. 11 ' i n rr No 3 - .Vol. XV1IL - . . ' i-f .Tin: - rV-i . LAWRLIs t TERMS. S-..- 1 .V.V W U pant in k , and bo '-. twacd. kul at the oy " d trtlrt. J? J . 1 - ant M. I I1IIL1 .-- -t Mrinc tlW laws, iaaerted three tunaa tor one jn 4 ft.- ami for aik mliati aa. Ail letters to U town ' ANN UAL -REPORT, 01 At jJiutant Gtnerol of North Ca- . 1 , toUnm. Adjutakt GMuu.f Office.? RddgK January 170 1827 J JVaT - - o - f litw. fka Kaiiap frt aiiKmif the folio in pafrtt marked f-oro A to E, a . 9 I information in relation to Vle ajattw 01 jo lw(0hq8l7-mortcd frowthta office. !tti i iaw 'nf tk arniiivatinn and rrnnirf'n iF (ha Militia th number an. I various description of arms, both in the possession of the troops and in the pub lic arsenal. V -: . Tie paper marked B contains a Ilos ftf th Oenerat Staff. J. ' lhe paper marKea u, a nejnster or l!ie General and Field Officers, accord ins to the returna ol lZ3. vy . TliA t finer nmrlrpil H fiirnUtiM a rfp hailed account of tlie arms belonrinr to ' . . . . - . o o . I the state their number, situation and I VVIIUIIIVU . V . , - -k. " - Tbe r per marked E contains a list of deficiencies in returns. '.'.-- , ' 0 - From these papfrs ou will discover (bat th officers havebeen faithful and prompt in their returns, enabling mn to 'present a satisfactorj-account of the . it - r .1 : .... u nA . t . i a ! j1 'finder the Tiecassily of noting man? cle- i .ir.ipnpips. v T Nearly the whole of the arms now in f 'the depots will be found, on reference :o the detailed account accompanying :fiis communication, to be in good order. . i adhering to the course which hfti rw!been pursued with your sanctibn for nw fjmetim'e nast.in refuMinrfiirthpritiittri. uiion oi arms among tne tue voluateer umnanies. wilt enable . th Stat : itS. I W T v Vi - in a few years, (with those which will be L - l . it .i - . 1 ry rt tn I, ar4 Cavalry tactic nd also a sriten -fimcnon of Ceid ar. iacl jJiaa,noBqvrea for lirht artUlvy .rfa wjillery toother wim f. t a new ortanoation of the M.tii. were prepared and repott ed; and art HOW under th enni!raf inn of Conprr. Tae arstems of tactica -ii i 1 1 i . . . . fiii pn,. ,jiT oe adopted by rtia present tMiofs " I tibtriboted to the-Militia within i tours ot the year. , , Should Cor-TMlruM .hilt U"Vnn fortuity to 1Kb plan of organization re- iwi ini. it win nrraflr lhim a ink. ject of Iegilation by the State: I have, wici t ivi v, uivogiu ii oi gome importance to present tou with a eonv ofth rnnrf together with all the communications "iwu "tic iaiu ueiure ma mum nnnn which it was predicated; and shall also. i ram me ism rofiiiiTrtifin fut-muk , vavav-My VMS 911 each rneiuUt r 1 1? th f.resent AssemblT with Cin r fflHl:? .ort alnne fin relerebMr to "i e cemmunlrationa , an nexed to . r :tr?. .it wili be aeeo. tbat the W7 L"" i. n. t ever aet!iin pfthrUnu .t fctafo ara beoomin? too munitv to be sustained atnch lano-pr in their present stat; and anticipation of an entire clan in their nrtmniil. tion, hich wilj probablygrow'ouof mo report ueiore congress, l roroear invifinff