HAX3H3H. tVa-tkrerwWiia a srt 0. Jaakaaa, at todrty Vs v hi area, p--J W.MiiWjdU. fj, fasted hreC-y Saaih sawarTT.aaanaaa.a-s ma.iaaVB praitsma te Hw,) IS Iarwe, klarvtaad. !iMkiiitMtoliii4rbMwii HUUAT MOXMNG, lUBCHSVIWi al "Ifi-Mt erarwy lsaw.ee lb lnaa1 Avars' v kit's Vmeeebjtlasili Hr.AawahA wkarh war - ' ' atWiatL. 1H baa! lah. tAlsT Verk aarrstrf M WT aawBamwt iii.n M ar r 1 . 1 , ., 1 , . ,, . , rr ' t wrvJ ki t- 1. km1 ,, v'rWna at J U m aaum wah mW -nm km ' r-e n ' oa w f yTPe.l i 'k ' - h - - - - , , , , .k - I Avery Him nM rcfwrvfehlw Wwtteg awe liagSsa. Keatfwrtv. - arraniac A WrtW - " JJiTw Z ,tw..3 wt -i I V !Ur4 af UmmX lfcr te tlraaae b A ctyliU Mead T't Abftan t"WWoo a4 1 Wk Crc aavd Hjtzanmty b aUl eWideiir fcrlatkn! h kaw' ar JW, MUl V tanas Plr4 Hi4IMiMMyiB(tytetlUt af tl iry.. Ur eat. bis V Li saunter laataasi in MkUM ttlWfiMM f t luljoV, Vrkve r Wr - Wr, Mltt at IS, .'kiMrif MtW W. ll tot -ir ,. u V- W ' - - f ft- 4 - rtitatxi Ts. mi M 77J Jbmifr, M kk !. wT.mm n"1". "".T.. it M i ' . TtL lmik-mcdc Tw r rnr IkU lh t ftUi l IejJcM time of I "V . -1 j i i - ftK Hol AfricN rtopV, in.thtlr Wvri..,, Ttrr fcr""1 tW (iarnjaaj of k CnilvJ w lUr trjMMi vMcU Maktac pia'nm m kkrk t more rrcB iba patron of IM Cltio are not abirnl mnrr U t0Vrt, ! oin (a kia UdWwkintv Wlic U arrirrd al Mr. st. k.tu. .pPy to :'rrrrr luu o mack ImprwoJ, tSatkck-ft liar mm WeaV rvrxlar lMt, (or Uoiao. Befora kia drpartura, k i-Mle out frcaratlj ia kit Mrria from kkk V fo inrl not tk aiigkleet inooTnir ' Dr. Bars -iTa, at kow liaux ka bai laaa bom tka om mrwt mfrX of ha lwUapoitaS, tkmlta khH aabrr 1 oat of aaJifeT. tivil tW be can trael to New k-ra ih prfr aalcty. M atftMlUw araar kua Mh'iti- llvaMk( raa ajprarr4 r'-ft aM aa kowf atf k aVrtk, kra ka aatl ft m aa.iiiip to ;aacnM 1oaraata JwrV'iff . li kft kt ai-U aa nn, iku kia t-H 'K '.4t4 hu. arararly couta aril iWl Iw' ko-ak?, kit hut. 1 tiftu ilaVlkai aftLie aa. Mn Cot) xian tk tfajl jovWt ta Irx tka M t4 ttwfUcwya, tUtwkaataaaV U kia,aa; k FIUa aapfaad tVtf kU t4lr?M, kn4 MrtUirXft V m V wa4 tlmnawMajm 6u4 n.cnTUft) tfccxocailenfch kLlVrf3 of ka afclpriM tt deakta of o.aai. I for ,k of W a, d .1 XIH '1 - - ' - ' ' m . If. 1 ftbftam aTia. ilaiMl ! aiiki in n Tl at Tuinri 1 nri la- 1 . . " . . trrrt. MUd mm mm iwwi a m ..l, - . . -k .. , mira, . . a - I . am tt? .rMkm, aa rft D ka aVapaUM y ' "" "". Kat4la nrxr,H, uitajumtwa opwroa i r. riPritatf avrrlMT. lllaxi Ml; KaadalDk dcriawid aeeraCa tka intiiaiJoa I .1 1 . v . , i- . MJ.. 't .. pi r, aiurrvt mr arvitai- wr ma awt of licet jr'ia, am! I.'iJfftani " Vinton, iavrd JESSE TCRyERV Lata a "r T tT4 ka ruiat! attll I kaavarf at .k atid aa r4-ra kaa. prW aiaw 4 aji-Vf itiai i. iai af aJ iVt tkjim e aaartt a, , iafr Caa:aar ' (Vwt - 0fnmmmi pnmmtm 7VaVT a a, aila aL AtnM aa 4 Wf iV Tk CaiMtora af aW t ilf itf i f aa) MMil ik Sta aVr aioi a4t ta aaM ak X4 Tkakavi al aa naVta a)i k Ikrr JI raak) foraktaa ai tka lo .V't aaj nn.( af aar, and taw prT-rlria dt ivr hi avnaa !!. a, ta 4avraMa, Atat aak I thtougi, thia plior, t few ! a", on thrir I y the crock Mtk-Mrr k proorf 4iarrat tka Earia limtM aa tka Hk Wjat vkiok u7 '" Li'- kHMnM ak.aMui Twl Vh Wirai of tb la-lnict.onf ,hrtuforc a..m.aV r..l..l " ml. - - --- a a a. . - a a . l DnVIPkUCVI TVllr I9W WaT ry aaaacnaaxcMini aaumgrtav tT re Col fjmwrll. T aro naabW to flale ktt io a art aaa aiU. tleaarh taadowaj to aa a.n aalwal IT rak akiaof; tkt kaa, V- a(k vate, a1 J.Uaj ot rat V at.