J ' 'I ... .Ll-i. - !LJUjLJl-JL .JL JL . . - " "-1.J. ill. 11 JMJJLMJM. 1 yi 4. J T..-L .. -JUHFT r-T U -H XX. .Ml til ' .IULr.IGU, (NyCJ fTlIURspjLY, AriilL i, ;:i8S7.V Vol. xvi 1 r. ".-,. . nii: st ah. LAWJlliNCEAt LEMAT. i-per .al e s W -W '1 50 H W lrm, rl f . '.1 t.. .1 ta. oraofUie Wtors, ! ail . hut. '.thirtemrtfi, ik r- eeeJ.. a.Wa tW Inserted tWrs Umt tee Mbr.ait t-s-T- Hearnet -111 Uttr. 1 . it editors 0 Mr 1 j im editor cootiM. rji'EEcVl OF M It SAUNl)t:il3, Of orlX (Win, Y On the resolution eallinjf opon the Secretary of tat fcf ipfprmation U regard to the tK-mtinrofth laws of Congres. deuvere In the Hou 'of lfcpreseiittife of th United Stat, February H Y 'h rclol u 1 100 1 alt inj for luforrn ation in regard ta the tMoters oMhe Law, Mr-t.vvvDRmro$t, ipoke to lac r..M.i-;hVrrpet2 1''" v , hi,: akm In tViilini: myself of 4 pretuot womeM to reply to corUm matten introduced intojii dUcussion, l hv4J0- wish to.preclnde.inj other cerHlftn v W mtj desire to ipeak, Should ilbeUppl;arc, of Hie House to coihUui Ae, tleb(iter; Attd if, in the conrsff of th remark I feel my self con strained to nuke. I ould toucli t chonl, vfke vibf at wn Dnl harmonize ith the fcHngl"f particular ind'iTrdml, 1 most plead, ai wjopologj. the txarople r who hav! cone before me, and tnatmt1 my object V Here jjermit me to femoTa tfie objection atated to niir of lha resolotion catlinj fur the list of paper in which the law were directed 'to beubUjheiHft the jear ms and826. , .was' apprized that the communication tn repl.T to toe caij .it last aesVym contained the list for i1ee j-ears; the 'obicct then wa to ee im wtdch the taa had been linhliKhed in 1824. under the order of the tleii. Secretary, of State; ar to contrast tjieia with those in which they wer directed to ' be published by nresent incumbent of Uat Department. Tliet' object now U to obtain the entire ; under the direction of the ? present ; Secretary." of the p?pcri the changes, and the causes for cacji chanjje, which will :iend a well to 4he past years as Wthe' preRcnt, An(l as I pre fer having the whole mattor connected under one iw 1 hope resolution witi nndonMirio cnanse. JtKYf . 'from Ohio, (Mr. ,Tf right) who Tirst spoke nn'ninn to this resolution,' to have conceded the right, on the. part of,th House, to call for th causes which may hate influenced any department of the . "ovcrnment'in the Execution of a par iitnUt AnWl renuited by M; though he conslilcred it inexpedient and useless. odo so in the present case.- lie put to me the question, by way or illustrating the absurdity of such a call, t,!it, should he submit a resolution .calling lor my rMinns fAf'flfierinft the eiie now uwkr digcos8iQnTVwould I not repel it wiU Heelings of inrfignaUon? ,J answer, 'if the gentleman liad'proffered. such a re solution, when .engage in replying to my reasons, ii m,iiit argue some im Irt-dimenl in hia'jnicliect, oui couiii lord no iust "cause of complaint. S-AV.oUiit.o- orntleman. with more propriety; It he llad been charged by hi which they felt ..4ep interest, would lie hesitateln acmiainting them wnh the his reasfflhsf I apprehend urtZJxsMtA ihlift'liar or to the festive board, to assign hi reason for thevotejie gitv j to,' President, would he Mase t. cornr . il ..1. "i nnntli m'Tx' tim. pi yr l ire gentiemai, jun - yvu v casioLhas civen bis reasons, an( they were woi lor ",B twiv fief tHa ajuoont I w't ma!!, or waether it irBBeniftJioe'frticular) Cditon or Lot H they are not Ubi inSaenced, otheri pay. Th chars is, and as grotltmrn hat so termed it. f Leg lo repeat it ia nr own Jr(;air Tht the Secretary of Slate. a errterinj eps th;dtie f hi fJ3cf, fount certain paper cntmsted mu th j-ob-licatioD of th law, whic'i, Crm th;i character and