von r attention at tlua i ma ffA any of the defects in the $ listing; laws ui.uie oiace, reiauve totne annua. I have the honor to be; . J : very resppctfuHji ; isir.gfour obedient servant, jBEV. DANIEL, -t'vjldj.Cen.il.N. C. Legislature: of Ni ('urolina. SENATE, i - Thursday, Jan. 18. Mr. Matthew, from the vorce Mid Alimony, reported a bill to secure to MiLtred M'LiUev. nf lUllfnT property as she may hereafter acquire; which Mr. BelWtll nrpRntprt iKa n;inn .r T7lt zabeth Roberuon, of Wake, praying; that the rrora hia wife; the bill to prtient tS falling of timber in, or wbfnctir the raa of Abbot's creek, tn Davidoa cooB. v; tbe bill to alter tlie names f John UapUst Vv m. Cook aid Marv F. l ook, anu legitimate themt tbe bill ; to establish a poor and work house ia Pin cotnty, the bill to esUblish BaUheJors AcadrlBV. in Mai-tin iauiIt iml to j . - - J , ' .w incorporate the trainees thereof; the bill I J : n' I t m a . iv uivorce mary r terns, 01 AMte, train her husband: and the reia'ition ?t fn of Elizabeth Uerves. ' The bill ta nrevent fr nMrm r tiour irom migraunc.inis iqis Mate. r t. i . . iur me foou rovernmeni oi aacn per- - t ... ... . . vol id- roe nine, ana lor otner nur. . . .7. . I 1 poses, was reau tne mini time .ana or us ocuaic rraoiTca Hseii mio a com mittee, of the Whole.' Mr! Seawall "ia the Chair, on the bill to alter the tirtie of the annual roe tin? of the LrrisLturri ana, aner some time spent therein, ttie committee rose and reported i!l with an amendrncuf, to ctrik wiTliia WOrd " thlfii Mandavin NnrAmlu. V? and insert "second Monday . in De- cpmtipr' Mr. Sn;lit tS nn ..... -f-'n i vv.iiv, moved that the bill and amendmept be indefinitely postponed; which was nega- iithi yeas xa, uays na. t ne amend me:it of the committee of the Whole was then agreed (a:: and the hilt riiiH the Sid and 3d timer aud ordered to be engrossed. .-' :i.r Mr; Stokes, front the pommiiton nf Finance, re nor ted that 5 leaner me nuie ior collecting Uie pun- MUW, VUIIV.UII CU 111. V i-M' .On motion of' Mr, Spaitit. of Cra ven, ins COmmitte nf lhvnr n,l - ; - v w ar ii Alimony were instructed to inquire inta the expediency of extending the juris Uicfion of the Sunerinr Court nn subject of divorce, so'! as" to embrace cases where either of 4h-na-t abandtnied or separated him or hcrgelf i uhi me tuner. ; ... " . - v -.'. ' '.-; Mr. Montsomerv nrcsentpd n'hill n establish Cedar Grove '.Academv-in wrrv Utl rAjf Ik ur.ul mr.A . I . ' ' i . time, and ordd to be entroMed. - Mr. SneI presented .bilfin :M,llh.w-fwMn Ihasanw com- additional plicity to mortea-ea sa l becea r 11 . w "VI ..." w m,,l "ou Iortf ' purpoes nroJrt. ? uf !,''Vf" C,0,,Bt ucMrLh wrea.l the first time .Tre' PPrty at she mit hereafter arnair. lr,rr.I tv it ". iiwi Macivi swiii uuams, pravin tnata law lect eoramittM tn. ... r 1 It j J V . w bill fr .k. i- V r " pcu i auer me names 1. and to dorsSl a'wt K;ti Z'.i "t irpwticu. we m anu jonn o. Kenneday, of Uran oitaB I - BrocBJ'neDt' to strike nlla, accompanied with a bill to carry ,W tl27? ? W0,: A H"'? Petitioner into effecU S UJbsU,te bJ l'1 hmitted; whiiVblll waa reaJl the 1st, 2d andM S h;n!n,7'Bt WM '.5 f, J tmn' and ordcre tobcenrrossedt 1 -" ui mi- muiee, 10 wooin was referred tlie neti ?Lmn"t. "PortHl a bill to a- tion of sundry citizens of Iredell coun. rVhich n.I.ijiVJ . w; y. piaymg mai ra powers or con- phich passed it. first reading. stablesmay be confirm to thalaotaina' nir. w ar fuaaat.j l . 