m W J- 7SW 0 R VLKIGH, (NO0 FPlD.Vf;Fi:DUUAllY 2,1 1857. .VoLXYIIL, -7 LITERARY FCND.V.V la oVJience to an otter the Lrpslatofr, passed at .blast gmsionruirin)- the Frtleat and Directors of the Li. trrary Fund or this Statf, tr mate an nn report f aU tmrh sums or money as may belong to tUe said fund, Hh iurh j-rrmHicidalion for. the improvement nf tlie laoe, "as trfthrro war stem expedient. -e harcthc : honor to submit to the Legwlatnr U.eTo.loft.nS -. X ; , ;V UKPOUT: ; From the appropriation made at the last tession, the f.4. loxvin- Kumf of money have beeii received by the Fublic Treasurer, and pursuant to the art, the Board Late caused a regular account or the same to bo iated by the Treasure. I. Dividends from the Bank of CapoFea r &t 2,. Dividend from the Bank of Nrwbern. , - 884 5. Tax on licenses &. retailer from sheriff & clerks, 4,109, 84 4. Tax ipipoieil oo Auctioneer a, - - 741 04 5. Entry inoney tor vacant lands, - -. 4,614 071 Makios in amount of receTpTs previous llie lit? 1304 93J da of November, 1836, Since which time a further wm has been receiv-1 ed from tho Cape-Fear Navigation Company, v 420 CO amounting to Makin$ the actual receipts up to this time, of 12,724 95j the fntert to defray tt annual expenses of Ujc aclocU It is fortunate for our.Staie Uixt she la1 to inanatd trQ nanrenfor a fer ycari past. tLat ht ha it now couij.'.ttlj in her per to wtt. ajtut a portion of Jier fuada to t c irse of common schiMil-,rliich raa v lrin them Into opcrattaa In two or three ) ears without disturbing th priutiial nf t!.e aum uhkb may be pledged for that purpose. K Tho iplale owns at tLis Uiae. ' . . . , I '.1 . Io the State. Bank r North-Carolina iharei, : of the value of . . r - 8276.203 In the Bank of Neber 1.GG3 iharei. of the value of lfG.SO0 la .the Cape-Fear Bank 2AT aharei, of the value or -yoJOO Of thi stock. tb dividends arising -oil that" htldja the State Uank, are now applied t the pnlinrtryexjnjir of tuo governojent, ami tbotie arising on tha stocK urjd in the Newbern Bank and the Bank of Capo-Fear,- previous to 1821, hare been aet apart awl are how applied to tld pur poses of internal improvement, and consist of, " ' In the Bank of Newbern 1304 shares', of the value of gl SO00 . In the Bank of C-p-fW 1??- shares, of ihe vslcci ) ij ?0 t rlio dividends on the ifsnaJuiup fJtk in tae laTilv'a Js.v- terary Fund, anfl topficst w Kin ahandya Uie further pmetutio of the vrotk, or 4 cuke drains epoa t!eTrea$uty bejoud kt aa apprpiatt J to tais parucular vtject. . Belihj that it caottot.be the vitk of t'.e lzi'atar, aflte baviti 4 incurred so reat au expenditure, now tm relajtjuih lh odertaklp. t . Ruan) earnestly trcuojmruJ a addiuooal "appropriation to tl.is effect. ; From tie t.t evtim.le ihcy tia tnale, it ia be!ip'J tLat tl aim of 84.000 Ui be auflVient to rover, the esprnMi already incurred beynwt the forrcrr appropriations, and to keep tke boat and machine in constant 1 oprnsloQ for six months,' For a more particular account of this, and m oihrr Matter! rtlatioj tu Ums subject, they bej Icaro to refer, to tho piper fXMtrktd A. , ! ':' '-', : ' . - -- . -. Vi'Ui.re gsrd to tlie operations'betvrettt Farettevilla and. Wilmiojton, it is beljoS J that the navisation of the river lias bevu reatlr inpvvd duriu tile Ukt season. ' The. low state of (he Yutcr was highly favorabla ' to its improvrment. For a very full and urcamstaQtial account of tho irk done" upoirthia r4verrthy beg leive to n-frr io the report sub-nil-ted to the' Board by lr. Ilinloo James, the superiutemlaot, tuarked B. X '' r The above vere tlie.oidy 'works pjareil tider tho immediate control, and maiMerarut oT ifvit Board durtiij iho pat vear, Tht-y haye. hir. eferi received a Report froio (h President anu Directors of the t'lob . . loot anu II artor's creek Canal Company, to uhiclt tltey ber leave iUU uk1 tC I :'n3i f tle Lt'tldaitfta.t. Thcpirh:0 of Bf-rlu3oj '-.i the otilitv tf iLiiCnil haihceri frrr-oertlt e1Atst--(U ti ;ha Lei'ne. : '. 