eircatajion, gave them general iieminatiofw4hat there ex- tfcreo no caan i compiaiovaiKi mat he, in the exercise of hi diteretioo, trans fi-rred Ibt printinf toother pa per, recently eaiablikhed, ofjimited-cuxo-lation, to tho Injury of the public, and a'tnit the intention of tht law; merely boeauie ' theto papers held a- langaage agrees' , e ta bia own yewtanu recog zed 11 the .fullest etteiiiaa nana from w Y n ther received the M Treasury pap.'f This I thi charge this the issue tendered, .which baa' Dot been met; orf met. conceded, let -I am told flie Harsa is erioo,nd a regard, for if owp reputation, if ttot foj lb character t the aeo-etarr of state, ousht to naye . w . a- dqceu me to- paaae netore kazanimj kBch an a-'rtion.' tvtuiaatf tttxc ol , , When I first brought fdrwai d thia matter, 1 wan in possession of in; fbrmation to satisfy my owa'aiind that change hsiVocen rnaJt-, not justified by nroner reeard to the public auvantn'T", and of a character entirety perwinal and political. T am now poCKsed-of cyi-J enee, the credibility of which wtti net b ejuestioned. In reply to- a letter addressed to the delegation ol tne Bute of New. Hampshire, by the, Editor of tlje Patriot, inquiring the cause for hi removat as publisher' of the laws, a Senator of that State, detailing aeon, versation with theSecretary,ay: Mr.' Clay i remarked, 'he had determined, from a sense of duty,"' to transfer the pnnting oi the .Jaws ot the united States ftom the New Hampshire Patriot to 'some other paper., A. letter Ifomtl Mejnucr of this Uoue. Irom tne same State, says: "That the priaiing bad been taken from the Argus, in. Maine, and from aome naper in IN ew , Hampshire, and -that Mr. Clay said he would not in furnish an enemy with, weapons tt be employed , azainst himself." An act i mm Rma." continues we neuer. . perforfned;,wUhqu( consulting any of oujc oeieaation, vnose voice, u cwisu ti ed, would, I have no count, been un nnimdns against t, shews a spirit which, 1 Kiiuuiu liiiiik.. a wiau' mail..,, no uv. it, npoji ' principles ; of policy; would conceal." 3 Anoflier letter: " It tnav not be improper to add, that I have ffmld reason to believe that none of the Hcpresentalicef from ' New Hampshire are tne menus 01 .inocnause.-. rain: . ..." ' v jt r i our letter gaye mejne nrsi iniorma- tion 01 the fact ot tlie removal. "Aa.to the causes' of it. " no creat doubt can exist in'r the mind -of .any. body:, who knows the honorable Secretary and his nresent policy.!?? ' (- rX -i :i s Such sir: is the evidence of the entire delegation : of a . Slaite, declaring tliis change was not made-at their tetitiest. but jigainst 'their' unanimous Wish. . I; might ask, if the representatives of that 5ter coming from different sections, a4 conversant with its local fituation, W(fit.more competent ,to Ctlvise the Secretary. vwhat papers were likely to carry the laws to every man's door than any one else? Yet he does not deign to sk for their1' information,. makes the change against their, vwc, in oonloi mity wkh; .httwn-f sen -of -duty- and nis rutc't j.rneer. who tenJactrd tSo oldeat paper in the State, and hich nil lunj bea dcnd 4h mrf- of tita rrpb- irao parfr.kir pobluned, am till tui:ihes the llM of "tne Uium Nut, becao tlkey art bottile U the admiaiatrarioii, fu an that abject. tSy have, at least, been aecrt; ahicU nea- 'rality ha contnlwled, in niatl drtr to drprire them of U public pnnungoi mearate. lettnebooocawe Secretary Mt oo( Wlowi-d the example of h Legislatare, and rteoded bis bcoevoteM aid. as it (tid pot; I appoe, come vithia Ids present policy. ' It i aa, act of jut tic that t Mould say of tht aenmr editor, ta whom 1 nave at- loded, tlvat thoujH an Erigriubman by birtb, he, is aa Aracricad in