-vftfl. ,TuC tirjkrr f ! ka aat tmt W' rao ia tMNM p aanrt ikaa t iaik-a tka arja at:nrpakta-a. tka wlaanac aarilJaaf, Tart, tau Pivlaaannik. N. IL Jl-m. Stm. ' Vwk, n.JadtiJ.'a,M a him.iftad Jt.trfoljL.o-1 ! rwjfSrf t(r t JX i& aul lJaa aa or aa-" I fer tka I Xraarr Waack ra - a- , Prraiaaa fflrf ail ka aaraaMi a rUtr aarti. roluHr iKcir trrnia jkt auhyxl foot, fnr anj atat M lac frame! arkk tht popnrtiaa nf pooari Haanaa tiaaW, wyJr'l " (koojd tkr kaiatac4 in oflrr.fcr iav.l Ikeir.taraaa ar nkawi fact. I inr rkw Iratvaa aolli ia Ir, (aaa afaack i laaa, tKat ia, a ri, a 44. atwl a (loop.) arjIR thr AaoW aawaH timk, tWyaatirit la all Urn IkatV pi Ml f tbtfraw of akip r tka ima, af a trqpx. of a ataoift aad for broaiiacuoaa tabcrw ,1'ka ofTrrs raa ko m'f deliraraMr tl an ot4 or ritbW. or The K ... Kf latrr atka,'itk I acer tkattta t Tt (rrrat intrrnt, how e aoolj aBAOWtao that Duff Grc;n', the editor of the Te1eppk,liad kernclertcd hrthe t'. S. Senate, fit trher la nuking the augment, wa tkongbt ourarlrea eorrcct. We knew tliere aaa torn conteuioa about the Totea Jrtea for printer t balloting , vhk-li the Natioiul Journal aaj a-M a ibllowai , ' For Duff Clrorn. Editor of the Telgrank trri. Hfitei, Derricis Kwinek, CUiaadler,' 7)irki-rf-n, Eat, Finillny, HaTOf, Jokaaoa of Xv. Kine Mltinlrr. Maeon. ItAudolnk. Kced. Rvleclr. Rowan, b'railh of Mil. Braid of 8. Tasccll, V&a Borca, While, Williams Wood. Wt SI. .'For Galea and Rcaton, Eilitori of the Xat. Jntrlligencer tcsr. narton. Hateman, Boll, HuIij;nT,Ckarabcr, Chase, Clartor., Harrion; HendrrVn, Holmra, Joknatoo oflxxi'iRiana, Kane, Kniptit, Marks Mills NoUeMioobiQS Kaggtea, Santortl, Hilshec, Sevmour, Thornaa CI ' Mr. Edaanta ai j Mr. Cobb voted for net. her, anJ Mr. Willey waa abarot' " We knew, tkit, attbi" kalotm, Gck. proeo received only a plurnHty of vote aal knew that the Senate Men' declined ft farther WloM kir:" but aa tlie WashinrtoB nanera wera not J ' W-aa a rularly received at tliu OSec. we knew not but another balloting might have taken place, wliicl resulted hi pvmg fte Eutor of tua Telcgriii tlxtftrity. This indeed, a e preuitel waathe fact, we taw it tmed in aevernl paper, with out allusion ta Uie votes, that that gentlijmn elected! and it Wat undce Via lniprcuion, from tlie porert motive, tkat are acted., it wa Dot our design, ia making tho statement, to give my eol-ning, on either aide, to the' political s peet pf tho country a e did not give it as the tict, but as the nir of the day, ' Wrhcn the Edi tbrs of the Intelligencer "were elected printers to the House of Representatives we published it as belonging to ptatlng eentst end in like sannner, wlien it was Mnonneed J our. Brother Eilitort that the Editor of the Teleeritsth wa ekuted printer to the Seuatc, without thinking It neees t'ary to ran sack Jthe proceedings of Congress, te certain it was to, we re iterated H, Mtvmf was aorrect, as an item of uewa. In doitrj thi it seems, frorlabe inrorraation which tlie Iti'gistct has heea pleased to grres that we made a wron stalcmeDt, and we thank the' Editors M eorreetf kijTisf but we feel under ho obligation tthcn) for the' spirit in wlikh li was done.' .The Editor of the Register may tuke an interest in thia mate ter, which we profess not to fcil, and they mj have been woooded at theresult" pf the lajlatinj in the -Senate, for printer ..by which it appears pref.rvenci, '.nly, wat sliewn to Gen. Green; but -eore "surprised" that .they should make"ui the objects on which to re vence theri tulvta. If they were in an ill humour, what . hav we