MlrtCCLliANCOUH. veSeaa taee was breeM p U f - pre aw Caart el this ta frees the Ctr- VW WVV V -J went eewrer.lja received eeirtefife aW deal, aad J be executed aa the Iral Ueetlay ta April aeat. The circeev tuacee aad re erhch rb trinee vh pr MmMlWUM caeaea aac ka u the catastrophe aehearf". Crooa t aeaf aeViher we htrt m trevori to dsta-ussree. , It appears Inst Bwds kaa J wars bee 4tao?ejdfMi br cerae rvcslcsraewl f character, audit Udifi call ta, (hie milmDtii mi rrtii f Hifal dWerard ef all mm- ao-caeta vrhrth siht leeatt tm C J la win the imrieefhU peMi0eft,Of ahether it i walafed ay BratJ ia- cs rarity, ta forests ju weij saca cm - fcva ttwK of cciiars i awe hostile ta kisa. readily adaait, that te belWifreaa hal cUTrrrtit iWlaila era v . i .r SMrinkir ta Lis ilmt. (swl, c . n - chaiiA2 his tloJha whea be was as rJLat sjUaua. , U frrawadr IVta1ww4 iWe whoaa he sei a i at d were fadte mi flsa etaaaiag hfaa. eewj a-a boprd t rtll FeLx Conk, larefe-iey-lasr, that aalr kr frm tWT Urn n iij the, W -aWd takesawjaire ta wv seat him. Xe l"r -antesnaity MMlCnik,r ederr. ate aj-amt tsaaf ef rwwiy , ITitoVr the tinman Saaii. i4ncrtwiii:trt. aa) a sotsa a A ante -rtteiW a tyib- trVfKf A faasTte, assi mt'i Li lu aaaehua Vnawx. Bataw ar- prest vmuaai Jtf, rfstfsd tj U t iH. a4 J jny tti aw lolttf pii2tT f aacnfcr. U Wai l&cjadc an abast ra Met o al the uv, d caaaaei a DaaMaojccft ttal lie was a hour. Wl Uaapdce paaj iiupfrfiort. ar4 aftrf da comidmia fwaaiice4 tkc amteaca f tbc laai. ob Sa prem Caart c4 (kis atatc Sawbag fio error in tba pracrttlinga aflba toairt Wlow, were alion t to protHMDca wolroce if death araia d ihe defemlaati when ia anidatit b tb jailor vith wkott Cunila'Uai been cooaaed aince bia ar rival in this ptace, preaenteJ. llia affidavit 'stated averal lituct facta .wkich weiit to imijreaa the iaU)r 'uha belief of lite defendant a lunvjr. .The "FMweme Coort heard the affidaTit,' bat armature deliberation, aentenced (lit r'ionr to ba lung oa the fir Moftdajr is It ianronef WaT. thatiWr tnforina on relatiye lav the rfctractar. f:C)nd4, attu tne eircnoistauces oi una iraMMeuw -vere obtained froto .a'heai' tieigMHof partleauCaiij 'ef4t!be,!erroaeDi, re kltall ewrect it iih'j)leur. . ,-OJ fiiffWpriett avdjulc fib seatence , "anj f f0O, Kcquanted VitVlhjj ijrac tor of the tw-curt i hklt Ivelcaae been eobmittedrtanacarcerjr eirtef- i doobt.Vhetncr;ioch;: lyrt arftaiftd aa jaottJdfveh pemit a aan tn thia ae aadOBntri'to pelieve that jo af cpuelly 6eaft, Wrjseqt'ti' WiiM worlbj thf intrpo4(lon uf esrcV ire tleaiencT ia Tot for tt to detoruine; ;. '"''' Ital''" At a lata CroA held In iWhbwfB'reanaV itytNav-Jerc)Va prosecution vas lned iaf. .