W iiriamsborouRo, a. I taming three iminlred and ftfy fr . more or less. I ill UainUome and heaJik, itnalioi, ufili rAmfnrl A .ImmII:...- i. ' r.nnrt t,fPIt and Quarter Sessions i ..i ; - - -v I n ..w.v.r uill UWIStlt a btate of North-Carolina, Edgecomhr. County. i May Trm, 1826 Charles Wilkinson, Uri jainin Wilkimcn, SiUs Wilkinson, Jaasc :v Knight, ant t.ditli Ilia wilt: Laiuoo Dunn alio Polly I bis ifc, Levi, SHy, Joshua, Jhhn and ll,-linda Wilkinson, by Itenjainiti V il kinaon. tlieir Goar'in f i.exi Irinn', Joal and Benjamin W liilficld, and l bina Nelson, by llenyarain hiliicld, her Guardian aud next li i hd, is Jesse . Mnriist and Srali his wife and I o Amanda M Wigemt. J It apjeiriuK to t!ir satitraetioa of 'tlir Court, thit .Irs' Morris and Sarah bit ile, me imt retjtlenla nf this "tatci it is therefore ordered that publication he made in th Star and Siaie aptte six weeks, t'i; t u:,lt ss the tr.nl Jess-- M irrisa and Samh hit ile nipcar lit the next icl, his Ion ' uui't 01 rlciis N W"HH'T aesriont to br he 10 fur the L'miiUj tif t ilR-eo-nbr. i.t tl well watered, and dap'd to ihe culture if Cotto Corn. &e. and would make dcairtbit residence for persona living in the lower pinj of ihe Sta'e ilunng the aummer irnditll mon li?. T'ie tima will be. accommnUttinf. and made known on application to the sub scriber, on the premises. ' . ' j WM. 8. KKF.rtLIL, .iprti 'i. i.'o. 17-11 2- I Ran vay :f From the snlncriber, litivp; twrlre mitriaa. west from l!slei;li,on llie night of the Sd.itit two nefjro men, father and on, the former k lontl'ms to ll.e subscriber, nd the tatter to 8t p!i, n Lowe, t'lie oldetl negro is named Man. iui hu is nbou 40 rean oI kcb. vellow comnlHt teeth ueiirly all (leeaved . and iiw. i rv knoek-kr.ei d wlion ho w..tk ll .ru.i Court .with him the l'nlliiuj-Mt.)lliii, ; , 1. .... .... I. .i r .. " r--" Mnnte in i ,rnr...i!.i. in. in iuui... .woniniy ni cloti, coat, h pairi.rgrcyf and a pair of hit uguti next, and aoawrr to tin; petition, il will 1 pnntiloo!, and a fir hot, entirely neaj al.it iT II' li' " - i "t i tr a f t iic hi. W itness. M I i A I L H K A WN, Clerk of the said Court, the tnuiih "onday ol May, I8ir( M1CI1L. llfciARN, C. C. Price odv. S3 50 ' eS f-w State of North Carolina, ferson County. Court of Pleas and Qmrter Sessions- March Term, 1826. Isaac Satterficld - Original attachment levi vs. ted .n a trtot of land, the Ricliard N Tilman.J property of the defendant It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court th ii t'i" defendant in lliu suit is not an iiihahitiiiil nf lti;s State; it is therefore ordered by the Court that publieaiion he made in the Rat. igh Star for three weeks successively, ihat unlets the defendant npp. sr at our next Cnort, to be heh! for this county, at ihe 'do t House in Uos boro:i;'l!, on the third Moutivy in lune, then and there lo pletid or replevy,, that judgment final will be entered rmntl him. JKSSB DICKENS, C C. C. Price adv. i5 25.3t Oplers from Physician I and Country chaiill will be promptly attended to KaViu-h, June 1(1,1846. 5 Notice. 