ft- A icrJat's wa rtcetJ Irodi C ri, rrffm;- u ft !ct jat rw iltca so aclj tf the 0rrwr Mv ,.( srt!atr j tnoenJmrtiUf l JaUitatioo of C-e UaittJ Sulfa, k-l ,taTeT, ttJ aJkir j lh coacurrrtsce fthi Hou; u)t.U. ttofotioa tf Mr. tkher, wailiiJoftthft awji. , ; II r. Morrl.e! prctwitrl th pctibott f EirtshefU yr, tir of Ma Dner, fCaiiroftf.praTin lU diirodfrtiii er aiJnJ; . r4-tbil refer, is! to tV ctMnwittrw of Durvt ft4 Al- amotion of Mr. Wrtuii. lha biU ruidi h eten!ij inlnxUcfd fur lter rx IM tiat tf lh anamal tr.ee tiuj of lUt lenerai AaeatMr, committed to L;hm of tlm whole House; ftttd MrJ4fwlaad prcritrti inn pennon f Nitnroa Uif-n-d, rtyi f "j1"; ilr lo erect a site; wmI Mf'owf. r urrr, thepulaion f Wm. Duwltng. irayms to' AaUtority to erect two gea; illicit taw rcferrtt. to t.Ut fommitUt T FrvpoiiCions and Grif ranees. ' , Monday, 'Jm-mtry'X Mr. WhUchural prentrd flie peti ioa of Elix II. Cot, tf Crten, pray to be Jirotcftl from Uef . ItusbarMl r,.?nacll Cor. rUferrcil to tlio com-nnti-e'iif Iritorce and Alimony. Th) fuUowin; bil! wete presented indrcad 0e first time: Uy Mr.&wpp, rmk 4iVwtAyHwrair the Ceafttj and superiuf Court tf Lincoln to receire pay lr their semcea; aian, smn io no-yir Joseph 'floajton, tf Iredell, to e rect gatca aciost certaiii roads; by 51 r, Stratfe, ft bill to atrthoiiae the cotnmis Moneri of Fay ettevillo to elect ft pcial iuUc fur laid town, and to amend tlta 5th section of he act of, 1821, entitled " An act lW the better r eolation of Uio tuwn of Fayette ville? by Mr. Aleiaft der, fttilMo aroe hd the act of 18I5,in ocrporntilixthe town of Cl.arlotte ; and by Mr. Cootrcr, a bill.tn repeal the 6th aeo tion of 'iV act of 180,, extending the jurisdiction of a sin'u justice; and a tnendina the several law in force rela tive tu tJie recovery of debts before a Justice of the Vrace. . , , vv Ttje fullowmj potittons were present' ril. and deferred. tHe first to the torn- .... . . Ti w i .. .ii.i rii.iAiiAi..c' mi lice or i ri ihiivmjh u uircnuni and tnty.twrt last w me vummiuee oi . - I . v . . .t r :: r Oivorct and Alimony: By Mr.l'JNair, tljftpclitiQ!! of David Stanbnck, of Kich trtond colintj, prajine to be exempted fi-nm tli nnvment of the tax itoposedon 4 pate erected by bm on a public road; by NLf . Tprrence, he petition of Mary tJaltlwen; oi Iredell countyi ami oy pur. EdinonstoH, fhe-pettttoa of Susannah JcndelLof llaywood county, prayitfg to ins divorced Irora tncir, r.usuanui. On motion of Mr. Dotiolio, it was Uetetvctt, Tlnt-a committee be appointed whose duty it shall be to inquire into the ex. tMdiencr of estabKshlng Medical Board for On nibhonVyair. Gary, tt was' r . neto!v?t, .That so much f the Governor's Message as relates t a welt regulated and ef fiok.it patrol, Uncrcase of priviliges, Jligher uenalties for nefelwt of duty, and a proper re muneration, be referred to the comniittco ,bn tthe Judicirv.ft ' -' ' " ' , '- On ftiotitnf Mr. Alexander; it was ifceh'r.Thtlt tho Judicial committee be istnieted to intjiiire into the expediency of !) amendms tli laws, with regard to ivonst. iilca, as to ensure ma more- speeoy.xouec. tion and payment of debts placed- in Aeir Jnandsfbr colleon'i;V.'