luart, and that I havo toa draws njnek of my pojiiical information on 'pawing event, from the col anxnsttf his paper. JtUpot any cauf rt cotapUint that Ihta papor or any other has been continued, of whatever pojiucal complexion aa the abase consist in the transfers made, and The effect flf titose transfers. It is saying to all the papera who publish, the taws, 100 must support t auminu tratioa, remain neutral, ot ".be p'acetl upon your probation.'', It is this that cqtisilmtes the influence anJ t!ie danger of rendcrii.jj this patronage injurioui to the Ireedom- of the press. .' r Tha-difYrent geatlemtil who have opposed' tlu resoiut."n,Tiave all placet it CUin the rrrotind. tliaf the. printers ol tne laws were neither oUicers lor lite. ii good Hehaviour, bet were appointed at the oiscrction of thebecretary r stale. and liable to be chSnecd at his pleasure now, sir, 11 requtrea great wigacuy to have made this discoury, as no one could believe it tompctedt or v the secretary of Mate, bold and xianng as he is, to remoTe"a man from an otiice, conferred apon him by the constitutional authorities. It may suit, the present poinfraen!s,yet thef "can $ardrf tin dertake. to vacate an pflice. ,1 might inquire, upon, what principle is t, that tho Constuuuon ,and iaw eonttr an "nffirB for lif oi4 mnH hehavimir i Is it , . ----- T- not to ensure a f aiilitul and independent discharpo of dutv? To obtain a con petent person, a,nd to place Inm above the, influence of passing events? ( Uii oe tne principle, ano i"i h, is, uouhb will denv." then -the Secretary Jia been gitilty. ofiti yiolatio8, in taking from inuivmuais .tut ext'vunuB n . wuiy. which they discharged- tq the public satisfaction, to cratifv his private views dj . wua 1 tenure uut- 1110 . uuuviauic Secretary hold his olBc'ef He ia not an officer for life, but .liable to be removed at the pleasure of the Pi csident What ever may be his influence with the'Cjbtel MJgisiraie us an auviscr,- sun jiu is um the Executive.-. Gentleiperifcthed.wlio II U Mnr, 1-J, " TW Wl Wn law.---. - ... , , . Here lLrn.Sir.la a call s'anctiecrd b tjkt lluata, hkh sastaio t rcselation, aad prs aeyond iu : It qtind the Seernary tka Treasury, ' to readw not outy hit rtatcns.bQt Lis tneUctt, for the discharge of apublkduty. A call, whatever taight have ba the olject t( ike mover, tiiat mast have deeply iaopli cited die character of the efBcer, it guilty nf neglect. J)id then .hear any thing abaat inquisitorial authority) No, Sir. That dislinv j iad individual Was literally pot t the rack; all was nienq ooihinget tne paniut inqtusitwn, Ki'tl ta fi"J tb rvfttSMha atempJp ! ' , yut W tnuJeaMW a ), it lime, rt.rni-,' Injf )HfiiJinrt, if at ia lb tmnrj mod ' Mttnnar4 by tlt wt.rlr, em rwallj re kiMt tertsn. . ' . Tit trmtrmmi hu ! hrujtjl fn( 0)' tisriow b f rincipl afxJZftt set btera ihfmt Hm disport and rpps iWprrvt -tn.ini(r')rn. Tbi J Mippo, uit ' 1.9 . 'xm intended ft c tft1 or ew.tti! ' u.cov. cmi't not for say rrk)aiMy tvijt mastre. unxW dcbtt. , II t lis that th adoj.R, trst'tBN art th fiiemlt of ltcrnsl irpfte fnctit tJ Mumifnetuprsi that they the frrtt cmt of J'.iTrrTM bctvecnihoa W eonaitul tb eicluaiva frieada of Hit ad atin iKtation, and the rnconu op poMtton. Nov, Sir, 1 hail alvajr udett,vt that, a tb Inttr. , ' nil Impr(rK-o, tt d.ftrrence vasaa to', tho" coitstaitaJ powerf aint that there Vtii id '' b foamt the lotm of tbi powrr, a H among thetnen(t,aarheMipri(trtersafth ' rxisttnr -rwfr ltiai oev" 1 bat it Kkl nor even an efflotinn. of jn-.'piiy frooyttituUoi.4 onetfioiVI hanlly anppoae any f' th breast ojfpia political vaemie. Did""1" "Juhl be foond wilUnjr to nrreoder Lis ki friends resist the call blazen forth ki fame, or attrmpt'tn give his