'V .i e rnmi tted to the jnil in thit county, on the Sd instant, a negro mn, by the name of N Kit, who says be belongs to a man by the name of Daw son, of Georgia, bt formerly belonged to a Mr. Key, of Princess no county, Virginia. He has been absent ahmit two year, i about 60 year ot age, am! h lost nearly all Ins teeth. 1 he owner can have him agiiu, by proving property and paving ihe charge. W M. V RinOICK. ShfT. Gates eonntv, 17th May, 1826.- iS.jSt State of North Carolina, Greene. County. Court of Plm ami Quarter Sessions May Term. 1826. 1 Judicial' attachment I levied on a lot of land, descended to him Ironi the ttlate o' Sirpheu y- Hon, deed, jnining Itieiijaruin r ason, and others, March loth I 18-6 J S Taylor, Stiff. he saiisfacti. c of the t ourt, vs. Seth hason. It appearing to Sheriff's Sale. Will be sold, on the .Uttilny of July next, at the Court Hons in Sraithville, Brunswick county, or at much of the following lands aa will be sufficinit lo pay the taxes for the year 1824 nd costt of valuing, advet tiling. Lie 80') acres of land, king on Livingston ('reck, joining the lands nf Moore and Rowell, now or lornterly owned by Hooper. a., 800 do. ly ing on the Vorlh Wett River, be- loiijring to the estate of Opt. Wm Hall. 500 acres, lying on near Hood's Creek, belong ing to the estate of Jame Villi. i v A. GALLOWAY, A'hfT. June 12, I8J6 M ,S-7w Notice. plaid Clonk, striped with green with tlerm ioit. Uomuhn Ins another maik, wliieh will ren4tr it easy to identify him, if- he is examined, via.' very large sctir on one offal les. I hereiskat litfls tloubt tlint said neirro baa a eoottdcnldt turn of money about him, and may tberefarae den voi- tn pas for a free, man, a was the ease bout 19 year tinee, when he raiuwaj, took with him free paper and wAsuuied Ihe ( C L'havU. ' ; ' ' The nthcr ia named Wjlit.U t bout IJ years old, rather of a lighter complcslion Hatw his father, and is a very likely boy SU negro has no marks aa la reeollceted,,but toak sirhst with him coniiderably woro.a new'taa Mrt maile without wiialhauda and with no lUevc ae collar Ijiitlona, a mixed coat aud a pair tf wbUe cotton pantaloon , . ! !t I will give a reward of RIO if they re skea within the county, or 23 if taken oat cf lk county, and cni.fined in any Jail an that I (et them again. , JAMES L6W1S.'; Wake county, June 5 ' 84-tf ' On the 2ml Monday in A ugust next, will be sold, at Nash Court-Houte, in the town of Nashville. M. Carolina, so much of the follow, iug Tracts of I .and as will be sufficient to pay he tax due thereon for ihe year 1824, and cost of advertising;, given in by the following persons, lo wit: Acres. '.lias Boon. d Jno. for Jo Ward. 4 I naei-' estate, S43 4 '".William Stricklio. Purson Kemp, Allesou I'm. ell, lesse Braswell, Moses Han-ass, Kemp P. P. Hardy Morris, James Moote, "Unj Williania, William Walker, .1 roe Wright Dai.iel tVoodward, John f iKndy, JQ ACIIES, Arnal .Mrieklin, Bennct Sellura, Thco. Stri klin. 575i Larzous iStricklin. 7 297 150 57? 50 4351 J3tt FOR SALE, AT THE STAR OFFICE, . NORTU CAROLINA ' v 2K7 28.. 300 no 51. 