?.y.' "V .; ;' f' I The bill' to incorporate spnngneiu cademfrin "Hertford chanty,: and ab- l-nlnt trustees .thereorwas read the se ;ond and third tiitiesi and ferdei'ed to be enrolled,lv:&X:-f? V Mr; Ma hresentetf ' tjiepeti'tioii if (.iijalj Pope playing tii bejdivor ccd rout bisW ifteferrctoetnmilr; efc of D-vorce;and Alimony, -, MrNewlafl'd presenter; the rtitinn jfif, J4id'.y iiist';at.4 oiht rcitlzeti of Jiurke coutity, praying; to be reuiieraV ?d futheir labor, in opening a public road, nnileratklifdct'iit Court ' said froontyi J Uffcrrewi tfrlha 6mmtlBe o hnteifttt.wtrovetent ' Mr.i SwaiHt m-esVfiieda .letter;. Trotn Ueoi? u. liHiiips; ot lluivcouiijc'tounty tl By lnmTclativ? ; the cnmnmoicav hinn of he fgisrature -of Verinohf oit ',lte sui.je,ct,of iaverv; whicii was not pvsaa.Ma. On hiqiioti of Mr. Jon'esf of Warren, ttciofvert, That'th'e-JtuViciary. commKS.ee cnusiM u. suvi-n, nistvaci- w hve members, s Aqiiired by'iBTUks of ilie' Ilouse," aiwl that lie toiiovring gepviemen eompose the corrt nittceMesws. Joneivl.of Warren Iredell, .uepparu,;3pnui, atranKc, aetiieond Swain. : .Messni.'llain,,riloiin1, Oatcman: ..Torii.iu.ii and Miller ere appointed the committee ou iiulary Aliau-s.-- . - .'-'- '). ''rTiesday,'Jtm aV A messase f)m"the Senate. BrohoVn, ,', allot to nai ww for a Judge of the Superior. otjna, supply f he vacancy occasionea by ic vs:riatiuii f Judirc Kashl and stutinif hat 'M'iUie 1?i Mamrum til In nomination: Uich was not sgreed to. Mr. ; Strange. prtsenteI the .certificate of' ie Countr-Courtrf Cumberland, in favor of pabella Campbell: tthicli vul ordered to be V)untevsigive(l by jhe Speaker. ..'' .r. ijarnar) presented a bjlUo amend the t Of 1S24.- pntract with'Jcremiah I and for lie' pur- nae :ot a p.we of land Aif the use and i"f. . CurTUucL eruntytand Mr. Sharp, Ptojatnbfi New Jkipe Academy, in -combo .couhty, d. incorporate the J which rere setid the first t;m. - tin tne. sumtrcyu me iavs,ein yi"ga it j .enoesi vllteferred o, ihl comHiiUeVaiiV era pee tia cciCi j:n of law bo njx M 1 1 iinrmttj, m irw at nr. a wbch wltni te Vewnh ft pet sn-uirj cu a , Mae Spaakft. . ' cwiH'y ti tU tuK.t, pritiAy. ili crtd I Ut,tiZZ . (,-ciWU .ivTj a-dswoU,. t 0 CMkHVi (UrtlniU.- UMaiilliBaiwiMf tourf r. couaier reed by ' Tut Judsufy M tairwct4 to Inquire lata Uc' ftd wtprdWey ft prwJie by ) k 0. ar- Tsnriar. rrvia wr the Wiho atalute f North' , Carotin, ewaameetinr; waft rxrdol to Mr. nui.gr rY.Jrowjton, pmrtrtrd a bill rri d tSe Vtrawtd rwukrfki. that attb-p . vmi-uui t. epelemental to eat, ewtilkd A act J. concurred in, and Jlraiwa. Milt f , Cwert, T:u 0tir. of IdrKkL . , , . k ; cawirnMnr the taU txrmu dinr Vf ilminno,' iumrt of Tarn. Uort LtA. ' . ; Xmtier wlkbwm m.t tU 8nt t-.wil Imtoll Cm, jptnfr4 Um ii i ' P t- .N - !r. hm IK.. rforfH to th couit m the iMkot. , emnm.tuo mm Vt paft of tl.- Htwae. - Euu rT? ftWva kU jt . ' Mr. Koy prrrtej Ufl to oiMad IU oct ' Oo okKioii f Mr. Jane Warrta, Mrar. ' ir tio Uv1 iu-itt tm.k rt iU Soraianl of 1519, to f roTcnt tho (raa-iWM frwrmt; UrUo on1 t'wlior vtr aiJctl to Oto JttJlcU- !!. . TU Um f tK nfroAcf frftatfer '.ltUoa. McfrrreU to tht Judiciary CO If wftnatloa. . " - 1 ' ' "eulor. fcr bm Jo vrfy. Arca.W A met f IK. totter tbrt'oth.WefWttiHpoa.uiof UJcoo- 1,. W-..k. W iaJ U wrdi-T of the day for Thontdaj J ay fbnm tho Library committee on tlieir raw in U County Courts was reeoaderrd. " 1 part. Messrs. A. Moure, Iredell and StiepTUrjueatiow of iudeftt)ite postponement be- pari vcro th oppoiated on H put ofinc rtUlra-n, ih bill u rcxi U occoad tbia Uooow . . i Uiue, tl hkl on lh tWo, t p. htwibihj, rwr ana Mry wtt Jd to Utt MiCury emminr. . ! . Tbo MrroHd bilt from tho Senate for the oettcr ferulatiqn of tb County Court of Kash ftftd NorUumpion, at remU lLo m tim. " -- - Mr. ElUa ftmentcd ft bill reoqirinr. the