10 hen. the woi!t ,ii ararJy tuint".l, tiiey feet t ikelr duty 'to - sjiJ ro Or thid 9?ra no part has yet been yestrd in stork, as di. rected hy the art creating the Literary Fund,' but it will be u vested so soon as the President and Directors shall ascer taiWjsat,isfactorily, tho kind of stock it may bo prudent and proper to purchase. - From the appropriation of 821,090, which was paid ;by thU State to certain Cherokee Indians for reservations se cured to them by treaty made by tho United States,, and for which this State has a fair claim upon the equity and jus tice of the government of the United States, no part has been received, and the Board recommend to the Legislature to mat another application to ConRreas for the same. . The swainD ami marsh lanMsnf this" States which are va cant, having been pledged Tor the support of common schools, it misriit seem unnecessary to make farther provision by law, -tti'iihihitiiKr their entry, under tho entry " laws of Ihe atate'. TW Legislature, however, at its last aessiwn, deem edit expedient to pass an act forbidding its entry: but this act .is limited in its duration to the fir3t day of February, jtt. To remove all doubt on tuts question, and to prevent litleatioii hereafter, it is respectfully recommended that the ' swamn and marsli lands of this State shall tiotltcreafter be ' entered by any pcrsou as vacant land, but that the sarac'shall be applied to the purposes of public education as heretofore directed,"' , . , 1 ! . : x The value f f swamp land in this State is becoming more - ipoi tant every ycar ana thou.s:u toe lioaru nave no a cu 1t2l& inloliir' unon wii'icll ' "til fortn an dninion of the nuan tity mw owned by tho State, yet they lwe"gotJ4-!sviji to believe it is considerahlej and if it .shall hereafter bo ma- iiaged with c aution and prudence, will constitute a Valuable portion of the Literary Fund. Experiments which have been mntla lv individuals in a few years nnst. show that 1 - . . . - 1 most (tf jt is Busceptible oFbccominij the most lei tile and va f -Juabie laud 111 the Stale for trram, and no douwt remains that most of it may be drained by reasonable expense or labor. , So far as the Board have been able to obtain ii!irmation 011 this subject, the great difficulty in reclaiming this land, by lite State, is, that a !are portion ol it is owned by per sous who have entered it upon speculation, under the belief niatat-sonie future time it Would be drained and become, va lonblc. - The proportion which is owned by individuals and the? Starr, can only be ascertained by survey or examina tion, and preparatory to any plan for draining the same, it would seem expedient that these respective proportions saouiu 00 known. . " ' It fs belieyed, vilien this inforir tion shall he received, in ,duCetpents ran be, offered by the State, w hich will make if .thelntsrest of persons owning lauds of this descript. ad j'dnjng lands belonging to the Stat?, to afford their co-pc- ratthn in so desirable a work. Independent of the interest the State must take in advanc ing tho value of its domain, other considerations of -higher rharaeter and more importance enter into the subject. : Theso lauds, ?.t present, are unproduct! i', and the direct cause of pestilence, and disease to all the inhabitants lit their vicinity. Should they, under th ausukes of a wiso and benevolent policy, become drained, the lands "will be fertile and productive, the country will beroum healthy and iitha hitedby a dense, enterprising - and industrious population,, 'cotitribiiting trtjthe ftnisal growth and prido of the State, ' .it 5. tiicfploie, rcspectlully recoaimendeUihat the Board of Intmiid Improvement bo instructed Xo' Cause a shrvey and examination of such portions of Rwamp tlaiid a they uiay find convenient in the ensuing yearj and that in the sur vey and examination' they ascertain, as near a's practicable, the portions of such land owned by individual and the State, and the comparative value of each, aud repwt the Same to .the:iiext Lfgislatuftv if - ',- . -'V'-v.,-' - estahlislimehtot schools, in whkh shall be taught the .rudiments. of a common plain education, is a moral duty im posed upou ail governmejitsi. . In a government like ours, the right of suffrage te'generaljwUh'Juf lewxcet--Uons, it is es3ci;tially Important to the preservation tf fpub ; lie libci ty: In the business and intercourse of 8ociety. it v is necessary to protect the poor and ignorantfrora the .do feits and wi-Qiigs of the cunning and unjust j andintbex i y5rcise-of the right of suffrage, it is proper, that thetitizen , rinay read and think for himself, and, above iallr it in essen tial fo teach man his duty in this life, and. the lush destiny hich awaits Wm Iicrcafter : , 'f -'", In this, as well as every other Linncii of ; public instnic tion or. improvement, it is impprtaut to make a good begin ning. We should build the Literary Fttn intended as the basis of public instruction, upon 4 good foundation. This can only be done by creating a fund of rcKpictable amount; 'wc vesting it all in ata dnnual productive stack, relying on la the Bank of Newbf m 350 sharei.N.f the va!c.efj tl Id the Cape-Fear Bank G39 shai, of .the value tt 51,500 It is respectfully rccdinmended, that the tlack now owned liy the State and purchased since .1821, and that which may be hereafter acquired, in the. Banks of Newberrrand Cape P'ear, be transferred to the Trew demand. Directors of the Literary Fund, for the benefit of common schools, - ' This suggestion for the improvement of tha fund for coiri muM. schools', haa not been made without duo regard to the revenue of the State, and its ordinary disbursements, and no doubt is entertained,' but tho stock may bo appropriated as recommended, without injury to either; ' . I he Uoardara a ware that it may bo desirable liercalter, upon thcxpirattyn of the charters of the pt esent Banki1, eitl.jr, in extendijig those charters to a longer time, .or in fatablishing a WW Bank, that the State should become a stockholder to thef a mount of tlio-stock it may then own in the present Banks; and they are ully impressed with the opinion, that a pro per and judicious management of the public finances wiiild require such a measure. The recommendation now suhln it ted by them, kimt at all in conflict ith'iiicji;ji.VLbrse'',.lt will still be the property of tho State, and subject to its di rection and control: and itwitl bo competent for the' State, either in a renewal of the charters of the present Banks, w in the creation of a now Bttk, to secure to the President and Direc tors of the Literary P und the right of subscribing to tho capital stock of the Bank uny sum which the Legist a tore may think proper, and no doubt can be entertained but this would be done j The benefit to be derived from an appropriation of the stock to the Literary Fund,- is,, that it wmiluTtstablisl . at once, a permanent certain fund, nnori which tlb State conld rtlf'i tu carry into operation '"the system of acjidols in a'sfiort ttmef. .'the annual,, interest to be derived from it, would be certain