done, 'that thry should make W the? butts at which to t.Uchargc their ssperky ? The serpent ilulgria lies conspkunusly roiled on: the face of Uieir rei jrurksj but as We do not believe any of oniVadt "ere,' b'ov&vef strongly jt may he" inamujile wili Tie so unchuritable as to think "wo were gailty of wiitul misrftresont:itran, weeousitlcr ouriclve oeyonthercachof hi venom., ' ? ' v ' ' case of Morgnn, uhn, h is said, was carried off te Canada Soriir time since, for publishing shook on i Masonry, r Reports are numerous relative to liis fate; but they are so contradictory, we hnvS.,n.ot bought it worth while to perplex our readers with them. By some it is wonfuVecdy afllrraed , iliat lie was iiiliumatdy murdered,-, r.fter mock trril while others allege that fies alive, and will ne forlh-comiiig after ke kujufently speculat ed on the public credulity. - Siicli is tliej-cpnll'fCt-Jnj aatnre of the various statements, that it is iin possible to say UkU is correct? One appears to ItealtQutasptaasible as the other. K, afteralit should pfPte te he a scheme to excite the com ' rnunity, so s to give ready anhj to his book, St is to be hoped tke Ledies of New-Yot'k wiB repeat Uieir rorouslawVwhkh, ii a hue meeting, thef nartcd- deciats'ng that '.' their llaughtcra shall feHher.be courted br, ngr married to FieM fon5M and it may be preanmeA t,hnt theirwho'er iv ill be divci ted ftiom die Aneient Frfiernilr, and eomc down,wkh douhle weight, upea tke kead rfpoorMofjnm,"'.,;'.4 ' Jkckmn Meeting!. On tue-Sth mat a meet "!S of tJie citizens of Petersburg took pWe, tlie bjeetof which was to promote, the elartba of - Gem Jackson as Chief M.Tpistrate of the Union. The meeting was respeetably and numeronsly at tended, and Lemuel. Wiafree, the mayor, was called to the chair, and Was. Clarke kppoiaM m Beeretary. " A long ' preatujite' tostf reaolutions were draw, and presented Vy g etwmitlee, e'oni ' sistiqg of Messrs Wm. II. M'Fatlshd, Th'. E. Gntjani, j. c. BatU, Joseph Brag, J: II,' pro'wn dbger AJoues, Edward Pcscud.L. C. Bouldin, . C. rcgrani p4 0. PAfprsaA, dchuni From K la 100 gewtle- tha takkv aaaatiM'WaaMi were Merars Arakor and Mlktffle, aaaaashta Uvws ia Coarraaa. The toUowlag wamplimcnU- (Ttooatwa aNtwt u? ; Jthn Kandolph of Koanole-Tho eonataat da ticcewe 4he Marshal will have in arresting the Kurveyor to the Creek natmn, but pre diet that be will find few if jtuy of leifc in Mt quarter lor by Sahiniay last nearly nade Wieit rennve at wrrr pWftlnn, ami wow tkeawkceMalk( akoae Wko had Ike eanhed Dri1rri atkc anMsaietatt a ilk tuaa. . lie aaa hton a. aloua aa ai. lai.aiuf ! manv Va doavbt a 21 taraiaa tod m ttrtkf that l of tRe earde abawa sacitiowW, bet the twrsaJ thrv rrrr tuwrw lua oirs bt r) aaaxraaey i PC W1 i" dn-lararahao at mk,t a WTrrw hu ii ft aa agad.aaukw,BrotaVisraamiaialer(t once ka v ha bdilcr.Vmut be, dittiactlw situ on kia reaftaia. wka at this Uwc kaaw .atated.' It iattv he nftrrataod OiH tba eoaatwi-' notluog of 4K dreadful eataatropkr. Will Wot wTS will aelnet ar oBctw, kn a rw the Vi-ada of Jewairwa wk iWeWrweT hi iwr- baaMrtaawk patina ai ike timW rvwuaj rwwttka (aov .. . til K iw nwv w . miry i - " - - , - . - all lb Sdrveyora M Mlcrui. toeks f thcar afflitaions wkew thew Trd th4de!iw as tjiew inay indrre rxpeuV ujt rSoVe of a place at whfch to.