f m -1 1 i i i i i I i - ......... tx. ia as.. BALKIGH, (N.C.) FMD.1Y. MARCH , I827. Vc!. XVIIL- LA. WS OF ii 0 RTII-C AttO LIN A , " r - y ' - . i - . ; . (BY AUTHORITY), 5 far t I aaad. mJihlU year eht aaa4r4 al lTatr-foqr, bp4Mtti&Btt7( VMMBlMr, mm thoaaatul tight Bt it enadtd by tht General JSttemlly cf the Slat r of North- CsrmTinii Mi it it forth enacted hi the autkaritv of Ae nmr I That a Arther tim, atU tb riM of tht preseuf eioq ef the fi General AwemUj, be allowed for Abe payment ef the parchite onej UthaSUta, on all entries for vacant land mada in the . a a l . m x . year. one thousand eigne naaareu ana iwenij-iuor; ana tnat when the parcbaM dwf aforesaid ahall hart been paid, it ahaJl veat in the peraona who ahall have entered their lands in the said vear.the same rishti as if the v had paid the parchaae monev be- I fore the fifteenth daj of December, one thousand eight hundred F'and twent? six: Provided, imerlhcU!t,.thit all entries tnadt since the fifteenth day of December aforesaid, shsll in no wise be affected by the provisions of this act) and that" the Public Treasurer be, and he is hereby lothorised to receive the pair chase monev on all such ebtries until the rise of the bresent session of the. General Assembly; and that the Secretary tf aute oe, ana nt is nereuy auuiorweu nu uirecica 10 issue grams on all such entries ia every case, where i shall appejby.the Comptroller's certificate, that the purchase money to the State bas ben paid within the time prescribed by this act. II. And be U father enacted. That this act shall be in force from and alter the ratification thereof. Aa act eooeenung Executor, Administrator! and Gntrdkus. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of jforth Carolina, and it it hereby enacted by tlie authority of the tame, That whenever suit shall hereafter be brought upon any bond riven bv anv executor, administrator' or cuardian. for the faith ful performance of his.or her duty as such, it shall be the duty of vie cuuri, i me appcaianvc icim ui boiu buk, uu niuuun 01 ei ther nartr, to refer the same to any person or persons, to whom both parties agree to have it referred; and if they cannot agree on persons to whom it shall be referred, then the court may re fer it to the clerk, or any other person; .and such person or per sons, or clerk, to whom any reference shall be made under this act. shall take an account under the same roles, remhtions and restrictions as are now provided for taking an account in a Court of Equity; whose report, when confirmed by said court, shall be conclusive evidence of the amount of the plaintiff's demand on ly as against the then parties; and it sliall be the'duty of the said court to make an allowance fur taking such account, in the same manner as is now done in Courts of Equity; which allowance shall be paid by the plaintiff o defendant, or both, as the court, in its discretion, may directs An net to revive in continue in furce n act, ptsstd in the rcur otic thousand eisrht hundred and twentyrfow, to alter and amend an act for the relief of such pertoni as jeeame pvrebasert of the Cherokee rands, sold under the aa thoritvof tiUtte." ,-,t ,'Vi','.:. : " . ue u cnaaea vu uu urcncTatjiMerrwiu or me viaie of jyorin be eenmeeced. and prosecute in aey ef the Seperior n Coan ty Courts of this State, if the jury, epos the trial of the istet. or the ae$icntnt of dsmsgn a poo a writ of ionoirr, do find or asa-.w uie um.v soorr nxir uuiiin, m piaiotiil,s&l recaV er aoaaavejoiigreent lorto more costs than damages; fi t law, Aa act f!tit t the tarMe ef V rM of aWJVar hi aertaai Mi' " Be U enacted by tht General Jittembiy of the State ef North Carolina, and it tt hereby enacted -by the authority of lit tame,. That is aU State prosecutions for capital felonies, and if her in ferior offences, the defendant or defendants shall have the aid and