dfci-al 4 atss, awtl CjaetwrfVe, a tt T .& C i ' area Inmm . ti, nl s w 4 - say afceaJy tm Lataajam KkOut.'tMkM T. .,w , t 1. tiilw- rt. T. tt jKMmtib to tract, rtfr t . . c.t ' - -r I &M tV aatarf alt aba taawv Caart nVtukvH -, . W. Trat V. . ' . ' ' I 1MB J JCr. Ji t . tnaJ 1-1 -. 1 I J . 1 ir.r4.nd btDtrativ. ia .U Crti . l'rr ".r i. , .,., - . . . . . . . tjswhkb.ti' all YtuUat & ilat Dawk-. fnMMcnigrMK , hnUa.faX TkilUnak, TariL.M.J tMTf tUatka .1 S4? UW Tadkis, a br;W" fcT-W?, J. Clt-Flrr. at til sat eat riven tkcH ', ANmn. (rtlM U W j T xtT r DM nit thj TviJ.ttttlioattand y W,--Woi l rAhrM.w HltUitMUlm iwtatud't JcavKcm4t H nat nMM t.R 4 . J -"TJiil(iO. liml . i-.j, ,1,1 Tim ti J-J- -f HI mlajW KorfcJt, a-T Car. Part ta, H OKlt Ml TlJ., A ol 1, u-loxa, rT.nTW W-aaiCai. .... -i i-fa-aa,, !,'-- ' .aiaaaUatHA. tViaort 4aaa, Jc4a Paaafcafcar, E4f. i fr M Wt Cpl(i t!V(, boer 0Ut f"7l Hor-t, flai-J-rt wt mhr. '.yr r .T-Tryy v pi. - -,;. tw, wj tia. . M-L-artJAMf4uf;1i1!l,.-fi1, w ku-i i-wani w, wt al; -4 t W cuW i-- H W-f0ai-wWri4. ' ' - i. Uw U-.'- T. '? P1"' Hnaar af rmf.Hi k. ka kM itAir irnr I ti a . lma Cfce Cwa Bm a-4 atbfr-, Ia. oU. fftvk 4 RwtTJ. i 1 ch CtwI4 M 4durjt Trt U41mIIm 1W IXtnrr latoUraMt. - teTNtot WaM tj Wl tr-i-4 hy tw-a, A-Un-m. MUo.t IM Ktmu, tra Ho-. Tg-, M Dkr R.nk aaTuaaJ w IL P WW "7 "t 'A""'. C'talB, kaj ta, aaaw.adrti. .apt.,., tria st prtta M W aVm liU aVip. fcrr rtaolTad 8 W. flajiaaato maat tcrU, aa4 tfopri laaarri to rcpal caai teat a ,j aoeraWt b aaJT aa "jad by tkr fUeratl-corthalWdSlaUMk Tkt bOowiac (aUBMrfcGo. Traalalke8-c War, 01 tk tmpar aaparaaaw ti Uooriiaai aa Oiii apUaaap aabjt!: Liratc i ViaAaa k aaaoaaaa kamaetf ai AkI of the Uirr" GtaeraL That Iba -,urr ahmaatwofjour BK-aaoe i. cauUi OmM, 1 am only at libcrtj to pw Uit tViaaaa wtaek ft menu. Yo i daaarUy wlernd, tbera. forr, tiiat 1 tra) ft W bt 7 ly W reaM u ilia Mr mjiiiarr Mtack winck tke Uor.muial r .1.. iu.aa bihm alull tluuh oroper la naka ott U Urrftory, tha aeoor k aoaereija 1 ..M-a al ttua dulr. aoaordxr to w limlUd i..... ..a oraaraaa. IVom tk MAwwe of ho-tHiCy, yaa W ka aojdcract kud irFat- d at a putilia neaJ, ana u w F'Nfc- , b,aai tM. to whom uurbt eooMa- bnuallv bra ajjjK), to our owa dlee a nuit iBaion,aniU'eUe the M.vancra, and hat U more, the auVluskioK allwi of tbe bvici hoaeiBJyouhadartl. " You b refcired me for the role of my eon doet o tke Treaty of ahuitoa; " arbkb, like .11 ihr T-tict which bae received the aoa Uatjonal taqctioa, h among tha aaprema wt of tkc land," and wluivb ite rrcuueai it, uu-.eiore, iounU to omry mto efiVfet, ' by all the mean nn-in- his eonU-ol. In ira, I take the liborty to efar you to a Treaty of pnor itate, aad prior no tification, eoneroiU-d at the India Spnog, a aopy of the" Proclamation ot'ahioh, omkr the ugn ma utinl of tho. President. I have the honor tu eauloae. On a aomparwon W dates tle Preaident may think nroufr to remind the ConKrcw,that the old prant claimi preference of tle new, at when vent ed t-tehu tT toasted, the old Treaty, like the aid grant, hn prefereuet of the new.;' In addition the above, we diaeover that tliere are 6t)ier warlike movements going on m Georgia. A General Order hai been given to tye Major Genaraitof tha 6th and 7U diviiioni of mnitia, to hold m adioeu the several reglraenti and Vattalkma within' tbefc reipactiW eommamU, to revel any hoatOe mvasion of tha territory of that State." And it h aUo' Hated, that DepoU of arm and ammunition, eeniral to each diviiion, will ke establuhed in dii time. V Sncb it the preient it ale of -thingst 'Bat tmeerelv hope and eon Rdently bpCevji, that tome vise measure will be adopted by Congress lo bring thfise .difieiencet to a speedy and pacific t0iihtltion. ' ' Jt is stated in t- Annfapplit Republiean that flie bill to punish gaming hat passed both Houses f the Legislature of IklarjUW. - The penalty it fine and iroprisohmenci Tkk former law made it a pLnilfUary ofitiee; mi (he eonseucnee vas, it w seldom or.Aever enforced. Col. WiLUfHS, cliargo d'ATaircs from the United Suites to the Hepublio of Guatiinala,' ar rived at Washington city pn. the Slstult. onariut to the Government. ' 4, The Supreme Court of this State adjourned on the 21 a siltimo) after- a aessidn of, eighteeks. The following is a. list of the cases decided dur ing the term of the Court:" WilJian Fftlis It others ?, Haph Torrenctlc TamesKcer's ulni'ri, from In-di W. InEquitv. I)cbrr aoeortline to the Heport f the Jlei-k & Jlaatar .ef IredfTL extent as to hiteMst -on the hire. k .profits of Kegroes, which question a re iwd kir fin-thrr nmiaidpratinn. y .'. ' -Pilcrim Williams t Miraiah Rieks k rtheni, lrom Nashv In Equity. , SUI ' disiuissed without eosta. . . t,.'. , . - 'Mirajah Ulckf Esecntort &' Legotoea df RalntoA UUln trom JNaali. lntquAy, la- ttirlscajtory order iof the court below reversed. Kefcrred to the Master to take aa account "Willianj liryanjr.fcotlieca . the Extcutars & m nwxs vy ju i "iiu, u-opi onaauu KoiiKv. ' Citrtaaduttari tnilt : " 4 iViUiamroQm.e)ieMtorf Bryan Whitfield, aie from iJeaoir - J.u Equity. Order of reterence renewed by fading the Qerk of this ourt to the Kommissiouer chosen by th parties. ' Hubert. fiVynn k ife tt,,Peyta R. TmistaU, H-orn Hwi " Equitjv Iecree for the eomplaiiiaotsv . ' , t Leoy Stow d. te hf Jra $c devisees of JCatlian ford; ueeeasediffom Lincoln. The hiterloew tory order of tliis court, ordering a partition of the lands reserved, & the cause ' remanded to the Su anu ike partition. v, 1?(iff',s "Famir Simmsfe Samuel Allan jv. JCreswetl Key & othrs,froni Rock iugl iam,. In Equity. Decree aceordiiig to "RejwA. t ' ' , . Joseph; rvdtu0puuCeu'', t. Geoi-pe Robinson appt. from lredell.r Jmfo moit of the superior court reversed and nti v trw graeA' : ' - .-.,' " Willis n Prew, attoruey tnenil, and others t. Theophilus Huhter, from WaVe lu Equity. ( (b . jtmetion made perpetual with costs.) v - Sarah Gi-eeu . William room, gtmrdian, and William Dranton, from Greene. In Equity, demanded to Owe Court heiowr with leave to take farthej-tcstintony.liC .l,f V'.-.1 Elum M. JoluistoN vt. Piarlea Carson, appt, from Buneorobe. . r Judgment of tha- btperior Court arrested. '' (, "a, " ' Gaveraor. to the use of eountr trustee, vs. W3- rara liafr and others, from titokes - Jndgmeotof thSspjW'Ck)urtalurmed. l-i-'1 ' ; SaUt Bank of- Uoith Carolina vt, Henry Uijn ter't executor k other, apgts. from Edgeconibev dvnmjem 01 vie sapel'ior uourt ainrmea. . ' loe on. demise of V.- 'l ay lor k others t Mary Saunders, appcjfronj Onslow. Judgment of the Superior Court aiTirmed. ' ' ; John Morehead tw,: Eustaee ltunt and others; ?m aanV, from Reeluugfcam; in Equity.' IujuncOoo, aoaUe perpetual, and contract set aside upon tlie eouinlaiiww's re-eon Vitt in i; the lots in dispute by deed of conveyance to he ap proved of by the Master of this CourW " William lluRhes aa. Eustaea Want awl ethers, 'om, Roekmduint, ' Ja Equity... lajuacswa dis I solved, and bill dismissed with coats. .1 .. if; Thomas Alston tavStenheu Outcrbridee, from Franklin. In Equity. Iiiiurietibt made perpet-. mnpoi cadaet' aoaja. t npon thn complainant's re-eoBvermf tothe do-'I Mecklenburg, V.TAadersoni J. Smith.' Brans dkot's trustee whatever toterejsthe may bare wick, James M'Adca. Amelia, G W. Nolln Jah It' Karfo a. Wlliaai TMJLmnm mmd r. McUowU, adnuaiKratara, aaK frwm Brke. JwdpMaX of tha Superior pwt rcrrad tqd ew trial fraatedl - Joha farrar ml Ph3ts) Af ate, from CKathaja. Jtdgiawat f the Bapenor Cmsrl rrvarved tad aw Hal graated, . f ' Wkibp tvuvdiraei a. WSIiare WUraat, frwas lUifaa. la Cait, Rrfcrrtw t tkw alert to fake aa aaeoot . .