r i t X 1 A. . . i i 1 1 rOKTHV. " f. . roa tub tr TU lo"rSrr Uar er - tW Will f W Ctwvs ' RS af Sarnr aownly, k 4 Murgaa'a lOnfrr ".'' fat. Lata kiU, and Ae wA lit hrrv Col Mont cMTsltr defeat: . kcw br Coi. Warpa k va!er 44 try. Is Ac mA i(;M(T. ' rwwlrA owe. ' lira. Warm ewraiapNi, , th Cc pens t . k law, ' - - ' -' ' -'' y - ' ' -J i. ktM to mall boh! atand. Whew Taltoa mx om him a ak ki cUoara baad. V- Tahon ewt br Vorra to ararch, He fuFly fetradad for t ttral t marem rVat Morn ao rrarUy kr7 ovtf his a1-", H ntwvetaew U daarer and nddea UTr-e. Jqt A a rate. tbo Brktams rfar'd, And shootr-l fur battle tn mnkr afrsidj JHrtw Milit'm, tV-ymdbrM ttaad, Ami toon tooled the ourge f At British elan. Trn Which NU'd Uioae poor cr TW tvore Border to U with gB. Km nAcd win Aetr bayooels W u u0 Onr M3kie then rsl'l". ITv Arm a Mast, Which eans'd fhooor xwutm wiwt w Tirr Ihritr Wa Act wtaketi, nd f they AJnm, -r, v; ; ... ., femi the fciwntmo of tiruttd jtm. w fcewe VeS mottotod, tlica ftjthrt chac,- . Vv '- . Awl otcrtook nr tn in At rtee; ' f : Snrmtder, iurrdt, iwr hwwtthey end, - -' Of wtH et you tad he yo nd pull dota r yowprlde.;,. ; ' ' - n . -; . ' Our trden that flay no nutrtrrt to ttr ftt rtwiT riet for fjutrtfr, tad wt lei tlem hundred lid thirty ra wimkcf we Innnd, And p-eat rtorei ot plunder were left oa the jrouad. Bme Col. Pkkint hehar'd a-ell then, ; . Jle rmlo round hit forces and rally M hi tnenf IHtraliwitbchttviourhMgain'dhim applaute, le ventured hit life in hit eountry ctut. irTlialtVtot'i Corf fof the rW-torythrn,- I ljkewiae to ola Morgan tnd hit waiiant menwv; For that day reliif d u from t dreadful blow, . And aaved our tountcy from a deaoltto woe..'. ' -. ' '' ' - ' "-; Ththkii ne to God let M OB "P tide. v 1 altoa t beaten, ttnj toriet inou nmet u 1, iVlee at a launhiojc they'l aet down and try VKb grief and vexationi tad ao let them die. , .-;;-.v. . 1 ),,!.'; : 1 ? ' VhftA' I'inllft.'.rr-f kiniUr. Fa4 PiannV'nni- eUiredaiUdon,(Engl!.wl,)ot superior tnd el- reanttone. Itwdl bettdd onmsonableaud aei vommouating terms. For partitulan, inntjke at As Star 6 (Ere. Deeember , IS20. -4 . ' j l-3t Just i-cccived at the X 'usMnntihlt Out hiu s8 tare,' ' I (hi VautttexilU St. hrtdotrtteltn, thmarket) Tti Water Proof Black and Drab Bea- f " t '.'i -."Tver HATS, wiAtnany wtltif . J 7 eles, hahrenattucaornneni af- K eomphste, and .will bo , found, lAfOon inspection, not to be inferior W erer pffcrod lor a ""'V; ,1- ' V, ,TllUJilA9 iAiu.ip..i "V..w r Gentlemen's SVEAIIING APPAREL, 'et'iUiens of Raleigh and its vicmhy, aro imot ratuevUVBy informed, Aat there is now 0- ), Ae aubtenber. uenlne at Ae ttura oa Favctterdle Street, Bent!' Pomona Aeailemy door helow Messrs. eni). ot n uiiiuns, miw lieai lv ooposhe to Messw.,H. k R. Kj If, ) tn cl f. V As Aa proprk-tor "rmi.les in New, YmV, thia i jwMilarlr supplied through- tt Ao 8Moii,Uwhd CmtnltaloMn of the Navy wdl receive i evert new and desirable artiele, and of htving Ks r J' i . . t vi i work i executed m the ben anu most utsiuotikoie . ri" ""--k i,: i. - ...aiidAellow Ptue Plank Stocks, to be deUvei-ed . rammer,, ti T he i ! present assortment docs not eotaprv any oa, lo priced Cooda, aor i it intended cueh hliallbekebt-ahatare'noWcftetedV MDUIO that aav cueh uiall be