. v l- .v. i - tu r-aj l VrtlM lc, ta Walesa, kdsa-r , T-tT tt .:t .'frH4 , S,s '- iW-f a - W- HliUwU ,iwfWi-e atar. it-cv . llat Cbl. W-t.saa-n I ' 5 B - - i ..um-li - c-t it 4 b t p. mm w-k-kfn,rt,0uti?: Ifcar f tri--T.; lb te ol r4 Ira. ItaUwate, (Mr. tb lW H Dm a-.-"fi"" We. W. tea rwtirrJrfUrfJtt- was taHatfrreawa emb U-s treaty- .n ) beosta-nr rati stale . rihssaWxj.wf nitj Ier. Out K betrsyad Wal ?.T?z!,". JZl ...tiwdM tTvm ... - . - i . V . t ., II. ! fw,'i.k i tSa irlinliw af tW E.XCC- T . . - - . - ... ...a (W ! - . . - r H....1I. .1.. raiexl. the? nf to tu--: rtpurt; bul w4 &ia Utrt is to ke Ihrra ol . ' - t S 'J :-: aka Hial 1 have a trwrtvUaetntn tt ata rra-tLad wh ail lha seteo 2-- Ttlliiniir- - aatceatarT c.uut, ofuiBc. by Uie i-UM-ut Mk IU KliKSrtiwOdUijU part at ihe ft ububl at trvci oa 1 itar--' j i-.wMwtiwfcw qtto, kn4 jet Mrr. mU imwi LAT mm Cou4 tar uf uk. ui rpl. I jtcU tm !" f raU tuut a br, k M.t'ocr la pot Wit avvm, cspct; &i t lru4 t LAurt Ow U t im kufi, if lhm tr diji 4 tOlt.: Wdi, ri til tUpoMj to Utt k al wiai nu!X I kno f kut Ccv 1 ouU Uij-tKf cUima ta Um truat of My tiiUul Uai tir ib r ouUenutt iC Wesftf I C(I Uci.cJ to cater upoaM i- uniM at ti litUt hicUun, tttourti ) a giil m4 trua adninimuo "n, aitall ic dui; contdml, aly cucWnf ib promiae. m lua part that L will to tar kep til aubcr tewei aJjcvt tiina aj ao to i'atak4tli Br kcr't' tti for lha UtUca UdaeC . . 1 win. apin par wny reapcu ttla (cntl ajua from Ohio, wbo Uaa appeal J tlx ecomJ tin ia th' JnnoTv whaibcr to aupplj furmer emUxuii, r, obedtnc'tw lite rortinp of tb w'.rea,1 wkich ara inforTn d, amaetiniea taW pbee 'behntd U ctr Utui, -I ! th geirflinui 19 answer. fie, - 8ir, aeama la lue forjoltea hia aew tooa lion of defending, aivJ to kare aatumed bit caoro'appropnat cUaractrr, of praaa cuiiog sAttorrfcy. Urn idU ua, that there ara otber Vcparuuetita U U to tnitaea of mucfi ,tnor cneaaitt patronage, Uiatf that of lb Suit, tad ak 1 bar sot directed my attention to tbcmf I am not diapoaed to queaiion tha gentleman' awt ority M mat te r of fhia kind, and 1 ha no doubt, if b wouU lead ua a LtUo of hia Mtutues b 8igtilb Kbit to dicor, hat we, in our wbt-r aenaet, bare not dreamt I invila tba grollemin to aatumo the laboring oar, and 1 pronua4ira helping baud. lietcllf u tbat.tba Pwt Oca I -cuartment ha pat. otiz ia contract! and adrcrtuementi, a hundred fold gre-tir tUaa tliat of tbe bute ' Deaarttuent. ' tio froresea tbe biplwat rea- pect fof the. officer at the bead of that Ue tiarttueaV. trivea the moat aoleron asrer- , tiona of hia counJeuce, and, at the aame tiifie, dotf binv the injuaueo of coufoundtng cuu'. tract with pttroaage. , lloce he mean to in. antuate that any contract faa been gtvca to any one wbo waa but the lowest k'idi.,o; when the pubbe interest dkl not retjuire hi Doe be nan' to lay 'that the ToaUaatr.' v General, la advertiaing hit pfoponii, ae followed the eiampUi of the Scicury of bute, and atlected bia pupera with an eye to their, political cbaracbfr, and not to the ire ir cuUttonl . If ba due, let him "call tor lu case, the reason r the cauacni 'aiKl ho wiU find hiumelf adly nnLaten, , 4 wiii give the ; geulleoiau' own language which uopht a ' curge of the tUnd: t am told, .ir, and I beju ve it to be Uue, that Uu laaue iew rUnipUie printer, J ho oukc aucit a uoi about tbe kua ol the pilianco given lor the publication of the Uwa, baa oow,at ibis time, tmnl coulntot to a greater amount Uui the whole ura. paid to J the puonahcis of the law of the Union ant ahto hdyieuct. Sir, that the publialicr if an vppoajoou ytt iu th lhatriot, who ' daily pouring out it envenomed abustt;Vpoa Uie aununisvatton, and all ho auppori it, ts alad in the eugag. Bvuit of nuil coiitrscta." Ivow Sir, upon tu authority vf a rcpieVrom'thw l'iiJV.Vier ien. to a commuayciiuon made to bun, i pro nounce the fact intended. -u beumvryyd in tui kUieuieut to be powtivcty ; untrue. . And il the genUenuui entenained the re. , ptct he prvl'Mtcs why did be not cull upon tlut offiier biwse'yor torrent intoi uiation, and not', rely upun what be was Mold," and t by, th uitder-hiht attempt to H wina i re ; : puliuion jdown," vTho. amouiit reeived hy tiio Ediui-t the New-Uauipalnie itriot, 'lu all tu jMail 4)utmct In which he iain , Herestei, is 2,983, tiot one" tird of the ; amouiK'whicn gentlemed admit to bp'paid ' lor fchu pubiicauou of the law; mid (or every contract . he wa Hie tbweat bidder, baafoi- ' Idudluenttotbe publio twVWaotiou, and with a tW Uilurvs any otuer contractor iutbc eouulrj. -ia dt because this mauium, at au . time and'pu all occasions, been true to hi piluoipU, bia party, end hia, Country, tit; r he U to ' be denied the (auio fright which bulotig tocry atuitnl, It, ,n, ,tui a a cause of Dllctictw another jL)eparUWHdglwldof aue-wortto ou I Ikaatnalilaa thfOT nt t twkat atlkwfe iXaa t Kta atiiaat af fonuoattly, a u aot o witibufci the Feat '- Office. 1 am h.o, watrauted iff anting, as "- tapeoU "Uie pubhatier of aa oppcsiUoa Baiter ia this LnsUict," tlmf be had a mad contract ..evejai .jfCai4ietir4 Vf,?vzrl IIIUIUIWHf ffWM.MnV VMmlUH ' H wa rauewod a other .comrcu,tuait uie ' individual cam W th plaoe U to create the . tunc ot ruuuing ms suges, which was reconi meixlcd by the representatives ot lha seu tion id comiuy thivugU wliicli they were, to ' pass but 1.01 ((rulcU. . , thai, ou.ti3a 10 . tniapUce, Ueptiituav-doutanoUicrconuuct, whiclt, as in oiber caars, waa changed to hm naoio. Hut. .litter Umj. individual auuuW to, . detexnunett on locatip-r hinwed iuthut iiis- tnct, aa the Editor ot. a ptper, uh oat-J Waiter tieneral aUuressea lun a letter, aj- svrUiug be had Hut nghi to ..uepnea Uua ot lu couuaow .but auiea if a one ot ins reguh. tioos, ibatt ie person tnti-iesvadLiuthe trau- poruuon ol the mail, shotitd give a pcisojud auptTinitnaeuco 10 uie ousiuvi.s, ana ro,u ' runt I Uanafcr ol ttitr Coi.tratla. Uiullney have heeu lUSjHJkcd ot aad Vial tue uiuividual uly retaius a Itr n ou the conuacu to cover tno taw or uti saiijes uu iiuiacti . t The geutleuoMi ..further iiUiirnied us, that this'wa a roajoritji.a'iuitiusiiiaioii, as li.e president waa elected ty a umjoruy ol the buua.a represented uu bis ftvor. . :i aiiali not cUspute this fact, and, I have ao . doubt the jtnikman could iidorm us of every thing xonnocled with, Uie "bargain, sale and deli very , al ahicltu have tieard koeuucU, but. aipvt, which, I want tto imormailun. . tie Jja also been pleased 10 teU us, tnat no measure ; i)s been prepvsed by Uie pivsciu iuiccuuv, wbich ha not been sustained by a majority ot Congress, i)d that tbe I'anama Mvaaiou iu iar ticuUr, not only received the aaactiou ol thi ' Ilyu, but f tbe tkt.uxi. , f tkightabk, a bat .. iiicasure has bec'o proposed b the adutuna- tratioa, iu which rvterence'baa not.oettt h.u . to tnetr.p'jdfcciaora, sheltering itself under tlielr eaaiuplc? Vt e iiave- sounded w, our eara,ii all uct ations, the t ainiugton policy " the J Heiaon poucy,, and Uw. xowue. pvhey. The ,auiagamatMig pvihcy . ot the latlei-, has " contributed, ta av wuail 4cgree, to btmg into aulotao) did ar M tho freudei4. b MUrac ta )M. we.vaiead aw ia CWtrwa taev weatrat fetation Of due Mua na your Uiadtri ta turn Congrcaa, Without j ing to yw.' we are ao to a itivotTca as ay twta-ist g aaUnee." It if wry purpuar, br. U trc Umm Hipvmemti rrwteee, UaoogU tee armta atiapta aibj omtnin ante ft annwil. iroe M wa appcafwncc. to lU f al eait Tet. 1 would eautiwo gcwile. sue wot to calcaUto too re6daUy wa tbe loo. of the aaiioav oaU wo aall bear dun of We ItMiw aad. I pay. aw. thai iu result ay toauty a ecnLct of au- , l agaia ait, Sir, arrf taeaainrc na ine diatiMstniieo attcmpttd to carry - iaroaeb taw tluue; relying a pee Iu warecammca. datiOaf b t Ut famous Lgnt liwaee of tbe Skiea , 1 grant laeaa tbe aoaur of the weattoBi y el 