a i, i 1 " i . . rrrrTTirlT, u , n, i in iifnnw mc' 1 '"' ''m ;v :KALIUCir;(N. q.) FniDAY, 3IARCIJ 3, 187 Vol. xvin;: , 'TUB STAK, JnJ .Yartk-Carolina BlaU Ovuite, PoUiafced. weekly, by LAWUENCE fc LEM AY. TMM3. iia0, ikft dTlar pc-Bw. t, un.-N PK will W ct .th 1 . m t. J.ui i. ..femMt atd ad Mir diev uaeJ, bat tbe opt -f 0- Editor. unl ell r.r-e. era rL ..WKi-PM. t linj '.'TL ar, ami irmy-. " w Z I rk M fcuart U Jia Uilora Bat foul- UEOECtA. ANU THE VSTtlD STATES. r, r.J,r.fJ1iiMr. Jani' 3. 1127. i i 9iat'iaiiuk la r " lT0 Urtturt V UMk I'm ixjeai lU Caitad Stalrt, of th Ik lift imt aba leonmpaayiat; tfoa. unenia, aad Maaaag af 1M fcaatma, altli wcuiM aVaaow also. Kraartaad ;ieluui aflfca Lrf'ltura of Grxia, Hit acaAianaajiaa; uwm-' - i, . I Ucoim.- u "J 1 ma ia m 'J"r. 7 ..j and !. dmdi-f "Ti,.? Alatiamai a'to, with aaamanan; hat kal anl Km Imh .a... . . . i ji Th TMrxu i.i Z!ZfZ2 hr rHd d.trH aad arttlad Aararia ,,orlioat of lha Ame-noan Hi.n. man, prinoivllT. H lk rijlu of djitoaary, aiatta th. SoenijatT ow lk rum o ditowrered. I hl. claim of otewgy Hi pp hub mwoc-1,1- .. -' - " the claim of othrr natioat, j n oilBtnre are not aarare. that the Rnllth Cownnaent, or iu Kenraaeniatit'eft.'tke Odaiual Gnaerantentt. r 'r aiMmed, In virtue of tbtt elaint of aotro teipnty, uexoreite ihe powe of internal It-pt-Utinn oer the nerto who eowpoaed the Tnrioin Iixliao trilwt, wilUin the rvjj" vhiab i h rl:iim kf atirvraiTMta alnded. TheaO tribca " . r ' . . j Ci C, r" " Jiiiraiy, contliKrau ana ireaton aa partite, and, to eerUm deerea, Independeat ..tliont. A friendly Intereourae with tl.em-ajat kepi op by meant of conlerrnoca nd eonnailii bortndaricv itie rhcht to ettabliah and lnU.n I military Vih oceatiooaHy th right jrinc daaaaaaait. d Marat, Md, V 0 ,)(J O.ota unir4t iar aaawoeiaiwo, i . . . 11. ... ta aenart a foUoam I j.. i. " ptrns;, wer matter of UplaUon, ay ormitre,l, J,,vinr been eoneladed with th Creek. conrentiout, -mierea into ueiwam iwynja. r Colonieaon the one hand, and th Uhielt Warnort of IU trikea on tbe other. pen in I roniont oi mete ireaiiea were . w, Indian tribe, or ahea, in any ptiitr way, a nam i if bouilit arote, wart enwed, at betweea tepa- rte otfiUsed coOntn nni thete eonclndVd by treaty. No doiibt. In the moat aaf ly Frwi w " 3 " i Vemnanla of inbet, which bad eeated t separate eiiateitee, trantaetion may bar ooeur- reu, wawaav inijiy " '"""J v 1 1 in mc ran .ji um. vr mentt: but it it believed, that no attempt vti ever made ul tnote uovernmcnia. qa t . oi tbro, to ineorporBte the ludiatt inbet into, lb I joey politic, or to carry in ngni o. m,crw.j lt pDMr lllBt 4e (eroiea, in Onler to ftruicr, ibao to ewlud tho .-rereirly of other rort;f,r,heB11(.rei their utoluuoo to with- U- S'atet, and toreruhta, ai dwretion, tbe hoM furtber ioi, tooehl la-raRtga the intercom- with the ti aet thot tubjected. ao-operatioa ia the aama policj 4 of tboir teat In like nianneMhe Karopn t.wernmeirt ,i,Hiaed elgllbor.. tho Crtwkt 0rlure claimed, in viituo of ditwery, rnjhl the wtde to , cberokee fcy M'1tMh, bo was toil, occupied by the tou tbe Jt'ta act .med to them by aanrriaee.i order to pertuade .iieei ssHrr, nor perhtpa pwiible, t .Wfina the th CberokaM to ioa, were reTactcd; aad ;recifexlenttowlilehhkelaiwlciTed,in eommoniottkjM wwe bed, by tbe Cherokert .llintia.tct It ia weH known, howeer, liat it 9;th lht Creektby way of w traciiivrU.e was a claim of a right of pro-empllon retuhag ifleBCe of M'JtXnto. loth Spring ul An a the Gownmanu lly vuvu public and iu.0 jUowii nhe .imtueeeatfui .attempt lo leguhitireaett.indmdtitltwerer' jqutiified-om tr4,M fre Cberokeea, CokneiU were held qiiii in- a title to Indian land, by dirett pur- u tjj, Creek Mon t which fc u,. WM nkuel. haae of the Iodiar i; ami the GoTernrnent reeofc- or aa ataied by rh Uriel ia HJouncil to tiene nused a risht of oeenpanoy la (he liwlnint, whick nes, law r.giiiUyatted oa tbe Oak it claimed to lltelf the exeltitive nwrOBalrw T mutje, wa revived, making it eapilal for anj TlingiiiabbiK. Thlt wel I known feet hat rcceiv pcww j aotbarity a.uong th Creek t ceil td the iMttian of judicial decation, (8lh Uhea- sway ibtr laDdt witloat.lh jconaeot of tb t.m.) in th caw of Johnton' and O rah ant t ,,at(n. Thi iaw, at enacted or revived, wt itae.l v$. .Melniasli. ,!Mtcti wat tlic tiwe ot uniiga uriure iiig ivuvuiuuiai.