reasons, or hi niofive for which he was alone liable to i Ood? N they anOTered acnttetneh to rd on. tt flvsh their 'in quiries, retain t; upim the honesty of the man whom they believed, when examined. woa.d be hmfid uniting tUcyirtnesof i Socrates, to the st ilut itejrityof Vaio. i ney rnieti upon niN aopesty, a opon a rock; anil I am proud say, too. the they relied not upon a samij found It Nor diddie-take ' shelter' under phrascoloiiy of the call, hut ''ve every ming, in manpower, invtiiving iiicis. reason, and motives, and tr.rcw LmkocJi opon the justice of tlie House. Itnay be reminiL-d that the net- incorporAlih'j; the United StaW Tiank,' direct the deysit of all public moneys to be made in the parent panU or soin of its branch -ea, unless thi Secretary of the .Treasury shall otherwise erje't-j m which case he shall, let tefore Congress his reasons for such order. 1 admit this law authorized the call for reasons, but flot for motives. If Congress possess the power by law, to direct a partitalar act to be performed. anu to require,tw ne same ime, jne reasons which may influence its officer in the performance rafay we net.' Tritlt the same propriety," caH for those reasons lir tli nniTnnnnnra' "nf th rtnlvp Certainly, as tlTe cajl ia uot made with any yievrYtp smplicate the intfiridtial criminally,' and Cannot, therefore be tofiiidef ed ex liost facto in its character , I UiiiiK, Sir, 1 bare succeeded in shewing the examples t rave of abuse, are sustained by factn that although the"printer Who pub. iua toe laws ar not oincors, uiey nave Here tofofe beeir continued on the tat7 princi ple, and tor the sam purpose a tiMthlul dtt cbaree of duty. That the appropriatipn Was not intendea by congress to b eonverua, as It hat ben, by the Secretary, into patronage; thst there ia no analogy between this case ittdgmrnt or his otith, at th slirino of any ' President. , lC those tpnosed to this admiitia. tration, arc- frieutUr to thia afcis bt - powrr, comptai n, d is at the improper manner , ia which ho appropriations luivo been e-,. pended, the' false indueemenni which have been held wit, and vbich cannot bo fulfiled, If4he subject of sUnaraefbres be a nvincipla of differance, then the gep'teeiaH from KervY. . x tdoav m, in, aa wirortunate aituationj rgr tliotrtfli Jie tnsy have votc for the Tariff pf bs 'fottd against Um one wliich. hai just psnsedi beoause. I auppose It Was aa tp ' ' pr4t?pi4 Tantr, aectional m its bench!, and t. general in its hurtlMoa. I leave the gentle, man to hwtlle ihit matter with hi friends, ' and as to effect,, tho people wiU determine' L-Ooth th,e a-entlemea from' JrotUikyi , ("Letcher Si fluckner,) and the gesdemen from Ohio and MarvLuiu. (Wriehi atid lor- ' . eyO liave referred to the practises of Mr, Jf- - . ferjn. Tho first gentleman told ua he'undfr? yoxi jiuman naturtf pertee ly, ana always i ' loo; esre of his fnenils: tli second gentle, mait deemed him worthy of imitation, and gave particular examples of abuse, to cover,' I suppose, the conduct of tlie present ecre- tarn ne reputation ot thar distinguibrl individual withsUxvltlie sponge of htaeoteni poraries, though dipped itf tf bitterest gaU, " from the scarcasma of the nour Preaiden.t, , powing m 4opgeri verses, uown to the petty V reva'ms the gentlfniuii n fi-ora Ohio,f Mm of New tork: and I trust it ma not auf-, J ter attho pamts of husprofessed followers,. . .... Her Mr, S. was Inlerruotei by the nL ration of the hourj .". m ' i. .'