assistance of counsel in selecting a jury by whom he, aha or they are to be tried; any law, usage or custom to the pntrary oiwunsianqing. ( , , , . .. t t .AaMiawtrawhiapeijiiriealBwr ' 4 Bt t enacted by the General Jii$mbty of tht State of North Carolina, and it it kertbv enacted Lv iie mrthorifii nf tht tame. Tfeat from and after the first day of January, one ihoosard eight hundred and twenty-eight, no action shall be brought wheteby to baiEc anj cjiccuifir ur uraiDistraior upon any special nmite, which may be made after the first day of Januiy, one lhicxasd eight hundred and twenty-eight, to answer, damages out of his own estate, or to charge the defendant upon any special promise i answer me ueui, iieiauit, or mucarrnge- oi anoiner-person, unless the agreement anon which such action shall be bi slight. or some memorandum or note thereof, shall be in writing and imiitu wj ii ; ij vu(jtru inrrcwi4.il, r buiuc uuicr yii miji thereunto by him lawfully autliomedj any law or usage m the comrary npiwunsianuing. ... v .. ,. , f An act Umitiiig die time within which ecrpdn oflcnees shall he prosecuted and presenmng ine oi bnuiojuron reiUTenpreto. l s Be it enacted by the. General AtttmMy of tht State of North Carolina, and it tt hereby enacted by the authority of tht tame. That in aiW trespasses and other misdemeanors, except the af fenctsoF penury, forgery i malicious mischief, and deceit, the prosecution shall commence within three years after the com mission of the said trespasses and misdemeanors, and not after; and no bill of indictment shalrbe found, or presentiunt made by the Grand Jury of any county in this Static where Hie of fences aforesaid shall have been committed three years next before Hie finding of the said indictment, or making the said presentment: Provided, that in case any person Or person" com mitting eny of the said offences or misdemeanors shall abscond from without the county, in which the offence was committed, or conceals him or herself, or the said offences shall have been committed in a secret manner, then the said trespasses and mis demeanors shall and maybe prosecuted within three years after the return or apprehension of the offender, or discovery of the offence: Provided alwaye, that "when any prosecution shall be commenced within the time prescribed by this act, and judgment shall be arrested for anv defect in the indictment. or a nolle nroseaui shall be entered, that the commitation of time in snch cases shall be made from the time snch prosecution sliall have terminated, anu not othuiise. - 1 VVi? it furdarnr?il .Tr.t if anv frM wwn tntitirtA . shall trade with any stave or slaves, tiiher.by tui from, or selling to him, her or them, any article or articlct .f poprty contrary to the tme mesniig Mthh act, he or she m y be prose -ested by indictment iathf; County or Superior Court, and, a conviction, shall recur e not exceeding thirty-nine lashes on hit ; VI. Bt it further tnackd. That if ioy slave oir slaves shall b . wund ia any rtore house, wart house, tippling shep, or other place fitted op for trading, unless sent bv Km, her or their owner overseer or employer, after the boor of iae unlock ac niht, or beforedatbfeakia the morning, or on tht Sal6 u'a yj er if any slave or slaves shall be found, at any time, in any of the afore uirmmnea pieces, unless sent as ajortsa, wUers-he, she or they ahall have been permitted to remain for the space of fifteen minutes, with the door of the aforementioned nlaces closed: or if any slave or slaves shall be teen to carry into any of the afore . , mention places any article or articles aupposed for s!e,. and ; ! pot bring tlie sameout; oe if he, she or, they shall Wing wit of '"t theiaid places any article or articles, which may have be pur , chased therein, shall be taken and received presumptive vi- ,'' ' dencej against the person or persons