1 . - a thmrtTsi -mvmi? imenu u,stncu a wbicVr rewde, in all rior cLt nf grtn,m.S t0 ' 'c.renorteduiatlvi.ineipeIient norcourt of ntunswiek nnrrin.l n.ittnalt.. tk. l.J.Jl J- . . . . - o I " "'"'"ij iu uiai mu-. uivucriT wiucn uib nuv ttoi . . . i' . . carry Into effect the Waver of the nMlV rUstew hereo': Mr. Hawkins, b II to 2J'll.;.efr'ct the P1""" of tLe petitioner, Whir.h Kill w.a akan.T tj.. . ' a red to the committee of rjiiorce ami Alime- ! Mr. Forney, from the ciimm'if t nf i. sitiont and tirievanCea, repotted a resolution ... ui ouervooq rvrtj whicD passed its first reading., , i -'.fB.A-- .w,.vr.A .', Mr. Pilrott' f. 1.1.1!.;' . ... " ecejvea.annoaiiy.irora the general go-j ncaew rrora tne Judiciary committee, on of Conareas:. to armi whef on. '"L. 0 "' .tbf ,pediency of, r eH t .llf! l ' l r. V'! bet mr! f r aw iy u e- it tt- ml n'J 1 I' !si it nil. 1 1.C I Ion of Cougres3) to arm; when an oc hsion may render it necessary, ?' an v iree which may be required for its de- nrfl anil irntitf.inn '' ' ' However desirable it ma v hn tn sAvn ucuunment to vnlnntpor ramMtii.i Heading to them the public arms,,yei Iperience lias shown that , the State Just sustain sacrifices under, such a position. lint wairanteil hv nnv Kpn. ts to bcdived from the ordinary , use J m tic (iicoillis lit are 1 distributed and never returned, ! remain in the hands of our permanent izenshere would be' tut little loss heir iot being returned; bat,' bwiiig .he strong current jwf emigration now .ling irom ine-state,' the arms of the .cnption 01 mose Belonging to the fe. when once nut aflnnt in Ka itj; soon find their way to a country ric ney are. ior. common nap mnra i rf, - ..p .UWI V uame than ther are in th nder an act of ih'p A cmi,l r .1 1 ' J-'i ! . . iicie were uisiriouteu among the u musitets, wnicn were re a.I 4A U II . I . upcmieciea "gain, under a mtion of 1818. Measures were ta by the late incumbent f thia v,ffiL I . w wiid UMIVVi i appears from the files nf th nfli Ave made every necessary exertion) arryj into effect fully the object of esolutionjyet, notwithstanding, on 38 were recovered out of that num--nie .State iustaining ' loss f muskets; and exclusive of the ex- of distrjbufing and of collecting 'Llesa;than 1200 has since pad repairing and leaning hat were returned, i. a-r uoard. comnoKod r r. rr A i . ; " ur me par army and ornhe. Militia, were ciiyneu al Washington by the tary of tWatv for th JL 1 r inns- the nvstpma nf . T S resolution of Cnnoroao . .U-: .session, for the use of the Militia. 'ng important that? the systems of to be prepared should be predica pon some fixed plan of organiza 01 the Militia, frtd as the present COlMered : inrninnMs .r.,1 : .v ""percect, tne attention of the f was, therefore, directed to this .'