-. v AihibaU Pars w. Artluta Newaom, llrwm IXvidaBt. JadgmeM jof this 8M-inv Coari Pev-raed and aew trial rranlrd. - ' WilUkaa Moreadr and Waet. Drrid Howtior. ew. from Harapaaa. Judgment af (he Superior CMrtaarnseA Sarah B. Carter M. Solomon Graves, from CasweJ. Appeal diaosiased. ppt Joba 8hsneuTT, appc we Alexander Ktaaa dy, a4a'rl froes Moore Jadgmeat of the u perior Court affirmed. Rule to set aside the sbna dianhaitvd. Margarett M 'Donald, appt. v. Kmarth ilar eWsa, from Moore. Rale to set aside ntnsuji mttleabeolat,- . " Eedmoa Crwmpler and ethers, epp'rs, tw. the Goeetnor to the one of-the State, froia Wake. Jodraaeitt af tlset Superior Court reverted. Henry Williams t- Daniel Wood, appt, from Rewaa. Jodgmenl of th,c $qperior Court affirm ed. Johqi; T.Kirk and other v. Thomas D. Watts, ejV, and Joiah Turner,'; kc. fl'om Or anre. In Rquitw. Rill dismissed idiom" costs, each partv pay mg tleir own eotta, -.-x Jonah Turner k Thomas D.. Wstts . Cape Fear Kaviewtiou Conmany and others, from ir! anajn, In Equity. (Weed that this eause be remanded to titeaourt below, it haying been rej moved to this court prematurely. - Pasqoal P. Aibe t. Cape-Fear ,Tfav., Corn pan v, from Orange." .fnEquitr. 'Sameeriler. Child U Clancy v. Cape-Fear N'av. Compa trT frren Oranwe." In Equirr. Same order. Joakh Turner . Samuel Child's etrt, from Orange. Judgment nf the Superior Coiitt re versed and new trial (ranted. A. Gomes xt. A. LocaTDS, from Cumber land. In Equity. Z1 Deeree nf Sale. P?mpaey Tajlore. f Iao) and ZealouiTivlor, from Sash, An abated suit . Scirtfncuu to the Defondantt to thew eause vrherefare they should not par costs. Ordered that each party pay their own eosts.w , ' Stat Cavwrt. State t. Pender Weekt and William Bern appt. from Edgecombe. Rule for a new trial made absolute. , v' -- State Jim, a negro slaw, from Kew-Hanor ver. Judgment arrested. . State ft. Curtis OrrelL fl-om New-llanorer. Judgment arrested. State 11 Robert II. Mnlier, from Buncombe. Ordered that a subpoma (htcet tecum issue to thi elerk of the Superior Court. ' . j State t. James K. Brown, front Gmnrflle. Judgment of the Superior Court affirmed; ,4 ' I ' '' in ' 1 (.. 1 .. 11 AKf.l-' . Seftohert rurty winter paste tff Vrnr ttht nawsA, mna -colls hUruffttm. Matte ' : Jli bhttfbfy, and quit the hewlinr hiU, Thethatter'JfrrtHnndthercnafa.vale.' The eiose of the Winter, which has bitn nnu suullv severd, was attended with one of the moat violent storms of wind and rain, perhapa, ever witnessed m this section of Uie country. I be last week, we haiT veiT mSd and -pleasant weatheK Until SatuTday afternoon; ' when abhek doud ta-1 merea aiong mc wewern nonxon, ana spreau with unromradn,ranTdity qnfjl It entered over the whole heaven,' " and deenenins; into nieht, shut np the dnv'o fair face" before the lunhs J set 1 It seemed then, for a moment, to trown in awful sip lenee ever the faee of creation; 'suddenly the air became most violently agitated; the yiiirt and the thunder kept an Incessant roaf araong the tmrstmclouos tor at least a halt aa Hour, hUc thecartlrwas drenched with tominU of diwecnd- InKrain:' Tlie temhert wproad terror and 8esril tion in its eowrae. " Tr-t-.u... sturdy oiks of Ue forest were cleft,, house racket; aud rased to the ground, ' and the efy foundations of tlie enrt seemed to be slitken. In this ekv, scwral ehtW neys were blown down, one log house in the suburbs- prostrated, and