clerk of tha aerrnl OourU awt Urgntfers wiUin tbj State to kep their offices at the aourt houteo) of their mpeetiVt counties, which passed its Ust rcatliiir. ' ' Mr. Coop-- rented a b:H to tnSend the set of 1833, proTxlinr for s rercnue for the payment ot the CtvJ List atwt contingent roads, vas referred to .the committee on in-1 .....i - .J Mr, Dlevins ptesented i bill to repeal the act of last session, sllosrin compenaatign to the jurors in Aalie county. t ' ' - V 1 he following; petitions for divorce were presented and referred to the committee of prrnrceand Alimony: By Mr. Vebb, thepe titwn of MarV Greene, of Person, .Ay- Mr. Gordon, the petition oi John Fute. of Wilkes; snl by Mr, Swum, the nctiium pi Nanry CbaUsick. V... is- . :,K -t ' )r. Oonni r presented the petition oi sun dry citlsen? of Hyde county, Tyinr to be authorised to raise sum of money- by loan to enable them to cut a eanal from Malta- muskeet Lake: and Mr; Clayton, the peti. tion of JoscDR. Oliver, pf ilaywqod county, 819110; that lie. is very old and incapable f tnamUtiung Dimsclt tjy U)Qf,, ana praying that the State would grant hint a small tract oC the unappropriated lands ,n his county wIucq were referred, the former to tl)0 com mittee on . Internid tmnrovement, and the latter to that of Propositions and Grievances. The bill concerning the granting; of licen ses to practice law in the County Courts,' was read the second time, and, on motion ot M. Martin, postponed indefinitely',7"'' s ; The following bills -w-.re read the sccand and third times and ordered to b& engrossed: The bill to incorporate Uoanoke Chapter, No. 4, of Excellent and Most Kxcellent.Hoval Arch Miisonst, the bill to amend the act;, of 1834, s appointing ' commissioners ,' tb con twetvi with JeremiaW Land for 4he ' pur chase of tract of land; the bill, to repeal tti part the act of 1834,- regulating the patrol of Uit;hmond county), the bill allowinir ju rprs.in the County . and . Superior Courts of Lincoln to tvoeive pay for them services; the bill to'fttttho.ise th' commlwioncrs of ly Peaee,"aml to amen!"tHo"3Wi section of tbe act: of 182I,' for' the better . regulation! of said town and t)ie bill to amend an act, enti tied " aft act lo amend an'ac paajed ih Hie year 181J, Entitled 'an actio incorporate the town of CUiuJotte, in the county of Sleok leMburg." ' ''.'-V . ' " ' i Jt, ; ' JJilnf$dayiJan. o. V.Mr. T-ewi presented ft bill -to require conveyances of lands and negroes t be pub lished; arid Mr.. Marshall, a. bill t authorise the trustees of Spring liroye .Academy. In Ansou county, to raise 5,000 dollars by lotte ry; Which passed theif lirt reading. i . , On motion of Air. Hardy, the committee en the Judiciary were instructed to inquire into the propriety of appointing, in each county witiiin , thi 3tate,' a regular' and standing )oavd of AmlitOrs. whose duty it. shsjl be to settle and pas Cpon all accounts exhibited by exeoutorsandailminislmtort of ctuti.-i which accounts, so audited and reported upon to the County Courts by the said Itoord, sball be deemed good-and snRicieut evidence for and against nil such executor or wlmmmtra tors. (where fraud shall not appear,). in all suits t biw whei'u fhey' may be psrl'iei,jjr . in tlK-ir settlcmenW yhfi the County Courts: also the DronrietV of nHmir an act ofbmiia. i .. - i. ; ...-.fir-!. I tiotH within which -all claim for, distribute alarewf uiw etate,-or ctaims of anyntliee' .1 . . : . ill. . i........, . T. w u J a.iare.xrf any CW.ms oj any wf l-Ka kill JnH Mm T .ml tb 1,1 t- .1.. -Ii..