keut- . are fiit rMe, and will he sold as low at Ae ittmt qvalitw ol Goods can he luul hi any of Aa North ern CkiK. ' v ' - - ''-The following (s a part or the present assort, menu " ? ' t Imperial hlue nd hlark Velvet Dress Coats ' tUhfi ereeh ad blue Froc ditto ' f ovwfchr,ated drab and liva Siirtouts, ' Urah ditto a Mh Copes, f, ' Firrt tinality Camhlet Cloaks, wjth gfet-a doth ." lining and st al skin eollurs, v Ditto ditto Surtonis, with apotnd furtollariii:. lrabloth Box Coats ' , - . ' ' ' Imperial blue, black, olive and drtb Utoih and Ctsaimtii Pantaloons ' . . l Riding Pimtaloont ShcrraTallev . Blae- bine, bufl and white Cassmicra Vest, -! .V ,9. -.1-1 a'..l.... . ' ...i. " KnglWii Frrneli and lutini oiac;iu;n.tv f- Real Tartim Plaid Cloak, I HV - ;.Hicd f;toTcn Seal Skin Lapsx. TXV V r v: Pwent SuswiMinraj laney Cravwts 's.f ,f ' s Ueaiiy mlo SJneu oiuiumiiii;-,i.-'..ijj " ' ttnrkmet Drawrrsand .ituu.de Shirts. ,1 K 1 Also, a few IwdkV llaid Cloaks and many ; ether artiele too tcdioaa to enumerate.. 'v f . .Vriie subacriber, who for many years hat car ' jjiedon Ac .business exUinsirely in Richmond, , Va. ! hwii appointed hy the lroprietor hw A . ?T m iit tiud hoie that br atrict attention ,to busi ness and a desire to nleaae, to merit m rhare of ' . ; VS v5TllO!Af lAMBERt! ' . December ! ISSB.,:.;;.,.-,,-,:;,'-, .T Jat - 'jaiio.r;.;. iouce. f' Tken up and committed lo the asit of lWil tii'nKtou, N. C ou the 63d day of Noremberi ' lJu,'a netfro man tiamed WILLIAM, ftvefect. 7 inehe hij;h, stout made, and wtffl divssed with 1 nied SMtinett pant alnon and broira cloth rovtid. 'W-U't, and savs h; belotiK to Mr.' James Rv Jnhnaton, itf CWleston, South Caroliiia. 'He krougtit with liiut a small orivl llore; and, when exaiiiincd, exhibited a pa!- and ScvenJ ' Otters; ahieh are o doubt forged, at Aey p pear tu have keen written by some negro; Tha ' owner it repeated to come fora ard, prove pro ''nertv. pavehsrees nd Hike said fellow awayo' ... ... . T V J . .li . il I'd fl fftfAIMlU JT...7......j .j4P-tt. A Convention Of th Mk4iMie CWrt W BJ Arh iwtkm of M anaf Bol Arrh rkafio. a kW the aoMul iiiwiiUi ti th Uraa4 (Wit in "" plarr. . Dr.6lh, U5!4. ' il-'V' Fiishionahle and Cheap : - cLoruhw atork: i ranDKiiirK c elu.h k ca h the pleaaar f h.f"rnurn their fiiradt tad the th jc rrnrr!!r. Out tbry hart kera aadocrd, troa tha bbrral enairi-aent thrr hara hetrtoCar ixxmiiti, to catablith themadrea thra atoon ktv lo the Nevhra Hank, oa FayettarOla atrrrt, fat tha catj of Kalrijj, hrre they har, aad itf trail la ket-p oa band, a larg? ami aarral arU aeot of Cooda is their line of kaanraa, aiaaa at tha btrat fethisa and anncrior ttjla af aortuuaa ahip,emautinfafthaMlaBAa;artlclra:.' . , buperfoabhwtadbUtkDrrtaCoaU, ; t Saaood aaaliry do ' do. . I , ttapernac Mat, claret and olrra Frock Coat v piuc ana r v 1 " Do. blue eloth Cloakt, 4 Do. bloa, blacKaMBncyaoairaarama luona, . , ' Do. Blue aad black eloth Veata, Frewh, India aad Earth tUk do. Toatmet, Valcacia aadeat relaet do. 'A rrett rarkay of acy ? do. . Counti and lambawool Drawer, Lambiwool Shirta," Gtrtb-mea't Brat quality Woodttock Clnret, ' Do. , biaek horaFtkia do. f.M-:,ii tod Cnry Cravaas ! Wcbh'f patent buneodt.', ; Common .'. --''do. ': Ire k Whket firat a,liqr heaver Hata, 1 .Second anality..