1 befieva at. eeau w too iigtit juaw where it waa. first conceived, or with the ComouUee U vtioat it wa retarrad. Ccrtaia, 1 am, it baa not beea camttd ihrougti lb House oa thm Csecuuve tnlweaets. ' I will aotiea. Sir. but a wagle further re mark aaade by the geutlenaaa frota Mary laud. He aakedL u 1 Jtad out transferrc4 my poli tical allegiance? I supported the cleeuon of Tm. tL Crawford, nut from a regard to the toar alone, but from principle, and a aea of duty. Tbe same allegiance to principle and dt r, will uxlace me to support Andie w Jackwm, a sooet likely to defeat tbe present incumbenti and a au honest man woo will brings beck' thia rrpublio to iudayaofre pubhean wmplicityi not by pulling down any of 4b great eatablishmeiiU in the country, but by auauining tbeni with a propt r econo. any; a not likely to in voir the nation in Win tuty balding it in an altitude to eo GiKi j-nxixc, and command tight ',, Oie word more, 8Tr, in repiy to aa alk tow by the gentleman from Ohio, and 1 have done. He, Sir, naadovaii alluaion abich excited my feebngs deeply, at the uiomeut, one, on which I ku t it difficult to wipprna, and Kill nore difficult to expre them. -The gentleman did, indeed, disclaim all applica tion, yejt the earo with which "be drew, bis n attire, me greu caution wita vwee ne applied hi. brusOj and the emphatic tone in which he repeated the hackneyed worda, military clucftaiBk, aat'isfied roe -a to the wiaoed for application.' ; Yea, .Sir, the gen- uemait waa . r Waling, to weuad.aad yet atraid to atLe.i; When, Mr, ftpeak.f, lUrAonericau people sbail -bo (old tilal a reprcaeoialive in hi place, .and that representatives aupporter of the present admiiiutration, ba so lr presum ed upon tbe latlitude tf debate tolerated here, as la institute a empariaei between ah ancient traitor,. and the nam in wbota they recognize one of the hetocauitheircountry's caune;. When tdcy aliaU bo told that he comparative inaiiiuauoa Las been made, wu ther in relation to the 'paat, or in anticipa. tion of the future they will receive it with one burst of Qeep execration aud indignant contempt. Tea, Sir, a Juutia-Jts, who siut titined the liberties -of hi country' upon the plain nf Marathon,' fell a victim to a charge made, "in the'Stnaie Chamber, died ' within thii' Vull of si ptiaon, under bne,. Which, front hi poverty, he a a uimbie to dincbarge; .impoaed under fatte accusation, engt udtrtd hy envy, malignity, end -uad ambition; Vet, 1 thank my Uotl, thesb are ntduj nt which feelings of this kiud g erminate in the breas -of a lire people but, that a de4iuy'inora honorable to the inuiMlual, more grateful on the purt.of the nation, await our iivrtM. -t . jaajawaaW' BMaaaaaWMU MatiaalaBawarMWasat' '' V . .jRrm lAe JtichntmJ 1ngiura:..!i . . BltiNS Of TUii TU'ES. - yy. Tie more-we iclteot onthoeoatao whioatbe National lutelliireiicerand H "afiiluued inei" purwic, the iioi e a are antpnitbcU at the diu genuoubuen bichlla-y uiluy. Tlie plot abich they have doviaed to aureco tbe Admhii.itiauoa, i too etumiiy one to impoe on a " tbuikiac po-pl8.w- At a set-off tfl the Coalition, whii ha succeeded In moaiiting to the seats Of power, they have rawed lhNmcrr of' Cembiniion.n J' . . . r muw uningonuonuy nerverung we meaning oi an expresaioa Used by lr. I'loyO in one of hut let tort, and ahich-h so enplieitly gave in hi ed- urvtaat tne eagle fliaBer.