- kr i tUc xi"..'hat scfarrf pf the bi Iredell county, to erect rate acrone certain I County Courts of Kash and KorMiamnton, . ,nur1"re Uhm about twenty .uescrtptton, Mian do roaue itnown w.uic cVi"" """r'v,' r---7;- f-f 7" . V" fy cijniura or aaiumisirstwra v suvif tsvaico,. r lift- fnnv.. kiwT"VST-!'i'...i ' ! '0tji 'tt)oon wf Wf$ei"ehtvthe same com ijuttiQ were Histructed to Intjuive mto the ek peditncjr.nf so amending acti- passed in t)e year 180?, chapter 773, directing bow person, inhired.bv' the erection of public I Mr. Greikntf''Woyctl' ttatvtW Hnil'se' aiill sliall in future proceed to recover. Uam w ocecd lo thsidti lic resoltitiorr wSvir" 8 ' extend the time for which dam agea ne assessed from fte to tei years. a Oa ftiotion'of. Mr Richardson the same committee wereinstructed to inniure expeuieuc 01 .so araenuiiig tv-w injt runaway Slaves, as to aufeject c-a air U n ama inniun t 'Kit til HrtW fniintV thisVlate armed fu the spa 5. - 't j ' ..' pn motipn of Mfr SprmK tbe said commit tee Vera also instructedto .ioq'rf-inio'lh expediency f juouipelling executor to givft seenntv inrprtnin eaaea...!'-.'.. Mr. Ellissubmitted rthe'fonowuiff' rMo tion. which Was' reiectedi :r -0, 'AhaV llutyif: L t'ilUi mittee were instructed to ipqnire into, tlie expediency of comuUing temcntary; guar- to the County Court that ttiev are inaolvcat, and arKkely to waste and sqnatidir 1 the propem- of tlieir warda,' i7 , j Jj j'. Mr. llain - presented ,. certificate -or four Justices of Mecklenburg county, in favor ot i'atsey Thompson; which was la'vd on tiic KM '1 Tr1 ffimtltnft niMMiJ a 4i;lt -Cniinlpil nn B petition, to aniiev tiart of Stoko U David. . . ., . v.. lllu Ml.", --- 1U111 ciMltitvt which- ti0yhia-'ittitfcf nlition and twd counter pet.t.o... presented'by Mr. ,1, " ... . r. , ,1 JUlVe 1 llCI III Slum www U l a rercunai lyraHV Mils Teceived m. thia. House after; Monday v ,tilb;,.4BiaPt of Utt induyt pareut, willing the mt,iMjfXtb W andfrrjii?. iHt.hope tlie'. best for the ' n knot uin'-AT M." Fnw. tbe- 'iiidiciarir com- firinra Let the freqwit-wiewl ofyoHremt- Sheppanl, was reiefred to the committee o.,,tttrc IV """v v Premonition acd Ur;crf?es.: 'tWif frtcj tt tuioft 21: iihci tura t n uir coaar( wfrtm j ta turn, u la warp see M cRiviiw lt j 0 f - ve - jAfcrrcJ to U homM nf AfTVJ lb rewoUtion ream Ih sena-lr. pttmaa.?; m; a ertri &1 a 1 . . n.anocr prrvemea IIJ worrnini- . Wa. eicciilori, a.lniiaidr&tors ol cuarxlianv ami . ... . . . Mr. U.Pp. bill i. n-peftl tlT.ct f li t., J? rf U" If chapter 14, Uirectme the Count Cwint to thori4 by t L.Unre to .1opt rK nm psy fres'to certain o!Bccr;' mliicli pa.sej f Ae(mre u he lu awa jjjk-t, Ki. U their fcrst resnlinjf -' - , " , wilt w dwUlc promptly d.nej tut ere thrj me iowmi, enro UUTrom tne Sen- peeling the allowance of claima and the ap- tr-. the bin to confirm tl Mm.oC an.1 ty U. . ritimato Alexsnder Murdoch. : the bill to change the time and regulate the uiauiter of aokluig tite County Const of Ulywtwx tne u The bill to repeal the act ef last session, allowing compensation to lb jurors hr Akhe anun?aj im fha hill t.a aaV.h n.! llr) rk J enml and tliinl nadinva. an.1 w iwdered to ui; cu.;rw9tru. j lr, W.MunsprrientedabiiirbprcAidefnr the aipport of the families of insolvents, and cue v. vu.H.iriH uiucu was t Oa motion of Mr. l ihr. the judiciary - V committee Wtre instructed to inquiro !nto the expediency of so amemliui. the existinif Uwa on divorce and alimony, as to give to the Superior Courts more extensive jurisdiction tliaq tbey now possess, ;,( Mr. Swain presented the petition of tun- dry cilizeps of. liurke knd Uuneombe conn- arfwi'r i-" 2f . tv trom narti or said cmmtir mtiih wa iv. ferred to a tmnmittee.