-l "ISO. iew ,!)3d Collected tha V1PW nf pIiIIoI, I citizens of the different sectfons i l!ml.J o... . . . . . . mcm oiates,on this subject, ? were laid before the Board at tbej V pawing a law empowering the justice of the "1J, uurw 10 esiuonmi poor and work bouses in their respective counties, reported that it is inexpedient to p&s gi-neral law on the tubject, wliich report waa concurred in. ' Mr. Fickstt, from the Bame committee, to whom was referred a bill to amepd the act of 191?, 10 prevent the fraudulent trading with iHves; andah'il foe the. relief of securities and endorsers ift certain cases, reported the ' itout amendment, when thev were laid on the table - .. ' Mt Croom, from the cbnjmittee on Cherokee Lands, reported a bill pre. scribing tbe modevf igurveying and selling the lands Jatply acquired from lii. fK.. 1 V Vlt . . . ' . L "c,"Keei. 'imiansj-wmch. was read a 1 time antl ordeml to be printed. ' Mr. Lock presetifeil a fcTH to alter the time of holding tlife County ConHs ii Hrunswirlf. A ' ll ;v i.!i' V. 1 ; ' 'toiji . ;"! nror B 1 ji me 1CinC!) in Montgomery county; Mr. Ward, a bill td repeal part HccTien 01 ine act H to20, extending the jurisdiction of justices of th ne'jc -..nti AAir r.-J k;n ... D'H iLaner late sheriff of iMiiiiuina eonntT tn -n lor-t ir.F,.. ot taxes; which billa wr rpiirt th i first time, and the last mentioned referred 10 tne committsA nf Pu..,c',t;nn.:.kj t v IVUIiniUUIII AiJU unevances. . .'w - 4 A messaffe from th othor"' Units proposing that -select joint committee' TH"ieu 10 prepare a memorial to t-0HSieS8. askino-that an nn!,f,n be made by therteneral government for lh. rtinn..: ..k.. . r .i .. .... -(."Mguiaumcoi 01 me inoian title to such lands in this State as ire yet rr.x vj lue inatans; wntcn proposi- t,L Kreca ro, and Messrs. (Jroom, -ay;.King, Love and " Beard of tee on the nart nf tkMCno,! . .j ., I'te"? e-petitipq bf wiaw r WUIIIJI. Ill YW ttlTA I a- IU . ft . gon.ery.the petition of Rachael Dickey, V- ? Paying nat .th property which tliey may-tereafter acquire, be wnicn were relerred i me committee fc Divorce jirid Ali- s lhe bill' tn i...j '; SnrS?t AD directi"S the Cbunty The Secretary of War' arn. n -,r c,ertain far toa plan of a new onnizai blJl USf 003 coun Rafter havwg Hected th. vl J.YfSl IW. "tion of Messrs. was referred to the Judiciary committee, with instructions Ppn?ni bill on the subject, t '..'1 he following bills nd resolution were lead the sernn.! n.i i i , . t ' -'" "iiiu limes and ordered to be, engrossed; viz.1 The "pnuice Vttfc-the' insfwtlona "ccrei 7 "J'lema ot itiantry Wl to divorce John Cib;on; of gt,kel incoTporafe the Warren Acadeinyj Mr lloberts, a bill to limit the County Cnuifts of Surry in making allowances to their coonty officers; Mr. Sneed, a bill concerning the entry of land in this State; and Mr Miller, a biU .