in amount, and after the' systenlvl.luivfeom meuccd with such a fund, no reasonable fears could be en tertained of their disrontinuance. It would give confidence to the plan and inspire the whole community with a hope of its speedy commencement. It ?s hoped, there are nogftiunds to believe the fund would not be prudently and faiihf'iMy managed. The Presidentjand" Directors of the.Futid are all amenable to the .Legislature, and most of them, ran be removed at their plcasiirei fIn'Cortimou, witb theirj , fellow citizens, they take and ideep interest in the prosjieritv of the institution conunltted . to their care, and no doubt the' State will, at all times, command their best efforts iu Us promotion, , '.", ""'"''..':.' ' '." ';.'. Wo have the houor to be very respectfully V r BURTON, President.i . JOHN LOUIS 1"AYL0R, JA-IREDELU ' , . JOHN IlAYWOODl fa tl'.er t4 Le mated ai miyJ e ovctrtarv (uc u eutiiti - accountable 1 f nr all the inouias expended uuder ino aatharuy if n Board, lieneral Uudly, one of our members, at our earnest solicitation, V undertook to superintend ;flie.dib4irsflninli that were pceessacv on tho- Cape-Fear ritec J&od. shove and bclowV itmington. This olhcc was most taitutully periormed. His account and vouclicrs nave been exam ned, and approved by tho lieanl, ad the Mate baa been ret)vil u'm the expense which it would necessarily hava incurred by the employment 6f another agent.'- -V-v. .. v'V;:;'''': i-'.- ' -iiie uuncouvoe -1 urnpiia company oavinj ppuru 10 us, unucr inn provisions of tb act of 1 B24 establishing that! corper'arion for the m- distance of an Engineer, to lay off the road, ,the Hoard employed. Mr. Brazicrr formerly assistant KnRioeer tdt Mlr., F'tonVl perfinn that duty. ' The Buard have undei-stiMwHh.it he hai performed this service in manner liigUIy satisUctory, but Uiy have;ootyet receivea tns omciai reM.rtt'' - w:-r '.:--':.. . -v;:0.-rejwrt iroia the President snd DirecUtri of thf Roanoka Navigatiptt Comnanv: and one from th .'Treasurer 6f that CbmDantaVavherawitb; ubmitted together with a report from the Couvmuaioncr of the Bkkury Nut Gap Rosd.l V . ; 5;;' ' ''"i ,' ' ihe accounts o me uoard tor wo usi year are aiso nerewnu suu- mitted. - ;.-':.- &?.nkC--: lh p.-.BUU.r "7- t; REPORT' - - OF THE BOARD FOR XOTXtXJX XSJSllrtmSSTI To. Ike honorable thi' General Assembly of tforM'CaroUna.' , The Board for Internal Improvements respectfully submit he followinK REPORT: - & ' '-Cv fytiT; i The Boai d for Internal Improveme pts had fully, expected to have been able to present; -.to 'the Leislaturc,:at the present ses sion, at) account of the, effective operations f jthe " dredging machine - on the Flats below ilmiagia'lM -thia. .Ivasboable and just expectation j they have been disappointed and it still remains to be ascertained, by; actual expei imeivt. whether the shoals can be o removed as to insure an ufcvuterrupted naviga tion to the town of Wilmington'.' The Board ee no reason for changing the opinion which they have heretofare expressed, in relation to this subject, that Uiose'obstructiouVxa'n only be re moved by means of a dredging machine So fully 'were they of this opinion; that arly iu the Spring of, 1823, diey came to. the resolution to procure a dredging machine, and ordered Ihtf State Engineer to proceed without delay to.Uie!npj1h where it was belie veil'fint?. coold readily be bbtained.Aj account of the proceedings of ; the Board, in relation to, this subject, was sub mitted to the Legislature las.t yearUBut it may be proper to re maik.'that the machinery being the first of this particular kind cast in-this country great and uneipectjfcd difficulties occurred in its execution, 10 that it was not Qtliverednfitil long after.it was promised. ' ;v W.:;. V: . ..i - . .