owning or keeping the store , ' house, ware house,-tippliog shop,- or Uier. place Cued ep fo. ' ; , trading, of a violation of this act, to be rebutted, however, like v ' . other presumption, by other circumstances ia favor of the ac- - : Cused.' M .,. -Ji'. . - , . . ..'',";. !t VH.nrf t)t it further enacted. That either of the rartiee or v master of the slave, bein? dissatisfied with tlie iud mentof the T. justice or the verdict of, the jury v may pray ma appeal there- ., ' ; from , as Jn other cases: Provided, that no iuitor indictment -, , snail be prosecuted for any violation of this act, unless such suit f or indictment be commenced within twelve months after such - '" violatiob. . f ' ,"" '; A -- . ' .' -.wi VIII. And bt it furthtr enacted That the act. pasN ia the V year one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, entitled "An act - to prevent,fraiiduletit,lradirig vtl slaves,' be, and the same ia hereby repealed, saving the rights of the wardens of the poor,! -V and of individuals, which mav have accrued under said act. ' - t 'rlt i.: ;.-,. " i ;-A.V. s ' i . Paper tuampanving' theUeporl of thi Committee on the op T futuuos ty r ice j rcsiucni. . -, To the Hon. Joaic FiotM 8isi The Committee of Investigation, ovet which voi! nrrsW. ha, i (V-. that they have closed the exarr.fion of all the witnesses tliry deem it . necessary or proper to summon oetore tnemi i Simula be equally insens't We to the claims of private friendship, and the obligations of publio du ly were, i.sm w enter my solemn protest against the extraordinary,, - course, and not less, extraordinary conclusion of a proceeding. Singularly , y', destitute of almost every attribute of a leg al investigation. Even if it -j 3-. shouH be ponsidered that this Committee was instituted, not for the ex i v'1' slusive purpose of sitt ing, in judgment on the, specific charge submitted t their examination, but for ihe additional purpose of exercising, to a certain Z, 1 . . ... - r--. .....vh.f.h,, WIUIIHIOMVIIi . WflllVf VUflVClV t tht there wouhi be? any thing in the chsracter ef ; such a commission. At r J t. ' ' 11 . 1 .I . . A I An fl it ttAnl Mfr aP As tlicrtl AAAfinn fC an. anf OMfilUJ 1(1. a 4 tC 7 rrH to 3E3 SST tS 1? TZrV , I Mme' 5 W -' -&e ofd fa Ae AS that wouid .uthoriseU tb depart from thefundamentai oTjud" f That an act " to alter and amend the act of the Ceneral Assem- , eiht W l twenty. ' ' 3 - ciaj investigation, nUh. established ruie of judicial evidencet and af, uij v vire vMu.t.i.- "&' v uu . j. u ii - mi w, tt uii,u i ijc cnuuLU cy jc uretcrut nntuii vj me plain or iTOfMi 1 icr jws mrougu m pcipiexing manes 01 suspicion stilt ' tti inunx . j ionu Mwuwttu aiu incu l u'fK'iu. pu Ii iirrcuu miivcw ltf Htwri(V Wl we fault . I --"j-";, b i -"v o Di.a,u, iiiwupnciH HHU in- - t. iL.. l ..I.... : 1 1 . , . I . r . . V; , . T - 7 J J . ' I 1mi..ikla ) nnn. In u l K. hu.!.. .I.t . . ty-iour, oe, anu jinu same is nereuy revived ana conunea in torce I i nat so much ot the above recited act as requires the defendant until the net meeting of the General AsaembirurttiM owtex ana 1 to piean in ttenient,- hereby repealed and that al) r that this act shall be in torce irpoi anu alter tne ratincationi utter commenced in mis araievv thAJV""1 r buV thereof." ' r. ' , no.. admissible testimony, and lefal evidence liiJentiy reueTt"B my, to select he prfcise point where suspicion ends InawSjtefSSnW Tt Was the intention ol tlie House rnat wis commit. lacif anu opinions wincu nicy iuiij rcpon iodic Mouse, will PC cunsc Anart tnaltRrtha tiiiae of the annual meeting of the General Assembly, B it enacted by the General Assembly of the StUe of Norfli Pmirta. nn hnrwU nrnmiftanrv nutea. or linuiilated Ar.r.nunta.i under the sum of one hupdred di9mi89e,d.by 2ftE! i J'& v - ' Ihoiin, to tlie country, snd even to the committee themselrev to state. . briefly and distinctly, my objections to the course pursued, before it shall said Court. i - .1 1 1 . K.hii jm n.riwf n.i . Iii m.Mii.iij m. fi..,. d j. I . .. . 