a framed building swept from its foundation, In the vicinity of tins place, ! we learn, the storm was more violent tlian. it was here: ' On a farm b a aoutherte direction, several stncks-cf fodder were torn to pieceSj the fences all blown down, and almost a whole rarest of tim-' ber levelled to me ground. We have eapeeted to hear of soraerhmsr mere serious; but as yet we barcheard oi'nft pejon's reeeiving any very great personal injury. ' Thus has winter alrunttr taken his leave of uai but dourest, He Who has his way in the whinl vcihd alid directs the storm," so ordered it for the penenl benefit of the, inhabitants of the earth. On this eubictit, it is remarked by Sturm. " that the Monarch nf the world eauses' even the tem pests to contribute to the (rood of his empire! It is, in reality, by a particular direction of Provi-, aenee mat, towaras spring, storms and tempests usually ame. At the return of this beautiful sea son. the mild and moist air o'uena the earth, which' had been shut up during tlie whiter. . ', By this cnange -m wmperaxnro, ine aimospnerr, wnuyi the cold had-purified, becomes again loaded' with Doxionr vapours,, ana epiaemie njsoruers; ana ine pestilence woiild speedily destroy hath man and beast if these agitation vf the air; by rermaand tempests, did not purify stand restore, its salubri ty. By this, not enly tha stagnated vapours are pitt in motion, hut alo vapours of a different na ture are.Jiy this agnation, so strongly blended to gether as to make a happy .mixture, useful to the health vf man, and to thf. fertilisation .of the eaith.9 . ;- . , ;., - y-iV : ' TethtdUt , Cenm ?nce.---The Ttreiula A v nual Cooferenee, which eotnmence'd its tession in Petersburg on the Uth, ended on the 2id ultimo, Bishops Roberts, Soule and M'Kendrie were present, apd, about seventy travelling Preachers. . The next .Conference will meet in this city, on the 27th February; 123. . The fob- :njn m bk uie suuuns oi ne i rcacners, for the ensuing fear; , ' V. JiiU tlvsR nrTnirT. Lewis stWmore. P. E. 8hooka) Hill. Rkhmond. U. W. Cliarl- ton. -Old Town, Richmond, Wm. tlanimett. Williamsburg,: William M"Clunn. Gl oocenter, Kufus Ledbetter. - Hanover. Robert Wilkersou. Peyton. Culpeter, p. B. Srke H. Speck." Columbia, ;' Jesse Lee, John: Wiitsou. ' Char- lottetviHe, Moses Brock, ' H ichard y, M.eriwe lher.'. Amherst, WUiiani Sfai-r.' v." ' ' MsaKsaia uirmrrr.i ti. u. ieigB, r . k. Lynehburg, Bocter' Leach. r retersburb W& I iam A. Smith. ' Bedford. Joshua Lee. John A. VtOler, John Early. Buckingham, "Jas. Read1.1 I IM OTMnc urceasviuc, vr id, iee, u, miner. W. KcUy, by Vefwt oof readers tha el! aern reoaarka of O. founders, Ofl KU TWO. can few) their ibree as thee wo-ild have done. h,adthey, as we aeaM the or.torj inspired I be hi tubject. Iruriinr dt fiance at the asin. ' mm of pawer, and aivokiug ' the eenatrre ti slat aountrvwen upoa the anfeithrul toobbt sai retirt man, and bat tsat, hereVoTore. take much prOfWienoe as a apeaker.- fji, effort, on th'w oecaiion. ant BronoawOe- by I many whq heard him, to b ana of the heat 1 muuow cannf upon me eerersry m aura , fratlt Dt fsnt. Usft UQftrt mt to ItU toft " for tka aauapa - kirk kava. nahai k . a o. . ... . . . , . Icttft. , - m rata vm pie MMrt d? umi vn lor in t . , : r . " " 1 -L iu-: roU rjnt creqitort litiBtiatheaut.i v nested -on the flnor qf Con greet, and giee a" Uovemor Satieedo liat arired there from 8L re earnest of hit future) uefulneai t ks Antonio, with tne hmvlred and fifty Mei country V, $ Ttttrimpk,, , ' troops, oe hit way X NscogJochea, to x . ..,, , - In Mmnnt t. ssiiM. a fnna an4 highly respectable TneetinfJ of the friends of Gen. Jackaon, front the eountjee