- - 1 do.. Snncrfine blue and black CTotht. i All of which w ha diapoacd af at wholesale and rrtail, at redveed priect, for cajih. V . . OCT They will keep ia their emloyat a ouinW of the hfat workmen that eta h obtain ed from the North, in order that thry may. nramptly raecute all ordert with whkh they may be tavoredi and they pledpe theranelvet tliat their' work, for durability and elegance, will not be interior to any. . ... . . , j-"..- . Noemlier 1, mi ? -tf . GcrilUneTjrUKS CA'BletlicinrS wfcr to Airman wrtew it liable. .. , " SULPHATE f QUININE, a .rduubla and L:t.i .l j;.:... r !.. -r Iri for milteut or Ague and Fever, U ever.tnw.tuicn.e 1 B.r reu ene ra imi cn.,..a.uu ,. r prepared for fanroeduite ote, with the neeejaavT JfIa A , . ' . effietciout tpperient, especially iut so mate. , ,auVnM" ,r " " "'"V, . "w" "X"" .r l touAcrn di-. 11", "rlC,rrr ' " 'SAL. aERATUS. Well kuV ft 8 J i.meful , edy ta cweoUoy acidity of Ac rtoiwch, fee. ke.k.. -r" .IXC'S a AJfTI-BUJOUS F1LJJS. The iuc anu vinuca inenc niua, aa nnrei;nue ui iu . . . ii- .! was Fever, itve been ftilly tested Arouehout Ac, rrire chrvmg Tobacco VmtodStjtcs. . "Windoa Glnss X 10-10 M 13 wii affcDei-nl asortI.1ciit on'un.jlV 7.;l4.3taffiwX VmhM. Anmtst CV.n:'J''. 3 LI . - Z? - Jk jTo take charge of Pomona Acad rnv. The trustees of the above Academy, are desi rous of employ nig a teacher to take charge of tha . above institution for the ensuing year. . One ot uu iindmihted moral character, and ho 1 a good F.ngluh Scholar, and understand teaching Latni, Ccofraphy and Anthmctie, vvdl meet with liberal e'ncoiirtigemeM by applying to the editor of Ait puiter, personally, or ov jctieiv i paid, or to ,Ac.ubcriber. . , , 'my is situated 14 miles Si. I., fit , ."n", w"..,.. v. b, south of liOulslmrg', on a high ,' ana healthy spot, wkh excellent waterv - . , ,m9CmTwamer,0 V ' proposal uiuu me ioui any oi January, 1 (VOV (naialiu afeihil ar mI than Inllnmii.M 'lsttA I li.lr .- ii'5 www Is day of May, I8i7, viz: . , ;i, V r - V 1 AJlt PortmOVth, iV. . 'f- ' 7. ; 4,008 aiibic feet White Dak, 6,000 f. ellow Fine Jit Boston. ' " ' 12,00(1 cnbMi ieet W hite Oak, t i ,.,10,U0J " " Yellow Pint,- ' il.OOOeubicRctVliiteOtk; 10,U)0 " M cllow Pine , g,000-eubw met hite Oak, t, 3,000 4 Ytllow Puiov, 1 ' . 'Jit Xorfvlk. ' , ,P0O euhic feet White Oak, -1 J 12,000 ,. t ; Yellow Pine. 't Jit fl'ttuhtngton. v-'," 3,000 cubic frat Wlino Oaki "'."tj l.iNt'. . Yctiu.lina. All the White On& Plank Stork to he t orn SO to SO feet lone, and ta average 4,0 feet in lenrth; to be not lesiUan U iwhe at butt; Ae ton ta ke ae fourth ks than Ae butt, and aiUHt be tnt he- tweenthe Srst ot Octooer anu m 1st ol .WixU, 1 he Fine Plank Stocks to be ot the best South- era long- leaf fine train Yellow l'me. ,fiie ftxun bad knots, tup and outer tieiects, trom aa ta au feet long; and to axctago 40 feet in length, to be not less man 14, nor more man tn menus; we top to lesw-A.lca man i tne outi, ;,;, '1 be wiiole ot tho said tv line uuk anu cuow pine Timber must he of Ait best quality , and must underco A inspection and measurement con formably to Ae printed, rules adopted by Ae 'Commissioners, dated 1st, September hist, and now in practiie at Ae Tcspective Navy Yards.; w ' - Jailor's Notice. n ' Taken un and committed to the Jail of Xey rlauover eouniv. on the litlh dav of March laai mulatto man asmed HKNUY, alcut Si Jiar ild, 5 feillt inches itigb, n js be toruici ij i.