- MetUodkt p reaches, lu, far M txulx and battery upon, ayounff pian, ho prosecute J by lb prtoclHir fur havinf di. v ifbea iongreprtioit at o f theiir eeli. trtuiii weeiines. . In th court of lb iml ii "ni)i':il that at Ihe time' the fclledgc d - "f ilit vnuua nan. aiul ahook him torettv Roughly, which wa tbc aasauft complained o?i TU fentleniM 4 the law conterhed io tb cauM-, MCDtea wrf nxnu j-o wow f n t hMnand wtoeoemted the vitneaa aato 7 thu matter a long unia. ? . u 0i.' ofthe vitneaseaniiWut, afhletieVnan; .k Am liaidr ' HoW hard did ha tli;ik Ji-in?" &c. anU adtltaine fc.ii.sted Mr. II. una .thaeotuiael, aato the ettcnt at. Mt. U.ii miM fraMc4 tM aiattar, ay aayinjf, tvu twijw.'wmtTpa teU baw ha ahook hinv iftd j Viiat did. H- The witneat there .Srotm hid hold tsf the aeaaael tha-eotUn tutting the ectioit'K tne word ,'nd the word ' o the tetter? indtwiii'Jfjfe'ft tiy 'aeroa 'half ,do2CH ' nit tenilJe Uakem'obsered JrT0t,1,y,cl'00't'1',!' rt , to . lb 0t inwrt.-amuaenieoi. si'UC ji44ea Dectator. iie. wl a cre . camwked wkta , sghtera e jrre thianUcr mh haabcta tU....n t..vl,ln k i)a'm1nret tA i i,mtiinetf'an weijjty boorhrirMl,'.aidihartii! ascended to th( enmmit of his onfesierf.wotwrriio eaccuil but 'unTiirtuhaleI ' tiiitalrnj .lite flue which had been the celt! 1S tbttra.iie found hiuiself,'Atlds tandiiiv, TWQe pnyite study (CalXoib oflheX4 w whose meditation Wl re littRiedUleji put Jfelatea fo asj-i-jseataa) .r.-iryeav- j wJl t 1aaM kiiwf ' tiw V iJPafdft JriforA,emrdhra ajro, A kf sucjl as jt Is impossible lo dt Sf 1 1 lb meAM ancw-arWly, that U.ey appear at the UM Sooir, terrified lest nia fnfrasion ahottldCoataUbidwaaidsowntyofNort fished, stood riva ahftle lawyer, struck UtttTib ythe pctkior,; otlu-rie tba same wiU reflect which he hasjvever deigned be taken pro eoufcsso, and a decree made accor- w Very nae of horror S. Ittitzt tnent t)uity of sid Coart, at Office, the tnh Monday A.illtedfliglievideB'lyatSiwkeiitit. after the -fcerth Monday in September. A. D. Sooty tpwerers aoosr foaad' a "tjnvy and in aecrtta which onlyinereased thaj..'0r j'-.i- "terforscltbemw of Lw, Cried loutj Priotadv. ff t. . i4w; We trjficrt Caariai dirtaJfTVi waa u&.eti &a amract of eoe atxh tHaieotai kw, aaie4raaUeU,vaa v u ta aaaera a the effittr at heart; aaJ a! nod with aae IjsdI the a2Errrh(d UTr He dw the aUtra,aadiav the aecretcoreer afteirUhea a-ejht r fate treea the aaraij. , . liar J a imt. tW.fWJViH i wetaM awhiadearh kt kk4iilkiitiiiM v. .Uki mtur k JtiiM ei ia tba caaawa af w aba atfcatf mm wm Uay m akalarabaihaawU btetaaaaarrf alaiika io av ar Ik l-eil T,A - Ka. 7 drw (frU4 the aft), h a(aiaat the kw laaWftwaWatfccn.- u . ; . . r f ' . t Jir.ttJoU or UjtmfrtfktrtmSk. Jahoaoa whra paUtahtng hi dktMurj miniid throcrh the aoediaaa of the jwantaU the ttraeiirj a atrmuJgten. Soaeaieaiienijaiierwooa pwnr tUIXictaB4rcrtueiaeat. fcj ebeerv- iiks that it aa all fwUtaUlitj Cenvm eaedbriff 4hea warda he did ia thelfot rhiakit aecewryU trau!te, bat aaaielieacreJj Mf aa hia ataaiare - . taa- iai am rri r " A bra cgrapLrr. who vaa ale urt kuaaarr, ft ta arrea before A orawter roaring a et ta prrea belure tne Uc- r - m faraad tartT-mfh. a he thoeRht. leceaunea sua ia roe anicie w ma. where-Jalhe Borioall amnmenl afaJt etieaalajit.hehadl lima denaed it:-Caiaaad,tao, freaa l aewr Methaa aaa aadbaaaaa frmpomlati l-T locvn. IfumimetX af Jfaaawaa la- There w- eaJiaeaf.atewarerk aca, ia a boat at aW aaartH haaatitT aiaca. ateabeanila. AeWaataof aa adn u ipi anraaAl. aa M 30 tret aa le-h. tin wnltn. eaerarOa ! 