- In the event of tiie war of Iatlrpenricnt e, the rightt of (he Uritisli Government ilevolvrd uJiOti the UniteiT Statet Hut gm quettion arototi whether, in reference to the Indian trihea Within' the liroi't of any Srtte, the right of tverasive averetgnty anil cxeluttve preemption, lormeny retted, in tha Crown, pasted, in it"e of the Declaration of Independence, to the Conffder. tion nf States, or lo tho . individmit 8lolr, ie-1 ilieeuvely, wrtlun the limit of which -aeb tribe vat situated. On the one hand, it Wat contended, that the right tn the unoeuupied lands, and, what was considered the same Hiiiip, the land occupied by the ludiant, having orisinaDy resided in that t.orernment, whjph wat common to all the Co i mit, ami liaTinRbeen cOnqoered iron trial uo- vcminent, at the joint expense and rffbrta ol all the Colonic; liaised to the Oonfei'eration; on Ihe inner iiami, ii m ui-gc, nui c".m mwt, "t-1 ...i. -. , .i.... ..mi. wi i- corumg toncpencent, tucceedad, niilitn its own limit, ta all th light fui-murly vuted in the Crown. . Theeontrorcniesgrowingoutof Ihit ilinirrenoe i ot opinion, cr ot the moat seriom cnaracter I'liey were imc thief cause, v. Uivi' retxnled the xduption of the articles ot Cont'".iiernliini and A'ler the CnafcdcnKmii, they formed the subject "f some of the miitt eiiibarrassiu nuesliona, wiicb were presented to the eonsiilei atinn of the t ontinenlal Oore, i. '" The difliou!(i; thu"riitig were nf ton great magnitude a be settled by any pbsiiivo tlcwisinn .i.'i favof of either parly. They.wer practically vbviated, by S'voonive act of Messina, on (he i art of the States, luring claim lo rxlenstre tract of unoeenpiet) Western, lands. Tho con. ilion on which these., cessions were piadeLy 'lie different iStittei. ''ae'r 'not lutifonn; lor did Cirrcst, ,i aceepting these cessions, admit thai, nitlioot them.Nhe Confederacy iroiiid have pot. Ke9Wl tin titUi If. 111. 'niyninMl ifthlta. ft w.a a . ..v j. . ... ..n.l . .... ...... j . I settlement by compromise, between eonflxtiiis, jgia, pioiided ucl treaty fie aevompainLM by psnirr, whose hilcicsts were too important toad. vnt nf any other uiaiW of a Ijusimeiit. ' Georgia waathe.only Siitte, having targe claim to unoccupied land tut her Western frontier. which did not. cither before or. slinnly after tbe option of .(lie .federal Cotistitutiim, . make tutlt a cession 1'iibe Urtiti d Stale . Uetolotion were repeated! adopted by the oU Congrett, ritontnentlit to her a' ce.sioti, On the. tame principlet On wdfch the 'cession nf the? Olfi'er StatFttand pnrticnlarly Vifgini.i, had been made. Jn ihe year 1 Tit, Georgia offered to Cnngtms cinonof land, corumencinroa tbe Cliawbonclite wer, at her Sonlhem boundary, mooing up Ihv I iVr-r iw l,n..kil and .fifi mllra. llienoe iluc U est tq. the MiMismttpi "tract eomiiKhendiad ilie lower half tf the present State of Alabama m l . Mitsistippi,, , Several condition,, were, at - guarantee 'tiiocoupied a.l iM. v.n .11 .1 4,.aak . . . , idi.r.Jfl I. iVtli.f ret, and tli V r Ton was not accented.; "''. In !7J tha l-Kiilaliiivfof Georet tnoeeftded to make) extensive sales of th Qnot'snpied lands her Vtern6wtieT. Great wnharraumenf rote, rtlstire M (lie tfUcrafqulrrd OTdertt:tr to tnia ceaai'in.- amona; .ni ,ii?vJ-':,,t,Jr"W,.rr."vf,ii.i yii aar v i.-vr.ir" t( Gefircta ol all the temiiK.;r of tl.e .li-owkwviiig kuen driinved W liiat-eutce Sands viieh tie claitucd to tW Weal. I thiv.lif okca ,f (raw,) 'replied I the; talk of f. W Bt wft U I10g,a pr .l-t m! IB.0 HlTTI GMTtU MW 1M llkN cat, Itr nat crvhutb. of VhUtfc, and r tnti Mwul f naU, Um r I tfwtc at be rrii ad ikW, m MrtMi li 1 lk I'tdird S ttk u, IVrwtwat f a ate eV! la UwBfts ail da ckaaa, , wd Mi. f tVr Uan4 State, M lk jaraai.atiaai aad -1 of th Unitary Mat of Um aaai linn MHnwt, ) tk mat tia, tb abler tioa af sttc .'