1. ;i .1. m u. unM. mmmm. .1. 1 tarowio, ' ';'c,'y twiwuiuiiiiy -.w junirv no acuu j,.roiuu ui.muiii iJ.v,,uii,iiWii mv oe too late to correct or to palliate its injustice. ' And, in tne very outset That tlie meeting of the General Assembly of this State shall - ' ' ' Ta ' if .t'e, ' of my remarks l canit but invert to the faet,Mstri be anmiall v, hereafter, oft the third Monday in November, "ill enacted by the General Alterably of the Stale of North- &t anomalous chmctcr of this proceeding, thsti with the exception (. II And be ii fkrtlier matted. That an act: entitled ' An act Caroltna,. and it as hereby enacted by the mahottfyvfthe om, the solitary question as to the fact of Uti Choun't participation, which- , Asi-mMy, entitled t An act to provide a revenue lor tne payment ot tne eivu I turpept unann TOuimMm.-.. Haloes; or ii any r .'i mtJ k.lhm flenl J1,,vmhlii nf th Stat nt jVnrth.i.. . Carolina, and it is herebu enacted by tht authority of tht same, ,Lr . L-x. nc .11""' r- 7 - - , , - , j i- a7 . ... 'I ' T " " ' - a v imuu - mi ..- i s . '...' .a i. . a. . . . ' . t . i . i ii ,.(. tn atte fh time of Uie annual meetins of the General Assem- ,rom MU ltr "J. V u uj u8" ."rr.riK:wTiX.T,rv' r?!? ncK" t bly," passed at the last session, be, and the same is hereby, re pealed. .' ' . . - f ., ' 4r ' i . ; , n'irnii iuibi isvsai nwr ru av iiiiihi. iiiiii ritvi mirw iHrininir iiipiiina. i m - ta . .1. at. . . An act to alter an act, passed i one thousand eit huadred and twentjTthree, J!ai flour; "P"" ,flU,0 Wlne' PW' ? aceuaatioo. or to any other accosation against the prwrale integrity or of. (' entitled " An act to amena an aoc, panned si ine mm mssiuu vi viie vicucrai mv. r. . , r , ..... KLU)yiMuii, me, toouer, sninies, noons, wime osk neauinz, aqa pot-1 c8 w uiscm w u wihuiuob oi mo comnuee, aesenp.; person or persons snan sen, oaner wim, or c 1 ' i . i .ii. .7 iI.Tr ."..v " ; 1 r , . r. - , .. ' . . j- 1 . if will be recollected that the first three or fmir rlava f ;:m .-c, ..y feu , m-,. C. u. ismnssuiw, 1jevoted to the ,tomioation of wltn).eg, professed y prcluced fo, . Thajt any person, who shall peddle ghods, wares or merchandize Jshnn for cach ofJ .forreit .m pay not the growth or manufacture oi this &tate, except 'egctaDiesj, to b(l rec,veieii by. warranty before any Justice .of the ulaUop against Mr. Calhoun, or in the infamous publication of the equally in-.mnw yivrioivN. f v ' . I t'cace, ana ftnpuetirt one nan to me . use oi me party suing ror ' . " v ' ".r"".? s . .niimiicui mm qarn ana new soutn suie oi Aiuciuai o uuu, uu v s .pv the fame; the other halt to the wardens of (the in, Roanoke excepted, shall pay to the sherilTof each and every Provije(j however,' rU&i it shall and may be COUnty in wnicn lie way B puic, .....u... - gf)n or perg6ns ,n the fay tl nnallvi as a ta to the State, to be levied, collected, and account- Km-0n .Kn ricin. nf th un ml w ' - . . , ,'. .. i UV i w v. vis a aw'w t traffic with, or receive from any slave" or slaves any such varti- lency, CaicuUted, it true, to stamp his reputation with indelible infamy, Icle or articles -a permission i ffer, iwuinuum, til uicaauicj kiiu luj uicr, ii iiiiu anu iiihy uc iow- tartic nation in this most inaiUnaa attemnt at moral mil nnl !..l ful for any person or persons, in the day time as aforpsaid, to I nation, yet it ia a circumstance much to he regretted, that, in the editorial ft r i , , t I 1 j. ".. .. I ! 