1 neaarea TV back bum ia 16 iochea in dtaaeter. aaal the raV are 9 feet in hreda- bbnlcalatedfreearhei7.eol the aainal, aheohvins, a shcat 50 feet ia length. 20 to ZSia width, aad abnat 20 tret in kiz aaal ie mmt tvre wet-bed at leaatSBloaa.- Thewboaea were loanu the MaaaaaMBH River, ia, we be lieve. Taanaaa. aui farai the jreatrst n- taral carwaate that we e-rer beheld Thaa aanaal aaet have aa Ur trancM i ed the aaaataaoth ta aixe, aa lite aiaiu BMth A foauaoa dog, " y JCaUmbta Olio) poper We learii that hi EicelSener Got. Seat, ha isreed a nollt pn&q-ii 10 tlia caaa of. tba (tee. J' Valiant, a local preacher of the Mei'iodiit R. Church, ! was ' Indicted ia ; Baltimore Cit Corrt Tor luletnoizin a marriage trliere the female A.a under uxteep jeara of agetia coatraeeutioa'of he Stli 'tec tioij of ihf act-w AMeroblT' orir7T, tf whjcS' jitjaeaarivd, M 'tt if aoj minMen hall joia-ia aaarmse any ftnale inder Iheagbf twetitjfotreirrs, tr mnj irniata uuuer., ine , pge .jji teeireira; Aud Jtt bewevn)(utiedFwith' nt the consent of tle pal nt or guard f cverjj jei6n'. tttr8onaJI ' iveu'.. ocugruiicd under lbrhand and t&a I "f tlie said parent pwardian.'afid aiiet e. .Lv he& wh&t';s 4i shall fmipit Jul par flva iuadred-'poutW current 1 . Turret! count- ..' . ' Court of Plena end Quarter Sessions-- T" j ajanoary. t erin, iar, ' : c ; : taoch ,Itaaaal, jgarfliiB U V ' , ! f ' i ; , thfl bem irf Joa IUe I Original tUchmf nt ' It inncai-iiia to Ch aitbraetiM' 6f tlirf Ci'vui. ttna the defeiKiiit ih J(i eawr ii upt an uihxbiUnt oi this State, t ia thrWa oi-lmtl by th Coui-t UtM Buhlica'.ian. flr T t-ks tueceuivclcbe nudu fo the Kaieigb Stak Tnr Skid dKfenHaut to anj pea at ta naxi woon 01 t urn ana vjaaros;. oo tiocy to be held for fci(V touuty of Trrell, t die Coart flous in Columbia, on toe fourth Mbndav at April neat, ana reotrry the jtropurtv 10 attach e4 aitd pKt t iuut ocWwim riiuj judgment will be color! amiiiM him. ami the urmvertv le. tieiX aa, oduttauiaeil, lubieat to dientftv Jtw. yT k WILSON ft. UODGES, a C. C, J rebrwarya, UiT. '.. , lUi : J-.A HrifieadT. $3 SO. .,, . Statp af' Noiili Carolina, :iiJnquity Pall Teim L$26. Ileaif Gee, aa(ViJlinni Phillips, an hi-") CtuuHes Skinner)'' an bdtint, by bia Rnas. I-j,V data Joha AVaduelU Wdljain, Julio, . James and Ludtolr LawretKse, hil;nu, . by their euardmnhd next friend, Can' , Bowera, beirt at Ww of John W UUuson, aViaajcit;tri.,'ir.4 .tt Hi -a,!.-, V 1 raa.i: John Brown, who elaiius voder John N, 1 afl ; 11 least, Louisa Field, Mitry jweUo,.C. f jfi, laabetb Elr. Klrsaheth Uoodwin. (for- . aocrly BlminO wb b', krWrauuTicd with WilKnra Gaodwkii Altrtba Catqr, (ioemerly loant,) who baa mUrniaro- -4 iilv Georga Caryt, Ann Kidlry, (fbrmerlv mount.wlta bas aMarnnm. t: ed witb thoaiaa Kidbvy i and V UUara L. cNtt, hears at law a asM jona d auaooalawcaaoB. i -a k RiMesmtr to tbe satiifactiaa of tbe Cauit. that tba defeniats h tliia eaaa are residents of Caaaaottealth of Vhiia;il h 1 ordered L tbat Jaaaat Cvot. T Cewt a rteu Qn" Seialef iaaaary Tarav . , . 