1 .V s1 1 wt m. ma. W T kM f ikw tKbtaurf WpW, siM Ml tV Mtr of U U. d havo TVrt at a rn- pWtfw .r soar aey fc rtraidwatoa. Aad 1 wui tk (toe with I iii II n . MW"iJIeewr tb3retias . . . . . -""J Lbwrty drrivw it pnacipal rUruy from thw - ltShmrwt tnd mrred errt T nxea rr UlwiUial preeredlnf "4 of kwWJ tru ilnec Th BDMKM esstevtamod by the r , W IN trWh tie witAet C-iJ t wwk fro c(jMk ll fwrrher d UM k Mwkt4WptrMiM Mr. Calbwa W ! Um wirrd. pb erlrc.-' . it may bw clWd. M to W rrwW ia la tw-UU wpl of impl: ig Ce. A U eiwMl prtic,ptjw ha UjmhI HMi af anoder tlir. paraaM cowntrtioa, i!rw tlx NWn, tnwuad trvidr, and .! UbertTt ""T " ckraHy tfmtd fr tbt pp-wi jedgmem ntura MHiiiw ha cronaalteed the character of Sidney d esf Jrfftx. Foe, wk.L. th - -- a K..!n la tatcribod M tb itcnafcabm rolls of fame. rot d rnartyr, that of Jeffrie luu, by ivTml -ml km earns rnrd to everlasting infamy, m a jwdieia iiKMxtcr. And yet, th eatarfra. pb T th vkim ha excited M ympuiy. kJ rH ttaM aftbe 1 lid re. th abhorrence of maakiadi principally becauso the aarrce w. fleci h viohuin tbo rule ofe- dene, in which every member of the commo tuty Wat) a common latere. Mthe only ien of securing hi life and character again th combined machinate of prottitat Infornv m aad BMAint ralera, . T uaaetite and aab rert thrM rate, tbefttbre, imdar ha1ew i.Uoaibk pretext K may b atleinpftd, 4Wr0r the only wtbaUntial aaearity for crery thin- mrrrA in Ufa. and conaeqiteotJr. to in- ftct avita) atafc po the p-Rc Ubedy. ' Woe U there ? th'mf lo Ac character or wrcum hMM r fV ' nreaent niveatiraUon, uat should akvil tb committee from the ob ervanbe oflheae rule. , On the contrary, all hiMory will justify the remark, that then are m which their hfftd obaervanc to k$h important, at he arlatie be ilieaor poritiriommiaioiia eereie jodielal nwcri iar the trial of holitical offence." Mm ich occaaltma, the ttrongiftt of human paa- . aloftialrttnittinaToidablyoaurptheaeatofiudr meat) and ttnleea rcatraiaed hy preUbliW el forma of proceeding and p?-tabUhed rulet pf evidence, the most capricious freaks f of drtpotlsm and wenjreance are perpetrated, -tl the aacred nmet ofla"- and juaf.ee. With, ylout refcrrinfr; for illuration, to the lawleaa I VDroceediim of those inquiaitorial tribunal Wvhfch are at ooco the reproach and the terror XoTdeenotio Government, or to the snoeitne; utrafre committed by the revolutionary tri fhanI oTFmnee.it would be sufficient toad- 1 rert to the dseraceftil croeeedinea of the Parriameot of England, iu Caae of attainder, 3 not only to auatain the ffenend principle here rrrenui, but to eoomiutucateiha mott vi- vit imDreswon oi ineir niui n hhwhiwivs. if these reneral iew evince to the commit- the eeeaatty of aanennfr to ine estsonw hJlbj of videnco and if I have shown that rT,n- nfhe tnort iiriD0rlM of those rule! ex- cliideitlle letter or declaration of a third person uner anycirounMinvt: uw -paribly atrongef doesthe objection to their utminioii LecoiKr. heA we advert to the sin- aeowtract aW br kMSsaartC a tfce area efiU (ermaaeot. aad Mr. Cs'bnas U a acareely Urn mn I coa-airsac at awek a twrticip So Ur a it velatee to CwcraJ IvA iuetioa renuire a to remark, that canlrary to tkoe rrrat priacipWe of cruaiaal jarWpmd raee wVkb our forefathers kav coMcnM by a tenurutiaoal eriara lien, toeit a rudaM anew a citiaea aral whom preeewUdj wajoams that lit chelT eveo thus tnfbr aatlv iaiDUcatrd. and whv Instead of beinf prrseot to eonfrwwt his acewser, I whofly aa teBreaented before lb caoraulte. fiut, a ur a Uus lettxaeay lestO to rpa- cata Mr. Calboue, tbo coarn adwptaa T CeBxuUec ia liable to a much. Mfo5r ob jection than that aaerety of receivmK, and re- corajnf tor puoucauon, incooipciew aao iaa proper tratioiony , They havsj evidently clov ed to inveattraUon preesaerr vnero w ouwm to hare