.. tk Italia tkj t all th axil KM af lk aaai haw, at anna aa If aaaalil k doa (icsmtly Bast on I bra watts 1 mtm wr waaahsdij kalvwi Dm :aiian it I Cil 8ia aad iHom af (ifwrk a Mia prfl. II'X. Allbka um a !) nrr form ad (M Pataia 9Mdr-c tit Cm 14lai lhaaMMf of 14 aacf?4 fc hm i CreixU uxntT U.5r,ti aara ' F an af la a-nfMa f tatV, a4 am aaad (tatca lata Uii4 3rie a4 lk Vrwks T aWh a rxKliow af Uaj m 4e1 fcf Ikr latlisnai aad a Hill lanter port mm, af kaoihrr tmty. aaaatoJH la 1MS " lit (War twa tfatika. Hir war aadH aa tb VTaited Mat, lur tttc amieftt fat Genrcia. tTI 3 t90 acrca of land. ia ia roarae oi in atia w la Ik eoarac or in lata var, part or n Craakt war etaiied aa laoMitiiiea aftiaa K I Faltsd llahra. Ilaama; area tanamwVcJ bT in U Jar and aoadart MWral jiil- a'l l.i. h IHi. anotiier aeannn m iwli of ia lnMU rf hoH, of waa laid, b, trhitk lb Flim m4 Catlthanchle keens- tU EaMr boun- ,farr of tba Cr-ki By (ha ikfr lK mM)0rVd aaaiooa, ll.r3l.9 aee of land .r afP.uU-r.l, lonrlf th lata brat eeiaaioaa. aa Bferente ol U 74.1.630 tarn, bainc baut laaMhird of all Ihe Unih) ooaaeaa.il by Cietrekt, iu tli Slate of Ceorela, at Ihe date of the (Joaaeutkia of . t ha aant ntte, rh UhTr erV1a oa euirm f7.IS,IIO aert of taml. "Kliio tb okarfred aoit aonentioaal Hwilt of tbe State nf Georgia. Two treatiet hay been held by the Ualteil Statct villi the (;herokra, m bnmiane ot the compact of 1802,. by vhUb 995,310 ictfl 0f hnd hv heeB .tqujr t GeorgU; J( g24 t um 0f b3(,(0oo tratapp taMnf f xl)enM of hoMinR drib. rgia; s, appronriated. ,h( Creck, tnd fjlerakre, for ih, barpoto mmt the toror,iet w,h Georti ad a it pfMeiHt year, it wat deemed expedient, by the President. 1 niako the next effdrt with tbe t;Bep0KMf. i,;, WM aecortfcngly done, by the .ppojajnient of Mcttrt. II U Campbell and ,tme MrtTjwetbePt M Comraittionert, on the , he Uni,ed Sute, Tw Repaired la tk Cbrokee eounirr, in October 1823. and. after ttPt.nnt ,8, prcVii w th ciirrckej t to enU - r into a treat U ecion. tlicy receina a pofiTe refusal, the objection mad by the cberokeet appe-r tohvearicnfrow ewirferBteil BoeoHDlt ol tb lianlaliip endured by their eoun trymen, who had migraMd beyond th Mitais- tippi, trom their adraocaiaent la tbn ant n aivilited life, and tbe coocvquently iooreated ,,v;eh ,he vt lWr Umlli published at the time it a awsf aner ia Ala Such wit tb , tlMe nf things aiien.-on tliif 1st ol LNaoeut&er,. 1884, lb same gentlemen, authorized us United States' .Cnminissionera, and in pnrtdaBce of the tame obiect, met the CMers of the Cntk nation a Thleath-lja, or Kroken Arrow, tbe seof th National Uuui.cil of the Creek. At this Council, tl tame ittutal was given by the Creaks atUsdbaea) before received from the Cherokee. So long," (ay &!oncl Campbell, in bit letter to the Secretary of War uf lib January, 1325, a tho BeeutMlioa was ' ouduet(.ii Uh ihe Council generally, no answer .was rf ?rvrd, other thaa prompt rneetioa of every propoti tion that aa submltled." M'i'itoab amd at fiPsi Speaker Of the Ketioo. inftivm- these mikt, .ml joined theother Chiert hi Coti'ncit in refuting to oede Tb Commissioiiei n-pre- i ... . acnt, however, that they aactrtkmcil mat llie wishes of a laivw .'miotir rflh Chief within tne tieorgat hmin.- witn srltitottf :it (lieu- uewl, wtro in fav.r if the ceisi'5i t.ltl tl:y'si:' thai a treaty cnuhl 'have been obtained, s'ed by a full reprttenistion of Chieft Irom all lite toWnt within the limit of Goorgi .-' 'Koi feeling a.: tboriied to conclude a treaty, with a pQi'lhin ( the' Cliielt, Ihe Cvmh.iaaionera adjooroed the Council on ih lfllh December; and Colonel Campbell wa appoiirted to repair to W ashing, tun, in endeavor ta pincur from the H eaideul perniiaslon "to' coti'june'the Chiela wllhin win; limit ot Georgia, I negotiate wHti them eloslvely if thonght prt-pei-, or inclusive of deputation of- Ohiif fi-nm the upper towns, if aucb a ileputatio.i ahould present themselves, an d rvince desir to oegotitte to k further fc teilt-" .?ixtHi . :.-f )::. ft Ait ; -Sk . Oa th arrival of M A QiamtVert,7ie Wreed a' letter to lha Searelarwoi' Wat 8 Btkkit Ihe taiM-ion of the l'reidvnt for treaty "tobej 1 .maiI k ill. a 'I.L.f. ilhla. Sl. li.nil. fif XL..,ni the Ltjent of ihe cither her Diet, t'.iat tne nuia to be kbandoneil' by the' eiuigratjag ''"taist J shall be iromedlirtrly sabjeef 10 tl. diJ'OSiudi'i of the 1 1 o thi pncmotnl, the President, Mr. Monor I declined acceding, tuf autkoriiud renewal of ncrriialtonf fwitk.ih wh doaationv J'itx jdoc nn-nl, Kk?Sa. pjSS.rjTol 4. d Kfttioo, 1 till . Uof upress.) At meeting of..ibChie,'wa aordingly summoned for the I Iji r'ebrury, k liinwn .siirinra,' wuino inw nuiiia, l un'icn. Oil the lUthv of the month, the C'nmiiiitier wiet tb Cbhfa 'and Warriori.'kiiq jkxpttiiheti f their ebji ct.r Oh the evrtrng ol (Ife'sawidny tiba CoininfatiMi-a l.elil a aijuarale efifcll ViA t t1 tt the Chwft sfWt Wambfs of Dihelnf (Ho wnl, clmtlf within the timil of tJtincia.H'Wn 1 ibi: M (dug af rt.e 1 1 ih, t th prtblin ouoil, tliH' 1 I llid Jieail Chief of Ihe fixlnai. and told them thai l.nd lre:r could Uiei llaoifa! be invited the CjhinViawnier in S tiiertirg en ie 4B.