(o'licnt'e tit Marr W'ftllfr. fif flyntin wrtyJiijjlii! tsnjj. .reafter -aeqnitje, yV hich bills passed their first Veadinv. aim inejasr mentioned wa9 relerred to tne committee ot Divorce and Alimony'. lhe re-wilution,4 froni the House of Commons, in favor of Francis Morcao, of Wilkes, was adopted and ordered to , be enrol led .; : 'S, ' , ' -: '. 1 1 1 v The ; following" bills from the 'other House passed their first readings 'The bill respecting the County Courts of MoorY; the bill to divide the 3d regime'pt of Burke xounty the 4iir jtethorise the County Courts to permit ate to ber erected across he public tfoatls; and the bill concerning net 'stakes in. Pamfl tico Hiver and Core Sound, i Cartert; county, , . . ., riMjrSI'Kjy presented a bill to require defendants.1 before ' thpv'. ata mi....r. .n J , J ' i 1 'l. VJ.WU their, trials t Except such matters iq uig iuiiivHiitui iuigiivaiur conviction be absiffne.d a'reasnniu in'nrroct rf juogmeut wmcn passeu its nr6f Tead ing. " 'V -- 'ijW'' ' f !"':'?. 'rL . f 11 t a n a is- ' ine loi owino- di is and rPAoti.tmn were read the M &ud 3d times Bhd or- I .' 1 . a a .... ." aerea re ne fnnrnsswi: - 1 hi hi i n secure to Mildred M'Lilly suchpropcrty ww tiiuj Httjuucf tut; uij- iu validate all orantR Uqiip! hv thai Soo.:' farj of $tate from the 29th of Nov. to 4k ATWk kf r I. " (l: .t ' t -ll. sKTiu ui jjotciiioer, iou; me Dill lo alter the time ot holding' the County Courts of Brunswick; a bill to provide for free feiries,in Montgomery county; and a resolution, in favor of Kheraunnd Fort. ' " ';'f'Jy '.'S;- The bill for the relief of seenritip and endorsers in certain eases, tvna rpnd the 2d time; when MrJ'Uill of Franklin moved ' to amend the bill by adding another sections whirh ; waa nnt ncrmo, to. T'he bill Waathpn rpffMrrsd tit a Ztar committee, consisting of Messrs. Hill of ;. Franklin. MKay;' Si'awell and V M r. Pickett, from lhe iudiriarr tnittec, reported the following resolu tion, which was concurred in: A HeulveiL Thafrit the .'nrtrsent donsttintinn aT c...,. Court, requiring ail the ' Judees to hold tbe tkt sV teg-it a pe, engrossed bi 1 1 concerni ng - net stakes ia. Pampfko River and Core pouiir- wM, reaa me ui ana va times and ordered to be enrolled, s '. i" .f Saturday, January 20. ' Mr.' Matthews, from tW ol Divorce and Alimony, reported the i o tetire in Mr ivmi.p i 11,1 piin.and Elizabeth Robertson, of Waker, aucn pjopefty as they may hereafter ac aaa II itrinn J.. .a I ' f . B hie rcmuuiinnr v . i a rrt. . .. Tk :7K" ........;..'5 ' : v . u:. wumerrea Cummih. .. . .u"c,"nf " ro a select joint committee, and Mesirs. rtai rfKebroarynext ; i - ' T ? nd Gilchrist were appointed; the ? uii.c uioveu mat tne resoiutionlc, w i me ie on tne tab let wlrwh . nn enate. . . . I t0,ff , The resolution was then adopted 9 Wowing resolution, submitted andordered to be engrossed. :;! "T'' hy Mr.MXay, wasadopted and ordered The followin ivantntiAn. knk.:j to be engrossed: .'.( ' by Mr. King; was adopted and tent to Rtd, Thit Archibald t. Mrphey, of Ihn .lltjC. 