-, ke wwnidi ckargw af any eontrwat wifl be reewireds tkat the-, have selected thia, the hoaotw of kn relatioais .ftntoualaf snk bpod wiU be wmi-c jrd Sa auata .The so. that win m br Conrtofth varioue qHon. I 1 rZTrZ ZYTZ XZIZZ u4Uba4nL irisiftg antler Slte inswnt; WWSJu.a prerctierwad tW wb ka iW! of a i-railaof aah tarv wH aa rwaerwad awj mucroi in prmciniea m inr unsistautlonw I be Tearless opponent o ftuachiavoua aduiinisreatkm. Mr. R. then roae, and, la short speeek, re turned kit thanks ( and bclbre rwUribg, gave ike followiagi Vrriai amotker, m Mr. Kmibrougn a4deW Virginia haa no kas- larua. . ... . The following compliment was riven to Mr. M unaw: Georre MDoile The able Rewrran.'tirr from 8ouh-Carolina Who is tor Ukmc the sJe- tton or oar bluet Magistrate out of the kanda of Congrest. lie thee, rose, addressed the company at some lenjrth, and gave the folk) wing; Tlie tte4f TrtiniaThose even. who. can not subscribe U all her nolilical thetrintt. are constrained to admire the disiulerested piut,of ner poifiicai iminpiew, There wrre a great many wohmteers given; but we have, room, only Jor tl two fojlowinr By Km hard J. Gaiues John Randolph of Roan -nHiiati me pure, uiainieresien perriotisra the esecutive. I ahall Lare received the nteiaachoiv tMitura. k 1 ' Truthifltton Vity, Itfarth 14. niwotociu JAIioi ."VI, uuai yisuvaiuiU) we learr). wis maJf Yesterday ,-ift tlie ent Ihr the pehlie kaerresti aad eriker, that aei This wastba aVatcreikkiwtkjsllnwaraewcr; WHsaruieannvs,alaa?e4 trevWtwk: tM frasss the attwckmrt brother be aJraoet, and that bom will be paid until a Wh s ksmJy nftut'trd ibc huw, sm) bm. i iBoraal ik-hvery of limberi tkat bond witk two or1 .lieaut is tirohalde. if l had W:t railed to mere whlTickjiit 'etsreties tor' the T-khful dls uliicti hae been no repeeHr arsuetl and'MkO lone amleradviwinciiTr "ilie result, U, ihat 'witen tlie contract i aiale aubdeqnent to (lie law," afntl' is mail itetweerv cititeha of the Slate wheTeth law eiiet, aaischare tirhler surli law M a ?alid defence; nlko, if i ".i '"r .i u.-i- niaooMHii tHe citizen vi aoouu r otaie, irewh crtizrn shall chuse f u, and (h cauie proceed to judgment it 'the CetMlt of the "title when the lw eiists. But if th contract b made between a citiieft of the State where the Iaw ettst4 Howard, to call an Wtn-riw CjarwrtrUla, and aae 4 wuhb-ld. oaUethf aoairact shall be fullr couipU- e grave of emdeaaio. t-UraVf sW--'rl re'eyre aaw-iaeirwi oi i inir ornaiis. A discourse will be delivered oa Qiq otp!v-l,si)nera kad thutiu all delivrrkl oftinibrr, fcdue useourac wui ita ueuwr vn yro un-.-n-.-ri ,..... . u...ww,. uuv Gail wUliap,' tho 1st daj of Apfi, atc rrrtioika raot .limits rrtaof ibefraosea . place wbare He died ,. oy w- - w . Vour brother liJChrt - i p. I ii rv-. akall ka desirurad. otherwise, it shall be at ttia optioa of (be Corarriiwioiiers to .wiUibold suck a- tnnunt, tn addition to Uic ten per cent, above mri Xfciaytw CIr., Fa. Canerrnr.-, StKMaM, 1827.' "ed, awttTnaTjn(f(e expodieat tWthsr.uklie m i I, i . i .. r.t- v mtercit, until aak deficient porpio of surlt 'IHED. - v,-initlitfilt.mlersah:..l (a tMvtTJLi ami it ,liir- partPftlua to W arren eonntr, en Mun1 severe indispositioa of 10 'ecLil It. jonnmon lll. Il,l! i iav alrhtiast. after' titer to be euderetooJ. tliat all fsymdits ee'Clflte: , .. i lboje aberaay ((iirrL avpiurany nai " l Dielr" own residence; the' names ipd residence' of Si" ttwHrtiiretfrii,r) fiirwai-d letterffrom ttsrh perwna. asatiug tH'ea- wilKiMraea to beooatt sureties and v ok of Aristklea with all tlie firanneai. ot Cato with all the devotion of Curtiu whb all riit atates-Sian-like vigwW of feiilcS and pii-it-tin4og e Irxjiiejice of Demosthenes nnr tie ever -be, as heaver nas been, tUe iiiend Of the rlrhu of peorde. and a tenrr to tlie enemies. ; wy.wrn.n. Kaonaenerai Andrew Jack- son -When he litads tlie volunteer America, none but 1 its to its lihmrneed hiiaV-Qunke ye reweaVa at 'u)wirkii. for his army ts on their martA, and Virginia is again the staaKhwoVbcarr. A :. . 