-rant,t u7mit ij. .r.u-lrfrt;1.CKl,f close l theatf.war, has ben, ton " - - , , . - ----a, - www v swain, mw, Mn, Barnard ,ul Whitakea. ;oiS subject of tbe Murrain distemper ailwnff cat. lie; and ' Nr. nicnardson, 'the petition of CJiarles Lewisland Henlnmin Hvder. of therford, prayi.i(f for permissiu'n to turn a r,: . "r" Propositions, and grievance.; -- V"' "sir. -Alexander presented the. Petition of Jesse Stanealr.of Mecklenburg,' praying to h-, piacea oivmiio, pension Hit; end Mr. Ed- monsto!, . ihfc petion of John Gullowft of IM IrWnf th..T.i M. -it- - - .i4D .acre or the- wisoR lands adHnningJiis farm, at one dollar nee acre '"iteftmxL il former to the committee, of Claims, and thajfhasn '-talent and learning, a wcU a' other wiirr 10 in,at-on toe unerosee 1-Anoi. ' - i M r v Ale Vindst- ttiphit vorea and Atlmonv- : ' , , . . , l1 1 i i'ii i j .r-ry"g;?'"i -' fi A T T'Ti'l TT ' ' . t'- ''v'ffiri1Un''' FHtDAY MOUXIXGL ANU AftY 5, IS27. Tliere bemg nothing of miportaaceinthepro-v eeedmg. of Congre, : exe the axe of the VicK-ParsttiEWT, whleh we present to die nub - - lie, and om,' eolaias being o ergwdud with th nraeeedinraof theSlate Urisdalinyi oar reader i w'Ul excuse die onussion of a rccidw ynnpsif-f CongKesotud matter tin week. - s :,:,.- v '.;,' ... . ' , . ...I.- ,. ' . Moauay raDeingvueeoiuiusnwmcnioi anew yew, tiowrtlir UcarpH inyited U.e Member, of Anwmblj.tlie Head nf Department, aud other dwtmavishctj. gentlemen, bolli citiien. aud visi- lofs, M M0 iiovci-nroeus juunu, iu pai-uiKu t a coIIhIJoA wbuhbehad prepared" jyl tlieir enter, tuln nient" - It a a cold) -but clear day, and all, vhh due respect, attended St a suitable hour, and ! kiif flie cica reoast. vliich the'tjste Rlul liher JraCtv nf'tbe Covundp had inane at onee eleeant ;: -. . ' . . i . . ' . j - . . . - - - and luxurious.' . ..We Were' puwsed to a itneu the doi-um miuniawed. a VeH s th tood bamour ! i fn , jL. x 1,-, .-v . naws-wrai'on. The imitslliition of.JEovprnnr Burton ftook place en Friday la, inthoConv S)0rt Halt,- where both branches of the lgirfla Vurc had ansepjiled' according b umje to wit ness the olemitk of tli Kenet -: Imraedihfe-b after the oaths of oflW atliniabitered, the Qoyfvs or made the 'Ibllo wing jddWsii1:',' kind tivlidgi-nre 0 repeatedly mauift-ated, by o rculievUldo wtd intelligent a noi-dni of niv fellow- leij. w tkoan who eompo th llnture' of Iqu,. HtsW 'ZW-F&r ;.WCft.V hi'Uat I have" oftert i erred," hi" the diwshsrKC t etltcud duties; tnetf can nsno aouot. ui tn 'tf'0":' vi!akne3uJ.in flrmitkis. : I iviil then, asti-ahat been your induct towiH-d, -toe) uuenve answer una nuewraih nrw9imuuU$uM ta pwieneanow m3 . "! amir jk-.:h nleasurc and dcltzht, trace the oi hrin of 'tljelr- htipme nd . pronp'Tity, fi-om Ui'; " Y ..f .1... I .vitulilrVI. ) ? JVoff'nvr'i IlfpirtTbi interesting State iijtf ffWUl be louud in oar, solawna f to-day (Jliarm terwti nf thd Treanorer, k contain a fcur ....I hnnnt Ktiittisictti of the. fiscal concern of the 0..,-i, ,,i4i,i,h .Am Utinnrtant. thn'modert 1 - ' . . . . . . . i ugsestionsforAne eon,Kirr it oiU.e (?'