esameajoed, learinf opoa the rep tatloo of Mr, Calhoun all the auspieioa which illegal erideoco could produce, and omitting to summon before them the only wttnea who eould fir legal testimony ) the raatTer Va question. : .'". ' Col Armistead states, AbrVooaly. from th recDllecliofi of a moat treacherous ami feeble memory, that Gen. Swift informed him, eirht or nine year ago, that he had asked Mr. Calhoun't penntssion to become concerned in ome contract with the Government. This it the only material fact bearing upon the cha mi , . Lt Urn 1 &; 1 Drrtaarnt was at'- 'v - ips-a! asLscaawi-e f f preski tHi ," :,r Tat itoars - MMrtnttlMUa. owtm w oadrfUw Of taw Desavra wwen Mx.C!- it Ctarf Oaoer. aaa rmj .MrtWnr mA at ktlTOtabM iao aux aaurul. t the O W Jvni, k. ... hm aad frteat 10 '! - i -.. m 1111,1 mmw toot T to cerrtct theim the lajaic of aabi Mr. CklaOBO re3oable iwiuum, ia m tew Wk kia tinUmswfi fttd ax, crew w tempted l eorrtct . a many year, I too grao to t totcratea k a eaoietwu . II U ahv'ma Ihat th head of Mch (to. partmeM, easnot, spt aay aauonal prioopJe, bemadereapwaaibielbr. panioolar invtaac of irreraUrrty m the details of a oaberdioate DnutanL Tbo trw Mint of b resfMM- akihtr hi tKa ntml Ui'uv and want of svttrm from which the tierticular iuatance ariee. II, therefore, Mr. Calhoan obnoxious to aay eeeeure in the prearat osar, it i lor the impeifaca erganisaUoo of the Bnrineer Dt parttnt IK 35ih Jwfr, IBlt. la thi view of ineuDject,K so iar iw, ha took eLuwoof the Deoartment ia De cember 1817. at the opening of the Seasion of Con rrea left Wasbiagtna tor South Carolina, o toditpentabl baeiaeas, immediately after IHe close of the Setsion In in May loliosrme;; and did not return ontil the month of July, only two week before the contract in question wa cloaad. and was almoet mceo taady occupied, during the two week, in the deliberation of the Cabinet oo the military oceorrence of the Seminole Canv P'irn Vs-amewUVaa . KiRl Hotel... . ! .ZZZTltAtmr. - Akhow-, tn tWT-ati tM fW W the U iorcu.. wt r7?r .t.: i a4aecf ia -r-t. -h - ' r-"1 - 7 . - "T" i tTgleer Ipartment, M nerefi inoch .f ibom ff.fr may hate avftcred tram hiring W deal WW tmti" " nltlpW. it tt eleor that lb U? ctaatovd iol.bceo- tramThy epcnf h hat remark, i- cl-d-C 1JZ aai ieot, that la nnati reg t--SeW.n-hichV,Cnb-ioy r I yMt Mi tne ntnarmviw e rct. hu evidently bronjM opoa him the Utamou calumny which ha gi c r-e to tUu Urestigalio. ' . . . 1 cannot bftajtMCominuniw"" w , wUbaut formally sad doriactl prWslH.g a fsiaM bWndtng the eminauw and Utml of diarge agai-tt lb aubordinateomcert of lue War Urpartment, with the present itrvettiga ta. Tbe inlustic of such a court to those Hirrt hat keen already ruled.. . It wo-iW te literally coodemaingthero without ItUw.UINl, Jailor's INutice.- . ' Ttkr d amhtol to we Jail ef , Ms my. e taw lih 4ay ef Marts, s asMs saao .w Mt.fcKT, abaat f4 al. fart II lh high, d )! he sotwch. taloegta U ioh Alalla,f rlttUina, K.C bete' hiw to leremiah Bsahh ami AItisbA, lorwe'.l, lpealsr fra tb MMb. tai aasrt are reaaeate to eota forv.H, tm, . VHmlneina.M. O My.t. Mf Jailor' Notice. , Take a and aommkW to the M f rj. aimt m, S. C. on ah ttJd Ary of NevemW. IVf aaettromaa named W1UUM, tnr f kxJ ki, stout snada, aa4 weU dreaird a(t nuud asuna Mitataoaaaa4 brosr Unk neu inkutice to Mr1. Calhjun i equally greai, kraa.r. . wtu h:n . amall orrel Hone, au Uiough not qitiVe to obU.i. Cpnn pnnot-; vkev nsmined, ulubaed a mm sad tervj plea of aatocMtion wiikh the Commute will ' Jvurrs, whkh are no donbt forged, as they p readily romiKeheml, l would be visiting upon pear to have bee written hy irnesfro. Tk Mr. CallKwiu bv a most ttvere and cruel dit-. evatr it renoetted to some forward, prove pra. oeaaation. the guilt of the, eubnrdioate v. fmty. pay cert, esiabluhed by a mode of proceeding