1 We woufld here remark, that" we Uiinlc un just to aseribe Mr Randolph's tacimrBity to the and the citizen of ao'tlh"erk Stjate, thij 8tifplllS Fanil Stck-w: i wkr ideaea af Mrew.ar ' . . . " ,. v, Jr ' 2 ( 1 - . , . 1 such persons as auretiea to tlie nount for which partr claiming under lh contract may - ;For Bute:- ' ' l ajifhtrtAViofMht u4 :.i In cortitiiuttonal, forum, the ' Two or rhteyik nfweU krok Courts of the United 6tae, and a dia- clire yndec a : Stat InsoHvent Law will not bar Mh jictiqii,, Aa t con traotatrtitde lijcforf'the passag 4if uch law, our reader are a'warc that the? are patrfcKjof not held, subject' 'to tlie operation of 'need fear thfis Jaw even between cifuena f the atia!ie.- JVf. Jut, ,. C ' " : tor the last ween, a no, 411 ta, vp t" feasiw obedient to verda of tamsnaiidt awveriar d eedorae with followwa wprda, iK been spoiled by ropmgv tome good wsoma vix: ORt to furnish Live Oak, 'under the 44 aud plough horaei aBCKillentbrood'Vrrfu-ejBd -unit j 11 lew eowa and 5tlisk blooded taltea anO-vt . The tWbcfJa soke ineated aad nteaaored ieV yenrlings, andamuleprtwo. ,qeordiogtomenil.eaUbliJdbytheBpar 1 erms or crutllU ' -1 PI wnicn niiiy ae ootainri on apHiicaoon 10 uisi . V., . .. .? ,- 1 W'aXJONES. i'Jrarf Agent eirhew at' Peroiaeoli,' SavnnnJi, Wake Forest, March 22, 45. I3-Swp J,' Chailaaews 8.' C-TnVfolk, Waskinjrtoo, -Kaltr ' 1 " .j.. ,., ..tinore, Pliilgdelphia New i'eik Uoston, or PtCte- , r-,TcU)St O. Tnilfvlv v -r jiementiorthat may -not be reelreH whia tkoj On Fridar. the 6th day of April neat, w31 be tti,rinufflwiorTfwin was, ennot m AfTered at pnhlie aal to thehlglieet biadea'atbf fy'T P; : i ' f .H-w result of the Senatorial election in Vir-i.ia, . pment He. Mr .f wrcolj JD iT fouruun.- t AitxaiCAJr ccuasr--: ( t-rii . i..iML.-i L.it. '-.jji 1 arte thtniT hnt the Tiinvemrtits cftbe 10 1 r k ..,.v MSrtinh, .!..-.'-' .. .. - I .Tor.c . it nn. Iiim li tali red and ievintvfivi arret. T his laud, k is laii), WlIlsQlnd IM rMWt aemawhKh has ktrs ,..v V .: "" ' V T . :r lh. A. IsikemnkanlftafalemlU awim ah areek eommenacd knd will eiDire on 'the Uth ilaV of A i"htt KakWaMaVlllfillw ail'1oar can Ae.At t. gresa, before and after th.o1eetioB. Wcharf represented that the Iriendi'of llie Me a dnuht, oursclvesit wasowihrto Uie feeilehcst C0n uovernmr n are 111 a iuh waj f Mr.K's edtb,,UatliciasrefraevlJ usual eonrse. '.. 1 , ,t, - ( j Anateoiof-the dinrer cj.vta JLti Cea. June tiers the aitixenaf JriJltOn, will 1 fouad oa the opposrte pnee, ; .. , Mr. John W. Charlca, k resprctalde ikiie of lair way to suppres the insurgent! at another time I 1 r j . . , : . , . I toai trie jnsurgert;t8re increasmg rumu 'y byiecruita from all quarter, liut Irnm the h4.t atlfl Uat alifurmatlOn WC have been able toublkinvthe f.ieBd,t.f Uj PK ft& the Mexican aniiear.to jte gaining ra and tk anlvonu whiiifc can, with profit to the "July nest, at the stable of WOffum TowneV . owner, be establtklMSi' fietweeav anas-asxt uie en noytuon, meaaienmirf cmrnj, v irmai . ,1 m trance af tlie eree. iblo Haw -riveri wlikb Is mi arise apna, which fhe sernw s of Ameriasn E- borit one t two miles,1 .v. i1- v, t' clips will be rendered, ai tho,f'Howing: FilryJ Ateoalftkery yotrnf KECKQ MAN, a teierae UuUars the smirle leap's ae?enry-nvt tlullarHHa e mechauw iuir . The terms of sale .m 4tmMMr jnjiAthtA vwutilMkUm mt ihM'itrpa nl " aeiuf!na kia bond tfci. Rnuk of Kewhera. m ltaleivh. beaiirurniltiiiill months credit ill be civen, br a reoiiable' dli . . . . w ..s:1i Lik .1.. hL' .L -1 ft L..:Jt 'U i. tVOH sue OniC" ft ' -f 2 "i " -afi I wuuni wm o iiuuib ino wm wm ymiait 4 maraw anca-aer r aeniaiir4. aeason, aaa un awsureu uvnarwio ensurea mars will ha six montlis' rrtiliU Vejiiaiaioak ,. AWCennemln tiuttinjf mar,by irilh irnod aacuntt. tlulm Z.' ' retttrned Irom that ecUu ot If r, -C i-.-t ,- . w , (ka sn whick tho commoner, cretrnus oil pidly. rBy a'gei.ileinaittif.lhis place, . . . ?lll,p0OKE.T,,,,itc!'J htntipertedjtlfWoit -liJdari-A Irom that aectiou oflex- Ware 1, m ther are k toal.e km parti. th jourpei The Legislature of Maryland adjourned', s tUc an the ISth instant, and the Legislature of irgti terminated its sessioa on the 9th inst. ' e Supreme Court ot'Ue USited $tate.ldf ISundae; cfinifiRa art ififotinedtiial edea the ttUh anstant. "J'. 'tl.-'. 'I many of ! hi Freetictiim ' " ' t,',1e'' ' t ll i iV ft s"' nn aamlr'tliii& I kad tftftllatll MirfV ItaL. lnfralAai irtrkpidljf.7' As botrrpartve use 4u Uilciu;etiv;niakiuit..ppeaf :fa litis ss atoertaioed Mareh IB, I arr " f ' v Va-Jw they are itk Wet Ue person parting with thotty r"rFcr ftirther fartk-ulrr. a repect the lead.' ill be hMdtwcoBatoble for tlie insurance.' .'' fr , see adverriteiucat m th fiuuw akdar 4hjkltt tut 'American Eclipse k beautifhV orrel, with . Tanmirv, 1 8S7, aigned Truatec.M .f i -wtar, and near bind foot white, fifteen hand Oinaw ' m i, ,i. r .if, m'.,,i a, ,-i -iijayvfa. inchfshighi nassesains a lui-re share of bone and ... . Huuaway I;pBimjtteu,'e m oeiug u tu of te ay . "tir..a,."-' .I,w-niV. s,n jrj the three irfext ientndt tf pat-d Wootness er "...L?-? bUit te Starry weight,. ha wa LTl."i TtL r-7rl7.T fod tk May, lull, at poairU,UueeaaMntju, jMl.lM,n Sift r n.;.,i..i-.i,ii-V-'L.i. ' "i Anat n'a Colony havciothed thfr Mei4 Be,l! .ff.P4-I.BerlinT aired.lv DurneL hie I . .... ... . , - . ' . I isi ' . P .... .I'VA ' aaajBiinjBj vcivaw vmw "ii . asm a " vMf A If 11. T"k ....1 V., Ua....AMKM Lit nauwine.! Ms wue. but a toHwg htpretou rcaa aroopa, ami' xerw muackriueivive hU pMnertr , accqrditig KWTT i i. (I7. ? V.7 totheemiaW ear iiir.ii ne rinvirtrn. r i na tuiniinntistit , n..a i a,ie:. . . - i a. t. a..i . -.i .. i - - " is coiifinementHnhetBlr'rison for life; - e'Vi; vt..- 'iii,..,'rn,ir f....f .TtBjWrotiaK'' Wuo.wdc,Miwrr , ilillll i ' I I sVM 9 lilt D illJH Vlf aim Vjsiiut.li fsv (yviv "T J (( . ' - Teata br:j.Jd c tateii.t. ear irined; cu aiarwiciiHHr w ibb uia uu t innnM MiiTum n nwui v c .iu n wai mr iviiinr .vii. htm nwy;- ;' ' 1 1 r,i . . ..i rauVai A H. v, Utlie uuaAoi. jaueT.: , 'Zj i-il.'i f. .Ui u.. ir..l. V -1 v HMU Dreu " V wwtow1 l-t ui-o-v aa j T: :. .1 1 als ercat arahdam bGim Crack, tiimrivak br Cripple, and Cripple by thei Arabam'ot Lei d Go- VtitsJewJohn Ad iaTnla.aaK:aaa4 I ..I U m.. ! U lU (! L.tf . p a . I , . ' ' J. , " -inTrir i.au at .sne i tiiwoseu j U'tti the w v part vv ; ana mtuiv persons di distinction, member rr j . ... ... ...... WwittaV.and'.frat,.4i i..