-; During the last winter ,the. Board adopted. every means in their power to forward the business, so as t be fea'dy to Com ineoce operations 'early in the pringv But fter the grentesl exertions..whtt,alLdiffiCultie appeared to be surmounted . aiid every thing ready for Uie'experunent. it WasToitftd that the vessel plirchased by 1 State Engineer, and fitted up under his, dir, tion, was eutirefy unfit for the purpose,' and had to. be aban dobedr.subjecUng the4 State to, an actual " loss, as iestimated by the agents of theTBoard at thai place, of at least 4,000 dollar?.. z 4: 10nn experiment new Vtb ut; it w.as e,xwj;t,4ibat. many be cominittat: bat so heavy. a.Ipsd, or so great an oversight as the oho mentioned, was hot epf;ted. ji.TIie funds ippropijated for this object were 3iot Calculated for, lustaiaing so great a, dimiautioai and the Board were cupelled either to tiaMgn; January 22, 1837. ' Legisiatiireof Carplhiv r ..4 SENATE. ' v.. v. ' : .' .. Thmday. Jan. 25. Mr. Matthews, frmrf the coitimtttes f plvnree-snd. Alimony, reported a bill to secure to Elizabeth KiUion, of Lincoln, such projiertf as ihe may herealter acquire; and a bill to di Ores Eliw S. Uowlinjr, of Anson, from lier fcia. hand: which bills patted their first reatlinff, " ' ' v . 7"' -! : t. Mr. Dumty presented the jiptltlon of sundry oltixeh or Cfltiunbiis county, pray, ing tlut th Clerk and other civil officro of tnp State, be appointed by the cltittrts of the never counties respectively, VIeferred 9 ho conimjUe of Pfoprisjiiuns and irierfcnce''-. .a?J.. ' '' :fr J v, ' aV" On motion of Mr. Parker, the Toteolitdefimte pairtponeinent of the engrossed bill, autlioilii ng the County Courts to permit gfiti t be erected acrow tho pubfic rOud itnjWji tx thereon, Was reconsidered, an4 tlia- aaid bill made the order of the day for.Mooday neat. " y .TT; i.iL- Mr. Love, from the committee of Claim, sported Sfesolution h favot St ftfit Mr. Stokes, from the committee of Finance, reported a resolution ii favor of Humplny Poneyj which was read the first timojoid passed.' '';-.i.V, " Mr, Vanhook presented a resolution, directing the Secretary of $taU topurchase, eithei in this State, or elefrwhere, as he may think bst the stationary required for the office of state and for the Legislature fur the ensuing yean which wd adopted and ordered to be engrossed, ' , v ' Mr Beard, of Rowan, from the committee appointed to conduct the biloting for a Brigadier General of die 3d brigade and 6th division, reported that Stephen Miller was duly elected. ConfcumU iu. . -: " . x i' On mtio oft Mr. Spighf,of tireene, the bill to locate the Judges of the Circuit Court, was recommitted to a comroitteq of tho Whole, and made th Order of ttlo day for Monday neat.' "Z'X ' . " 1. '" ' .' . 'i, On motion hf Mr. 'Hawkins, the bill further to regulate the retailing oFsnlritcuj ' liquors by the small measure, was indefinitely postpoded. i , . I The bill relatlva to lotteries, was rejected pu its second reading, Thi bill supplemental to the act of last sewion, Ceding t the United .fitatel Bojrue Uanksi and the bilKe amend the several acta relative io the public mad in Wilke county, were amemlcdj read the second and third times, passed, and Ordered to, be engrossed.' " - ", tJs ' ' , '"' '" u I , The engrossed bill to divide the mihtis of Richmond county into two tegirr.ents, was amended en motion of Mr., Leak, read the second and, third times, and passed. . The following bills wem presented, fead tl) pi st time and passedi By Mr. M'. Doell, a bill to amend the wet of 182J, ttf prevent persons, vho have been, 0 ihy t be appointed