1 - llj Mil Lan4 ao aM f la&E ft rteatheaa. tna r 14 om, W t tj rri pZr-W! llMMwteeaaidMhwrawlr,tK aW a.UaJtia aa iU.rfeW a, ,MsreV aWt ,sMwla 1 m nanOaTV aTWe aaftO tfe lUrWa (Kar, tnr a werks MaJafeC rnaiwaiw KirtllL-7- Mi aaaaa aatgw ta (ha fa" rirt U f4 S -ew Btate of North Ct rolina; If'mTTtH tmoUy. Ceenty Coart of, Pleaa and Quarter ion Febmarv feaim, 1827. Orirbad attMbaacal ln Carooa Caatbcra MtMlaa4alJa.A. rlf a4 aWy at laaJ Sa Egaart aaaneat ia aa. DaoM B Eeao, ad Kobrrt U Stark. otbrr ttatt. ogoainc the both efamW Ja A. J ll ! otbrr. n i aataUrtin(i of too own. tbatlbvdclri iatUaaaaearcaor ikbabiOaWa offti&ta(r k tbertfan wWrwl a? tb Coart, that pablmtiai te nmi m t KaJcaj Our lor rrk, that onleao IW ontaomo appear at oar om Caort of Ptos and Quarter bmnmm U bo brld ft' Um cMaaty of Warrro, at tbo Coart Hovaa ia arrebtoo, oa tbe foortfc Mawtay of May aeat, ana rrptey or tlei, nai aW aropprty knit) ea bo eoafMwaea and awt'.a anbirrt to tbc ndiaxaT' rcsrry. TeaU CASH ELL DKAh.fc,U March S, WT. tl-ar - . rViee adr. f 3 SO. Notice. Saa aAW fWafao. CramM ftw'f. Tbc wtbatracra ooaliSeil. at tbe last Fabroar Caort ofwid oamer, as admauairatm tetbc es tate a Job .'Jtii abao. oaccoata. tat of said amiaty, aad reajoast all rboat iaxk-blwl to the es tate to aakc poyascat, aaal all tboac bavioa; ctoiois the estate, to areaaat theiu ay too liuat-O ky U , sr ibey vsUaadtoarraau J. fX ".SCOW. . BEXJA111N VTADDEY, VMMetfTVaraV ,ivaw hfarcb 13, It27. "iVettrocB for hale. On 8sar4ar, tbe 14th day of April next, will be sold ta tbe barest bidder at tbe late welling eeroeei predeof 1 months will be j!ea,boud ana apiaawsM axaiat requiretl. . CVBUS WmXAHER, AdmV. Marrb 4, Ir27. lt A Stra). AVss Uiken ao and entered tk. ft . ni. n..V rirr'nii.tu.l.n.l unrr,y Tioaoby Bpenao, lie jng atoul(6rty aniln north of fay ettetilln. near the Rslau b rill. M brkrlwibnnm k-' loaf tail, about nhia years old, w itb a white blue . . . - -. . ' - in in bcr feted aad about four trot nine indies bigb, Tallied by Roderick fiilliaaad. Abey Matthews, at shttt-ea dollurt. ' ' MALCOM RAT, Hanger. Match 7, IMft " l-3tp : y.otirtj. ej 4 AMERICAN ECLIPSE, ' Trom New T kj will Und the trsoln(- sea saiiA at the stable ' of lr. AVilliunt Townes, iu Bordton, MrkleniurB; eonnty, Virjinw. , N. M, Pedigree and rcrformaabea will be rir-'cain-alewdays.' -v i Aptut far John C. SleiihrttM. . 3iarea n, i '-, 12-3t Jailm8 JNotice. ; Taken np siul corotnilted to the Jail of New, Asnover nhtty ; en tba lUrb stay of Slarab laat a ttvmin aimed, HKNRY, about St ar old. i feet It biehra bieb. and aaya be formerly who aoM bias to Jeremiah Smith aad Alexander ttrwdl,v Speculators from tba Soutb Tbc ownera arc ruestrd tq some forward, prove property, nay ehsreea, atd lake aatd fellow a way. OH KMJt'M B'MOK13, Jailer. . v Jailor's Notice. , , , Taken up and eotppiitted tolha Jail ofKew HaOOer cotmly , on. theltt inU a pecro lellowJ asr:ir tlt-l.A',itK;ui:'eaisoiil a-d7ery Ulaclt ,aml sxvs Ke abrtneily ta James Ututledge.ot AVaba aonnjy, shcat 10 roilcslrnra wake Uui't House, who so'u Inm to air. Beck, i Speculator, sud rsn away from hini tlie Sd day when o his way le the- aootU. 