11 ' I liwa .Mini. I.. 1 . . I . - I . T uuicr uouse ior concurrence: . ' " "6 ""ji fu w nav. mt use ti,.i e . , f 01 uch nooks in tne rubuc Librarv a ho the S ffouS of ?KlUo:LriTgnek.t' .tblnk willaidbinfia eompilingAiV,. winnTLr,, 1.i5I0'",A!??,y orytnic.8poi,.'fcvhVto. which ma; h. rr"u f.r"L 'n-: f r it - . e JIMUVjV. HI UIC IfCIiCB t ' IVI a II.tiul x t 1 . . r .1. . 1 , a t ' and fie 4 officer, of the militia of this StatV " 1VUWBU me select .1 " r "1 s"t comnuttee, to whom wis referred a bill ne uouse oi uommons having conv to? establish t'Medicul Board and to' wuiicu in ine HmPTifimontd K M i aAA.iJ.1. a. a? trosaeirhill t . ti:Z:lu"VTl'i -""""b nictoiomia- iuriery wimin in is state reported thej sioners of Favettevi lie tu pW . --.l5i;.T- I.;ii:K-'..i-.-r.. .L!.t.c V'.u. lunilLC 111! HMIII IllWn .fill I,I. ...1,.... 1 . A. n . n . . - . I J , . I . iv" '" vuicrioiiicuuiiieiuai were ;agreen to, ana UK Pv..,iUBe,me su mil was ordered to bill and report ordered tflbe printed. . ue enrouen. ' . u i ii!ii .. .1 - lhe Knpakpf low! kir..ni. tU e.. . r r t ij T i j-. me ocuuteaiiavur 01 janies urimes; wnicn was read COmmiiniratlnn fnm tl.A rl.:f t...! j lit. J C . : l-'.r . .. . , uaiicc 1 me uioi nine sun rcierreu 10 tlie COlU pt the Supreme Court, accompanied bvimittee of Claims; ; i a Ke visal of the Public . Laws far the Mr. Pickett presented a bill to ameo,l la at hva ouimi nki.L ..... r.j J i I .t 1 - .' . .1 . . . ,r . . v-.o, omul wasreierrea ton me laws respecting tne sale ot land and - --- r.....v, wunmuji; ui njf Si s, i slaves uj Biimus ana omer omcers; afld Forney, Sneed; Hill of Franklin; Haw- Mr.' Foreman. ; a bill concerning (he kin ami flilkio S' :in n a . R..X 7 . , ,. - - .1 oun7 courts v oi nyaef also a billlto vi twri untiaie, tne judi- estanusn two separate elections in Hyde ciarytommittea quire into the expediency of amending readina, t the act of 18I8eutitl.t t An i. . f -'i?ii: t. . - . . . i( , - ---!-,T71i.---aa, yii-ici'ictt, lint. iieilllOIl OI ... iiimise tne county tjourts in this State John M'Rae, soliciting a loan of mowy "r ia,lc" UP ouu connnea in otate; wnicn iaa referred to a select Ijailasa runaway after certain length of committee, insisting of Messrs. ElliotS imprisonment and nuhhr nntirp onlflilrhnct i ..i,'u..rj r t, .s. it . r , . . i j . on, ucmmii ivuwm. aaa" J w as to lessen the time of imprison- Wilsojif 'Ed-econibe: ,'.-' menMieforehe sheriff;advertise to .Ma Bell, presented the petition ' "i;'-':tt -V& citizens f Pasquotank countyf' ; i Mnyv ilson, of Edgecomber fr,om tlie praying for authority to set fnni in tha ' committee appointed to conduct thi Yinar nii u-uuiiiittior, rustees ot tne univer&fy-J the destruction or bears. Referi ed to ' reported that Nathaniel Macon. Challes tlie committee 'f Blount,' John R. Donnell arXThoroas MriPickwf. froin the Judiciary com-" HPttlP. WPr'ft rlulir oluflo.t. tk .l i.:u i.