-oe lor itie eeasiuu i ft tirokri Atrow'tobeHield threoaairOlh alter, 1 arvaraama ia ma rwaa n a hxut cansiuiirri Hn.ni umiM nn I .1.. O Hifr lci irtr dvW iVJa w U iM 1; aar janV aritad I ji, aa liatr aW Wa ib at U aVy. O lk kjK ( aij",. It vw-(t a Watriara af X CaaaHat a4 taaa.a ardrta af Ha 11 Wartiar, raaaiaia.ii4 a; iHlr.ioa, aa at autra"Wv aka lar lJ, a ireata an ttpwd aaUk aW M'a4ak aar IT it4f taataaiaa Uwtrt.as.ta rv.d kia KMral ua lk f it at ika liidWaKior, awl, aaavdii g W an ymal HaUr. la a trjtr. arad Al'Uuah La t-aurvr ia A ir aaatkey u .a jwam n to ahaaajwl ia lk .tnlf, at at w 6U bf S. lioaaf (iMinait eaaaiaail itm Mlaa. .aiaaa. aad ar ka (aajaaj-atrl, a Intrr vriltra H d afirr ika Mrc af H. ? r-M. Ikat tkt ara. kk ika aitarpoaa f H'lamaH, aad acrkap ta oUtara, '.hwli ol tv raaduaraul Brta at an. a iaiaa kiarH a) atataal la Var at tk Ifik ia nuk in. Ika Kanr. A aw kadawaltauMiinan)alktrnii dill aa kmm4 liat a.kirti prrvat, aharaN rr t aa a ! nrauak aflkr w;ri Laiafi aad lawlmn at ajt tke oiarr ;t. mad ia Irtialta :mr,t, kjr ika Ha4(kka aa It NaUM. It la amarikaaiUd. ka (,,. ttwl aaaaeajioai af akaaa doaamaaia tan Jaa uM lUubt Ike Uia I rtai ri mmr4 ' taarir T a am all unaaiknrud nfa of tl.a nx-k 9 auon, hut 1 a aMuariijr af Ik Uimra bo a(aail ii ixaia.n 1IJ M'lntosh lwrtT apnraaakd v Ha arttieit nf th Waluta. lh airwaiaatan that Uira aaied in t.ptinoe xaitk Ik aararat, triaU of lb. naill Staft, arxl ua UunimitMniierti and that lhT aT urV rraaive lb annuiiwanrC- f - (ha wkate acltlilMtrii.g potMikuiatr nt cO, J pa. wunkl time aivan liii-iu the aaaeuAney, ia y tiiSid wiik she oiker porfioa nt th Naticwj. the n .rrae of wkicb ia ku4n iok tbe W On lb day follwiag lb aignaiurn of th Treaty, Cnl. Craw.ll, the Agtot, addrestad a letter to th Secretary of Whr, a folio : hdtan Sprttiti February 12 1 125. MThe Hoo. Jomh C. CAiaopr, Seentutg o M j . Aim: In enrapliMier with ihvriictiona rcoeiv. td from Cnl. Campbell, while in Waaliingtuo City, I notified the CkleTt of this. Nation lo meet uSa United. Stale' Comwiaaiooei-. i ikit place an the 7th instant, .for purpoa of treating wilh them for their lanii. Your letter of the IM'i, enclosing a enpy of tlio inttructiiea lo the CtimiuUtionert, did not retch me u.til tile lib. On the arriial of lb. Commissioner, 1 Infbrmrd tbtn I t ready to obey th-sir ordertao all polutt toucJ)i. the negntiatinii, and eheenully eowmerat with ;bem ia efiVctinfc - th object of their aniasinn. Yesterday a Tresty was ngnd by M'laiosh and bis party ah-ft. Heing fulls convinced that this Treaty it ia direct npxitilioa to the letter and apint of lb Instruction, which nnve a copy of, I feel it to b any bouuden duly, as tb Agent of the liovernirunt, to apprise y mi of it, that you msy avtopl tucli meanut- a you may derm expedient, M to thy ratlca'KMt, tori if ratified, it may prndne horrid state of things amonj" these usfortanat Indians , It Is proper to remark, lat. wftH the exec ptlon of M 'liitosh , and perhaps two other, the aisrnMuiei to thi I rmiy ar either Chiefs at low grade, or not Chiel t all; which yon wan aorcetve by comparing Ihera lo thote to other Treat ie. anil to lit receipt! for (b anauilv. and tlict tiv. or it are tram ehsht lawatwoly, when (bei-ie CtH-six in the Waiwit..,. , . I be vou to be utHired that I pursued, striotlv. rour iitstructiuna la relation U thi negotiation! and although th Treaty hat natkm taedaa eonf .rmity with the instrnotioa of Which I have ada been furnished, 'yet i think it can be, at no di. tant day, to the emir aatitRiciion of the Go. veniiwrt. I have mrd Ike kaatv remark from conviction of dttvy,, awappriae yoa of Ule auanoec in which' It was ceotnpliskcd; nad.tf it be thought aetetBry.l eangiyv you all ike particular! pentling tlic orgmuiiiiH). A deput. liou of Head Cbtel. i;e detirnos of visitini; Vy'atiiir.gtwi to hs've juH anil Xtir pndeiaimid. ii rl.liu, tn Immmm. . ' ' . ' Thsve the fioatf tu1e', ynnr olsdieht lerant, a - JOrtV CROtvi- LU, Shortly fte the,Wriliig,(f'thi lcUel"the get repaireitin person to VVwhingtbn.