1 be owner it eeCjuestcd la soma f.wrd, prove property, pay nnrees.ano uaesaiu WMowaaay. , ; . , or a iir.a it. nuHttu, Jsnnr. Wilmington, N. CMnyi,' Il26i' 0-(f . it j :,t,-.", 1 1 ' . : Twin4 L.ever (jofton l'ress. . I befie lids dav sold to Mr. John C.j Stednun mv natent richt for tlie Statu of Knria riimlin. Ko whoni all applieitUots will hi future V maile. 1- - " "CMARLES wnlttiis: ' The Subseribtt having pnrdiastd ftoVghi, fcr tW State of North Carolina, of flieTWlN L E PUES8, wBl diejiose Of htdjrWtud rJiteen the Oi iginvl terms. County or dixtrkt rights will be abld cm reasonable termV. : ThkPxs behis now pretty generally known. It is deemed nn, neeetsary to lay anv tlib Ih eacnmeadation nf it. as 'it bas met. the ntipivtiatirm of all wli6 hate witnessed Rs operation. Persons desirous to ne this Press wonld do' well to prepare the timber, fa bill of which WBI be furnished oa application,) in Order thnt they nut? season before lint an.'' '' : , J. C, STEUMAN. " ttaletgh, FeDruary 12, 1 J27, "-r a-cw , .!;jailor: Notice. : 1. Taken up and committed to the Jail of Wfl ninpa, N. C' oai tbo S3d day of November, a negro man named WILLIAM, Ave fart 7 inuhea bnb. stout made, and well dressed wk-tt mixed antiuett Bantalooasaad browa clotb rnn.rf jacket, and mf br beloaga ta Mr. James R. Joaukstoa, of fiarlestaa, South Carolina, Ho b. uk . . -11 i uT - j Wtea by soma nerru. Tbe owner i, reoncsud W oome'forw d. pror. pro. aerty. psv eharsea.' and take said fellow awaV. v.n,182. . 40-tf (IIA'SYKBV DIGEST aCC iv-" r. .i ' " rsare wh uartd ta w uor 17 twiat rem rar jf Bj frantl L.' Haai.. C1 vvee Mr ai ft. UXDf.t! UniiuL. UahMeah-dacooipl-aea h. ail -11 lwc fcr Ch or urtU iIm etce brrrtnt'ire oSorcc. fctJoisb,X. W.II. . ; V.LOTUI.YQ STOVE. eTtrnPBir.a: c rxll k CO. bsr d. teaanra of aafrnwie tbrsr (Hands and tfco nob hs raabaiif; tbat tbef U bera Mdoeod, froai Um liuvral aot nara iwra4 tUy loira brototure rceche.1, la oatibbalt tbeMi:lvi tltrec doors tw in, ilu. Xrthnw Bak. oa rattevjlle street, 0 ry of "Kak-Kb, Wtt oiey haw, and ssod to kap aa laud, a bwre and JTA-oaral assort Mut aa fodsas tbuirlatcaf busuieu, niade to the tatrat aWiria and superior style or worluDan- sW ooustJDt; of tbr Mlowine article: 8aarnaa bbse and black Dress Coats, Bacons fimliry no. ojo. fiopcrftac blue, clarrt and olWe Troch CoatJ, 10. iliac aiid drab Box CoaU, I In. Uua clob Cloaiki. ' Da. Una, black aad hoey aolored Paata- loffis Do. Uie aud bUck cloth VeMs, . Fraucb, liwfia and Koglmh ilk do. Toilinet, Vslrucia uxlcot vclct do. A eront toratty of fanry - do.' Cotton nd lambswool Urarers, - LaiBbrwool bhh-tt, ... Ccanltriiiea'a first quality Woodstock Gleres, Do. bUck borseskia do. Gcnaan srxtfiaiey Cratats, Webb's pate at basuenders, Consmon i aov s Ives U NVhiU's finl quality bearer Hatty ITvonnd fOKlity , , do. Suinrfine blue and black Clotlra. All of nhfcb will be disposed of at wholesale and rvtai!, at refloef d liroca, lor enfUJ ' try TU-v will keeD m Uxur etnprcrmcnt a nojnberof tho beaVworkinea that can obuln ed trorn the Novtb, m order that tbey uiy oromntlr execute all orders with whicb they may be trMaredt iuid ther DledV tlRmir!ve U...t tbeir work, for duinUliiy aaU taeganae, ill net M mfenor to any. November I, I8i6 Coacli-mukiii, Gigs, fyv. The snlaerBee hmine cmtiloycd one of the beat and mast eaperiencod workmen from Now Ark, N. Jersey, aa aoperintendant of his Shop, r . 