291 that the ibdeodanl in this o.ise ia not a resident I William Tuvathan, 56 ol lh' State, it i then-fore, ordered ihi.t i.uhli Wni Carpenter, G6 -' cation of tle pendency ol this tint be u.-de itrl J "'nmon' htirt the Haleigh Stae for six wei kt, tui c sbivt.li j Vlary Johns , n, and tbot urdest the defi-ndant appear at our ntxt lesse luhnson, Court Of I'luataul Quarter Sessions to he held ! John P'-rry, . for thee tinty of tireeue. at the Court House in i "e"jinin llice. Snow Hill, on th- second Monday in ugust next, and show e use to the contrary, the cause will be heard ex pane, and th property levied on condemned, tubject to tba plaintiffs dtmaud, nd a judgment en'ered accordingly Wilaess, H'tlliam H'iUiami. Clerk of s-id Court, at Ut&ce, the second Mondiy of May, A 512 70 101) 349 3001 , FOR . fl 1826, Containing Astronomical Calculations, 'mr till0 r'm'm 0 frt r rr nlatua e. rwi aTtnftrt fjf Sampaor, Stricklin, JOo . tllq Sun an(j M Pha5eg. the minf, wZm I uf' "o He,t,in and -outhingof the most conSpico KiJchen 97 ! ,P,anets d fid Stars, state of the Weather, 'ai-bo ud Howard 128 't,,e '"C'CMe, decrease and length of dsj llaroion 'oward,' 580!rc,1Klous Festivals; Miscellaneous Article; Jeremiah lones, 1 5t '.;sel'iil Itecipes; Anecdotes; times of Iioldinf John Lewi. eoo the different Courts in the State; Litis oft! in dhert lwis, 200 oflicers of Government of the United State! w i'.liuin Hariton, I and of North Carolina; Members of Assembly Franklin, 106 ! and of Conpress, &.C. &o '; ' I Wpbin Anderson, 400 whidl wi be so,d wholga,e kni vS, A Jacob Barrett, 5 ! the usual hrices. ' U Whiir' In Orders from Country Merchant. J Thomas AmisHon. 300 otllers Wl11 be promptly attended to. '.a higah Atkinson, 7 U 182ft Price adv. g3 50 WM. WILLIAMS. Clk 25-6w ... State of North Carolina, v s Wayne County. ' Court of Pleas autl Quarter Sessions Maj Sessions, 1826. Britton Hood aud wife" h . and John Cox and wife Pet,t4 ' review and ., , rt . I et ande the Probate Andrew uass, wm. Committed To the jail ef Jobnaton eonity , on the 6th mat, I of the will ofP.dw.-d Haa and other, heira . "ate Ot t ayi.e at law of Itiehard 1 otiJ' "ti Bass, and of John j ?," Jlnitl of said Basa. j ""''d Bs It appearlne; to tba Court, that of the defen. dants, Tbnma i-i vte and Klixabeth bis wife, William Jncotit a ' Sally hit wife, and I'd ward Baas, who are i h en ami heir of Kichard lltat, retide ia l nesaee; and that Uriah Bat. ; Mary Baas, Bettey Has, Sally Uass, Ann It ass, ;ivexin nasa, ana itscnam uaaa, wnoareehildren Lands not given in for the year 1824. Acnks Kannev Malten, 40 look in t Hieet H.'i Merrill ellars. I(K) Crawford Hopkins, UiiO .ll.aMI.1. 11.... : ft . . r. . thee tnrmiMii .one by -the name of MAT.f i t,uWiaUm be madeh, ta. bur koul .. fe.th.gh, one by the name of D Win, plmHihed 8i,eij.hi weeka. aUonifive feetteauiohe. high, both dark com- titht liud.nl.Tpp.