. '3 . J v Mr. t5peVor: f he eismjiJe of Mr. ieffer- son dee not justify- Ate eom-se pursued by fheSecretsryin regard to the publication cs" the Uvwf The cs: atldueed ware appoint ments to-iliSice. which wers nud. In nh,l!.. tt4e o the Verdict of theeople themselvev ano Mjjiccorjjsnco wiit tne sentiments of the day' 'In no ease, from the yeaf 799, down? to K'io present,' ha any Secretary, in dirrec- ' ting the publication of the laws, attempted to ; control or influence' th' press,, lt was a- mongst be first acts of Mr, ieflersors admini Juration, t remove the Shacktea which had been imposed opon it, and to leave it free"- Jle went upon the irtatftn; that whilst reason was ten ire to combat ernwi neither the rei Y uciwecn una nut lu-,....;.!!.'..: tt,. ... , . and that of Exccudve noinirtation. to office, tTT LT . X a legitimate exercise -of patronage, and ' that should leave the matter to the, decision of th HoosCiJiut fof jlhe neccsnHy of pursuing sninectt .nase:. .; v the buse? The gentietnan did Notice the National . Intelligencer ajid the Kentucky Arguf tid'4hongh .he attercptil iii apology for theecre . .b .rould not , say tho, changes in those cases were ipstiliable, .lio gave us" an eulogy; on the rK4i,r,of , jBtelligencer; the lligh character ol their papcf, and the general confidence which it fnu.vc in the estimation of ttie public; h'rertVinded re that ilte1 senior Editor Wr anative my .own State, and it quires whether I topwderett them to be inPuonred br the paltry sum U,8Q w im dollar!.?: The jrei'tUeman need not ha VP rpniifulrd 1T10 ;f tlllS faCt .tO rt utrfee toy leeJings, or to operam wpwji my 'judgment.'" Tlie-: better "partol iiiH innior Editor of that patitf it !SO a tistivttor nV StateVand they are con ipnt jivifS im v i.feelin!rs towards them Vm hi., i mistaken in surposina tl umAiiht rmid, for the niiblkation f the laws and;vvxecutive vadyertwehitinte iith' other ni intinr' which usually fol fows as a consequence, db?s pot greatly vceeU tlie sum lie natneu... itu v however, material to. wy inrrktse vu 1 will notice" wJiat the fcentleman XfM Ohio said i n ;gard l to . ; t 'he Kentti ic y Argus meiyjto state uie tacts. ; 'i The gentleman tola the umise. the editor ni (he'Argtis had long publislied the laws of the j tJnion. and had also publifhel thev laws pf his own ftate I'hat he had been removed by the J gislafure'as printer for- the Sutej erro the Secretary, was lusunaoie hi iran ferring1 the publication, of jthe laws io annthef. MnVj'.Y.The iiientlemanYdis- iclaimed the conclusion as the reason f tile Seeiretary, which leaves the fact to :peak fiir themsel'Ves. ; ,1 "he Lrgialaujire nad elected anotlier prnter to the State; tltou:Hit was - not - foe" njar twelve moivibs fter; that the Secretary trans ferred tlie nrintinft of the laws, not to the TiVper selected by the Legislature, iecause-in-the contest lorjjiinier, ine Hlitorof the Argus received more than fitry votes, and theene who now puo- tishes tne laws oniy nve. oo mucu ior ' ' m Vf : rm.;7aVjrt w U gentlemen -who have spoken against, this apon this olnccr for manner ia which : ?,,. X ." - . r . . , I he fids discharged a particular duty, aje I g Mf fc jteg the re. inisiatieu 411 euipunng nicm , . u j i msrui oi mc gcniieijian irom n,eniucaj, nr. analojry betivcen this case and a, call upoij 'Jhe JVsidon$ for his reasons in "sppoin im eiit to office. .The Ciinstitution hasveonferred this'dnty upon the Execu tive of - recommendins, ; and . whatevei may be our fecliosrs to its exercise, we hav e no" rights tetyiot erfere. ; This is a legitimate, aource" w patronage; and whenever exercised for the advancement of afrierid, noeaecat) cnmplain unless the public, interest should be tompro- jaitted and then he is responsible to. the neoDle. and not to tis. . Suck is not the natnre" of he present call,, which? seek vie Ituckner,) Which were intended, 1 suppose, for my -especial benefit, as a castigstion for my teeif-rrtytn presunurg o question the conduct of his friend', tlie ecretr rj of State. 