-...; Meads Have maac rriwner vt;th ioi a cbntiderie number of, ladies by invent iun. 1 be memoir wa hatened ju wrtlu the fltoet pruftmnd into t at throughout, ilthougU the1 reading of it occupied mor tbarr uy hour and -k half. ft ia no ordinary pmine or any, that, alihotiglr from the numeroti euro t winch live been pronrufneed on the Ir aani service 0"' th tw'HlustrioTi; philoeoiifieri and stataatnen, who finished life' career eit ie late Jubilee of our independeuec. the theme ro'ght have been upposed trfte anil wont, yet, both in matterand mannen the discourse of the learned Judge produced, on tne jucimot an teeimp okhi auditors; impressions ueepiv instrucuve, and patjietical iv loucnuiir. . ... ... . m . ' ns have made prisoner ,Mjr 1 Wot,ntl. It t thought: that J. b. U6bffts arid several olttcrs. fM i'Vrom tlie thriTlfroeiitc; ' !i ' ' fIREV. HlIOMAS HQWARIk i . Wid'inttM ik not dead, but Jevnaar! naked Uiis Iitei on . the 86th of February, about 4 o'clock, Y. M. thojiev. Tbuuuu Howard, pre siding elder cf Jvue iU'ict,Virgmia eonlert ence Jlie wa oa li. way, u-oro eiierence to Nelson county, to Wit aoute of hit friends, lie 1. 1 left i'braomr'on Saturtlny the S4th, iitteadmg ta I l.ulm. tUut n'itrl.l m tilv.ll.tfii TftTalhuniAl SftftnitkCT Uft Aa. hv a reanhitiffh arili tnuli,. U. iGooehlalui eountri Mj aides llntnuti a tdace elrc' j die alteiuooa an awful storfe ofwittdt bail Jiud an opportunitjt of ipresuli'iir some from it in our columns wbvh we. are stire.vyll be .tuguiy. aocrptabl rto our readera. In ciiilanation ct theJitani e.trt time, from the decease the, venerable- aubjeet fi thi memoirty before it wis pronounced,-k la suf ficient to saj-tliat t If a custom of th Tn ntte to 0v 'wovae' j acfcmiht of 'a:h of ita qternber oh tfieir deccate; but tbe1 public conv mempriitioni of.tlie'fcame aybject in. rarioii bodies the particular occupation of the lnstkule and, oiembers re.nuered this tic lay, ia the priUce,-iiuaTuidiible.:, : tZ&tyil - '.!, ; F H?ut. lati " ,'qum(4$:: Af, it.-: ', , m, , d r'i iwfiSig-itaa - ' "VHonitatitit, Society !-mtttt 'dciigff 'af ttil Institution: setms., to' be ginlnpidly'and extensively, .tlie favorable - ppuiion. of ijur raja; accompanied with lUuwier andhjaing,,- liout iteta.eirii iber having been appointed by the ike. deceased, Ejiecutor of Lis last wifl and testament hereby givw notier that tkay intend applyiiig to the next Court "ai" 'tieaVand' Qiisrlec bustions to be held for the eonuty of lgemmbe m May next,' to hat taid k ill n-ov ed and. recorded, . ,y .. 1 V:. P", K. - Xcpi Drake. ' '. ; '" ' PW EvrtsTm . ,( ; PROCLAMATION i. tmor cjiM'&uiuyjv. tirwino. 'WiiiiM K aatltfWtorily appear to me that one JOEL MITCHELL haa committed a mitr dur en tlie hmly of MUrt Ralph, and ha subsc euenuy, neu ueysng juw iinvwa i uie a taie: now, tliereibre, know ye, that Uie above reward will be riven tS any person or peraoas who shall appre hend the said Mitchell, and have him committed to the jail ia) Halifax" eaunty, m the Slttte aiore sai.-tgi'or to acme other Jail, eer'tliat ha-anay be brought tt trial,' T keeKH end military authori ties ot tins Btt eve aereby retranea to x3 and rose, and .lore. up UVii by Uie I ou, and spread I assist ia (he apprhenlm and iletectionof. the iiruiiriauua mi vnc iaouapa aoiuvra to aiu Uie teiTor'and cutustei nation jyouiid. , t tlie band of a (pod Frot idnus Dreseryed him amidst tlie danger 1 In the BOm-ie Ot n lioiir the t temiwat anbsii'.ed.aoilliit kopes'na doubt ei e lvaniointed ! .! ....j.i r... i. i t..... tv Hit lt unjKKt. mil iv-a, lllll )11 11 m, hub III -:iv I J i bnt alas fiirtber ralamitirs awaited him. When he'had arrivedr within i half a ynilu of li utlirr Smith's,' a errant brloagfng to the family suet him, bite he a silling as lis