e Essex; Caroline, SneJtievlvara. Oranre. CutbeDnenl FaiKfu'tet, Stafford and Kit m-rGeonre, convto- edt the Ttwi Uall 1n Fiicabiirs:, on the Hih infant Georg Burkner, Esq. f Caroline, Wat tailed to (be Cheirt and W. Got-. don, of FredericksbuiTr, appointed Secretary. a committee flr nine rcniiemeo was annotat ed to prepare an Address to the Citiient of the- Commotweaittii and to present te the Meetinr sirch Rethilrtiia aa mirht Brt ef' flcacy to the' Hiewt'et growing exit of this meetitis- ' The fMlbwinr srentlemen were appointed the Committee, via: Dr. John H w.u.m f - TWJxtrtkiiw lr.hn- aiM.wk Garne Of ltex, George Banks, Wm Brent and John Moneure of Stafford, Maj, James: Hieharda of Culnener. Col -hrnaA nor tif Spotttylvania, Maj. Hurt K Pattoiv and Car- ret Minoe. of Frederic.k'sburg. An Adtlreaa was reported and adopted, - It denounces id the severest termttht erfWn, the ioWrrn., 1 .- Ar irnt.i..: eiitu i t. tsttj suite p s erv. i Airui)(w attsivsa ( It directly cWget Vlr. Clsjr with corruption, ! r,.-;- . v,r.i;n iiw u.'tJ. .t concludes witbhoWinp tip "Andrew Jsckff ThtMfiew RepubHcans, from all accounts, son, as the great r'spuhlicait lender, tindep , PIet jmpAM' In their, tjovel. under dose auspices the covistitution mavbe resto-'tum6' nd front aU appearances, bid fair to red to- its) attpremaeyf; and the lawless reign of Mr. Adamacut thort, and the prpfiieatp success ion of Mi. ' Clay defeated,'' "'ri'"-31 The Jleaolu'tion alee nronnaed and aae1 r .. . 1 . Tfl w , . to, fro umend to flie people throughout the 1 rvaw ana union, rieniiiy u -ne ciecj-ion oj Get; Jackson to" ealj mpetrngii and organiie; themtelvet in ich manner as wilt be most likelsMo give efficiency to riieir-measHres, &. The Meeting also appointed a Comrhittee of Corresprmdnnce f sewenteen gentlemen, fof the purpose of cpmmtirHcatlng and eo'-opera-ting with other eommittee in this State and elaewhert jBich. 3S.:fet.tQ.t. ti 4 uj. 'tr. ' ';- t.. , Prettdlfni.iOne of tins" most ;1niportant poin't in""Ynaking T " change In' our present rufers, at the,, terminatioti .of tlie C9nstitu rtonaV term, wai to giiafd against a plura lity of candidatea -.opposing Mr. Adams -i ThU ' defeated i.M'Crawford'a- election'. We? are; "happjr hive, it it out power to tate,'frpn unquestionable sources, that the opposition to the present administraUon, will settle down dcjlttit'ively on Qen-Jueh-tnC" asV the ?ttrongetCcandidatei and that fto fncVniVagment atltbla criiig will h gjv rn sb any uinuiiirwBncu pcrsonare to UvKe the fiehl. k"'nS teonaVdixe the verv aaTetv nf itret rvpuuiieais rj"y. success, in tne apt ptvjachin' jconteat if of tocli vital iropor tance. that nersonal attachments ' and nre. iudices toust be turtendered on the aharof parrmtism urn. jacaon n proouoiy too tvannly eulogised by Ijisfnehdal' and ia nwea fwuniniBicw gj nit ouamif a. : r ia safe 'to (Jay, ' that m a man of good sense, undoubted integnUr and patriotism.' and preat moral' and personal touragej free frorn dan geront arahltion and" eiorrupt practices de' eiaive in' hir rnovernenta, and7 courteous iii his manners; a friend to etate rights, and a renubttcan Irf principle and practiced ,.Theref can be no danger of electing tneb, A ittan to he Presidency of fret "people. - ' Much has oecnsaiJ, and wiu be said, of New ! York, which - hat aitf mrortant birt ta Dlay i tht dmmawe inay aar a control- ling part. W have n appreliension, frcim the reaent appearance of affairs;" bvit this ia aiwaye an uncertain ftate--tnd if no e cret and Iwpolitid movement tike place: if' tlnlott ot'tenublieafta'it euraged, and all jealousiet, diatrusta and personal objects slisc ountenanced,w hazard nothing m asy. lag