6 .r i j ri . . , m o ? IF l P? "e-Uimrnu uiose wno mT wani any uuns- m nu rno. as low as (Key aaa be purchased at auy rejwdr shop north OI uus. . , . ., ' Tie has on hand a handsome swortraent ofCaro risret, Girt and Harness,' of almost every de scription; some of which are now finished and tbe rcS ia a state of rorwardnessi all of- wbiob will be sold at reduced prices for cash, or ttcrotia Ue paper. The work, in every instance, handsomely f(iiidied,ind warranted to be well executed. Orders are solicited. -: ' nia jcosns. B sleigh, Jan. 19, 4-tf For Sale, ' A Talna'ule tract of ' laud. Ivinr in Wake county, on botli i.tea ii- of Mine Crtwk. within & i.uIm jTii of Valeigh, nortli of Qrahtree Creek, containing 389 acres, or thereabout, adjoining the lands of Stephen llarwood; deeens- ed, fiurweil Jones, Dcrrel Rogers, and otl. er. We would oftW a great bargain in tbe sale of this land;, and if not sooner disposed of at pri vate sale, it will, without resevre, be ofTercd for sale to tbe highest bidder, t the Tavern of Mrs. Ijriu U. 1 J ..1 .1-1- l 'I. 1 r. . r- WorCourweu. Apply to Sherwood l'ay wood, or ww uo unaersieneo. ' "NAT.' HUNT. ; Franklin Ca Jan.' 1 y, t8gf . 4-tl w Just published, tor sale ut this Office. BEIX'IflJtWRENCE'S N. CAROLINA ALMANAC, , . " roft I82r, CdntahilnfAstronomksd Calctilations, shewhig the rising swttmg, places aad Eclipses of tlie Sun and.Mooaf Moon's phawat the rising, setting and. Sou Jaiug df the Uiont conipicuous PlMnets and fix ed Start j 6tat of dip weather; the iaercase, de crease and length of daysj and the testivsJs ol'the Church of England; together with Miscellaneous articles, useful lUeetpts, Anecdotes, a list of tlie officers of government of the United States nnd of North Carolina, of the Members of Assemble, times of holding the different Courts ia this State, Ut: bta. . Prieo 10 cents each, f5 cents a dozen, 4 dol lars for halts gross,' 7 dollars a gross, 23 dollurs for (va hundred, and 40 dollars for a thousand. Orders from Country Merchants and o tWswdl b promptly attended lo. ' ; v ; 6tar Qfntie.Ttaleigh, Sept. git; 1826 ' ; ' Tho CeleorateH florso . i, SIR, AUCIIIE, Will stiind the ensuinr' satnn ut tmv itnl.l. in Norlhatnptott coantyTlortH-Caroliiia,'" about 3 miles from the Ceurt-IIous)!, 9 miles from the tow of Halifax, and fit miles t'rorn Belfe-id, Va. He will cover mares at $7 tbe season, payable on the 1st of January next,v iuV 1 to the groom m all easoa. Such of Sie Arcluu's fiiends thnt live at advance .will send their notes with tlie marea, payable on the 1st of January; tdan feed ing of the marea to be paid tor when tnkena- war. ' 1 ne season wul eominen nn !, i 1 i eornary, and terminate 011 the first of Aueust 1 man. n .nuHi wiwm IWI UMrp an. l