having none oTllie forms of legal accusation and tnal, bu assuming the mot odiotU of the nreratativr of tUosu tuquititorld tribunal fortunately known lo us only by Um hiatoryA of lest favored countries. Finally: I cannot buteipre my sincere re gret t Use extiaordinary deUy which bat cha- ClUkXU U. MUUKid, JmUr. Not. 9.1, 146. ' Mf- before he bad I die profit of a contract made with ait imtt- sk wular nd extraotuin.rv iircutnttancrt under which tb letter of MrW Vwdeventet have reeft produced to lW- CnT,mttr,J In the 4it- nWa.lhevare Obtiouay th; detached part of r garbled eorrenrtd!nee. In ibe aecond place, they are mutilated and aefaced, o as to render their mean'mi? unl .telliVblo a to tverye purpose connected with the tnvetti tion But what it of infinitely more fmpor. lance, thi cortepomlence obviously gar bled, and the letter mutilated and defaced. bv one of tne mow aroui ami miBummw v:n,.n. that eve fieured In the-annal of hu man depravitr, for the 'tanquegtiorobte put pote of etcittnf doubt and suspicions, by jnen of the mutilation and ertuwre. hlch could not havo been produced by th letter in their orib and entire:; tnte. , " T.niMi therefore, to conceive eombination of circumtUnee mor utrikingly detfionitra. of tha wisdom of thoe rule of evidence Vnm which the committee havo thought pro per to depart, than that which eiiata. in the Dretent instance. For it U obvioui to remark thattliis 1 a political commission, composed of political mem jhi, oi&uij " B I must b permitled to add, without intending imiiiuaie anv tbittff in h elighteA degree ditrespectlul to a majority of the tpmmittee, tii are mimnir iu iwivnnt wii l'""1-- I .nnnni.n. eharo-ed With Boliticat of- '.,ir "Ana wnen kis iwnt wi""ta, nalthese garbled and mutilated letter have ieen produced oy tne viiet "h i wild h been tlit diirrcc haw trmf nf those countries in which tliey. hiv1ieeircountenncedbv the wickedaot and nrofliiracv of rulew, self-condemned and utr.;MnuiKl wretch, who. in the my pre- .n.ni th eommitteev ha IheraHy covered liimself with "II the uiuiwplyuijr .viiUpies of nature,' .1 cannot hut believe that 'tho Com. mittee will tbemeelve ohrink fcack wth ab- borrence fsorn thost) machinaUon an ajvv- cet which theyiavo nwiuigiy rocciw i the place of Avidencei" and opori which the character of incompetency and infatayaro o; clearly aod indelihly impressed. , There is on other peoie of testimony sought by the, quo-: tions ud placed upon the records of th Com mittee, equally excluded by the' principle upoa which t haV Insisted.. Heartaf evt deuce i inadm'twible, not only by thode to which w hv been aocustomed, but by eye. ry yum pf civilised , jurisprudence. ith i-hich we hav) any acquaintance-, and ycjt the Coinsnittee, spparentb asunvinp,.T a strange omplickUoof iauc,tht every oiEoer o(the War Department who bad any ogency in forming ertain contract wilh Kl jab Mix, or any interest in It," is notr,ctuaDy under trial, have eceived tnd recorded, tettirtony, ha declaration of thoe officers. Indistinctly recollected, and vaguely and dtfubtingly lat- ed. - - V---.V'i:,i'.i-v-.V .1 . r. . . A. tk. Aumimng tnai urn projwr iui Ws v,pr tee to asaume Inouiaitoriat Oowera w thi in vestigation, nd in that character to ask of the witnesses, not, oni woai sney uw w irh,i thev haVe heard Vrom others, k taust be exceedingly Ipparent, that th only xcuable purpose, even of an Inquisitorial kindV-for which such questions could be propounded, is the ditcotery of other witnesses, by whose evidence the chrgw jtjight be established. Ittu see how forth proceeding of tlm rammittee have been conformable to this virw of their functions. In the evidence re corded by the Committee, Col ArmisteasJ su'tet, iu substance, that either Major Vaode venter or General Swiftinformedhim tbu the latter was concerned in the Mix