-riHViiigUiuacuuiun: uioKlv neoiiie. ther next cast about for the means of kivuig cnitaey 10 ineirputn. - ney are conjuring up their.materiaU h-oia Varhut ijuartert during all this .contrivance the. editor uf the Kationat Invrlligeawar ar aetkig Uataaork Tlej f,otrrin-suraedipekybn who.arr -determined ta -put doait the AtuaiiuMrauon. ngnt ar wvnff.r ney repre sent Mr. Van Uurcn, at the leader of the 'Coin, batatioiji' he being actuated to take the Ibad br Oi ambition, af becouiing the ice. freuileul uf the Linae- otsteti aud lot colleagues in the Senate, a ho have traced the puLlai ibcalre solnug,thc inoomparsbio Wncon, the ttura Chandler, the! irtdupeuuenl Dickersont kc .se."'sokmiUiug ty Mr. Van li urea's dieMion,tbrthe take of win ning the support of .New York .to the caute of the opikOtitM)a. -AeeurOing to most ot die atliliated pretarsr the "-Coaihiuution' Jro uuitad togetbt.1 tir ao Object of nubile coueerameut, but tcata die moat conuauteo, teltih iutei-.U not, ta arrest lb meaauret ol a (uitcbatvoe AduuuistrauoB, but to mouut into Uie seal of jvowor, aial JO leap Uie fruits of otCce tor tlreiftselres and ailherenta. And at auol her pan' of the plot of tha w Com biuatioo, r unit) On. ie set ail out of attempts to Sub'tMuxe the bretsea throasboul the countrv bv weant, of a purtc of j4U,U0O, which (.Uiey prvteuui baa aeeq, eontnoated Dv the Irauinsvot lieneral Jaksoit lo prornota hi elccuou. la a word, the L'omIiMh it to ba saved by, the aotiuter-cry of the CuniliiiMiUou" aud they . are to be retained in their placet, by faiuug the plot of another Junto of. " greedy exptctaou- who am ambitiott of tbeb places. j. V,' J . - y... Tiee are indeed new &gt tf the Tite. TKejf ktdieate a "determined spirit of mitreure-' sentution.. They are like the tub-pluti; the X Y and Z Biachinery, ,jdie talu of the murder of the crew of the Uceae, whkW were tO wluiuaily got p In 9S and 9V tn save the. Aduiiuustration ot Uia elder Aiams. They uled theu, and they WiU &il aow, tor tbe same reason; as they arc got an for effect like " Hydras, tiorgouv and Chimeras due," t play upon the. tear of lb peojile.:"'- -v - -? -, '-. .i,.Xxv - ;.- It it the risbl of the evented to be ewfrouted vitb hit aeeuaer and their proof. W bat proott air exhibited of these alU-gatiout? What proott of the selfish design of Uie oi) position? W hat, of the detiga to run Mr. an liurea for the ice Pretidencyi What, of tlie aoheme of Afaoon, Dkkerton, Ice. to purchase tlie vote. of K' York by political dooeeurA . y -r Tbe only tacts which have been allcdrcd ara ' half a dosea scateaeel Uttered by itr.Yaa iSarcn H ai Ml rrpaaw.4 law bat m 7 J- VT aiaiac. ab aa iwa aavt iotwtn at Mr. - ' m . to sLa L a. aaa Maaoa, taai al aawa uat. a i mmm. Laaww Saaab auw, at wiw- .1 At tk. nii a uf taw fnaMTa lk Laat abauld be aavat ay law UiraaiaLrrt of aaarWe tto etiwM tea, i r a 11 t r " " w "aa ota Btwav wak waa so eatptoyad, bvat ike tupervit afuUa.Se-r-tary at OUle, aad aaHulaU awta U- Soaptataia af Uka; taat Um - - wad wDt ' air. mm atari spobe of law puts as a awrt ealy of taa buUtioa- of mkxh laa abjettwattutaeuu U, m orOtr to taard the jwwm baas tto iaawtite Uv&cmlpxnmf 1 bat tot was laa twaciall W of ba tantaraa, sbimlJ aata baea. aaaaaat aaaa la ta tViUort uf lha Nauato lultJJsuanr, aud yt tbry (ert tkamietvw at hbrity U put a aoaauwMi bis woritediraally law icvre hat aat ailewoeu V e aava ao aouiai um tb aat bit meaaatt.- He have inlurn ia oa Uut wibjvet, a hick caa acarcely deceive oa It ala t part of U u( ot tkcaujr, toreyre- trat lha frwo4af Jaskaoa a jonig aboullo bay a or act an new iweata m anous alaeea a ttorv ia act aa toot a. the ataw Uiae ia tlat fklf clukia Freat aaa K. Litclliccowi'. that craoo bant baea al work at UaiTuusr--waA tAkXJ. eubcrto bay op lha PcaaeyUauai loUiligaacer, w u a u t new nanar tavar-Ue U Jwluou. Tbi. alory M taui to ua u the UpW ofaonuuw- aalKMU Iroot tltmaourg wratcu prooauy ay the auua aonetpoudcul, mm equal ly OotutuU: af all iLtondatioa. lite finl'-i-i wt nautia Uoveruor Carroil of Tcau. Alettrt. KmiUav, Kj-tS tucr, k. at tue agoaU aWllarriiburg, a an tij; emjUnjfj ia uu uaniett.ivoi amuc a.uiu 01 prou aoaeveri a euuuaau ui narao oi uo wOneai op kU'onnaut u ivea-N'o taive than the. a for th Cory ot luv ftM.OMO fuiJ, m bmU a Com:tMiaucut of the f. frett, aud Uia ma- Ion Aiueruuui aava put wu euxumuuru ne canout ktraUnw these tulet wilituut proof,' A We. oull tor M. Throw off Ml rekerva, geodemea, and let a haw: yeuioruiault epem tW waixta ttauu. . We wah to see who Uaty W, jt there are any lo jmlee fo? ourevvsof thuif ebarau- are any-10 jnuge r ourteivet-oi .uaar eiuraa- tor and their aieau of aJuiwidJiii auU to erota- tod back- to hiuw pui nnui tonu, ttHia proui u rivaa, let 4it bare no Btore Idoteui your own, or rumors oi-incut ut wuei--; ouca ruiuor are among tha most strikiug Sign t.tht 'i'tmca! , f-,n . i ii m 11 1 ' ' I FRUM-EUROrE ' . - : Jk :. ... V...I. .