aown fortha benefit of mares which mar be left wim ue noma, wan Of addition of tram feed. tag, at 33 M cents per day. : Separate inclosurct r-'' w' "w .iiMB-iii.fc o pains wul a .iu. m a , . . '.ZI T. . ,',"0P' st. a ku. o.i jk .. . : - . - .ai-u ZZ-Ly ""Vr, I . rebrtaryte. lBir: JOU'J D. AMIS. J as. Ji-fsr-a va."s w fni I ab3 erwas ta fUi . at b f ; Oswaa anMaifctbuswua, aa tUt U Lmj .' acwl.tbv ftUwaf LU ef bo. tt w t v' in mil at rdl i r Tn-t in it mf , a. yvars 12 aad 111, iU of aHr W .. ... : - . NMtl ai. Iaa,, oa Cat t .lUU-bsi'i i ... mbr'ssa Banten, ,-, lOJbeWUatasaaUo.VXUna. . ' 11 by WakbieUy. . . iiO br IXwois faa-ratu, Dro'a Creclu' " 1 fy lob S. KMsdatt, Itqe-Ali reeck. ' Ifl ay atiiBj-arur, iaiiMsw.. , 10 Job i j sob, U Uwt. . rfby Cidcoa 'lh-ewlcdLrrcllra. 9 tZT of Ufcthaa Wnii, t alk ,Obnr!t.ncea,l-br,IsCrariI s-. B4 aa jrwo w eau-. . - lilt k. Jnks t'r..a. tV.r. 0.1 ' ' " " - . - - - . . . . ( 777 by KraWa Col Una, aaurs Cni Creet "' flDby lltn.rMbainVr, 'do ' ll HfJari kkuis tone1 CcotV. .1 . Vs) by llerrot Lae, IVf Dca. . I ay Faia .Vartm, aa ' lJJtVtsBititrlf'.rrjCreeh. t Iota ia bwextatarnatrb, Man Kj.y -41 1 by John C W aiWc, Will Crk. . liKlty ): n;iuiii B'ljaLtn, Jsck's lli-antlt. V40 by tm Preatlar, Imc'i Creek. ' , i IWby JesKowc.', 1 1 by Wm. linren. Satanr jb Crr, t!H) br Ibi IliWrithJn. f.TeHa!,t. HilrH ' UJOoyJjUn tl4d4lh, Jonus'CiwciL , sT" , .v.: by V!.iJ, . do ' 3.10 h -Vds-i Vlur.l, Tone's Crack.' I . 1 SO by riocjaibia Wood;.!, dn r k 13 by IfU IC K"a -iJ,InT fcca I jo by lydja Mntliii., do tCWby Jthn Carro!L V ! ? 100 by Allo Dees. ' " t" ' v 7by Jwae Jonps. ' 00 br Thomst Trull. n -.r-m 150 by Wm. Andersln, 30Q by Joatiaa Hm. iU by Cbriauan Kr, CrocVd Cxct i . lOVbf Jfhp Mirphii. : t." J 3 J3 by J ,nes Mull), ea. tu by Wm. W. Mulli lbby David lBrser. IWby Joseph Stw:ut. 100 by Artliur Smith. i.ff by Hin,H. .Smith. 1 i " SO bT Uharlos I svlorj I JJby Wiu. VmoenL - " v 345 bv Uouben Vincent. ' , Tj5, 150 by Stephen Wbiiley.' .' ?.. HiHiV Israel kkKtick, wuters Lane's CrecV. "X" 90 by bhclton's lluii-s, wutcrs Urown Crevls. ' A. MYEBS, 6U.' anesaoroorn rcoru- ary 10, IHT. $ I0.4wp rVice aW. pS. Dissolution. The ennnrtneithlii heretofote axistiaar oadrf the name and firm of li'm. U Davitf i'iaw, ia this day dusolved by nrutual eooaent All per sons having any claims again the mid arm, tto requested v bring thra forward for fcanediata settlement; and those indebted to tlie eoncera, n ill pWase to csll on either of the subscribers and settle tbeir rciptfctrrc reennnts. . -'A WILUAM SHAW, DAVID SHAW, 2V: Ituleigh, March T, I KT. li-3t i Oidiiiatioa and Installation. The ordiaaCon of the Rev. P. W. Ihrwd flatc- V ly a theological studttit in the Columhiun College' as uus cKyoi wammgumj win taae plaee at tae Baptkt meeting house, iu the city of iialeich, aa tl.i, 4th Riuiri.v in f .w.k I in k. vw . - " ... y. iuw a.ii,v uftjt m will be insuillcd pastor of the Baptist Church ia Baleigh. . 'ill services on the occasion will eoro-v mcuoe on Friday, w'.iieh day ia et apart as a dty , tir nnaitf An 1, .l . .1... .1... . 