contract Upon further recollectiii, the witticu states, that he must have received this information from General Swift himself, for 4 bat he re members to bav had a conversation with him, in which the General stated tuaf he had an t 3e of leaving the army, and becoming inte. ssted in same- contract with the GQYtujment, whose riirhtt and M hose honor he has so largely contributed to defend, whose charac ter he has to largely contributed to elevate, and whote institutions lijrhas so successfully labored to establish and mature. It', from the high honor and unsuspected purity which have characterized every action ot Ins 1 1 1 'r ..n .i ... i ... i. Under the eirea instance, the irreeulari- ..k. :... t.., r.mm s.t ... tie in Quetuo cannot b imputed to nim. the only witne who could give legal tetffet lbr ' f theorr. Coming Into mony in relation to it. Tet they have deeEned.f'h'r Department, wbichwaa almost to summon him on their own motion, no doobt ' J"erlly in a state of chaos, nothing but . t ,ti. m.i .hW.nrk spint of official nuaekerv could hive promirted tbemstlves. The groond upon which 1 must 'ra com.ne seethe great work of a general i- Ji r . i Biafl xiVxUmMl.A fmu-iiklirtiL hMnr hs Ik-iti I Cr'' TrrSTZZL AirA i at- of iu vidua! bv tl.e Depana.ent over which he pre- ?LnZ:: V". d.ered'machiBery. .ml aacertaiTl both sukd. The atrocious chartcter of the charge. imputation wnick require to be re hi tea. But , v"c lu "ulf .""fe"""""-- .r.. ..1. ....... M. . ... . . - ,kAM. I 1 mntt be permirtea to say,- tuai tne incoww; - w..w...0 peteney and iitauffic'iency of the evidence, permanently. ... . . . ! thonch a very sufficient reason fbr rejecting ln when it l con Jerea that Mr. t.ai it altogether, r no reason at all for refining, . Louo firtt necessarily devoted humelf to the wnr it is improperly recciveo mno-rccimiea, , , " m ' -7 ' to produce the only feral testimony by which C ll?e ('lrter biter General, Surgeon Ge- judicial eertaintv oould be obuined on the nel't nd Comnutswy t,neraU unaer an act ubtect. ARnougiitneretore,tneuommittee -y..6., .... imist have acted with a view to impartial ju. on ' April 1818. the wqmler i Uat the tice the course they hav pursued baa been reformat ton of the Engine, Department wa precisely that which is best calculated to gl-e commenced and completed at such early the njort injurious eesey to illegal testimony period at tn fact it wa 1 cannot believe it t rai nit mr, caiiwun, ana u avoia we conciu- r ""-,l-'u'v " w... .t siv refuUtion which dm production t,f legal th. m,e wregulanties o detail in a trans, evidence would tindoub'edly etablih To action. srhieb was conducted exclusively by d away the effect of this proceeding, the euborduu officers, snd of which the irregu onlv alternative left to Mr. Calhoun is, to place Unties, really belonged to the antecedent the most emphatic and unecfeitocal negative, period .of disorder, as criterion of Mr. Cal- which I am expressly authorieed to do, upon noun , general AOimnistratioir, 01 tne war the imputation of hi ever having any know- 'Department- . ' ledge or belief of Gen. Swift's participation Indeed the very Irregularities which wc in the contract, and to call upon the Commit now considering, arc the more stria ing, tee to examine Gen. fiwift himself a to the because of the perfect organization, respon- ' . . . . .11.'. 