- Alley hit , departure, and an the 1 3d' of the month, a Council, of tli Creek Nation Wt hold at Hro. kcA ,rtqv, in wlinh proleat ntpiintl tlm Tiie, ty of the IndiiK) Springs mas adopted, and th list above llui!el to were piepared. The iloisttmenlt, however, did not i eauh (.Watjiitiglu tilr alW'the ratificatron' of the Treaty.'. ' . ' The I'realv," meantime, k'a expedited tn Wt.tVintn v The PresVent of ifin Ci.iled Slates, 1Uen tbmi't M retire; In n IVw days, from office.- twltfrred ihrl reaty loth Senatei wltli the' letter of the Indian Agent above alluded to. It is V"K of tli pawer uf thi Cotnr.vitlec, and nnt within Iheii prdviitce, to assign tho Xiaaort which (irevcnled tli. Seuate. lioin being in fluenced by tb . repteaeiitatimi luade by (h Awiiil. as tn (lie luode in wlnvu VI'S 1 reaty hud ' Wn efT-oteil.' No tckli'nonv.'witliib the timvi JKCU eil.-Oivi. -imj.ij , wniiiii itiv titirw ledge of (lie Committee, had arrived Irom ibe Creek . Nation, lo ci'iiToboratr 'his 'stsiemrnlst and; on the 3d of 'March, the ISSt day of lh Omttithiinnal exltience id' the rlien tyrgnnicrd Senate, the advi; and consent f that tuxly were iriveo t ill ratifioaiinn It arts icanrdinaly ralifitd byt tli IVesidea on the f tkf Midi nni)r,.lJie., onii'"lii'g imprest'ma that ilk rreaty wa eg ' .led in tood failh, with com prtent p''t'ies. ; On Ihe next day tlie irnlytt of (h .Cliielts attfntbhj44n. tuoiul al, itttt trro, snif the 'document accompanying t,: arre'reeriveii hi- ii.nrinn. av in Ac-ent and submiltei! 10 lite Ih-nmtinenf Of Wat" ; ,l Gftiiia Mtrtutotlirnlw cihnrla I real v. loc not anpekr (o havvtemanied at bans,': X le dayil l(vn.tttcrtiguvtrc of tk'iriy,t he rnrhBOuak wma vrilti a.loii'. 1 uaiuntiene: and oth' T ' Chiefs, vt A dlcdgeville, n.l, as apesfit ,(rpin ,ii- " act front the hxeemtive JonrnaL oubli'ficd aiuonr Uie documents tuh- Butted to ine lyOmmiuee, reeeiveil hi smlience from tbe Governor Wveorgm, fix (lie rxeculu e chamber. The fated, aong other' tbiftea their appVeliesislon's of Itnatilrtf fmm rtir palt trf the nation oppi"d"fn.'the tiVaty, and irtike;l Ui protection ol its united Matrswnd m tieor fa l tits proieeiioa wt promaieu nemi.liK. prt:ciriiergibptlie Coverooi", h l4 in timated to mem.iim.;- as rncamtinea ot ute b'CStt. ,tbc PrrskU ot . fWd not but .1 ' Onsiiler it theet cf tne nai -n.TOvfieri,tt p wtiolc coon trt wat cededi that whaioukht I, be ieonsitlered the act nf the Wint Vollld Mill ha a oueaUoHt lhtl1itfiore'(4iineiif might' lie iiu'te sell dia. pose losed in consider fin? net of' Slt-Iototii "and his VieMisai'HkMie41,' V't"- ' lTlie Watf after thi tlitfielic, t MW wn wrH- fen to Governor Trtiji f time ttf 'th Chief nl the MelntosH jwtif ami -far JfJhllly MelntoslwHp whitii they allnil-tt tbriat-wee of th law -lifw mniioBby t)td at' t'nl tUkt 8prhirt, (iVnying however,' it (bligation,) ttatk'g ihajt "tint law was pswn (o present icimosti trom tellii g lads,n .oprrssip; ,tbj fear -Hint ( tempts would he made tn put' it into exreotion, and aecei';! g to prtopoaal'. which appeai- to i inre been nmrtr by the GoverrriwvthBt a mei. j be it:f Vf thS fJdyefiror; tfl i'fr ' TT" '. tMl 0aa afaW ey . -'-. 'Aa'4'), a thr Ja kaat. 4 M. U. kaaMr, K Ki u tat Utarwal aatwtta. w dr.aa.kd k aaaak tatUCkirta Md Ihaa.a af l.aari aanj Taok i i Ik aarwMr kk la awa a Unto rSiaaa. wka. aaaFad Hi Wat nor aka llat i.kf U lk "" ti.k aad it atatrika Ijtaa at (Wkktah.da, U adtif k Ktw C kjcwt laaa aw( ikv.Ow fa f laar owr aa arrt. LWi.li k-tdja-eaak. riil,a tkia iNn. aad Wl.U. iky kad ao kvard rf lk. raiiaawtioa af a tryaH, aad ab eeauewt rivi-a fcy Mala MalMOBa a aaaravt tk laula- aa. aaiAnkkk. daarica Jattre acaiaat MaJataal, or ikry o-a dean C-. Lawr aa aa kknr av iaaaioaH or. r. tka talk af tk LiatW frtM kt Maaakil. What Laurwatad Lmh tka.. t k krra k aa.. II retaaacd arrmJi Vj wiik ikrir tui af lortH g. oa tk auk. (ri af tk lrray, and p:Tai-d lk apiiawn, hat a bra tlMi ratiCcatidH d UmJ treaty M kAa. iber eM Kkm. .. lkirk tia akan. rf Col. ItMr, CktlU Mclaaawaaikia Way aaak takat lase, wat aart ay tU, kl i-Krr, aad oaUr Ci.Ul of lk aam aarijr. t rki rir, wko tafnrwail bias dtml iket h bwra aUrca Uf by tkwaa eitiad awttw; iwaau.aaal ika aom." a Wat tkraatva. 