- 1 1 Cn&mi of the Senat on 'tO ; . into the IV' '-' llouseof Coffwawwf--' - V - t . ' '!.. I.. .. l.b. T C.i runaway ! aOdi-e Jiir you, standing mr that relation which I rif ftasstut occunr. l aooi oonkutsr mreil ly many of our Kad'T. W,,,H,rt ,V f.V-.' , .... . ..liil;Ma.! Xi;M.t a4 Mr. Wa, 1L t:tw ' Lt .;. TIm f .Unt tlwtki ltM Htrtm : S . arr. or f..iL,-wvfa,CiTw ft. C-, f " kT tft"B v"wa.U.-J. and a Hrge party. ai4, re naJer anwa sad drtrmwrd on ar. TVr liouUKwUiSemwlvM hijo!v4,J, MHwnt, toivt'r. V.lu vba? ro ara .. 4 m , , n.. ... na We rvricd into eiRu ths rk 4! Ocath wmj , t ? , . . ' "rsua4 Kpra paws) Ovro tl y "vLiy aiUUft,eatlie way te WAk. tat Vmrinj Monuation of outrnrs comk - d by the lauiaas. . . ptleiaMi ef biti the beam of tea had Vw tlirty nyjos of Tastaloo, b AlWma ead that tUe- weonlq there, who are not stranjrrs to Sat; barbarity. . a m aro eonwtieiwate. v Si-,ST - ' -w- f-i -t -w - a Gesrt Journal of tJw SCth ujt. whirh says. Arreuuti of tnore tndian rbwe eommitted oa oqr aoalhem frontiu,' Uara txn-a Ttzvirtl with- laths past week.: The Caralrj Cmpaaiea nf V,uUi,1St0' Bat Pu"m eoanties are oalled bta erfir; under tho eommaml of CuU Everavd Ifnuilt'ia. - Tbe "three Compaak'S rm. decrausad in Milleigevaie sail martbed oa SW dafW. , , ::,? " ".' " "" 'r Tk LecrUmure of Geareia has abolitbr.d the Bwdof PftbUa works k that State. ,'.T a . .v.i.n.i i " 4it!Tjf n.vUHim- ft, a' waw vae; u vu ua sir- 1 ljtutian .ned ea Monday fcrt, andwtha McPatsTtas, raKn.l. V (nle we entertain .ne - wartne rcgaru lorwe inrmer rrmipai,wnB rMlrei iVaa As" arduous- labor of Umt statina votuntarily, 'and AiAk him entitled to tbe hiu-b- abi .. wh-h M-.M for "W yars fliitcnitrgeo tne auues as Wl Unn.tiothaiprincHialTii th Acauemy ami pastor of tt Presbyterian :eongreg-tio In lii place, we baft? grounilo beliete that tho prvient wl,M.Pmtpodnl 1, worthy of equal rtcot and confident and hope tlie laudonwiU And in , . ? T" ' . .. . .. " 0 whrt loem the oilier., from the well qualification or Ur. Freeman, whica every way kia.U in-ra-ar of youth, wa ealU'd to preaid.-, will meet wrtb ft liberal sbsra of ptrnn7i'i nd meet with the entire yurul"i- 't'000 l,'rt'0"!, If the extrem.- r-hfctnce JwilU which the people of his charge ia Salibbury parted with him, can be an additional tewimonia! nf td avr Vt asii1v Vw enm. .tfrif.MMtltf t ot,, entiUe WlB to tUJ tuUest eonV aee LMio i? ' nm ,, '" '-'.. " ,Twlay la4 being die day net apart by the Pren-. bytenan Synod, of North-Carolina, held at Fa' cevUJe IMlHt ovmie? last, a a nay oi fl"R. and pn.f Mt Almighty t,oU, for thutropenty of Chriteuiit tbe ehtttph of ai.npmin4twB lnlUii pity wa opened forpub ;nrt three apprOprhtc dicour.e we ya on aut by nduKter. from a- , , ... , - . ,v Kllmnla, ; rn-igiug with tlieir bfethi-ed. hers li tlie lolemn and intonwUng dutie of the day '(. . Cold fl'eather. Werai-ely wu iuthif eji- r'te more inteusc cold thanbak been eXpeucnced W rV ote of tlie lat week, V have not noticed the thermometer, $ut are certain, It have Ku ftnoasajly. ow; , In CharWrton, on the Wth tt Fsrenhek' tfearmameter wa dQra at 2 degree t and, in Petersburg, on the 1st initt a tlieraoinetep, on being placed Jnthc opaalr,hiuH-dltBly iJltoSO below the freez ing point; v James river wa frozen, aver a lows City Potnti nnd, a another fact to show the gene rid And excaasire toldnus of the , wither", ucb. i tlie streAgtb of tbe ice oa tbe Roanoke, -that R baa. fori'day or two, inswered tlie purpose ,of k well anehed bridge. jThe rtagei we arc informed, ' erOMed o k on.1 uedy JaiUTbl i aaweunY itane'e, (we Jn;licvef; 'wbwb ha not take' place since the year' 'sJJt'lfi V ' r -j- : k J