1 1 a a - -1 ! l wat a a. imputed fact or Mr. Calhoun' knowledge iy, yiem, wiucn nr. uainotin nas and connivance,. - - tbo, high merit of having subsequently im- " Having shown that the entire- mass of the parted to all the arrangement and operafions testimony produced it) legally inadmissible on Ie Department '-'t-. the trial of any isau which can be itiade upon Standing in contrast with bis own improve Mr. Calhoun's official conduct or moral integ. meats, these petty and subordinate irregu rity.it is due to; th Committee that I should saw.it r exhibited in bold relief to the explain my reason for not objecting to it as it Pymg and invidious research of the cento occurred in the progress of th investigation. ' r,ou ""d in this way not only the imperfe. t Convinced of the aboluto falsity of the tun which h found in the system of admin. Charge presented, and f the entire purity of jtrtion, but the, signal regularity which he Mr. Calhoun'a characierin all the fetation, introduced in the proceeding of the Depart puhlio or private,' in which it can be con ent, are mad to furnish matter of accusation templattd; l-detentamrotVomtlM befinnin; gntfciB, . . - that: I would interpose no objection W any .As the general industry, seal, and ability, Inquiry which the Committre might tdink with which Mr, Calhoun discharged hi of proper to instititte, nor to any description of fical duties, are thu distinctly put in issue by evidence by which, they migljt think proper7 he direction which 1 the Committee have to pursue it. Anv attempt on my pirt to F "en to the exatuination, I claim the right of restrain the latitude of the investigation, or to calling before them all the , Bead of the prevent the- adduction ven -of improper subordinate. Departments, who were his able evidence, would have been construed by the ,co-adjutors in the great work of reform, and malicidus into a desire to screen Mr. Calhoun, of sliewinj by their united testimohr the con- -behind technical forms, from a full aiidlree ditioh in which he found the Department; the investigation. ' Anu as I was tatisnea tnat inir"'vi"jr, viH-cmuing iaoor wiui wmcn ne more severe the ordeal, the more conclusive ' dfcvoted himself to its irnprovenaent; and the would b th evidence of the fidelity and bigh perfection of iu arrangements, which el of his official conduct, 1 wa the more crowned hi , labors with ; a tuccem equally willing that the investigation should .assume eonduciv tv .his own fame andto the welfare any form which the Committee might choose of hi Country. I must, thei-efore, request to rive it and he broaeeuted bv anv sort of that the Committee twill examiae thn fol evidenc which, tbev mipht think nrtjoer to IoWinj" ffentlemen. touchin. thia branch of admit, Upon their own resptonsibilityi v- . the Inquiry- Maj. tienl. Brown, Genl. Thos. gj uut aitaougn naa s ngnt, at tne personal owy, wni, iacomo, nr. J. Loveu, uoi. friend of alr Calhoun, to abstain from any Towson, CoU'G, Gibson, Col. G, Bomford, interference with the course of the Commit. Coll, Roberdeau, and .Col John IV Wool. tee, 1 have no right, eontldiing the relation If 1 am not greatly mistaken it will conclu In which ho stands and in which 1 lainl, lo sively appear from their evidence, that the L m for Sale or Exchange, A rood traet of UmL eontaininff 4U1 aem. Its ott Kieliland srettk,. ia Praoklia ooonty, t Uie lower roan waning irons naicqra so uuortv ill be cither told oo arurutuKiMtiag terras, t ltercsed thi proceeding, aiul at the gwt tew UtetBwin toll-ment , injustk aad injury which have unavoidably , r JOt'Jf D. BARK", resulted to Mr. Calluun from that circum-' tUcj;h, Jan. 12, 1827. ,f tince thi Committee charged 10 inquire (Q U JSJy J J Hi HilS 1 . anetner tne vice rretioeni oi ttje viiuwu Sutet had been jiilty of tUe infamou ofi'ence of participating, while Secretary of War, in ia . ...... . . ? i t ana ine nirn station oi ins inuiriuuai iniiin- T , , , rawti catod, naturally excited in every portion of JUS published by D. Idndcmail, the Union the roost Uvcly interest iii the pro- j DiuttA tndt r f a!l fa r(poreJ ceedinctot the committee; and the People ,1.. r . r i& ... of the United States, at a los lo account Vor Cmis adjudged I n the Courhof North. ihe delay upon any other supposition than Carolina J rom