1 ed cum tb Cli. B a U nn! k. , '1 km ad a., I k ... . . . I . . l.ktte fijaaa, at kata.g aMtjnjr tinm ana irk "'"IT '. and w.a BU roard k Col. tau.ar t kaaa keaa deaigned, by anratiHg alan. U MTr4 th Vatitcariom aftli tifV, buc (Kt at tbraaluu. frfHiiwa, atioabl the irca'iy ae ratibei!. ua the flat of Matrcb, uh. Trova taaued kit praaUmatioa, araouiiuagjlta aaiiaaaitua af tk treaty. Da Hat U lta addceaaad . leuer to Mclmoao. Macung his parauiMua lay wt th lerrilar) ceded by tit treaty Oat lb Cib ot April Mcjulntt auaweccd fli overr thai Ike thkf (iiieanin-j (Uo of bit parly) wouk toaven aa tbe lHk, awl tliat he ouln submit to i Uew the pruot:4 to 'anrny th Hod. Oa the Kth of .prN, Ibaenuaeitt ad Mcintosh and Im parl t the ry "wat gtvW Mib brwr U the Coicruor, iu lU CeilowMig; irrina: M b"bra dittcreaci't Matting between lb prrarat agent td th Creek nstinu and myaulf, aitd not bMVar.g a. ny confidena ia hi advice, hav .determined l act aaanrrikig to tb dielt uf my best jo g meat, which result in the doterntuivtiun to a gre to the r qnrat bf your KseeHtncy. iu ylv. mg tut eonaeirt, and id behalf of th nation i.o tigned ibetnuty, tbtr aotasent, thaT tli land lately ceiled to thi Ontled tttatet at tb Imlian Sprang, may be ran offend anreyed wliearvn' yiai auay, ur tb Uamnral liovnruntaut, thii.k proper to do to. 1 ... t I, i-.v.; ftv iftb General GoveranMrnt 'of the United Slates huve uo bjectin. aud lb agei.t of tb Ci'eek nation, aUk the (wrty he Influence, dn nut iukKe aiij objection or opjioaition 4 ruunmg and wirsc) iug tb. lapd, myself, ant) th Chiel. un? Indian wbo wer ia favor of th Ut Cranty , do not objewu W rive. our "seat ' f a aonejnuo f the 'cOoiUt onal aatar rf thi aw nt lo th. survey, th folio nir latter was. on tn taut itpnt arrtu.eD.tiy sjovcracr: iKMtp tqtiUbenu matmaani ,. . . y. 4.-t i Dear Oentrak In one of I our lai leuam tau . I .l.n... .r ,I.X VT. ....! aay .aomeiniua' avvun wwhivi h viiivuu tjltet, or u ,nv (, "u noaii'es tioaot ipaaa oiipotiuoa). rray explain i rue your meaning We huve oothmg- id do with the Coited State, or ib aaebt.' or lh bostitea, hi Ihi mtttert Ml w want i ui'anroos mm ti'ieuaiy ininant who tuada the treaty; if w waiHeil tbe won. l -a . .. . . a. A- I- . aa Wut: Lth Cnitad ,ime, . w nonld H, Yaur Vatt7l'Ovi- Vw":" !'' .--.Kt 'u."- ' ) ' IWUlV'f. ' Wilhouu kOwover. vaiting. for answer to tbia teller, axul 0t tit Bant day on which it wa rittei, Governor Ticnp Itturd bit proclwin. tidn. iiatit thirt u th assent oi'the ludiant bad bciit oliwinvd t the running cud aorrey of th eonrlry,"and calling uia tgittatnre logetlitr to take the piier tnore for thus ribjeot.'- To the alien tctaar nMioa riiiea 10 in follaaing aitw"-' t4 ' ' Deaf & l.s.'eawivsul yoor l uatlleecy' r tiutt yeterl:y, d ted the llijt iiiillut,i4l hern. by stain Vyonfctliat wy smiy jneanmg was ant to alcoulrai7 to stipulations fi.de betwedaOUr , .1.:. rt. n. .... ...j niUUt IU1 .11 .... .Ii. , mm,. do lusiebv kbtfiiutelj, U tely atid.liy eiv.l ..... J' ..... . . .1.- a. ..... ir i.u..:. .1.. I ourvnnteiii iu nw " v,.i t . m. , . ,D boubilary befonginaiold State turveyef), t a. tiy time the Migmainiw tn weorgm may uima proper, wlncb'wa ceded at the tat treat Of tit liidiaa Snritia. fciffred in behalf nf th Katioo, and bv th aooatot ot lit U.iel of th aam. . i , data the Honor lo be.-wnu, giuav esteem, oniscau.,,, m,m:intosi. Ii it htreoeoessnrv loobsrtTe.tlt Mclntosb, iu addition to this license twsuined, in thi letter, oftpeakir ein bejiail'.if tbe Creek Nation, of whitb'hix part roi nvtri but miuoiity.tp Heart to li.ve been ciiilly of deception, in rvG-r-- euc lo ibc view of that pniiy-. At Council with them, held bv GuicraJ GaiiK. lb Gener. tjT wa iufuttned llml Mcln oWh ncnrconuUvil1 fhetn 011 tha survey, ud llikl they litter 6ve their conkt-nt. It ma hena b proper- Mktmdeattor to atari ta'ui vnor psrtioularly, lb reltttit alrengik W twopartie, a lar a eatating uaia ensuui 11 to be doij u Hy the docunionu Iw wiiUd trom the Council, held n the mil i f,t w uary, it appears (hat the Chief who signed lit treaty wer .from the folhin in .fiwy-iwa! C'weta, llrokea Ar- ruw;Nw Yannu. Sand I Wii; Itiieheiee, . Uut it i lo b observed, tbat tbe Wiit-lsfroai Uroken Arriw'rot.kl have had bo authority to aigo oa bdmlf i f lhat towa. tor th n ureenttiv of th fiend Chief 01 tbat towa, ihI . of lit priatsi- pal Chiwtsrflb K.'ion, .Wu present, and re. fiiaeil'i dgn. rront a dxMuiuaat prepared 1u Couekil A lk Crevk Jtajlintt, h aplMar. that ot llietualvHwa wdivklulawl ogitcd the trek- lyllh Indian Bpiiugt, Melnluau waifeon .1. ., 1 il l..r L l...l..H .1. Alii, tn .1. ......I, I.. " S . . . . . . a a . . . I lir.u y.i.LI, if.,!9 .iii..i I ... ,u the it'tiui't