r fftt$liiieton, Tkc,v SO. " v ft Tire vice prAsioknt: - " . It will be seen, if tie Cnngnessfooal fcro eeeding of .Vesterday," that, the President; btn Wn eompelled to address n Ustter to the timwe nf ilii-eiwotative!!, tailing upon them for; on investigation of veAain cliarges involving the hit tegriiyot -Id conduct whilst 8cwtary of VV'ai aud lliirt a select eoinmittec Ixu b(u aeeordingjy appoinU'd. - . A t'lii Huuir cunnot fiul to excite the dcepeit in terest in the publie mind, w e feel ourelve impe rioitxly called upon to ail vert to some ot'tha cir ouinxtMiee eonneeted with it. . : , ' 1'ojiiic or two iluyu past, rumor have been ia dUwtrioiiHly riivulab'il, in tin city, Uiat some dit eloiire had recently tukm plant, at the War Ue-; nai 'n;.dfply implkitiug die character of Mr. tLjiieu.'lni,ioiiity being lliu excited- 00 the suhywe were next toid that Mr. Calhouu utood f-tuu-jn, by a wriUnn d(cuniciit, mhtnitted to the S ar Dcjwilini.'iit, wah having piuticipated in Ui pi-ofiu of a oonti-art made with thnt I ijiut.inent whilst ho was Secretary of ar, mid that, In con e(juenee thereof, Mr. Uai-bonr hid .i-cIukkI to clone contract ith the pernon witli whom. Mr. tMhoun was supposed to be implicated; and that the v hole afjair would oon famwrie public. 1 'ITie neat ten mi nubltcirtion in the I'henls fiaxette of ThuMday, giving a tettre.w'rftn K. Ulix, ahthftlu!.oWealremarV..oiuM.i, aor, ti1u"-"' ,,m" " "..su Tm tj a'va4 y Ue , lit- TN JV.1 f j I a r4 r . . . . ft a4 aWMr U x wJ tvi fc,. hrws4 iH rW-r k-I ,- k . I I ; 4 W tk k j W-Ut-r . m e m. vj W iL. & . . .. . w .i ( kW. Om XifcaW k- Uvw,, atvl a.l.Mu. U4 in 4ituMla--r. - m4 ti a w taXl a-4 . Ua 4nul, M 4t-p4 la r4 la at rr mfrrer, V'? ml vrh. atl ItC ty tia of lvvr. a. i I tt r m ,4,vU a-4p an. . . . - Ta 5vVl Varitv vf aa ruinmt maa. U a ' rat; .rw u. tnae afan tptw rbarvter. Ta sv w 4 iV k- irne virw H t tap. m-nX v"t Mr. GJaowi.. ThM a a iw dv ' w-" H liU I.b Karr l lvr mm . - Mr kvlm. TVe at Sa tl el-raUar to poi. "n wbon. ilye emit) ta snanti !r-M tufrr u L .,1 .t . . . . ' In tS enHt.-y, l U ilr au t kHirui'a, C l , tl q.-pni iJr. (,'iUWnun nftKat piv andtirnlrw. -rrputafim, aha-U ki b tku-M init the , F . - - I ' w n I USUI WVWI lUiJtm . roliuntim of hH rwNucv Tke b..Id inj manly Waiiu bh VaaiUk.-a.eane 8U tihrin; ' shaaM onlhr bi-lo4 b.prr it,,. i-rhlrMl- ' rrt iSwt nn jtU i!r a)wuriiT u 'ira utvii f nib and snpyort- thrie Uattdcn, . jkeir !. ' "trun)it" not to U aUl tK.kma. la effect . nobjcet M.rk-w. . - V The twq prun put f nrH ta sapamt 0,ta ' laa.Uxare.Mi'. .U:r, and a person licntroLd - ny mr. u.ImuUi. jvnlmiin, b'ltaha m knovn bore as slr. SjH rW-e Clarke, omwrlv a pay- . miMtor in tlwi aruir, lwinuw:d by Mr... Calboan tor not havtn( sctiU-d Kia- acoouuts aecurding to taw. . . . . .-. r v. " . Wlvr Uao mrn are kn-ttrn. ft woufil he . fen t ay a w.ird in iK-rca of o-i y persm charr ed by tKia. We pirpnavhr tiUin,t thi time, ' C'flin ail cvnark on lUat wMrot, timber than to - air mm us pviwwt a letter, in tho truth of whir, tvibnr he nor hit tVknta venture ' to pir s tWIirfv a hile .Ifje dmnta, wntVr his i Und, that h Bwwrow 4h lKttrf at all. . tYe known wh-ve tDa tnith my b In thi res pott whetliiH Cbn'k luu firmed 'tlte Wtter, (aa , rharred by Mi,) or Mi 1.m 6Ud uied 1 hia - , owu act, is wholly bnmatorwl. CimniK rnnn toah ' 1 men, and in surti s lni-,' the accuutian tau v ' ' full wbb those ho hare made, it - x ' ; V "- ? '"J1 J' "' . v ?i I '' ' Tiie' fecert Conven tio'n, betVee i tit United States ind Great Ciitnio, pot- tinman end trt the Commission uodrr the 1 Treatr f Ohn't'fur Vidiudicatinir com- ' penatioh to the losers oi' properly tarr-.;' ed,way front, the- United Staffs after . . . . -. , .. . r' .. less bo- i'atilied by hinT.5 '.By that Con- . .i. i f31 f ventioti, a peciBc iHiui i awarded fur ' tc sattsfaction'tif 411 (lta dlaimsrwliich,"" is. to be distrihfed ,npnijt them by the authority of ihe Government of tie United 8tate.