- - r..n tv. ..:u v l" ako told hira te jaremtaa, aauuiaaa Airumier Harwell, Speculator frur. tha aouth. l be Owaers are reijaested to come forward, prove property, nay charge, and take ai fellow a wl!.Li,; CUARLK8 n MOIHlS.Jailor, Wilminglon,N. C.May,4,t826. , 80-tf eplenuial.ionmeoi (VM, jrjrauw vm. wiwm; Trt m La4. or aaitatra Cxrri a vt4 Cl Ci H'sft. 2x'i. ?o wl I ; fcr th pi I K aad rii Xifiaw. V TW tahaiW Wtlm n mWIm, tU W CW ha arran At iW r.J wt thra Util taf at eh aW a NTrk, Ptlfaart a4 raaa Jrlphia. ta an aaafahxl, taaay autaaM,M rU thrwi acl-w tW ntl . F"" . 1 J. ll MS - ' BV tMlf tt I tkw trrBt. thry MUM I ay ar llMt ia (ha Lbjoo. . - Saparfcaw Mark awl aiaa llcua aaq vaai.f " " ... . da. aai-dWteiaart do. o da. aai-dWacaoart Vt atatfa aa fr ' """'T Katitta nf rwrr cVarrnAirm Fcaraattjht Ktrty Liaary Woolary tad Plun, , . for rrmata wrar Row aad Vw DaflU Blanks Uad, wha. Une, pcea aad yiilaw Flaanel tad . iii'H lluan Ma'a CaUet and Plaid Cloakt Laxlh-a do. retrh aad Caroline TUid itomhaaettt aa4 Bomhatfetra, aborted ealourt CaauaMT Shawla and Scarfa do. f in ,t f ital tnm An. C.M Crotch Carnctina aad IKwrth Rnca WantrH at.J Lanibavool Hoaierr of mri d- Silk, Cotlm aad Vijouia do. do. Glotea do. lo. Hatvat and Common 8usriltT Shell tad Moci. Turk Coutba wril aasorted tin Riilo do. Fankrt aad Drrasmf Cimbi Caliroca 3-4 and 4-4, in Rrett rarirty Caiahrte, JoWifft, Mull and Book Mdlia Flam and 6gured S i do. Giniama and oulnrrtt Mulin Hamtann, rlftr, Enrich and German Silk Ildkft. Cotton SkaaU and Hdkfe. Mandarin. Nankin and Canton Crape, diCurent eoloia-a Black-, wlmc blur and tiiJt luliaa Crape Hlack k fancy oid'.-u-ed figured Urot le Naplct I'rkne Italian I.11M1111? r Black, white, blue, piidc, creen, and yellow Florcti-e o do. Black Sealiawt and ftaranett lrgliorn ajid Straw Rnonetl Furniture and Caivhria Dimity WaiNt RHiIi.-hi and Hocklei ' llaia and (igured S:din and Ln taring Ribbon In ' great rm-iely ' . Thread Lane an J Edginr Black tad White Bob- ; binctt Lee Bottom and Button Moulds, of every deaeription Spool Float and Cotton . -Bonnet Beards, MUUnctt and Tuloting Irish linena, Ijiwna tad Sheetmpt . - .', ' UuMia Sheeting; Dowlas TicUenturg, Ozn 2 ? e.:.ST a rt,k tiirdsere, Table tnct Uutait Uurpcr ' " "11 "F '""K,"u T" Dorcherterand other Bedticklnp. Cotto. rlarrin Umbrellas, a rood awiortmeut facn, UV ,lit(. and BroWB Be,vrT Hatt Youth't do ' tad Wool Hata, different ttwa, G "d ntrnrst MonntinB, Hardwire K cuuery Swcdi5htnt Kng. iron tor pitawu-w u 5 Tyre Iron astorted , . ' . . PowAc,, Shot and Bar Uad IeafaitH Brown Snear - riuara : no ; vui nnus, u IirafanH Brown Snear - . " Coflee, Hyson,, Gnnpoadcr, Imperial Tea and l .hoelaus - . - . . r. x.. r. ") SltDFS 4 t.ntha' lui w Pumns ' Do ' rruuell Shoes and Bootee T M'istes' Boots and Shoes of everv detcrtion Men's Pump, Walking Shoes wl Booteaa Boy e' Slmcs of every deaeription , Children's do-' . ; " '.'K Men's Shoes and Emmies for Servant Lisbon and Mains Wine, Old Rye and Northern Whiskirv, French Brandy, Jamaica and N. rV Rim' ' " A jpod akto-.tmenl of Queen's Ware, with many oAer