gig singing, snd ob served to inns that a tree had blewiv ro the read juathead f bim-M Very; ell." stud he, antrbke- a pilgrim in pursuit dt the celestial Cki naantontinucdf singing en his Way. Soon fter thia his horsa ami a part tjf the gig were Diet neat tlie gate by a young man, and about a' httndmi yanSs beb.iid. brother Howard' wa seen wlkftic string. nrotner Ersr.na met now re me jaroj ana r, . f - ! l'""Jii:' T niuier on. iui sm tin in we varus auci Coumrj'miM an .act tikmg au, imua kp-JfiiMiingfco wm rftjarrrl. took him by tlie "arm. aw Mmdueteo: turn mt the. house. v AU Que ttanrbf raid Mitchelh MitekcH as7 a man." (Quite black, nhotik if feet S or 4 indie , in Jieht, Mnare built, anw wauc in vatMr a Moontntr aosi- tion, with hi hdut leaning to ne sides sum Jtfct rnieef his fore teeth, talks Dae and rather turowgh the none, eompiiiiMuita hen speKcai to-wfty trMe, a bricklayer and pluistorer: ahoot 45'raac of age, but looks WWrarer; t?jf Iaj, - It! 3' v 1" testinoiiT whereof, I havw eauaed 3T tl.'raat ' teat or ktatsto.-be ; L hereuuto affiled, and signed the ffi4u' ? mm Rilelfihi the 19th day ni March. Is7r;' U- By the Covenor, 'ft ,!-.r i Jobh KCAWntnc. r. SeeVX rXJ The Richmond Chnulrer, Peteraburr In telligencer ann nonoim iteraxi, wtu maert tsea bpva.we4Jy, JfWe'gbtiieek. , ltw . dolphiu) Dure a Virginia llorub, va sired by VaMuedt hw- uan AMiuMia, we prorty pi m rVwte.Mokyaaa'iaaaa Jy .tirey jiouiedshcf dam by VaxiniaCadc-. .. . ' . .. ' vM aster ger, theatre pf Mitlert iMiatel Was ait ' English Horse', bred bj' Jolm-ltt, Etu. of New Market, and died Oie property of Mr. V an Ranst, January 2801; J.S08; aged 3 Jettr, was sired by Mambrina, MHiubruio by Engmuet', Engineer by 6arapsoa, (the tiro of Ray Mutton,) who wa gut bv liltzo. aho waseMt nv Flvimr Ghilder. iaaoa of the Darby Arabian, MetsenriaW dam, (dam, of ucvatneot or tun, m at-ajmam oy uegmur, a aoa et the (.ednlifthittn AJ-sbiau. his jpimtliua by ike Bolton Starlmgiotoi the Fox Marc, usru if Suap, ka tut gran4iun was titter to Figurante, dam t Revenge, tv The pertorroaticei pf Mrs sealer ort the turti tirt'viousfo his impoitation, were-supeilor to any horse of hi day. In lf85-4 and bit woa eleven purses aad a Katgw plate, and waseeTer-Ventrnt V . .v-ijt .. Uioroed. aire f Uuroc. t was rot by Flbrkel. who was got by King Herod, out of tb Cj gnet mare, bis dam the &wtmUr Mare, (dam ol Pt n.'. i .j ii . . . i . i rareun, nw iuub iimnuo, goi uy uiuuk, ner granoam vj vnuaen, ou ot Mist jjcrwtre, l Giwitham, tiu dam of Flee'oem Steady, Kc, Di oraed, a cbesnut horse, wa foaled in 1777, and stti r running several years he stood to mares aad became the sir of a irraat niany first rate korae k Knglaitd an America,,,;., ,t.:M .ir-.. ... ,. , ' tood and extensive panturac hat beea proeejw eat with separate tnclOturts lor mure and tolta. Mares will ka ted with grain on reasotiaUe term, whkh 'must be paid for when the mare are taken away. 'All poHil4! attention and cure will beta Wn of marest buvthd aabscriber vSl not be r pponiblc tor aeleau or eMi pea oi any kind. ., Tb auhet rtber, rcsitiiiMj in Boydton, will pet immediate attenuon. And return answer to ail teUor that mar be addressed to him.; : ' 4 KUSIIA LAIRIV y V s,t "AS nj. Jlgentjer Jfa&&ttfoni Boydtoaa Va. -Mrch 10, , , , liw T7 ty OiBce eontjitiuc open lot the reciptSott of iitii4lhtfc,i,;'',)r " 't- ..!. - .... Feat William tbor- r L. HENDERSON. km iahei.,. ... . .A'..V 't'V "h. .; , .":i.

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