the year 17.8 10 1826: nai ume eviucncc oi gum uu occu cun- u., iimn u. uikm, usij. vvuuct bited, have been looking', d.iy after day, and lor M Ltw. 1 ?''Y, week after week, with the most intense anx- D. 1 .IN DEM AN has iust returned frmsj iety, fur the, result of an investigation involv. New-York, and is ready again to execute sli Ors ing not only the honest name pi a public si r- len in his line. He has on bnf a complete a vant, ho has been for fifteen years honorably sw-tracntof 1 , .J. and eminenilyidentfied with the political ln- Wnoks aiA wiaiOIVaTY lory of the country, but involving, also, in no ,.rk: . . . . , , .Jma. ,i.-'l..,,;..rf5,i.n,7;.., Wh :h he will teU lower for Cash or hort -'"T 6 . , ' T t ' credit Uian over heretore ottered. U ikigh, Nov. 9,1826. 49-tf a . Fashionable and Cheap CLnrnrjva RrnnK. FRF.DliRlCK C. ELLIS fc CO. hn' L re, all ll,rfuiu-re of iiiforming their fi iends and the puW ...i... u k: .., I, ,i.... a lie ceneraiiv. tlial Uiev have been inrtiiofrt. from. have looked with equal confidence to m en! WfEff T"1 l0?" tire acquittal of theharge presented, it can wTeVeTr carcely be doubted that a large portion of m the eitv of Raleieh. whtsre tliev h.v and la! 1 the People of the United S.ates, who do not know him, must have regarded the unexpect ed procrastination of the inquiry, as a circum stance inexplicable if not suspicious. And,' while. J am under the necessity, from the course pursued by the committee, of still far titer protracting the investigation, I shall use every erlurt, in which I earnestly solicit their co-operation, to bruiir this ionsr labor to a peedy termination. i nave tne nonorto De, Witn very great respect, your obedient servant. CEO. M'DUFFIE. Sheriff's Sale. Vfito be sold at Jefferson, Asbe county, on the first Monday in May, the following tracts of laud, or so mueh ttutreof as will satisfy the tines due thereon lor the vear 1835, aud joosls of adertis i"g: . .In Cabt. Brvanf dittrict. 2440 acres giren in by W illiam Edaards, senV, John Bass. James HIevens. Samuel Cox, jr. Kates' heirs. Simon Gross, sen'r. . J aloe Hollauay. . . Brackens's heirs, not given in. given in by Zechariah Landritli. ' John Moony. Jacob Tolever. Henry Woody. Vincent Williams. In dptcin Jonet' district John Holloway, 100 acres oh Prater's creek. the public,. to anctiotu by my acquiccence,sytem of rigorous responsibility and strict 1 e-k iw acres ' 01 a SBecies of unlicensed inquisition; unknown ' econoroy . which Mr. Calhoun introducrd ttolhejuri-nidenceof jfw of the V JOHN GAAlIJlix, Shff. aa nivn - w wotv va niaiBB uivcucmi wtvnj j""; m.uiwiihivhi, ub ucbCM All ail J 311. JW. lo. aa ..SlAAW nuai savmir in tne national expenditure . t 1 aa . 1340 650 209 '2J 100 250 850 W0 170 150 200 tend to keep on hand, large and general assort I ment of Goods In their line of buiineia. made ha the Uu-st fashion and superior style of workman-s ship, consisting of the following article: '. Superfine blue and black Dress Coats, , Second qnalky do. dix v SJerfiiieblue, claret and ole Froek Coats, " 1 Do. blue and drab Box Coats, t Do. blue cloth Cloaks, Do. blue, black and fanrv colored Panl. Do. blue and black cloth Vests. French, India and English silk do. ,t Toil iiiet, Valencia and cut velvet do. A p;i-eat variety of fancy 1 do. Cotton and lambswool Drawers, Lambswool Shirts, , Uentlemen's first quality WoedstockGlover, ' Do. black borseskiu do. Cerman and fancy Cravats, Webb's patuut Suspenders, Common do. Ives Dt White's first quality beaver Half, . aeconu. quality J0. Superfine blue and black Cloths. , All of which will be disposed of at wholesale and retail, at reduced prieea, for cash. i j ( They will keep in their employment ( number of the best workmen that ean be obtain led from the North, in order that the mav prompllr execute ail orders with