aitiGles OuU. cannot be enumerated in -- an advertisement. , ' - ItAZLETT k ROBERT KYU1 Raleigh, Dee. U, l?SC. - V A --. ' 1.1 m r " '. ft V XT C, II If RSTTfl , "."f. ' Just published ly P Linderoan, K-y 1 Ihgeslrd Index bf 'atl tht rttwrled C'twti adjudged In tne Courts of jsonn Cdrollna from 'Vie viar 178 ta 1 826: By Fcahcia Lt., Han ks, Es.. Qaunsel- or at Jjaw, ' . . IX' LINDliM.VN baa iust returned: from New-York, aJ it ready again to exeeute all or - uers m nis line. . tie naa ou nana a complete aa K , tortmeot ot ' . : 'a,-. a . tiiat .wi; 1M0US UUU : c5aVOIiar a ' - Which he . will sell lower for CaA Wi short credit Asm ever heretofore oflered. Raleigh, Nov 29,im., 749-tf 5 JjLoipsbvrg Female Academy., T he cxaminatjon or tlia rupdt m tlu .mstitu eoui-ae ofatwly adopted m Ae Seminary-. . , ' i :l hcirutecscamiot,mmstice toMissKamcy, A Lady . ho conducts Ae School, and, to Ae pupds committed to her chargo forbear U ex - pre vac verj lugnsmuucauon tan una exam- mation afforded aa well to Ae parents and guar - Uuma whoatleauctt mo same, a to thwtni.i n1!,.. nAilim.u and aCcui-arV 'tlifcnlavmt iuitl .l I nH iu yn ijfii.iw .m.u iireuii wiu pc gireato pun tiaanniL they-Yl omry eerufioatcs M gold motlala were presented bond With approved tecoritt. to heiratMbw to three voumr . ladies, wno nau, eomplcted Mie ; nertn thi Siutf. .t .t v-iK.. ;ii i. hve.been'altaii.cd by ,ceat dilence On the part U.? ; ' ' : ofliBi jounglatlies akwstcd, by the f onstant and. ''Taken up and tommUted A Ae jaU of Frant;V ijnitmitted attention ef Uieir preeepti'ess,' .v-in county, a nsgro woman by the name of PAT The Trusuis take much pleasure, m Rnnouher Tyr ;,The said negro was purchased some 'time, m? uui uiev cnuiuieu iuc aervicea m m Humscy lor another yearj and tnat the exercises -,ty iMurpuey, wno nas auverusetl tr,e said Begrp, nf i)wi Siihnv) wilt b numiil on th. fi..i M.: and reouested reference to a Mr. Po at the day in February next. H -f, S''1;.' ' wi-4;J!iirtlcrir tht Bom if TttoetJ touiiibui-gj N. C. Dec. iasv;! requested to come forward, pro: property. .5iv;'p;Twin Levei1 ress(.;v':' t e inventor of Ai press will iVmaht In.Ra leii'h -jrfew weeks, and out one' un for hublie eJt- anuau; ion. : There ha been .50 built m Virginia Ae vast scaion, and 1 have reeonunendationa from perMns who have Used screws and other presses bctore using inw, . At mis prasa oeenpic but a small space.aad eaa be built la a via house, and the cotton packed in any weather, Ae press b ve rr durable and reouirca but two hands to Work k. 400 lb of cotton k easily put into S yards of bagtrmg. '1 be whole aost it aoout ssu. ., air.wj. C. biedmait vill furnish model and patent. Price i-0. County ngkta old on reaaonable terms. CHARLE& WILUAMS. DeiM,lS2.J -;, . 58-n . tsutnu oii- . .term. IOStlaa4.aAafcata'Cr4 IW4 K Aaraaaa AVnaaar, t-v ll.'i. anJ 150CMrr iraa,JUmtCrri IKi tOjn ah tVhaa, , , CVVtt:awa IMau, Jinffia( EraMV. 15 ICQ JanMt Davataoa, t - IKltadlt.l fro Mowt DatntMsa, ,,' It-J I0 Chn turPaoih, , " 4 CJ ltv 1 Wi -JS , 141 Prr llama. IM Rjr4l!aHajn. 112. aa4 Ii .1 IImIm. kkMl L I 1 1 11.11 " J t-, 1 . tWJ W 01m IvHraa. ' M John rtbrr on d I US 1C7 LealJtti, t'lrthat Mdl Crk, IKi j 100 Jnhn Carlton, FU 1121 Crrx k. . lf"J j X Jnna Wabmw,BruaW,Crrkinl IWS 6?HobertD no, . I 0)UnlaamD Sandy Him, l3l and IlIJi J SrtJaavet lla.