- J ' - - . r ..v. ..UHI, .iv i vw. vu uiii' luaaniEf coilipen-' ' ' otner person in nomination had receivMsattom to coroners in certain raap.t h .1 . ! . j" 4- .1 . .... , . I ' . . fc . - . ... . d: ' J ' v yoies, wuicn xepoiT WHicn asseu k urst readings was coucurreu in. ;v & r ?v Mr. rickett, Jrotn the same cOmmU- Mr; JPickett, from the Judiciary eomV lef,,to whom was referred a bill further mitfee. to whom was rernmihittpd thp to'smpnrl fh art nf .L-'.u . ... ... . . .. . . , fc : fc - - , " v. . ....til" mt; bill limiting tlie time wiihin' which er protest of a notary public evidence in taut i otrences shall be prosecuted, and certain cases; : reported ' the1 said bill r'vowiuMPjj iireuyncs i vjraiiu rforors t wmiour amenument. It was thtfn read iciauve mereto, reported tne said Dill with ameftdments; all of which;fwidi the Vxeeptiott one, were - conco rred ii) , l . -II ' A .. . , . .. ' KT i ne uin was further amended on nfo- nitssionrs o ay off a road in Lincolii !6! MrGilchristf ead the thial coun tf& was.' rejected ? oo its second we, and ordered to be engmssed ''i.. reading. ,f - ' ii The bill tn nnitn tli nfiiro nf flaL V Wrf -. .1"' . ' Maste, in Kii S StTbSn & "Krf for theacconmodaSof ed 1 " ;8"Jf wa$ read the aecond and third timea, "Tk-li fn ' ii ' amenueu on motion ot Mr. ForneV. and '. lhe following hllla rppivart lUt. tr. I. x-.-.t- . .. vmr, anu , veral rpadin. rZ nt i tnouyir tiouse torconctirrenceV engrossed, fOlie tiill suppleniehtal br"8. ,SupHtf. to ahe actM tl825;vauthwisiD2 the County Courts of Beufort to abt5n "7 w" wonigomery, jaid 09 the, " . committee of Finat,P?:hp bill iA, -Mi l ,aD'e '" ' !'' VI j - f Villi f I , ' - " fc . - .J" -i -..'.!'. 1 ' me vonnty courts ot, Surry Jn making V e.. 1 ,ecre w itebwea KntKn, nf r4iUanosi a lKn!M Maniv A!nA-i 44. r I Of II ail fT blink ' nrnnni'tir' 4a ukA. bill to establish Cedar Grove Academ vY herer acquire; was read the second V ii vuaiuaiu couiuy, anu ,jo incornocau 1 (;." UM. ruere to oe en Corporate the Warren Academy. ;t , j The . folIoMring ; (engrossed bills were . llie bill resnectini the Count Pnrto 1 cerni flip sprnn.l nA k;,i .1 . j . 1 r " J ' o 1 . --. u.ivm vim u viuirBauii nr. ot Moorej and the bill td divide the 3d dered to be enrolled: The hill m i - . -. I . . - niivi " i-i L I 111 ifl.iuiici 11 I it! ilUI The fn!1nwinr hllla frAm-4l, .k-l?all.turv to Linr.olntiin: ami lU kill House, passed their first reading: Tie aI)P01Dt'ng commissioners to lay out a' bill appointing commissioners -to erect ffom LincolntonloRutherfordton; ivi;iuin ior me acccp--i j, i"; wtii.io amcnu ine act fir 1BI9, to muln linn nf .Turnra. ilia k!ll : ....:..:..lnMARi .Jili. r....l.'.l a. i ... . . .. '.'.. commissioners to lay out;a road from Iavea,J !.was amended otr motion of v ' Lincolnton to RutherfordtonJ the bill MesrBM'Kay and Picket and boat- to legitimate, and alter the name of Ien- poned tiatil to-morrow.' ' ry,"i3rown, of Robeson; the bill aniioint- Th r.itl 'v . ' . rw. , 41m viii ,u repeal part 01 tne 3d Hn-commisfcioners to layout a road from sectum tif the act of lg20f, extendi nr i Shsbury to Lincoln toP; and , the bill the jurisdiction of a ftte of the peace ' appointinir eoninussior.era tn ta nfT a ...j t j s . , toad in Lincoln tountv. - ; l,ui k A 1 s 1 3 ,'r" 4- - ' r'1 it..'" ' 6 1 4 i 1 , ' ti 1 "V'li