commission rs on the part of tle StaW for any purposes,' from be coining coutraCtorsj ijy Mr. Love. a b'dl W revive and. tontiiiue in Jbroe the act of -1824, altering nd amending the- act for the belief -of such persons As bf cattm 4i purchaiew of the Cherokee lands sold uader the authority of .the Statet by Mr,' r-' M'Ksy, a bill to compel dnldrenj Who are of sumcjent ability, to maintain their poor V . parents; by Mf. Alexander, bill toamend the act of 1818, concerning the Supremo , Court; and by Mr; Bell, a billte appoint commissioners for the town of Ronton, ia ' Pasquounk,county"''.,j f t , lw- 1,.. , 'Ihe engrossed bill for the relief or Satnuei Jones, was amehded on motion oMc Smith, read the second and tlikd times, ml:tased, v''. ', ; (: Friday, Jan. 26. Mn Ellipt, from tlia select committee to whom" was j tefi trod the petition or.,Johrf ; M'ltae, of PayetteviUe, reported resolution directing ,tli Pubic Treasurer to pay to the petitioner, a a loan, 5,000 dollars, to aid him io tho publicationof a Map of the State; which passed, its first reading. 1 t . Mr, M'Ksy presented the following renolutioiK . f 1 w.f. That the committee of Claims be, Snd the" are hereby instruct to inquire Into the expediency of aJloWing paymfcn brth seriiceeof tha pari of tha militia of Bladen county which was ordered out durmg the fear 1821 for the pur. pose of preventing an insurrection among vbe tWee, --. .j . 1 ., Which resolutioawaS amended, oq motion of Mr. Davis, by inserting, tho county Of Carteret, and adopted. "...J". .' . V .- 1 The bill to divorce Elisa . powimg irwn ncr nusnana; ana nje bin to secure to f Elisabetli Killion such property s slie may hercsftw acquire, -wers rejected on their seoond nt&ng.tS'"-: WR'. ' The resolution io favor ofHumphtey Fosey, psssedits sc id and thud readmES, aad was brdend to be engrossed ";i : f Vv1 V The bill to appoint commissioners for the town Of Nisontonj and the rejolvitioa in favor of Peter Dowcll, passed the Second -and third readuigs, and were or. dertd W be engrossed. X- -A : :sA, ,.. 'K message was recelveu iroro wie ,iou vomniona, unuuuKcing- uic aeam 01 f u.riJn Kan. on fit'the members of that House from Hertford countv: and stating the order which thejvhsd .taken in regard to his funeral, i'. j' -Mr, Speight, Of lireene, unancu ,u wiw'wjnK""" - ;- . Th&t. aa a testimony of the respect which the member of the Senate entertain for the memory of Uonarfl Martin; deceased,' member of the Mouse of ' Commons, wewill wear crye on the left Srmiqr lh space of thirtir days, Snd that we will attend his funeral tnisdVf'at 3 o'clock, ( Jf. fJXz.S s Which resolution was sOiipted unanimously? ana me semiie iCi aajournea. " SutirJay.JtM. 27--Mr. Marsh presented this petition of sundry citlfcetia.of Chat- ham county, b the subject of cumpelUiitf UuaXtrs jo penona unwary uuty.; Ke. fenedtdtheWllitarywrnmitup.; '?4- Vf-''Cn. A.--f.v;V.-;V. Mr Selleis presented bin W smenci uio acci 1943. uj-eciinjr tno manner in kVinh Hs.hia 1 . . 1 1 n. iiprrniicr 1 1 duiiileu ill daiiiuwii w.in t m.. w. . uiu directing th duty i tti shtriti w the State In LoWiog flections tor Reprrscn. tativea in ConinesS snd Members of the General Assembly t and Mr. 9pajght,: qT ' - .... " ... . .ajtm ' I t U . ;.A f Iniilk,!.. .n. . ' 4 ' if.' tH;' ' ''? ''!U,'' "''ij '.- t , ; li-': I . , .1 . . I U a( IQ-lf 'rliutnitv Ihi lino Of luvihirf h .-nnnttr ' ' r, . 1 uraven, a out ruw, u. ; Ti T. V v; ' .-.v--? I tis Of Cravenj ana appointing receivers ot ibuui u vwr,; smcn . , 5 ; - 1 bills passed their first reading. , . ' ; ;Tt..M9'T - '77 T'P"; : f "-V; ,vf ''. k, - i.,J'- i i'.Vf-', V -.'f''-V.'i i J Ml :H"' ' : V. . '.rf- - - v. 1. -, .'i'