-lo 1 .i . aaatv a viai 41111 vir mwi MtlkVIon. JUWrm ao. Ttlie paCa;' Sums ,JaiUCi li oppr, briiiinij papers tu those date iticlnstve Uvvrtijj lu the coDunued prevalence of easierhe. wtnd, r there bad been bui few arrivals at tha above porta for several Uf, Yet' Ue COttOR market fit Lter- Doot Vaa mora de nre. scil and the arti pool wa moro uepresseti, anu the arti yis iitu Kynreutcu m taiuiet vivwiu- lu pnee. yupt. Uraitant saw a great iigniber of itiWartl bouirtl" veskela tLe da after be aaileti.1- '.'' , i lie paper' contain bo poiilical news. Tlo l?i iuh lock's had t tten to 83, and" the t'reucu Fives to and a JVaCtiOHf ' :',fc'4:"-.v-' - " Owing to the indispoylion of Mr. Caniiiujj, inc subject ot the Corn 'Laws wai post poiiuti to the 26tli oi Feb. IN u -uierbua ieluieus - were presuuied a gaiiiit' the prooaed uioutAciinoi of these' law. ' - v , -. - - Depuuuuus from the ship uvvtieia lit ljvei pool, 1UU, knit utl- tli principal outportai had jrnveij in London, wuh powvriut petitions for a repeal ul' Mr. liojiktsson s.Kree Trade act. ''I , - i t'he French chauber oi; Deputies had coutaieuced tlte ; dibutmuiit ui the law to regulate tliu press, whidv appears to tnwt wilh a ktruiij hppoeitiun m Uiat botlj ;it f t r t, " Some etunsjive forjeiies have been detected iu fceotlaud ' l,lie pnncipal iletaMjuetit is stated to have tied to the United b tales. , ff .;;-'.V7 -- ',' :"' ' (ien. Morales, who yas long engaged f against the Fauints of IS. AmH tca: na (Jeusriea. L v "he fitiiot paid toto hand, the last two vears, is kaid to x- "n: .trvu uiuc.tuiiiiuiis sterling, v ;ur. , XiWf. ;vttNtrota -kfir. 6, -- Tlif ship Washington, which arrived here ycMerdaV, & ts now )n the Prince' Dock, ia pcobabty tlie largest Auiencan LsJiip that evur jcaine into this port.--'At the btfad ut this veaael ts a fine full length iiguio ui ucnoiai .jfasinngion; m the American tnilitar j tin ifortn. ? As a. ape eiwen td' Catving, it is bighry credit bit to the firtisij and it is ell iksery. tag ! .tha public attention --.;:,. . :iKfv - From the Nantucket lnquircp.X- from t'l. South, Seu iaajwa-Bv Capt. bunker, ul the Oniario who left iho Soticte, Islands ft ov, 3, we learn that4be natives were -afljk-teji ; tviiti a Bpeciea uf ptsgue; extreineljr a-irtilent aud fatal to its luturje, and rapid lu it progress ui uiu disorder, man; tf the inhabitants of '1 aheita kud UUelea bad Irutu the last luentioned Island, that the distemper was1 then raging in n extra oidinarj jmanneilhal at '4 uheita. thera were ten dead bodies found in one house. Assoon as one meniberor a lamily hm attacked, the othrkabandfiiioil tka' .. - . . ... tonunaie victim to Lu late. This dis-1 lemperj it Is aaid.-did not , affect the1 temper; it is aaid,- did not affect the t'" r"T"7 .I 1 -"'I lUte the prices of the Buefand fm Icrenymitdr Tf- t.vrfy r. ot anuty Mid tiedhii y A. Urge portiN , d uear,bta at the several Savy Yards ployed. their aeruoy eaikbuin any.luamwr tra- , Ainerwan btatet are ut AUano..kh Colo.nkt , a voi , i ; .r' ., . .... . a . , a . a 1 . . . ' " T wets ewua, lesaaiaw aaa vvaii n lull T a auwi wiitav, USD. Uraliata, IrOm MVlfrpool, tVH. IDlll, u""u. iu pajx ui mtioiytcH ueia thai itat ttu'rem, oa the promues, oa Moudav ike ilk dudCadmufe Caut. Alvn. from Havre f , lbd h tiijiu ar .tnauon Uve been. biy of June wcxt, being thenraday of ilteCooa 4u ctuiroui. yaut. iw vo, irotn, MdVf.e, . auib.ti.mt. l.i vain do 1 wish ta