-.r ,0 Zk peUlion .Vthe MirXroa. each af whom anneara in atutteri one o. ..... ..1 i"-ine AcBEt ".an si I Bradey for 18J3 it 184, 22 i.ewij Bradi -, dec. for Ifcfi t 'Si4, 'iOO SAMtH't W W VICK. . Fonntr Sheriff of JVath Vovnty 22ad of May, 1826 23 10 Price adv J7 87 Sherift''s Sale. Will be sold on Monday, the 24th July next, at the Court House li Columbia, the following lamia, or.so much thereof as will satisfy the taxes due thereon for the years 1823 and 1824, aud cost of advertising: 100 acrea, supposed to belong to Joshua Ar nold, on the South Pork Creek, joining Daniel Woodland, for the year 1824. 6 acres Land, given in by James Owiut, for William Appt'gale' heir. 100 acre land, given in by Joshua Alexander. 1J4 du do do, by Mire F Trnit. , SOOdo do do by Thomas William, fur Nailian Aoaly's heirs. ' ' S60J acres land, given in bv Isaac Haisel. ' lIS-iBY ALPXANDEH, Shtr. Tyrrell county. May 3, t826 ;. 83-ftw Price adv. gl 7$ Jailor's Notice. f.her by tJie name of JI M, about fi ve I Taken on a..d committed lo the Jail of New riHieriflMO- tetskxis of thi Court, at Waynesboroaeh. "n"!r eoonty, on the I at lost, a negro fellow. Icet sis men. an thc third Monday of AntrastMKt.ortbesatua n!D,ed WILLI AM, about 88;em old and very uat.eife,oi ake eoaniy aboai 10 milea Irom W..m aWaV - . wimiti v. in" wvrr p-trcuaacu anon imw f v - n urvtTQ fiw si c from HtJji L. Marshall. The owaer is p ii. t .a HW",k .Md.h.ft.r...J , i w aw e. rngn; ann iron. appe.rs.1M een oi tnein are j,, bf ukw Mtostidefendanu: abml tweatvertweatv on, veaiaof aret whotav i J..T ."""'"""o', ,l..r kelnowlo t:.rw. Il.dinw Pr.ra "nf' Italrfk. ,""y " " ""'"TJ j B . ... , ebarrea, and take them away. A. S. DALLEKGEU, shff. June 1, 1826. 8J.3t PRINTING Neatly execated it this Office. Wake Court House, who told him to Mr. Beck a Speculator, and ran away from him the 3d day when oa bit way to the aouth The owner ic reqneaied ta eorae forward, prove properly, pat enargee, and take taid fellow away. CHAULES B MOHRIS, Jailor. Wilmington, N.C.May 4, 18215. SO tf No. 6, FOR JUNE. MUSEUM Of Foreig.i Litcrhfiirc and Sdence, hjutt published by E. UtteU, AjniktyM. i coaiTsirrs.. ' - v' " Portrait i.f John Jay. Lieutenant General Has- Richard Church's Pefr tonal Narrative of the devolution at Patera in the year 1 820. From ihe Monthly Mtgs. zine. v ".' An introduction to Entomology. From the Monthly Review. - ' Nam! skeioh Book, or tlie Servioe afioat n ' Ashore. From Blackwood's Magazine. J. The Vendeun ' From the ta e. Th Uanry Law Prom the Quarterly Rb'? visit to Maidtra. Pieiu a late English ra licjtion " 4 ' i ; sketch of DoniiVtea From the rne,i 1 ' llialory of th Vau-loi- Fiwn the ty Review - -- The Song of the Curfew By Mrs Uem From the Monthly Map-.aine.. ,' African Discoveries. From the Quarterly v view. . . ' ' ' s V- Woman. From Ackerman' Repotiiory. Catherine of Laueaatr r. or th om-nameM Toledo From La Belle A sseroblee ; A Twishl , Reverie.,, From- atkermsa positrirv a : Journal of afravellee on th Continent- r" - the London Magazine'.- ." '- f' 'J The American r'orett-Girl. A From IMf"!, Monthly Magazine. - i Misoellanrous Srleelim.--Attorga brJM Aneieat Loogevrtv Tatao's Omn" rOa I)ante-tOn the Uamaaaus Gs-r, the iHraascus vSword blade Mr. B" re Teleaeape. ' hv Literary Intelligence. ' " 1 . BLANKS 4, of every doseripUoi. tor ! t fBe"

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