1 .11 V I.JV UUIIH1ML1UU) UIU Ut lUOrU WOUltt du-ect and bless us, m the Important business be fore wi. TbeiW will be preatliing onrSaturdaf aad Sunday. 'Diyina service each day will com mence at 11 o'clock A. AI. it is expected tbat tlie Bev. Joduk Crudup r-nd"lhe Bev. f . Wen ret will attend with the Prcsbytei-y oa the oeca-, tiwm i ' -.- , v" Published by order of the Church. ' WM. RAGAN, ClcrW I Raluigh, Fob. S6,' 1827. l-5t h ' 1 ,M - i t 1 Notice. . 1 ' On the se-ond Monday of AprO next, will is V sold, at tlie Court House in (iermsnton, Stokei couaty, the fbltowiatr tracts of land, or so much thereof a, will byeiitik-k-nito aatiufy the taxes due ' thereon for tlie ycai s 1823. 1S24 and 1S2S. and1 cost of ad vertising; belonging to the folloVmg pay ' WUlisPdkinUnl-3of3,630acreaontho Saw ratown Mountain. 1 - Kylamt Uoberts 8-7 of 348 aerea on Lick Creel'. ') ' , 1 Jos. M. Fly ut ISO acres oa- jim c '' and Toam Fork.' ; ; . vj5v;., Thomas Adama f lot m Stokesburjr. ' ' 'f Benjamin Wakinsonl lo; in do ? Mdtoa Bruce aa acres, oa Muddy Creek. 1 V Thomas Crenshaw 113 aeros ou do - ib . umitnon w acres on no Patsy Tittiim 66 acres on do ' ' j Anna Tatura 34 aerct on ' do - .. " Jobu Giger 44 acres on waters of do -'.- Jeremiuh Slaughtpr 32 aerSs on Tqwiv, FpriL W .Edward Slaughter 70 acres on ! drt Sanders KinK 1 53 aer- on Blow's Creek. ' T -H George W. Folger pS aareaeav o - -Michael Fare 224 acres on . do t William Fare 1t aerea on Waters of da ' Samuel liotu 50 ucrci on Waters of Deep River. ', Alien Stepbftuswv4V)0 aam Mwatera dt Biewsj t " Creek- .. ,. . i .... Wm. or Harrison Hughes 225 acres ia Snow Creek Disteict. ' ,r...--- Dudley Cutcwood 70 acres ia Beaver Island 1 ' Distritt. , - , ; ' ' Thomas Michael's heirs 250 acres in Sawratowa District, " - ' V , -:: i' Thomas Js'unsoa SO acres on Slew's Creek.' ' , ... letectais 116 aerea hSaow Creek District." Isaac Stanly 250 acres hi ij . f ', Ephraiin Ketclwm 140 acres in do ' ' V v Jeremiah FftjldajSvO aero in Beaver Island D&- ' " trict. ..... J 'i Jcse MTtiony 30 acres in Ouakrr fin IU- i , 'l.'jshard Smith IIS acres on Neatman Creek. :A John Ecelcs 103 acres oa w. t Akhnt'i Ci'eek.. i j, ,,j . 'A'"'. Joshua Davis 53 aires on witters Mnddy Creek. V d ohn Brigg's heirs ISO on Lkle Yadkin, Jesse Dnvi135 acres en do b,..,;'-' A' . James Walker's heirs 40 acres on Snow Creek. r John Good's hcirrStrcres on Tpwn Fork. , ! Name unknown SOv-r'son watVtoflfaw River. ", COXSTA,NllNR L. BAKKErT, w -: foriaerSheriff of Stokes county. ' February 8th, 1SS7. . l j6w. ' - . - - Price 'adT.; " - ..-"X Tbel subscriber.,' who -has nrelod mmvpr.i t ' years m public Seminaries, fat desirous to aoper- , imcnti an Academy ia some healthy rm of N. Caralma.. ' Satisfactory testimonial! of character " aaeempetdmwaaa hefoduced. Letters, fpmt ? paidj UirecteC to BaleiglfcUl be prompOj ootioea. . ;v-.--.. ,-.. . ' ' t ' ...'; :.! . !';v.-, TlTf V hcWvr ' . 'THO. L. RACSDALE. Feb. 43, 18-7. t) fil-.f tfl ; '.J t(tf.-', Just raeeliwd, a supply of Garden Seeds, war- ,! ranted fresh and genuine, C D. LEHMAN- 1 jsnuarr iti, jsj 27 '4-rt-f