im mw i ors, win ior bent jaCRUOn, v insolvent ,:LdwXjri the .T9tfnl!tJ mo, the Judges of lh Supreme Court of the tj SMdelivp red their opinions on. th er important question of the Consti ational validitj iif ih SUtelnsQlirent lw V' nt?!ngeiijrpber-?e9': Tti. subject ditci-ssed bj jjie learns d jmtgps ttt A roanoer Vcoming its inierett and magnitude ' Mr;y justicie Trimbij.' Mr; lustice THOMnoir:' 5! r; justice Iohsou and Mr, fustice' Wa.h- . j vi .i: . ii . ' iNUTu tucu yeiivej-ea nis own peparaie opinion;,Cl)jief jttatic 1.1 ARHALt dallV VeM Jhe joit epinion ofimself,and of Mf. justice SToaVpafid My juatice Duvall.''5 Of Cbni-sewe cinnot recam- ulattbi hea, ori'go rjjent and grwnd oi weciswu, eiupracett -n,inse verj ela borate opinions; . arrd, trbana mat aot be inticelf teen rat ta atatinrt heir resniu. 'Aa we tinderttand the matter -iy grw oervicea wiring tnt latt war, are remeVbered m a Watt which bore the brant of tbatcootestiiWhe ror,0ttirer;-: ' (Uowetcf, thatresittiiHrThAt theClrj aaal rwanlt HI lha c. F ft tfttirelj CwgprthcndeJ . r . vi . U. . U however, tr CVQCptaaJl lf thftt hot Bot tOOil U ftCWDst fttlter Creditor. ' 1 . ' . ' ' ' j Maior TandwvewW faaa ksem wwaJ aaa da Aaa of Chtef CWk ha.lUt Icpaeat of. ar Matwcuarlea J. Acauwo ftaa ees wm ' , - ." ! !" " - - ' - .V , ., ..' . LATEST FROM TEXAS.' t n ," A'Hktici.Ajm. 2 J. 1827. . By gentlemen iutt arrived from Col Aos UHpres tne tiMrurrection which esists there. Oa lite arrival f tf Uovernor at Col Ausk cUlm!n. t called t the .Colonel to n B! he inttndeA tt act, when voiona - i 4uaiin informed hut lliat be aliould " "m P" v ' (he Mexican Govtmment, Mi rlnf Governor Stucedo, in. "WuV1 M Wdetmr of the Alcaldes it " tiaHnwijrrwiTca io ouprHin tne Mexican Uovernueiit ia ppoat tiqn te the iVrtMaW, ,.' 'mniedmteijf v after ibe eonference With Col Austin, the Empreaato of the District, an4 the Acalda of the tame District,. Gov.' nuceua tent cqratniasiuneri to tdocBet, tl the,itsurgents, (or Kvnkmn M.wef .W teTO tletpselvea.) fot t refion. ciiiation. ,Q the arrival of the Cdnimiasion. W NtcogdocUeitht Msurgeola refuted 1,0 ? Ifwy.uppn any Ouidera tion, un. W Meucan rivernraent Would c. -k",.ed,ff9 l"'fw "" JiimuU' wWn 'US rt'ner" thought tt ; t R J t4?4 ''Vh.-.S:;;t" nr. notJetpbla to ascertain, what measures the Governor would adoot. aa our w , - . s - mforuianta, Irft tht Dwtrict prtnont t tht return of Ott Commiaaioners. : ,. . .-' "rjr" . Muiuvare pthi atlempt at freedom, in the opinion tjf MIl4wUtlft. . UW lUIBtiAaUlUlIlsr UiB KUssUirCllI V iiwqj, iv ui n mq ascucaqa great rrouow., and Avery heavy f xpenaa to suppntsftlie W terrection. and. if the numerous nations of In dians who inhabit tht Province; are as deter iiiicu.uu Ktrptfig- me cuuntry infiepenae.nl at represented, it will be . long and . savage war, butn out 9P'Jon they wjl beTventu. ally xtesniuAed, tjr driven- the Rocky Mountains, where '.her wdl be as fret as air. The number of Indiana. In the Proviivicai "fiB" yj puin ano nave peet among the Comuianchaa.'-'ihat they ltate be tween five and si thousand Warriorfi ttiien estimate their numbers tp be between ton and fifteen thousand. -TJiese 'Indisw Tiavt been at war jwith -thf ,paiiiaf4f tier-since they have beew . in the country,, but their warfare Uns been, of late,carrit1 on bv small nartiea. whose principal object i 'plunder, There) ant i utteen or, tweutr other tripe u weir nunjber re'smaiLfcrMril.. ,'':?! In thbeitv.-on Wednesday nlehtttst. Vr. Inii C." Wahiifgton-of KkiBtOD, Lenoir: eounm to Xi Mary Ai F4 Bond, of aii' jiUce, rt, ' . V v in naaison county,- w eat i eanessee, on tike 2.'rd Jan. by the Rev. Wm. Barnett, Mr. Jaine Vaulx ta Hits Elixa O. Center, dtughter of Btr Richard Fepoef, formerly of tbif ci ty - . ' v.