ilial file en; Chiefs of nferkir dc give, liod hes sit all of one town.Cowelat that twenty six. were officers called lw-mcnders, 6 taw inakera. tut mil Chiel'tt fottrtceaT wer ore. Wen Chief! fi". Indians poaaiasii g ' rawk whatever, and (wa nerson whoit unknown to th Cimocil td fb Crack Nwtioa. . I beat intli- vidnHtisrere esahtaivery fins csglit lowttt, nut of Kltv-six. of which tbe Nttiou aid to or. sitt .. The ton of th Hg W irrior, and th soo nt Ih UttWt l-i mee were 60' 1 at llie luoiau 8 urines, knd reluiwl lo in. , 1 b nrpliew and representative ''.of tit Cliiyf , fourtl Unank. Ho- iiov llaii'm. iiresent. ana reiiura 10 is-n. XV illiSm'Hi.hiard, sb nt tircipal CM.f of the U- tbe , rffus' d'toaign JxJm Stidtiaa. priaeH ii.Pdkief of th txiwor Ton. Otioihleyoliolo, Jliiet at nie -1 oonauoaiti.ee, who otnev teaumg Ckiufa. lorniinr altonlbtm. M oocatv0. a rrpi-esrniat.on a large Bbyoniy ot .tie pialKMi, wer tri tnU ih! veluted 4 sign . On tk day allcrtht 'b of JM.lnloh,Girl War np retents ii as the opinioa of one of the Chieti who tigned lb treaty, that tk parly opposed toil umbered lour tlitiusand warrior, th ' psrU friend! not n.or than Ive hw. diroVtb former havj ig been h.ere-Bed by tinmbt-n long cloak, ed tnde1.i? nib of frktldhln,,T'bo, BiBe aVvcVaih'at k1k 'j..' ka u- wnjr. Ike I- iaait llV - vtfj ..!. .g ny, ba r.t.r i at.i f f aurtL. ajd a itati akaaat Mar kaavUcwt, aara, aoore ad akkwria, a.'iWuf ala;.p.ra.lrUat mm at tkt dxauawk.a a.W.(ua, tw ilf I an aa'. kMrs lk 1 U ailiros'i 1 f lk PraeUatailaw af faas Cw.rt. ar ai Georgia, tckttiv I lb toivty, rracked lb Chaefsvl ike kstioa, kaaiejkkrd U naaivatbrar ancouy. a I art . tk A. , gewi, U a ktttr U tk Brarctary of tA ar. vftk .tTl,( Xlii; la. and ! lkb atcUacWy aad . dAtrcaa. 1 krj druUtl tuM their a4.ata ta Uk . aarrc) bad rrr her Baked or gin.( Bad aeB rcasdiaa; aa lk a.Vid urvilury I snlwal.rly . acataal lb ' (vol lo ak to 'ka rrcta7 rf Vsat IkriC tlcvaufd dbjeciioa tk atmreyaaf f tk Ut-ds tvatil Ihajemid rvaav fiwaa tk. aa. I b l asked awrniMaa to Brad a aVt-wUtioai lo .4ku.giua lit fulkvaliw Vt Wua ior lk prpo al tamlctaWauJing the tarvs af rh C nsal r.UiiT to lh.r tutui prop.cls. " It wssat lk ur on. P'oUbly ia a avavaircj of lk ts rxivrrl ,4 (kc raiifiaauoa anal Oi l"' rd aau-VM, lUu M ukcdt, to ibe nr. dcr ot the Link P.m... a Head t bkl of th ' Kattoa, tlirrwio at gia tn a rta1a akn aer of tbva Olirrgtk (,fiiaeol taw.nvaotrs, vatakar -0 J'lP Of. kid-lnak, aad Iw tkr Uraj of Cowrie Jn pui.iOiB.ettl for th violation t lk, la ot tha alion. Tbit wa r tea ltd j tk mormugirtieSOihof April, bya rHv !. i.ii ra4iag in lb Cedad trrritort 4 ha atroyrd lb krrs, '..)) lb dwelliaga, rod ptta ' dcreriihf)tjetl; , W ib tbfa, Tb tidirga of lb!t tragical drc'un-rB wcr otamii.iaied to th President of tb United t-lairs 1 th Covet nor ol Or, gia, ia aleiisrof Mr9d(ad two iy aflrr, qiMcr ara Ijtwed by Uh Cow. eraor 10 th ljor Grnrrta aftk Stk, Clk, and 7 lk Division ol tb Militia of fiwgla, to H Ikcir DivUja-n rry to aiareb at a nwaawm' anih g. io il Cried States, broad by lb iHHislilutin and tbe Treaty tn rrrcai ttul pnnuitk bostiliiyamong Ih Indians, and teaia Uaia peace" oa the bolder of Georgia aboakl by any aneaaa, tail of their 1: my. in those ,r. (potit On ib aim day Ihe b'rarettr of War wa hi formed by Govern Tratip rf toe a as. -Uiv which bad bn adop.l for defer." ' and protection. nt;i the kuihor.tr of tk. TJcl. - ,ud titstes anuld be rflVetutUy Interposed fcr mot purposes." . fiepuiuon. oontiit'iig ; Chilly Maliitosb and orber. of the same Wry. alao .hastened to Washington, and on the l7tU 1 of Mny addressed too letters to lb T).ptrt. maul 0? War, kolielUng jimtrciion aw! V Vfige, and the iulrferene of tk Grpcral Govt t'nmeat. tiicbatti. the Chiett twd Wank-i Ojipoted to jb Treaty, and prefcrinf abatf e g 1114 tht) , rhut wstth rntrrfereiHlr Af tb Genetal Go- yetnntoai invoked, hv all parti, lo tl.ta tflahw by ,b. Governor of Georgia, by th McJotrth aity, aad by the llea.1 Chk-f of the '.'teek. Nation. Tbe. despatches', iroot Got. Trtrup ' wer received at tha Department of W ar on thai 15th and 1 7th nf May, and o th lltk order wtr icit to Generl dim a, then In or bear Georgia, 10 repair to Millrdgesill, - Hjf the purpuae of cO 'SUtltrg with (lovernur Troup oa th naSBMim cmiinr so be sdoiitml in refeivnM to X)ti actual poslur of tfuirs. on nit arrival,'" t tfuu... ..it .k. .ti:.:. . lorna. in defence af Ihe frontier, then Mipposed to b Ihraatened' with invasion. In eontetjuenc alto nf 1 (ha charge road airainit the ('reek Agent, by tb 'Governor of Qeorgit, and f th rVpalatioa of th Mclntesh parly. Major T. J, Andrew) . .11 ...... .... . . i. 1M,1 1. . h. . U . . ! ireapaynew V" UK avm V" 'y, a a special Afjitit, to Inquire into these ahtfge -, ' '' . t kirr4.t w weoiauMly acr4 Into ttTr, by Was rrpatrink of l.eoil Gaines acnf 'V.j ir wtrews to-Mlet'evilte, and tiiavnriitw f v 1S1 tkesk Agency, f krvn klao.