propose theexain- ty Couit. , . ' , . Feb., mb, ernvetl ytstefda v alteruotm, , pie of vvsiiiiwo a my defcaev; an,l. twt. JACtevfttf iitnorf th. Wrb.S.nf .iaU BU CaMfifB' UtnerilfuT thfr-l5, Jwet wn e.aiies'quciH.t, frT Samurf lPaVtklll U.fi i-.i-r -i .nt if attual loss uf trruneyii:Iue, w;thus found deciphering i ,h7 w.yrof age, i, of 6jr eompk. ; the Wtnt ctitniianies in Enn- !nee WM cHera and naintiuSS. fiii wlute resident.. Although, the 0Btlyed 9a it, wi;: . . - . almU tK et ba UWwiw; aa OJaaah 1 .Lkia rva laa art aw at taa -tara' arw wauar ak a a evejamt M t-vW ai riawlntl t Jaa atv ria 4T1"'a Lir.a la aav lk aa I aawa fc-afc J .1 atra Lkrk a Ucra ta Iftla Owki iv bnik aiil kJ rL-me bcjr tswrw a 01 M aakH, af lrt, CuldiaLai, auJ ik4j nail atoit IvvyoaVnlrVMkvl ktl.' .'. . Taa aivjed of a mwa 'if Uhaw, ft, ai (.inkt, m lu;U j aphLorJ lu Ika lra". ' MiHAlitJX tut. "iva - . Utat.aaaaa, TS kit Treerracf tUt fiy-uJS JUtt K4.r- JLljtl Erc:trl host ia aoawki-r ewjamaan. oca hat lha aujaat aalaartr ui yjujrea byca of S4aa autamiT to Um lltyuttiie, aa ai utw praeui period, m wUadi etwry auae' hat taca UiMoraotl, ad law aksia itaUot agitatoai i Jataiaal aaua- j to Um IttyuUie, ai tUw pro ul V r f atotioaw ' . . -J CaUsd bf rear lUceUeaer to tale the elftee a frYetidcet of ttie hVpahlai, i arrived at tkaaanul. wbvaea 1 waa awewltlr rtai lb denartuieali of tkj ancarut Vaucaitla BoeuU to Um aitir. 1 bata Utned Weij-ect. to Un- i "f- aoretid that, 1 taake bolj ta deelara il of the rraautt moaeat taai Tear rneuiK-r tne ou,r Ltiktkcir call the ntteatjoa of Cjarvat to Uteiu. and 4U- taat tnair, tram a, lo taad uw ana taeir , anon. It 1 have ePerwepveu in , by aadioray, tbe (aa lie olely t I a-Iaiy eoatto avoaiuy botaniareu of wit), imin hut . o-i , i , amoceata to llat tatutv uf tint ruuUiC Tbi saemoe was rejoored ai aar, and i glory m aot aT rJt - . . . I - VV uaa in Pora. aa alSelal notwa brj, 01 killijeaewof my evatain y the Pao,4e, l0 ihn, riataktaey ot ditt-UepaUU, I deruawt to the Kweatnar power lb t awerlw.ee ol tbe U.af MagMMT at dt aauoa. rV fcertee ya a i d'e o!Sf of 8-lreuo Head aad., s-raioeM oi uie Kepuuiic; uaurtioroeu wit au- ty upon uie,. whieh, no louger evwluic, leave ai Lbott to-reuuv Aa eojmeui at piv ato.iao. 7- y, - .. .' -,1 1. Lf "rf" VcirVUP?i Mtuetioa of tloinbuLof AnK-ma, mI lot the on- Ure world: vei- Udiis. eemt. la. flatter kl. fhere iiotNbpaiaTa -naiheAnia. tin at, , r Uiuoaalut tjeace k-t prnnteti in l.lnnthis u.e wim.aeueeuvenv oiiuo pieteut year. Many puei-tui Natwiw i-ewrmM our political, tiuce ana opn.-u present aieuaceu oy ureat Hiiuiiui; llavtc b rt.4 a -, ijwa, lYnai-niorataa wa uopo lorf tbe wombol.thin f . s ...... uute can aioue coutaiu vue uuiuenitV.ol aancik nets wbch hat beeii pivpared for ut by bouiib- 'toi Frovalonee, in a boat is oar only reliauee. U fcr tnc,' oaiioioa af 0 lyiMaieal Ui-aawpatioaV. " apou mi aaine, anu uiwuia too liearta ot aaine. anu uittui b ihu )Mrii , fi,a cl.....h:J.-. i'7T. Hbemei, cannot eouanlo roe wulmut a secret oue or many exuepuon can efll-et nothing scuinut Jh experitnte ot the world, which hat alway been oppretted by the uowerfid. i tigh oetwevn the disu-ette 0 my fcllow-citixcns, ud die sen tmmsK wunu wuu vim m uw juiigiueuc oi poster- yL 'f myk am wi-e that I na not hwe own I mb,tf? ' . "eV, L desire to extt-icato t-om thegiaspof that tat7; free my , iukncin mtiiu u luunuue. anu vo tMuaL' " . "r vcm" ipuvataHi wiucni 4nay d . With tucli &ewuneutt, I roucmuue." ainiu auif, . M j m lav tutu oi iieertvr again, the ti-etidency of toe Hepublav. Coa-i " (ires tnd the nation mutt receive this abdication ' as Irrevocable. Nodung will be able to oblige ' me to eantinua in the pubhe service, to wUicli I ' have already dediuated-mv 'antin. lift. a. ' ow that the trmianU uf bbert, bat nliu..l thi. umune rigm. iiuu uie enjrment ot every oae..ll uieutenant liawnomftM Comnwrawaie, shall I aloi,e be deprived ot a? .Kot Tbe 'Con " : . ' ' of Virginia. - rr? gits and tuVColombiaa People are jnstj they ' " - "' A PROCLAMATION. fatTrtrr .'Sm-'u,ti has been represented to the Ex Few, are the dava wluch now retiiam -to nle; eeutivo of this Commonweidth, that a Certain Sai more than t m, exwtea has aire- muW itwa.t7, did, on the evetungValnnto Vbc' dy pasted, JFt ,e, re tore, be penmtted to ,I9tb mrt. wantonly attempt to akWnato James awaa .prBcetuldeafllmthe oksetu-e and adeat K Sf.i.'