-ilca 00 ' Or '.. Uii aad lf.'t ' TtJohnDva ,Hr. do "' , IK-.'i ! 10 Kohertll-nry,jr.'ttrUiVrreJi,1l2tkUCj ' 50 Rarmontl U-m, lliiitoa'a Crack, ' 1 50 fitu I V-prrw. oi do 1 1i I 1 T 1'-. L . W I"a Sparlin. HirWorr Cr.-ek, 1S2S ' "J Uxlrnnn noftrrl, oa do John llohrrts. fun. Hiekory Crerk. i IS Mitahel Whitrr, an ilo ttil J 901 V illiam Mag-aest, aw do 1H31 3Uer;ii KoaUaii, Danlua't Crcrk, Itt'Jl , ' tmi lf2i "50 Trintna Tlowlind, Jouqtin Crvrk, U?i 2tW Chrittonhej- WtJhcr.' keira, Kb Crr, tt4 an.l ma VJI. C'KSOM.SUff. DreeTOtirr tSiii. lOl Stato it North Carolinn, " ?s .4uol Ceuniy. "SepJelnhcr Term. 1820. j M'laUailrT, Jr. Win. torinjtoa, tau enjaa iovuigtou, Vm. Batfrr, Sit"r, Jaeoh Hailr-r. Iu EtjUHv. :. , trorje Wilu.Hi , adiu'r of .laan i 1 t uu rwiiri lU'der. decd. Deiunwr Kield- 4nr and Funnr his wife. It ap)itarjn tu the aatisfiictum of the Court Art. Jacob Bailey aad Demiuur FieWmr and Fanny his wife, two oi the defendant in thia eaaae, arc not lahabHaat of Ait Statev il it tlni rfore order ed by the Court that pablicatioa he made in Aa Raleigh Str for.fonra acka atieeeaairely, that Ao aaidjiteob Bailey, Dcmpscy tVldingaud Fanny hia wBe, be tod appear at our next Court of Eqii. tv to beheld f' the county of Aoboij, nt Uiu Court Ilouao in Vudraborotigli on A 'tecond Monday in March next, and plead, answer or de- ' nxir toAe oomplainant' bai, or the aamc will be ' taken pro eonteas nd heard e parte. j , f. Test. , y. -.A. UTTtB, C. M. a , IVtce adv. $2 50 .;.;. . , Uin,' State' of t North; Curolti;i, Northampton Cwmty, Court of Picas kml Quarter Scions- December I enn, 1826-v salom P. Smith Wot 1. 1 Kri.-'- ...aauaw . atiaill. T UI. I . . . . 4ih1aM V Qaw.Uk Polk,reri plaintiff, , . "P"". j It appearing to, the tatisioctioa of Ae Court, ; that Ae defendant in Ais ease 1 not an inhabitant ' thlf State; It is therefore ordered by the Court Aat publication for su week saccessrrely he nmuv m uic outr mii iiwiii vnnuiiu ouu- . xette for said defendant to appear at t Loun ti ricas ana uuaner setRiap 10 for sakl county of Northampton, on Monday in Nfarsk neift, and'tepleVy ) judgment final will be entei-cd apainst I Ae property levied on condemued ti tnc plaanU Its' recovery. . , Test. J. W.HARRBON'.C, Dee. 19,1928. Price adv. $3 50 f l-6w State of Nortli Carolina, Korlltamplon Count), Court of Pleas ami Quarter Sessipns Deceinbt-r Term .1826. . Satnuel Calvert Orgnl atiaciunwit levfcd , , ' ' t in Ae hands of Eaton H. ; . 1. t. fFwr jositn w ; wrenn.j tummonea as garnisbees. It appearing to Ae aatisfketion of Ae Court, Aat' the defendant in Ait ease is not aa inhabitant of tliit Statei it it therefore ordered bv the Court. that publication for six week Bitccessivclv be matte in the Star and North Caroliut Stato Ga zette, for said defendant to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quaj-ter Sessions to be held for said couitfy.rtf Northampton on Ae firtt Mon4i ituwVM a-M-l. ....... .1 K.. .1. A K ; ''. attached and plead to issae.flAeraisV judgment final will be enteredagainst nim, and Ac nrSnertw ie nronrt ao levied on condemned subjeetta Ae plahitiff'4 re. coeery. ' ." . V : i . , v ..,. Test ' ; ' J.. W. HARRISOSr, C, CC ;.. Pee- 19,1820.. Prke;i3:50.; : ;i-6w . w " Jund for SuleiUvX On Wednesday, lAe.lOA of January wit, . wdl be sold at Mooritig'a Crosa Roads i Ao - " -County -of Pitt, NorA Carolina, large quantity! of first ratei Lands on Tar llivery lyuig en thp1 ;iorw ,iue o we mcr, nanusomeiy jiiiuatea, t land inferior to no laud on said river for Corn: Udmfermr' S holamU h?"