-'i aonsetjuto . of the vrnit.l demand iarbfTetwal h Shrferefj ' of If Genrral Government, aborr Hiki.'ed to, a, . portion af tbiT5rJat wiy of th tr State w " onlcToH in, th,u w ol the ftntiToet. Tfc corrotdene'wl.ieh.t'j)k plat eetween. Go. ' vnrnor Tnmp' afid Gen 4 Gain became tin' ' fortunately nf tueh a nracter a lo ecus ., expression of diasslisfVoilon, M be toad by ih Governor to the Veretry of War, in long let let, t'.Med 7lb August. lt&,knd ir;n.iryat Iho IVeldrnt.ln these wonlst 4 Now. fcir, autfet me, in vonalnsioti, to sskif there thing tias bac'u doa la vk-ftw f ynur owt. iiitrueiin, srpresa orimplU-d, tirby sutkority ipf y ttanaid from . yot liMtoe ver, and If not so done, whethtirM will Mueuon or adopt them ss your awn, awl thos hold onrseif respoiniLU U th Gavrnmtn( of' Georgiai1' : 'rM? f',: ':.-; ,;( .' i -ts ( $. On the 30lb of Aitoitt an irwer r.(urneJ by th Secretai y of War, in wfclch.ihe Governnr is informed (hat th President, 'deeply regret ling ih different View of 'he Trewy aftneluUwl ; last February at Ih indlsn Sprti gs, hick the 1 . iiiTcrwir iimu roirriatoru. irom umit vwra iaa President lit'l found- k urate If.- upon tbe tnott deliberate "Wn'nleraiion, ' aad wikIct th tot : solemn . reapotikibintie, aaenpclkd M take a a anxiouily drain its U avoid .any, thing vliicfe, dirtaied by no absolute necessity, inight Lave feniiriicy 10 rvnncr . iur, uiuereiMes m MIS Oc . .1 .; .t:-": - ! . lieL otberwiae easiiv rceotiedable. IJeltnms. for thi reason, o enter kitn diaraaiion of tha aVtMumeioti lupictcontaineil in (Jit Goxernor let. tr,Ab Secretary of WcrfttilberVitr,ion behalf or tn rretwent. mat Hi tjoerntnent ot th united State w fully aware of it dutcs la th 'cople of Geonlni amonir which.! tln4 of nyle du reknrnt to tb ttatiowJ ot Uieir Chitl' Maris. Irate .- A 'Imy, If possible, still more ipditpensab!,. M.lhat of a constant awl l.ithrul atiei.tion tn theip mtcrtsl, anil an eari-twJicilud 10 f tl&l all tb dulie of the Union to them, At th lort of rlie letter, flic Seer, tarr of War inform the Go. vemnr that " th subjict, m ail It prt, wctild Be tubmitied to Gniigrrs af tb spproachhig a : siom and all the iiuHrwctl on of the officer f fUaf ' U. Msle as weH at their aondaut noder them, wmdd h subieet t rba anlawdvyriton of tLat body upon ibwi. for approbatia or cenaure, a they mrghi ;pwr to bv deservi d " In con. . srotieiHi m nnouier letter puoiisnen ny uetra Gaines, the Governor, on tbo 3I( of August, wrot to (he "Department of Wr,and drnarr-'e4 of th. 1'res'nlr! ll i rest of that ofF.et r ' Tb Secretary of War, ia bH riply, referred th Governor in kit letter of tb soth, in which wa sad known the' purpose of the Prraklent to tub' mit th conduct ofGeweral Gaines, wilh rret other Matter ,aonneate4 with tb subject, t tb . tmuirtiunn f tnrTrJ. ana miormed tb Governor ltiat as Ih r'resideotknew netufiicient nccestity for rprtipg from thai cuttrp, tb, dematid for the rrrt wl not keeeded H : In m litter from th DeDarlment to General Gsitn-a nf tlie sam datP, that tfficer w Informed, tbtt tb PresHlentutsapproved hi conduct In w.itiiigj and publishing letter which had produced- Ih demand ft bit nrrett.tnd 0py of that letter aa tecloaru lovnabovernoa, . ,. Thi refusal of lbe PrcsWlrnt to arrest Geneml Game, ia. by one of the rrtolulimt retemd ta) ibi tlmnraittre, oirterve a a u abut of offic,' ubiah," ifkat properly atoned tnr, i!l and nufchl I wsvethi lirtting rrproath tuton tlM Nlioo,.lhat cere m Kepuht.c tlie I afiordl na) protection against the view of power, tud ihe resentments ofkmbilion "Itur ioaunlttee n. aider it their duty to ttti, that (hile tbey deem tji eoodatt-nf fJea. Gatnca, U tttitlf j od i y f . 1 7 .s . a . .., v. - - . ,v ' - .-"v. '.:;i'N;j- fa. ;,x r n,.nattV " , JW S : 1 , '. r ' rr 'n-W'. r-. . l";i! I V? '-A" M fcW..J. iV Jkit ""i f