.U.ei t of th eitv eVvidimonu, by intlietmr my 1 eait wil nevertlie ess, heal4y wal, tj fwjoad,, ,ud it appeai-ing tohcEiacuUv loud., !J my last ihs will asceud tb Heaven , tW khe:saitf ParkhiU ha .uddealwtoppaaiwtl; topers tor herajnUiuedprosiKiMy.-- - and Upvfibably eadeavo.iug tojuke hi' e, I pray, tlieretoce, sgret and 'my feUow, from jiiktieei I have therefore thought fit, Vith tW eilixenv to eanler oq e-te. Wu i of a private advwea.l cohsentof the Council ot' State, to offer "rt t. S,ir - " ' 'auraird of two hundred and fifiydollai-t to aa k Cod guard your EteleMr. , ; t ptrtoq w.rwaan.: who iU apprehend, and eonV . ; "k, bi-UONBOUVAU. vrtatJaUaenpicoeouoty-.toetdSamttct t" 1 ' "' i ? " Parkhill; and I do moreover require all oflSoerv l!Jinburgb Review. The tiiibiir1i , U ST mflitary, nd exhort the good peo-1 Review f.M- iWa'whor !. kka iia.n .. Pto t ComntoaweaJtb. to aw theia best en-" Keview lo LWceirtOe Ut has been N re aavors to oppruhwdand secure the said Parklid ceived m thi.ttwitry;,' -It coutatua a ordwthatbcinaybetwitiustUelawdiiwtt.'' learned tty m Uie ineroglyphjca tif rW Gjv nndermy tJeuienW: the ancient Egyptians. sU.r.Mpn'antfv--iKAL-v-'COTerao d auder the Scalof M.Chamfiflliiin ha Srfjtl:lti' d'e 'iws- m'"., Comoaweal''i,-at Itieb,;.- : i. .i -.i ... . i Jertitis the tuealtiti.f an v ..r thiuT T,:nami8 ?yoM,ra,isa- They-are .bund to &,frmix4 cbsir an long an object bfjcaritiaity'? Some of f rYaWiri' -TaVaXtWaai ' nklili.i Kl a '".l . 1 OfiA Tl betf Christ.- MooreV Life of She- Hiviu wviti IHtrUBU w IlldtAtS a Ol 111 VHafB ridan is reviewed by a ihaster. Tli ar - UCie on KraisraUtMi cives an innallin viaat Af ImUml ii TklT L .r viev ot ireiaBa. I here are gig millions orpeotila there in huts no better than! tile wiswami of the American savanna I asd oiTlbe verira of atarvatinn "I'R.J ! 4 . I?,5 r ttHW,, hey ara mud ij. Il.kw t.. - .I.- rj",- " '"; y j tor a auqi gainst the London University now bt,ild ins. to she w he evils of scieutific kiiowU edge jA the cooimott classes of sucie- ' l--f' ' t.'-Bi'ffttb; March Thtubltt in Cnviatav-kFor vrl days past there have been alarming re . . ' - . . . ... II1IIMII tanta of the provides" will tome within the operation uf theaiie.n law; It would appear that 'tliey ard resofved. not to subiuif to it. And it b re nor ted thaf liberty poles, or, wliiih were displayed l k-- . . . .. if 4. i .. . , x-iicrn. ii ii.i, Vave bean raited in several -place rairl 'PS. li. W.rtr' k tik.A-KAA wg, ried. a nd the Aiuetican flaVwa- uua fewrocli. ofiiigCA- . i Miii. aiiiueu u.rif it;. r. ninb:iiuirA -a smii mimt V!ii ij l- inai can k.nppnrt tnem H ooura -iJAre,i "r- U:)'MUI nartoue.-- tne owner is rennets- ; :V: i .j ' .. ., . . , CO to OroVO bit nrnnertv. aanu1in ik law. nr ' i lu I x wT , A,VPnaia4tke'hbuaaay,. 5 J. i rj and Atwurd. J)ae i lif the irMcleSi' ;va..-l; '' JAMES pLUTCY, jaOe'--eutttlet! "Difluswn Knowledge "and l.aWaWrofcgn,' March?,,. " -. u a. rvietyL' 'inmidiletrwrittfin.'t-' . w.v?-s 8' i '. 13c;f uiU i'urt Ibr 15;, aWi ;. a r eaa a ' . ' JfaTttaajriawaaas r,.. Snled flr.-vaai.lt 3 bo r. -4 Wwri oi a Nary, utj c. A IU?, hwthwtwavaly U- j ,soJJ am a lut ' aaju tr li of ilL th UirU J lua tjiuaaa af Tm' a) UlrU 4 lua tjiutaa af rm..i t a .aau of to U tcuTN a JT" jr ar.laliUu-i. Nc JTz . at ua fulk. 'UaaVJbli!'tkr0jk,l. d, HJt : - ! t-J IW aJ VxX fHaO be of w W jJ!jtf, lb Ikw4 ahali sm pava4 b bw tU acU Uttractl, and t.f taf vW t lb a and to ", lha..