-.. ' ... F f ' " ta. - ''I V 'pnthesotM utumo, at ttie house of her on, AibeHG. RuAn. ra Hanover teutttv. Va. Me Marearet Raffln, the widow of the lataWm.Ruf fit, Lq. oCtbiteity. f--fr.-"rfijylK4- r'v Atuxiorq wntue ivn opinio, Mrs, iitabetli -:,,.-. CO4MlNtcATEP .Depnrtei rted fhis life, on Tuesday, the Ijth Feb. ruiiT. in Northampton . a. mt .. Hi. "NCrMrs. 'Mirth.! PE. Peonsort of Exainf llolIamonV Esq. after, iiOBermE aisease oi anom lour montfis, wbleti she bore with aU the fortitude of eehrirtlan. and died in fufl hope and expertution W meeting with her dear imiljnir Jrtos.' Hhe ha Wfta husband. tw ielbUdren, aud ytry numerous reUuioni to deplore Unaw'd by threats, unmov'd hj force, i ' My 'steady soul pursues her eotrse , ' jee - Collected, ealm, resigned; j... Sav TOtt who search with curious eves . . t lie souree wnence niunan actions rise..' J fllCUVC UIH hub luiuui Long retgnM an inmate it tills breast. Ana ruled wan gentle sway. "( Wfien sick aud laneui'Jiine In bed. 1 Sleep from my restless couch had Hed,'", Vi' V Sleeb which e'en pain begutfes, , ' TX7k.. i.U V.1 . ...- i it mm Vlivn lUV.fMUIHlT CM auMJUil, ' v . , ,,), l . A leveriHh beiug rsak a wan pun, ' " w ' And urfi' myboks with snules? . ' . Tws utience, Heave descended maid! ? i IiBtdor'd.Hesr swiftly to my ai, ' -t w Ana lent nee fostering Oresst? ' yp,:ti - Watoh'd mv sad bOurrwitb tmrent cart. stepeu-QUie approacue et oespatr, v v ja4 otU'4 my-aou to.res jk.'aj & 9sf wheAdlsseyer'd from riy'tldef i- '.'.-ft- M inend, protector and my guide, , vnen my nropaeut soul, H tiJAits,, AatictpntiDgall the storm, ': Sarw danger m its direst form; ,?,.,if ,r What could my fears pnUrol A r; .. Twa pstienoe, gentle'goddtM.btar! R'av rt th vktrtint ui'V..:i: ii.. S. y ' I fl j - ; i- Kor let one saurmar nsei---" ' i W-V'- a; ,-ii . . i. . inea sun soma. migaw joysr gitena -;;, .-w.'- ?sr to aer srmi tne guts o auswen, ' . .- I yancev,. vife of Mr. Jackson Yancey, lathe 86th ,there-n for the years t8ia,183 and 1825, sad year of her age, .8hoaakmdandaffcctiomiostpfad wilt' and teaduismotlw.-(itwcH5roi' Itoo, to wKti-'i . " v- tfj. Ti Patience, lenient goddesi baBI , ; OhnUiy votary's vows prevail, Thytlu-aten'd flight to ftay! . 'J Lont hast thou been a welcome avest. :'!!"" t f. ' ,.v ..- -... I fl ' Tt swettVsstttiea,v - -- ' . .. . W P of tirwa'i Uhf eauntr. 3 or 4 vwar I luforMtna of said hne. I a)itra nr taxi Knrt by f.Hixv Aixtiah s; tnw. . . . t tf Oftcc eeatiouet need Aa tha atMi.a Stusleota. ; -v '. .- - ' . r - Haar ni m- JL Z TT- 1. Frt- JlO-Staaak fwsre, -1UTI 7 Must lc sold. '. Hy.Wake- roreat plantation, fertile and wttl haaravea . eslrivy knewa a one of tht aee hraithy, hrautiful and desirable pjaset ht State, sixteen miles front Raleigh, on oe avail road ta Oxford, sod the runeh Mveiled road to Louia biirg and Petersbure: tt .gam offered for salt. A watftt toWe hat I- haul and in oecomm, Atttut trrmi, r It would U most eligible aitaa Ue for a fiuuily from the lew aonmrr. T Letter ";!d T V ""V c Wat, A. C. will be uhjf atteoded Ix and a minute JeterinV tion of the1 plaey and aliUbnod aivea if dr red. Feb. it ufr. tOwt h. aadiawwad bv Cam. ii,.,, vv- " !J? ti J?1 TrbUt Sale, at tht Con House ia W flesVororgh, on the Sd day of APri 1 next, tht futlowinr trMCta of land CT ,Lk Fat dureof aawill sau.fr the tax doe thrreen for tht f yeart llitaad IUS, with toat of txhertiaingi . W listod by Daniel frmm, tt At waters 'otV' .-.!L:v f-Kwbardson'a CMV . ' uj ese tiarnett, vA ..t-s:--iJA-: ini il n l'Pj.' i V .'-wlfc ,.