-XVa. Int.'-I i , - - .. '-v -. : it U.l ,t.r '.. L tT..-.ll- .V V State, and havMFJWliajinited t I that Wt br the PtTnlOrllit, M!i doubt- I .ii-flew.SJork' jTtifih-Avam -the . v iieisotH -whose iiames were implicated . fit the,1 .rceetit. indictment jo the-City" f of .NewvYttrk, AipttUesed conspiracy to defraud, "certuirt ; niuuied" Inntitutiom, wert .8ainueVf: Ghpverpeorv Esq.'ft'iKl General-Joseph G. Swift. In regard ,.V twthft foPlHef,-' noUcpvscqui waslalyf l V; enteretj hy the District Attorney, from a .-di'claiif cnUViptins of his entire inv f n licence, J- The latter -.vat,., .his own ij' re(iuesttVsepttratt'lj'. ind iintirediatetj' ' put tipoii his triul; 'Hie result of a trial r of on or two ilny has been a.trjqmph ant aqjil honorable verdict of acquittal3 rendered Thursday last.' which hat ' heed .recejyai) .Cwitli 'MiveWl latufftt; v tion. Aitf. (nf.,'J , iv ' " .' A new ipilitury station is to be funned at Suwannee, iii Florida; as a deloncft-- against the I ml utt) t - .'-v.v ; y ..jJ.w!li'Ii.tij..iix.i.iJ I ll rnut-A .Vow wltVveirtUftmtts. C7 Several Adreitisemnnu are mtoeMasHy exA eludud f e the want of rooini but tliev a n. l. t a naay be safely delayed tne week without lot to our advertising friend. a AVountr XCGUO WOMAX. v; ri,ir ih. vA- , lop Sole, A likely t56aO M VV, ao ecllcnt atonf'f'. mawn. A penmen of hi work mu hn hum. 1 IV VHiWIUKthe rock work on the Stal II ll la of an excellent dmnoution. aiirl ! .Xl r noUulf 11: i too vajiiahle to put on a. farm. The owner ha no ass. tor qiiu. A note will be ' UUep, nej;.Mible,., either at tlio- Bank iq Ua, lelgh.; Jnquii-c:of,tho.4Yintir. y 1 , " - 4 n"b !Wv..vi .-.'.ius - V 4 -.11 - , f V - i-1 a-a m u i. ir .-.. ' - 1 - - A Rl'Ti f ,'irffwrn ifi.-t?-r nrwvc .... 1 taming wflui moueyr note and otber- pper' t-" i r ; which the. owner can- vet - en application atthft'l' 2-j M y" v m.un lwv'K m)- uu auveniseinuut. w J llalcigh, Jan. 7, -tf -if jMiiisity of 3N, Csiroliua; , Th annn al meet in-i of the Trustee of the t A r iH IUVMTfltfV r.t Vfii.lU-1-ui..ll..-. ...'.ll L..1 1 .1:' .: v'J city, at the hxeeuuye Odicui on Wednesdav, thft Yi 10ib b.y of Jan, kt.t. Si 7 o'clonk,; ;;in the.'idletv'f I'Si :.'v::' vj wyiwiMi'v't1 'o nic rToniiient. - , 1, -v . CUAf. AIASLt, ceV. Jtan, 1, 18?7, , r A(k , .- ,1.-..", , ii; y -i nn L...'i i . ' oVdiimee to au 'oj-de from' 'the vuunoi v-)OUir on W undirected. W.l,.!l - ' prooreo,' oil ine prciuiaas, on 1 riil.iy, imh Juntttv.V-: 'w v!. 7 next, to l!t to the lowi-dt bidder, the buil.ling- . '.i W;;'T ot a llndi, avtr ,Sfne Kwer, ou the road lead.-Siia"!. mglrom Kaleigh, by Powell's, to Loui-burg.', "J'H i ' A plan U(oii wluin the Hruleo into bu.lu wiit'v- ''''h'i 'i v , vMkvuuj, .i .Mj;t. wmiuur. :x J4- 3.'; TitedtonjWwl, as it Is n job of viii(lrblc mav-t. , ' . 0 JOHN 1.IUOV ' - lVM S;.. ... ' THOWt AI.Sl'OS. f S . d ! II'.SSR PllWPLl. .. iv ,s r.ti v Ore, f Oil. i8;g ; r - r f --i-n.. . . f - s I- 3 ii'f .a-z-ii-....; ',1 . i A

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