1 ... . ii m.w j . a ! - -T- .a a . . . . i as vase J t t it fnn aa nther nublic taxes, .II. j?e urAer enoced, That all laws, and clauses of laws, coininff within the meanintr and purview of this act, 'so far as re lates to the waters mentioned in the above clause, be, and the same are hereby, repealed ii, f im ...j... t,u. ;,.f ,Lm l.nous conspiracy. ; is not my purpose to complain of the tours hur. p i ' t. I lllil nV Ihs irnmmiTtAa in thia VAenttnr olilinttfrh it mirrhr haa !..J!.i.: and may be lawful foeanv per-kmoremnfiiOUBdegirttp esonorate one against whom no imputation had Only, : feunuays excepted, VIZ. been made, than to administer speedy iustice to the second nTir tk between the rising of the sun and the .setting thereof, to buy of, 1 Government, when actually on his trial upon s charge of ofceial delin- as aforesaid; tor which tie; she, or they may have "-".v u,"vi"1 iir uic uw eonouei ot wr, n vritin"- from his ' her1' or their owner or mana- i10"'' '""transaction, a d.st.nct subject of inquiry, I feeljconstrain 1 i r ' at - ?J i n j - k i-. ed t0 "mw that, although 1 reatWy exonorate him from any inter.tWnid '.t ', ' S - t.'. o. . '.-'' sell and deliver to arty slave or slaves, ny goods, wares, or mer commentaries by which the publication of the letter of Elijah Mir, in tht? , ''hhtlThTr chandize, or Other thing '(spirituous liquors always except- hi taUe wu acconrifamed, the name, and office, and official de.; . ZieU enacted by Vie General Assembly of the Mate of borth- -Vhanw for nrnavment nf the mnnev nr article orar- cl'on the ctary of War, were so artfully associated with thecharge ' Carolina, and il lit hereby enacted by the authority of the same, f.d e".hnPe hr! ?r,pay,"e..nt f1 J I hl ill S1,nt lr- Calhoun, a. to g.va .it addidohal solemnity ad important 7 That from and after the pissage or thfa act. it shall not be lawful wh,ch. h B,aVe. ,or ?f t and that no measure. wereWn to have this injurious siMCiLn & ' ' inai irom ami auc u ..i rftllntl-, f thia State to re- "tten permission aforesaid, authorised to selj. t - claimed, through th same channel. It is a fact,equally to be regretted, , 111 for any entry tow. Be it further, enacted, Tiut the foreeoin offences shall that the Secretary should have retained in' hi.ossion, officiSv for : ceive any u" Z nn n moreojrer be indictable in the County or Superior Courts of Law, three days, the letter confining ; the charge anunjt Mr.qalhoun. without, and'awamplandainthisState, except in cases where the qnan , ' lltfentiarit on conviction shall be fined or imnrisoned ("jhim the aliatteat inUmatkm of U. Andeventhe verbal declara- J t.tyof lan5 does not exceed fifty acre, in one body, and that XedUcre bl hccre t0 CoUohnr,U,at he believed the charge, ,m ' m-.mM K...nn tl,. KhM nf rracta heiwtnrm era n ted: and evert l tne a scretion ot tne lwn. tne one, now ever, not to exceeu Mf Ciijloun t0 De mn atrodous oahimnv. was not antd until a4a. , . I - ... . -a f . !.'" WPMiVUM 1U us SllltiUUVUI IMIUII Ta WailHIl Hiaue UI1L1I inBT. .nVrv m, e contrary to the intent and meanin of this act. shall w'v- Tlar?; tP' "r oh ha; ana H It shall hud elapsed afterth. jMiatio' in the Pbcni. G.tte, and was onr tic null and voia: ana mat im from and after its ratification. , I aDDear on xue trial, tuav tne ueicuu4ui is a in;eiicu rciuucr w i commumcaiea id jit. uaiooun alter he naa nrenarea and sealed his letter : sw wan a in iuive iiiiu.v-.avev fi rUuolJg iquor! bj thft gmaU meagUf e he or she. lall lso for- the House of Representatives, and placed it in the Junds vi a friend. r - ,. a ;-s - ' "1 lfi his nv Kpr rptailino" lirenap. an 1 ahull Iip ,Ar.tnhl of taking And 1 must ajao state,- at a fact worthy of notice, that, neither in the Thai- .