- T w nUI iiiKrara, tirtrn creek.' v 801 by John S. lunojin, Bnmilo Cruk:'T! iat by Barnabas Porter, Cabbin Branch, 104 by John Tyson, Buffido Creek. 402 by Gkleoh Threadgiir, Pee Dee, V 26f by Chanirita Wiwlom. Cahhin nC ' IW b. Wm Ingram, Thamntn GrmiJ fW w apvtassr tTVSvlTCl' , " , " , , ; v. w" V, isu py jonn tyingatt. Brown Creek. , 4T , 7Zl ?Tf ubn Collin, waters Bcown Ciet , 850 by Thomas Sanders. ' diT-' SJ0 by Merritt Lee, Pee Dee. li by Sarah Martin, . ' X UJ by TliofmwBrooks3lul Creek. 1 'v , .".Vv V?"? 8"bore4iMoseaKajgl5. -S8 J by Johu B.WalUk!e, Mitt Creek. ; v i5 fcrr.nJS Boyltl, Jack't Breach .. . S0 by Jesse Rowe, i - i, ; d '. - 'Jf tr ? 11 by Wm.'Hoffers. '-V-,;- Hmns.k fMfc.V 1 50 by David Hildrith jun. for Robt UddrlthTdq ftOby John IIuVHh,neyCrtdu. "r. ' J0 fcv Wm: WiIt;.M. , "" j-a-S. ' -jr. , , Si 0 by Jordan WoodaH, Eanfs Crack. i!4 ' ISO by Benjamin Wewlard, vi.. . lMby M(m.R. RusWnw, Creek; . JO by Lydi Rushing,-' do i - ', lOObyJolm Carroll. W'"vv v JOU by Allen Uees. " ":: - ''' Wbylsaae'JoneA-M' V'-! '" ' 00 by Thomas Trufl. ' 1' " 4 IfuVyWiu, Ariderso- VC'Vri ' 300 by Joshua Hinsoa. ') V ? , 5 - StS by Ckristiao Kiker, Croektd Creek, ioy4cmuorpiiav p $50 by James Mullis, sen, .,. ; u 100 1 Wm.' W, MolUa.? ; 'M 1 SO by Joseph Stewart' "lefts' iOOby Arthur Smith, ttt by Hugh Smith," ."'' W ' J iWbChai-letTaylori v su 100 by Wat Vincent, fr-bh' T!ii: HSbvRtuliet'Vvinws-i.l'M r-.':: iSOby Stoyhen Vhl: ?'';':' ' !! y 1? Bostick,, watcrf tme,'! CreeVi'i' ww oy one' licirf waters Brown Ureejt, Notice; ft.. 4 v On-ihe secoel Mondav Of Anrll eert. vffl V Sold.' at'tha f"rtBW lioaa in flnrmlatmt , tKVn 1 eountV. the follow fant frteU of land . nr-m hnnl tuereotas win fcssvejcienito satwryjthe taxes de ratown Mountain. :"-"? Roberts'3-r of iSig sef6, on liek Creek. " :. Fijmt iso apresot, . it A potfc-'- ' :t i Adams I lot in StoaxsbTi ' tfu . - lin WillcinaAn 1 4ml i la - . i "Milton Bruce S2 acre on Muddy Creek. , ' iS'honMi Cwnsliaw hj acres on . do Jul in. I omaaon so acres un . . do'... jt". . Patnr Ttum tlrt a-nu nn " 'dt Anna f atuin 34acrer on'dO 'Mif John Geige" iiaereson water of do i; Jeremiah bi.agnter S2B tores ot'Tbwm ForaV Edward Slaughter 70 acres on' j"do i. Sander Kmc 1 53 acres on Bltw't Creek- r. Georgt W: Folger s33 aereoi.V' ' 4o,.. Michael Fare ii acres on? - f .do r. WUliam Fare lOO acres onwaters of do 8amuel Rose 50 acres on Waters of HeenRiver. Alleu Stephenson 100 aores on wateri.otBlew'S Creek. ,- .. ; 'i. - ' Wm. or Harrison ffutliel 525" acres m Snow Creek IXstricx. "s 1 ; ? :V"' ' ' Dudley Gate wood 470 acre k Boa vet Island Oistrictn : (? : ': , v I Thotvuutchael't heirs 250 serei in Sawratewn lPistrict.?it. jf-H' if'r?!.;''V:.i:V n ' I' , TltotaM Johnson $0 acres on JBlew's Creek. , Peter Mls lie teres at Snow Creek District, Isaac Stanly HQ acres m"V .'' do . . Epbraim Ketclrum 140 acres fa do A' ; V '' ' JeremmUFiddsSSO acres m Beaver Wand Dis trict jf -Jf,j.Mi--i,:r j... , A Jess MlUdnf 890 teres to Quaker Cap Dit. triot V ij-'1 V-ai.J h4-- it' - li-.,j..;'-0'' Richard South III teres on Neatman Creek.. J Jobn EccleslO acres o Waters of Abbot's Creek. 'Af ;': f. V: ' J ;.-V;-VprieVdv. $1 :.-;; 1 '?,,'r,'',f,T',"",t"stBajB ., ' . ' . ,., i ,vnjis I UKinton 1-t OI SWuBU seres on tne Saw. ( ,uiua UB.fv Vfjf wax. vm wnci, it&uuvij : Johu Briirg's heir ISO on Utto Yadkin,' ' Jetse Davis 123 acre ot ido1- ..' v James Walker's heirs 40 acres en 8now Creek. t John Good's heirs S4 acres oit Town Fork. Kamt unknown 50 aer's oh wat'r of Haw River. TJ-C05iSTANTINB L. BANNER, f .," '$".im4t - former Sheriff of Stokes county. t sWilh, 18ST. , 10-ow ,U--M-;-;'td fdv ty 1 l. V X sr. if- 'iv: ;

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