1 win 'say 10 tne eeniieman. wnawer mv sense mi puuiic fiuij mar rviiuirot i sunn nut. be deterred fro'ni. it bv any fear .of his lash. nor ahull I be indrtced to It from anv hone or wish for hi spprob'ation, .lie has given as a high wrought euUigyypoo tlwi ssracter ot his friend, and at the same ttOM US' his fame rested pon a'bssis not to be shaken by tlie breath of his enemies, or imu'eased by the adulation pf his; friends. I hav noishto injure -tjie nonestiy, acquired regulation, ot the Secretary otitatc, ey wt wny other man, I would not. If I couW. 1 coold Dot -if.t "W3ihf,. entrusted with a pupho odgroeftt, n abuses, 1 Hons' to brintrthem to , . k. i. . ,. 7 . . i . r .1 i. iuinMii.f anl nnfl In. irpntlpmAtL trnltl I . 0 r ' . . . . . i V I" rt"' V 77 V t gentleman, aad to the brightness of bis etiar- Kentucky. (mr.uiticknerj. coneidsrs ttiurie -h -o-eniii.mn hu. thffli-t,t )rbner art iiiquisitprial exercise; of power If, J tq remind us, thaPwhilst those, goaded oi by. indeed., tne ooiect was 10 cnarge ne owappiuMi aniDjnon am icimg u nucyiv, . v "v. ,. ' j and forgotten,: tna fame wu -rest open me Of the? duty which I diBClaim, , then brhrbttst paw of hi country's history,. I Uiere nugni ihs wm iouinianwu,tv. iMv iirust,-ir, i nave a muuaDie aoiojuoii, j- i argument ;oucn. a not ne caserw there ia nothing criminal charged,1 and. if any danger is apprehended, geuUetneB mv move the snvins chtesfe Druvidins he shall Comuiuiiicate nothingvhich, i'4 his; Estimation, may, linpitcate, nipiwi- will nvrw", sir, read, ir me toiormauon cehljfcuieiv a case Mr? S.' read, . from the ceedinsrs Of the House of-Rep . - tivesi for the year the toHowwg.j .r t 1Sf3 Ir. anas ivu ti , tfloK ' aupmilteu uie.ioiipwing resuiu tlon; Viz. "Y ',r' ' : ' k 7nfci-TJit sK! Sceretarv ef the Tls iry he direttMl5 to prepare ad ny lH,-ore this have hot the Vanity to believe, that any hum ble part it may be my lot to perform Upon this stagfe of actioh,'will transmit my name to siler ages. . l WQuid prefer, nowever xnat my wc Dull .UVUIU mtttnt hiin vwu.ivi uvi. rw. aTsVt. ao deep that aa whisper should reach the snriace; sooner thaiir live as some IB n't will live in th heraldry of fame. Y,6ir, in Vminr - Ml ere history- Will Indeed tell posterity that they in poiQl. U ere Jtist4d snd danin ttti etemal fame I Jorna vl tor the'part-tney have acted. covet not e -or Represtuta,- iuch im nortar.tvY' - Y H v.;'';.'. I ne gentleman supposes taat, wnen parr iicutaYiudi vicinal ahull be elected to the Pres idency, we shall then bear; nothing mpre.Of these caiat ror auuscst mat au wnj do ngnv Mid r6pe.rr! I trust thera will be hojutft cause for these inquiries, atid tf there should, sumect.(Mc..'iercAeJ with much good feeling,-but with a, deposition rather to pot this subject by, a sirn!l matter, than to investigate it i Y.ij. He asks if no changed have been insdc ia North CiVolinal ti v-jprnt" t' " gentlemaft alludes to the paper cdiinl by llvj father and brother of the c , i i-f the National r-UI here rerjiv toraftinterrocatort petJtorne k-ytlie' gentleman fom ilen-J House, lyin the ct J.r nek .rl who irst.ddressed you oS this udk witt.be hannr diva. political millennium. . ..1 . ; . . 