- ' - l- r. u? -r." r .i .r.: .u" I nu Gazette, which assumed a semi-official attitude in atatimr the nro. " the Printer of the State, 'evidtncewtl ''. J"? V, ? ceedings of the Secretary of War in relation to die letter of Mix, nor in Cdiia State. . ' . date of his oi -hei codvkUob. - "i 't'V ithenot.ee taken of the publication hi that Caxette by the National Intel- Aaapt to make private acU printed bf . f , i . - , Courts oi Be iUMtled by the Uenerhs Jissenmy oj tne oiaie or norm--r ill. jfcujuruier enaciea, mat ji any person snau nauooienviiigencer the new day, .was the fact atated, that the Secretary regarde 'herebu enacted bv the authorilv of. the tamcA I iv: or cause to be sriven to anv slave, the nronert v of another.1 the charge against Mr. Calhoun aa an atrocious calumny i n . TViot-aif firiiratA art, whicn nave oeen or mav nereauer oe oasi- a nermissiou in wnnoz. to sent wane. or irainc in any urucio oi i wiumiij,wiuia 'r w ininciiw .,i h ihl nnpral Aemhlvani tirinted bv the Printer of the nersonal Drooertv." without the cV or authority of the maa- v'V -e y i propos.uon. AKeraupnnsting i. envious i, J ' ':' -wti .i .tll..i..w J. ..uVii..:- i.-..:lt( , r ...w i i remara, uuti aw uie eviuence prouueed to exculpate Mr. uaruour, was not, XtntP- Khali anil mav DO Teau in eviueiicc u nu t;tses, uu in wr, uwuir, r uie ix.ii.uu nanus aiiu. iBniiaiuiucf.v v m.n l .Mil ;vlcit,v hut Imm,.!...! u k. -J. t -,:li .. h.11 Courts of this State, from the printed statute book. , Ihei she, or they o ofiending, sha.( n conviction before any examination of that part of the eatimoy which isntended, as I presume, 'lT."j?nI ft 'if further enacted: That any, of the private acts Justice of the Peace in the countr where, such offence tsimmiu ho bear, directly or' indirectly, upon the official character and tntesnitv heretofore nassed. and published by" Francis X. Martin in his col? ted, forfeit and pay the suit ,;of one hundred dollars: one halff Mr. Calhoun he great mass of the evidence that has so long ng. pp r j . I , . , ..r.i..' .. :.:.jm- ,t.- " J U. ' .u- l.ntrlired the attention of the commit tt. rnnaliitanf ih nrivat Vttra nf Ma. lecuonpi pnvaw .u r. " , . rw , V ? "A:.-T." torVanaeventer to Eliiah Mia. vith the exnlanations to which thev have. I" . . m. m mS ' . . . ' . at said col!cction;rBa copy of any private act cert i lied jy the to the ue oF the wardensoi the poor ot said county. Secretary of State, shall likewise be received in evidence in any i iy . m y jurtner enacw,, t nat n any save or lit tne VOUrtS aioresaiu, any uw w uwigc w iuc luirnay imi- uuj. v. vvc.vcauj vi ino aiuitMiu i withstanding.: ' ; V j : .i- V ae or slaves,, or shall sell . or , "Lmmrnm.1 , , ' v ., i alave or ! si eves, cpn t rary , to th given lie; It ia hardly necessary that f. should enter in a course of argu- nyi jrejec Secretary of State, shall likewise be received in evidence in any iy . tie it Jurltier enacted,, I hat it any s.ave or slaves snail bcfofe fc committee, 'of which ix out of seven are lawyers oy pro mh . i" . ..I. i. IL.'i.. a. SI v.A..A..:-U..-l. am v -.a M A O S t.. OtfO akaAMHaa t.mm am n W I J ...... 1. .S . . . a . , a a . . T . - " . csaiu uiuimuiicu umuruj uuiu a.ij i lession, it .nommw tnese letters ougnt to nave neen promptly rejected. efl . or deliver anv of the same to I s incompetent nd improper testimonV. Even if it be irranted that Mr. , to" the true meaning of this ca. Calhoun js now .on his .trial for every set of his life, oificial or private, jn thereof, before any justice 4 thelM""" "yw or thei'r bareback not e,ed 1 well laid on, by any constable Al tht tBce of sues, tha letters That iuaUacttotia pfassauU and battery, which shall herea ,. ' ' Aaacttotlhy Bt it enacted by trie , uenerai wsemviy oj in oiait oj iit- peace, s.iaii receive on ni iwr ur ir an. 4w,.a, nui J bicb have been devised by the wisdom, and consecrated by the eiperi .... oaroil 717. arm m ncrwu cvaci vu wvi-vf h w w , wii i uii mMii 7'v iutTMivi ,v .v v s. ( .. . . n iH a. 1 a -, w a . a . . I r . . . i . or declarations of another person cannot be giv- '4 . t y if.- 1 . ' 4 I . 4., , 1 . V ... A t ' ' - j - , H i i V. 1. . i (i f A .f 1 ' v . i k; '.Hi' I V";. . , , y , , ) . . - '-rt-; 'j, . .1 " ' ' ." ' . -s ; - 0. O