which thrvmi be favored;' and they pledge themselves thst their work, for durability and clegauoc, will xt ovemiier l, ig'JO IS-a f subversive of the only effectual safe-guards of the reputation, of public men in perjod of great political t'xciteronC' " ' ' ' i Having disposed Of : that branch of the investigation, which relates to the impuuttious upon Mr. Calhoun's otncisl Integrity, it remains fur me to offer a few remarks upon, a icw of this subject, which,, though hot involved in tno pssue reterrea totue committee, is vu dentJy embracod m the oopo of their inquin rie. U has been too apparent to escape the observation even or one less taterestea than I anv to mark the' beannr of thi investi- gation, that a very large portion of the- testi mony can Aav no oilier appueatioit or object tliu- to call in question Uie general admin, k tration Of the War Department,; whde Mr. Calhoun presided over it, by holding him re sponsible for the minute irregularities of its subordinate branches, .and particularly .those f the Engineer Departmenti While, there fore! tbe charge ia specific and limited,, the investigation is general and undefined, and the most obfiou principle of justice require that the defence should at least he co-exten. ive with the attack, whether thi be open and direct, or disguised and incidental. , Assuming, then, that the general irregu larities of a subordinate branch of the War Department, are fair subjects of inquiry, Jet is see whether the, specification r tuchas, ad nulling their truth, ill faiely &xjany por tion of the rtirponaihilily on sir. alhoun. The contract inroUiioo to which the Imputed irregularitiee occurred, "wa made theSSth of July, 1618. . Mr. Calhoun took Charge of the War Department, the ttittot Uccethber, ISin and it b a fact of undisputed notoriety that be found it utterly destitute of organization in almost all its branches, ami pre-eminently o in the Engineer Department. - The extensive operations .and large , disbursements of the then recent war, , effected under a system of administration having neither organization nor responsibility, bad introduced such rr regularities and wbuaes. and cattaed th ao cumuJation af such ma of unscttltd ho of more, than a million of dollars, to sav nothins: of th4 striking:, improvement made in the Moral of the army, a well a in iu military r-cinline and efficiency. U , Although the views already presented shew mc mjusuce m iioming nr. uainoun . n any ucgree responsible for tne tormai irregulari ties which may have etisted in the formation of the contract with Elijah Mix, it is due to the historical truth of the case that J should state, that, in point of fact, no injury resulted to the Government from those iiTegularirUs, or from the making of the contract with such a person, On the'coHtiary, it was conclu tively shewn tn the investigation which took place on th subject hi the House of Repre sentatives in May, 83$, that, previoua to the formation of the contract, notice wa actually given, and inquiries made, at all the poiuts where suitable ctqn could be procured, and that Col, Armittead, to use hit own words, "made' experiments, try having the stone quarried near Georgetown by laborers hired by the United tAteA and found that it eould not be procured .and carried to lOld Point Comfort for less than $3 5 per perch, to gether wilh the great uncertainty of Mtinr vessels W trans oort it" .The testimonv of Com. Rodger, Genl. Mason, Mr. Baker of t.eorgtowa. and vanou other Witness all concurred in the uncontradicted statement, that 3 50 per perch was the lowest sum for which the stone could be delivered. , And accordingly, 3 50 was the lowest bid except that of Elijah Mix. 4 It ia apparent, therefore, that the contract at 3 per perch would have been ruipou to Mix, but for " the very onex pected and