1 - 1- uiunr. . iikh . . . - i. ., ., . . - r -.. - ...... I. s. nf Je Unked Kuilcs. or as .Titaaurer. w every Dttl Uiac ue Will, feel content suowu iwcr bank in wlucb U e pul.Ue money has beta deport ed, at die end of each quarter, ainee die fimt day Of ;nuart, 181Tj disUripiibhirR between geoer and speeul deposit a puiticala- and minute So- eopnll cacn transiisr oi ipn puuc mj one bank to another, whit h has becn .raaile ithin the aOrfesaid period, and the reasons' and muuves farmMkinzthc SKroe,"S.e, ' ? ' " Saitaj tkg'i-3hH rol'on ai)jiru'ted 1 have no dctubt persons will be found resdy them. ,ne tens us toei cane the Deration of iho second article of themlcs. and Vf gulations adopted for the roveniment of the army. ' T' gentleman ueedbo under no pprehension,'as that rule Was intended for the punishment pi spies, ana he will do Uim the uxtice to say, I should not expect to tind bun in an eamy's camp, whether a forrirn.or tlotnrsUc enemyi and I. ..." w r i to keep the press free and beyond the jrvV : of temptation, thst this matter is now urged upon the attention of the House. ' For, sir; ' 1 am trans to ssy.ir we .re to have a ken nel press,'(.as it was designated by the lata ' Seeretary of State, or a vassal press ss seem to oe ve policy 01 tne present Secretary to mike h, men x preier tne rormer witn " v its ficeittiousnesa, to tho latter w;th : it r. venijty, it iftntwtlnr and it SMH'rviency". J W ould ask, if t is tlie polifcy of me pi t cnt4 ' Secretary to restore thote to authority, Wbb bad been mispUeed bV Mr; effcrson'or HrV . -Madison? . If such be the police, and that It it wth the Executive, as far a he dare go, -have -na doubt. theit 'let ' itbeavpfd ta a' ' tangible, shape. And here, Sir, permit me to not ice a remark which felt from tho gen'. tletnan ,(Mr. Horsey) from Mav4'and. lliit'; gentlemsn, lit referring to a con c5pondcheefc' which paseeW,tne yeari an, between Gen-' ' ' eral Jacko(i a-J Mr. Monroe, said that the sentiments contained in it, operated like In' eantation dponliUe federal party, who had - &etrt 'tffottoced nd proscribed, ahd vIm, T?dt,the&iwidif.ewal-ksiii . . the Jatecontest for the Presidency, en masse, though he ' acknowledged b was not 'of the fwimbef. H must also ! acknnwledg that the Ilartford Convention vnea were nor of th numbef who discovered, I supposed BanquoU ghost," irt the famous second setf -tion, or perhaps, hk himself, speck of war glimmering in the horizon. ; The gentlcmaA -did not belong to this class, nor. t would . feign hope, to the class of thoir approvers! yet he, with them, remained steady in ailp. - port or the-Fanueit Hall Chairman, where I Shall for the present Jcava them, f ) will state' my mierprcutuunoi tue sentiment alluded to, v that it waa heithee onn of general invita tioe or prosctfption. , Nor am I, Sir, to petuv J derstood as siyirig, that t should wish to see tnose wao diiiered trom the ohl Rcpubrcah. party proscribed. I am free td tay that ffiere k are Federalists of high character, of pure in. tenuons, ana 01 aruent devotion o the eoun try of thst class, who sought not in tiroes Of - aw'.t .A .!,' , . li a A (V. . . 1 I . . a X- .1. ' . I.i. w .wf w jus uiiiii.vk.ij.. ih lueir cuun r try, snd to this class belongs a valued friend-. now in my eye, wr. stcane of uL) who ' were willing to reler the great question Of : , peace or war, to theeoujils of the nation, and when it had determined that the Rubicon should bo crobsed, to gird on their knap sacks and march, not under the banner of a " Caesar to trample oil the liberties -of . their country, but to sustain its righu and defend . its soit-not by marc&ing up to tho letter of the Constitution, and looking an enemy in tne iace, dui to toe neiu ot battle. -These, Sir, are the men who deserve the conhderieo -and the honorsof the nation. v.'Bwt that-olqas who on this floor, sought to paralyze "yonpV efforts, who used their Ulents to defeat the Noeessary ways and Ineans for a rigorous prose cution of the contest in which, the country was engagedt who, from this floor sought to scatter murmurs and discontent amongst tho. : '-iY'YYJ 'Y.Yi:.-''"i,.-..'!'.iY'''. f'iX. 1 1 4, Y' -YYYY -.Vvvi: --: -'.' 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