- AU tka k-i t rnuaJ, tl ," J I lha tro-. it aecl.-T,' ' aiuiutt aball bo eaclJdcd, aa. 'arerfyf l J .I 1 I . !... . . . ' each, atoearaa nut b.'. to tku ttentv Vuiaw a tm l af v'AI Ua nctt wrbki'i -.V .M i . 1 ,L L. t. U H . . 7 t.'4cd, ell tuvaaajlt, aan .fi l biiul i, ' 4-',B,hd n4 tivs rr.iiiiu.ki- u lUt t iitdixalinr a'H tuot-e C'ja Hirv khooltk-ri i- ' VI we f wm-wilM II k M kr 1 4 - , barrrl, tiall- bo cat txto- pavvi ewitp , ,UKU to i aa, as ttar as may bsaa that twt -my -aw ""laill lutia a VarnH af 80 J Iba ratt arLtai ,. V The whla. of the wU ilvrr aaa -t te Jaad, Ud ol Mn.or SU Ubet a-Jt, w.thfin,. eet of the beet wit oire to etvli barit L - . . t-t. i i- i- i . w .i . . i . l. . - ThWrrla ia aLiab Jjie ailt Uect and hA .1 IA wixm, mart betu.vtc.riho U-a hll! wk ....hae aJt.fKelrom .P, , (,TT i- bonned-thrr toui be braadeJ. ,; 'f. it tonnmrT oc aruinu. -, i; j i - m vt. i il u .1.- . . M(l ,he Trr . hen paokeJ. -' ' or .Nvy rork,. wan uie eontartj't tu. I wiHue ia norma t OTal FTlUi -m. hpMitm at tto Navy Yard, where y M to u by Mlat. , nr n s.. .L,.-i, ft !.- rt . iv, ' .:. ef t,,e N,Ty,.a ta ioh teal, intptalio, .t,d ev. .ajKiaUa. t)y Uiv. or vwy hererfW, ,3 S of t.,rwa t-i tlm Lultod Suit! la burelto.uM ko id ;,atajet thippina orovr . prtipaluj ft, jnA.Uiing tke Beefan.1 F.' m,-,ttoj.ne plar o( reakenee of ikebutdZ the a-mea of rwa eomnvinit pmoht m riuM d the plate of their reUaew-tna u. wnL wiJ be -aer.- b, the United State. . .:, u.n a.. fa ed.lilWn to tlm boml. an.l all raw... . u . - 9 . mmia ai uiopiaocaoi atnvcrj. v . TL, pntal, mutt be enJoraed On th awk. u jvr to forui.lv nU pi-owklaai," and mil tjminu or nofreeeived withi. the lima liaa V 14-ltw JAOKSOlV. TIm tuin.imit -,i.rY7J 7r.if i:..I - T i".,.'.V'TV xiTC ampton Court House, C wiy offer for sale the fertdo laud efelhe Jtounoke, and w the neighbor- hood whuriv largo quantilie of all kindt oi pro-4 once k i-aitcu1,, about 12 mile u-onl the towa ftf lUiiki, 23 li am Belfiehl, Vs. S J fi-oin Murfrei-' ooi-vr, ana it waiun toaai, live nulesot jUnugervt iorryan ltnanolce.to irijkb,pla8 boau can ascend at aliaott all teatjnt qt the year, except whent ivw.sune.mim.l,lyiowJndkci(itob i uuaitny as any .situation, of the Jund tn Ike 1 ; sounu-y. ; teruii ot talp wUl bp maai; uown toe auove aav. vlrar HfnnTiV .' , ,- J0I1N PEEUJe.'' - COLUff V. llABXeSVCeVnV; 1 WAI. U. LOCKHAltT. I AbreVjO, lr--K;,v.Vv. ' 44.I0WV n.. .t ... . . 1 . . ' " . . fMFK '. jWflb" . .--..i-',- :.t WWftMOfimBl t ted 1 Was taken np'tfml eornmkTe.tto '& Jail of Or wumJ' pme mm uay w imaum, a negro man, wno says-that hi. flioroitobojomon, and that ho beio. t ito ,,,.. w,h. of tialhax county, h thi Suv, he it black fellow, 4 PPntly about twenty-hve year oid, find about j"t six oryen inches hight'beaay!!! J reastor had sent him, by Mr. Benfield, to Alaa,' t. . . .. n ' . . . . . - - w aeii, irom nam ne escaped about twj -..; iv.., ; ' ' '.y, . --1 m a i-i a a-w. r . - . n, ,. yw w publitj miimricv i SeJiiroiu to aupef : mtend au Academy iu aorae bealthT part of K. . Cafolina. Satisiactrjry Uatiincmiaia ol cliaracter aad aomretetkCT can be nroduelda Lettert (fr rWtft I -a...l . . Wk 1 t -.a a ' ..la " MfvVg J9 AViU Capiat. W PC ptvmjiw t ,'a '. -.ik . Tf nr "- ww. a nnniir " Feb 14, 182f. . 4 . "-: ? -.Wfr.-- 1UU La KAUajJAaaUrf . . . .. .-. T- tl X 'O. w.j- ni fur at the Star . Office,: . SWORD'S .POCKET ALMANACK. . .' vuttisrrujic's VJILEWDEK, i ' ANU ECCLESIASTICAL . 'J- i-r.''Por the year' J82r r, f?i v: ; . vuuuuumj we 1 uiviuont, "eclipses, rising , tettingof the Sun and Moon, and time ot bic -- w , .fcv im. 1 . . i. BUUK U. . " Frttinlt .4 F.af f ti n rln.k I imt rf til' Clergy, "Sscirtics, W.:f..V.r'a.'"!:-. Cj PrieeaS cent. j'l-'v; ' (;' & : 1 " 1 '. " I' ' ll.l. I . I 1 M I III IT. ' '.-if. A. ,-' 1 'i'.t,.' '-" .;: -.v. . - 1'. 1

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