rapid fall in the price of labor and transportation" adverted to oy tbe witnesses ia the former examination. . Such wa the conclusive force of thi testimony in 1828, that the bare reading of h, without a single word of commentary or argument, induced tbo House of, Representatives, by a vote of 131 to 20, to reject the report and resolution of th .eject Committee which, recemratnded Fn;sh Gartlert Seeds. Just received, a sunnlv of Garden Seeds, war. ranted fresh and genuine. C. D. LEHMAN. January 10, 1827 4-tf Stuinmerinjj Cured! The subscriber being iastruetetl and duly au thorised to aei at Airent fur Mr T)r,.Mln..n of Ncw-"Yovk, tender his services to those per sons who are afflicted with impedimenta ; of speeen. 1 he system by which they are taught, is founded upon rational Drincinle: thcrpinrw. no person who will adhere strictly to the rules necessary to be observed, need fear a return of me complaint or furtiier mforraalion, annly , , i ' CD. LEHMAN. ' Kalelgb, Jan. I. . t .Mr . X. Tanner and Currjer Is wanted at my tan Yard, five milet west ol Smithfield, N. C. To such a workman as ean Coach-making, Gigs, cf mUon. , But any one desirous of taking my Yard and stock of hkles m that way need W apply without they ean produce' the mott satisfactory evkleote of their honesty, sobriety sod industry Bon Vista, JohnttoBi - . t '.eemny, N.C. . - - )v''ip: - Jan. 1827.(l '-r-,-S;a , .. The suhseriber having employed one tt th best aud most experiKd workmen from New- ' : Ark, N. Jersey, as superintendent of his Shop," , and having laid in a well chosen stock of materials from New. York and Phihulelplu. he will furnish. . those who may want any thing in his line, low . of'thw." be pul?luwc Uny reliar shop north; . He has on hand a handsome assortment of Car' , rRes, Gigs and Harness, of almost every de scnpUont Some or which are now finished and the rest ma stat of .forwardness) all of which nib be sold at reduced prices for cash, or negntia.-., ble paper.- The work, in every instance, will . handsomely finished, and wimmtori tn ha well" executed. Orders are solicited. 1 t. J , Raleigh, Jan. 19. TH0. COSBS.' -tf Vs V Jailor'5 NoticeV- Tske up and eommltted to the Jail or Mew Hanover nuBty , on th 1st lost, a ar r.n named WHX1 A M , about ii y ,r. fcrd very fw .if ? U refot Peered W.k.aid be Ibrmerty belorred to Jime. l5 of J1", forS months, be Rotledre.fif Wakaano-..'.-. 1-7 "the Raleigh 8tr. that anlesa th. deli ui.v.T. o Vrr v .""".ora'eome forward 4k u.i i.- t. ouurt a,wiK, woo torn uim to Mr BeeW i. .t , imwucu ,j tSKeeulator.aMlraaaalfrbim,K.aJ-;d.' to istne ' that judrmeat . " .. - : v.. wa, i nnftl will K. I : . . ' r . I w.wwu MCWIIH II I III- Mill I o.w- Htate of North Carolina, , ffarren County. -County Court of Pleas and Quarter ; SesslonsIJovember Sessions, A. D.'-' 1626. ; .,-, ' Orlginat attachment 1 . vied on Randal Harrisi interest in the .lands whereon hit mother now L lives, adjoining the land lixa Httrraw and Mary C. llarrits, son tain ing 7i cres, rubjcot to tiie'wid-, owll amn. , ' 'r fA 'f.l' ' It tnnearine tn th mur. r u.. rvurtt. that the defendant in thi ease It not n fnhab- naat ot tint SUte, it la therefor ordered by the oe saaivT .,. defendtot Silas Tarver, admV ' ... l-'"t" , v Debonit aon. Rsndalnarriss. v. . a. H f; . whea on hit oay to th south 1 be CHAhXKS B. MOH Uia wtttningiM,.t;,ay, Its aer It nrrtv m win kj j'. . .k ui pi Test peaaealMl In rmue fnra.Ml ' peny levieu on WUI .barge, and take 41 MulUTJUX'' , ru A ii i rra n 1 ' '1 . itw. ... - -- US, Jailor., 1, DRAKE, C. Sl-3m and i Cor ww m lie Carol ;Thal a it nil .the c Aasc Caro Thai of 0 and thou year terc vidt vide shal tier huri ,,i,t the 9'jr of sai acl shi m Ai c r i) a I II c S 'ti E ii t '-: '-- . ' . . A; : y': V ? i A'-.

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