&f&2S . h ri. ' vTi. i a .ii r .i RacsWhO traded her m Caratfeo, p. W negro .nrfrninn Tl,. "I.. A i. -ii v.. ' ! .1 , , Countv to' a JohnloorbgchaaeSof that Ae late Carney, and Ivme onnosite the town- Of Greeh' villcj eontaimug one Aomaad acres, t There i at this tima onnu lnnd uttiAMnt Ia mnk Aw hun ; drcd barrels of Corn oo said land. S".4aodth pe tuVota i fat their tceommodatiom . . -The tale- to conAiue from day to day nntil alt b'told, ahd tirobahly more than Ae above quantity will be sold at th taaaae fhat. -'- '. i-" i i fi.-i;i,j; j r . , ...j -JESSK IL:lORINO, ErV. W - November SiUSC;; Vv. 49-6w ' v.-. ...... . ' ' . - - a hiw ui aims uvuiuj u, muu dv uic name ul ; Hed "ouse,, Caswell, county,. N. J.v. Jtihts waa - ? ewmwwa on tne s$tn JMov.. 1826. vThe owner (vaj aauiw nMa lUtr Jt vr T f. 7 f r-S-i W l'. JAILOR, Jailo. j. Louisburf, Nov. S9, j; V;v. r 4MK--.i '.'V-' f t.l i. .,o X ntinu .. j.. ... -i. ' Taken). An ami-committed lo the jail of Xc L.'faaoVer county , on th , t inai. a iieSit) lelloa black, and say he formerly lelrti ged to Isn.va tulledee.of Wake coimt. alxrnt lu milittion: VVaka Court HoBe. vhusoh! Sin. to Mr. IWcL. s Speulator, and rah an ay from him Ae 3d dw .hUM ... i. ,m , i. .. - - i . I . ..v...m v mvvuuir,.. a un vw uri eeqneated to come rorward, prove propcily, pa) hrg,auii Ink laid fllo away. ' 1 !,j -i 1 , ClUKLtS R MOI.UISiJaitorvi . WilminstgofKiC.i1ly,4j1)88t.; jXjf, !. la, tH. . , , State. wf Norlti CVioLw-.u r Clallam Ccuubj. , . 'Srxrtrltrr Trre, . l. 1 hlfl. Lrri IL CciVavd Bdmt La 1 2r tifir-v , ; . - ' -. aa, V A am f.tvr AitwBtnnr, t . It imrmi a the tatrWtKai rf i) . r. Q1m Irl, Ar-a Uo. ,! j ,. . Nafhaa lVa nl Iwk Ki . t . i ! k TW, aa-4 Jha 1 aw! W Mj. 4 f fra4a.t. a ), rt-r, ara am lal.iiKtt, , ' 1 at a anVrM thn taU:ru ke .1. hBaI. h fcl. fa. , aka. ihat ai.l. rf ! - . . . rir, an 1 n IVi Arm,A , . "n"r " Ui vr tnr Iter 'kat tatd fa-thiaa will be alin ro caoicaMir THOM k HAI.f An 'tt. Vv y j n . . i . i ... State of North Cnroliiia, Io Kitui. !? pirtrlK-r Terra, lCi ' xvanjaaain Itunaia-ni ZaWk1Td, Rrjs- -a, . mtullratrrkWn. I : s t i , Tltoaiajaou. ' J . ... . .j -i rrpcrrvt to fnc tali"-! n rf the t '. an that W m. rbonnira, rw rr the licfeiii.nU a, lhi aauar, ia a vdiabil-ii.t pi Kate, it j then-fore nrdrrrd b ll.e nurt tK t lmLlxaiio. l nadn in the Jlal. hrl, Smr for tiurcvativ wka. tkal the khI m, Thois..tw atrm-arki! the r.f-xt (.n of Fouhr to ! c held k rWcniar ty of OranD!. at Um- lonrt ll..us an Oxlon'., 04 the first Monday in Matxh m-t, and (.laid, aa. fr wUniur ta th oaf.l:.m.it,a bUI, wr tkc aanic wul uu vjirn fnefaq jJ,, ml lirard rt pMrte. . . TT ' Whncm, Tkmai Ti. 1jlcjlin, Clrik'aii f 1 alitor of .iilVmii at 03if Uie lirrt Mohdur 01 w'irmnrr, 1 v.i. I I IO. II. l.lT.tXJOHN. C I .lO-riw S' itate of Norlh C;iro!inii.l! fl'arrtn County, " - ! County Court of Pica aiitT' Quirier Seiicm November Sessions, A. JJ- Orinl aaaeh: eni ltJ vied on Bandal llurrjiii interest in the landi a hereon his mother nor Sflaa Tarrer, adm'r liehonia no. ... r'' j Rtndul Ilarrio.' f of Jamea Y. Iliirrh, liztlltrriaa and Marv C. Harriss, contsJnina; T5 tr erea, rubjeat to the d oa 'a dower. ' ' A . . Il annearin't A the stifiiCtioil of Ao Coot. thut the defendant in tliia case it not an hihab. . itant of this Stntej It it therefore Ar4bred byfte Court, that publication, for S months,' te mad ( in the Raleigh Kttr, Aat nnhiM the defendant come forward within the time nretcribed bv lav aiid rectory and plead to Jsu, Aat iudgmerA iina!?..!.? '!? i jcet'w tha tlaintaff'a tntur-".A . t ' i Tatt 'i- '' !v ' . '-'' :J . Stuto of: North: XIina, , . ..4;:r.. rilt County. i Court of Picas and. Quarter Sessiofig ,niuu in tins cfite ire not rtsidentj of Ai State, k i. rdered by Ae Court Aat pub lication oeraaue in.ine Kaieign star aad Sttv Gaaette for Ae Sptce of an weeks notiriav; them to appear r.t the Court-Uouse in Greenvill. oa Ao first- Monday of l'ebruvry next, to plead answer or demur to the. said petition, or it wi; be Uikeu pro ponfesso aa to Acm, and -a deerc made aeoordinglr; ' V;i. f'. '' YYitnesS James Eheppard, Clerk 'of Aessif Cwirt, at oCce, tlte firat Monday of Norcmbei, ,.. JAMES,SirjErrARD,Cls., , Price adv. SS 5Q ".r. '. .Mia. 4 - "h "f;:' ;f. . 'i , Wacommitted fc Ac jail, of Wilkea counv on A 18A tlfcv of Atiiili.t laid, a neirrobov. vk n h"self HARRY, is 40 years oldi occups twa Tr i ,"nC "T rttB n,W ! MT-7 vire.mMi r ' "S'T hf",kl,,,1Jri"f bmiLfe ;1"5 UBh ,"il thk 4et The ow"er .',',u: ml ft-, .nma tj MtrArirl tlrnvfl lim?aIIT. n Jf CUBITCI and take him away, or he will .. pe uusposea w a? Aelav dircets. Lvvii'uUiW' vLil'i - Cil.VULta riifcLaa, jaiior. iffciit.l?; ,38fii . ;5iIor?s.Aticp Mrs eoramitteilto the jail of Anlconntyri i vv,. th tt ot Antnmt last, a nesrowoman u thr tionici. of ROSE,-about, Ahty in thirty-, rear of are. She was taken from this eountf - - ! ittc, -WHO irauen tier in oaiuven, v v bo. she 'savs t State and sold her to, John Kc a'en, i w hom she UelonRs at Ais t'.mM .Tt?mk.M,'lvA aAf Onnr trwHtJ1 fa lillC Prt tonHi "tn hr, tniiorftnt nf Aft District. 1 Gewen must live In Pendli.-ton DiWkfc 1 She says Ait Aehrousht away mulatto child, hut Aat B i i n i ..!...,.. nri..,1 n ,nmn or- D9v aeau, a ip uw ska u-su ------ wflird, prorajiropcrty, pay eliarges, and take btr aa av, oi' ahe will be dealt with. as Ae law dtrecu. ...-y. PARKS BEEAIANwJlor-'-'j V. November, 29, 18SC?., .iv Vr-6- ,.::.;7.;.. i-iNotice., AU parson are' hereby eimUoiied aR'ji- ding for, or Jaking a. note given by tfic Stephen rlaywood, ol Wakccounrr, UIVr'0; NUrlrod Uagsdale, dated Ae 22d of August, for the sum of Airty dollars aad sixteen cent. wha;ti nots was passed y mm to J"n,r rr putinto my hands as Constable forf eolw"1; and has W me been lost or mislaid, s ray vk made before William Peaofi, Esq. mt,e of Raleigh, on Ae 1st of Dembcr mstant, VA D. l 826.) pcovet, i Any pci.finunvfi?r.,H2 pinK Ae eaidhote if offered for mgotiauon, t eiAer returning it to me, or ghingtue such mw mation a will enable me to recover it, wiu AaakfuUy.aud llberflyarde 'Raleigh, Dee. 6,180 :-,,f- ':f Just PublisliVd, iORTil-CAUOLlNA; i.4- s roa. Se t.S3, k: At ' .Vr Y';V i t ' 4 ft ' t 4 v 4 v' '"i'- :"'"r fl V